The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe piattsmoutb journal
Entered at Postoftlce. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter
When woman pass on tne street
they think on .good turn deserve
- Q
The senate has ratified a treaty
with Costa Riea.
What were reser
R. A. BATES,.. Publisher
If one asks the men whom he
meets on the street how much faith
they have that congress will do the
things within its power to Improve
conditions, the average answer is not
-:o: HKeiy to be optimistic. And yet.
we can soon ten wneiner "" when conferences and conventions
Hays is to run the movies into poli-. go to passing resolutions their faith
tics or not.
Keep the movies out of politics.
u o:
Titles make a little man great and
a "groat man little.
People who know but little al
ways tell a little bit more.
If responsibility doesn't weigh
anything it isn't responsibility.
: :o:
Does Hollywood desire to be
known as Holy wood, hereafter?
Economy Is a hurl read to travel
but leads to the land of riches.
Some men go about their business
quietly and others drive flivvers.
Nature tries to balance things. As,
a man grows "short" his face gets
Experience is a teacher of man
kind and some men will learn of no
The printing press is responsible
for many of the revolutions of this
In a crowded street oar the stand
ing of a well bred man is never ques
tioned. '
ls a man Justified in telling a few
white lies in order to make 'his wife
Conversing with a man who al
ways agrees with you is like talking
to an echo.
Convict forgers who defrauded
Sing Sing out of 14.51S took their
pen in hand.
There will be plenty of candidates
in Nebraska this year. So don't wor
ry about that.
Some Plattsmouth people . keep
young at 70 and 75 laughing at old
people at 30 and '40."
Don't think thai because hope
makes a good breakfast it will make
a satisfaitory supper.
The governor of Kansas says Mar.
22 will be no tobacco day. Perhaps
he can bum a little, though.
Foreign diplomats who cannot get
the ear of the senate need not de
spair, America is in the same fix.
Saw a pretty good motto the oth
er day for use in these first days of
1922. It said: "Quiturbelliakin."
Only a lot of Christianity enables
a man to feel glad when called upon
for $10 to help repair the church.
D. W. Griffith says .there are
plenty of people in the movie's Whom
anybody rhould be glad to have in
his family. Yes, we know four or
Cive we'd like to have in our family
for about twenty minutes.
Father Is mother's silent partner.
A friend in need is a dollar gone.
Square .people are never left flat, j
The early 'worm will soon get fish
ed with.
:o: '
Home stills still still 'because fools
fool fools.
It seems that high taxes will end
when we do.
The fool killer and joy killer i
ought to meet.
Fine motto: If you are not oppor
tunity, don't knock.
: o:
A poor start gives, you more to i
brag about after you succeed.
Lincoln's lesson is that when
small he prepared to be great.
It will soon be time for the politi
cal ball to open with jazz music.
Quite a few married men carry
their religion in thedr wife's name.
The ex-kaiser says he wants to be
friendly .with America. Sorry, hut
we are broke.
College girls who deny they pine
for kisses now have some more ex
plaining to do.
in the power of congress to bring
all kinds of milleffiums is apparent
ly without hounds.
For example, the recent farm con
ference at Washington unanimously
resolved that "the congress and the
president of the United States should
take such steps as will immediately
re-establish a fair exchange value
for all farm products with that of
What them scientists see moving
about on the moon may just be fleas; other commodities." Even Capper's
Weekly remarks that "a government
that can do that won't have to run
for office." Office would be sitting on
the doorstep waiting for it every
morning when it got up.
from the dog star.
The republicans of Nebraska will
be well supplied with candidates at
the July primaries.
. :o:
Only time some men want to stay
at home is when friend wife wants
him to take her to a show.
Kansas has so many gubernatorial
candidates a man has to announce it
only when he isn't running.
Again they say Dempsey will mar
ry. It may be true that he has at last
found some one to fight him.
Tragedies like the death of Virgin-
Praising the work done by Mr.
la Rappe and the murder of William Balfour, head of the British delega
Desmond Taylor might happen any-jtion at the arms conference, not a
where, in connection with almost 'few American newspapers suggest
any industry or art. The really ser-tthat this great leader of liberalism
Hons thing is not these crimes, but in British politics should be "swath
their background. There is now a ed in flowers when he lands on Bri-
pretty well developed conviction
throughout the country that the
movies are "morally rotten."
This is not fair to the many thor
oughly clean, decent and intelligent
tish soil" and that "a dukedom
would be none too good for him."
Rewards in the form of promo
tions to the peerage have frequently
Auditor About the Onlv Office For
Which Candidate Has Not Yet
Filed by New Party.
Lincoln, Feb. 27. A full state
ticket for the new progressive party
is in sight, Chairman J. H. Edmls
ton of the state committee, announc-
been given by the British govern-. e today. ,,.. nnt fAP
people who are making a living injment to those who have done the state aud1tor, but two men are being
Tlimc O O . I 11 in nsttwr. If ...... , . 1 AW..fnA t r tnr-n. A V A f '
is, however, an inevitable result of j 'borough, Wellington and recently Sir
the doings of the "Hollywood crowd"! Douglas Haig are shining examples
and the poisonous sort of life and in military life. The cases of Disrae
ideals that have undoubtedly been II, Morley and Bryce are conspicu-
spread by their example. The crimes ous illustrations in civil life.
referred to merely loom up like evil j If reward is to be proportioned to
1 I ! i- , - .,
Bryan will run for the Senate. An
Alaskan volcano is also active. No
damage is expected from either.
"Hungary will live on." says her
new minister to America. Her pres
ent problem, though, Is "On what?"
plants springing Xrcm a vicious soil, merit, and if this reward is to take
There is a swamp that needs light the form of elevation to the peerage
and air and drainage. jMr. Balfour clearly has earned the
The fundamental trouble in Holly-' honor coveted by many Englishman
There Is nothing to "be gained, by j wood seems to be a lack of intelli- from the days of William the Con-
farmers or any other class, in look- j gence and common sense. People ' queror to those of George V.
Ing to a legislative body for relief with those .attributes steer clear of ' Would Mr. Balfour accept such an
which It has no power to give. To booze and dope and other forms of honor ? Would he follow the exam
do so is merely to emulate the un- debilitating vice, and use their men-J pie of Disraeli or would he be in
skilled hunting dog which sits and ej' for purposes more permar.3ntly cllned to emulate -the example of
barks up the wrong tree while the useful and enjoyable. Gladstone, the great liberal?
game is rapidly getting out of reach We need not apply the test of The world knows that no title,
in some other direction. Congress character, which is the highest, in- however august, could have added
may do much to clear the way for telligence alone should save any one jot to the fame of "The Grand
the normal action of the more ele- calling or any colony from such ex- Old Man" who was content till death
mental forces upon which prosper- cesses as those of Hollywood. A prae- to be known as "Mr." Gladstone. No
lty depends. It holds no key what-1 tical recognition of this fact might title could have enhanced the real
ever to any such storehouse of im- accomplish more than preaching. A dignity of John Bright. The late Vis-
mediate prosperity as the above I trmendously popular art, which count Bryce remained till death in
onnsideTed. he said.
This Is the complete ticket, peti
tions for which are now being cir
United States Senator Anson H.
Bigelow, O mali a.
Governor Arthur G. Wray. York.
Lieutenant Governor 'Mayor T.
J. Ellsberry, Grand Island.
Secretary of State L. A. Larson,
Attorney General F. L. Bollen,
Treasurer K. C. Knudson, Ge
noa. Land Commissioner Ed. Suchroe,
Railway Commissioner Roy Har
rop. Omaha.
Other progressives may file for
these same offices before the pri
maries, according to - Edmiston.
The party will seek to elect a rail
way commissioner to a position
which the party is on record as seek
ing to abolish.
"We'll run Harrop for the job, and
then take the job away if we can,"
Edmiston said.
Our prediction is that we will see We wouldn't be surprised if some
better days soon. Spring is on the neighbors bought records and bor-
wav I rowed our phonograph to play them.
When Uncle Joe Cannon leaves
One sign of spring is when a
congress they will lose another big neign&or nnngg oacc your coai scut-
gun j ties and borrows your lawn mower.
:o: 1
The national republican commit
tee intends to move heaven and earth
to hold congress as It Is. Will they
Ford says he will make autos out
of cotton. Then you might look for
your car and find boll weevils have
Times may get so good soon a man
will have to blame things on his
"Swiss hare two women judges"
news item. We have a few million
who think they are women judges.
Wrinkled Meat, Cheppewa Indian, eaten it.
who died the other day, was married
for 109 years. Wrink, they say, was
a great fighter.
:o: .
'Some prominent republicans in
quoted resolution Implies.
By royal decree the women guests
ought to be a great art. has been the world's consciousness simply
cheapened and half ruined by the ir- "James Bryce." Is not the same true
responsible conduct of a hunch of also of John Marley.
superficially clever or good looking: Of the British peerage might be
nonentities who. rightly or wrongly, said what has been said of marriage.
at Princess Mary's wedding will wear. I have come to be regarded as typical.l namely, that a great many men are
morning dress and hats instead of The movinir nicture business would inferior tn it and rot n feu.- arc
elaborate court attire. The decision I do wen to dean house of this trash. ' superior to it.
is maue out 01 regaru ior me neann and as a beginning producers mighr! It would seem that the author of
of the guests, as the wedding occurs
at a time of year when the weather
is likely to be inclement and the
. 4
danger from exposure in full dress
more immediate.
place a higher premium on brains.
"It don't take a man long to
bag, his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who 13 making
use of our cleaning", steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes In much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
congress are now demanding George
Harvey's recall. Put none but Amer
icans on guard. :
The great trouble with man is
that he wants to handle the rudder
all the time instead of taking his
turn at the oars.
"If you should see a perfect man
wiiat would you do with him?" asks
an exchange. Cut him up and peddle
him out for samples!
The employment of Will Hays by
the Movie Trust is the 'best evidence
in the world that politics will be one
of its main features.
Peggy Joyce says the njxt man
she marries will be a par man.
Sounds plausible. Nearly all the men
she has married are poor.
If a girl tells a young man she
can put her skates on without help,
It id foolish for him to waste any
more time in that direction.
Evidently there was some truth in
the reports of rigid retrenchment In
the movies. Mary Pickford is going to
considerable trouble to fight a suit
against her for $108,000.
Commissioner Blair says that pro
hibition is well enforced among nine-
tenths of our iopulation. Mr. Blair
overlooks the fact that the bootleg
gers deal only with persons who have
the price. ,
! :o:
j No argument seems available to
1 change Secretary Mellon's notions
about the soldier ronus. He says we
just haven't got the money. That's
his original story, and he's going to
stick to it.
There is plenty of business in
Plattsmouth for every merchant wtoo
will go after it. It is the merchant
who hides his light under a bushel
basket by failing to advertise who
finds his way into the bankruptcy
A. H. Byrum of Bloomfield, is the
first to file for the republican nom
ination tor governor. If McKelvie
can maneuver around and get a half
dozen republicans in the field he
may come out for another term and
sweep the platter.
Chicago's modest claim is the pot
session of ten thousand professional
crooks. Then consider that there are
probably twenty-five thousand more
or less amateur crooks active there
besides and you can see how a pro
fessional may occasionally get Into
trouble through the amateurs' bung
ling. "
Garden seeds are plentiful, but no
plowing or spading has been done
yet. Come on, gentle spring, and give
us a boom! -
' :o:
Modern science ' has succeeded In
reducing blindness among humans
and domestic animals, 'but the poor
tigers seem still to be sadly neglect
Moving pictures is a great inven
tion for entertaining the public, and
in many respects are educational.
but the moment they enter into pol
itics then it is farewell to those who
so indulge. Politics and amusement
won't work harnessed up.
You hate to see an old friend
from the bookshelf made into a pho
toplay and find that the producer
has garbed it all out of recognition.
But occasionally you read a new
book which you wish someone would
turn over to an ex-ohauffeur pro
ducer, with orders to do bis worst.
"I know," writes a correspondent,
"I know what hard and exacting
work journalism is. but is there any
real joy in It?" Well, we hate to
seem hectic about our own jor it
isn't good form, but once we had a
chance to write the obituary of a
man who put ashes on a slide when
we were a kid.
The best thing for the Nonparti
san League to do Is to fire Mr. Town
ley back to his frost-bitten home in
the north. We want no such condi
tions in Nebraska as exist tin North
Dakota. If we are to have a third
party in Nebraska, we have plenty
of just as able men as Townley to
run it.
LUNGARDIA is "without a rival"
in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs
and Colds, difficult breathing, and
for the relief of whooping cough.
The wonderful results following
Its use will astonish you and make
you its life-long friend. Your
money back, if you have ever used
its equal. Danger lurks where
there is a cough or cold. Safe for
all ages. 60c and $1.20 per bottle.
Manufactured by Lungardla Co.,
Dallas, Texas. For sale by
Weyrich & Hadraba
"Foundations of Belief" more wide
ly known as Arthur J. Balfour, hear
of the British delegation at the arms
conference, and one cf the best two
Something new is always coming ,ivi exponents of liberal thoueht
In the older days the thing which out of Chicago, as was formerly the in distressed world is one of the
contributed to the grandeur of the case with Africa. .fe.v living Britishers who re, in
spectacle surrounding royalty was -The latest novelty that has caught ' tn,th SUperior to the peerage,
the only consideration. If the pub- out eye in "the public prints" is aj To accept what the world lightly
lie died by the dozen as the result of truly Solomonic judgment by a Chi-!ral;. "pipvatinn" tn th npono-p iA
uciui, iuoliJiiujjiiaieij' i-iau bi any .o6u junai, uuuftu jua?. ino ucijj. Balfour literally to "stoop to
function, that was unfortunate; but account of the decision, does not SiveJfame ., UlA fiisV.rfCflon is that of the
as long as they looked all dressed up a precis of the case, but it must have -jreat commoner who, aristocratic
anu Bruno wnue ine royai lamny ueeu a quarrci over uie tomuwa, t.. .,, ,,Mt,.r.ti(, In tvmn,(hff
were around, that was the main question these days or a wne nemg has since tne days of pcrjciPS( to re
thing. .'tr allowed by hubby to go to the movies ,' vJ,.Q n-i trt,. .-a
i"rocked this planet like a cradle and
these, when. the only daughter of the ance. keDt it swineine: to this dnv "
greatest royal house in the world de- Or, it may have been, hubby vot- If Mr Balfour should be honored
crees observances to promote the I ed for the movies and wifey for the wjtj a dukedom, it would be the gov
health and comfort of her wedding church. ! ernment that gives, rather than he
a. a. . m I rm i.J l a 1
uesis insieaa pi ner own giory. me juuge us tvjuai 10 i;eu Who receives, that would be honored
It shows that royalty, along with I complex a situation. There was 110
the rest of humanity, is coming to a I child to cleave in twain for t he dis-
better understanding of what true I putants, but Judge Haas can evident-
glory consists in and of what power I ly split straws in halves to meet the
is for. I demands of impartial and blind jus
He rendered a decision that will
be widely used as a precedent: The
Roger Babson makes his living
out of statistics. He has a staff busy
with gathering figures about almost
every industry under the sun. And
People who build homes safeguard
their loved ones against lack of shel
ter when adversity comes. This, in
itself, is sufficient reason for build
ing homes, but there are others.
vet Rne-er R.ihsnn sairl the rither i.iv
nusoana is require.! 10 aane n.s .ie.ithat ..The worl(1 is ruled by feeling,
to tne movies e.ery &:uru.ty rather than by figures." The state
No Postponement of Investigation
Looked For Because of Attor
ney General's niness.
The Investigation of the cost of
state and county road work asked
for by George E. Johnson, secretary
of the state department of public
works will start Tuesday morning at
10 o'clock in the office of Governor
McKelvie at the state house. If the
room is too small the board of in
quiry will move to one of the legis
lative halls.
At the request of the governor the
investigation is to be conducted ;by
'himself. Attorney General Davis xmd
State Auditor Marsh and four mem
bers of the legislature. The house
appointed Representatives Chas. H.
Epperson of Fairfield and Fred Hoff
meister of Imperial. The senate ap
'pointed Senators B. K. Bushee of
Kimball and M. F. Kickard of Guide
- Atto?ney General Davis. is III at his
home in Lincoln. If he is unable to
attend the inquiry at the opening his
office will probably be represented
by one of his assistants, and the
hearing will proceed, . according to
an announcement by Governor Mc-
Kelvie Monday.
and to church every Sunday
"It will cost you $250
There is a judgment for you
People who build homes now help judge seems to supplant the upright j Babgon Babson think
to bring prosperity back to the na
tion, for every new home built now
helps to create a demand for build
ing material that will tend to keep
mills going thus keeping money in
circulation and giving additional em
ployment to mill and factory work- j spiced sensationalisms, over the rel
ers. . 1 ative wickedness or virtuousness or
And every home built now helps j the two worlds of the stage and the
just that much in keeping the 'pricel pulpit.
ment isn't remarkable except in con
nection with its- author. Business
men are in the habit of listening to
s if thev would
,uu ju.. 1.1 .listen to tnat statement and apply it
in tne Aiercaam 01 enice. tie pre
cisely splits in twain the heated con
troversy between William A Brady,
father of Alice, and Rev. John Roach
Stratton. crusader against highly
of rent down, which is an import
ant item in living expenses of today.
But "in addition to the protection
home building gives to the loved ones
and the labor home building pro- nnnvR np HEARING AND NO-
Fordson tractors reduced to $395.
Plattsmouth Motor Co. w
rides for workers and the tendency
home building has to keep money in
circulation, there is real joy in home
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
ss. ,
To George F. McCauley. Charles N.
McCauley, Doris Tulisalo. James M.
Patterson. Donald S. Patterson, and
to all persons interested in the estate
Your Boy
Can Earn from $1.00 to
$10.00 a Week.
Nothing to sell. No money required.
Quick, easy Ju8t an hour or so af
ter school. We want good, honest,
Industrious boys Just two in each
town and commounity. Write TO
DAY for further particulars, a post
card will do.
Address Box 248,
Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska
Another restorer of youth to the
aged will come to our country. This . Harriet A. McCauley. deceased
one is Professor Eugene Stelnbach.l on reading the petition of George
famous Viennese biologist. F. McCauley and Charles N. McCaul-
He doesn't treat his patients with P.,.u ,us
" . , , , in tins court on ine ifci uay ui
monkey glands. like xoc voronon "Huvbruarv. 1922. and purporting toi
Paris. The Steinach way is an oper- De the last will and testament of the
ation on glands already in the body. I said deceased, may be proved and
Like turning on the gas by regulat- allowed and Recorded 1 as the last .will
ling the valves. Li- deceased: that said instrument
Wrinkled Meat, old Cheppewa In- De admitted to prqliate. and the' ad
dian who died the other day at 137 ministration of said e?tate be grarft
yoars, would have laughed at such ed to Thomas M. Patterson i. as ad-
.. . ' . . f ministrator, with will annexed;
methods. He said his long life was R .g hereby ordered that you. and
due to his never sitting on a chair ali pers0ns interested in said matter,
or sleeoinj? In a white man's bed. A may. and do, appear at the County
theory to fit all need Take your Court to be held in and for said coun-,
, . lty, on the ISth day of March, A. D.I
"" at in-nn nvmr-K a. m.. to snow
if any there be, why the
there'd be a deal more of business to
"Hospitality," he fays, "is the one
thing which is unlimited in supply,
can be manufactured for nothing and
without expense, is in great demand
and yields huge profits." By hospi
tality he means human kindness and
thoughfulness. With it he believes
that any railroad In the country can
declare dividends. He claims that the
head of a railroad should have been
trained at running a successful ho
tel. He sa3s that if a hotel were run
like the ordinary railroad it would
be out of business in no time. But if
the railroads furnished hotel hospi
tality they would make money by it.
Anson H. Bigelow of Omaha is ap
parently, to have a clear field for the
nomination for United States senator.
This is taken by a number of politi
cians to indicate how little value is
being attached to a third oarty sen
atorial nomination. Bigelow is known
only as a labor lawyer in Omaha,
with but only a casual acquaintance
out in tb.e state, and the knowing
boys say he would get nowhere in a
race where two such well known
men as Hitchcock and Howell or
Jefferis were entered.
Petitions in behalf of Bigelow
have boen circulated at all of the
third party congressional confer
ences. His nomination Is what labor
leaders are to get out of the combin
ation with the farm leaders.
J. L. Beebe, pastor -of a small
church in Omaha and formerly a non
partisan league lecturer, is slated for
the congressional nomination in the
Omaha district, and J. L. Reed of
uenkelman, who opposed Congress
man Andrews in the republican pri
mary two years ago, will be named
in the Fifth.
Chicago, Feb, 27. Holding that a
newspaper is not a public service
corporation and may sell its products
tO Whnm it fhnncoo TT A 1 T..J
.... j ..j - L.ttHuiu toaay dismissed
furnishings and elaborate service-
it is willing and courteous ana
prompt service, as Babson interprets
Jie believes that it is the kind of
service that the people are hungry
court on the 21st day ofjfor the kind that they will cheer-
There is some significance in the prayer of the petitioners should not
announcement that the Chicago gra
White Sox will make their trip to tne liearjng thereof be given to all
spring training camp in a train of persons interested in said matter by
Pullman cars. Recalls that the White publishing a copy of this Order in
t ie 1'iattsmouiu juuiuui, . aciu'-
fully pay for when they get it. That's
what he means when he says that
the world is ruled by feeling and
not by figures. We buy not in the
cheapest market, but in the friend
liest, he says. There's something in
what he has to say, when you come
to think of it.
Mrs. Asquith says America is
more progressive than civilized. Of
course. What did she expect? Amer
ica got mrougn witn civilization a
a unit hrnt
ny ine Journal of Commerce of Chi
cago against the Chicago Daily Tri
bune. The plaintiff, charging conspiracy
against the Tribune and some of its
employes, sought an Injunction and
5250,000 in damages. The (basis of
the action was a notice served by the
Tribune upon various branches of its
distribution and delivery service that
they were free to handle the Journal
of Commerce if they choBe. but if
they did so they could not handle the
Springfield; 111., Feb. 27. Sub
poenas were served on a number of
statehouse employes tonight as the
first witnesses for the prosecution In
the trial of.Gov. Len Small on
charges of conspiracy to defraud the
Sox were very much a day coach ag
gregation last year.
- :o;
Will the democrats of Florida turn
down a good and faithful servant 9'22
and boost Bryan for senator? we
shall see what we ehall see.
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my nana, anu eai ui oam
lonsr time aero. America was the mnut I atate. treasury,
civilized nation in the world In the1 y. i6 !!rlal-e5ln3 .at wauksan,
. . . . i -uarcn o. -The denntv ah! u
served the writs notified the wit
nesses that it will probably be un
necessary for them to go to Wauke-
ilXt Monday. however, but
should be prepared to leave lor Lake
county on short notice.
period immediately following
war for independence.
People who say nasty things about
other people behind their backs
should wait until their victims-are
close enough ' to hear and turn
court, this 24th day of February. A. j ar0und. Then they wouldn't say 'era
T utrtrcv iancl this would be a beautiful and
(Seal) f27-3w. County Judge, loving world.
Hemstitching and plcot edinr
Room 201 Coates blockT is nowS
for calls.