The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MftftlY. HiACH , 19??.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
You're Making a Mistake
If You Don't Go
Spinsters' Convention
Saturday, EU2arch 11th
Tickets, 35c and IQc
You will need a
rot laugh at the
doctor if you do
Old Maid's Con-
Dr. and Mrs. J. W
visiting last Friday
. Thomas were
for the after-
noon in Lincoln.
Nehawka will all smile on March
ll'th. for they will all attend the
"Old Maid's Convention."
J. J. Pollard and wife were look
ing after some business matters in
Plattsmouth last Wednesday.
Roy Shrader and R. M. Chriswis
eer were looking after some business
at the county seat last Friday.
-Great Ire
Nehawka, Nebraska,
Thursday, Fvlarsh Sfh5 S22?
Try a Spatted Poland and y?o are sure
you'll find them the besJ.
Our friends' presence will be appreciated, whether
you buy or not. Write for catalogue.
Nehawka, Nebraska
If you need any clover or alfalfa seed this spring,
come in and see us. We are prepared to take care of
your requirements. Don't wait until you -want to start
sowing. Ask us for prices the first time you are in
We also have a complete line of flower and garden
seeds- Prices are right, too.
You will be pleased with the complete line of Gro
ceries, Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Meats, etc. that we
have to offer. Buy high quality goods at reasonable
prices and you are sure of the value.
Established 1888
Phone 14.
2d Division
Like If!
How long has it been since you
laughed? Better shake up those ribs
at the "Old Maid's Convention."
H. V. Griffin was a Union visitor
la-t Wednesday where he was look
ing after some matters of business.,
Mrs. R. T. Alfred of Elmwood. a
sister of Mrs. V. P. Sheldon, was a
guest at the Sheldon home last Sun
day. Lincoln Creamer and son Lee were
delivering their corn crop at ths
Farmers" Elevator last Thursday and
Mrs. C. M. Chris wisser was look-
U g
if el
ing after fome busin-jss matters in
Nebraska City during the first part
cf the week. i
: Roy Kiaurens was looking after
j some business matters in Platts-
i mouth laft Saturday and visiting.
I with friends.
Henry Feltes has been doing the
decoration on the new home of Hen
ry Gruber whic-h is just now Hear
ing completion,
j S. J. Rough, manager of the Far
! mers' Elevator of Nehawka, sliippc-d
j a car load of wheat for Ielbert
Mumni last Thursday and Fridaj-.
If you have chapped lips better
have a complete cure before you go
to the "Old Maid's Convention" Mar.
11th, at the auditorium on Saturday
Mrs. Lucile Davis, manager of the
Nehawka telephone oTice, was visit-
j ing with friends in Weeping Water
for a couple of days during the past
Charles Hall representing the Ne
hawka Milling Company, was a visi
tor 'in Union with a number of loads
of flour and feed during (the past
Miss Hope Saint John and Mis
ZupLa Chriswisser, who are attend
ing school at Lincoln, where home
for the week end and visited with
the folks.
Jahn Opp was busy last Friday
having seme workmen saw his sum
mer wood and has a large stack of it
now ready for the spring and sum
mer to dry.
II. W. Griffin has been handling
' some three incubators- for A. 13. Rut
l.'dge and has hatched out two ets of
chicks, and has set the wooden hen
at work again.
The Journal is indebted to Sena
tor A. F. Sturm for a copy of the
L ill known as Senate File 1. defin
ing a legal newspaper, far which
please accept our'tLanks.
Miss Ruth Davison who is the as
: sitant operator at the telephone
exchange was a visiter in Weeping
Wtaer at her home for a couple ot
days during the past week.
, F. II. Cunningham is departing ta
' day for Weeping Water where he
j will take eharge of a saw mill which
i ne will operate for some time in the
. making of lumb-sr for the people of
that vicinity.
James Miller has with his good
wit just moved into their new home
and find it very nice. They have
! been anticipating the time when they
would be settled in the new home
' and are enjoying the same,
j The ladies aid society of the Unit
ed Brethren church gave a delight
j ful chicken pie supper at the audi
torium last Saturday which was
! w ell enjoyed by all who were f jr
1 tunate enough to be i.i attendance,
j Henry M. Pollard who has been
j elected as a member of the jury for
ihe present term of court, departed
i this afternoon for the county seat
; where he will try and settle tiie
agreement of the people of ths coun
I iy.
! On account of the illness of J. L.
: Thompson assuming not so good a
j turn Lincoln Crearaar and wife were
; called to return to the Platte river
' bridge tD take charge of the busi
ness until .Mr. i iiompsan is strong
enough to care for the business.
Henry Gruber 'is just about com
pleting his new home and while hav
ing had a number of ofters for rent
ing the same has decided to occupy
It himself and i.i sjon to have Jbat
pleasure. No one knows whether
there is to be a fair lady to enjoy
the same or not. Of course, Henry
Frank II. Resnick end family, who
have been in Omaha for some time
past wnere tney were looking alter
somt matters of business relative to
there settlement of t he estate of Mr.
t j Resnkk's father, returned to Nehaw
i jj j ka during lasl week and will remain
(i j here for the present. Mr. Resnick is
I j engaged in the real estate business.
j ! Mrs. A. F. Sturm was a visitor in
Li On;aha where she wa assisting in
! the care of her daughter. Mrs. John
l Yeiser. who was suffering from a se
ji vere case of grippe, but who has re-
covered at this time and is now vis
j(' iting at the home of her parents in
I: Nehawka. Mrs. Sturm came home
Tl-ursday and was followed by the
laughter on Friday.
. R. M. Taylor of west of Nehawka
j where he has been farming for the
j past two years and while there mak
ji ing a host cf friends as well as the
j entire family, departed for their new
home which is southeast of Union
they moving during the past week.
While the people of Nehawka much
regret to lose .this excellent family
the neighborhood into which they
are moving will be enriched by their
Celebrate Their Anniversary
Last Sunday at their home in Ne-
hawk a Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sheldon
first anniversary of their wedding.
whi?h occurred in Nehawka over
a score and a half years ago. The
day was very pleasantly passed at
the home with the friends who called
(to celebrate the event. There were ! u - ,
present on the occasion Messrs andiBrin m your logs iow.
Mesdamos B. Wolph. A. Wolph. Geo. i come, first served.
E. Sheldon and daughter. V. P. Shel- I
don of Nehawka and Mrs. Robert ;
Alfred of Elmwood who was visiting1
here. Mrs. Sheldon was assisted in ,
me serving ot tne dellgntful dinner
by Mrs. Marion Tucker, her daugh
ter, and Miss Anna Anderson.
Business is Gcod, Thank You
Le?ter Wunderlich, who is a rust
ler in the matter of battery work,
and radiators, reports business as be
ing very good and sees the return of!
the former good times which we took
a rest frcm a few months. I
Injured in a Eurarcay
Last week while Mr. Chester Ply-
Wintry Winds
disturb not the slumber of your beloved dead, if you
were thoughtful enough to ask the undertaker to use a
Steel Reinforced Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial
Vault. - Air and water proof-
Phone No. 87 -:- -:- Nehawka, Nebr.
hon was coming to town to school
driving a horse and nuggy the horse
became frightened and ray away
with the results that the vehicle was
badly smashed and the harness bro
ken as well as the young man badly
'injured, "he being thrown from the
buggy when it was overturned. Ches
ter has his face badly cut and knees
skinned as wen as Deins itruisea ovct
numerous places of his body. He is
petting along and will soon be ready
for a net her go at xhe hore.
Enjoyed the Occasion
A large number of the members of
the County Club of north of Nehaw
ka gathered last Wednesday for a
social liinie and for work which they
had in hand. The day was very pleas
antlv spent in their work and also in
sociability the occasion being the
birthday of Mrs. G. I. Lloyd, the ftos
tesi at whose home the gathering
was. A most deligLtful dinner was
served. In departing they extended
wlr-hcs for many more happy birth
days and thanks for the pleasant
VTe Pay Cash
As we are compelled to pay
for .all grain we purchase
stllinsr tor cash only.
. we are
Farmers' Grain Co.
Wedded or ien iears
Last Tuesday there was a number!
of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl j
Balfour south of Nehawka- gathered !
at their home and made a most I
pleasant evening for this couple, it. j
being the anniversary of their wed-,
ding. The evening was most agree-;
ably spent in cards and other games;
as well as music and a most pleas- j
ant luncheon at the close. The friends ;
present extended wisnes ior raany,
ye;irs of happy wedded life. I
Mttst be Cash
Hereafter the sales to local people
by the Nehawka Farmers' Grain com
pany must be fcr cash only. By or
der of the board of directors.
S. J. ROUGH. Manager.
Surprised Their Friends
Charles Atkins and Miss Rilla
Powell two of ilit estimable young
p-.ple of near Nehawka slipped away
iast week and were united in mar
riage at Council ITiuffs, Iowa, on last
Wednesday, returning to surprise
the friends which they truly did.
They will make their home on a
farm near here where they will en
gage in farming.
Salt cry Troubles Gens!
The ADCO Dry Storage Battery lias
solved the problem of batteries for
winter use. IT WILL NOT FREEZE.
Delivers More Power
Produces Hotter Spark
No Corrosion
Needs No Attention
Eatteries for All Makes
of Cars
complete, only
Better Than Any Wet Eattery
Can be Recharged
. Lundberg Garage,
Nehawka - Nebraska
otm ur.iLi-ion,
To saw at our saw mill. Will slart
Sawin abouth March 20th. Logs
sawed'into any dimension lumber
vou request.
Sheldon f
Nehawka, Neb.
"It's the Chapest Thing I Ever
Bought," Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Va.
"I paid $1 .25 for five cakes of Rat-Snap and juag
ing by the large number of dead rats we've nicked
up. I reckon we've saved hundreds of dollars ia
chicks, eggs and feed." Your pets won't touch It.
Bats dry up and leave no smell. . 35c. 65c, Sl-25.
i SoU and guaranteed by
estor & Swatek Weynch & Had-.
raba F. G. Fncke & Co.
j vf kuj a ; KB tfu m ui n ill wr me
Class Very Foi lunate
The class which is instructed by
Miss Janes while being very fortun
ate in the fact of so able an instruc
tor were doubly so last Friday when
it was arranged that they could have
some special instruction in the line
of battery work, given in the busi
ness place of Mr. Lester Wunderlich
where thev saw the actual workings
of the battery and had explained to
them -by an exnert in this line the
cause or the generation or the eiec
trc current, tthe care of a battery and
the process of its building. This is
a fine thing for the school and a ser
vice Mr. Wunderlich is very glad to
Getting Along Nicely
Uncle John Schwartz, who it will
be remembered was injured on a Mis
souri Pacific freight train last Sat
urday, amd was taken to the M. P.
hospital in Omaha is reported as get
ling along as well as could well be
expected under the severity of his in
juries. His many friends will be
! pleased to know of this. Mr.
i Schwartz is kept in a plaster cast
! which is very tiresome, but is get
i ting alone fairly.
Giveth Beloved Ones Kest
See elsewhere in this department
of the paper an ad for the enterpris
ing firm of Miller & Gruber. who are
makers of burial vaults which pro
tect the Temains of loved ones from
k n r 1 ii -w r. c x" ? wi V loft -r -
seeping Water to disturb the rest of
the remains. The burial vaults which
they make are water and vermin
proof and one can rest assured that
nothing will disturb their friends
when buried in one of the vaults
made by -this firm. See their ad and
if iQ need of anything in this line
call on them.
c0 Switzer Loses Barn
Last Friday evening the large
tarn of Leo Switzer which was part
ly filled with farm products. While
the tlaze was seen by a large num
ber of people who rushed to the
scene of the fire nothing could be
done to save the contents. The "barn
was a large one and was In excel
lent condition and represents a large
loss, unless there is a considerable
; insurance on the structure. The
J friends and neighbors were anxious
to do all they could tQ stop .the fire
but were helpless. Mr. N. Nixon,
who had just recently moved to the
place, was at Omaha where he had
gene for treatment at a hospital,
where he is doing nicely since his
; cpep-tion.
Will Sure Make You laugh
The Busy Workers division num
ber two of Nehawka are sure going
to give the fun loving public of Ne
ihawka and vicinity their money's
worth when they slip (the "Old
Maid's Convention" over to those
who want to laugh at the auditori
um on Saturday night, March 11th.
Ke?p this date clear for it will be
well worth while, you can then
throw your medicine to the dogs and
come and laugh your health back,
for when you get the laughs which
they have in store you will surely
be feeling just about right. Again
you know this will assist to fixing
the-church up as is should be. Be
sure and be there.
Shipped Two Fine Hcgs
Last Wednesday R. C. Pollard
shipped two very fine Hampshire
hogs to customers at a distance. One
a sow was shipped to the Industrial
School for girls at Geneva, where
they are doing something in the
growing of fine pigs, as well as the
other things that are right. The oth
er a boar, to the herd of F. J. Per
vian & Son of Reid, Oklahoma.
Five Hundred and Then Some
Last Friday evening at the "home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tucker enter
tained the members of (the 500 card
club and they all had a most splen
did time. The membership of this
institution are a line' lot of young
people and all enjoy these meetings
.to the full. A delightful luncheon
was served.
Showed Them a Good Time
Last Friday -being the thirty-first
anniversary of the wedding, of Sen
ator and Mrs. A. F. Sturm a number
of -their friends gathered and going
to their home in the evening assist
ed 4n properly celebrating the event,
as well as making it a house warm
ing for (the new home which this
estimable couple have just about
completed. The evening -was spent in
a very pleasamt manner and all en
joyed the occasion. On the departing
cf the guests 'they expended to the
happy couple wishes for a large num
ber cf added years of happy wedded
i life.
Scbool Notes
Seventh grade geography is about
Rua Fleming. '21, was a visitor
at school last Tuesday morning.
- The janitor eays that it has been
pretity tlame cold this last week.
The eighth grade bookkeeping
I rs letter. I
J Miss SteJnra?er and Miss Belle
rjr,u(.k took dinner with Mr. and Mrs
Burby Sunday.
! Term examinations are being giv
en this week. The cards will prob
ably be out next Monday.
The General Science class learned
how to read meters and from now on
they mill kep good tab on the me
terman. The seniors are planning to give
their play "Anne of Anne Arbor" on
Friday, March 23. Please remember
the date.
It is not very long till commence
ment at least the seniors are begin
ning to think so by the way they are
making plans.
Bessie and Albert Murdock and
Ralph Kruger were absent from
school Wednesday to be present at
the Kruger-Murdock wedding.
The Reading class in the seventh
Legend of Sleepy Hollow."' The dis-j
cussions in class are very interesting.)
Several high school people were.
11. D. Toland and Joe Bird autoed
to Havelock Friday on business.
Fred Weaver of South Bend vis
ited Monday and Tuesday with J. A.
Barred Rock eggs for sale, 75c for
15, $4.50 per hundred. Mrs. Will
Copple, Alvo Neb. 2w
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles of Mc
Cook were guests of the home folks
the past ten days.
S. C. Boyles, John Wood, Jr., and
Joa Vackers returned from Omaha
Wednesday evening.
W. E. Fairfield spent several days
In University Place, with his moth
er the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Beman and children
of Lincoln were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore.
Miss Eva Pearsal was on the sick
390 Scls of Harness to
Oil at
Hardware (Jompany,,
Alvo -:- -:-
Lumber, Grain and Coal!
Our prices for grain are always the highest. 1
own and operate my own elevator. The highest
prices for1 grain is always paid by the Independent
Elevator. I am your friend,
' I will, offer the following stock
and. other goods for sale at Public
Auction on the Crook place, just
south of Washington avenue, in the
City of Plattsmouth. on
Wednesday, March 8th
commencing at 2 o'clock, sharp.
Three Head of Horses
One steel gray matched team of
mares coming 5 and 6 years, weight
2,700; one bay mare 9 years old,
weight 1,160.
Implements, Etc.
One new 2-section harrow; one
John Deere combined lister; one
disk; one New Departure cultivator;
one John Deere walking plow, 12
inch; one Peter Schuttler wagon;
one steel wheel truck wagon; one
hay rack; one 2 h. p. International
gas engine; one power washing ma
chine; one set inch and a quarter
work harness; one set inch and three
quarter work harness andvnany other
articles will be offered for sale be
longing to other parties.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
months will be .given, purchaser giv
ing bankable paper bearing 8 per
cent from date. All property must
be settled for before being removed
from the premises.
W. R. YOUNG. Auct.
Ship Cattle
F. T. Wilson and G.. S. Ray ship
ped a car of cattle from Murray
Wednesday and Mr. Ray's, cattle
made and average of 2,130 pounds.
That Is the best weight that has
"been shipped from that station for
some time.
S. C. White Leghorn English strain
eggs for hatching, S4.00 per 10tr.
Phone 115-J.
planning .to surprise Harry Ingwer
son on Wednesday evening, the oc
casion being his birthday. More par
ticulars will appear later.
The following are or have been
absent from school this week be
causs of sickness: Frank and Mar
garet Chase, Mable Ketch. Joseph.
Schaffer and Frank Pollard.
The freshman English class has
been having a rather enjoyable week
listening to seme themes written by
their classmates. There are some
very good young writers ta this
The Home Economics class is feel
ing about nine inches taller thi3
week because Mis Alice Loomis,
head of the state in Vocational Home
Economics, .sked to see some of their
work in hygiene that they did last
semester. She said that she hoped to
use it in planning a course for the
near future.
list last week and returned 10 her
home at Eagle Wednesday night.
Arthur Roelofsq and mother will
occupy the Henry Roelopq farm re
cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Grif
fith. Miss Clara Dickerson was down
from Lincoln to ppend the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Geo. P. Foreman and Fred Prouty
were in Lincoln the firat of the week
attending the Banker's fire insur
ance meeting.
Mrs. A. I. Bird returned Sunday
frcm Lincoln where she visdted her
daughter, Mrs. Brt Mutz, and other
relatives at Havelock.
Mrs. Alta Linch cf Beatrice and
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Linch of Univers
ity Place spent Sunday with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch.
The 80-acre farm owned by A. G.
Wolfenbarger of Lincoln and occu
pied by Mrs. J. D. Newkirk, was sold
Wednesday afternoon to Mr. Gree
ley of Fremont.
Arthur Skinner held a saJe Tues
day at his home east of town sell
ing stock and arm implements. H
has moved into the Mrs. Wm. Tay
lor residence in Alvo.
Miss Minnie Walker came in Fri
day from Colorado to work the 3rd
trick at the depot here. Opr Parker
who bas held the position the past
Feveral weeks left Friday evening for
his home at Harbine.
Mrs3. C. D. Rasp and son motored
down frcm Omaha Friday morning
to visit the former's son, H. E. Hasp
and wife, the latter having been suf
fering with pneumonia and compli
cations the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godby, E. D.
Friend and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J.
Friend attended t2 e funeral of their
cousin Harold Weese. Wednesday
afternoon which was held at Sh ir
on church. The deeasd was thr son
of Mr. and Mrs. Man?on W eee v ho
live iifar Prairie Home and was on
ly ill a few days with pneumonia.
Chicago, March 2. Civilization in
America is being held together by
the public schools against the on
slaughts cf millions of uneducated
south European immigrants, M. G.
Clark of Sioux City, Iowa, declared
at a meeting of the national educa
tion association today.
Mr. Clark added that pressure of
present financial distress should not
lead American communities into the
economic error of reducing teachers'
Discussing recreation in connection
with the high school. W. S. Roe, of
Colorado Springs. Colo., declared that
the modern type of dancing, which
he said was often barbarous, must
be supervised. Many high school
principals also Indicated their oppo
sition to secret fraternities.
"Sell education to the children and
you have sold your educational pro
gram to their parents and to the peo
ple of your city," J. M. Gwynn of
New Orleans, La., declared. He spoke
in favor of advertising the public
school. v
H. B. Wilson, superintendent of
schools in Berkeley, Cal., gave a sim
ilar message to his co-workers, as
serting that schools must be "sold"
to the people just as merchandise is
sold, tru frank, honest, concrete pub
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
hatching eggs, $4.00 per 100. 75c
per setting. Call phone 2531 or ad
dress Mrs. Jeff Salsburg, R. F. D. N.
2, Plattsmouth. mf-Cd, 2sw
700 hedge posts for sale. See Oscar
Gapen or Oliver Wilcox. m6-Ct
v L-oaies jbiock oecona xioor v