PIATTSKOTTTH STOT-tTEEKLT JOURNAL MONDAY, DECEMBER 2&. Iflfel. PAGE FOTTR r 1 Che plattsrnoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at FostofCIce. Plattsmouth. Neb.. a second-class mail matter BODILY HEIGHT Figures for the army examination Americans on an average are eat ing 8 per cent less meat than they did twenty years ago. :o: It is said that the Chinese pay a doctor to keep them well, while we in this country today is about two CANT BE HIDDEN Can you read character in a face?, R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Americans pay an embalmer :o: i inches less than it was at the time of the civil war. One thing right after another. The , Figures for one of i Now look for a big snow. :o: Pretty cool. But it will be colder. :o: January is the coldest month, gen erally, of the winter. :o: Women never respect "grey hair if a drug store is handy. :o: All the world loves a cheerful liar until it finds him out. 0:0 Charity begins a: acme, but a Jit tle outdoor exerci.-e lielps it. :o: A fine way to fix an auto th:tt won't go is to u?e dynamite. n " .u. , When the roll is called up yonder politicians will want a recount. :o: They say Germany wants raw ma terials. Send hr. C:crvo case?. The last word usually ' brings on the first blow. :o: It takes horsa sense to establish a stable business. :o: A good umbrella means a frequent change of owners. :o: The 'sweet faced girls make us think of powdered sugar. :o: When .1 Motor car drivers who try beating trains are jumping at conclusions. :o: ' The trouble with borrowing things that it takes too much time taking them home. :o: There was a day when we called them grass widows, but now we call them self-made. :o: If a young man kisses a girl once, "ie evidently believes that first im T'.vji'.jns are lasting. :o: c. n a man is forced to swallow records he is apt to suffer --lo-'.s attack of mental in- t.r; w a- W.un -: ings a miit-ral". all. -:or- -:o:- The dollars of the family are not carried in the wife's name as often as the sense. :o: Skating is starting ia the colder state and it is found peticbats are still being worn. :o: You have to be an old man before you believe a fellow ought to wrrk and save while young. :o: An Olkahoma man has seen his wife for the first time in ten years. She must.be a movie fan.- :o: If we corraled the horsepower wasted cussing it would be worth more than Muscle Shoals. 0:0 The Indians have named Foch "Charging Like Thunder" even tho he doesn't resemble a railroad. -0:0 Cold storage men are claiming' they were . : his haste that all . ;. have sound- :? -it time to say diplomats. 0:0 Fashion has never dona much for r.ian. The only garment it ha? per mitted aim to leave off in the past 200 years is the vest. . :o: Old Bill Hart, bachelor, once too shy to propose marriage except by mail, is at last married, and we hope he stays in that fix. :o: Mary Garden says. "The most beau tiful thing is a leg in a black silk stocking." Mary mustn't believe what every man tells her. :o: The Louisville Courier-Journal editor says he is trying to make him self contented, but gTape juice and hash are mighty poor substitutes for champagne and lobster. :o: "War is the life preserver of the world's floating debt," say the Wash ington Post. The metaphor is some what mixed. If the things floated it weinie roasting season is at an end and now we have fried rabbit. :o: Lives there a man with clothes so worn, who never to himself doth mourn, this is my own, my only suit. -:o: After all, American cooking can't be so very bad. Marshal Foch gained twelve pounds while in this country. :o: - The parent who has to pay a child for doing right 'will have to pay lat er when the youngster goes wrong. :o: Speaking Methodistically, Secre tary Hughes has been the presiding elder in the conference at Washing ton. :o: Germany s talk about a morator iums doesn't frighten many persons in this country. We've all been vac cinated. :o: If have paid the last installment of your income tax, you can now commence to save up money to pay next year's tax. :o: ' What we are afraid of is that when Santa Claus sees our sock he will think we need a darning needle more than anything else. :o: Uncle Sam is the greatest Santa Claus in the world. He is giving $20,000,000 worth of food to the starving Russian children. :o: Thoughtful persons will send their Christmas N packages in ample time for- the recipients to re-address and to other friends. during the recent war are said to Can you ize up a person and know show that the average male height j whether or not he can be trusted? Occasionally you meet some one who has the instinctive gift of pene-' trating any facial mask. "That fel- ! low," you comment, "has eyes that look right through you. He can see to the bottom of one's soul. He's a judge of character." j This is a gift that can be acquired. the eastern women's colleges however, show that the average height of the students is three inches more than it was in 1884 and figures for several thous- send them and Leland Stanford girls who.were Develop it. as one of your powers, doubtless taller to begin with than It may save you from a heavy loss, eastern girls show an average in-j You have observed the different crease of more than one inch since expressions that flit across a ri:o-': 1894. The evidence seems cbnclus-' face as se ees ?.omo.air!;r pP.'fa'.. ive that the American woman's sta-' strange, e r:Y.c, ridic-ti-ture is going up as the American lous or r.ev. man's is going down. j Those expressions reflect emoriom This contrast tends to discredit th3t have le:n roused. The fact', in the theory of the anthropologist that nearly every cast', :s the mirror of the Americans are getting shorter the soul. because of racial changes in our pop Ejch of us is dominated by soiu' ulation, bringing into the mixture one cmoiion rnch as fear, caution, more of the shorter European tpyes. 1 recklessness, groed, generosity, aficc If our boys are mads shorter for that'tion or trickery. When that emotion reason, why not our girls? j is exct d in t':? average person. The difference in height may come the face re-pcru1,-; v.ith a betray::!? rather from a difference in mode of expression. When that er.io'.iou is; living. It is found that girls gain in j frequently aroused, finally becoming j height as they live a more health-j dominant, it is constantly mirrored! ful physical life, taking more exer-jin the face. I cise, wearing more sensible cloth-j No difficulty in fathoming the ing. being more careful about food man with a worried look, the man and sleep etc. Isn't likely that boys! with a happy-go-lucky countenance, In Friendship and in a feeling that makes us de sire that you may enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - that you may prosper in the years that are to come. THAT'S OUR WISH E. J. RICHEY For Sale are losing in stature from opposite influences? The girls get out door living more and more the sort of life their brothers used to live. The boys i neglect out door life for the confine-! face. nient of office, factory and amusement. The sexes changing places in these respects. No wonder, then, that women are gain ing rapidly on men in stature and other things. :o: Single comb Rhode Island Red Cockrells for sale. MRS. NICK FRIEDICH or the man with a greedy, eager ex- il you want gOOQ printing let C8 pression. You know what to expect ' do your work. Eest equipped job of them. 'shop in southeastern Nebraska. When you look into any person's - ask yourself: Advertising is the life of trade. ii..;-i..i..;..x-i i..i..r-:-li-:.lx..ix,4 W A ffnRPRTSmi iii ni nwwfc.11 1 WWII Coates Block Second Floor 4 .J. EAST OF RILEY HOTEL .J. H"!"I"I-:"I"I-!"H"I"H. merely. "What " That indoor ; emotion i3 this face betraving? seem to be gives you "his number." i-uutv in'- 1 i 111 o ait: u t 1 f 1 1 ii ft . RAILROAD SETTLEMENTS -:o: their eggs will hatch. Bet the little chicks ccme out wearing overcoats. :o: don't need a life preserver. :o: A New York man who was con tinually shouting for water was sent The emporer of India has a pair of to an 5nsane hospital. Perhaps his n . . wi . . . .n .. I . w 1 llllll IL .. .. 1 .1 1 ' you like to see what is on the hip? :o: Mary Pickford brought 14 trunks of new clothes back with her. Doug las is glad his wife works out for a living. :o: 1 The Journal Stationery Depart ment has been quite busy for a few days, waiting on Christmas shoppers. But there is yet a big stock of Christ mas goods to select from, what you want. , desire for water was regarded as con clusive proof of his insanity. :o: Senator Jones wishes to change senate rules so as to mite members stick to the point in derate, instead of "talking about everything." Sen ator Jones asks the impossible. , :o: Perhaps it ought to, but it doesn't. Prohibiting prize fights never caus ed fight fans to sit down to a nice, quiet game of checkers. And we opine it is going to be the same way with war. :or r St - -- thnt t:-- and pressing .-.-. :'.. : . ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE SSLJOURNAL OFFICE f i It won't hurt you a bit to drop some loose dimes, quarters, halves and dollars in that net presided over by the Salvation Army lassie, and you can feel sure the money will be used for worthy causes. :o: This disarmament cra7e is becom- g so strong that some fool is sure to come along and demand that all the obsolete cannon stationed in a public park be scrapped because they are reminders of the war. :n: "We think newspapers give us more vaiui for the money than any thing else in the world," says a great N'e v York bank and trust company. T "lis is true because the newspaper fundamentally, a cmmercial : They labor always for '"It of humanity. :o: o expectant mothers 1 recent years, says ... T.-o'V: n-itMn of New . ( i. i..; J hygiene. To explain the reason, sociologists ad vance many theories. The correct one is that women, like men, are paying the penalty for not living the natural life. :o: Two Chicago bandits stole ?400 which had been raised to distribute Xmas gifts among the poor. When the custodian of the funds tried to tell them it wa3 Santa Clans money they said they didn't believe in San ta Claus. Any robber who lives and thrives under the kindly rules of the .Chicago police department and tays he doesn't believe in Santa Claus is just a plain liar. , " It's a sign that he isn't married to the right woman if a man sits up and takes notice of every noisily dressed woman that passes. :o: , The fate of the world has been de cided at Washington, so you can study your Sunday school lesson with perfect peace of mir.d. o:c We may be mistaken, but you of ten see a person called the best man at a wedding who looks as though he. felt Just that way about It. o:o A sure-enough optimist is a let ter carrier who can make his own children believe that Santa Claus totes all the Christmas presents. :o: These are the days when the late buyers discover that those who did their Christmas shopping early did not go into it with clean hands. :o: . "Why is it that you hear but very little handclapping at the movies?" asks a subscriber. It's chiefly that most of the hands are being held. :o: Scientists tell us that women have grown taller since 1860. It is in re ality since 1825. That was when heels were first put on women's shoes. :o: One of the surest ways of reducing federal taxes is to reduce the num ber of persons in this country who look on the federal treasury as Santa Claus. :o: "Furs are necessary when proper ly worn," remarked a fashion writ er. She must mean when worn by animals to which" they originally belonged. The 1921 production of apple ci der is less than half of that of the year preceding, so it's up to this year's supply to "work" just twice as hard as the cider did a year ago. j :o: In an area of 25 miles from the city hall in New York, there are more people than in seven of the western states. That is figured out by Joseph K. Hart, educational au thority. Too many in the dining room, not enough in the garden. The solution of city problems is to get out of the city. BOYS You Can Earn from $1.00 to $10.00 a Week. ' Quick, easy Just an hour or so af ter school. Nothing to sell, and no money required. We want two am bitious boys in each town and com munity. Could you use some EXTRA MONEY? if so, fiend your name and address TODAY a post card will do. Addres Plattsmouth Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. 10 Put Up , with RaU for Years ','cr MO I got some rat poison, which nearly kUled our fine watch dog. We put up with rats ontil friend toM'me about Rat-Snap. It sorely kills rats, though hoose pets won't touch It." Rats dry up and t no s mel Prices. 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold ajid guaranteed by Bestor & S'tfatek raba F. G. Fricke & Co According to the reports of Direc tor General Davis, in response to the La Follette resolution of inquiry, the United States government owes the railroads of the country on claims and adjustments arising out of gov ernment control a total of $243,042, 060, on the other hand there is due the government from the railroads an aggregate balance for equipment of $507,62S.50S. . This situation is one with which congress must deal, and in a gener ous and wise manner. Some senators and representatives object strenously to the government paying large sums out to the railroad and not collect ing the sums due from the roads. Under ordinary conditions that would be regarded as poor business man agement, but with the existing facts it is justified. It is well known that the carriers are unable at this time to meet the government's bill for replacement and that the money due them on adjustments are desperately needed. Consequently the practical way of dealing with the situation is that proposed by the administration, to fund the debt of the roads to the government and give" them ample time in which to pay the sums due. There exists a vital necessity that the roads be placed on a good basis to render adequate services when the expected business resumption has ful ly developed. In responding to the resolution Director General Davis, with the ap proval of the president, declines to give the details of settlement with each road at this time. He says to do go would hinder and delay the work of the railroad administration and prevent expedition in final liquida tion, which undoubtedly is the case. This is not the time for a detail re port on this subject, but when all the adjustments have been made and the work of the railroad administra tion has been completed congress and the country will have a full report of what has been done. Public senti ment demands that this work be fin ished as quickly as practicable. o:o We doubt the report that Capt Schweiger, the man who sank the Lusitania, has been killed by his men in a mutiny in Paraguay. With our own eyes we saw Capt. Schweiger commit suicide in a movie three years ago, and a little later in an other movie we saw a closeup of him as a raving lunatic in a padded cell. Capt. Schweiger seems to have taken over the duties of the Wandering Jew, the Flying Dutchman, the Man in the Iron Mask, and the Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo. " o:o Forty-two leading iron and steel producing companies increased their number of employes 12 per cent dur ing November. "So goes steel, so goes general business." Production of iron and steel has been mounting stead ily since July. Recovery is not rapid. But that's an indication it is a heal-: thy movement. Others will follow the leader steel. :o: Brown Leghorn Cockrels I have a number of brown leghorn weyncn & Uaa- at one dollar each. Murray telephone But this is the exception that proves the rule. Nine times out of ten, the face is a glaring billboard, easily read revealing character. The study of psychology, through analysis of facial expression, is be ing furthered by the movie--. The film characters arc? constantly r?gister ing emotion?, teaching people the meaning of facial expression.-. That gives you a great advantage. Your grandfather had no such teach er. His knowledge of facial expres sions was acquired slowly, by ex perience. He had to reason it out, step by step. j There is the real intellectual val ue of the moving picture. It is mak ing us a nation of shrewd psycholo gists, teaching us how to read the mirror of the human face. This is a field in which men have , much to learn. In the past, women have been the greatest psychologists. ' Cooped up in their homes, with very little to occupy their minds, they have, by concentrated analysis and deduction, become experts at "get ting his number." : :o: : To One and To All We are wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year, as well as a most Merry Christmas. Plattsmouth Battery Station FACT Local Evidence Box 248, - : Nebraska Evidence that can be verified. Fact is what we want. Opinion is not enough. Opinions differ. Here's a Plattsmouth fact. You can test it. J. li. Pat ridge. Sth and Locust streets, says: "Some years ago I was bothered a great deal on account of , E the bad condition of my kidney?.'! caused by hnrd work on i.1'? far:n U j my your.gor ray. ?.'y '! ''. . vs pctct' ' very ir;e'.y. v t?ne. Civ. .; ..; re." We Mre Wishing -ret up ;i gre.tt i'pI (Jur1r. A thc-se times I vs: .-o hardly strain!" ten. I h'nr! with tho ai'l of two cir.es. night. I COL' .. j tO WO IK Not lore: 'i All our friends and patrons a most Merry Christmas, and a prosperous New Year. after I commonccd using Down's Kid-;Jj ney Pills I was -well and I have notj J netued to take them any more. My!,J kidneys? wpre strengthened and acted reaularly agpin. It has been several i K years since I have had to use a kid-, ney remedy and I give Doan's the credit for the condition of my kid neys today. I got Doan's at Mauzy's drug Ftore." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Pat ridge had. Foster-Mil-burn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. STRAYED Strayed from my pasture, south west of Cedar Creek, one light red muley steer. Weight about 450 or 500 lbs. Anyone Feeing same please take up and notifv A. O. AULT. Cedar Creek, Neb. Cockrels for Sale I have a number of pure bred sin gle combed Buff Orpington cockrels for sale at $2.00 each if taken before December 1st. MRS. J. II. BROWN, Phone 2412. Murray, Nebr. Office supplies of ail kinds han dled at the Journal office. 2712. Mrs. Walter Sans. tf-w IATNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs and Colds, difficult breathing, and for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results following its use will astonish you and make you its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used its equal. Dauger lurks where there is a cough or cold. Safe for all ages. 60c and $1.20 per bottle. Manufactured by Lungardia Co., Dallas, Texas. For sale by WejTich & Hadraba en H. Wiies Implements j WE WISH YOU Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year! rr 33 North Sth Street.