The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 02, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Tf ut of tbe rrsrs of tde
Jouruil knoy or r.nj- sor'i.l
trent or item of ihu-rj-st to
this vicinity. a.i will mail
itme to this ofilt ' . it will sj
pear under ihi i t R(hltr. -ve
wmriall newBltenic Eiitob
Means Nothing
to the Man with
Empty Pockets
Did YOU ever consider that?
The individual who goes through life without
a little cash salted away and consequently
without credit or the means of getting it
can tell you of many splendid opportunities
passed along to some one more fortunate be
cause he had not the wherewithal to "plank
down." Why not place yourself in a position
to take advantage of opportunity?
It is not a difficult matter to squeeze out a
little deposit now and again and it's marve
lous how quickly it mounts up with the
Jack Weft and wife visited at the
home of Henry Creamer last Sunday.
I?aac Todd, son of Harry Todd, is
reported as beingsick at the home
of his father.
T. J. Brendel was looking: after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
end Omaha last Tuesday.
Dr. Taylor wa3 called to Elrawood
last Tuesday to look after some busi
ness in a professional line.
Joseph Cook is in chargre of the
Murray parage while Earnie Hinkle
Is in the hospital at Omaha.
Frank Hosrue of near Mynard was
a visitor in Murray last Tuesdaj-.
coming down to have a team shod.
Miss Leora Robbins is reported as
being rather sick at her home, but
J is at this time showing some improve
Phill!p Keil. from east of town,
was looking after seme business mat
ters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday af
ternoon. Mrs. Rooert Ra.ine3 'who has been
sick at her home southeast of Mur
ray, is reported as being some better
at this time.
Nick Friedrich and Herman Wohl-
Do your trading with us
i in u n
Because, here you get most everything that you want,
alvaj's fresh and seasonable, the best quality obtainable
end at prices that represent the lowest possible margin
of profit. Here are just a few of the many good values
that you will find in our store, at special prices for Sat
urday, February 4th.
4 l's. of pure hue k'.vheat flour 5 .29
14 It granulated cane sugar for 1.00
Oatmeal, large -ize. per pkg -25
10 lbs. white corn meal -SO
10 lbs. high grade peanut butter 1.50
5 lbs. bulk starch .39
pkgs. corn starch for- .25
10 lb. cream pail of Butternut coffee for 2.9 S
F lbs. Santos Peabciry coffee for 1.19
Loganberries, gallon can for .90
"G ibralter" peaches. Xo. size, per can .25
2 cans sifted June peas for .35
2 cans sweet corn for .25
Mustard t-a id in of, large size, per ran .10
5 lb. box Biue Ribbon pent he:, per box 1.25
Z rolls crepe toilet paper for .25
These are busy days for home sewers.
underwear fcr the whole family, house dresses and
aprons, are being made before the busy season com
mences. Our stocks of muslins, ginghams, percales and
white goods cf all kinds are most replete with pleasing
assortments and large quantities. And the prices ! Well,
come in and see for yourself. You'll be surprised at the
quality you get for the price.
"Our Brand." a fine quality 3G-inch muslin. Just right for night
gowns and children's undergarments. This cloth is free jr
from starch. Pric, per yd J.DC
"X X" Muslin, a heavier quality than "Our Brand." Fine for pil
low cases, petticoats and all underwear. 3C inches wide. 1 p
Price, per yard lOC
oC-:'nch Percales, in good assortment of both light and dark pat
terns. Our regular 25 cent quality, very specially priced 1 Q
at, ; cr yard LuC
Fast color "Peter Pan" ginghams, in solid colors, every shade you
can think of. 32 inches wide and an exceptionally fine jr
cloth at. per yard UJl
"Peter Pan" ginghams in stripes. 32 inches wide. Our
price, per yard
New gingrarcs for a-frons and house dresses, 27 inches
v ido. fBSt colors. In pretty plaids. Per yard
farth shipped a car of mixed hogs
and cattle to the South Omaha mar
ket last Tuesday.
John Becker and James Fitch from
near Union were looking after some
business matters in Murray on last
Tuesday afternoon.
Frank Mrasek was a visitor in Ne
braska City last Tuesday, taking a
truck load of hogs to the market
there for Mr. Wm. Schwab.
F. E. Vallery was a visitor in Mur
ray last Tuesday afternoon from his
home in Plattsmouth and was look
ing after some business matters.
Mrs. D. M. Lloyd is reported as
being sick at her home southwest cf
Murray. Her many friends are hop
ing thai she may not be ill long.
Jacob Minnear was on the market
last Wednesday at Nebraska City,
with a load of hogs, they being taken
to market by Frank Mrasek in his
John Vantine and wife have been
visiting in Murray for the past few
days, being guests at the home of
Mrs. Y. A. Brown and J. H. Brown
and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Puis, of Platts
mouth were guests at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young
last Sunday and all had a most en
joyable time.
W. J. Philpot shipped another car
of cattle in from South Omaha the
other day and placed them in hia
feed yards for fattening. This makes
large number which he now has
on feed.
Louis F. Kohrell. from south of
Nebraska City, arrived in Murray last
Tuesday evening for a visit with his
on. Edward Kohrell. and will also
visit with friends in Plattsmouth
while here.
Glen Boedeker. the genial banker,
has been laboring under somewhat of
n difficulty for the part few days.
'.rying to look after the business at
'.lie bank, and also ?t the same time
vrestiing with a case of the grip.
Miss Elsio Pula. who has been vis
iting for some time in the northern
portion of the state, returned home
:ast Tuesday evening. Mrs. Win. Puis
ind daughter, Miss Marie, went to
Omaha to meet the daughter and
Master Ellis and Miss Verora Shu
naker. children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Shumaker, are reported as being
rather sick with a touch of pneu
monia, but are gettinir n!or:g all
all right, and it is hoped they wiil
soon be well again.
Henry C. Creamer has been kept to
his home for some days past with
what is threatened to be pneumonia.
He is being given the best of care
and medical attention and his many
friends are hopeful that he may soon
be on the highway to recovery.
Albert Young shipped six pairs of
pigs to Wayne City, 111., this week,
this making another of the many
shipments which he has raised. Mr.
Young is raising some very Ene has
and is furnishing those who care for
better stock an opportunity to better
their herds.
Robert Craig, better known as
"Bob." arrived a few days since from
Springfield. Mo., and will make his
home in this section fcr the coming
summer, home ot the people are now
willing to bet that the winter will be
short, for Bob has never come before
until the winter was nearly over.
Orville Sherman, living over on the
river, shipped a car of ciittl to the
South Omaha market last Monday,
the shipment being made from Platts
mouth. Thest; cattle had been to
i market before but on account of the
I low price and condition of the market
'at that time, were returned and fed
I a little longer.
Dr. B. F. Brendel is so far improv
ed that he was able to accompany a
patient to Omaha this week for an
operation. This is very encouraging
for Or. Brendel, who has made such
a determined fight with the sickness
which has trammelled him for the
past many months. His many friends
are much pleased to know of his improvement.
of the fortunate
popular lady.
co:. ntiou of this
' Mother Received Injury
Last week Mrs. B F. Brendel re
ceived the sad news : .at her mother,
just approaching nin tv years of age,
fell and fractured no of her hip
bone-. Mrs. Brem 1 hastened to
the mother's bedsid' Mrs. Amanda
Parr, of Lebanon, I:
is staying at .the r
daughter. Mrs. Eli
Brendel reports her
very low.
iana, but who
'o of another
?helby. Mrs.
ot her as being
For S."
Single comb Rb:
Inrge type dark red.
phone 16.
Island Red.
i l.r.O each. Call
Murray, Neb.
of H. G. Todd and there the car rest
ed until Tuesday morning, when
Harry Todd righted the wagon and
drove it up a very steep bank and de
livered the wagon to the owners.
They were more or less bruised when
the car rolled over and lodged at the
bottom of the embankment with the
wheels in the air. The top of the
car only was broken, while the
other portions were still intact.
Ee Seeps Them Guessing
Jesse Chambers, who conducts the
cream station, during his spare time
makes puzzles for those of his custo
mers and others who frequent his
place of business, to solve. If there
is anything new under the sun, you
may expect to find it there. They
had the Journal man trying out some
of the devices, but they were too
rtrong for your Uncle Hiram.
Underwent an Operation
Earnest Hinkle. the garage man,
and withal one of the finest of fel
lows at that, was taken with a very
acute attack of appendicitis a short
time since and on Sunday became so
severe that he was taken to the
Methodist hospital in Omaha, where
lie underwent an operation for re
lief, and after the operation he was
reported to be getting along as well
as one could reasonably expect.
Had to Take p.abbits
Those cf the crov. v ho with the
riattrmouth bunch
Saturday hunting t'.
not blessed with a
r-calns on their belt
to bring home a fe
is those who were n .
bits, it is understood
were out last
wolves were
iat number of
Kost Pleasant Afternoon
Last Wednesday Mesdames B. F.
brendel. J. F. Brend :-i and T. J. Bren-
d?l at the home of :t latter enter-j
tsined the Ladies A;o society of the1
Christian church, aivi where all en-1
Joyed a most pleasar:? afternoon. The'
time was spent lookii'. first after the
business of the soci'-ty as pertained I
to the church and lanerly to the en- j
tertainment of the members who :
were present. This v. u followed by!
a most delightful lunch which the
ladies served and vl i'h added to the!
enjoyment of the afternoon. I
Eeceived Severe Injury
Last Saturday while Orville Rob
bin?, was riding one of his father's
horses, the animal clipped on some
.mt were aoie ! f oct under its body, breaking some of
rabbits. That.p hones and thus laying the young
afraid of rab-jman up for SOme time. The fracture
I was reduced by Dr. Brendel and the
patient is getting along cicely.
' ' """""'vv 4 A.
Specialist, on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive calls at Murray
hotel. Telephone number 14.
Burr Oak Posts
Burr Oak posts for sale.
Murray Neb.
jv-pretty scon you will be wanting new curtains and drapes for
your windowB. We will have a very complete line of nets and fine
curtain materials, cretonnes and madras. You will be delighted
when ycu tee how pretty they are.
L i, Soennichsen & Co.,
Telephone No. 12.
Murray, Nebraska.
Three are Sick
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Henry three of the boys are sick,
and the smallest one very badly so.
While there is no thought of it being
dangerou?. with the three sick at
once, makes much work nursing
Woodmen Hare Eats and Fun j
Last Thursday at Peterson hali j
the members of the M lern Woodmen '
o! America met lor ii-.c installation!
of their new officers ;:nd had a very;
enjoyable evening as well ts some-'
thing worth while tt; eat. After cth-j
cr things iney received two applica
tions for membership which rhovs
?3t the order is in : healthy condi-:
tion. They installed the following
ofTirers as well: D. A. Young. V. C. :
J. A. Scotten, W. A.: B. A. Root. E. I
II.. K. L. Kniss, clerk: A. G. Long ;
and J. W. Btrger. escorts; I). C. 1
Hhoden. sentry: J. W. Edmunds. J. j
W. Berger and W. H. Puis, managers, j
For Sale
Two 2-year-old red heifers, ore
fresh, the other soon. Good prospects
fcr milk cows. Albert Young, Mur
ray, Nebraska.
; Trom Wtiinesiav s Daily
Frank R. Gobelman of this city
j hs been engaged lor the past week
' :'n the work of the interior decorait-'ir-g
cf the home of Ludwig Miller in
: Omaha and it is needless to say that
the anivac tour-h of Mr. Gobelman
hr.s added much to the appearance of
: t"ie home there-. Mr. Gobelman has
; dose a great deal of this work here
1 .ir.d it was the exceptional beauty
j cf this that attracted Ihe attention
of Mr. Miller and led to his being
, : l I " c, J to Omaha ito look after the
decorating job there.
The public appreciated the specials for last Satur
day and showed same by their liberal buying. We sure
ly appreciate the nice business which we had and are
again offering goods at these very low prices. Remem
ber the goods are absolutely the best the market affords.
5-Ib. pkrj. oat meal for 25c
reas, per can 10c
Peaches, per can 2oc
o cans of best corn 2Sc
One dollar brooms for 63c
Beans, 7 lbs. for 50c
Shredded Wheat, per pkg 15c
Royal Lemon cleaner, per pkg 21c
A good one dollar kerosene lamp for 72c
White syrup, per gallon 49c
Dark syrup, per gallon 39c
20 bars good laundry soap for $1
Prunes, per lb 15c
Bulk raisins, per lb 22c
Bulk cocoanut, per lb 30c
One gallon peaches for 80c
One gallon apricots fcr 90c
Matches, per box 5c
Men's duck ccats $2.50
Boys' caps for 75
Men's caps at 1.19
Many other specials at the same Low Price
fr.r Our overshoe prices hold good for this Saturday.
Belter come in and avail yourselves of the low
prices for overshoes and rubbers, at the very low price,
and before your size is gone.
Vilson & Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebraska
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
fcr the school children, may be had
at the Journal office.
Eave Added Books to Library
The young people who gave the
carnival a few week? ago at Murray,
hpve with the proceeds purchased
?rno seventeen books for the library.
3ii"h is adding a nurrher of good j
books and with worth while reading. :
Mrs. Spangle-, the librarian, is veryj
hu-v everv dav the librarv is open.
which is cn Wedi'Ci'.dav afternoon miles .north and 4 miles west of j
The undersigned will offer for sale
u Pulic Auction, at his home 4
n.iles west of Mynard, 2 miles south
i.nd 6 miles west of Plattsmouth, 4
sweep feed grinder; cr.e hand corn
sheller; one jrrir.d stone; one tank
heater; one hay sweep; one Bain hay
stacker; one U. S. cream separator;
one h. p. gasoline engine; two
sets of 1 inch harness; two sets of
l1 inch harness; one set 1 inch
harness: 18 bushels red clover seed;
some eeed potatoes; about 5 or 6 tons
prairie hay. in barn; some alfalfa
hay and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under cash in
hand. On all funis over $10 a crclit
of six months will be riven withont
interest, seven months additional
time at 7 per cent interest. 3 per cnt
discount for cash. Approved security
on all notes taken. All property nmst
be settled for before bc-inK removed.
Col. V. R. YOUNG. Auct.
GEO. O. DOVKY, Clerk.
and Faturday afternoon and evening.
The work which tlie people have done
f c r the library is ene very eomroen-
Murray. 4 miles north and S miles!
enst of Mauley, 4 miles south and j
4 -V miles cast of Cedar Creek, com-
ile and the furnishing of these rrencing at 10 o'clock a. m., with a
books free makes it a Aery easy mat
ter to eret pood reading by those who
are desiring the fame. The library
affords an opportunity for all and
they derive just that am:unt of gxod
which they make use of. Come in
and pet a book which will help spend
the long winter evenings and also
iunch served at neon, on
Thursday, February 9 th
the following dercribed property:
2S Head of Cattle
15 head of cows, some fresh, some
to be fresh soon, others giving milk;
9 calves, ranging in age from 5 to 12
idJ much to your store of learning, 'nrjnths; -". heifers, one fresh with
calf at side, two will be fresh soon;
one bull calf. S months old.
9 Head cf Horses and Mules
One bav team, horse and mare, D
Missionary Society Will Meet
The Woman's Missionary society
will meet this month with Mrs. W.
S. Smith. The meeting will be call- L i 9 vr'ir,. old. wt. 3.050: one team
ed to order at 2:20 Tuesday after-! S()rrel n2are?i 7 and n rears old. wt.
noon. February 10th. and it is re-jo 700. one sorrei horse, 4 vears old.
quested that all be punctual in ar-, y, iiC50: one grav mare, with foal
riving and that all members be . . T VMri, ni(i ..-t 1.725- one
present. vouns iron gray mare. 2 years old.
Home for a While
Miss Catherine P.rown, who has
' been attending a 1uiness college at
; Lincoln for some time past, and who
lis now near completing her courfe.
ir. home for a two weeks stav before
'going to finish the work. Miss Le
ora. who is also ir school at Cotner
university, was home for over Sun
day, returning to her studies on Mon
day morning.
Here is Where You Save
We have an elegant leather vp
holstered rocker which cost $35.00.
Having shipped it here, and having
no use for it. we are offering it for
$15.00. The first one coming for
the money gets the chair.
At Murray Hotel.
Sophomores Entertain Freshmen
The Sophomore class of the Mur
ray high school entertained the
Freshman class at the home of Mi?s
Marie Puis, at which there was a
large crowd in attendance. A
Dleasant cvenins: was had. and a
who were present enjoyed the occa
sion greatly. The evening was spent
in music, song and games an was
made more enjoyable by the delight
ful luncheon which Miss Marie and
her mother, Mrs. W. II. Puis, served.
There were present for the occasion
Misses Ardella Ley da. Rhea Stibb,
Catherine Leyda. Mabel Howard,
r.lanciie Scotten. Hazel Dpris. Henry
Hild. Victor Wehrbein, Wll Minford.
Orville Robbins, Lioyd Leyda, Lloyd
Scott and Forest Rainey.
Go Into the Ditch
Last Monday evening while a num
ber of Italians were seeking other of
a party who were hunting in this
neighborhood, they ran off the bank
with their Dodge car near the home
wt. 1425; one mule colt, coming 2
vears old. wt. 1.050; one mule coft
j coming 1 year old.
J Five Duroc Jersey bred sows.
Farming Implements
J Oue Overland riding cultivator;
i one Hummer riding cultivator: one
Very, r- nc:V,rx.-l rilin" Ivo
U 1 X n.--nortiiro tin !b i n nl
tivators; one John Deere 2-row ma
chine; one John Deere 16-16 disc;
one land roller; a 2-section harrow;
one Hoosier broadcast seeder; one
Hoosier press drill; one 12-inch Sat
tley gang plow; one 16-inch sulky
plow; cue 16-inch walking plow; one
John Deere riding lister; one walking
lister, combined; one Deering hay
rake; one Deering mower; one Deer
ing 7-foot binder, in good shape; one
John Deere stalk cutter; one stalk
rake; one top buggy; one spring
wagon; two Xewton farm wagons;
one truck with rack, steel; one Hawk-
eye corn eievaior, wnn power ana
Peterson Hal!, PJiiirray
A Seven Reel Picture Beginning
at 8 o'clock
Friday Evening, February 3
Blusic by Colored Orchestra
hoist; one John Deere corn planter,
with SO rods cf wire; one S-fiection
harrow; one 1-horse Hoosier single
corn drill; one seed corn drier; one
Hoping Return of Health
Mrs. O. A. Davis.- who has been
troubled for some time past with not
.the best of health, was compelled to
go to the hospital at Omaha, where
she a few days since underwent an
operation for appendicitis. Since the
operation she lias been reported cs
feeling relieved and is making very
fair progress towards recovery. Her
many fnend3 will be pleased to know
En the building GarneS
We are prepared to give estimates and contract for the
erection of "buildings Residences, Barns, Garages,
Sheds, or in frxt any kind of a building you ma' need.
J. A. SQBTTHfs, GoniraRlcr
Rock Island
Are you needing a gas engine? We have them
at a very moderate price. You cannot afford to pass
by the investigation of the farm labor saver.
Cream Separator's DeLaval and Lillie, both excellent
machines for the purpose and they make money for the
farmer, as they save more than they cost, both in time
and the extra amount of returns from the milk.
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETERSON, Manager