PIATTSHOTJTH SEJH - VTZISIY JOUBUAI PAGE TESTE TETTP.DAY. SIAP-CH 9. 19??. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the Peoplts of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If .nyoftbe rf-aders of the Journal triiov- (', aty social eTnt or 1t-m of Ici-ert-st t iliis vicinity, and wiil muii 8me to this Vflr-e. it will ap pear under tliis heajine. Ve w.nt Unes1W'ir-Editor mm 9 ere to Serve Yon! A bank is one of the elements of safety in a com munity as well as one which renders service to all of the members of the community. .We, are glad to solve your problems when it is possible. Make this bank ycur office when in tcwn. We are pleased to give you the best service possible. If you are puzzled about some financial proposi tion, come in and we will talk it over and endeavor to find a solution. Hurray The Bank of Service MURRAY NEBRASKA You Will Save Money When you trade with the "Service Store" ycu will save money, both when you purchase the goods which we are selling at a very low figure and also will receive more when you sell your produce here- SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS We are now carrying a full line' of Sewing Ma chine needles and can furnish you all parts and repairs that are needed. Wilson & Puis 5 The Service Store Murray, Nebraska W. H. Puis was looking after some business matters in Omaba Thursday ot this week. Everett Spangler was looking af ter some business matters in Platts mouth last Tuesday afternoon. Philip Keil and Jarvis Lancaster were dressing a number of hogs at the Lome of the former last Tues day. Troy Shradef and wife and baby were all sick during the first part of the week but a recall getting along nicely now. W. H. Puis of the Wilson and Puis store of Murray was looking after some business matters in the coun ty seat last Saturday. T. J. Crendel was looking after pome business matters in Union last Tuesday morning also having some things to look after at Xehawka. George Tanner and wife will soon depart for the west and will drive in their auto to Akron, Colorado, wLere they expect to spend t he sum mer. Milton Clarence and brother Will and John Han-wn from near Union were in Murray last Tuesday after neon to look after some businos matters. Mrs. G. Stibbs of the hotel was a passenger to Omaha last Tuesday evening where she went to visit with friends as wellas looking after so:n3 business matters. Harvey Gregg has nst been feel ing well for some time and has hevn staying at the hotel during the time which he has been endeavoring to regain hi3 health. Oregon Douge of near Union wp.s j a visitor in Murray accompanying j Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCarroll who brought their little son Donald here for a surgical operation by Dr. Gil more. The Missionary society of the Tr?.- ibyterian church will be entertain' ! F oor Coverings! Make your rooms attractive with Congolium floor covering. Pretty designs and patterns in rugs or yard age may be had here at the new reduced prices. 9x 12 Rugs, each $16.20 9x 10 Rugs, each 14.15 9x 9 Rugs, each 10.35 6x 9 Rugs, each , S15 3x6 Rugs, each 2.00 Yardage goods 2 yards wide Price per square yard 85c We have in stock one only 9x12 Cf7 CA Brussels rug to close at vi I UU oennioiisen & Co, Telephone No. 12. Murray, Nebraska. by Mrs. C. D. Spangler on Friday afternoon. , A l?rge crowd attended the Gaiis mer sale last Friday. Don't fail to see "My Uncle from Japan," next Wednesday evening. Louis Reinhackle shelled and de livered his ia?t year's crop of corn last Tuesday. C. 1. Geary and wife "moved to the Mrs. Walker farm just south of town last week. You will enjoy "Timothy Tolman." the henpecked husband in the play Wednesday night. Foot lights liave been installed at the hall in preparation for the play Wednesday night. ' Mi.-s Gladys Lyle. of Elm wood, spent last wftk with her friend. Miss Margaret Spangler. Will Seybolt is having a new ccb house erected at his home, J. A. Scotten doing the work. Charles Perry and family, of Mal cc!m were visiting relatives in this locality over the week end. John Campbell and wife have moved to Murray and will make their home here in the future.' Henry C. Long has been kept to his heme of late by his not feelins very. well. Mr. Long is hoping he will soon be able to be out again. James Ilatcl.ctt is feeling a pretty ppry lad and announced that he win expecting to pass his atith milestone on Sunday next. We are extending congratulations. Ml?s Leora Paris entertained at dinner Saturday eining the follow ing guests: Misses Grace Long, Blanche Scotten. Gladys Lyle and Margaret Spangler. T. E. Hathaway and family, from easr of Union moved last Monday to the Mrs. S. O. Pitman place north west of Murray, where they will e their home for the year. David Wilson and family of near Otoe in Otoe coucty were visiting at the home of Wayne Wilson near Rock Biufl's last Sunday and were also joined by Frank Wilson and family. Dr. J. F. Erendel was called to j Union last Tuesday where he was i lojkiT.g after seme patients at E. H. j Xottingham and Carl Xickles, they ! both having sons with :t'he pneu ' mocia. I The children of II. H. Shrader who have been so sick for some time past re now hefter and they are all able ! to be out and are making some very i substantial improvement though not -yet well. ' " I Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Iliatt and their ! little daughter Alice Louise, were ; visiting with friends and looking af ter sorae business matters in Omaha last Tuesday they making the trip in their auto. W. J. Phil pot ship'ped a car of c.ttle in conjunction with the Dit tcring brothers who farm the- place oi' Mr. Philpot, the shipment going to Omaha where they realized good prires for them. James Tignor who has been farm ing on the J. D. Cross place between here and Union has moved to tht? farm of A. Gausemer north of Mur ray while Mr. Gansemer will move to Murray to reside. 1 Ja-per CJueen. who has been and is Piiil the manager of the poultry j and egg department for the Wilson i ii Puis stoie. was a visitor in Platts- mor.tii last Tuesday, where he went to get the permit to run his new car. Charles Mutz is having a hog htue erected for the better care of his young pigs which are getting pretty numerous these days. Messrs. H. A. Scotten. Ralph Kennedy and Fred Hili are contracting the edi fice. There is a promise cf a restaurant in Murray in the near future just when it will materializa is not at this time known but it is given out s being true that it will soon be a portion of the business interests of Murray. . Mr. Weldon Stibbs. son cf Mr. and Mrs. Rtil'bs of the Hotel of Murray, wc a visitor at home for Sunday, coming from his studies at the school a.t Siienandoph. Iowa, where he is one of the best basket ball players in that excellent team. Jarvis Lancaster, who has been, living just across the tracks east of JJurray for some time, has rented the home of Mr. Samuel Goodman near Myrard and will move there in a shcrt time. Jack W&st will ocu ry the piace Mr. Lancaster has been 'iving in. J. A. Davis this week moved to the O. A. Davis, "place where Mr. George Iirinston lived during the past year. Mr. Edminston moved; to the Hiatt & Tutt farm, while Frank Dill will occupy the place where John A. Davis just moved from, thus making a complete turn around. M. G. Churchill has moved his shoe and harness shop to the Glen Vallery building just opposite the garage, where he has more room to care for his increasing trade. Here he is prepared to do work on shoes, har ness and to oil harness, which should be done before the early spring work begins. The' revival meetings which are being conducted at the Christian church are attracting much interest and the crowds which are coming cut to hear the Rev. E. M. Johnson are increasing with every night of the series of meetings. Rev. John son is a very eloquent speaker and pleasant to hear. Mrs. James Katchett has been kept to her home and a portion of the time to her bed by a gathering in one of. her ears, which has caused a continual suffering, but from which f he is hoping soon to be relieved. Ths gathering broke cn Tuesday and this afforded a little relief, but the pain continued to be very acute. C. E. Whitaker of the Burlington machine shops of Plattsmouth and PUBLIC AUCTION! L. F. Pickett were visiting in Mur ray last Sunday, coming to attend the services at the Christian church and to visit with their friend the Rev. E. M. Johnson, pastor evange list, who is holding services at the church during this week. Contractor and builder J. A. Scot ten with his force of workmen are just now erecting a new wash and fuel house for Mr. J. B. Seyboldt on the farm northwest of Murray, and when completed it will greatly add to the convenience cf the home and afford n opportunity to do the; work at greater advantage. Last Tuesday Uncle Jess McVey departed 'for Plattsmouth where he will make his home for the present at the Perkins house of that city. He has been on. the sick list for a number of weeks hut has improved during the last week and now feels that he will be able to visit "with his! friends in the county seat. Mr. D. C Rhoden took him up in his auto last Tuesday morning. Bert L. Philpot of Weeping Water who is a rustler if there are any was a visitor in Murray last Tues day afternoon and sold and deliver ed a Hereferd bull to Mr. George S. Ray who is placing him on his farm east of Murray".. Mr. Philpot has a number of excellent animals to dis pose of and any needing one of this excellent strain should avail them selves of this opportunity. Mrs. D. A. Young, who has been visiting at Newell. S. D for the past month- where she was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ly man called by the arrival of a fine ycung grandson, returned home last week, glad to ?e old Cass county again as she reported that she had rot seen anything in the vehicle line except a sled since she had been in that country. There is a deep blanket of two feet of snow in that count ry. For Sale Single comb Rhode Island Red. large type dark red. $1.50 each. Call phone 16. tf-w MRS. S. OLDHAM. Murray, Neb. Now Doing Nicely Mrs. -W. G. Boedeher, who under went an operation at the Clarkson horpital in Omaha last Monday for the betterment of her health is re ported as getting, along as well as couid he expected! Dr. B. B. Davis was the superintending operating physician in the case and gives as surance of relief and hopes for a ra pid recovery. Mr. Boedeker was with his wife at the time of the operation (Continued on page 5) 'MAY TRY FOR OIL iN SOUTHERN PART OF STAT Oklahoma Company Eas in Kind $15,000 Regard Offered by an Old Act of Legislature. A drilling company at Bartlesville, Qkla., is seriously considering the drilling of test wells for oil 'in south ern Nebraska, according to letters written by its secretary to Secretary cf State Amsberry. T. B. Higgius, secretary of the company, is trying to induce 'the secretary cf state to make some concessions in regard to (terms upon which the state of. Ne braska offers a reward of $15,000 for the discovery of oil. Mr. Amsberry has informed him what the law says and states thai he cannot change the law. If the company will discover oil in Nebraska no difficulty is looked for over the payment of a sta'te re ward, but the discoverer must wait for the legislature to appropriate the necessary S15.000 for that purpose Tha law provides that the well in which oil is found must produce hi ty fcrrls a day for sixty consecu itive days. The Oklahoma company desires to know df an average cf fifty barrels for sixty days will comply with the law. He fears there might be acci dents or break of machinery that would Eitop the outpour of oil for sixtv days in a row. The law aiso refers to nump.'ng of oil. The Okla homa company is worried for fear it might strike a gusher or flowing well of oil and somebody would try to stop payment of the state reward because the oil produced was not ac- tuallv Dumped. The tact is, says the secretary of F-tate. Nebraska is not used 'to pay ! 5ng rewards for the discovery of oil In fact it has never paid such a re ! ward because no one ever claimed to be entitled to it. The law is subject to construction ty the governor, who is to be j'tdge of the location and quantity. The law does not say that the oil shall be found upon Ne braska territory. It is also silent as to the location cf coal or gas discov eries for which a state reward is off i fered. t LOCATED AT MURRAY Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases OR. G. L. TAYLOR t Veterinarian 5 i Will receive Icalls at Muf ray hotel. Telephone number 14. The undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at his home on the Peter F. Goos place, a quarter mile south and twenty rods west of the ferry, at the old stone house, com mencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, on Friday, March 17th the following described property: Live Stock One-gray mare, 13 years old; one b?.y team, 13 years old; one bay mare, T years old; one black mule, coming 2 years old. One good milk cow, will be fresh sortn. Five bred gilts; one Chester White boar; one sow; one barrow. Farm Implements One low wheel wide tire farm wagon; one good buggy; one hay rack; one Jenny Lind cultivator, new; one walking plow, 14 inch; one walking lister; one half section harrow, new; one Delaval cream sep arator; one good saddle; one single buggy harness; one grind stone; one half gallon lard press; fifteen bushels of potatoes; one 5-foot Deering mow er, new, cut CO acres only; two sets work harness, good as new, one 1 inch and one 1 U inch. Household Goods One cook stove; one extension ta ble, 6 foot; one davenport; one side board; two rocking chairs; six din ing room chairs; one library table; one bureau; one wash stand and nu merous other articles. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credit of six months will be given, purchaser giv ing bankable note bearing 8 per cent interest from date. ' Property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. HENRY WINKLER, Owner. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer R. F. PATTERSON. Clerk. Home Talent Play! A home talent play under the auspices of the Com munity Club of Murray has been prepared by the young people under the. direction of L. D. Hiatt and will be given at the PETERSON HALL, on Wednesday Evening, March 15th, 1922 The play is one of the best that Mr. Hiatt has been able to procure ana is a farce-comedy of three acts, full of laughable situations. The title of the play is "IVly Uncle from Japan f 9 It is sure to please all who hear it. Admission 15c and 25c. The intermissions will be filled by high class en tertainers from Plattsmouth. ONE rtflLLIOK FEET NATIVE LUMBER To saw at our saw mill. Will start sawing abouth March 20th. Logs sawed into any dimension lumber you request. DON'T DELAY! Bring in your logs now. First come, first served. - Sheldon Mg, Go,, Nehawka, Neb. We Are Needing the Money! When the times were close I trusted a number of my friends for supplies from the store. Since then the firm has changed and the accounts should be settled. Please call at the store of Wilson & Puis where I will be found with the books for settlement. Do not neglect to settle these accounts as I want to close the books. FONT T. WILSON, MURRAY NEBRASKA Announcements My business having outgrown the location which I formerly had on East Main street, I have rented the Glen Vallery building opposite the garage and now have an abundance of room for, taring for my increasing business. I will appreciate the patronage of all who are wanting work in my line Shoe Repairing, Harness Work of All Kind3 and Harness Oiling. flS.'G KIP?H!LL, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Sweeping Price Reduction the Vaterloo Boy 12-25 Three-Plow Tractor on v FULLY EQUIPPED F. O. B. Waterloo, Iowa Equipment includes Fenders, Wheel fugs, Governor, Platform, Friction Clutch Fully, Lever Controlled Ad justable Hitch no extras to buy. The Waterloo Boy conies to you complete for drawbar and belt work. The Waterloo Boy is a real farm tractor. Built sturdy and strong for continuous, heavy work, it gives years of profitable service. Its heavy-duty, slow-speed, two-cylinder engine of big bore and long stroke, built especially for burning kerosene, utilizes this low-priced fuel with real economy. The Waterloo Boy is a three-plow tractor. It pulls the plow straight no side draft to cause loss of power and undue wear on tractor and plow. Big Reduction in Price of John Deere Traction P!or;s! The John Deere No. 5 Three-Button Tractor Plow fits the Waterloo Boy perfectly. It does thorough work and is long-lived; is equipped with powr lift and quick detachable shares; beams guaranteed not to bend or break. See us for the new prices. The Waterloo Boy the Reliable, Completely Equipped, Thrcc-Plow-Tractor- is the Best Tractor Investment You Can Make Peterson Hardware Company Murray, Nebraska