The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    THUB3DAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921.
Those Who Desire to do Their Part
in Seeing Unfortunate Cared
For Have Chance.
naav. uec. i zyui
Beginning Mo
; . r .
Many people in this community have uncom
pleted set3 of this popular pattern in Gorham table
silverware which f-tands out anions the best pro-,
ducts of the Middle Georgian period and to such
odd pieces at this time would be a most pleasing re
membrance, while the more expensive complete
cheats provide a gift the equal of any in the land.
Knwrcs and forks, were $55. now $42
Large T spoons, were 1 L now $10
Small T spoons, were iu, now $8.50
Gravy ladle? $3.75
('old meat forks 1 $6.50
Cream ladles $3.25
r.aby fork and spoon, pair $3.50
Jelly servers $3.00
Su.-.'.r shells . $3.50
I-utttr knives $4.00
Oiiiv or picklo forks $3.00
OHe or pickle spoons $3.00
.Napkin iioKlers $1.75
V.lfv'.ut .A oak tots at $9.00
In addition to our unsurpassed line of
sterling silverware we also have the
following high grade plated wares:
"I am delighted that I belong to the
more than delighted that
I belong to the Happy family."
"It pleases me that I belong to the
lorious familv."
"And It makes me fool very proud a
lat I belong to the Thankful family."
The words were all talking among I
iemelves. And thev were all feel- 5
The days that are to elapse until
Christmas day is here are few now
and as they diminish the good peo- M fnmil
pie of the community have the prob- .r r?" 'y
i nrnvMlnir for their Ipsa for- -na 1 am l
1 111 J L aww.u.mb ,
tunate brothers brought more forci-
; blv to mind. To many it is hard to
: realize a cheerless, comfortless Xmas Glorious family,
' day, one that is bereft of the joy of "And It makes me feel very proud
home gatherings, of the warm ana tj,
affectionate greetings or their loveu
ones, me Kivins auu ittotiuB v.
I -i n -r. ,1 tha fact that 1l
'spread on the family board at this
' day of days when the message of the "Of course," said Merry, "I am one
Babe of Bethlehem would bid u of a good many of us. There have to
have "Peace on Earth. Good Will be lots of us in the family, for we
Toward Men." never know when one of us may be
Yet there is the saddening truth caiied out and we don't want to make
that in many cases there will be more any oue ever go without us because
homes and individuals who will find on? f us niIss!n or because all
t&t&FSxs& ffls.?, r -,,b "wt rrr
,,nfnrtnat circumstances that de- Just s"PP"se some one wanted to
nies to them the happiness and pros-! the word Merry and couldn't. It
- Winter Hats-
These include our New Fur Brimmed and Fur Trimmed Hats as
low as $3.75. Make an ideal Christmas Gift!
Sogers, 1847
Ambassador design
VThittier design
Shclburne design
Roanoke design
and the popular pearl handled goods
that have been so hard to get since the
war. Any of the above would make
most ccceptable and practical gifts.
Prices include War Tax
Tea sets, baking dishes, casseroles, water pitchers,
bread trays, sandwich tnys, sugar and cream sets, fruit
dishes, sherbet sets. etc. These make welcome gifts.
perity that has been the good for
tune of others of the residents of the
In order to aid in seeing that these
unfortunate ones are not entirely
without some measure of good cheer
end at least the assurance that they
are not forgotten by the great heart
of the good Christian people of the
community, the different churches.
Sunday schools and as well as the
Elks and I. O. O. F. lodges are pre
paring to give out baskets of the
pood things to the unfortunate fam
ilies of the city and where there are
little ones in the homes they too will
i receive tokens of the day that may
I gladden their childish heart and
make the realization that they are
rot forgotten, one that will cheer
Those who have the wish to aid
In this splendid work of love and
mercy should get in touch with one
of the organizations that is to con
duct the work of distributing the
Christmas good heer or to do it as a
personal responsibility and visit In
person those whom they desire to
befriend on this day.
Open Evenings Till Xmas!
M. D. BROWN, Jeweler
Taft Says States in Exercise of Po
lice Power Have No Right to
Overturn the Judiciary.
Mrs. W. E. Roencrans. who has
been with Mr. Roencrans at San
Antonio, Texas, for the past several
months, has been unable to resist
the call of Christmas time and ac
cordingly has returned to the home
here to spend the Christmas time
, with the children, while Mr. Rosen
; crans will remain In San Antonio.
! being detained by Important husl
', ness affairs. The condition of the cli
' mate in the southern city are ideal
Mrs. RoeTrrans rerort and when
I I'll I J V 1 ttl . t k i 1- m . - "
" " j cold wave w touched the change
right and justice which the guaran- : was most noticeable and served a3
ty of du? process in the fourteenth an unp'asant reminder of the north
amendment is Intended to preserve," . ern winter season that is with us.
declared the chief justice, "and that Mrs. Ro9encran3 expects to return in
a purely arbitrary or capricious ex- a few weeks to the south tc remain
ercise of that power whereby a for the rest of the winter.
wrongful and highly injurious in-(
vasion of property rights, as here. Is; TWO WEDDINGS TODAY
practically sanctioned, and the own-i
er sirippea or an real remedy is wnol- vom windnvj Piiv
ly at variance with these principles." Tne christian church parsonage
He stated that illecnUtv of thf - i i
nvchi.n n u, o. ii . . .. ' was a very uusj uuuc mu iiciuuuu, iss.. : means useu in tne present case to rAV O ITollowell the Dator
v-. ..vt unve tusicmers away wa3 "WitHOUl wa, railed on to loin In the bonds
action to prohibit COUrta from en- "This mnkes th! nbn an nnhw
inin rv.L-Aina- in 1.1 .if - . ....... .. :. . . . 01 inis romi
K uT: L"1.' conspiracy, tne decision contin- of La Pla,te and Miss Alice Sander
, . , K . , . i.vua.v u a.uea; -me means used are tne libel- trOTn northwest of this citv were th
decision involving an act of Arizona. PUs and abusive attack? or, the nlafn. tTf!? .Vjr?: L
would be a most horrible state of
'"So there are lots of my family
about always, waiting to be usvl.
"We love our family name and we
like to do all we van to keep the family
as Important as we feel we should be.
So that is why there is always a big
extra supply of words named 'Merry
"That is just what my family feels,
too," snid (J lorious.
ENJOY PLEASANT TIME party. The time was spent in visit
ing and a general family reunion
that will long be remembered. Those
Sunday, December ISth, being the in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs.
twentieth anniversary of Mr. and Henry Ahl and John Lohnes, par
Mrs. Will Lohnes of near Cedar ents of the bride and groom, George
Creek, their relatives decided that it Lohr.e? and wife, N. F. Hennings
would he a great treat to surpri.-e Td family. Earnest Ahl and wife,
this ertimable cohdIo and accordinsr- Ml -s T-pHn. Duff. Mr. II. O'Rrien. Mrs.
my family feels the same ;y about 10 o'clock the members of Mary Ragoss. Henry Larson, Ina
way." said Happy.
"Mine, too," agreed Thankful.
"You see." said Merry, "oi.e of the
nicest things about us in that we're fo
much used at this season of the year.
Wo love the Christmas season. And
the Christmas season seems to be very
fond of us.
"People are always wishing each
other a 'Merry Christmas.'
' "Now suppose- uny one wanted to
wish another person a 'Merry Chrl.t
mas and there wasn't a member of
our family about.
"That would be a dreadful state of
affairs, but we will se to it that
such a thing will never happen.
"So, as I said before, there are al
ways plenty of us around. At Christ-
the party begin to arrive at the Warren. B?n Thomsen and wife of
Lohnes home to join in the pkacant Ashland, Tom Pollard and family of
decision that proved a most thor-, Greenwood. Levi Walradt and wife
ugh surprise to the guerts of hon- . , , ,
rr,. -T i, tZ i. f Greenwood, Andrew Walradt,
r. The members of the party came
-it:: taskets laden to overflowing Lthcl Mirreck of Lincoln, Floyd
ith tiie good things to eat and these Ericson of Xeligh, Miss Brown of
were soon disposed of by the jolly' Mynard, Mr. and Mrs. Troop, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Born and family of
Plattsmouth. In honor of the occas
ion the guests of honor received a
large number of very handsome presents.
For any itching skin trouble, piles,
eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald
head, herpes, scabbies. Doan's Oint
ment is highly recommended. 60c a
box at all stores.
Advertising is printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Does your ad come within these requirements?
'In High, Gccd Spirits."
V: I
. r
fe -
,.,.... ..: ... ..y- c. . -t, .. r. ...... .-,jt l.
11 IU1
In tho nnlnlon nn -o.ifh t Vi iniirt
" . V . . "- mi n nui)iu) tr st repuiaiion. inreais nT. t 1-00 r m xcerp married bv
divided five to four, it was held that cf such attacks on would-be custo- JJ? Sniper the clrem-y being
the lower courts erred in refusing to mers. picketing and patroling of the s mple and ' a Jet
consider an application for an injunc-.rrtrarce of their pla;e of business e second ? wed dine ooenrrei at
tion which was sought to restrain j with these accompaniments and the i Jo Vh en Mr Robert Rilnev and
certain method of Dicketine-. Chirf i v. . -m wnn -ir. itoneri inmey uu
Justice T-f delive-,1 tl-P rn'nTm ; r it L It 1 ' . r" Miss At,T,a Stone, from R.vk Blurf'
justice ltr aeiue.ed the op.nion. thereto, all with the purpo.-e of de- T.p.tjrh boyhood called at the home of
Justices Ho.mes, Pitney and Bran- paying te Dlaintl'Ts of their hn;L ZT ,, V, j
deL ;erara'elv Ktatel Ht-ontt-itr '' ,5 l, PainiIps or tneir Dusi- pPV noll'v-well and requested that
aeia separa.eiy Biaiei ai.aentiag Tie? td srive nn?ra nn to a ctitnto .. . .... . .-t.
and Justice Clarke joined in i whereby serious loVses inflicted bv 1 u " V , Ji T , I
ninion annmmred hi i,,cMro Tli i V i loe3 iniiictea Dy tJ,e ePT,iai pastor nerformed In hi
pinion announced b Justice rUch unlawful means are in erfect 00i ar, mannnr
views and
the o
"The legislative power of a state
can only be exerted in subordination
to the fundamental principles of
mtde remediless. The constitution
was intended to prevent experimen-
For a mild, e"sy action of the
tation with the fundamental rights bowels, try Doan's Regulets, a niod
of the Individual." ern laxative. 30c at all stores.
Christmas Greeting
We take this occasion to to extend
to all, our hearty, good wishes for
this Yuletide season. May you
and yours have an abundance of
happiness and good will this mer"
ry festive season.
mas time we are busier than at any
other time of the year.
"Gracious! ' The' work "e do on
of wedlock four of the young peonle Christmas cards and calendars :ml on
of this community. Mr. Henry Iske; little cards that go with presents, and k-4
the work we do on packages well, it f,4
is something enormous! t
"But work and play are just the same fij
wltti us. e like to work and we l
feel that It Is play. We like to play k
and we feel that it is very pleasant j'J
"We belong to a family who have nl-
ways ueen rona or tne nouuay season.
"You could easily call us a holiday
"Yes." said Happy, "and the same
Is true of our family.
- "Sometimes." Happy continued, "we
nre used around Christmas time.
That quite often happens, but more
often ptill are we used at the begin
ning of every New Year.
"That is renllv extremely nice. We
help people start off the New Year
i right by rot only wishing good thlnga j
for themselves but Dy neiping mem v
to wisn au ineir irienus nuppmess, r
too. b
"Yes, we help them when they say $
Happy New Year.' And we like to f
help." b
"I." said Glorious, "belong to a hoi I-
dav. too. There Is no other Word ft
i family which so well describes the
Fourth of July as we do.
"'The Glorious Fourth!' How often
you've heard people say that. We're
about then in Rieat numbers. But
r. .iiii.l nil liv ract rkf tlio A" V
too. for there Is so much 'glorious p
weather and 'glorious skating.' and
jlorlons coafting. and all sorts of ?m
glorious' things." fej
"We belong principally to Thanks-
giving day." fald Thankful. "That Is 3
the wav we feel. We are used then
more than at any other time. PH
"Everyone Is so 'thankful then for
all their blessings. To be sure, they're FH
thankful at other times, but on l
Thanksglvlng day they give thought
and time to say how thankful they
"Yes." said Merry, "we belong to
the Holiday words. And yet we are
abont on other days besides holidays,
too. But we do love holidays.
"And Happy and I are the mem
bers of the family who belong to the
holidays of this season Christmas
and New Year's day. That is enough
to make us merry and happy any
way. If for no other reasons."
Crazy With Heat.
"Elizabeth," said the chemistry
twher, "what is steam?"
EUzabetV-Vatar erauy 'with haai.
Ladies boudoir slippers fine as
sortment of colors at
Sweaters Plake Ideal Gifts
We have an unusual large assort
ment of Ladies and Misses at
Attractive Prices
Crepe and Flanelette kimonas with
silk fringes on sale at
ncaut-.uiiy creased sleeping aolls
Ladies all Leather purses
Iicns fur caps at
Men's house slippers black and
brown Price, per pair
consisting of sweater, stork pants,
caps and mittens in red, green
blue and brown $7 50 to
Men's neckwear silk knit and 4-in-hand
ties at $1.25 to
Large size Indian blankets at
Men's 1 -buckle overshoes, ex. first
quality all sizes, 6 to 12, at
Beau Brummel and Ar$row brand
shirts priced at $2.45 to
Two to six in beautiful Christmas
boxes Prices from $1.25 to
Ladies beautiful silk camisoles at
Ladies fancy bloomers and petti
coats large variety of colors
at prices from $2.25 to
Ladie3 4-buckle overshoes first
quality Note the low price
Boys one-buckle overshoes extra
first quality Priced at
Men's wool sox 3 pairs for
A Few Specials for Your Kmas Table!
15 pounds pure granulated sugar for $1.00
Sun Maid raisins, per pkg 25
Peaches, apricots and pears in heavy syrup at, per can 30
Carnation milk, large size, 2 cans for 25
Omar Wonder flour, 48 pound sack for 2.05
Candles, large assortment, at per lb 20
Fre-h crackers, both soda and oysters at, per lb 16
Larre jar preserves, all flavors at 29
Gallon peaches, fine for pies or table use at 69
Ask for Your Coupons!
Fanger's Department Store
FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
fed. ri
it ,mt, m
Phone No. 206