The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 12, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922.
Cbe plattsmouth journal
Entered at rostofi'ice, Plattsmouth. Neb.. a second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
It's similarity
that breeds con-
splendid virtue in
Patience is a
Fortunate is the liar who loses his
The dressmaker's work is a mat
ter of form.
Wonder if these grammar sharks
heard an owl "whom?
While misery may love company.
company does not love misery.
Anv man who wants l.u. little
here below has it above his ears.
Many a man looks run down be
cause of the bills his wife runs up.
: o :
These talking movies won't be
popular because they drown out the
St. Louis thieves who stole a min
ister's silverware must have enjoyed
his service.
In spite of all the?.? expert pre
dictions that business will get bet
ter, it will.
It is easy to tell a lie but some
times it is hard to square yourself
by telling another.
Wise, indeed, i the husband, who.
knows his wife is right, can keep
the fact to himself.
It is interesting to learn that a
congressional Hoc is formed by put
ting heads together.
: o :
It looks like the submarine ques
tion is going to blow up the dis
: o:
If Japan is allowed to keep that
battleship- ought to be al
lowed to build a Jeffsu.
No man ever worries half as much
about his inability to pay his debts
as the man he owes do.
: o :
Every German child born owes
40,000 marks, so you can't blame the
little fellows for kicking.
Sensation of the opera season is a
fellow named Chaplin. But imitators
of Charlie get monotonous.
"Why have women no mustaches?"
asks a Detroit woman. Nobody ever
saw grass on a race track.
Pictures of spring bathing suits
almost bear out our forecast that
they wouldn't be belts and suspen
ders'. o:o
You can tell we are at nation of
idealists. The heroine in a nmvi?
may be poor and ignorant, hut she
always has shapely ankles.
"It don't take a man long to
bag liis pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
Ufae of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing hi3 clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when be got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Good Called for and Delivered
We are wondering how the God
dess of Liberty would look in short
skirts and with bobbed hair.
o: o
If a man is unable to make a dis
tinguished name for himself in any
other way he uses a hyphen.
This country is supposed to have
2,000,000 depe fiends. Any sport edi
tor knows the figure is low.
French are building houses with
straw. Peasants who live In straw
houses should not keep cows.
Twenty bandits raided a Kentucky
distillery. Perhaps the regular offi
cers had more than they can do.
While a man is burning with in
dignation, he is usually too over
heated to present any cold facts.
"Auto is railroad's greatest ene
my." says an official. Yes, but when
attacked by an auto a train wins.
A law against women smoking
suggests "Lips that touch the ciga-
root shall never rest beneath our
"How could you ask a girl to
dance?" asks a subscriber. Depends
on the place and how she usually
:o: x
Germany is now in the position of
the poor old guy who spent the best
part of his life trying to pay off a
Did you ever notice how a meek
little woman begins to assert herself
about twenty-four hours after her
Despite their allurement, Isn't it
a fact that you don't care to kiss a
girl when you know she has paint
on her lips?
Another brand of bootlegger li
quor brought to Plattsmouth is call
ed "The Undertaker's Pride." Be
careful, boys, be careful!
:o: .
A bill is to be introduced into
some legislatures to prohibit smok
ing. Get your pacifiers at the drug
stores, gentlemen, and be prepared.
Economy is not economy, unless
it is constructive in character, and
true economy, like charity, should
start at home, even if it doesn't stay
Human nature is the thing that
makes some men imagine they have
a perfect right to work l;rs them
selves and at the same time work
others more.
President Harding having pardon
ed Debs, it will be next in order for
him to instruct the war department
to destroy the list of slackers and
draft evaders.
The beating swords into plow
shares won't make the world entirely
Fafe because there will still be fools
who will try to beat train3 at rail
road crossings.
Beware of the man who smiles
i when he is angry; he's dangerous.
And beware also of the man who
: looks glum when he is glad; he's
probably a humorist.
I It is explained that most of the
deaths from drinking In New York
New Year's celebration were caused
j by bad liquor. Still, those killed by
; good liquor are just a? dead.
One of the principal reasons why
the glad Christmas spirit doesn't
1 last much longer than a week is the
printed knowledge of the saving you
could have made if you had waited
until after Christmas to buy your
! :o:
t It doesn't matter so much wheth
er It was he or she who made the
proposal of marriage. The mere mat
ter of bringing up the subject Is
nothing compared to the momentum
(which carries it through to the ex
loratie finish, and we guess every
body knows who furnishes that.
I :o:
A few months ago when there was
so much talk of knickerbockers, peo
ple began to wonder how women's
apparel could be distinguished from
men's. But a
dispatch from Paris;
makes It clear, no matter what di
rection the fundamental of style may
take. The Paris dispatch says men's
fashions will be exactly opposite to
women's the men's clothing will be
tight and tbe women's loose. '
Necessity drives man to accomp
lishment. :o:
Pride keeps man decent when pre
cepts fail.
Still, a grand Jury whitwash i3
only skin deep.
The new tariff
passed the house.
bill has already
The line of least resistance is the
green goods line.
o : o-
The only thing deep about some,
folks is their pockets.
Planet Jupiter is eleven times the
diameter of the earth.
Some farmers can get lit up on
corn without burning it.
The harder a man works the less
his worries will worry him.
Due to a shortage of underwear
lots of people's knees are cold.
Ohio miners planning a strike for
April 1 don't seem April fooling.
Did you ever know of a man to
marry a woman to reform her?
"Grave Digger's Delight," is an
other brand of bootlegger's liquor.
Too many Plattsmouth mothers
spare the rod and spoil the slipper
The longest sentence in the world
is "I prouounce you man and wife.
The fellow who makes the tree
does not always get the most fruit
An exchange, kindly explains,
that apocalypse Is a word, not a dis
"Blocs" of various kinds seem to
be quite the fashion in congress these
Proposal of joining Canada to the
United States was made as early as
Hindenburg's bed has been sold
for $35. Now Germany only needs
"Australia leads world in wool
producing." U. S. .leads the world in
wool gathering.
Dr. Lorenz restored the speech of
an actress, so he has been asked to
return to Austria.
Too eager a search
means an evil growth
for profits
in business
from time to time.
Now the stingiest man In Platts
mouth is collecting Christmas Seals
for next Christmas.
About $3,000,000 worth of hon
ey is marketed annually by the bee
keepers of Missouri. .
Looks as if the
far-iflung posses-
sions of -the British"
should have
been flung a little farther,
Some people will do anything for
the dough. For instance, a St. Louis
thief stole 100 barrels of flour.
Business 3 far too powerful a wea
pon of public welfare to be allowed
to become incrusted with abuse.
The 200,000 quarts of cham
pagne drunk in Paris Christmas did
not come up to our chambooze. ,
"Banker Say 1922 Outlook is
Bright." It could not well be other
wise, looking out from under 1921.
Think how much of one's life is
wasted putlng a useless "W" on such
words flow, know, throw, slow,
bow, etc.
Find a man who has no pride and
you have found one whose past is in
glorious and whose future i3 with
out hope. ,
The The Dutch do not want to
borrow money from us for fear our
loan will diminish their prestige in
the West Indies.
"Agenda" is interpreted in Wash
ington as "things to be done." prob
ably a synonym for "China" In the
Japanese vocabulary.
Those press stories about floods in
Arizona cause us to fear that we will
soon be reading stories about sun
strokes among Eskimos.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Your Boy
Can Earn from $1.00 to
$10.00 a Week.
Nothing to sell. No money required.
tpr '.,. wt enni, nnMtJ
industrious boys Just two in each
town and commounity. Write TO
DAY for further particulars, a post
card will do.
Address Box 248,
Plattsmouth - : Nebraska
Mrs. C. S. Ali a and Mrs. R. H.
Lawtoa are on XV j sick list itfhe past
L. R. Stanley accompanied by
Warren Ridhard autoed ,to Omaha
Mtonday morning.
A Fred Lawiton c; me in Tuesday to
spend a few day., -with his mother,
Mrs. R. H, Liawtcn.
A car load of . oung folks autoed
to Louisville Sati rflay evening and
took in the movies. x
Mr. H. P. Deb. Ling and two sons,
William and Harrv. Mr. Emil Bauer
autoed to Weepiii Water Saturday
Mrs. DuC-kswortli received (the sad
news that her 'brother from overseas
vlas to be burled Sunday, at Sterling,
Ed Krecklow of Falls City, John
Krecklow of Greenwood spent a few
days aft the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
H. P. Debning and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Golden au
ftoed to Lincoln Tuesday morning.
Mr. M. V. Wood was a passenger
rtJo Lincoln Monday evening.
Mrs. H. P. was a passenger
to Eagle Monday evening WLere she
will spend a few days with her
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Copple.
A number of relatives and friends
went in on Mrs. Will Wilkins Fri
day and surprised her, it being her
birthday. The evening was spent in
games and music.
O. O. Thomas was looking after
Tiisinf9s rrtartters in frwn Tnnda.v.
Edith Buskirk of near South Bend
.has been visiting iat the home of
Frank Reese and family.
of Wabash, Nebr.
Charter No. 1132 in the State of Ne
braska at the dose of business
December 31. 1921.
Loans and discounts $
Banking house, furniture ami
Current expenses, taxes a tl
interest paid
Cash items
Due from National
an1 State banks.. $ 5.563.97
Checks and items
of exchange 109.60
Currency 1,112.00
Silver, nickels anl
cents 150.92
Liberty loan bonds
nelrt as cash re
serve 2,000.00 8.936.49
TOTAL .-. $ 66.SS2.55
Capital stock paid iu 1
Surplus fund
L'ndivided profits
Individual deposits
subject to check..! 30.50S.09
Time certificates of
deposit 15,052.74
Cashier's checks
outstanding 197.85
Depositor's guaranty fund...
TOTAL $ 66,882.55
State of Nebras
ska I
inty j
Lancaster Cou
I. Theo. Miller, cashier of the above
named bank do hereby swear that the
ubove statement is a correct and true
copy of the report made to the State
Bureau of Banking.
Attest: Cashier.
O. . THOMAS. Director.
D. M. THOMAS, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 9th day of January. 1922.
(Seal) Notary I'ublic.
(My commission expires Nov. 10, 1924.)
Are you interested in your busi
ness? Are you full of pep? Have you
faith in the future of your town?
Are you willing to keep on pulling
and working and (boosting for the
community and county in which you
live? Or have you slowed down?
Have you begun to carry about with
you a long face and greet people who
solicit your business with a grouch?
If you fall in the latter class you
need a vacation. Your business has
got the better of you. You are down
and out and need to get away where
you can think matters over and de
cide on a new plan of attack. You
tran adapt your changed business to
ithe changed order and make good.
The question is do you know how?
Or if you do not know bow, are you
willing to put on the job a man who
- :o:
Bull for Sale
An excellent 2-year-old Shorthorn
bull for sale. Call George H. Shrader
Union phone, Union, Neb.
J Coates Block Second Floor
LUNGARDIA is "without a rival"
in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs
and Colds, difficult breathing, and
for the relief of whooping cough.
The wonderful results following
its use will astonish you and make
you Its life-long friend. Your
money back, if you have ever used
Its equal. Danger lurks where
there is a cough or cold. Safe for
all ages. 60c and $1.20 per bottle.
Manufactured by Lungardia Co.,
Dallas, Texas. For sale by
Weyrich & Hadraba
Take away all our machinery and
steam and electrical power, and it
would require 3,000,000,000 hard
working slaves to duplicate the
work done by Americans.
The use of power and machinery
gives to every man, woman and child
In our country the equivalent of 30
This is figured out in the latest
bulletin of the Smithsonian Institu
tion. Why envy the noblemen, back In
ancient Egypt or Bagdad, with 30
slaves' toiling for him?
He had swift running slaves bring
him fish from the ocean and birds
tongues from the mountains.
Today with a few dimes, you can
get a tin can of shrimp brought
from Japan, a package of dates from
Syria, a bag of nuts from Brazil, sar
dines from Norway. !
Your slaves machinery and pow
er bring them.
For a few cents you can buy en
ough matches to start 1,000 fires.
When the ancient nobleman's fire
was doused by rain, he shivered in
the cold until slaves made a blaze
by friction or brought fire brands
from afar. j
Plenty of old settlers, now living,
can recall the days before matches,
when they ran a mile from the near
est neighbor's with a shovelful of
blazing coals.
Your real -wealth is measured, not
in money, but in the number of
things you obtain to eat and wear,
the ease with which you get them,
the comforts and conveniences of
your home, methods of transporta
tion and amusement.
It is only a few centuries since
even the richest kings had no sew
ers, running water, rapid transpor-
tation or any of the commonplace
things that brighten the lives of all.
Each year adds to our comforts
A few years ago, only the richest
men in town had autos. Now there's
an auto for every twelve Americans.
Henry Ford is experimenting with
a mixture of glue, cotton and formal
dehyde. He expects to make a pow
erful buildng materal out of these.
If he succeeds, he'll stamp flivvers
out like doughnuts.
That seems like a dream. But it is
merely tipical of the processes of
mass production that have given the
average person luxuries that were de
nied the kings of antiquity.
Measured in ancient standards,
we are all kings today, -with the
slaves of electricity, steam and ma
chinery toiling constantly for us.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This afternoon District Judge J.
T. Begley departed for Auburn where
he will sit with Judge Raper in the
district court there in hearing a con
tempt case growing out of the Neal
murder trial there a few weeks ago.
At the trial of the case it was claim
ed that one of the members of the
jury made remarks concerning the
case that in the opinion of Judge
Raper made the man subject to. con
tempt of court and the trial was stop
ped and the case laid over until the
next teim of court. The juror will
not be placed on trial for the charge
of contempt of court.
As I have decided to quit farming,
I will offer for sale at my place on
the Lee Plumer farm, 1 mile north
and 4, miles west of Dunbar; 3
miles south and one-half mile east
of Otoe; 2 miles north and 3 miles
east of Syracuse, on
Wednesday, January 18
the following property
7 Head of Horses
One black team, weight 3200. r
and 6 years old; one bay tenni.
weight 2900, coming r years obi;
one black team. wiiKlit 2S00. 7 and
8 years old; one rolt, weight 1200.
coming 3 years old.
Cattle and Hogs
Fourteen bend of ciM including
four milk row, eight brlTer. ono
steer mid one rcRlcdcrcd hull.
20 HOGS Firti-fn brood miwh and
five Hhont'4.
Farm Implement
On M.crlhn 7-ront hinder: two
farm wnnons; on ruck nml wmmmi:
one hprltiK uncon; three pe wmU
!uiriien; on 1'eeilne tnnwei'; one
KterllitR Plnlk mUer; one Western
Hello rldlim llplr-r; one V. ft O. walk
ing lUler: one .l.aprtim, ,afrnv; cute
Cae Kitng plow; one tldlne eulkv
plow: iwn riding eiiHtvAtnr?; pup
walking eullltfllori mip dlRi'. limet
wllh trurknj ntto 1-hnipe torn drill;
one VwnllniH .Hill, tiw; one King
drill; one 2-iow Hunter; oiie THbii
10-20 lrei'or Mud tlMPe bottom
plows; one feed fctlnder; one stirring
plow; one Kti li.iti .,e,, ne l,anil
corn Mullen Meht tnht ba.ri one
buy t'flUe o.o p.,i,,ipf etPam sepa
rator; bU lofefh of Mti'vM household
fcoodo M tneiiV other nrllcleg too
numerous ii million:
Tetlns of Bale
8eveit fnotillis time given on bnnk
ahJu notes dm wing M Interest from
date of ule,
Rex Young nnd lierzog. Aucts. I
H. S. Westbrook, Clerk. j
Satisfaction and
if You
located in the old laundry building, opposite
Cloidt Lumber Yard. Phone us or call be
fore going elsewhere.
Phone 391
Caicful Attention Given to All Work
V. S. Senator Pat Harrison of
Mississippi, one of the stars of na
tional capital legislative affairs, will
he the principal speaker at the Jef-
rertcn u.ay democratic leea to ue neia
in Omaha Saturday evening January
Senator Hitchcock of this state
will speak also, and so will ex-con-gre-sman
Dan Stephens of Fremont.
Uoth the N&braskans and the visit
ing lawmaker are fr.miliar with the
conduct of affairs at Washington
and will give the crowd interesting
history of what has happened under
G. O. P. control of government.
The doors of t'ae affair are wide
open. Every man who wants taxes
reduced can come and will have the
strong and warm right hand of fel
lowship extended to him, so the Om
aha committee makes plain. Herbert
S. Daniel will be on hand -with tick
ets for the affair hours before.
Come and bring your friends and
enjoy the program and box social to
be held at the school house in dis
trict No. 5, Friday evening, Jan.
13th. Ladies please bring boxes.
Journal want ad3 pay. Try them
Knsgiifs of
January J7ih, f Oth and !9fh
Three Dig Contests Will be HeSd During the 3 flights
1st. Edison Phonograph Contest, $265 Edison
2nd. Most Popular Young Lady Contest, gold
wrist watch.
3rd. Bean Guessing Contest, $5.00 cash.
Six Concession Sooths
I. Country store booth.
Fancy work booth.
Kewpie dall booth.
Bake shop booth.
Candy kitchen booth.
Fish pond booth.
Bazaar Supper Will be Served the First Night Jan
uary 17th, From 6 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Creamed Chicken Mashed potatoes
Combination Salad
iv es
Apple Pie
3?" Lunch will be tetved the following two nights.
General admission to Bazaar 10c; Bazaar supper 50c
per plate; ' supper tickets will entitle the holder to free
admittance to the Bazaar.
Everybody is Cordially Invited
Service Guaranteed
Bring Your
- Jf
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the Cass chapter. Or
der of De Molay, hc-ld their installa
tion of officers at their lodge rooms
and a very large percentage of the
membership was "In attendance to
Jake part in the interesting meeting.
Raph J. Haynie, chairman of the
advisory board, of Nebraska chap
ter Royal Arch Masons, sponsors of
the De Molay, acted as the Install
ing officer.
The officers who were given their
stations were as follows: Raymond
Cook, master counceilor; Raymond
Rebal. senior counceilor; George
Schmidianann, junior counceilor;
Harold Fitt. scribe; Karl Wurl,
treasurer; Otto Trilety, senior dea
con; Fred J. Warren, junior deacon;
Harold Itenner. senior steward; Carl
Ofe, junior steward; Donald Dick
eon, marshal; Russell Perry,., chap- -lain;
Cou;rtney Chandler, almoner;
Harold Smith, organist; Edgar Pet
erson, sentinel; Edward Matchalott,
"Spike" Rummell, Howard Dwyer,
Morriss Whittiker, Harry Dwyer,
James Warren, George Persinger,
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens
the wliole system. Doan's Regulets
(30c per box) act mildly on the
liver and bowels. At all drug stores.