The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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paq six
IR3 4 Toiday
but very soon you will want your assortment of Garden
seeds- We are now stocked with a larger variety and a
more complete assortment of bulk garden seeds than
has ever been offered in Plattsmouth before.
We will also be able to furnish many seeds of
flowering plants and bulbs.
Let us figure your list for you. We have the goods
and can save you money.
Bestor & Swatek
Frank D. O'Connell. state adju
tant of the American Lesion ha
written his acceptance of the invita
tion of the local post to be in at
tendance at the ex-service tnen'p re
union and banquet on" Wednesday
evening. March 15th.
O'Connell i.s one of the "Bucks"
who are prominent in state Lesion
activities and like Ed McDernmtt. of
Kearney, is proud of the fact that the j
did not attain to the rank of com
missioned officer. lie was among the
organizers of the Lincoln post and
when the state organization was ef
fected became ftate adjutant, which
position he has since retained.
O'Connell has had extensive ex
perience in post activities and will
deliver a snappy ten minute talk on
that subject at the banquet.
Coupled with 4he attendance of
State Commander Ritchie, there will
be present the two head officials of
the state Legion organization and it
is expected several hundred ex-service
men from all over the county will be
here for the occasion.
State Intervenes in the Case of Minor
Children of Frank Warner,
of Near Elmwood.
This morning William Wetenkamp
and children, Mrs. Martha Weten
kamp. A. A. Wetenkamp and Mrs.
Fred Hirz all motored to Omaha,
where they will spend the day with
Mrs. William Wetenkamp, Elmer
Wetenkamp and Fred Hirz. all of
whom are at the Immanuel hospital
recovering from operations.
A petition has been filed in the
office of the clerk of the district
court by the State of Nebraska in
which the court is asked to take the
custody of Hulda, Irvin. Marie, Ruth
and Orville Warner from their par
ents, Frank and Mary Warner and
give the children into the custody of
the Ftate for care and rearing. The
petition alleges that the children are
neglected and that the parents have
failed to give them the proper rear
ing and therefore the court is prayed
to place the children somewhere for
the purpose of proper bringing up.
The mother of the children is an
invalid and her physical condition is
such as will not permit her to look
after the training of the children.
The family reside in the vicinity
of Elmwood.
For hatching eggs call phone No.
270-W. Mrs. C. E. Coon. daw-a5
Tanlac is the ideal strengthener
and body builder for old folks. F. G.
Frlcke & Co.
Do You Wear a Shirt?
Do the features found in every Manhattan Shirt ap
peal to you?
Roomy bodies '
Big, easy fitting shoulders
Full cut arm holes
Plenty of arm and wrist room
Longest body you can buy . ' f: ! f '" '
Low, easy fitting neck band and set low causing
shirt to fit in front instead of hiking up as though
you had a goiter
- Will not fade
The extra price you pay, while small, pays big divid
ends. Try buying good shirts again, they are to be had.
You Can Lead a Manhattan to Water, . But
You Cannot Make It Shrink!
$2.50 to $4.75
&Notice our east window.
i mm
The committee of the Ad club in
charge of the Bargain Wednesday
community sales has arranged a new"
feature that will be of great interest
to the general public and especially
those vho have anything they would
like to dispose of at public auction.
The room of the M. K. Smith com
pany on lower Main street has been
secured for the use of the auction
und here W. R. Young, the famous
Nebraska auctioneer will preside for
three sales on Wednesday, March 15,
one being from 9 to 10 a. m., one
from 1 to 2,p. m. and one from 8:30
to 9:30.
Mr. Young will sell anything from
a needle to a Cass county farm and
those who are desirious of disposing
of any of the odds or ends around the
house or farm should bring it in.
The auctioneer will make no
charge aside from a five per cent
commission bn the articles sold and
this is certainly a golden opportunity
for "the residents of the county to
bring in the articles they may desire
to dispose of. There will be no mer
chandise sold at the sale from the
business houses of the city, and every
article -offered will be sold and no
bye-bids allowed, so that if an article
! placed on the block it i3 going to
be disposed of.
Those who desire to sell anything
may do so by getting in touch with
Fred P. Busch, secretary of the Ad
club and the room will be opened for
the storage of articles for the sale.
Live stock will also be looked after
in the proper manner by the Ad club
until the day of the big sale.
With the usual array of real bar
gains in the stores and the chance
to pick up many offerings at the
auction, this should be one of the
big days in the history of the city.
Miss Katherine Whittiker Former
Plattsmouth Girl Married at
Lincoln Last Kisrht.
Percy A. Warthen Dies Last Evening
at the Clarkson Hospital in
Omaha After Long Illness;
Last evening the long and brave
fight for life that Percy A. Warthen
of this city has made for life was
brought to a close when the young
man passed away at the Clarkson
hospital in Omaha where he has re
cently underwent a series or very
severe operations. The illness of
Percy dates back to the early part of
1918, when he was afflicted with a
mastoid while in the army and he
has since undergone a number of op
erations, in the hopes of giving-him
some ielief but -without avail. Fol
lowing his operations at Omaha his
conditions was so weakened that
blood transfusions were necessary
and the brother, Webster Warthen,
gave a great deal of his blood in the
hopes of aiding in the recovery of
the brother but without avail.
Percy A. Warthen was a son of
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Warthen, and
was born March 9, 1895. and has
spent the greater part of his lifetime
in this city. When the United States
entered the World War, Percy, like
many of the patriotic youth of the
land, heard the call of his country
and volunteered July 17,1917, in the
6th Nebraska infantry and in com
pany with some forty others from
Cass county was assigned to the ma
chine gun comfjany' of the regiment
and accompanied the organization to
Deming, New Mexico, where they
were located at Camp Cody. In the
first part of 1918 the young man
was taken with a severe mastoid and
sent to the camp base hospital where
he was operated upon and where for
a number of weeks his life hung on
a thread, and -on his "being able - to
leave the hospital he was given a
discharge on account of physical dis
ability and deprived of the privilege
of accompanying his company, on
their departure for overseas. Return
ing home he was engaged in work
in Omaha for-a greater part of the
time until frequent re-occurrences of
his malady made necessary his re
turn to the hospital where he passed
To mourn the death of this splen
did young man there remain besides
the parents, eIx brothers and four
sisters, Roy Warthen, Chicago; Har
ry Warthen. Omaha; Webster, Cal
vin and Norman, Plattsmouth; John
Warthen, Omaha; Mrs. Josephine
Carson, O'Neill, Nebraska; Mrs.
Mary Moss, Atchison, Nebraska;
Mrs. Lois Carr, Coles, Nebraska;
Mrs. Fern Fairino, Chicago, and Mrs.
Lillian Thompson, Omaha. '
Miss Katherine Whittiker became
the bride of Roy Albert at a pretty
church wedding at S o'clock Friday
evening at the Normal church. Rev.
Mr. McFarland, pastor of the church
officiated, using the ring ceremony.
Before the service Miss Bertha Pratt
played "At Dawning." As she played
the Lohengrin wedding march the
bride entered with her father, F. R
Whittiker, preceded by the maid oi
honor, Miss Grace Beeson of Platts
mouth. At the same time the bride
groom entered by another door, at
tended by his best man, Ian Gunn
and met the bride's party at the al
tar. Miss Pratt played "To a Wile
Rose, softly during the ceremony
The ushers were the Misse3 Maudt
Shively, Katherine Walters, Ilelei.
Bain and Janet Bajeck. The bride
was very attractive in a gown ol
white satin trimmed with silver lace
and wearing a veil of lace that fel
to the bottom of her dress. She car
ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia
roses. Miss Beeson wore coral col
ored organdie and carried an arm
bouquet of white roses. Miss Pratt
was dressed in blue organdie and the
ushers wore organdie frocks in pas
tel shades. Miss Shively's dress wat
yellow organdie. Miss Walter's laven
Mr. Albert is the son of Mr. and
wore green. The church was prettiij
decorated with quantities of spring
blossoms, combined with pink rose;
and patyns and ferns that were bank
ed around the altar. As the guest
left the church the ushers distri
tuted white souvenir boxes tied witL
pink ribbons containing a piece oi
wedding cake. Mrs. A. J. Beeson o
Plattsmouth was an out-of-towr.
guest at the wodding. After a-hori
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Albert
will return to Normal to make theii
home. Mrs. Albert is the only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Whittikei
of Sixty-first and South streets. She
was graduated from Lincoln higl
school in the class of 1919 and ha?
attended the University of Nebraska
dar and Miss Bain and Miss Bajecl.
Mrs. U. G. Albert of Normal and C
tended Temple high school in Lin
State Boxing Commission Interviews
Several Witnesses in Omaha
No Decision Yet.
From Saturday Dally.
This morning bright and early
Harvey J. Heneger and Arnold Dail
departed in the auto of Mr. Heneger
for Torrirrgton, Wyoming, near
where the young men have land
claims which they will work. They
expect to reach York by tonight and
make stops each, night on the way
west and at the end of five days days
erpect to be Torrington. Mrs.
Heneger will join her husband later
in the spring as soon as he has a
dwelling house ererted n the home
James H. Short of this City Nam:
Department Commander of the
Fatriarchs Militant.
Washington, March 3. Major R.
G. Peck, whose renomlnation for pro
motion, to be a lieutenant colonel is
pending, was attacked vigorously in
the senate today by Senator -Reed,
democrat. Missouri.
Referring to Mr. Peck's alleged
criticism of the Thirty-fifth division
of the A. E. F., composed largely of
Missouri and Kansas troops. Senator
Reed eald Major Peck's report con
tained a "gratuitious and uncalled
for insult," to every volunteer sol
dier of the army.
One of-the most active memberr
of the I. O. O. F. in the state for
the Tast thirty-five years. James II.
Short, of this city, has just been hon
ored with the highest office in the
highest branch of the I. O. O. F. or
der in the state.
Yesterdav Mr. Short received the
announcement from W. V. Hoagland
deputy department commander, that
he had been named as Commander
of the Department of Nebraska, Pa
triarchs Militants. I. O. O. F. with
the title of brigadier general. This
is a very high honor and one that
Mr. Short appreciates to the fullest
extent and inridently is well placed,
as Mr. Short has been an untiring
worker in the cause of Odd Fellow
ship and for nine years past has been
colonel of the lt regiment of the
Patriarchs Militant.
Mr. Short has been in Oddfellow
ship for the past thirty-five years,
and is a member of Omaha lodge No.
2, I. O. O. F., Mystic Encampment
No. 31, and Bud of Promise lodge of
Plattsmouth. and Canton Etter of
the South Side, Omaha.
The new department commander
was one of the strongest boosters
for the holding of the annual can
tonment of the militant branch of
the order at West Point, Nebraska,
and was in command at the canton
ment a greater part of the time dur
ing his stay there.
- The many friends of Mr. Short are
nleased to see him receive this rec
ognition from the leading branch of
the order and he is now busy receiv
ing congratulations from the host of
H. N. Dovey, president of the First
National Bank, and wire, who have j
been spending' a few weeks at Hot
Scrings, Arkansas, for the health of
Mr. Dovey, have returned home to
this city. Their trip south was one
much enjoyed and the appearance of
Mr. Dovey indicates the benefits re
ceived as he is looking in the best of
condition and has had a real rest
from his work in the bank.
'Do RaU Talk to Each Other?"
Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I.
I Rot five cakes of Rat-Snap and threw pieces
crounj feed store. (Jot about half a dnzen dead rats
a day f cr t w solid weeks. Suddenly, they eot fewer.
Now we haven't any. Who told them about Eat-
j nn it ' SnaD." Rats drv ud aud leave no snicu. liixce
vui "U wui v.ajr Muuui . juu . iJc, 6Sc. $1.25.
write it as a plain "selling talk" in-f Sold and cuarantced by
stead of trying to fins it up with: Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had-
frills and exagerationi." raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
Charges that the recent Schla'ifer-
Murphy fight in Omaha was "fixed.
ivere given an airing in the hiatln;:
it Omaha yesterday conducted by tin;
state boxing commission.
Among the witnesses called w-?ro
Tom Dennison and City Counuissioii-
ir Dan Butler, both of whom had in
timated being: tipped off to the fart
hat the bout va.) "fixed."
The testimony given by Butler
nay provide a clue for running down
he matter further. During his iti-
zerview at the hands of the commiss
ion Butler paid his respects to Jake
'saacson, whom ho charged with try-
ng to hog the boxing matches per
missible under the state law for the
dubs with which he acts as inatcli-
naker. Isaacson, who was match-
boring eomriiNKlrxi, wM'') if N
ed h nm.d up of t't-fnnuinil
Who me wholly unfnmlllir rMb b
fl no point of boxing iliffforp
InrnpuMe of rtid"il!i(j "t oplfii'm
1 it funtroveridca nrl.iti over ?Hfloti
ring ennfeKfq Hint imvo orurred In
the Kliilo film" tho ne.v liiw lnrntna
Certain It If w nf to tint" He
law conl liiii' 1 by Hi mmI l t Isbi tut'
if must be ndmltiMf r'l In n wy
tlu.t will command tb" repp"' t hm'I
(Hlmlrntlon of lh wvinl fniblfc,
einong whom Hre followers of th
g.irne of long yvuvt funding.
Warden ScthIs Him to Hlp Out at
Reformatory Ho Ofticml Or
der For Transfer Yet.
Dr. Lf!le 1J. Flclih of Omaha,
surving from om? to t n ye-irs in the
penitentiary for cni'dnK the denlh
of Mls Until Ayr by a criminal op
eration, has been on duty for flv or
naker for both the Schlaifer-Murphy ' nix days at the reformatory, lie bd
lghts, was present at the hearing and
Dfi.firfmnt of Friblio Works CHves
Yettintnt Facts oi m
the Jiterested Public,
Mr. (in Uyrn, Rt"t Sheriff,
n-nt Sir: t
f it, r-all vour prtirtilar t-
frfiHon to th m'n. Iroporf nht ff-
flon'1 of Ho Motor Vehiftl" UH-
iraflori f,nw nrid " ,fax"
Mil ,r.lT up wlh th 1 forc
ing ofbr of mat.
1 Ktt-rv motor vhleJe mast
1.,-ivp a f urrfnt number of the
kind, flint I. r-g.ilar fonrlns. truck.
tnotortyfi-. trttlUr or dealer. &
1. 2, 7 n nd 22
2 F.vt-ry motor whicle m.t ar
rv"tli rortlf orrpoi'Jlng to
Ihe numli'T In fornpIcuoiM place.
Thin IfiHud" all nwnd hand cars
carrylnK plf . - 10
and 21 )
?,..1tPnr muKf not uz u
r.liiNK ore nt on art ti'J tot aeui-
houted the age-old charge at Butler.
olice quelled the disturbance.
Whether or not Isaacson receives
my remuneration for his services :.s
been at the penitentiary two weokn oiiattallon p.irpoM. r.y miwi i. IHimlKT lor bmh'-'; -.
when -he was snt to the reformatory.
Warden Fcnton paid Friday that
Dr. Field- as a trusty wan sent to
the reformatory to help out. The flue
matchmaker was not brought out at j has appeared tlr-re. he Raid, and tb;
he hearing, but the state law pre- doctor wan needed In a professional
cribes that no individual shall re-1 capacity.
eive any of the profits of a wrestling "He will not be there long unions
ir boxing bout, which can only lie : irariMcrmi ny me ihhiu u f.i.i..i.
nit on by and for the benefit of! 'aid tho warden. "I have no written
icensed clubs which have been Jn order to transfer the doctor. Super-
xistence for a year and are not orga- M" tendent Miller aid the governor
lized solely for the purpose of spon-
oring such bouts.
Dennison refused to answer-ques-
ion put to him by the commission.
ii attorney being present and read-
ng the state law, wherein is con-
iined no clause providing for the
ailing of witnesses and forcing them
" give testimony. The commission
Md not contest his claim for immun-
:ty. Dennison has since stated his
villingnesr, to give the commisrion
reely of bis own accord the infor
lation they sought to wrest from
im through cross-examination. .
Just what the outcome will be is
nrd to determine. The referee, Mr.
co Shea, a veteran third ring man,
is given out a statement that had
e been in full charge he would have
'opped the bout in the fifth round
ecause of the disposition of the
'ghters not to extend themselves.
"here has beeif considerable condem-
mtion hurled at the personnel of the
llvory rttr.4 and -nr for private
purpofv. 20 ,D'1 ZX )
4..-l-ftlfr,n "IN' TRANSIT", pa
per number "ay h(i ,Jyf;, onIy on
r being delivered from the dis
tributor lo the, dealer. The driver
niurt stUn have the bill of aale with
Si. Dealer' "TKN DAY" paper
number! may be used only by per
nonit who have bought a car from a
dealer. It cannot be ued more than
ten days and mut be properly per
forated. No dealer can uo the "TEN
DAY" card. (See Sec.
r. Plate and certificates must
counting time in Jail. The Judge al- aiwav be clear and legible. See Sec.
lowed nun time lie out. on Donti. i 23)
have fifty trusties at work outside 7. Non-re.Hldentg may travel in
of the prison. Miller is one of tht-m." the atate thirty days on their orig-
Stiperintendent Miller said he had registration. See Sec. 33)
obtained Governor McKelvle's con- j'aragraph 3, '4 and 5 are one3
sei.t to have the services of Dr. Fields wnch are violated the mbt. Part of
pending action by the board of par- ,ue violations are due to Irnorance
! fn!l lilrn li n mlcrhl ncilr for Ihp doc
tor's helo. I told Miller it would be
.a ... Mm
.il rignp wun rue ior mm i go n
it was all right with the governor.
The doctor is eligible to a. parole,
dons on a future application for le
Val transfer from the penitentiary to
ike reformatory. It is said the doc
tor will also press his claim that be
is now eligible, to a parole, having
served the minimum term of one
vear in jail or at liberty on bond.
The natural, refreshing bleep of
a healthy body is enjoyed by those :
who take Tanlac. F. G. Fricke & ,
Co. I
of the law but most of them are due
to the fact dealers do not wish to
buy additional dealer plates at $10
Cars with paper numbers on.
should be investigated and driver
made to show his bill of sale
Yours very truly.
lose anything? Find anything?
Trv a Journal want-ad.
rif I pliiili 11
&i i i! ! ; l is igfea l ijliij !S W WW W I P
II I ISili
t I Hi 31
ii! !ii mm.
11 lilt! I il
Hi I i
Good Plowing in
the Toughest Soils
IF YOU'VE lost your patience while trying to turn ovef
tough soil of any kind, you'll appreciate knowing that there
is a combination of tools that will make this work easy. The
Fordson tractor will supply plenty of power, and an Oliver
D-72 disc plow will turn over the soil.
We've made a specialty of getting the right tools to do the
best work behind Fordson tractors, and our recommendation
for the difficult plowing in this section is the Oliver D-72. This
plow is made specially to go with the Fordson tractor. It is
light, yet so rugged that you don't need to worry about hard
plowing. It is made to do the hardest plowing on your farm.
With this outfit, you may be able to crop some land that;
you have never been able to use before.
Over 200,000 Fordson Farmers Ue Oliver THUge Implement
- I 111