The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 29, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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t 4
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THE weavers il fur i:iiri---.
in -lut!:s iri imitation f ielt.
liav ivaclu-il tli j'iniuicle f
vuiws and sire looking lut for
new wnrMs to ?r. Tluv are
continuing to naU fur fabrics so
lite some natural .kins that It
is difficult to t-!l tliPin apart,
but thy arf also niakins novel
ties in furry materials to bo
used, ks other cloths are, in suits.
These fabrics are rich and warn,
beautiful for midwinter, and nbovp all.
have the rhnrni of novelty. It i" :ily
h step in advance to use iniitntion fur
in suit;, makintr sk.'rts as veil as
the coats of this fabric-, and that step
has been taken by the desner of the
very handsome model illustrated here.
The t'losy, Mack fur fair:-' u"d f--this
chic suit i a close imitation of
broadtail and it v. r.uM be a c. of
a lorclU2 rose to u wucli in tV-1
v cy rf dec oratbn n it. Tl:t r-rire t:
designer has allowed only a little elab
oration in the narrow silk braid that
is used with small s-Hk button for
making the coat faxteninss. The skin
is plain and iiarrow anil the story of
the coat is equally brief. It is an in
rontons, short affair, rather smiy
about the laps but bx)se about tin
shoulders, and it fastens in a d!as
onal line from throat to hem. It i
lapped over to the left at the bot
tom, fastening with a rrup of small
buttons and silk cord and has a slm
ilar fastening at the top. The three
quarter-length sleeves are finished
with hands of fox fur and a choker
and muff to match equal the suit in
richness. Altogether this ensemble
deserves to be called superb and the
coat and furs may further their use
fulness by being worn with other
sk-rts c;f plain cloth or with one piece
f ' , ti
" ,
THE holidays brin out ira;;.;ier
less pretty furbelows soule of
them predentin? claims to useful
ness, many of them frankly frivolous
and merely ornamental, but all of
thnn enchanting. These accessories
are beloved of the eternal feminine,
for they add the telling touch of ele
gance, or perhaps a hint of splendor,
to apparel that might be uninteresting
without them.
This particular season finds empha
sis put on strands of beads, bandeaux
and ornamental combs for the hair,
shopping bags, earrings, bracelets,
charms and ornaments (to be worn on
ribbons and cords),, fans and corsage
flowers. But these are only a few of
the things made to enhance the beau
ty or please the eyes of women who
love to surround themselves with
beauty. There are as many small fur
nishings that are ornamental as there
are dress accessories.
Among bags, beside those of leatn-
hre are very attractive ones of
..mV- moch. in several styles and In
numerable ribbon bags on metal or
shell mountings, or closed and sus
pended by ribbons. These ribbon bags
are usually made at home ami. are of
ncny degrees of richness, the stores
provWtntf rfbboas and mountings for
n.::iiii them in great variety. Among
bracelets there are bright-colored, flex
ible novelties of bone and of mother
of pearl in colors. They are made in
sections linked together with gold
and having gold Ccral designs on the
sections. Braided bands of silver or
strands of pearls with rhinestone
clasps are among the new bracelets.
Uandeaux for the hair are made of
ribbon, tinsel cord, tiny flowers and
rhinestone bands, and there are many
combs set with white or colored crys
tals. Hut the newest things in combs
are those that are covered with small,
brilliant feathers, like that shown in
the picture. For corsage ornaments
large artificial flowers are used or
grapes in gold or silver, and there are
metallic and composition girdles in
endless variety for wear with stralght
Hne frocks.
The most captivating of corsage
flowers are those that conceal a tiny
box of compact fa?e powder, fur
nished with a power puff, beneath
their stamens or petals.
ImimcTif ac nnnnDiM
unmoiMHO rnugnam
The popular lady contest of the CASS CO
increasing interest and a number of
tho candidates are forging to the f
front with strong votes and a large
Little Folks Belonging to Church number of the other candidates are
School Give Christmas Treat being boosted strong so that many
at the Pnblic Librarv I "S3 may bp looked for In the
at tne raoac -norary. i next few d iy The latest ycte is as
f ol lows :
uasc evening uitr auununuu. Ap,nfi. n-HAfU- 70 100- rathorin " 111 au11- 1 u:ct--uui uie uuu
the public library was filled with a Xo Jjjjj- J,0, . an all cl.y meeting and five
Diess Form
very interesting meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Jumper,
near Wabash. The women of the club
dress forms were made. Mrs. Her-
tlves and friends of the little folks gchjatW 300- 1 ettv Ptak : 0 0 The r'ian Specht and Mrs- Carl liichert
belonging to the St. Luke's church ? J, fj' ' eaeh 100 votes- Jo:,iC leaders in the community. The
school who gathered to enjoy the S" women voted to meet aSaln for an
ranged and which was carried out f ''K'8 'f T wn-fpr rnbifp forms- A Vfer' fine dinner was served
in a most delightful manner by the le Vera Alre o?ace Eees?n at noon v,hich wus enJetl by a11
little folks. StXaV- P?ir Kfn ! iirZpv vltt Tieent. We hope more of the ladies
The charming manner in which V-aa ?-f,i,f r-r"; ?t' w5ll become interested and join this
the various numbers were given re- &csjt rouP-
fleeted the greatest credit upon tne Selection and Hesncddins ClotM.g
persons taking part and on thoe Oeor-ia Mators Mxriel Streieht Til l?Aies near Elmwood met at
:h10 f,a,1r?riS5t,?n1rln nZIZi Eleano? Burnle vir a Becke" 5ie home of Mrs. R. D. Fentiman.
the chlldrer . and certainly in no way Virginia Beesoa. Ruth Shan- Wednesday. December 21. In the
could the entertainment have been viola Archer. Fern Nell. Helen morning two dress forms were made,
improved upon. Wescott. Kermlt Wiles, Grace Xolt- A "ae cafeteria dinner was served
The opening number was a piano . '
duet by Misses Ursula Heroic! and
Violet Begley in which these two
ycung ladies showed themselves very
skilled mu-sicians, and the program
also marked by a very skillfully giv
en piano number by little Miss Ves
teta Robertson, that pleased every
one in the audience.
There were a large number of re
citations given by the little folks
at noon and in the afternoon a dem
onstration was given on testing out
commercial patterns and how to use
the dress form in making sewing
, easier, selection or clothing was al
so discussed and styles suitable for
stout and slender women was the
main feature of the afternoon. Each
1 woman was anxious to know what
styles she should wear and in all
It is our wih that you may have both prosperity
and happiness, and that health may crown the com
ing year for all friends and patrons.
The Plattsmouth Motor Co.
tt -r hit- i 't- t c ases the reason for same was brought
Master JImmie Begley contributing " " (,:t Thi3 club D:anned to meet in
'Hang up the Baby's Stocking" in
his usual pleasing manner. Hilda
Johnson gave as her number "Christ
mas Gifts." while Vera Johnson of
fered "In Bethlehem," which waj
Near Cedar Creek is Scene of
a Most Happy Surprise.
One of the most pleasant famlly
Jnuary and the project planned for
the next meeting will ha a health
meeting and later they expect to take
nn Co'ire NT. Short (Juts In Sewing.
t TV1n T , I t . J , - A 1 1
. . ...... i) i t n u ri ti trti t n l a ti n i u r i ri i r 1 1 j c u
mo.-t pleasing ana one or tne Dig nus "' i s whVn lfr the health work, Mrs. Harry
of the program was the "Three ,last Sundaj. December IS, when a A ld , leQcr fo sle-tion and rc-
inrv- f'nio farv Viltor nn.i large number of relatives assembled , , VV , ,
..larj&, Jlar t.oie, Mar hdlter and . -:,u T , rroclelinfr clothing, Mrs. Howard
Mary Rosencrans, in their clever
to give Mr. and Mrs. William Lohnes
f o rnt'fll 1 ii Ino fief f ry r1 raco frym
act. "Different Customs" was offered .1 Twpptleth" This clul) ha" Ae tweT,t" foTms- A
by Hallie Finder, and "Bethlehem" Pe in honor ot their twentieth wideawake club
by Lcrine Windham. Mamio Men- wedding anniversary. Well filled er riI1G V,wi
denhall also gave a most delightful baskets of everything good to eat 'nH v L ' M-rM, th
number - dbl lUa Tick Fc-enhpr-er were brought in and the surprise The second week in March is the
UuU i KiSe- ard pScia Ewnber was complete, althought Mr. and Mrs. date set for the four day, milllnerv
-r ,rd 'n t'fei Jecltatfins the Lohnes soon recovered their usual -i-ool for Caps county. Watch for
" i. , rl"Jl,"U! lue comnasure and -ave the cue-ts a further announcements as to plans
vouns,- folks showed much adeptness. composure anu avc tae foue--is a .
Three cf the boys of the school, hearty welcome. .lor this school
JImmie Begley. Marshall Cole and Mfs- .Lo,hne,:i was cr,merl7 1UA TTnInL --t
Carrie .ni. ine seconu aaunter ui -o-
Pi! u-firil K?prbprf r nflf prod a no.ct.
-c- - - - e it 1 i
bc.-autiful.hymn. "We Three Kings." -!r- anQ -urs- i e:ir-1 vne Li
which was In keeping with the Pioneer families of Cass county, and
Christmas soirit. Four of the elris higl-ly respected aud prominent in;
of tno school. Genevieve Hatt. Anna 1,11 the affairs of the community id
Mav MrXIaken. Laura Grassman and farlV ,hiVS- Mr- Lohnes Is the son of
Rmi. Vinior nijr nrpsentort vfrv John Lohnes. also a prominent far-
enjoyable dialo-ue. "Whv We Cele- of this county. The wedding of cr Mnt"i Fe a i u-0 Rt-vi-
brate Christrna " which Wis Riven I tn young people took place at the ance company of Cass county, Ne-
Plattsmouth. N'eb.,
PeeTre- ?7. lft0!
The annual meeting of the Farm-
In a very clever manner.
The vocal solos given showed un
home of th? bride. December IS. brvl-p. will li- - tv
1901. Rev. Georg? Jung, pastor of --'-"-' i nitrf-t v.,. 7. nn Snt-
usual talent on the part of the lit- ' Evangelical Lutheran church of urday, January , 1922, at 1:30 p.
tie folks and especially that of Bet-' delating. Miss Maggie Stoehr was m., for the purpose of electing offi
tv Ann McCarthv, who Is of verv : 'he bride's attendant while the groom cers for the ensuing year and trans
tedder vears Tbe s'olo'ts of the eve-iwas attended by his brother, Ed- acting all other I'l'-ines wbih nav
Frlcke, Hallie Fin- "ard Lohnes. They settled down to regularly come before "M "r,oing.
Laura Grassman I housekeeping on the old Irar.c Wal- J. P. FALTER,
raut larm near t;eaar creeK. now u-o-yia. secretary
owned by Mr. Lohaes. and they have
spent all of their married life on this
la all cissigns can bs found the
ning were Marion
der. Jackie Davis
and too much cannot be said for the
charming manner in which the little
ores rendered their numbers.
The St. Katherl
church school gav'
her, "Baby Jesus
d with the most marked annrovn
Tho rloino- feature of the nro-ram ' citizens, industrious and thrifty, ex-
wns tho nl.iv. "To Fiml Santa Clans"! silent neighbors and have all the
in which a number of the little folks Qualities to endc-r themselves to at!W,?.mjj, v ' 4 Mj!&i
articip-.ted and von the enthusi-1 their large circle of friends and ac- rf-f'" .ut.-33aii
r;umntance3 nd tne ;ouner joins
extenaing neartiest
ne's chapter of the P'ace. They have taree lire cciuiren, ! r.,rst attractive cards for the
e a sneeial nura- lv o sons ana one uaugnter. iaey , . T . . .
e u. special Juu- ... . . , i fir n -H tVo T,--? m -t ! rfirn 19
" that was receiv- are naymonn. nowaru anu ,stner. i ' "- '" v
1 I .Mi. illiu -mis. IoniitfS uid tyiu-iiaiu 1 ..v iu aixiu liii-ui.
We Ase Wishing
With the coming of the New Year that you may have
prosperity, which abundant; happiness. hch is last
ing and health abounding.
npr's Department Store
FRANK f. FANCER, P oprietor
a?tic approval of the audience. At
the conclusion of the program, San
ta Claus. the friend of the children,
appeared and from his bounteous
load found a treat for everyone of
be children and in this role Percy
Field made a rollicking St. Nick.
Hailroad Structure over the Platte
River, North of this city Suf
fers from a Fire.
Early this morning the Burlington
bridge over the Platte river was dis
covered to be burning, and two
spans of the structure will have to
be given extensive repairs before the
bridge can be placed in service again,
tut every effort was made all day to
get the structure back in shape.
The fire was discovered at the
rmrth end of the bridge and soon
gained such headway that it seerued
as if a greater part of the structure
would be reduced to ruln3. In order
to fight the fire an engine was called
from Gibson to assist in the work as
it was impossible to reach the seat
of the fire from this side of the
Platte and the work of the section
men and engine crews finally suc
ceeded in subduing the flames, but
made necessary the detour of all
trains via Council Bluffs and Pacific
with them in
congratulations and host w'shei f or : ?.f
many more h3p;y years, niieu witn k
sucress and good health. t-j.
TIi9 gueKts were: Mr. and Mrs.
TTeiry Ahl. Mrs. Marv Ra?os, Mr. i$
-;nd Mrs. N". F. Hennlncs and fam- Kfi
ily. and Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Ahl of $4
t-oiiisville, John Lchnes. Mr. arid 53
Jlri!. Georga Lohnes ana v?mi:y.
Mirs Leila Duff, Harry 0'Br:er. He 1- '3
rv Larson and Miss In a Warren of 3
Cedar Creek. Mr. and Mrs. B. 1). fcjfl
Thompson of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. : t,fj
Levi Waldadt and family and Mr.
nvA Mrs. T. O. Pollnrd and family of.fcl
Greenwood. Andrew Walradt anajt-w.
Mi's Ethel Minnick of Lincoln.!
Floyd Erirson of N'ellirh. Miss Brown
ot .iyrara. -ir. anu mis. hu-jcu ; !;a
Troop, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Born J
of Plattsmouth. jglj
The day passed in much merri-!fj
ment and pleasant conversation and JLfl
hefora departing for home, another lj
meal was served In tho evening and F?j
Mr. and Mrs. lohnes were showered lf
! .1 1 ...!,!, nA LTl
v.'iin KUIS aim nuuu ni-nc-; uini .mi
surely long remember the delightful
cccsion. Louisville Courier.
1 JL
Notice to Depositors and Creditors
" the Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
To all persons bavin? money on t-
deposit, and to all creditors of the
T)nn1 f rnoa Prtnntr lT a t f Cm Oil t h
Junction for the morning but it Is"." J'
thought that the structure will be
in shape for the use of the late af
ternoon trains as the force of work
men are busy now on the bridge.
It Is supposed that the fire started
from some hoboes starting a fire
near the north end of the structure.
You will take notice that on the kiJ
13th day of December. 1921, the jya
iv n'c oi l ass Loiimy was ujuui,e
insolvent by the District Co;irt of
Cass County, Nebraska, and thit
Fred E. Bodie was appointed Re
ceiver; That on the 13th day of December.
1921, the court entered an order
that all persons having claims
against enid bank should file sinte on
T will rpII nf nii-h1fi .iiAtlnn f mv "r oeiore me inn uiy ui jtv.jiucx.j.
Plattsmouth. east of the Burlington ou will therefore 1 ake notice t hat
railway i,.rr,,nr r-ni tto toi,. all such claims must be filed with the
Receiver at his office in the banking
rooms of the Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on cr before
the 11th dav of February. 1922, or
Remember your friends on the
dawniner of the New Year with an
attractive card. There is no nicer or
South Park store, at 1:00 o'clock p.
m. sharp, on
The following described property,
4 Duroc Jersey brood sows, to far- tf.daw. Receiver.
tow ill April.
4 Chester White brood sows, to
farrow in April.
1 18-months old Duroc Jersey boar.
Excellent Individual.
2CnOW shi)ats welhlns from 70 (more appropriate way of greeting
to 150 pounds. i A, 7 ;
19 Harrow shnnta wolhlixr frnm lUCm.. ine JOUmai OII1CC.
70 to 150 pounds.
13 pigs Just weaned. x
Terms of Sale
.Amounts of $10 and less! cash on' Election of officers of Cass camp
day of sale. Amounts above $10, ten No. 332, M. W. of A. will be held
per cent interest will be charged on Wednesday night, Dec. 29, at 8 p. m.
notes with approved security. I All members are urged to be pres-
W. T. ORAIG. Uut. 2t-d
Owcer. C. F. fiCtHMnyrMANN,
W.- R. Tounfir, Auet. Counal.
N0TICSM. W. of A.
atorday? December 30th
We want to clean up all the baskets we have in stock at this sale,
which will include all our
Fancy Work Baskets,
Flower Baskets,
Vlaste Baskets,
Fancy Imported Baskets,
the latter containing several Narcissus bulbs, now growing, at
Greatly Reduced Prices!
AH these baskets will be placed on sale at cost and below
cost in some of the articles. If .you are thinking of buying a
basket of this sort in the near future, it will pay you to take ad
vantage of this Great Reduction Sale. Call and see them Satur
day. They will all be marked in plain figures. Buy one or as
many as you like.