' ' -' :r FA OX FOHS PLATT8MOT7TH ffEMT-VTEEKlT TOTTKTAfc THTOSDAT, DSCSMBER 22, 1921. r Che plattetrtoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT Entered at I'ostoffice. Plattsmouth. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PBICE $2.00 Dare to do right and you will be successful. :o: Christmas trade should be lively all this week. :o: Every girl likes outdoor sports if they are handsome. :o: Opportunity doesn't knock around with other knockers. :o:- Hearing so little from Spain's war. It must be a bull fiht. -:o: The finishing touches are put on father's pocketbook. :o: Dear Santa: Willie a base bein; drum and mother an ear -o drum. Laws for auto light dimmers ought to apply to Christmas ties. :o: Speaking of the mailed fist, write a plain fist when mailing. :o: Nowadays they sue for divorce and the custody of the reputation. :o: Cotton stocking will be cheaper next year, but nobody cares. :o: "No news is good news," wasn't said by a newspaper subscriber. :o: Christmas cigars are made by the thief who was given enough rope. -o:u-- If wishing were money, we would all have a million for Christmas. :o: Why call them "new" resolutions when they are old ones mads over? Christmas com"3 on Sunday next Sunday. Docs that mean two h'.i- days : The farmers are no doubt glad lo see the first snow. It is good for the wheat. :o: The chess player, who male tvr moves in seven hours, would make a fine plumber. -:o:- Hide the children's presents with their school books and they will nev er find them. :o: The invention to take darkness out of the movies will also take out some' loving couples. ! i The men who write these south- ern songs never raised boll weevils instead of cotton. . a:- It must make a farmer mad to re- j turn from buving eggs and see his! h.n. inafinp- ahnnt vri :o: people who have their Christmas ' presents at home are always honored to build up their own home town, j :o: j Professor Roubaud figures a fly; has 3.9S5.969.3S9.755.100 "descen-. dents in five months. Suppose she cackled every time she laid an egg? "It don't take a man long to bag hi3 pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing hi3 clothes In much iaore presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't :ost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE 166 i to 1 -M&sch X4ii OC'Vmidhai orrirF II PLATTSJIOUTH, NEBRASKA Neb.. seoond-clasa mall matter PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Cheer for the little cnes. :o: A white Christmas, after all. o:o Swearing off time is almost here. :o: Everybody should be happy on the Christmas day. The wonder of the moment Is what size slippers dad wears. :o: Aw, cheer up! Christmas turkeys will be cheaper about the 4th of next July. :o: A Pailadelphia paper announces , the marriage of Miss Alice Never to Mr. George Moore. :o: The Louisiana couple married 2,000 yards in an airplane came earth quicker than most couples. :o: at to : Get in right at the beginning of the New Year and maybe you will j sail through all right to the end. :o: Hoover, who says we are sick eight days of each year, forgets the first1 of the month comes twelve times. 1 :o: ! Best thing about the trains which. ' will travel 300 miles an hour is mo torists must be quicker to hit one. :o: Lovely box stationery at the Jour-' nal Stationery department, just the j thins for a present for your bestj girl. -:o:- I This will indeed be a dull Christ mas to poor children of the city who have no one to buy presents for them. :o: I Perhaps one of the reasons why ' tges are selling at 40 cents per dozen i ti.pt the hens are insisting on a 14 -hour week. -:o:- Three years ago the British said there would be peace in Ireland by J Christmas. They merely forgot to say j which Christmas. We haven't any superdread-! noughts to contribute to world dis armament," says Germany, "but how would scrapping a few super war debts do?" More than 4,000 suicides in the United States during the past year are attributed to moonshine whisky a monument the prohibitionists eau hardly be proud of. :o:- A gentleman, well past 39, declares that after 40 he will eat no meat anymore forever. But he will. Once a steak hound, always cr.' until rnp Until One dav 'ou faint in the bathroom account of high blood p.essure. on : Sboe people are mating men's shoes now without any straps to pull them on by and without any hooks to lace them up. Pretty soon they .will be leaving off the uppers and. cnlau nnrl nil Vi i ...111 Vw- luff ..-ill Ka ocrico, uuu u. iiiav n ill u v. 11.1 , 1.111 u the war price. 0:0 The war department advertises forty-five old fort3 for sale. How would you like to have an old fort in your front yard? Why buy ex pensive oil paintings of picturesque things when you cau get a genuine old fort dirt cheap? :o: The New York beau of a married lady iu Philadelphia became piqued at her and just for devilment sent 40 of her love letters to her unsus pecting husband who instantly be came deeply Interested in his domes tic affairs. Now he wants a divorce and $50,000. :o: ; An elaborate newspaper advertise ment of the screen version of "Get- Rich-Quick Wallrngford" mentions the name of George M. Cohan who arranged the settings of the picture, who directed its making and what magazine first published the Wal lingford serial. But George Randolph Chester himself could not tell from the advertisement who wrote the novel. 0:0 An imaginative Chicago news paper has established a department of men's fashions. This should be pop- Btuiar until the Sunday editor starts printing photographs and names of beautifully dressed men at the. auto mobile show. That will precipitate 1 murder in high journalistic circles, .or we are no judges of masculine sensibilities. Apart from this, howev er, it should be said that anything the newspapers can do to induce men to drers better than they commonly do, should prove an undeniable aid the city, beautiful ; movement. Its easy to catch a man with vthis1 ky, if you have the whisky. :: The red sled will be in demand ' now. More snow will follow. Wouldn't it be grand if we all made what we claim we do? :o: Napoleon met his Waterloo and every shirt meets its laundry. :o: Clothes may not make the woman but the lack of them makes her mad. -:o: ' Christmas cornea but once a year, and everybody cheer. should be of good :o:- A Wichita thief, who stole a Bible, didn't know much about what he was getting :o: The new leaves turned at the be ginning of the new year soon fall from the family trees. 'to: Vienna is reported to be perish ing with hunger. Why doesn't she eat some of her famous rolls? -0:0- It Is now almost too late to do vou Christmas shopping. Nevertheless v.ou nad better eo ahead and do it. -:o:- That four power agreement for. disarmament sounds to us very much ' like the noise of a four cylinder car. :o:- 1 Only a few more days to buy your Christmas presents. Take time by the forelocks and don't wait till the last day. :o:- Some parents don't want their children to believe in Santa Claus because they are gluttons for grati tude. :o: If football casualties keep up. It may be necessary to hold a confer ence and declare an indefinite foot ball holiday. :o: Some Philippine bank officials have made off with the bank mon ey. Who said the Filipinos are not thoroughly civilized. :o: - If Scotland wants to start an agi tation forhome rule it's all right' with us, provided the Scots do their agitating in Scotland. J -:o: I A Rhode Island professor says we ' haven't enough nonsense in this na- j tion. He evidently doesn't read the proceedings of congress. to: Nothing like Santa. Every child in the city is looking for him. Will he leave a present for the poor of j :o: j Listen college boys: The kick off j of the football is a great thing, but 'it is the kick from the brain that wins success in the world. :o: Simplest way to handle the income tax matter is too give Uncle Sam all you nave, ana lei mm give you luck ..... . . ... 1 the change, If there is any. J :o:- Have you paid your state, county and city taxes? If you have the inon- ey ready the three governments men- i j . , . . . ... . , tinnaA umnlrt la mlffhtv arloil rv trot it ' r: o- The only good resolutions tha boyb can adopt now on the advent of the New Year is to cease the cigaret hab- r diplomacy far behinu. it. But this advice will not be heeded. I There are no delicate question D0 j left today. There are only indelicate After a very careful reading of ones, and everybody ask3 them, sing the letters written by Friend Daugh- ! ly and in blocs. Questionnaires are ter to Santa Claus we have conclud- ed that they are merely propaganda. :o: There is one thing you can do on the advent of the New Year. Re solve to be a better man or boy. That won't hurt you and costs you noth ing. :o: An expert contributes a narticle to a magazine on "The Future of Poison Gas." It is earnestly hoped that its future is not to be as black as its past. :o: There is no use wasting any more sympathy on Czechoslovakia. Consu lar reports show this new nation is producing more beer than it can con sume or export. :o: You ought to think of the orphans at least once a year, and this is the season to remember the institution that are caring for these fatherless and motherless little ones. :o: Great Britain takes the lead in the clamor for abolishment of submarine warcraft. which is not an unbecom ing peace time role to one who abol ished so many in the late war. Your Boy Can Earn from $1.00 to $10.00 a Week. Nothing to sell. No money required. v1n tne negative, and we don't wonder. Quick, easy just an hour or so af-L , . , . . ter school. We want rood, honest. nly an. archangel could have done industrious boys just, two in eachso truthfully. One girl wrote "yes" to town and commounity. Write TO-! eight of the questions, but had never DAY for further particulars, a POSt lnIIMa anvthinir tmm kr namnk card will do. Address Dox 246, Plattftmnnth tfhrlr a LAST? YOU folks who have found it hard to decide what to give, just step into this new store and you'll be surprised how many useful gifts you can find. A pair of Shoes, Felt or Leather Slippers, Hosieiy. Overshoes do make splendid gifts. And say, the new low prices will certainly stretch you Christmas money. So come in and see what beautiful gifts we have for every member of the family. Some Ladies' and Children's Soft Sole House Choice of the House Infants' Shoes Sizes 2 1-2 to 8 For Saturday Only! Here's Another One School Shoes Sizes 8 1-2 to 2 CIsurk-GoA THE PERFECT LADY In the days of manners there used to be a thins known as the "deli- cate question." When you wanted U find out something very personal from aQ intimate friend. you debat- ,i t,u P!Iif anA timpj with your entire circle, whether it would be possible to ask a delicate question 1 ahnnl it Rnmetimps von dfO.ide VOU . . . . . Ullgni. 1 IlCIl JOU yrutccucu iu uu with an exq-uisiteness and a deter mination to save the feelings of the questioned, such as left the triumphs the rage. The Income tax people De gan it. Then the rest of the world followed. Half the advertisements you see ask you an Important ques tion point blank, such as, do you brush your teeth properly, or are you sure that you are eating ot. wearing proper things? And for the educa tional institutions, if their victims have anything left concealed, they must be deep indeed. About the most indelicate set of questions' even are contained in the questionnaire sent to the girls in the main dormitory of a certain univers ity. There were ten queries. Appar ently all the cirls answered them. Not to Lave done so, one gathers, would have been construed as a tacit confession of guilt on all ten counts. These are the questions: 1. Have you ever cheated? 2. Have you ever been kissed? : 3. Have you ever smoked? 4. Did you ever consciously tell a lie? . 5. Have you ever . used intoxicat ing liquor? - 6 Have you ever danced improp erly? 7. Have you ever worn Improper clothes? . ' 8. Did you ever have a "crush." 9. Were you ever at a "petting party." 10. Have you ever done anything you would conceal from your , par ents? No-eirl annwered everv nuestion f. , . jx syieumu imuer line iuai iui era one's admiration. The average lady- likeness . was sixtr ner cent. .CLARK-GORHAtV SHOE CO. for ILatte Slhoppers Real Here's a Real One M era's Work Shoes Regular $4 Values a&33 fa For Saturday Only! Children's 50c Quality Lisle STOCKiNQS For Saturday Only! Ladies' Silk and Wool $ c3 For Saturday Only! FORMERLY KINNEY SHOE CO. The weakness of this questionnaire consists in the fact that "improper" may mean different things to differ ent people. To an elder of Zion, for instance, any dancing is "improper," and any dress cut above the wrist or below the collar, is wicked. To a girl who has been accustomed to see claret on the dinner table ery day of her life until prohibition came in. the occasional use of a mild glass of wine seem3 a perfectly innocent thing, whereas the ardent pussyfoot would consider such sinful indul gence a shame and a disgrace. "Tell ing a lie." In some uncouth guide circles in cludes such polite fictions as "not at home," and "sorry to find ycu out." Petting parties and kissing without good and sufficient cause, (such as an engagement which is inoant to be kept) would seem to come within the curse. These amusements can- not. with any probability at all. be considered ladylike. But one little angel declared her self innocent of all the misdemean ors except one. .That sounds like a pretty good record, doesn't it? She hadn't done anything improper, smoked, danced, lied or kissed. She was almost wholly innocent, but she had cheated. Now, to some reasonable uud 'ion orable minds, cheating would seem worse than all the other ciimes ex cept perhaps the illicit kissing, put together. On the whole, nobody has any right to ask such questions. Human nature hasn't progressed far enough yet. They are too painful. :o: Cockrels for Sale I have a number of pure bred sin gle combed Buff Orpington cockrels for sale at 12.00 each if taken before December 1st. MRS. J. H. BROWN, Phone 2412. Murray, Nebr. FOR SALE Pure-Dred Duroc-Jer-sey boars. Cheaper than you can raise them." Healthy, growthy. SEARL S. DAVIS, 3wks-w Murray, Neb. LOST- -Headlight on Dodge auto, somewhere on Louisville road, Satur day night. Finder please return to Journal office or 'notify C. A. Gauer, Cedar Creek. 2td-ltw Brown Leghorn Cockrels I have a number of brown leghorn cockrels, pure breds, which are going at one dollar each. Murray telephone 271X. Mrs. Walter Sans. tf-w Advertising is the life of trade. aies for Saturday! 69 LOSES FIGHT IN THIRD ON FOUL Andy Schmader Unable to Control Actions in Face of Repeated At tempts to Compromise Him Prom Monday's Daily. Before one of the largest crowds that ever witnessed a boxing match In the Omaha auditorium. Andy Sch - uiiiuer, Louivuie usm-iiea vy iosi the referee's decision to George Lam son on a foul at Saturday night's show staged by Omaha World War veteran?. The opening bout between Taylor and Ed (Bearcat) Wright was a stem winder from start to finish, with the lighter dusky-hued boxer coming in strong on Bearcat, but at the end of the ten rounds of milling the referee tew fit to give the contestants a draw, r'"hich et wJth general disfavor i T1 cpm. winillin ' hmit hffwoo Schlnifer and Nichol was among the best vo have ever witnessed, with Nichol outpointing the Hebrew lad in !)cxin; and defense work, but unable lo slug effectively and finally going down near the end of the tenth round for what world hrve been the count. Niche! was cheered by the spectators, who do not seem to have much love lor Schlr,ifer any more, but withal must admit that the little Jew from i'uokiiiAtown aa rt humum mm snens utfeat to most or those against whom he is matched. Niched is a boxer of j-Tcat experience, served oversea.! in the world war and carries the per sonal recommendation of General Pershing. Excitement was keyed up to a high pitch when it came time for the con testants in the main event to enter the ring. Lamson was first in, fol lowed closely by Schmader and both received a nearly even ovation. At- the opening of the first rovnd, Andy was out and quickly landed a number of hard blows about the In dian's cheek and jaw. Then, thru pain or for other reasons the yellow, skin took to- his hands and knees on the canvas, and in that position re. ccived a number of blows. Bud Lam. son, brother of George, then climbed into the ring and attempted to tell the patrons that the referee had er red in not calling a foul and wnvAfi his brothers hand In the air in token of victory. Police ejected him from' the auditorium, and his license as a boxer in Nebraska has since been taken away from him. I As the fight proceeded the Indian camped on his hands and knees a' number of times apparently laying himself open to fouls, for when a' man is knocked down he doesn't fall to his hands and knees. - The referee cautioned him against doing this, but by that time, Andy had become in furiated over such attempts to com-' promise him, and he too lost his head I th rowln gd iscretiotUoetaarin d v!J ADJL Patent Leather OXFORDS New Thing in Ladies' Footwear S 50 Ladies' Shoes Dress Shoes in Brown, Calf or Vict Kid, $3 90 Here 's One More Hen's Overshoes 4-buckle, all rubber Sg) 49 tnoe Co, and committing a number of fouls. . The end came In the third round, shortly afier the Indian had crowded him to the ropes, struck a low blow, and then followed with a stiff punch to the jaw that sent the Cass county boy through the ropes. A little later when Lamson camped on the canvas, Schmader dove in with a fusilade of blows to the head, and the referee awarded the decision to Lamson. Charges and counter-charges were heard pro and con of the affair, but .the facts remain that to date Andy and Bud Lamson have had thpfr H- s censes suspended indefinitely, while the state hoard is said to he consid ering taking similar action against George Lamson and one or more of Schmader's seconds. Certainly it appears to the more reasonably minded who have no bones to pick either way, that the same drastic action is due one as the other. Grudge fights are very apt to end in una,entlemanly melees and it is doubtful if any Nebraska promoter will fail to take a leson from this one and refrain from featuring such bouts.- regardless of how remunera tive they may prove from a box of fice standpoint. Andy's many friends here, of whom more than a hundred were present to witness the bout, regret exceedingly the disagreeable outcome and recall with pride how he took an unmerciful beating at the hands of Captain Bob Roper, standing up fiii.i fighting Queensbury rules thru- t,a uie entire ten rounds, rather than i t:utmner ills ln.ihfiitv n r.ri His his actions when in the ring with his Jong time enemy and rival For Sale Single comb Rhode Island Red Cockrells for sale. MRS. NICK FRIEDICH Office supplies of all kind ban died at the Journal office. I W. A. ROBERTSON Coates Block Second Floor V EAST OF RILEY HOTEL LLNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs and Colds, difficult breathing, nd for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results : following its use will astonish you and make you its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used its - equal. Danger lurks where there is a cough or cold. Safe for all ages. 60c and fl.iO per bottle. Manufactured by Lunardia Co., Dallas. . Texas. For. sale by- Weyrich fc Hadraba I i 5 i I 4