The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    SCr 1131.
S. T7f
Prepared in the Interests of
George Pollard was a guest at the
home of F. A. l.anson for Christmas
Chester Stone was a visitor in Firth
for Christmas dinner, eating: the
wne with a dear friend there.
Leo Swiuer and family were
guests at the home of Delbert Swit
zer for dinner on Christmas day.
. Nick Klaurens and son Roy and
John Frans were looking after some
business matters at Piattsmouth last
Postmaster Grover Ilohack and
wife were guests at the home of F.
.M. Maseie and wife Christmas and
enjoyed the occasion very much.
Marion Tucker received a Christ
mas greeting: from his friends and
ft-nner Nehawka citizen. Capt. O'-
Day who is stationed at Camp Ban-
ting. Ga. -
Miss Belle Bouck was spending
her Christmas with her parents at
Palmyra and returned for her work
at the Sheldon department store the
first of the week.
Mr. . and Mrs. Truman Taylor of
Hivertom Iowa, were guests at the
home of Mrs. Tyson's parents, Mr.
and Mrti. Jacob Wesaell, southwest of
Nehawka for Christmas.
Mrs. E. M. Griffin who has been
on. the sick list for some time past
is- much improved and is able to be
out some now and has hopes of en
tire recovery in the near future.
Hope Saint John. Doris Magney,
Znpha Chriswisser and Verner Lum
berg all who are attending the state
university were home for Christmas
and the vacation which is following.
Charles Hall took a load of flour
from the Nehawka mills to Nebraska
City last Tuesday morning and an
other load to the new firm of Wil
son A Puis at Murray in the after
E. W. Mllburn and family were in
Nehawka last Friday evening. Mr.
Milburn bringing the wife and little
Harriett to the train thev going to
Lincoln where they will visit for
some two weeks at the home of Mrs.
Milbnrn's parents, I. M. Davis and
wife of thaj place.
- llr. M. t. Thomas and son Lowell
of Syracuse, mother and brother of
Mr.. H. L. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Vol
ney. Eaton of Chillicothe, Wyoming,
Call us for quotations on grain
and for reservations for de
livery. flehawka Farners' Gmn Co.!
-We are a!so carrying all
grades of'
John Opp
Always ready for dates far
or near. Rates reasonable.
Satisfaction or no pay. Re
Terse all calls.
We Appreciate Your Friendship!
This Christmas tide we are extending car best wishes for a
Happy New Year to the many friends in Nehawka and vicinity whom
we have gained during the passing years.
It is our hope that you may all enjoy the coming year, share in
greater prosperity and that the friendship which exists between you
and us may continue to grow stronger with the coming years for we
know full well that friendship is an estate which gold cannot buy. .
We also wish to thank our patrons for their friendly interest in
our business, which has played no small part in our success.
Again extending to you all our best wishes, which are for a
most Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we are
r? .
the People cf Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Joe Eaton and wife of Norton, form
ed a house party who made merry
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Thomas for Christmas day. Not alone
that for some of them were making
a longer visit.
Mis3 Ula Frans of Union passed
thru Nehawka last Friday on her
way to Brewster where she went to
visit with her mother, Mrs. Belle
Frans, and brother. Kemper Frans.
who are staying there for the win
ter. On her passing thru Nehawka
she was met 'by her brother John
Frans at the station for a few mo
ments conversation during the stop
ping of the train.
J. M. Stone who has Just returned
from a long stay at the homes of his
town sons, Lester Stone at Del Monte.
Colorado, and hos son C. S. Stone at
(Steamboat Springs, is visiting at the
home of relatives here. On Christ-
mas day they all were guests at the
home of Carl W. Stone, there being
present for the occasion, J. M. Stone.
R. B. Stone and family, D. C. West
and family, Walter Wunderlich and
wife, they all enjoying the meeting
very much.
Entertained at Weeping Water
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Gorder en
tertained at their home in Weeping
Water. Messrs and Mesdames Henry
Wessell. Wm Schlictemeier, J. W.
Murdock. J.' E. Mulacl of Omaha,
John and Wm Baier at a Christmas
dinner and to say that they all en-
joyed the occasion would be puting
it hut mildly, for Mr. and Mrs. Gor-,
der are past masters in the art of en
tertainment. At the St. John Home
On Christmas day the family were
gathered around the festive board
and all enjoyed the occasion to the
full. There were there of the occas
ion Mrs. H. F. St. John. Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Nutzman and Miss Hope
St. John who is home from school
for a week.
They are Hedging Some
Yes that is there are some places
where there are hedging going on
and the way it is working. An order
has been received that after Jan-
uary first. 1922. the ervice of the;
mail clerk will be discontinued, from
the Lincoln Union line. This means
that there will te not mail routes
between those towns.' The interme
diate placed cannot in the future
send registered letters or packages
direct to the other towns but th
pouches containing registered mail,
will have to be sent to one of the
terminals. Union, Lincoln and from
there dispatched to the station des
ignated. ere
h nev
of A. F.
Sur-'jy th
! were
t 'ire f;'i: :Jy
t'if!rer.t ula
.-.nd c.'n
s. ItnJr.h
i i:i ti.e
rnrch 1ii:;inrs lives i:e-T
jE:g Wc"cv Texas., frnm the far so.i'.h.
Victor Iron' Harvard. Justin from
Yale, ond Mr. and Mrs. John O.
Vriser. Jr.. from their home in Om
aha'. This completed the household
and they enjoyed the meeting at the
heme cf the parents. Only for a very
short time did they remain for they
are all having to go to their differ
ent homes at the call of business.
However, they all enjoyed this com
ing together on this happy Christmas
Methodists Hve Good Time
The Methodist church and Bible
school put on a enntata and excel-!
lent program last Friday at the au-
ditorium. where they enjoyed the
tplendid entertainment and
was shared by the people of Nehaw
ka and the surrounding community.
With the other features which were
attractive was the Christmas tree
which delighted the hearts of the lit-
a . .
tie folks and the older ones as well.
Entertained Many Friends
On Christmas day Frank P. Shel
don and wife entertained at their
home many of the relatives and
friends of Nehawka and other places
and at which a most enjoyable time
"was had by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon are excel
lent entertainers and the friends
were phased to be quests on this oc
casion. There were present and en
joying the occasion: E. C. Giles and
family, George C. Sheldon, wife and
little daughter. Miss Mary Sheli?on
of Jackson. Miss, daughter of former
Governor Sheldon, and who is now
attending the state university, Hen
rv P. Sturm and family, Mr. an !
Mrs. Vilas I. Sheldon, I. Wolph an !
family including their sons Paul and
Arthur and their wives. B. O. Tucker
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon'?,
daughter, Mrs. Marion Tucker and
Will Make Home Here
Mr. Allen Munien father of Mrs.
Charles Blake, who has been making
his home at Roosevelt, Minn., ar
rived with the wife a few days .sine
and will make their home in Ne
hawka in the future. He will expect
to build a home here in the spring.
rn Christmas dav Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Blake entertained for the parents of
jjrs. Blake having there besides the
guests of honor the following. John
Harder and family of north of town,
carl Sell and family. Will Stull and
wife cf Nebraska City, Mrs. Cory
Jones of Weeping Water, and Her
bert Blake and James Blake and wife.
Nice Christmas Present
Nelson Berber and sisters accom
panied by Frank Resnick. agent for
the Brunswick phonographs, were i::
Omaha Thursday. They brought
back with them a fine phonograph,
which makes a very nice Christma s
present for the family.
Doing Some Excellent Work
Dr. J. F. Brendel, the Murray phy
sician. Is having much practice here
and at Union, and since the illne.-.'
of his father. Dr. B. F. Brendel. hs
bant rr f ho rrr ntrct nt tho time T -
- . . . ...ion r 1
in demand a greater portion of the
time. He has to have a driver now.
for he is so. busy that he cannot lock
after the car himself and so has
Warner Leonard, who worked for he
and father for some four years. This
enables IT. J. F. P.rendel to do more
work than it would be possible for
him to do otherwise.
The Taiily Enjoyed the Ilcetinr
tvo frTi'ily f ?..r. rr.l T.
Y-ltr-r' wtr:? Tc."-t'"0- !.' -: sundry.
'hr'.'tT.a?. c-ntl o:'.."ye'.! the ccaIc i
.- : n wei e j
ic r. : I. -. Kir - ;
joiiici hy tVi"
lor; :i'"l hu:!i:!:
rrrrr. j ' ::vi
Albert" iftoll i :
W:iys.:d3 ' : 1
'1 '. ir h.ildrr 1
v, -. -.ire Mr .
ahtcr arrived a
fr'.'.i their hrme r.e-rj
thi -5 crr.:r 'e'er! tLo!
c :rcl'
Notice Uniifd Brethren
The Nebraska Slate Hygiene and
Welfare campaign are holding a com
mtinity mas3 meeting Sunday, Jan
uary 1st at 11 a. m. at the M. E.
church in Nehawka. Subject. "Pre-
vontinn tli Wf 1 fa re nor " Cnoal-sr l
Dr Frank G wfSS Kansas Citv.' !
Mo. This is a national movement
to t,,er! the rai,id r:s'n- tide of
crime V, s-ye our homes and our
fcnools nud churches m thort our
"tu ';ft:- ...
No C1V1C or religious organization
vau i,4!or,i i" isire 1111s greii
Kiaiii v.mi it-em lur tTeveuims .
crime. All are ureed to come, but 1
especially the fathers and mothers.-
John R. Simpkins, pastor U. B.
church. Nehav. ka, Nebraska.
On acoount'of so many cream cans
lnct hprpjiftpr von will kindlv call
I at the depot for your cream cans ami
receipt for item s:-ie as otner e:;
prc. . - Cans will b- kept in freight
room and you should call for them
11. L. THOMAS, Agent.
Schoc! Notes
The Freshmen are readin
Marner in Rnstish.
The English Literature class are
discussing Macbeth
The language classes have been
writing Christmas stories.
4.11 the teachers are going home
r n!i(r, v nHon
The firt grade i taking up the
tens in order in nimher work.
Velma Vunn i-per.t Wednesday
evening with Clara an:l Mary Ai.ror-r.
Troy Linville ai.'l Ida McFarlan.l
were iict able to be in school Ti:o:--
School will elo.-e Friday for the
Christmas holidays, taking up again
alter .New ears uay
rades have been using their
opening exercise period for practic
ing their Christmas program.
The second grade is doing good
work in spelling and are taking up
the Roman numerals in numbers.
Some of the Third and Fourth
grade brought their Christmas deco
rations and all have enjoyed them.
Leroy Ketch left school Tuesday
afternoon; he is suffering from a
ove throat and cold. We hope that
l.e will return soon.
The Third grade has now finished
reading the third book of "The Pro
rreFsive Road to Reading" and are
now reading "Pinnocchio for bight -
re!ng' i
mas program Friday afternoon. They
have a Christmas tree set up in Miss
Scott's room, but will hold their pro
gram in Miss Graff's room.
The High school voted to give
presents to each other, limiting the,
gift to the value of fifteen cents or;
less. Names will be exchanged Fn
day. The Sophomore class will give
a short program Friday morning.
School was dismissed early Wed
nesday afternoon so that the schol
ars might enjoy the movies put on
by the Masons. They undoubtedly
enjoyed themselves and also the
candy that was so generously given.
The Sunny Side girls' club met
with Dorothy Sturm Thursday after
school. The girls had planned to
walk but Mr. R. C. Pollard was kind
enough to take most of them in his
car. They held the regular business)
meeting anu men wornea on t nrisi-
mas girts, beverai musical numDers
-aa a reaams lurmsneu a nine enier-
idiiiiueiu. una. ciuiui wneu a ut-
ncious luncneon. ine jjins were.
taken to their various homes in cars
furnished by
vin Sturm.
R. C. Pollard and Mel-
Atornej's Inrist thrt legislative Va
cancies Can te Filled only by
Pecpl? cf P.epresentcd.
Governor McKelvie goes ahead today to enjey a visit over the holi
his extra session and attempts dayeeason at the honie of Mr. and
to fill the six vacancies in the house
and senate by appointments, he is
likely to encounter a court hurdle.
Attorneys arz apparently unani
mous in declaring that the governor
cannot under the clear provisions of
the law, deprive the people of the
various districts of the rights they
possess thereunder to choose their
own representatives.
Senators Cronin of Holt, Davis of
e. vjauuuu ui mc on
Ln .th.e federal marshal's service and
Douglas and Gannon of Burt are all
out of office, while Senator Dutton cf
Cuser cannot represent hi3 old dis
trict because, he now lives in anoth--er.
Representative McLeod of Coif ax
, is dead
and Representative Reed of
i Lepra n
is now a resident of Lincoln.
The governor is of the opinion
that for all the legislature will he
, i , .
! the special session, it is not worth
the cost of holding special elections er were in the city yesterday for a
in the districts, wheh would mean few hours from their home in the
elections in nineteen different coun- country to look after a few matters
ties. He would save his money by ap- of business. Miss Helen is now teach
pointing representatives. ( ing at La Platte and is now enjoy-
There are attorneys, however, who ing her Christmas vacation.
insist that the people have a right j
to choose their own representatives, Tanlac is well advertised, but ad-
ana that right can neither te arro-
gated or waived, except as the law
provides. The law's intent is that all
vacancies occurring at a time when
I they can be filled without delaying
claf ii rCk in ? r 5 sv cri oil TkA
1' filled by the voters and not by ap-
pointment. The law is that the gover
Q nor may appoint only if a vacancy
occurs during or ten aays Deiore a
session begins.
Good Advice
Take Chamberlain's Tablets as soon
as you have finished your supper and
tbey will produce a gentle movement
of the bowels on theN following morn
ing. They will also Improve your
digestion and make you feel better
in every way. Weyrich & Hadraba.
I We have facilities for safe
winter storage. We care for
your wants in the repairing
line, as well as best repairs.
Nehawka, Nebraska
Mrs.' Hugh Siandley of Lincoln is
in the city enjoying a visit with her
mother, Mrs. William H. Miller anil
Lester Dalton. who is now located
at St. Edwards, Nebraska, arrived in
the city last evening to remain over
the holiday season.
Mrs. A. E. Gass of Lincoln arrived
in the city this afternoon to visit
here for the holiday with her many
fricnila In the nil! hnmp
I Mm F!d TtrijntTier f
Pender, is
oere njoy wrainiM ai idb
l paieuLs, wr.
Cory and her many friends.
William Deles Dernier, the Eim-
-.vood legal light, was in the cify to
day looking after o. few matters of
importance in the district court.
Charles Shcpp and children of near
Imperial, Neb., arrived here yester
d.Tv for a visit over the holidays
N. Abbott of Nelraskt City wa.;
here today for a few hours looking
""r ue matter b i .myau.v.
I Mrs. Jesse L Root of Omaha was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness, returning home this afternoon.
j Ben Windham, who has been en
gaged in traveling for the H. R. Ger-
ing Co.. or Omaha, is here to enjoy
the Christmas vacation with heme
Mrs. Julius Hall returned this
morning from Kansas City where she
was in attendance at the side of her
son. George M. Hall, during his op
Dnlnli T T q ronn rf Via "Pinl fif
r - f un;in came over
this afternoon to enjoy the Christmas
season here with relatives and old
Hugh Cecil, wife and little son.
came in this afternoon from their
home at Woodbine, Iowa, to enjoy
the Christmas vacation with their
Miss Frances Bintner departed
this afternoon for York, where she
will spend a few days as a gnest of
friends and enjoying the Christmas
Frank L Barkus and wife and
little daughter, Kathryn Louise, will
arrive this evening to spend the hol
iay season here with their relatives
and friends.
Melvin Johnson who is attending
the state university and Albert Ol
son, also a student of the university,
arrived home this afternoon for the
. holiday vacation.
Ralph Holmes and Merle Ramey.
tW(J of the piattsmouth students at
the university of Nebraska, are here
to enjoy the Christmas vacation with
relatives and friends.
Mig3 josephine Manners, who is
.titii' thp Pern Normal school.
. "-"r -
is home for the holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Manners, near Mynard.
Miss Nora Livingston, who has
been attending the state university,
came in last evening to spend the
holiday season with her parents, Dr
and Mrs. T. P. Livingston.
Frank W. Hawksworth of Denver
will arrive here today to enjoy the
. Christmas season with his mother,
! 'Mc r U-iwliin'nrtli n n d Tiis: sister.
Irs. Mi.ry Cook in this city.
E. H. Frar.zen pnd wife and Miss
tljillian Franzen of Onnha are here
Mrs. L. G. Larson and family.
Mrs. H. K. Larson and family and
Mrs. James Doig and family of Fair
bury, arrived in the city this after
noon to enjey a visit here with their
relatives and frends over Christmas.
Dave Hawksw'orth of Detroit,
Michigan, is in the city to enjoy a
visit here over the holiday season
With ' his mother, Mrs. D. Hawks-
w-orth and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Will Gridley and son, John
airs. ui uuuirj anu bkju, wum
Calvert Gridley. of Humboldt. Neb.
arrived last evening to enjoy the
Christmas season. here at the home
of Mr-. Gridley's parents. Rev. and
Mrs. John Calvert.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bates cf this
city will spend the Christmas holi
day at the home of Mrs. Bates' par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith, at
ti .j .n,t),o et,r(t-(m
' Missess Myrtle and Helen Crenm-
!Vertising alone could not have pro
,juced Tanlac's popularity. It had to
nave merit. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Prom SaturJay'a Dally.
This morning Mrs. Mary Hemple
of this city received a fine Christmas
present "from her grandaughter, Mrs.
George Able of Lincoln, who is now
spending the winter at Long Beach,
Cal. The gift was in the form of a
check for 1100 and carried with it
the wishes of the family fore many
more, happy Christmas days. Mrs.
Able was formerly Miss Hazel Pearl
Hemple, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.
Charles' Hemple of Omaha.
If you are feeling badly, put your
troubles away by taking Tanlac. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
A Washington hotel bellboy draw
ing a salary of S25 per week has
been compelled by a court order to
pay alimony based n $100 a week
tips. We gravely fear this lad has
been supplying patrons with some
thing stronger than ice water.
"I Cot Real Mad when I Lost My
Setting Hen," writes Mrs. Hanna,
N. J. ,
"When I went into our barn aad found my best
tetter dead I got real mad. One package of RaU
Snap killed tix bis rats. Poultry raiaen anould me
Rat-Snap. " Comes in cakes, no mixing. No timel
bom dead rats. Threesixea. Pros. 35c 65c. $l-2i
Sold and guaranteed by
Sector & Swatek Weyrich & Had
nb P. th TiicJje & Co.
Theo Harms as looking after
some business matters at Weeping
Water last Tuesday.
Miss Kate Wolpert was not feel
ing the best for a few days, but is
much better at this time.
Herman Rauth and wife were
spending the evening last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carp
er. L. Jessup of Lincoln was a visiter
at tl e hcrre cf David Brann r.:: 1
wif for a rev.- days dv.ring the p
v. eek.
Miss FrcdT Ecru of Canton, O., h
visiting at the Lome of her sht- v
Mrs. Alhcrt Glauhlitz. durir. tlu
George Coons wt s calling ' " some
friends ar.J locking For.: busi
ness matters in l-oui: vil'e . :r las'
Earl Q iinn shelled rrd d- .ivcrc'.
com to tr.o Kelly c:ev?.ior n in
Thursday, having nia-.y cf the i.t ip" -
bors assisting in the LaiJiin.
R. Bergman, the Man ley po!n::s-
ter, was a caller at Omaha uud:";
the first of the week, looking after
the purchase of goods for his sU-iv
Charles Ward sawed wood at the; "Ml "' outh of Manley enler
me of John Carper last Thursday !' "fed a lare circ e of their relatives
home of John Carpe
afternoon, and now has Mr. Carper
supplied with fuel fr the coming.
Waher Mockenhaunt er-i wne
spent last Sundy at the heme 01
Mi3 Mary Ann Murphey, where
they ail enjoyed the day very pleas-,
antly. i
Mrs. George W. Goodman was;
visiting witn irienas ana relatives
in Piattsmouth last week and Mr.
Goodman went after her last Friday
in their auto.
James Murphey was not feeling
the best for a few days last week.
but has shown some improvement
and is feeling quite a bit better dur
ing the past fe.w days.
Herman Mann was a visitor in
Omaha last Friday, where he was
looking after some business. Mrs.
Mann accompanying him and doing
some Christmas snoppmg.
Michael O'Learv. John Heenev and
Ed Kelly were in attendance at the
boxing match between Andy Sch-
mader of Louisville and Lamson, the
Walthill Indian, at Omaha last Sat
urday night, making the trip in Mr.
Kelly's auto.
Rev. Hiceins was awav durine the
fore part of last week, being in Om- one as the case may be before their
ah. where he was at the anniversary patrons can be reached. 'A petition
of the ordination of the Rev. M. A. . bas been circulated asking a change
Shine to the priesthood. He also vis- and the department has written ask
ited at Piattsmouth and returned lR that a map of the proposed ter-
home last Thursday afternoon.
"Last Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Humble departed for Kan
sas City, where thej spent the Christ
mas day at the home of Mr. Hum
ble's narents and enioved a bit of the
home of their childhood, when they
were again with the parents for the
happv vuletide.
Fred KrerHow an 1 M. R. F:rhrcy
are both
a roDdl.
whi h
a f ' w 1 :
eu '"rir. r fro:" the
1. '..'::
icken -,
r. n.hor of th"ir c
'! -r-.i.ri 1 i'T-r: thei:
-'v. --Inr . ie -- u't of ti
cf f ir.'? I y the chicla
whir1! ! ?.v? In el ii.fti:
this nei'rhhorhoo.l.
Mr. John who Aras called to
the be.; 'ide of hi; uiothor, who has
reached the advenes d cce of SO, re
turned heme last Monday and re
ports the mother as being very feeble
owing to not the best of health and
her many years. It is hoped she will
soon be feeling stronger.
We have heard how the farmers
have been - churning with a Ford,
sawing wood and doing the family
washing, but the other night we
learned that Oris Schliefert was herl-
j::ng his cow? with his auto. He did
J""ot arrive home 'until lrte or evr .i
jing he had been i:i Oi::aha, pn.l to.rr
jef his friends nr.y it "-a:- mi hiiT'n ,
lout how they Fliould be out i-.t t;':ie.
j'but Howard Johnson avers th;j a fct
ithat he saw Orris erasing c.e cow
at a time to the ham iron' C e stalk
field.. Verily, tha scope of x.e auto
No man who is unable to eat spa-: A gill seldom begins to take life
ghetti gracefully should attempt to : seriously until she has been up
compile a book, on table etiquette. against one case of unrequested love.
:o: ; :o:
It is easy to convince the average In the h1..: three centuries there
woman that her husband i alwjys have been more changes in hat fash
right except when he is arguing; ions than in any other part of men's
with her. wear.
GRATITUDE to our patrons of the
year now drawing to a close can best
be expressed in this simple wish
May happiness be yours, not alone at
this joyous season, but throughout the
coming yeir.
- y ;t 7
; ? V..
has no: h-.en f t'Iy discovered.
Hal Excellent Program
The ladies of the vicinity of Man
lev and village proper have been in
teresting themselves with the teach
ers of the Manley school in a pro
gram which was given last Tuesday
evening at the hall and which was
attended by a large crowd of peo
ple, who were well pleased with the
y."'.dlen"c" of the pliy which had
';on rT'
Spe it f.ri5tias.s Tcrcther
J.7--V "eitiT Cl.ri.-tm Mr.
1 M:.
V '. v.
:r ! ! :
'.!- Chri
J. C. R: uth. who are ou
' . '-t c)'irle cf this
ha 1 for tluir
M-'.vv Mt":--rs atr! M .:'-
I St nn'ier, IIeri.j?n
Rauth and son John,
Mi.:; .
; Ay (': Slander, John ft,
,Pi Mr-. Albtrt Glaublitz n:i
r, '.u ;:irn, who Is vif iiinr, at
In r v cf Mr. GljuLlitz from Can-
1 V-
Reunion Christmas Day
in. rt-t and wife at their beau-
':t the l:or.:e on Christmas day, there
jeing ::;!.? thirty to enjoy the hospi
tality ' tl is ev'f"t:n couple and
apfst i'i 1 J-1? mo1, t enjoyable time
whir' ; 1! ).' ! T'-ere were, besides
the 1: ' n:id I-.-ess, Mr. and Mrs.
'Vji. Otte. M'-srr? Mesdames Eu
ro. .e CoII ert of Veering Water. Mrs. -:1 N ?. lamily of Louis
ville. Mrs. John Carter of Weeping
Water, L. G. Otto of Lincoln. Henry
Kehne and son Will. Wm. Van Em
ery and family of east of
and P. T. Otte of Wabash. Good
cheer and fellowship reigned su
preme and all declared that Mr. and
Mrs. Otte were excellent entertainers.
Want Eural Delivery
The citizens of Manley and com
munity surrounding are demanding
that they be given rural free deliv-
erv of mails. As it Is at this time
i Wabash, Weeping Water and Louis-
vine routes monopolize ineir lerri
tory and for the people whom the
merchants do business with they
have to send their mail to one of
the other towns in order to reach
them and it takes always the day
1 following and some times the second
ritory be furnished as well as one of
the route now existing.
Would Stop Chicken Stealing
Some steps, were taken last week
being originated by Mr. Fred Falisch-
mm, who is interested in law and
order, to lorm an organization to put
a:1 enl to chicken stealing. The
chickert t.f a f1 ?k are fcretly mark-
'1 to tv".r th cdu!-'. !: :.!:Mifi.-d
v. h?rev. ; they .:i -l:t f ,u"d. They
ill o. r 'I'lir'-i Jo'I-'n for
the aT : !: : n ny.' (i..nicrhn of
:.y c: . t ali .- hi: 1 ' nr..
ney and
With cash you can buy more
groceries at the store of R.
Bergman than elsewhere.
We ars making some very
attractive prices fcr ch.
Denatured Alcohol, 65c
? r, ' f.' r. pi
J I -i ft y 9
Manley, Nebraska
Greetings! -
SCH, Manager