The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Beginning Another Year!
The problems which has confronted us the year
which has just gone into history, were solved and wiped
oil the slate, or they are still awaiting our solution.
The local bank is ever on the alert, watching for
whatever may appear over the horizon of the commer
cial "life of its community, that will assist in the better
business for all those who are associated to make the
town the best, and also for those things which have a
tendency to impair the business stability of the com
munity. We are here to assist in the solution of the
problems which trouble you. Do not hesitate to ask'
ror what we can do for you in the solving of the knotty
conditions which present themselves.
It is our mission and desire to do all we can for
this community and all its citizens. We are
he Bank of Ellurdock
"The Ban: where You Feel at Home"
KLliRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres
H. A. GUTHJIANN, Cashier
ing sisters, departed last Saturday
fnr their home after havinsr enloved
I an excellent tim ehere.'
j Much interest is being manifest in
me revival meetings wmcn nave ueru
in progress at the church in Mur
dock during the past two weeks.
They are being conducted by the
Rev. I. Laipply, and are being attend
ed by large crowds of much inter
ested people.
J. E. McHugh and family were
spending Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling at
I'lattsniouih, where also Mr. E. R.
McHugh of Falls City -was also vis Mr. E. li. McHugh returned
i home with the folks and visited here
for a day before departing for his
work at Falls City.
Professor Way with his truck, and
Richard Tool took a load of hogs to
the Omaha market last Wednesday
and on their return passed through
and slopped to look after some busi
ness matters for a short time at
Plattsmotith. then went to Nebraska
City, where they secured a load of
hedge posts, which they brouht to
Dr. S. II. McDermid and family,
.Munson Goodyear and family, of
Omaha, were ihe guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Xeitzcl for Chrlst-
the occasion
Mrs. Bert
from Ban-
the genial host and host :,s brighten
ed the occasion. -Those present and
assisting in the excellen time which
was had, were Mr. an
Rager, guests of honor
croft; Cliff Richardson
host and hostess; Mess
dames Geo. Fries. J. V
Reasner, Cedric Park,
Art Lueur, T. S. Rage
linger, Joe Gustin and I
with the families of ea
New Officers are Selected by the La
dies and Will Assist in Guid
ance the Coming Year.
Fries, Ray
! Bronkow,
Geo. Wal
y Bronkow,
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the American Legion Auxiliary met
and wife, at the club rooms of the Legion and
and Mes- enjoyed a most delightful meeting
in every way with a pleasing at
tendance and a great interest shown
in the proceedings of the gathering.
The chief matter to come before
the meeting was the election of of
ficers for the ensuing year and the
following were elected: President,
Mrs. Fred Sydebotham; Vice presi
dent, Mrs! Mae Creamer; Secretary.
Mrs. John Lyon; Treasurer, Mrs. Ed
Plenty of Them in PlaV.smouth and Creamer; Chaplain, Mrs. E. E. Neil;
Jt viru ivujuu a v. li.
' eeutive
Mrs Henry iakemeier and dauga-iand Mrs. J. J. Gustin, staying lor a
tt-r -Mi Mart' tt were visiting at Ar- ! good visit.
liimton for Christmas. i Mr. Fred Minchau of
Hriu-e Eldridsre of O'Neill was a j was a visitor in Murdcck last Thurs
vi.-.i'.or fr two days last week at the day afitrnoon. coming to attend the
hou e of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tool. I funeral of the late Mrs. John Leis,
J&iia H:nu:k of Omaha wis a vUi-j which occurred that day.
tor in Murdock with acquaintances! Albert Reikman. who has been at-
Wouldn't any woman
After years of backa
Days of misery, night
The distress of urinai
When she finds freed
Many readers will
Mrs. Jos. Altman.
Ae., riaitsniouth, say.
attack of the 'flu- a yt
lift my back in a w
condition. My kidney
I too. Sometimes 1 coul
lever while about my i
! account of the sharp s:
e happy,
e suffering,
of unrest,
.fit by the
21 Chicago,
"I had an ;
r ago and it j
k and tired
were weak, '
hardly bend
msework on j
iches in the
committee, Mrs. James Re-
j bal. Mrs. H. Tiekotter, Mrs. J. F.
i Weber. Mrs. Henry Ofe. Mrs. Mich
ael Hild. Mrs. H. J. Heneger.
After the disposition of the busi-
ness of the session the ladies enjoy
ed a very dainty luncheon that was
. the treat of Mrs. Mae Creamer and
! Mrs. John Lutz, and proved a de
; lightful feature of the occasion.
The liTiHerKiffnefl sell at Pub-
mas, and all enjoyeu tne occasion fmall of niv back and Inrough my jjC Ruction at his home one-half
great ! tne gv.esrs urging LLidnevs. I felt weak al ; over. I had mile west of Mvnard. Nebraska, on
from their home in their auto. Mr. jhejird so mUch about h
A. J. Neitzel ot nortn oi town wim
ian's Kidney
Wednesday, January 4
the taniuy, wore also guests or me bpe,, troube(1 as t Was I tried them 'the following described property:
occasion. !w:t!i the best nf resu The fine! . .
.;. r v,i- r. Live MOCK
-and friends spending Christmas here.
Albert Bornemeier was lc-oking af
tc r tome business matters at both
Omaha and Ilattsmou:h last Wed
nesday. , Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cox have been
visit Pic in Murdock pud vicinity for
tiie iast week from their home in
the nest.
tending school at Naperville, 111., and
i who has been at home for the holi-
days, returned to his studies, depart
ing from here last Saturday n;on.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell ilombeck
i were pleased with a very enjoyable
j vi: it at their home for Christmas of
, lr. and Mrs. J. W. Caruthtr-:, of
! Lincoln and Mrs. Mary Lewellyn, of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Veach. Mrs. W.
Bornemeier. Mr. and Mrs. Art Borne
meier. were visiting for a short time
in Murdock. and guests of their
friends for a short time last Thurs
day, they beins guests at the homes
r-f IJnTiT-x- I.'nirV m n i ti I i f f nlnl nl-
t..mwoou , , . , , A, Simon
Brockhopce for the evening, taking
a k:j. o'clock dinner with the latter
couple and returning to their home
at Lincoln later in the evening
One of the niceFt of Christ
trees which it has been our r
lege to see is the one prepared by
Mrs. Fred Oebrae and Mrs. Joseph
Wutchincl:, and which vas placed ;
n the paint store of Max Pusterhoff. j
The decorations were brought from (
was all I had to use a'
had a sign of any 1
since. 1 think Doan's
such ailments as I had.
Price COc, at all dt
s-'inply ask for a kid
get Doan's Kidney V.
that Mrs. Altman had
bum Co.. Mfrs., Buftah
il I have not! One span of horses, nine years old.
; Iney trouble HSOO; one span black horses, i
are tine for 8 years old. wt. 3700; one brood
imare. smooth mouth, weight 1500,
lers. Don't !in oal Shire horse; one black
i-y remedy i brood mare, smooth mouth, wt. 1400;
:s" the same'one Da' mare, four years old, wt.
Foster-Mil- ' 1200; one bay mare, two years old.
X. Y. wt- i0l; one bay norse, one year
old. wt. 1000; one black norse, one
year old; one pony, smooth mouth,
weight It00.
Two milk cows, four and seven
years old; two heifers, one and two
yenr'o old: three grade Shorthorn
bulls, six months and one year old.
Six Kilts bred to Chester White
Corn Shelling Machinery
We are handling the famous John Deere line of
farming machinery and are desiring to call your atten
tion to our shellers.
We have the goods to suit all. A full line of manure
spreaders and gas engines Come in and see us!
The Implement Man
rrom ; TTr-. Tiomarro HTrnr,n-h- -rr TT4 A 1 boa t : one pure bred Chester White
the old country by Mrs. Oehme. when Z TIL V ll . 1 .boar; four dozen Plymouth Rock
nhe in Afiirilnck n r. umber nf
ears aca and are looking just as
gorgeous as when first purchased.
Mrs. Oolmit has surely cared for the
decorations in a most excellent man
ner. If you have not viewed the
work of art, this tree, better take a
retp at it when lighted up with the
caudles which she has thereon.
Card cf Thanks
We desire to express our sincere
- Fred Stock and wife entertained j Chicago.
ia.-.t Thurs-day at a six o'clock dinner ; W. O. Gillespie and wife have been
for II. A. Williams and family of ! visiting for some time at the home
Elmwoou. - ! of a brother of Mrs. Gillespie, Wm! N?itzvl ar.-l wife were guests' M'cN'amara and family at Fairmont
M tli- hov.e cf Mr. and Mrs. O. J. land also at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
li-'tcbtof-k la?t Tuesday, making the j Rlatspeiler at Tobias,
t'ip in their car. Miss Lydia Wutchinek who is
, Wm Kna-jp and family w-?re guests making her heme in Lincoln was a
at the home oi JMr. ana .Mrs. au- guest at the home of ner brother jo
-: - ' 17'.- . a f tT C-t T-T:rtTll ? i a n .-l . CT) - '. .t-iV W'n t r H i nfklr n n H wna nornmnnTl
o 0 .1- t-t-v- n'caiir I mi hor fri0ni at r F.iht vii i n ! t hnv. ks for the many kindly acts and i a
- .i, , t . i . ,,r it..-rr.T..rA nr.,i assistance during the late illness and
S.tKi-.P i-.f S. .
tho :e:-:h if t).
.!'... r "'ciru: a nd in
were !c -.King afir some- business
natter;-, in IMattsmouth last Wednes
day. mii;ilig the trip over in their
aut o.
and Dust Storm of Short Dur
ation Woman Killed.
One woman was kild and prop
erty damased to the extent of thou
sands of dollars by a g:tie that swept
Farm Machinery
Two Deere riding cultivators; one
Avery walking cultivator; one disk
harrow. 16 disks; one 10-ft. Demp-
western Nebraska yesterday after- jcter grain drill; one 7-foot Deering
noon. The heavy wind apparently hinder: one stalk cutter; one 3-sec-
1-icr ' f i . i." :t T li i I T.-Vyi 1rinTDr -irt i -i cr linon -mn lr death
' -. - . ' . i l t : . ' iiiiiiu . . i u . . i iiw ii t'vwu n
ct-is. called here by ing his home at u est Point for some
mother of Mr. Leis. ; years past, has with the family re
of our beloved mother, and
for the beautiful floral token of re-i
spcTt and love. S. P. Leis; Mr. and
came out of a clear sky and was t ion harrow; one Deere riding lister;
estimated as moving 70 miles an one Bradley lister; one walking lis
hour. The wind was arcompanied by(ter: one 16-inch plow; one 12-inch
clouds of dust. A raging snowstorm . ang plow; one 5-foot Deering mow-
reported rollawin the wind. - !er; one McCormick rake; one Flem
Mrs. G. D. Crafford, 25, wife of jnc- i,nv stacker: one hay sweep; one
From Saturday's iJaiy.
This morning J. A. Gardner, edi
tor of the Eagle Beacon, Charles V.
Seeley of the Weeping Water Re
publican and George Blessing of the
Elmwood Leader-Echo, were in the
city for a few hours to visit and dis
cuss at a meeting the needs of the
county printers. The editors are all
veterans at the ink slinging game
and are doing their part in seeing
that Cass county is well covered with
good reliable newspapers which will
serve the best interests of the re
spective communities. The newspap
er boys while here were visitors at
the Journal "and passed several mo
ments very pleasantly in discussing
"shop" and the interests of the craft
in general.
Mrs. Elmer Wetenkamp departed
this afternoon for Omaha where she
will visit with her husband at the
hospital there where he is recover
ing from an operation for an Infec
tion of the hip.
Mrs. Lucinda Wendt of near Ea
gle was in the city today accompan
ied by E. W. Pump, and engaged in
attending to some matters at the of
fice of County Judge Beeson.
Mrs. Jack Patterson and little son
of Union were among those going to
Omaha this morning to look after
some matters of business.
CliamDerlain's Cough Remedy
the manager of
J'ermr.n i niovea v.itn tue ramuy to -MurciocK ",
:,r.ri will m ike hi home here for the . v t -id. i.xau 11-
, aer
J . r 7" -J ill.
Max Dusterhoff and Joe Wutchin
ek. who were home far Christmas
went back to Omaha last week to
complete the work which they had
in hand there remaining only one
room to complete the contract.
Mat Spader and wife of Omah.a
were present lat Wednesday and
Thursday, attending the funeral of
the formers aunt. Mrs. John Leis,
which occurred last Thursday, cud
retiming to their home on Friday
Charles Leis and wife who make
their home at DeSmet, South Dakota,
'vlsn have been here for seme time on
account of the de?.th of the mother
of Mr. Lis ;;rd remaining for the
burial, returned to their heme last
Herman Kupke had the misfortune
fo run a larw nail through one of
h! feet last week, while the tank filled with cold water. I
around the place, end has been laid
up for a number of days since. He
..Jt rp;tir.c; around, but it is with
arch difficulty.
Mr. and Mr?. Geo. Hake of La
Mars. Iowa, who have been visiting
for some tim? at the home of Rev.
Miss M:-Tg Tot Gustin. v. ho is iuafe
ins her borne in Chicago, vas a visi
tor at the home of her parents, Mr.
'Weak Sateri3s
t r o f ts' r3 't
n r slu -w m
Winter is knocking at our
door, better have the battery
looked after before it is too
late. We also cell the
"Exids Bailer?"
Exide Service Free!
The Landiiolm Auto Co.,
Murdock, Nebraska
Entertained Tor Dinner Monday
Mr. and Mrs. August Panska en
tertained for dinner at their home in
Murdock for Christmas at which a
number of their relatives were pres
ent. The dinner being given on Mon
day of last week. At the reception
were gathered Mr. and Mrs. August
the Moritz Elevator corn elevator, complete; one tank
heater; one 1 h. p. gas engine;
two N'ewton wagons; one Smythe
wagon; one set of bobs; two sets of
work harness; two buggy tongues;
one saddle and bridle; one cart.
Sale starts at 10 o'clock. Lunch
cerved at noon.
company at Genng, was instantly
killed when caught by the corner of
the rof)f of a demolished outbuilding'
at their suburban home. Her neck;
was broken and her face crushed be-'
yond recognition. Three small child-J
ren and her husband survive her. j
Grand Island Damaged I
Scores of automobiles parked on J
the streets at Grand Island were un-'
topped or badly damaged. The Grand
Island Business college, general hos-!
pital ana otner imua:ngs haa
Terms of Sale
All sums under $10, cash in hand
On sums over $10 a credit of four
teen months will be given, purchaser!
This is a pleasant, safe and reli
able medicine for coughs and colds.
It has been in use for many years
and is held in high esteem in those
households where its good qualities
are best known. It is a favorite with
mothers of young children, as it con
tains no opium or other harmful drug.
Try it when you have need of such
a remedy. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Phone the Journal office when you
are in need cf job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
The undersigned will roll at Pub
lic Auction on the A. S. Will farm
four miles west and two miles north
of Murray, and four miles west and
two miles fiouth of Mynard, on
Friday, January 6
the following described property:
Live Stock
One black horse, five years old, wt.
1700; one black horse, three years
old, wt. 1C00; one bay horse, three
I years old. wt. 1550; one bay horse.
eight years old, wt. 14 00; one sor
rel horre, seven years old, wt. 1400;
one bay mare, seven years old. with
foal, wt. 1600; one bay mare, smooth
mouth, with foal. wt. 1300; one
black horse coming three years old,
wt. 14 00; one pair of good mules;
forty head of fall pigs.
Farm Machinery
One 7-feot Minnesota binder; one
John Deere; elevator, Jack and power;
one hay loader; one side delivery hay
rake; two hay racks and wagon; one
14-inch Emerson gang plow; one
14-inch Sattley gang plow with trac
tor hitch; one Rock Island 2-row
machine; one John Deere corn plant
er and 160 rods of wire; one Baylor
2-row cultivator; one Dempster 2-row
cultivator; one 3-section harrow;
two extra wagon boxes; one McCor
mick mower; one woven wire stret
cher, three sets of inch and a half
work harness; one set of inch and a
quarter work harness and numerous
other articles.
Sale starts at 10 o'clock a. m. and
lunch will be served at noon.
Terms of Sale
AH sums under $10, cash in hand.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight per
cent interest from date. Property
must be settled for before being re
moved from the premises.
W. R. YOUNG, Auct.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
giving bankable note bearing seven j
2 ri u t w i ii-
dows broken. The front of the Krall 1 wr '"' nuui u-ic. Viyv-
& lieidkaiup blacksmith shop was
rrty to be removed from the premises
until settled for.
Will meet trains at Mynard going
north at C p. m., going south at 9
a. m.
P;in.ka anrl children nf nnrtheasl of
town, Dan Rumlin and wife and "i"pa oul- , " .
Miss Dorothv of near Elmwood, Rav-! The blinding dust which accom-
mond Panska and family and Emil Panifed the 'ind caused .tw" aut."
Mover and Tamil vof near Louisville, mobiles to collide on one of the main
stieet intersections of Grand Island.
j No one was injured. The duration
I of the storm was onlv about two
it was t f;0,et ,m,vn tho li F PATTERSON. Clerk
cold Frank Rosen nw while .aller bui,dings.
cm a n m me waier, A trail of wrecked chimneys and
that .he cattle inigM drink . rfK broken windows, blown-down
on a thin place m the ice fr arwl .tw ,,ria w;,c rt hv
whi'h gave
Took a Plunge
other morning when
JOS. F. TUBBS, Owner.
W. R. YOUNG. Auct.
viy precipitating him
the term in Alliance. The damage
I probably will run into the thousands
the bath was all riirht but is mourn
ing the breaking of his pipe in the!
of dollars.
Back from the South
Lust Wednesday I. G. Hornbeck.
The most serious damage in Alii- Prove victorious uver umana learn
ance was caused when an eight-foot at TT S Gvm Last Niriit
- . Game Well Attended.
brick ventilator on the high school
building crashed through the roof
and ceiling of the assembly room.
who has been visiting in the south ' tearing a jagged hole 25 feet square
The basket ball game played last
.Men's Ball Band 4-buckle red rubber $3.50
Men's Bail Gand 4-buckle black rubber. ....... 3.25
Men's Ball Band, 4-buckle cloth arctic . . 3.25
Men's Eall Band 6-buckle red rubber arctic 4.50
Men's 6-buckle black leather arctic 4.50
Men's 6-buckle cloth top 4.00
Ladies' 2-buckle arctic t . 1.90
Ladies' 1 -buckle Eirctic 1.50
Alaskas - 1.35
Quids' 2-buckle arctic. .'. 1.35
Quids' 1 -buckle arctic 1.00
Misses' 2-buckle arctic 1.75
Misses 1 -buckle arctic 1.25
Murdock Mercantile Co.
Murdock, Nebraska
nme time nast.. nenrlir. Christ- e' .'"t.: rv night in the high school gymnasium
mas at Dallas. Texas, returned home ! en joints and raflers crashed to the -between local ex-high school men
'an on Friday went to work again at ! flt0r. No one was in the room, this f,nd.,f team from Omaha was full of
position as agent for the Rock ' being vacation week. (thrills It was a mixture of good.
ilrland. in the south, Mr. At the Alliance creamery the 60-
; Hornbeck had a most excellent time. ; foot steel smokestack was blown
iand visited at many places of inter- j down, demolishing part of the roof.
,tst. and where he. had relatives and The heavy steel guy wires snapped
clean basket ball and strenuous per
sonal effort. i
Our boys were too much for the
Omaha men who did their- best to
rem the tide of defeat. The team!
With the New Year!
We wish to assure all our friends and patrons that
we appreciate their friendship and business, which has
made us more prosperous than we would have been,
and extend to all at this time a greeting, wishing all
prosperity and happiness.
We are also announcing great reduction in prices
of the "BUICK," the last being $130.00, with greater
recession of prices on higher priced cars.
The Automobile Man
The place where he had the; like shoestrings. The creamery will pm ine tiae oi aeieax. i ne xeam
sure was the old home town . have to operate on lighter scale un-.froni the metropolis was composed of
i most pleas
'at Miami. Mo.
I The Journal found its wav to him
jone day when he had been feelinci
; poorly and was kept to his bed. and!
breiight. him c II the news of Mur
dock and Cass county and was great
ly enjoyed by I. G.
til the damage is repaired.
In Honor of Guest
Constipation of the bowels is a
stoppage of the sewerage system that
removes waste matter from the body.
It is as necessary that your bowels
move vreeularlv once each day. to
Last "Wednesday evening Mr. and carry off this waste, as it is that the
Mrs. Cliff Richardson, living north-! waste pipes of vour home be kept
i west of town, gave a reception at open and carry on' the waste from the
jl heir home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. I house. If you would enjoy good
I Bert Rager, of Bancroft, who were health, keep your bowels regular by
I spending the holidays here with rel- taking Chamberlain's Tablets when
atives and friends. The occasion needed. Weyrich & Hadraba.
i was one cf much merriment and '
! pleasure as Mr. and Mrs. Rager were
former residents of this community j
jauu nave neie many ineuas and rel- From Saturday Daily.
; a i j ves,
strong, sturdy plaj'ers and they made
some spectacular baskets, one an
overhead shot by Carl Weigel, which
was applauded by the astonished
crowd. j
All of the Plattsmouth men were
in the game with a rush from the
first. While the scoring combina
tion, Doolan. Calvert and Sattler, J
was new. It was a very effective one. !
In the first half Doolan made eight
baskets. Calvert, the other forward, j
made ten before he was relieved and .
Martin substituted five minutes be-!
fore the end of the game. Sattler)
had a strong opponent at center, but
proved his class by caging five field1
goals. Schneider and Brubacker prov-
ed their ability to hold their own I
against Omaha's heavyweights, and'
they are clever players. Schneider
There were at this gather-! TMc - ,v ..n,n3iotivu klfnned in n basket nr two for coort
Ing a large number of people f rom of the Northwestern Fire & Marine ' measure. Marshall substituted for
that neighborhood and the evening ' insUrance Co., of Minneapolis, was , Rrubacker. going in at center and
was spent in games social convert-!ln the city and in connection withlDoolan playing guard,
tion and was one which will long be the local agent. A. H. Duxbury. made The game ended In Plattsmouth's
remembered. The uelightful re-i r, tl,...t f tt'11 Dir.. fnvnr r.4 tn 23 The hieh KPhnnl knra
on his residence property and the profited by a splendid attendance of
matter was settled very satisfactory fans who felt that they had gotten
to Mr. Rice and compensated him their money s worth.
for his loss.
freshments which were provided by
How Would You Like to See What
Irvin Nerkood (Pa.) Saw?
"One customer told me that after tiling one large
pictage of Rat-Snap, he got FORTV-HIGHT dead
rats. How many more dead he couldn't see. he
doesn't know. Remember rats breed fast and de
stroy Hollars' worth of property. " 35c, 65c. $1.25.
Sold isd guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba T. G. Fricke & Co.
"We have sold 97.000 bottles of
Tanlrc and have never had a single'
complaint." Jacobs' Pharmacy. At-
, lanta. Ga. Sold by P. G. Fricke
Coblenz. Dec. 30. Lead by a band
playing "How Dry I Am," one thou-
& sand American troops left here to-'
day for Antwerp to embark for the
Tnited States on the transport Can-1
Blank Books at tne Journal Office, tigny.
Our Greetings!
To you, without whose aid and friendship, our
business less prosperous, we are at this time extending
our wishes that the year may bring you abundant pros
perity, lasting happiness and abounding health.
The Dusterhoff Shops,