The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    KOKDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1922.
Safe Banking and Business!
With a steady hand we have endeavored to face
the situation in the business and financial world during
the times which are just now vanishing into the past.
We are now at the threshold of a better day; we
are rapidly passing the crucial time and are entering
into a time of prosperity. The products of agriculture
are appreciating in price, and this is placing the farmer
in better condition.
Let each one bear in mind this is the time for con
servative and energetic action.
We believe in better times, and let us all try to
make them permanent when the' arrive. We are here
to render the best service possible in the making of this
prosperity for all, and making it lasting.
The Bank of JV.urdock
"The Bank where Ycu Feel at Home"
KZIJEY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTTTTiTATJK, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHHAJTE, Casliier
Eight foot manilla swivel snap
halter lead. 25 cents. A. J. Tool.
J. E. McIIugb was looking after
some business matters in Omaha for
a couple cf days last week.
Mis. Martha Theile was a visitor
with friends in Omaha last Saturday,
making the trip via the train.
One and a quarter inch fix and
foot pood leather halter lead, with
sewed on snap. 60 cents. A. J. Tool.
Mrs. C. E. Kupke was a visitor
with Mrs. Louis Schmidt last Wed
nesday, while the two boys attended
the sale at Billy Aah's.
Louis Bornemeier annexed a team
of mules at the sale of Billy Ash last
w ek. which he is considering just
the thin? for his farm work.
Victor Thimsan was a passenser to
Omaha cne day last week, where fcc
visited for c short time with friends
and will probably remain lender.
V.'m. Wendt and M. L. Williams
from northeast cf town were in at
tendance at the sale of J. W. Tritsch
south of Cedar Creek last Wednesday.
Miss Gertrude Sullivan, of Lincoln
has been visiting: for the past few
days at fhe heme of" Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Lake and returned home last
Good leather Lame strapn, one and
a quarter inches wide, made of Gov
ernment mate-rial. 2f cents., the low
est price they were ever sold at. A.
J. Tool.
The Mi-ses Catherine and Mar
garet Tool, the former who is teach
ins at Firth and the latter attending
school at Lincoln were spending the
Sunday at home.
In order to match each team. J.
Jc hanson and Robert Stock traded
horses. They eich had a bay and a
black. Nov.- Robert has Ihe blocks
while Juc.-b has the bays.
Rev. Ezra Sotl. pastor of the Calli
han church, has ben kept to his home
at Elmwood on account of sickness,
and during the time the pulpit was
filled by the Rev. A. Brauchle.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt and
their little daughter. Geraldie. were
jruests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kupke last Tuesday evening,
they all enjoying the occasion.
Mrs. Louis Ncitzel, v.hc has been
pretty poorly for some weeks past is
now able to be up end about, and
calling fc-r something to eat. which is
an evidence of returning health and
Miss Edith Kelly, of Plattsmouth
was visiting for a week at the home
of her sifter, Mrs. E. O. McDonald,
and departed for her home last Sat
urday, after having had a most
pleasant visit.
H. W. Tool and family were visit
ing in Omaha last week for a few
days. Mr. Tool returning home Wed
nesday while Mrs. Tool and the baby
stayed for a longer visit with her sif
ter, Catherine.
Henry Heiceman. who has been
vising at the home of his brother.
Will Hcinernan. at Liberty, for the
p:st week or two. returned home last
Thursday noon, after having enjoyed
the visit very much.
Herman F. Schweppe and wife and
Herman Luetchens and wife were vis
itors in Omaha one day last week,
making the trip in their auto and go
ing via Plattsmouth because of the
repairs on the bridge at Louisville.
Reports from Omaha are to the ef
fort that Miss Ethel Schwab, form
erly living here, is confined to her
home with an attack of scarlet fever,
but is getting along nicely and is
soon expecting to be entirely over
the malady.
Little Mary Catherine McHugh has
been very sick at her home for the
past number of clays, and while she
has been given the best medical at
tention and careful nursing she is
Etill sick. It i3 hoped she will soon
be well again.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leis. who
have been visiting in Murdock and
vicinity for some time past, departed
lat Sunday morning -for Omaha,
where they will visit for a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat
Spader, before continuing their way
to their home at DeSmet, South Da
kota. Last Tuesday the basket ball game
between the boys of Greenwood and
the boys cf Murdock was won by the
visitors. On Friday night a game
was staged between the boys of Mur
dock ar.d the boys of Waverly. We
were not able to hear as to the re
sult, but w ere pinning our money on
the Murdock team.
Mr. Louis Way. of Arriba. Colo.,
with the family, is visiting at the
home of his brother. Professor Way
of the Murdock schools and drove
in from the west with his truck. He
is a real fellow and last Thursday
demonstrated this when he took the
Hi?rh school and Junior High school
to the weiner roast and brought them
home again.
E. II. Miller was a visitor on last
Tuerdry at Union, where he was look
ing over the Ehelling and delivering
r-f the crop of corn raised on his
farm near that place, and reported
at that time he was able to realize
forty cents for the crop. He was well
pl'-'ftsed with the price, and while he
is lonking for higher prices he thot
best to get the crop off while the get
ting was good.
Mr. A. E. Lake, living south of. A large crowd of friends and rel
town received the sad news last Sat- atives were present to ' tltbrate the
urday of his brother, Davis Lake, last sad rites over this citizen who
having died at bis home at Shenan- has striven during the years to make
doah, Iowa, the day before, and with j this the ideal place to 1 ve.
Mrs. Lake departed for that place,
where he attended the funeral. Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Lake also went over
Sunday morning In their car to at
tend tne luneral. they all returning ncrnueck as host esse?
home Sunday evening. Jtte ladies of the Ro
James Terryberry and Phillip . Kpnsinjrtnn where the
Entertain Kensinrto:
Last Thursday at the
Jess Landholm. she an
Schaefer from between Murray and
Murdock were in Murdock last Thurs
day afternoon distributing bills and
a most pleasant aftern.
dies looked after the
tbem together and en.
catalogs for the sale which they are : excellent trosrarn an
to have in the near future. Messrs. ; lnost pleasantly eatert. r:ed .by the
i.ome of Mrs.
Mrs. A. R.
I Neighbors
all enjoyed
n. The la
vork calling
yed a most
were also
Terryberry and Schaefer have some
excellent hogs and the best of blood.
This will be remembered from the
excellent hogs which they had on ex
hibition at the county fair last fall.
Baby Chicks by Kail
Buff Orpington eggs for hatching,
and also baby chicks. Mrs. G. V.
Pickwell. Murdock. Xebr. f!3-8w
Have Six O'Clock Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt enter
tained at their home a number of
their relatives and friends at a six
o'clock dinner last Monday evening,
when Misses Elsie, Helen and Marie
Bornemeier. Misses Marie and Esther; the work which they
Schmidt and Messrs Carl Herb and hand. All interested
excellent lunch which v a? served by
these genial entertainer-. Mesdames
A. R. Hornbeck and Je- Landholm.
Are Doing: Excellent Work
The ladies of the :.i Cross of
Murdock are doing f-on very excel
lent work and have on -'i-play in the
Church Completes Half a Century of
Existence and I 'embers to Ob
serve Occasion Fittingly.
west window of the Mu"
tile company, which i
idea of what these pa
are doing. They are
rontribution. to which
ded their work to tlu
Omaha. They are to h
this week on Thursd;
time they will take furer steps in
ow ha e m
this move-
Away hack in 1872 a small band
cf devoted worshipers living near the
now town cf Murdock, but before
the organization of this vigorous
little city, formed themselves into a
congregation .which is known as the
Louisville Church of the Ehangeli
cal Association, with an attachment;
to the conference of the Iowa juris-;
diction. There were between 2o and'
30 cf the members of which two ;
new remain, they being Mrs. Henry j
Oehlcrking. Sr., who was. a matron
then of s&me twen.tynfour years, and !
a' youth of seventeen years, August;
Panske, now a resident of Murdock,
and a man well tast the meridian '
cf' life, and enjoying some 7 pros-i
parous and happy years. On Febru-!
ary 12th, 1S72, the congregation!
I was organized and was known as the !
'Louisville church, though some six!
mile.-- nom the Town bearing tne .
, . .7' rame name. The church in which the.
I'm a iaiiiL
otic women
with its!
at which
Alvin Bcrnemeier were their guests, j inent will please be i:i attendance
The evening was verv pleasantly an;', render what they c. n in the fur-
spent with music and social conver- thcrance of the work.
ITrh.bors Surprise Aared Couple
The many neighbors ; : i friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman S, Sr..
surprised this worthy c - ;!e on Feb-
there 3 to
nidred and
Their Hearts Eight Sure
The teachers and larger young la
dies of the Murdoch school in order
to give the proper encouragement ; ru.iry 2nd when they
:o the boys' basket ball team, gave, the number of over onr
there young men a reception for their j c!: Vrati during the
winning the game with the Ashland lof the 4'th anniverr.ry
team and which they sure did play! din rr. which occurred
like true sports. At the reception ; 1 ST
which the ladies gave the young men
a most pleasant time was had.
congreg;-,tion established
nuing tneirjchurch in the y,ar 1S7s. From this;
ey have ad- ( c-illrcn there has spread over the,
hospital m tiiale 0r Xebraska numerous congre-;
e a meeting ; g-jj.jQj, w-hich have at the nresenti
time a large membership. The church ;
is just now celebrating the fiftieth :
anniversary of the organization of j
thi congregation. The Rev. Laipply j
who is pastor cf this church in con- j
juction with the church at Murdock j
is this week conducting a revival '
and today thev will celebrate in ap
propriate style the Year of Jubilee
cf this particular congregation.
Just whether the members of the
cor gregation will feliow the old;
practice of the former time and for-
the event
ruary 2nd.
Mr. Herman f.thwet ' c was born
Apr;: Jst. iv;:, ana v aj'.ta v.:ic-.
give all debts A his year and allow
the lauds to revert to their former
ovn?rs or not we are not advised.
However, this church has been in
strumental in a world of good and
:hcy have trained their children to
be law- abiding, honest, charitable
:hon Miss Herrrierta Br was born and in the main they have been pros-
Cctoher 2". lS.r2. TL
America, the- land of
ihs - onif of the brave,
came to
tree and
rriving May
made their
The Corn is Higher
The two local elevators have been
srettire- considerable corn, but not
l!L-i tVio rni i-V?fti t.nrtinra ofilJ't''. 1SS2, and
the countv have, hut with the higher home here since.
irises o.Tered. the grain should move! They have given tr.;- world four
in considerable volume and thus j children who have made excellent
leave a number of dollars in the citirens. they being Mr-. Fr,:d Luct-
r.riH,Whon rf '.tnTfk fr,r the on ?:!. M rs. Herman i.i.uneus. iur5
p-cnus and have gra ped the raw
jrairie and during the past half
century and brought it under culti
vation which makes it eTtial to any
portion of 'the vast domain of Amer
ica. The lire of -this church has wit
!?..?( one- of the most wonderful
4& 4&
Are you aware that
scant walls and wood
work around you every
day depresses your
spirit ?
Q Renewed surfaces
bring pleasure and re
newed interest into
You gain advantage
cf price and service by
your advanced order
fcr painting and deco
rating. Call Today
Murdock, Nebr.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
There is only a, short time now
until St. Valentine's day and on this
anniversary which is especially ded
icated to those who have any trou
ble in the heaTt line, there will be
the usual missives sent that tell of
love and the old desire to hand the
loved one some burning token of ef-
fc':ion. The Journal has provided all
the necessary features for the day in
the way of Valentines from the small
est to the large and fnr;y ones and
if you car not find what jmu would
like to tell your swecrie in our line
there is something radically wrong.
Came in early and get the pick of
the line.
Elank Books at the Journal Office.
simulation of business here.
Mary Gets the Fang
Miss Mary nuh was the fortunate
and popular young lady who was
able to secure the excellent ring
which was given away by the medi
cine show which was here a short
time since. Miss Margaret Shephard
was a very close second in the con
test, only being behind the leader by
a bare 150 votes.
Win. Luetchens ana 3ir. Merman t.
f ch vppe. all r siding aar the old
hen: ?'Uer'!. where this couple settled
nearly fifty years ago. . i
The string of friend- and neich- :
hors continued to file through the
tra:.-format ion of a nation from the
panic cf the early seventies to the'
ncr? prosperous times during th?
fifty year- between then and now. 1
With ; people loyal to their-God and j
ir-yal to their ccur.try and commun-i
ity and the best teachings of the'
r hutch and the family life they j
homo during the day. grfetinr tti'M well help hut prosper. Ire con-
the aged couple with the best of gregation which during the work of
wishes, 'and in addition to their, well the fifry years beginning with the,
wilie 3 presented thenj: with Utf ee ; twenty-five no thirty members now j
'father unholstereu rol ers. . .'have some sixty-five members of i
A sumptuous dinner was served at ; faithful communicants and who are
f ho noon hour to vk hiuven -n did. just ?.? devoted to their church, their
j lull ;u?tice
There were pr? -cut .at the gather-
TJpv T l.ninilv rr,-J:vif. Vp-;rs
Preparing for Spring
Not alone does the bird and
boys who play marbles tell cf
coming ct spring. August KeiKe cas nncrr. b Miner a. Rrauthle. A.
purchased a set cf harness for A. J.i A Rjkli, Henrv Schlueter. fr.. Fred
i OOl. wane win Jeuitr aim nf : usi i
Schliefert have also ordered this ac
commodating gentleman to make for
them a set each. When it comes to
harness, this same gentleman can
make the best gears which ever came
over the pike.
home and their country as were
:hoe who - -instituted the organiza
tion ava back in the early days.
Herman and William Au
gust Huge, Henry Henry J
Keihr. Fred Stock. Sr.. Henry S. ! .- I have decided to cuit farming.
Cchlanhcff. O. H. Miller. Emil Mey- I will sell at Public Auction, on what
C if:
i.'enry Rueter. H. P. Del.r ning. ' i? kr.own a? the Dcvey section, three
' Itcirhart
er. Tar
ill Voat.
cf Cedar Creek;
Gtto n:iic
Schl-'nhofT. Carl T;Til'- v.-est ar.d two miles north o
Moors. Joe Tav- i I'laltmiouth. and cne mile south and
Case cf Han and Mule j lor and Charles Mar-baM, Mesdames one mile wert of Cullcm, en
Last Saturday evening. while Clar-: C Luetchens. Fred itng?. B. Goets , PrrlTr PVr'tnrv 1 7fb
lacking after the end family, Simcn Iicrnemeier an:!
h.en preparing the. family and Ht-Liry Ochierking and
ence Ohms was
chores and h"d
K . A lirti.-f r, 1,'f lei- ltin to e ' n?'i-
sleep on. the particular mule which;
he was. caring for struck Mr. Ohir.s
in the face with his south paw fell
ing Clarence to the floor and ren- j
dering him unconscious. Mr. Ohms!
had his lip cut very badly and a
number of teeth knocked loose. j
commencing at 11 o'clock a. m. sharp.
iwith lunch served on the ground, the
following described property, to-wit:
Six Head of Horses
iOne sn:.n of black geldings, coming
We Are Headquarters
Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds cf Motor Oil
Our Prices are Always Right
, . .7. 7 , '7 '.ars old. v,t. P.. 000; one black.
r f'r L MCrklfv(-trel G years o:dv wt. 1.150; one!
R. I. LedSQ Mrs. c. M. Parser, tel- ; , Iiins 7 and s yearst
cphcne ;,S9" flO-JJaw. L 7po one h g
They Appeal to Our SynratMes
The bilious and dyspepsic are con-j
, Will Hold Eress Form Meeting
The ladies of Murdock will hold a
dress form meeting at the home of
Mrs. Y.. H. Rush on
ternoon March 1st
there will be a represent
x-tiiu uuii-fu, uu nui nc jiiMiu..- tablets strengthen the tom
tions on tne subjects ana two aress
forms will be made. All ladies who
are interested in learning about this
matter are requested to come and get
the information which is needed in
the construction of these dress forms.
jvears old. wt.. 1.430.
Sixteen Head of Cattle
One roan cow, just fresh; one red'
cow. will be fresh in the spring: one
soon ; one Shorthorn ;
one steer. 1 year
heifer, fresh now;
- - ,
ten .-year-old betters coming iresn
ach. invigorate the liver and improve " ' Z. .
rwi Ti ii i.idL ; inn . ijL'j.
One N'ewton wagon, good as new;
one J. I. Case disc: one J. I. Case 2-
l.j- 1 V 1 1 fl K -. .11' l I )t'. i in inn r .ai ...
Wcnnocfiar a f - - , , : r.l 1 i K COW. Irell
u nai i . 1 oc it o Ti v cur- n nu'vpr r : vh
. nt Wnh tiP r rr ;.r , i ,nuii. s months old:
. , III ?! ! ' I . 1 I l- V l , 1 I :l f "ri 1 L I iM .
ntivo nf the ' . ; old : one i'-year-oia
- - p 1 1 u ni i n si TTi t t-4 1 . a iti s; i i i : . l . i
Have a Great Time
The Murdock High school and the
Junior High school joined forces last
Thursday and adjourned to the grove
Ten Dozen Brooms
for the ballance cf the week
-MurtiGGEi Mercantile Co,,-
the digestion. They also cai:se a
gentle movement of the bowels. When
von tisve ar-v t-.Y:)!lo witli vnnr
stomach, give them a trial. AVeyrich rev.- maclMne; one tsaager cultivator;
&. Hadraba ora rew iparcure i-uunaiur, uue j
(irandetour'i-incn gang piow; one,
John Deere 3-section harrow; one j
14-inch walking plow; one 8-ft. Mc-I
Cormick binder, in good shape: one
Monitor press drill; one P & O lister,
brand new;. one 12-inch gang plow;!
cne low down broad cast seeder; four
sets of harness (one set 1 inch, one
1U inch, one set 1 inch and
From Saturday's Cailv.
Vesierda afternoon one of th
of Mr. Henry Gakemeier, where they large freight trucks of the Pri?coTl
had a most pleasant evening, but in- company of Nebraska City, was burn-
clo'iH rT of t 'id limn tVto j T c , 1 nnn Hin r "1- " ''f. L- Y m tnnf h- .
r.. 1 1 .1 : j j ' . f T J .. T T ....... ' ' i'
:iUdC lu:rii-- JV ' ..Tone set driving harness); five galva
iue u me &u a lueireiupuu ""V"6 , v.v 7- T Z ' nized chicken coops and other articles
of darkness hied themselves to their be learned had been .driving along t ti
Terms of Sale
homes where they warmed themselves and accidently dropped a cigarette
by the fireside and shared the bounti- in the body of the truck that soon
ful supper prepared bv mother, one burst in a flame ari in a fow mo-
of the dearest names on earth.
" VALVE -1 N - H EAD ' jfej
I I is? fMUvA i
All sums of $10 cash. On sums over
TT-PTit-. thp whnip ft-j-me wot - rf theJ510 a credit of six months will be
truck was well ablaze?. Mo-t of the 'given on oanhaoie note oeanng 6
trrods were taken off the truck all ! per cent-interest from date. No prop-!
'right,, but all of the wood work wasieriy io oe removeu iroiu iue premises
more or less damaacd in the fire. J until settlement is made.
Mr. Drkcoll fired a revolver sjveral " JOE O'BRIEIN,
times to attract the attention of the!
,.k, .i i uwner.
iitiuuuib null u vi Lurui i c )
sponded to aid
in putting out the
An Aged Citizen Called
For forty years and a little more
Mr. H. A. Cast has made his portion
and part with the people of Murdock
and communtiy. He came to this por
tion of the county before Murdock
was here, and has been identical in
the workings of this community un-j
til last week, when he was called by
the death angel. Judge Oast was:
sixty-four years of age. having been j
born in Germany, and came to this! Ilc-gistered Eig Type Poland China
countrv where he chose to make his bred sows. Also soiue younc stock
home and the country of his adop- and a registered boar, a good Kin of 'often heard druggists ask a customer
!COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auct.
YV J. RAU. rierk.
- A Judicious Inquiry
A well known traveling man who;
visits the drug trade, i-:ays he has
lion. ivir. uasi came to America in
1SS1 and was united in marriage to
Mrs. Teresa Waiters, who succeeds :
him rnd has gone to the home of
her brother, Mr. 'Aiolph Kuehn, at
Malcolm, where she will make her
home in the future. Mr. Gast was
taken ill some months since and be-j
ing of a rather feeble and delicate
constitution after the illness euc-!
cumbed to the inevitable and answer-!
ed the call last Friday and was
buried from the church in Murdock. '
the funeral services being conducted
"Peter Pan," the famous Missouri
boar. Telephone 5S&.
Blank Bocks at the Journal Oficr
"We only Bought Rat Poi&on
Twice," writes Jesse Smith, N. J.
"Itkrewthc first lind away; couldn't Ibfthcrcd
rcixin? i: with meat, ccrcse TbiM I tried
SAY. that's the stuUl Jt crimes in c&l-s. a,! r.'a!y
tcuie. And it sur? ds Li:; rats." 2jc 65s:U.2o.
Sold and guixrir.teed by
iwho wished to buy a cough medicine,
whether it was for a child or an adult
and if for a child, they almost in
variably recommended. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. The reason for this
is that they know there is bo danger
from it and that it always cureE. ,
There is not the least danger in giv-'
ing it and for colds, croup and whoop-'
ing cough it is unsurpassed. Weyrich
& Hadraba.
Call at the Journal office fcr fine
by the Rev. I. Laipply, pastor of the ZS10T awateic v eyricn & xtEQ- gut suicnery, iu uuw iiujrc ana
church here. . raba ' F. G. Pricke & Co. j small boxes.
Buick Prices
'22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 95
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 12S5
22-Six -45 Five passenger, touring 1335
22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan 1335
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 15S5
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 1885
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
All Baicks F. 0. B. Flint. Michigan
Quick Lloior Gompany, Flint, Michigan
Distributors Genera! Motor Corporation
Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches
in all principal cities of the l). S. Dealers everywhere.
When Better Automobiles are Built
Buick will Build Them.