The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 29, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THUESIAY, DECELIBEft 09. i921.
i e
Murray Department
Prepred in the Interest of the People
urray State Bank
takes this opportunity to thank our many
patrons and friends for the kind and hearty
co-operation which has made our growth and
success possible, and wish you all a
Happy New Year!
W. G. BQEQEKEB, President
SST Bank will be closed Monday.
T. J. Drendel was lookirg after businefs matters at Wefpiug
Water la:t Tuesday.
Harvey Gres; was a guest at: the
b ;::.e of Jim Hill and wife for din
ner on Christmas day.
.Muriel Nickles was assisting in
dr-'fsiip some hoes at the heme of
G'.en Vallery last Tuesday.
McGiuness Cbur; hill was looking
after Poni business matters at Platts
iu iuth la't Tuesday morning.
Jacr West was closed up for a
period last Tuesday, while Mr. West
v. :i" i l.elling corn at the farm.
K. S. Tutt and wife were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
I 'it z and family for dinner on Cririst
n.::s day.
Willa and Mary Park ar: borne
for a two wet-k-' vacation from
I'lttsmouTh. where they are attenJ
inc: high school.
I). Hiatt and wife, with their
little daughter. Alice Ijuise and
Grandpa Heinrich were visiting In
PI .t tsni.iuth for Christmas day.
Henry Ileebrur was a visitor in
Murrev fT Christmas. driving ovrr
fr'm Cedar Crr k. where he is en
gaged in condactinsr an elevator.
George Park-.-audfrmily 'ami
Grandma Wily were spending the
. Christ!' wilh friends, at Omaha,
driving ver to lhe metropolis in
Ihe-ir auto.
Will Gretr. win is an export tele
phone man. was visiting at the home
of bi- sifter. Mr.-. Morton Hartlttt.
for the past few days from his home
at Ha.-ting?.
Waiter Anderson of Weeping Waf
er, war- a visPor in Murray on last
Tue. d.iy. looking after some busi
ness matter.-, ami was a visitor with
!r. G. H. Gilniorf.
Gu-r Mannier from near Dunbar
bar. been vi itir.g with friends in and
around Murray for the past few days,
spending Cbristri!.-; with his son
('ties-r and family.
C orirr Park anil fr.r.i'Iy i lid Mrs.
Mary WiPy motored up to Omaha
Sunday and spoilt Christmas day
with Mr. Park's sister, Mrs. C. M.
Axhelm ar.d family.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nickles en
.tertnined for dinner on Christmas
day Mrs. Nickles' parents. Mr. and
Mr . II. C. Ing and Miss Elderine
Shrudr. of South Omaha.
A number of the farmer- west of
town. Fred Meisinger. Fred Lutz and
Mrs.-rs. Earns and Worthen made up
a car of hogs which they shipped to
the Omaha market last Tuesday.
Galn Rhode n and family and
CJen Rhoden and family were
ir.Lc a pleasant visit and ate Chri' diuiier with ti:e!r parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. v.". Rhoden at Platts
mouth. Wm. Sprrrer and family, Martin
1 922 ThQ New Year! 1 922
May it be filled with all Good Luck, Happiness and
Prosperity, is Our Wish for You.
AVinesap apples, per box. 1
15 lbs. granulated sugar for
5 lbs. genuine Santos Peaberry coffee I.lg
2 lbs. bulk cocoa for
Bulk macaroni, per lb.. ... 1
4S-lb. sack Little Hatchet flour J-j
No. 3 size hominy, 7 cans for
8 cans Winor sweet corn 5
2 cans Shelby pork and beans
Gallon cans apples ' V 37
Pure buckwheat flour, 4 lbs. for
44-lb. box Krispy crackers. . Qg
Sprustex dustless mops
One 50c size Sprustex Polbh FREE
with Each Mop.
I. S
Telephone No. 12
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reads
Chester and Charles were guests at
the home of Mr. and Ms. John I rish,
driving over in their auto for the
d-y and enjoying a most pleasant
visit while there.
Ed Gansmer. who will farm next
summer on his place, was down to
Murray lust Tuesday in his rew
truck, which he recently purchased
through the J. E. Mason agency and
was accompanied by bis daughter.
Oscar Nailer, while assisting in
saving wood at the home of Herman
Smith, he had the misfcrtune to get
one of his thumbs cut with a saw,
which has been making it very in
convenient for him to do much work.
Eouis Hallas and wife, with their
little one. were spending Christmas
and Monday at the home of their
parents in Plattsmouth. They had a
most pleasant visit and returned to
take up their work here on Monday
Amos Wright, who has been con
ducting a repair shop at the home of
Nick Friedrich for some time past,
has leased the repair shop at the
Cb.adderdon garate. and last Tuesday
moved .10 Weeping Water, where he
will make his home in the future.
Fred Tigner. who is employe: in
the Mason garage at Plattsmouth.
was a visitor at the home of his
brother, James Tigner, coming- down
last Tuesday afternoon, and was
met here by Mr. James Tigner. who
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murray that day.
The directors of the Farmer's Ele
vator company held a meeting in
Murray last Monday, looking after
some of tbe affairs of the company,
and preparing for the fifteenth an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the company which is called for the
first Monday in January. 102".
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter.
Margie, were the guests at the home
of Or. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmoro for
Christmas. Mr. Walker Gilmore. who
has been attending medical scho
was also present as weil as little
John Gilmore. They all enjoyed the
day in a most pleasant manner.
Lart Tuesday evening W. II. Ho
man took bis three daughters. Misses
Ruth. Opal and Madge, to tbe home
ot Earl Lancaster, where they will
spend a portion of their vacation.
Misses Bertha and Lena Lancaster
have been desirious that the Misre:'.
Homan should come and spend some
time with them.
Charles Mutz and wife were spend
ing their Christmas at the home of
Eugene Mauermann of Omaha, driv
ing up in their auto. Mr. Mutz is
still feeling pretty bad since the in
jury he sustained while starting his
car some six weeks since. He is im
proving very slowly, and hopes soon
to be over .the effects of the injury.
oennichsen & Co.,
Murray, Nebraska.
if the rheumatism will only let him
W. H. Homan noticed in an Omaha
paper an account of an accident a
few days since in which seven of one
of the families who were neighbors
to him, were killed in a crossing
wreck when the car ran into a train
on the Frisco near Willow Springs,
Mo. The family were Thomas Dob
byne, and besides the ones killed,
there were two who were seriously
j ill J ui tu. i uv unici uiu uui fetr
train as he approached the crossing.
Llade Merry Together
At tbe home of Frank Mrasek were
(gathered together a number of jolly
j friends, making the afternoon one of
! much pleasure. A bounteous dinner
' was served by Mrs. Mrasek who is
one of the best of cooks, and the ex
cellent appetites of the guests added
i to .the ?est of the occasion. There
iwere present on the occasion, W. I!.
Homan and family, Arthur Reed and
j family, the Kiehter Brothers and
i father, and Joseph Mrasek and fam
' ily.
j At the Hotel Sunday
1 Christmas was observed at the
I hotel last Sunday with the visitors
i being entertained most pleasantly.
I The family was all at home, with
'those who were here before, there
j were added Phillip Stribbs. of Omaha
and Wilton Stibbr, of Shenandoah.
Celebrated Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carroll cele
brated tbe r7h anniversary of th:ir
marriage? or. Christmas day and en
rertaineil for dinner a number 0
their re 1 stives and friends. The day
was most pie?is?ntly spent in pleas
ant conversation, there being pr?s-rr-r
for the ocarion. Mr. and Mrs.
Frn Carroll and rhildivn. Tei'dy
Xeldon r.nd Curley Reeves, who i.n
working at the Earn Carroll hom -.
Albert Lilly and wife and Mr. and.
Mrs. Cecil York o: Plattsmout h. Mr.
ar.d Mrs. C. A. Trent of Murray.
Jpcob Mirnear and family .f ea-t of
Murrr.y. ami Mr. and Mrs Jeu-.e
McLaughlin and children of Omaha.
Kany Eat Christmas Dinner
La?t Sunday at the home of Mr.
jmh! Mrs. T. W. Vallery were gath
ered a large number of their rela
tives and friends, where they cor
rectly celebrated the passing of 'be
event. A most sumptuous dinner was
served, and all present were kind ii:
their praises of the eleellence of the
cuisire. There were present besides
the genial host" and hostess, 3t ;.;e
McVey of Murray. Frank Valicry a:i;l
family, of Plattsmouth. George Cool:,
of Alvo. Henry Vallery. Glen Vallery
and family. W. R. Porter and wife
and Miss Poner of Weeping Water,
and Orrin Willis of ne?r Nhawk .
There will be an old fashiot ed
dance given at the Prlerson hall in
Murray on New Year's eve, December
31st. at which time all will be given
an opportunity to di iu- the old year
out and the new year in.
Come, have 1 splendid time, and (in
not fort'et the date and piace. Peter
son's !nl!, Murray, New Year's eve,
Lcpember ;ilst. lit-sw.
All te Christmas "Dinner
At the ho::v or I). C. Rhoii n was
held a family reunion l:ict f'
when they .Gathered to en.t Christmas
dinner with the parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Rhoden. A mo-t enloyaMe
time was bad by ;;il present, there
beins at tlie fiinner, the best and
hostess. .Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rhoden,
Kelly Rhoden and family and A. D.
Rhoden and family.
True' Friendship Worth While
S'jme time since we were asked by
the Rev. A. G. Hollowell, the theii
pastor of the Christian church, Jo
teach a class in the Pible school at
Murray. This we accepted and have
since been endeavoring to do as well
as we could. We should have been
pleased to have done better, ar.d
shall keep that end in view. On
Christmas day we were presented
with a very handsome gold watch
and chain, as an expression of the
friendship of the members of tbe
class and other friends. We were
not coming only but for the purpose
of working with the school ajid with
the many excellent people of Mur
ray. Still we are not unmindful of
the friendliness which has prompted
the people of the class, anel of Mur
ray, in making this present to us.
We shall cherish it as an expression
of their friendship, winch is some
thing that gold cannot purchase. In
expressing our thanks for the very
beautiful present and our pleasure
of the friendship behind tbe gift, let
us get behind the liible school and
the class and make it a force in this
community for good. Again thank
ing you, 4 am,
Many Enjoy the Banquet
At the homr of Mr. ant! Mrs. Fred
Warner, southwest of Murray, on
Christmas day, were gathered all tbe
relationship vi Mr. Fred Warner, as
well as a number of others. The day
was spent in a most pleasant way
anil all the folks getting together
made a most pleasant company.
There were to enjoy the occasion
just forty, including the family of
Mr. Warner, they being C. H. Warn
er and wife and two daughters. Miss
Isabel Yv'iles. Mrs. L. C. W. Murray,
Will Spaugler and wife and daugh
ter Miss Stella, all of Weeping Wat
er, Claude HutchiFoa of east of
Murray, Wallace Warner and wife
with their babe, west of PlattEmouth,
It aty of the redr of the
Journal knor of auy social
event or item Of lnLnrefct in
this vlcinltr. and will mail
rtne to this oftire. it, will ap
pear under this hearting-. We
wnt all twwsltema I?titob
Wm. Wetteneamp of west of Myueril.
Will "Warga, L. F. Terryberry and
wife, of Plattsmouth. and Roy How
ard and family of near Murray.
Celebrated Day Pleasantly
At the home of Mrs. Flora Sans
was elebrr.' eel the Christmas very
pleasantly last Sunday, where they
fathered at her solicitation. W. G.
Hoedtker and fnmily. C. H. Koedeker,
Mrs. T. S. Earrows and son Charles,
and daughter Mrs. C. E. Corey and
hu'-band. Miss Ceulah Sans and John
and Charles Sans.
The Open Door
Speaking about China, one has
u.;ed tbe term the open door often.
are many people have not known
j-.i;t what wa- meant. We ourselves
were in doubt until tbe other day.
when we wit" at Murray, we noticed
that G. Y. McCrKcken kept bis store
,it.or op-.-n. and t!.n it flashed on u
that wiu; tbe open du:ir and it was
open to let tbe sn oke out.
Christmas Candies
The hisgest. sweetest line all ready
for the kiddia-:' stockings. At Soen
nichsen & Co'r. store.
Docs Kot JLIn-ays Work So
Uncle John Edmund, who has an
excellent car. thinks that when a
Lttle gas and a little oil will make
the niacLire work pretty well, that
mi. re should make it work better.
a;'.d therefore he l as been giving the
c:;r plenty of gas an.l plenty of oil.
Well you 1. now wiien you try to eat
i euale a dav for thirty davs that
l' ruc t lme; it appall? 0:1 one's rppc
ti.e. Well .this tbe way of the cj r,
t r.d a st :)' :; h pump ha.' to be use l
on it before it would work to satis
faction. Otto Iris and 7,Tae Entertain
AJ the home of Mr. ei.J Mrs. Otto
ids were gathered last Sunday at
Christ m;.is dinner a number of the
i r
k'.tives. who surelv :i joved tbe oc-
:: .10 the They had good
good game.- and a most social
t :l
e. There were there for the oc-
iLion the f:'.ntili r, of Frnd Lutz.
hilip HiiJ. V. 11. Puis. Wm. PuL.
r.. Alfred Cacsmer and Wiss Laura
I 9
. G. x. TAYLOB
AVi'.I receive calls at Murray
hotel. Telephone number 14.
I Do you know why Triner's reme
dies are like'Ford cars? Pccause they
gi.-e the most service for the least
motiey. Wo have hundreds of letters
from nil c' of peonle in all walk
o. life which h:y stress upon the fact
th.-t the petients had spent much
money in vain for treatments and
. remedies ar.d that only Triner's prep
arations gave tl.eni the desired relief.
jl!"re is ore of the latest: "Crooks,
;Ore.. Dec. 1. I was sick for S months
rnd compelled to stay in bed. I spent
lots of money for variour. medicines,
till ray wife bought Triner's Bit.'er
Wine. I find scarcely words enough
to praise this remedy because I can-
not be without it. It gave me my
health back and it keeps rue well in
'n y hard w ork blacksmitbing and
i horseshoeing.) Even to my little
tones up the entire system. Yours,
Frank A. Novak. Therefore start the
New Year, 1922. with a serious reso-
'lution that you will keep Triner's
P.itter Wine always at home. You
can get it st every drueist or dealer
in medicines. Happy New Year!
; The Journal office has just in
! stalled a full and complete line of
j the most popular fiction magazine?
; and ef the very latent issue from
itbe press. If you desire to secure
! these late publications call at this
! office at ence.
Tbe annual stockholders" meeting
of tbe Farmers Elevator company of
Culiom, will be held at tbe IJecker
scbool house on Saturd. v, Jauuarv
7th, at 2 p. in.
d20-tfdaw President.
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
for the school children, may be had
at the Journal office. '
I will make all public sales in
east Cass county this winter and
serve lunch.
Eat at the Ltznch Wagon
Make dates with Col. W. R. Young
at riattsmouth er see me personally. ;
Murrey -:- -:- Nebraska
"Well, Roy of tbe North,' I'm off
ngnin. I've got a great deal to do to
night, you know "
Boy of the North
is Santa's pet dog.
"B o w-w o w, I
understand," said
Boy of tbe North.
So off went
Santa Claus to
visit the fchops as
he bad m any
things Rtlll which
he had promised
to take to them.
Sometimes be
got letters later ou
asking for the
things that boys
and girls saw In
the shops, but
that was all right.
"In a Row."
as he had sin ar
rangement with every store where he
toik toys that souie of these things
in tbe shops he was to take on Christ
mas eve to the children.
For many of the toys he left In the
f-iiops just to show tbe children whnt
the toys were like and so they'd knw
which oues to ask for, if they' hadn't
already made up their minds.
Some of the toys he left for this
purpose and some he left for decora
tion. What packs he had to unload This
evening! He hod some' more grocery
stores to leave and some little toy
grocery men to put outside of these
toy stores.
He left all kinds of sets of fur
niture, chairs, pouches, brass leds.
He left dolls' houses with elevators
going up and down in them. He left
some toy reindeer.
lie undid any number of bundles
hi led with trains and tracks and tun
nels and stations, and these he ar--anged
He niiuJe a great shelf all around
one store and he put wooden animals
i.ii it in a row.
Then be fixed some machinery so
:heso animals would parade around
v.nd around this shelf, one right after
tbe other, the whole distance of the
shelf all the way around.
He left some circus toys and many
animals. He left wenideu animals In
wooden cages, such as bears and lions,
so they looked ne though they were
traveliHfr-with a circus.
"Then I've been aked to fix funny
mirrors in, one shop." Santa said,
ebiu-kling to himself, "so that when
ehildren look in one of tbe mirrors
they'll look very short and fat, and
when they look in the other mirror
they will leok very broad.
"I've been asked, too. to leave three
toy bears, of three different sizes, to
greet tbe children In one of the other
stores. They are to be like the three
bears in the cild. old story. .
"Then I've b(H'i) especially asked to
build a great big shoe so it will look
like the shoe in which that old woman
lived so many years asro in the edd
Mother Goose story the children all
"I've been asked to build that for
one of the shops so the children can
ome and get inside it and can slide
rigid down it and land out of the toe
part, which I'll leave npon.
"I've got lots of animals to leave
In all tbe shops. Oh. how many toy
animals I did make this year. And
I've made balloons, and creatures with
eyes which move from side to side!
"I've certainly had a lot of work
this year to do. And I've been asked
to leave so many books.
"I've got some fine buttons with my
picture on them for some of the child
ren. "And every child must be thought
of. Sometimes I think I'd like to
give every child
every toy I make!
'T.ut that would
be an endless, end
less job, and I've
always got to
make toys for new
children each
"How soon the
babies do grow
big enough to
want toys! Gra
cious me ! I'm sur
prised to see how
they prow up so
quickly and ire
all ready for me.
."Now I've got
one more bundle
Great Big Shoe.
to take around this
evening and then I'm through until to
morrow night though of course all
day tomorrow I must be making more
So Santa Claus undid another bundle
filled with drums and pianos and
organs with pipes, and cornets, and all
sorts of musics toys, many of which
he had tied with ribbons.
And then Santa Clans went home
when he was all finished, ready for
another day of making toys and yet
another evening to leave toys at the
Gum for Cowc to Chew.
Little five-year-old Eva w.s visiting
In the country for the first time, and
she happened to notice the cattle en
Joying their cud- "Say, grandpa." she
exclaimed, "does you have to buy gum
far all those cows to chew?"
The Firm Has Changed!
The business heretofore conducted by myself, has
been changed to the firm of Wilson & Puis.
I am desirious of having all accounts owing the
former firm settled. Those knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and adjust their accounts-
Local Evidence
Evidence that can be verified.
Fact is what we want.
Opinion is not enough.
Opinions differ.
Here's a Plattsmouth fact.
You can test it.
J. B. Patridge, Sth and Locuft
streets, says: "Some years ago I was
bothered a great deal on account of
the bad condition of my kidneys,
caused by hard work on the farm in
my younger days. My kidneys acted
very freely, at times, causing me to
get up a great deal during the night.
At these times I was so bad I could
hardly straighten. I had to walk
with the aid of two canes. Not long
after I commenced using Doan's Kid
ney Pills 1 was well and I have not
needed to take them any more. My
kidneys were strengthened and acted
regularly again. It has been several
jears since I have had to use a kid
ney remedy and I give Doan's the
credit for the condition of my kid
Old Fashioned Dance!
Come Dance the Old Year Out and the New Year In!
An Excellent Time Assured to All!
Tickets, 75c Spectators, 25c
No War Tax
We are wishing all prosperity, health and happi
ness. Not for one day, but for all time to our friends.
Wilson & Puis,
The Service Store Murray, Nebraska
Happy New Year!
Since coming to Murray a few months ago, we
have been pleased to make the acquaintance of the
citizens of this community, and are very well pleased
with the business which you have given us. We are
extending to you at this time, the wish for a ver
Happy and Prosperous Hew Year!
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETERSON, Manager
neys today. I got Doan's at Mauzy's
drug store."
Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
gt Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Patridge had. Foster-Mil-bum
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Even granting that non-advertis-incr
stores could attract as many
buyers as the advertising ones, the
latter would the more money,
because buyers would come knowing
exactly what they wanted and not
take up nearly so much clerk time,
thereby reducing materially the over
head expense.
Tiie Katholitky Sokol society an
nounces that they will hold a grand
mask ball at their hall on the night
of Saturday, January 7th. The event
will he one of the most pleasant of
the season and the list of prizes for
the event will be announced later.
We no all kino or jon tirfntiDg.