THURSDAY, LIARCH 9, 1922. THE PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL PAGE nVE r s r Union Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Pride of Ownership TP HE Ford Touring Car has brought to the- farm homes of the country more real pleasure, comfort and convenience than perhaps any other one thing. It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle with friends, attend church, neighborhood functions, and en joy the many pleasantries that abound in country life. Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer. Your order should be placed at once if you wish to avoid delay in delivery. $ f. o. b. Detroit Propst & BSurbee, Union, Nebraska Why Experiment? Be sure you have a good battery for your car. Good batteries are selling much lower than formerly. A good, reliable battery now sells for $18.50 and up. Buy a good battery and you will be done with your trouble. A good battery is so reasonable you cannot afford to flirt with a poor one. w See us for the best service. w. E-i. Dubois, PHONE No. 40 -:- -:- UNION, NEBR. That is Our Business! Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies also standard and always the best. We are here to succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of service in every instance. A. The Auto Man DOVVLER, -:- 7:- Union, Neb. Business is Better! 'Confidence and better things are coming back. Farm products are again on the up grade in price. We are glad of it, and would like to see it higher We are selling our goods at prices in many cases lower, and are carrying an excellent line of Groceries, Shoes, Hardware, Work Clothes, Etc., and are always rea'dy to serve you. Remember this is the store for the best service. Wre are paying the highest prices for country pro duce. Your patronage invited. A- L. BECKER, UNION NEBRASKA 1 X 4. ilLss Mable Remolds has been sick'.. with the grippe for the past few days. Ju James F. Wilson made an official visit at the caunty seat last Thurs-'X day. It Melvin Todd, who has been ill LI. with the grippe is reported as 'being J much improved. IX Mr. J. H. Burton of Murray is J staying for the present at the horneiX of his son, Vance in Union. Miss Leah Porter was not feeling J, well last Monday and it was feared Jt she would be among those with the1;"" I grippe. i Charles Peck of Elnxwood "was a! visitor in Union for over Sunday and was the guest of Edward Leach for the day. ILick Jones of Magnet was a visi tor in Union called by the death of his ltrother-in-law, Mr. W. L. Mc Carroll. Messrs. Harley Fletcher, Harry Leach and Joy Garrens are all re ported as being some better from last report. Con Wilkins of Dunnegan Springs', Mo., arrived the first of the week and will work for Luther Meade for the summer. A small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dysart, who has been very sick Is reported as getting along, though rather slowly. 0 Miss Louise Furay of Omaha was I a visitor in Union last Sunday, be- ' ing guest of her father, Dr. E. S. i Furay for the day. Uncle A. H. Austin who has been at Lincoln lor some days past, re turned heme last Sunday and is feel- ing much improved. I The Baptist Missionary Society I will hold their regular meeting at the parlors of the Baptist church on i Thursday of this week. I The Fraternal Union will give a dance in the near future in Union at which time they are expecting to fcave an excellent time. The World Wide Guild Girls met last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison and had a very enjoyable meeting. Miss Velma Elliott 'is assisting in the office of Dr. W. F. Race and looks after the answering of phone calls when the doctor is out. The Rev. Geo. Warren pastor of the Methodist church, was called to Hooper -last Monday to officiate at a funeral at that place. M. R. O'Dell the walnut log man, continues to do a business in this line and is getting a large number of logs ready for shipment. ' Mrs. M. McQuinn is reported as being one of those on the sick list but is getting along fairly well with her struggle with the grippe. Mrs. Albert Amons of Alhambra, Cal., arrived in Union last Sunday morning called by the death of her brother. Mr. W. L. McCarroll. Win field Bay Lans, an attorney of Omaha, -was a viistor in Union last Monday looking after some matters regarding the shipping of grain. Chalmer Switzer of Xehawka was a visitor in Union last Saturday where he was looking after some business matters for a few hours. Geo. Clark, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clark, has been very sick with pneumonia but is showing a slight improvement at this time. Moss McCarroll of Colorado was a visitor in Union for a short time being called on account of the death of his father, Mr. W. L. McCarroll. " Messrs Ray Bramblett and James Lewis were visiting with friends and also were in attendance at the wrest ling match at Omaha last Thursday. County Agent L. R. Snipes of WM. F. RAGE, M. D. 2-Jirs"J-! ' w ere at where the home of Exa Frans, a most delightful time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman FranB j are departing this week for the west' where they will farm. " Murray Specializing in Peep Seated Diseases All scrums, animal extracts and lymphs used wher.- in dicated. Telephone No. ;;i OFFICE Opposite Farmers Store UNION, NEBRASKA Still Very Sick Miss Bessie Mtade, who has 'been ill for some time at the home of ier parents just south of town still re mains very low with the pneumonia and while she is batUing for life and har. a wonderful vitality and a hope that she will soon te on the mend she is a very sick young lady. She is having Ihe best of care and nurs ing and we are hoping that she may be able to wear out the malady and return to health again. (Continued from page 3) driving up last Tuesday with Miss Beulah Sans to visit wi.h Mrs. Boe-deker. Fencing for Sale 120 rods of four foot woven wire fencing, also one iron pump, 25 feet of pipe. All in good condition. One mjle eatt and one mile north of Mur lay. Guy Murray. m9-2w. Weeping Water accompanied 'by Mrs. Wabash la?t Sunday where he con Subscribe for The Journal Snipes were liking after same bus iness matters in Union last Monday. ' Miss Etta Xickles and Miss Anna belle Fitch of near Union were in attendance at the "Nothing But the Truth" play here last Saturday eve ning. (. L. Graves was a passenger to Plattsmouth last Monday afternoon where he was looking after some mat ters in the court of Judge Allen J. Bees on. Miss Angie and Nettie McCarroll who are teaching school at Syracuse were home last Sunday called by the death of their uncle, Mr. W. L. Mc Carroll. Miss Ellen Chapman is assisting n the Farmers store during the ab sence of Miss Reynolds and on Sat urday Miss Eva Hathaway was also assisting. Miss Francis Bauer, who is teach ing at the school near Greenwood, was a visitor at home for over Sun day, returning to her school work Sunday evening. Last Monday Lonnie Meade'shelled and delivered corn at the McCarthy and Sturm elevator while Bert Ver $tt also shelled and delivered his at .the Farmers elevator. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sawyer, the latter formerly Mrs. Genevieve Ken dall, have moved from South Omaha and are making their home in the residence owned by Mrs. Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose and Mrs. .Tianna itunyan, or joiorauo were in Union during last 'week and a portion of this coming to attend the funeral of the late W. L. McCarroll. J. H. Osborne and daughter. Eth- "Reaching: the Goal" To those who have Tecome half hearted In the fight and who are all bat ready to give up the struggle, j go hear the lecture of Mr. Stewart I. Long, which will be given soon in Union and pick up the unravelled threads of life again and see the j r.-eauty of living, or rubbing elbows I with your fellowmen and of the glad . crmpanionship which friendships! tlnguished speaker has for the peo- j pie contains a message of inspira 5 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's tion. hope and courage for all. You farrowing:, ready for service. Large win te a better neighbor, mother, ed to the lecture and laughed at his witieisms and are benefitted by his words of truth. This is a number of the lecture course which the people of Union are furnishing the citizens. LARGE TYPE Poland -Chinas! Type Poland China can have pa pers on them for 25 per individual. Phone 5911 Q. S. UPTON, UNION -:- NEBRASKA Sure Improving the Place The Farmers' Mercantile company is being treated to a refinishing on the interior and when completed will present a vastly changed ap his home for some days past with pearance.' The ceiling and walls as tome kind of stomach trouble and at weil as much of the woodwork is be the same time Mrs. Pell has been hav- j jnr painted while much of the in ing a spell of pneumonia. They are terior is being refinished and var both slightly better though both j cirhed. Earl Merritt is doing the still very sick. j work and is a most capable work Earl Merritt 'will in a short time man in his line, redecorate the building in which ne; Las his restaurant ana win instauj Nebraska Pioneer Laid to Pest an 'ice cream parlor as one of the de-; partments cf his business and we see ne reason why he should not make a success of the venture. i LIrs. E. Sudd it h was called t o Bol-' iver. Mo., last week on account of the serious illness of her lather, Mr. j J. Billings and ere she was able to. reach his r.edside he passed away. The funeral was held and burial made at Boliver last Sunday. j tpir 73 The union meeting of the ladies i 1 A large crowd of people who wish ed to honor one of the early settlers of Liberty precinct and one who ever stood for the better interests of Nebraska and his home commun ity, attended the funeral cf the late W. L. McCarroll at his late home, northeast -of Union, last Sunday af ternoon. Mr. McCarroll who had "been ill fcr about two weeks and who was years of age suffered a paralysis which eulminat- .Missionary societies UI liie jiKlUUUJbi in v,!c: Afu iQct Ttinrev nmrn. and Baptist churches which was held , Mr McCarroll was a consistent at the Baptist churcn last week was , rhrI;lian gentleman and a member wei: attended .by the laaies of Loth f tLe Mtlloaist Episcopal church time and found it very profitable to all rr.eet together. Misses Alice' Toid and Naomi Maugay, Mr. Ilallis Banning, who aer attending school in Lincoln, ac- com;?anied Mr. W. B. Banning home last Friday when he was iooking af- to the tenants of which he has en davored to incorporate into his life rince a youth. The funeral was con ducted by the Rev. Geo. Warren, pa-tor of the M. E. church of Un ion, and at th? cemetery he remains were laid to rest under the beauti ful ritual of the Modern Woodmen ter some business matters there and Amprir, -hir the. . fief?aRed spent their holiday at home, return- j wag a member. ing to their work Monday morning, i J Prices are coming down. See the m . , jv-a-i citv ad in this issue of w. H. DuBois. , Jea ,at .weorasKa wry , who 'offers a good reliable storage Last Monday purred the funeral battery for a Ford for only $18.50.5"' burial or Mr. Isaac Ellsworth of This is getting back to less than Nebl?E,k "er th? J normal and with larger batteries in af ld and was buried at the East nrrti.n nattar. rtt a r,w .,- U men c t me ter y aft ernoon. M rs. Llls- fc,.,. ko h,tto,v fKi. i worth is a sister of Mrs. Rachel Pell T),m rm0rr TTofi.av xnora and formerly lived in the vicinity rr-r. .v,. r-i J-,- i'r,? -,0 cf the last resting place of the hus- he has been living for some time 'iand- Mr- Ellsworth was 64 years of past and will be a resident north- d ?" l B 1 ""V" west of Murray for the coming year, j cniiaren. ne joungesi oi uitn A. W. Propst with his truck was as- " 12 ears r a8- d all grown to Fisting in the moving last Monday, f an and womanhood s estate wuh Mr. Hathaway is moving on one of ihe exception of two. the places of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Da vis near that town. The Rev. W. A. Taylor went to ducted a very interesting and worth while service during the morning aid at the time of tha evening ses sion the Rev. Mitchell Ethrege who "Nothing But the Truth" One of the best plays and enter tainments which ever came to Union was the one produced by the local talent at the Epworth League en teitainment la it Saturday night, when they gave "Nothing But the is the nastor of the Baptist church Truth." There was no one who did at Falls Oitv conducted the services, ! net present their part excellent, but beina: on a camnaiern for the raising ' three in number were touted as be ing reaiiy out or tne amateur ciass ihcugh they never appeared 1n a like situation before, they being Miss Mary Becker, Miss Fannie Mc Carroll and Mr. J. W. Simonds. They were able to secure the house well filled and netted- neat, sum for the or seme money for. the Baptist mis sionary society. Farewell Dance Wednesday Last Wednesday a large crowd of people enjoyed an old fashioned dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carroll which wa ture of a surprise and farewell, giv en by Mr. John Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol who have 'been living on the Chalfant place are moving to the Mr?. Clara Davis place east of Union. All present had an excellent time. 1 in the na-j u UL Lue nunu ucasuc . uiuu icej are memoers. School Notes Report of attendance for Febru ary Primary Enrolled 31; Present j 2 6 ; Average daily attendance 21.19; Colonel Young a Candidate EiSfrtSSl 31; P. 26; A. Rex Young the peerless auction- 2S 94 P. A 16. eer, who has cried more sales in Cass Grammar E." 29; P. 28; A. D. A. county than all other auctioneers in 6 70- p A 18 the county and many over the state,; - ineh school E. 43: P. 42: A. D. has concluded that he will make a try for the office of sheriff. Rex, or as he is known as Col. W. R. Young is one of the lest auctioneers and if he makes a race in the contest for sheriff like he does for the sale at the public auction there is no way of beating him. It remains to be seen what speed he will make in the race for the republican nomination, but A. 40.97; P. A. 28. Much sickness has caused poor at tendance in the' past month.. Accord ing to the above the Grammar grades have the best record. " ' ' " Teachers meeting was held on Monday, Feb. 27. Miss Hall gave a d'ltcussion on the last chapter in Strayer and Englehardt "The Class room teacner. &ne also nad the we are of the opinion that he will fjrst two chapters in McHenry's 1 go some. "The Personality of the Teacher." The class of '21 presented the .high school a large framed picture of an The picturee was They Were Willing to Batch Yes. the men folks at the James outdoor scene. cl. were visiting in Plattsmouth last c- Toddy home were willing to put placed in tne assemoiy rpom. week where they went to consult Jn a week of batching, taking turns. Each one of the grade teachers with.Dr. Leopold regarding the con-1 at be cooking and washing dish- was given a copy of Ayres' Measur dition of the health of Miss Ethel. , es on account of the little grand- ' ing Scale for Ability in Spelling. It Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nickles and ! Fon ar,d nephew who came last Mon- ( deals with words commonly mis Earl Nottingham both have a small day to b home of Mr. and Mrs. ! spelled, rather than those used but eon who is sick with the flu but Curtis Dixon near Fremont, which , little. they are getting alons fairlv well called Grandmother Toddy there to Due to illness the primary .teach- care tor tne little stranger. All are er, aiiss nan, was uname to penorm doing well mit the home folks are her duties most of last week. Sarah and are expected to show improve ment soon. There will be services at both the Methodist and Baptist churches the coming Sunday all day, that is there will he Bible school both morning getting weary of the cooking. Johnson one of the senior girls, and Mrs. Burton had charge of the room at different times. j .nave x amity mnner ounaay and evening services and the young jrPHnS! inCf via. ti v.f th ' .f'amnv ' people meetings. were gathered together with the A Miss Crissraan, field worker for exception of Kemper Frans or Brew-' the missionary society of the Baptist ster. Some time since Mrs. B-elle church of Nebraska, will give two Frans returned from the west where addresses, one at four in the lecture the ' has fc?en vipitipg during the j room to the girls of the church, and summer and with Mr. and Mrs. Thur- t von want p-o-j nrmrmo- 1 one to the entire church in the eve- man Frans who have been making , " ?v l?Sn.?:"! ning. their ihome at' Wafcash buCwlo are J0111 wort M equippea JCb Mr. Jesse L. Pell has been ill at moving to Venango, all' the family shop ill southeastern NebraduL ALFALFA HAY FOB. SALE On farm two miles east of Mur ray. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth. ' ' " 2tw Hears Cousin Dies Last Monday Earnest Hinkle re ceived the scd news of the death of his cousin. Mrs. Harry Mandell, who passed away at her home at Spring field lart Monday morning after a severe attack of acute pneumonia. Earnie tad visited the folks at heme in Springfield last Sunday and his cdusin was not then cansidered in grave danger, but the turn cane sud denly though she had been sick for some time. Mrs. Mandtll leaves be sides her husband to mourn her sud den departure, four children, two sons and two daughters, the el'ett being some fifteen years of age. The funeral was held today (Thursday) afternoon and the interment made at Springfield. DEATH COfoES TO HUGH fii, ROOB AF TER BRIEF ILLNESS Well Known Young Xan of Near Unicn Pass;d Away Wednes day Iuoiring at Home. Won the Sack of Candy Three score and four warm sum mers and as many hard winters has not shaken the youth and "buoyancy of spirit or suppleness of muscles from one nf Ihe fair niRmliprs of the Murray Bicycle club as was proved! a few days since when she .took the banter to rife to the home of a near neighbor on the wheel. Jokingly she a:d she couid ride the machine just' as she had soae years since before ' the motor car. The H;:ycle in ques- tion has reposed in the attic for some twenty years with tires flat. The lady mounted the unruly steed and made the visit thus requiring the joshing neighbor to produce the sack cf candy. Even granting that non-advertising stores could attract as many buyers as the advertising ones, the latter would make the more money, because buyers would come knowing exactly what they wajited and not take up nearly so much clerk toe, thereby reducing materially the over head expense. To the many friends of the Robb family over Caau county the news of the death of their joungest sou, Hugh Mor.tscirery RoLb, came as a profound shock yesterday when the message nou:uing his dtath at 9 a. ni. "Wednesday was received in thit. city. Mr. Robb was taken sick last Fri day evening while at the home of his .parenli in Union, suffering from a i-t vers chill and in a few hours he wa:; suC rir.;; from a must seveie form ! puc-mronia and from whi h he lailed to rally altho all that th tender hands of tho?e that loved him a;:d mrclical skill could devise was offered to give hi nirelitf from his i.uflerings. Two physician.- and two were in constant attendance at hi.- bedside and for a time Tues day he sc-enied to Low some improve ment 'but later relapsed and death cn:e acd swiftly. Hub Mon tg.cjiuery Robb was born July Z(t, lfcSl. at the Robb hoim ttcad in Wyoming, Otoe county, which farm is now occupied by the family and which the deceased was operating at the time of his death. He was reared to manhood there and on November CO, 1911, was united in marriage to Miss Norma Stand ford of Nebraska City and to this union was torn two daughters, who with the wife remain :to share the grief of thrf passing of their loved one, Mary aged 10, and Elizabeth, 4. Wing the children. The par Mr. and Mrs. Mont Robb of l'n or.e brother, Fleming of Bill Montana, and one sister. Miss Cusfie. alsa remain 10 mourn his do;:th. The funeral strvices will be held Saturday morning at 1 1 o'clock froiu the Episcopal chapel at AVyominp. near the lnn e of the Robb family and the body laid to rest there. In the bitter lo.s that has corr.p to them tl'.e family will have the deep sympathy of the friends ovr the -county, as Hugh was known and esteemed by a very large circle of acquaintances in both Cas and One ccunties. aged ion. Blank Books at the Journal Ofuce. Old - Fashioned D ance! , There wiil be given an OLD FASHIONED DANCE at the Peterson Hall Saturday night of this week, March 11th. Excellent music and a good time assured to all! Dancers . EVERYBODY COME . .75c Spectators, ,25c E3any Peple are Building! More are contemplating building. Don't wait to leng. Have us put in an estimate on the building which you want done. We will be pleased to serve you. PHONE 45 J. A. SCQTTEH, Ce:;fr2ofor MURRAY -:- -:- NEBRASKA Give tlie Hens a Olsancs! Kill the mites and other vermin. We have the solution. The Disinfectant, the White Wash and the Lice Killer. We would like to tell all about it . Banning & Rlickles, Murray, Nebraska We have a large 2-ton-G. M. C. truck which is equipped for hauling Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Grain, Household Goods, and in fact anything that can be hauled by Truck. WE CAN HAUL IT Our prices are reasonable One trial will prove it! CALL HURRAY PHONE Jack' West MURRAY NEBRASKA Pll FistuiaFy lYfcsa Ccre3 jjk"4-- A ir-lld ryi'-rm of trr.tnnt tht ure Plt Ar? tzJ yitul ma othr RrtaJ I mej-u in & short Chlorofo; rr . ' Ether or other crnrrt) rn"tttJ A car c-Daxantcrd tn every c3o tipr-ea'ed for trrtirint. nd tjo mon-y to te twv'd uinll curL WJtrfnr opk on F:-c: cl I 'irf , with Tjit!i and if:!ini:al f-store than I. POO prptnir.rrn pop!e hn t.v h- rn i-riniiT.riTly nTd PC E. K. TABOr. AiniUoriBm. Pjrn Trt)t Bidf. !t IX! ig). PIMU,