,:xv JV,--a ..r,4l THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922. PACE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbe plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kotered at Postofrice. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION" PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The blessing of tho Lord, it mak- eth rich, and lie addeth no sorrow with it. Prov. 10-22. :o: Spring is just around the corner of the coal bin. -:o:- The real yellow peril ian't a race, but a streak. :o: Any man who has a smart son be lieves in heredity. :o: Modern silk hats were firt worn in Ensl-md in 1S40. :o: Oregon yrc luco-s about 70.C00.000 dozen ejrgs aiinuilly. What worries cor.gre.j is whcthD farmers can raise a majority. o:o Paris collected 27,000,000 francs in amusement taxes last year. :o: During the mild flu epidemic the wise doctor puts his patient to bed as the onlv sure way to make hini take his medicine regularly. :o: Germany has paid 6,487,856,000 gold marks on account to the allies, and that's doing pretty well for a country that said iit simply couldn't be done. ' :o: The government is going to get 2', income tax returns, the treas ury estimates. How fortunate It is for the government that this is a rich country. . , :o: I .. that the United States nas utTfinittly declined to participate in the Genoa conference it looks as tho Europe would have to do its own economizing. 0:0 Mr. Lenine saj-s Russia must be I -will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them. Jer 31-13. :o: HIS PASSING FANCY 1 There was a man who fancied that, By driving good and fast, He'd get ,his car across the tracks Before the train came past; He'd miss the engine by an inch, And make the trains hands sore. There was a man who fancied that There isn't any more. :o: Red birds and (blue birds are here. :o: The peace of Ireland passeth all understanding. . :o: Come in tomorrow and" buy your self rich in bargains. :o: GETTING RICH Mary Pickford'u income for two years was $1,123,625, according to court testimony in New York. The president of the United States makes that much in fifteen years. The average unskilled laborer in eastern steel mills makes 24 cents an hour, would have to toil 2265 years to make as much as Mary gets in two years. Salaries of movie stars are almost as great marvels as the actual mov ing picture invention. The tremendous incomes of movie stars illustrates a point that should be indelible in the brain of anyone trying to 'get rich. This is the point: If Mary Pickford, for instance, ap peared on the stage and had only one person or a few for an audience, her WOMAN'S CONCERN function of the tongue? :o:- England devotes about' 40.000 j treated as an equal at the Genoa conference, which seems proper en ough. Russia is broke as flat as any body probably. :o: acres to the cultivation of hops. :o: Topaz derives its name from To pazos, an island in the Red Sea. :o: Features of most Japanese wed dings is a bonfire of the bride's toys. :o: Navy blue was a fashionable color for women's clothes 2,000 years ago. 0:0 When you come out of the little end of the horn turn around and blow. :o: A diplomat is a fellow who always remembers a woman's birthday and forgets her age. n : o Some men provide the finances for their lam Llies. while their wives pro vide the conscience. :o: After making out the income tax mo.-t f us look like accidents cciu ing back from happenings. 0:0 An editor is one whose l.usiness it is to separate the wheat from the chaff and then. publish tie chaft. ..'o: With that Z 150,000 Will Hays is drawing still on his mind, it costs almost as much to get a cabinet member out of Washington as it costs ,a senator to get, in. :o: Our memory goe3 back to the time when a good church member could fall down the cellar steps and get hurt if he wanted to without arous ing the slightest suspicion. to: If a gift from Rockefeller to some school increases the price of gaso line a cent a gallon, what will hap pen when he gives his granddaugh ter to a 'Swis3 riding master. 0:0 It is becoming a tiresome afflic tion, to hear so frequently what the state is doing for its citizens. By and through the state the citizen is doing it himself, and paying roundly for it besides. , j I: ' :o: - - . Baseball fans complain that the Why don't chatter teeth usurp the income would only be a few dollars a day. Such performers were the pro fessional story tellers of medieval Bagdad or modern Japan. Then a theatre is built and Mary can play to a couple of thousand peo ple at each performance. Her income increases abreast of 4he number she serves. The invention of the moving pic ture has enabled Mary to appear be fore an unlimited number of audi ences simultaneously. Each member contributing his mite. The total of mites swells into an enormous sal ary for the performer. The principle behind all of this Fried chicken crop is a sure thing. ls the application of mass production! The little peepers are coming on by Q human service the performing of tne Hundreds. ' We've had about everything by ra dio except petting parties. :o: : - Scientific study of electricity be gan in the sixteenth century. :o: It is far easier to rturn a compli ment tbaji- a borrowed umbrella. :o: Vassar students have pledged $100 each to raise the teachers salaries. :o: More than 9,000,000 persons live! within 50 miles of New York City :o: Men, all of whom are animated by vanity and egotism," constantly are covering, they have problems they imagine are of stupendous import ance. They notice, especially -lately, that women do not pay mu3h attention to what men consider solemn problems. (Hence, the men reason, women must be surface thinks. The men dis cuss" this among themselves, and nod jrravely. "You tickle me. I tickle you." Women who reason only in the subconscious or instinct, realize that little is Important except making 11 living tor tho family and perpetuat ing the human race by having child ren. That is sound thinking funda mental. Women (.oiicltii themselves only with tho really important. Hence they yawn when the men be ccme excited about nothing. :o: When you secure your school sup plies, call at the Journal olficc nrtt and examine our lin? of pencils, tab lets and general school supplies. They are the left on thc-markct. -:o:- A Cass county man who found twin calves in his barn February 22 nam ed them George and Martha. :o: ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebrasla, County of Casits, ss. To George F. MeCauloy. Charles N. McCauley, Doris Tulisalo, James M. Piittercon, Donald S. Patterson, and 1 in the estate VETS' BONOS BILL IS ORDERED OUT MINUS SALES TAX Time of Appearance in House Awaits; Return of Speaker Gillett Treasury Questioned. Washington, March 14. A sol diers bonus bill with the bank loan provision was ordered favorably re ported today by the houe ways and means committee. The vote was 19 to 5. Three democrats, Kitchin, Gar ner and Collier, and two republicans, Treadway and Tilson, voted against the measure. By the same vote the committee rejected an amendment under which tho bonus would have been financed by ai sides tax. Clriirnian Fordney plans to sub mit hi.s loinml report tomorrow or Thursday, but ald the time of call ing tho measure up in the house would not 'be fixed definitely until after the it-turn of Speaker Gillett, who'l.-i hi Florida with President Harding. Itt'prtveiitativM Fordney said he did not expert Speaker Gillett to bring NO WAGE AGREE MENTS REACHED BY EASTERN ROADS Workers and Employers Adjourn and Call Off All Proposal Made Chicago Rule Adverse. New York, March 13. Negotia tions between executives of the fifty-two eastern railroads and repre sentatives of conductors' trainmens' unions looking toward a new agree ment as to wages and working ven ditions, were broken off late today without any settlement having been reached. Announcement of the breaking off of negotiations was contained In the following statement Issued by the bu reau of information: "The conferences between certain carriers represented by the confer ence committee of managers of east ern railroads and conductors, and the trainmen represented by the Or der of Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, which have been held on various dates beginning February 16, 1922, were adjourned today, it (being ap- iny mchHiijio on the bonus from the parent that a mutually satisfactory . , to all persons interested in the eU serv.ee for the greatest number of lf IlaJret A McCauley. decensesl: people. The more people you assist or en tertain, the greater your income. Often you comment along these lines: Einstein a super scientist of I the Eort that appears once in cen turies, makes less money than the in ventor of some trifling thing like the Eskimo Pie, ice cream cone or safety pin.' The answer to this is Einstein serves only a small and limited num iber of customers scientists while Herbert Corey says oysters may be ; the other inventors 'serve million?. Commission form of government is what Plattsmouth needs a cheaper and much betttr form of government. K :o:- A scientist says pretty women fre quently have brains, but even this optimist doesn't hold out much hope for the pretty man. :o A western senator says the senate name of the Umpire-in-Chief, Kene- ralio telephony the old There's Music in "the Air" talks too much. Well, is there any thing that can be done about it? :o: When it conies to viewing with alarm. La FoIIette can make Borah look like a star-spangled optimLst. :o: Now with song takes on an entirely new meaning. :o: It's no wonder the president need ed a vacation in Florida.' He person ally made out his own income tax re turn. :o: Most folks are of the opinion that the regular income tax blank is hard enough, without the addd Instruc tions. :o: Aren't we Americans funny? It water was as scarce as hootch we'd be paying the same fabulous sums for it. I ff'(y.V-.vX-'v'''r:4v''1 I! tte rules r sanitation and kiss h l& V-.7 I on the back of the neck. But I c rf 'crV---' "T'y':'r ''! wou1'1 seem to a ticklish task th I K v.' :i'i'v '", '--V, 1 1 noDocu hair days, and sneezing, I fZ'" CT'f -;--. -? g' Know, scatters even more -JL-KuL r.: '"LZA 8 than kissinjr I! "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees., and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man' of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making u.e of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And It doesn't cost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered ESSE Ibb JURNAL OFFICE saw Mountain Landis, is too hard to say. They might appeal to the board on geographic names and- have a simplified form adopted. :o: "Other women may do as they please about their skirts," ymark ed one matron, "but as for me, so long as these cute bobbei hair flap pers are in evidence, believe me It is self defense for yours truly." :o: - Oklahomans seem to have their politics down to a point whore it re tains all the fun cf politics in other states, together with enoug.".i actual personal and moral danger in it to ma'iie it a real sporting proposition. : :o: Europe's earpost plea that Ameri ca should come into its game over there has at last been heeded. The American government has put in a claim for a sufficient share of the German reparations to defray the cost of the American army on the Rhine. :o: A germ crank fays that if one girl, he should observe er that ese you germs -:o: A feminist says, equal rights for women are improving men. Maybe, but even the most highly improved husband of tho modern woman can not work buttonholes andoverhaul a last year's lres to make it look like a 1922 model in addition to.do ing the cooking and house cleaning. : 0:0 Lillian Russell in Europe investi gating conditions saysN congress should be rent to Europe to learn the truth about things there. But' wouldn't that put this country in the position cf shoving our troubles over into another country which Is already overburdened? :o: The Department of Agriculture is interesting itself in watermelon acre age. l advises farmers in the melon states to plant only f u-:h acreage as they can cultivate conveniently and which wil make a crop that can be marketed to advantage, stressing ra ther the staple' crops. .Last year the melon growers over produced -with the result that they took some severe punishment. And so acreage reduc tion this year should he the watch word of those who ordinarily pro duce melons on an extensive scale. bought for 5 cents a dozen on the west Mexican coast. What a para dise for church aid societies! 0:0- Anyway, "Uncle Joe" Cannon, af ter serving 46 years in congress and smashing all records, is a gun that it can never be said was premature ly discharged. :o: Plattsmouth is certainly fortun ate on the snow question. North, east, south and west of us they are having more snow than they want, we have had -very little during the entire winter. 1 :o: I Seven or eight years ago Nebras ka City adopted commission form of government and have never seen the hour they desired to change back. What is good for Nebraska City would certainly prove beneficial to Plattsmouth. :o: This department has never lived up north where the winters are se vere, and we wonder if ice is in the habit of breaking up and flowing down the big river the night of a big blizzard, or if that is strictly a D. W. Griffith achievement. :o: A germophobiac says kiss a girl on the nape of the neck to avoid dan ger of pyorrhea or other infections. Great plan for the stage lover, who always makes love to the heroine down the back of the neck in order that both may face the audience. :o: On the heels of the discovery in the south of "truth serum" comes announcement from Northwestern university of an "anti-cowardice ser um." But how many will care to live in a world where everybody not only tells the truth, but tells it without fear? each contributing his mite to the in ventor. In any scheme to get rich don't forget the importance of doing some thing that will serve a multitude. There is infinitely more wealth in inventing a shoe lace with a tip that can't come off, than originating a costly fashion or anything else that can have only a limited number of customers. . Greatest profits' come ffom serv ing the greatest numbers. Hemy Ford found that out, years ago. :o: HOME BUILDING -:o:- For Sale: Six room cottage. North Sixth street. Modern except furnace. Price $2,550. Also two fine resi dence lots on North Eighth street. Price S600. R. B. Windham. LUNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs and Colds, difficult breathing, and for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results following its use will astonish you and make you its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used its equal. Danger lurks where there is a cough or cold. Safe for all ages. 60c and f 1.20 per bottle. Manufactured by Lungardia Co., Dallas, Texas." For sale by .Weyrich & Hadraba WOMEN Can You Use Some EXTRA MONEY If you want to earn some extra mon ey in your SPARE TIME, show your friends and neighbors a new and handy household article, wanted in every home. NO MONEY REQUIRED. I must have .a representative in each town and community. Write me TO DAY, NOW before you forget It. A post card will do.- IVUGG IYI. K. OLSON, Plattsmouth . : Building a home is the greatest fun in the world. Anyone who ha tried it will bear witness. There is a unique satisfaction in making the plans and then watching them take shape in wood or stucco or brick Finally, it is something to be able to say: "We have built ourselves a real monument. The city has an added at tractiveness because of what we have done. We are city builders." For the most satisfaction home building ought to begin years before the ac tual work of construction. As a fam ily lives in rented houses its mem bers begin to realize what features they like and what they dislike Do they. 'want a center hall arrange ment? Or are they pleased with the dining rwoin off the living room? What height of ceiling particularly appeals? Would they be unhappy without a sun room? What is the verdict as to a sleeping porch? There ought to be a large store of clippings accumulated in anticipation of the time of planning; clipping from newspapers, from magazines, notes Jotted down from observation of oth er houses, or from books. All sorts of tentative plans should be sketch ed out. or perhaps built out of blocks. Jf possible, as the building time ap proaches and the architect, is found, the preliminary study he submits should be allowed to rest for weeks though this is a counsel of per fection and rarely observed: the thrill of getting to work is too great and mulled over, Ideas are bound to occur which may be embodied in the scheme. Too hasty action often brings regrets later. :o: - AVlw says that a negro cannot get Justice in a southern court? Let Lillie Taylor of Louisiana an&wer. Lillie's claim to $15,000,000 worth of oil lands have just been upheld by the supreme court of her state, with the result that, while only a few days ago she was a scrub wo man, she is today the richest negress In the world. :o:- The movie players have joined to make a "self defense film" on the subject of real life in Hollywood. The first naif of the film will show movie life as gossip has represented it "as it really is." If movie lire is -what the ones on the inside say it is, perhaps the last half should bo On reading the petition of George F. McCauley and Charles N. McCaul ey, praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 21t day of February, 192, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Harriet A. McCaul ey, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the ad ministration of said estate be grant ed to Thomas M. Patterson, as ad ministrator, with vill annexed; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said :uatter, may, and do, appear, at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 18th flay of Hiirch, A. D. 1222. at 10:00 o'clock a. ni., to show cause, if any there he, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition, and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printad in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my band, and real of said court, this 24th day of February, A. D. 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) f27-3w. County Judse. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. " In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Matthew Gering, deceased. On reflding and riling the petition of Mia Gering, Barbara Gering and Eda Ilerold praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Henry R. Gering, as Administrator; Ordered, that March 30th. A. D. 1922. at ten o'clock a. iu., is assigned! fjan lor hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said r:atfc-r, by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly nswppaper print ed in said county, for three succes sive weeks, prior to said day of hear ing. ' Dated March 3rd, 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON. m6-3w. " County Judge. 1 xt cui ive and that the tmhject of the cjifin-nce with the fpeaher would bt- tho question calling up the bill next Monday under a suspension of the rules. Some members of the house however, expressed the belief that .Mr. Gillett would ibe prepared to givt tho president's views on the com promise bill. The vote on the measure today was taken ten minutes after t-cre tary Mellon, Comptroller of the Cur rency Crissinger and Governor Hard ing of the federal reserve board had been questioned for two hours in jpen session as to their ideas of the Lank loan adjusted certificate plan The five members voting against a favorable report were Gardner of Texas, Kitchin of North Carolina, and Collier, Mississippi, democrats, and Treadway of Massachusetts and T:lon of Connecticut, republicans All members or the committee were present with the exception of Mr. Kitchin and Representative Chand ler, republican, Oklahoma, whose vet es were cast by proxy. Provides Rediscount Before the final vote the commit tee rejected, 19 to 0. a proposal of fered by Representative Bacharach, republican, New Jersey, to impose for a period of three years a 1 per cent tax on wholesales, designed to raise $500,000,000 with which to fi nance the bonus. Those supporting this amendment were all republicans Longworth of Ohio Bacharach, Mott of New York. Tilson and Wat tcn of Pennsylvania. Under an amendment suggested by Governor Harding and adopted by unanimous votev banks making or iginal loans on the adjusted service, certificates could have those certifl cates rediscounted by other banks authorized to make original loans on the cerif icates. Governor Harding obiected to having the certificates rediscountable by - federal reserve brujs saying the general economic effect would be unfavorable. agreement could not be arrived at, and, as previously agreed, all propo sitions made by either side in the hope of a settlement are to be con sidered as though they had not been proposed." Hooper Favors Roads Chicago, Marc 11 13. An attempt to bar a number of railroad from the present wage hearings before the United States railroad labor board failed today when Vice Chairman Ben W. Hooper ruled against evi dence presented 'by railway employes to show that the roads had violated the law. and therefore have no stand ing before the board. The ruling brought out the fact that action on cases involving three roads, charged with violation of the transportation act because of con tracting shop work to outside firms, is expected soon. The question at is sue. Vice Chairman Hooper said, was one of the most important the board has faced. If such contract work were declared legal, be added, "the ground would be cut out from under this board and the vitals of the transportation act would be killed." Cases against the Erie, the Indi-, ana Harbor Belt and the New York Central are now pending before the board. All involve the subletting of shop work to contractors, all of whom are paying lower wages than the scale set for railroad shopmen by the board. The ruling was made over the vig orous protest of B. M. Jewell, head of the shop crafts unions. Hemstitching and picoting attach ment; fits all sewing machines. Price $2; checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. , Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. COc, at all drug stores. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an execution issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the south door of the court house in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the f olio wi tig property to-wit: Lots ten (10) and eleven (11) in Block forty-two (42) in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska the same being levied upon and taken ps the property cf John Kinser, de fendant, to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by The Immanuel Hospital, a corporation, plaintiff. against said defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 2, A. D. 1922. C. D. QUINTOX. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Books at the Journal Office. ROAD NOTICE To Whom It May Concern f - The Board of County Commission ers of Cass county, Nebraska, has opened a public road on the section line between the SW'i of Section one (1) and the NWU of Section twelve, (12) in Township ten, (10) north of Range thirteen, 13) east of the sixth (6th) P. M., Cass coun ty, Nebraska, three rods in width, the center line of said highway being the section line between said tracts, and all claims for damages must be filed in the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of May. A. D. 1922. Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of March, A. D. 1922. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk of Cass (Seal) ml6-4w. County. Quarter Million W ords Up Its Sleeve 34 J The symbol oZ p e r f c t writ ine. The mark cf Kverjh arp Pcncl 1 and Scuapoiat NOTICE The undersigned will sell at auc tion to the highest bidder for caah at the south fiont door of the court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on March 24th, 1922. at nine o'clock a. m., sale open for one hour, all the personal property 01 the J. H. E. E&enbereer estate which is located in the building on Lot 12. Block 2S, at Plattsmouth, Cut's coun ty, Nebraska. NORA L. EGENBERGER. iu9-4w. Administratrix. The pencil with the biggest vocabulary in the world and . a real point for every word. That is theEversham. the pencil that brines you fullest measure of pencil-writing joy. Always sharp never sharp- ened. A quarter replenishes the lead supedy ten thousand words fpr one cent! There's a handy eraser under ov. er, and a built-in pocket clip that makes the Eversharp a bosom com panion ior life. WAHL "Tho Perfect Ppinted Pencil Built with jeweler precision and beauty throughout. A mechanical marvel and writing wonder combine Holder contains eighteen inches of lead. . Lead ob tainable in various degrees pf hardness. Te Evcrsknrp . a fitting faats to the Temppint Pen made by the pame pencyern. Jtfacjs 'for pocket, chain, or lady's bag. Prices, $1 and up.' Come and pick your Eversharp. Have your name engraved ca it. shown first, to keep the audience Fordscn tractors J educed to $295. Nebraska from walking out. Plattsmouth Motor Co. ; For Sale at The Journal Offico.