MONDAY, DECF.OES 12, 1921. PLATTSMOTTTH SEHItWTEZLY JOUEUAL PAGE ITVE ITS WARM BEDDING FOR THE BABIES Give Some One Blankets for Xmas and to Somebody Else a Beautiful Comforter. We Haven't Forgotten the Little Ones Come and See the Many Lovely Gifts. (PI I li '4 WHY NOT GIVE HOSE? Especially when Such an Opportunity as This Presents Itself Beautiful wool plaid blankets, big full size, bound edges, $9.50 value, specially priced for rt"T Cf Wednesday's selling JI3U Maish comforters, made of best materials and filled only with pure cotton. A big assortment of pretty paterns to choose from at $5.00 Women's heavy silk, semi-fashioned hose, extra well fitting in the ankle and foot and with lisle top. Come in black and brown and We have gathered together hun dreds cf the cutest little articles rattles, comb fcets, birthday books, carriage straps, and every thing that makes a baby gurgle and coo with joy. All put up in dainty white boxes ready to give. Various low prices, rang ing up from HANDKERCHIEFS The Eight Kind at the Eight Prices are What You'll Find Here 25c !I..$1.50 in all sizes, special at Men's silk box, in black and brown, heavy quality silk, re-inforced toe and heel. All sizes. Very Cfl, special at DUC Boys' heavy quality Cadet hose. Has double knee, extra heavy rib with re-enforced toe and heel. A( Regular 50c hose, special at Ttll C HANDBAGS Thai speak for themselves are in this special selling of fine leather and all new shape bags at And Now Comes Christmas! with December's Bargain Wednesday corr'ing at the most opportune time a Bar- new shape q-j qo g.ajn Wednesday so chock full of bargains and specials that your Christmas list ir S.uJ J -ii ? i i-i ' r i l r .1 tv; 1 i wni iooK iiKe a zero ii you taice advantage or mem. vve nave made extensive preparations to make this Bargain Wednesday the best yet. The values quoted are the kind that just "happen" once in a long, long while. Another assortment of especially attractive shapes, silk Aj Cf and leather lined vLl)U SILK PLUSH T0-inch heavy quality silk plush. Here is a fabric most suitable for children's coats, women's coats, scarfs, capes, etc. Regular price per yard is ?6.50. Our special price per yard, on o Efl Bargain day is D U ninnnii uirnurcnv COCOIIIO H . FROM THE GROCERY DEPT. PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES (the -whole fruit) 21-oz. jar 17-oz. jar 11-oz. jar 65c 50c 40c 6 cans of "Winoor" or "Story I'.ook" corn for Xn. 3 can of Vesper tomatoes 3 lbs. of bulk macaroni for 4 pkgs. Velvet tobacco for Oil sardines, per can MtiFtard sardines, large size, per can 2 enns "Shelby" pork and beans 10 bars of "Swift's White" and "Luna" sopp for 4 tall cans of "Monarch" milk 4 cans of hominy for 4 cans of kraut for 1 quart cf olives for 1 qt. pickles and relish for 3 pkgs. "Quaker Quakies" for 1 lb. pkg. cluster raisins for "Monerch" coffee. 3 lbs. for Winesap apples, per peck lf.c 2T.c 50c Sc 10c 25c 50c 50c 50c 50c 75c 10c 25c 40c -SI G0c There are Ever So Many Ideas Abroad in Art Needle Work The most attractive gifts are those on which you put a bit of handwork and if you select your materials now you will have time to make several especially dainty gifts before Christmas. Nor have you any idea how cozy you can make your own home with luncheon sets, appliqued spreads, table Lov ers, embroidered .tea towels, and all sorts of things which you will enjoy doing just as pick up work on long winter afternoons. Handkerchief linen squares in white and colors, and gingham squares with ducks and things for the little tot are among the many needlework designs to be had here. Cape and Kid Gloves! Give Gloves, c?pecia!ly when you can buy such unusually good values in cape and kid, in brown, black and white and in all sizes. The gloves in tins lot have been taken from regular stock, are not irregular in any way, and represent gloves that have sold up to ?3.75 per pair. Because of the unusually low price these gloves are not exchangeable, returnable, nor will they be Sited Be sure and gtt your correct size. Per ua they be Sited. Dozens of Pretty Things Can be Made from A Bit of Ribbon If you're pressed for time, ribbon gifts are quickly made. So many delicately pretty gifts may , be made of ribbon. Camisoles, tinj- satchets, boudoir caps, slippers and gar ters are just a few of the possibilities. And for the little girl who just adores a hair bow there are Buch pretty floral de signs and attractive plain colors that match her dresses, that you will enjoy choosing them from our complete stock. Hair bow widths in light and dark fancy patterns, at per j-ard 35c 50c ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS At remarkably low prices. Here are wonderful fabrics, all pure wool. Cue quality merchandise at prices that will niuke them sell like hot cakes 45" black storm serge sponged and shrunk, yard. 42" black French serge. Fine quality, per yd 42" dark green French serge. Per yard ..95c $1.50 45" black wool poplin at per yard 3S" navy blue wool taf fctta, per yd 40" brown French ser Ter yard, only $1.35 $1.50 :!..$1.5G XMAS SALE OF MADEIRA LINENS consisting of Luncheon Sets, Bureau and Buffet Scarfs, Napkins Nappies all at greatl reduced prices for Bargain Wednesday. 13 piece luncheon sets fif 14 " hemstitched nap heavily embroidered v"Ul kins, per dozen SC hemstitched linen r 13" scalloped and em luncu clothe, each vmiuU broidered napkins, doz. Bl'FFET AND BUREAU SCARFS Various lengths and var iously embroidered. All have been reduced for Wednesday to and small .$6.50 .$8.50 .$5.00 3 cans "Nimco" or "J. M." brand peaches and apricots for - ..89c Good Quality Goods at a Low Price! HB M bass B 2 3 S B run Telephones 53, 54 and 144 Beautifully hand embroidered fine lawn and linens in white and alo the new Sport handkerchiefs in pretty colors are here by the 1 fl dozen. Prices up from XVJl Handkerchiefs packed in pretty gift boxes, tvro, three and six in a box make a most attractive and accep table gift. Prices from $1 QC to as low as ODC Handkerchiefs for Hie, kiddies, for the bey, for the girl and for the man. the latter also in initialed designs, are included in our large and com plete stock. Give handkerchiefs! 36-inch comforter cloths in very at tractive patterns. Bargain 1 Q day price, per yd. 1C 27-inch apron checks, best quality. All size checks, priced at, 1 r per yard IOC COTTON BATTS Big three pound. Stitched ready for use. Size Ql 72x90. Price, each 01 REMNANTS of all kinds. Silk, cot ton and woolen goods, email and large pieces, all most decidedly un derpriced. Also ribbon rem- J" Dents, priced up from OC HUCK TOWELS FOR EMBROIDERY A big assortment of huck towels of best quality, with 1 inch hemstitched hem and stamped with neat and at tractive patterns. Easily and quickly embroidered and you have a PA gift that's sure to please OUC GIFTS OF IVORY Everything about Ivory goods sug gests a gift and a lasting one, too. Here you will find all kinds of things in best quality Ivory. Prices are un usually low on Wednesday. Fancy Turkish towels colored borders. Large size, Jg heavy quality. Special- ftOC ; v - ,.., .-m.iLi- - Jkim -'tin- "ii 1 1 Till III i ffiMf 7 . - -1 II ! Ill V I Certified Spsciai! (See other side) 72-inch satin damask, regular $1.35 value. Per yard 68c Only 5 full pieces in this lot. Limit of two table cloths to a customer. Fine bleached muslin in short lengths, regular values up to 25c a yard. Per yard 12c 32-inch heavy romper cloth. 45 and 50c qualitj. Sale price, per yard A 27c COMFORT SIZE BATTS Good Quality 3- lb. batts, each $1.00 4- lb, batts, each 1.25 Children's school handker chiefs, fine quality, one-fourth inch hemstitched hem. Each Boys' and men's large white hemstitched handkerchiefs at each Ladies heavy outing flannel petticoats, darks and lights. Each 75c Everything you will need for the holidays such as Fancy Groceries, Christmas Trees, Holly Wreaths, etc., you can get here at reasonable prices. NEWS FOR Christmas Shoppers! Save Money by Looking Over These HOLIDAY ITEMS Group S Items io Sell for 50c Combination sets Paris garters and arm bands Men's all leather black belts, full nickel buckle "Pollyanna" doll clothes sets (8 to 1 2-in dolls) Paris garters, double grip. ''Gingham Girl" writing paper, asstd. colors. Coin cases, with mirror and monogram space. Children's fancy satin purses. Boxes ladies fancy embroidered handkerchiefs (3 in box.) Bottles rich perfume, glass stoppered bottle. Group 2 Items to Sel! for $1 Ea. "Pollyanna" doll clothes sets (14-16 in. dolls) Military brush sets. Combination sets, men's garters and arm bands Ladies hand bags, Walrus grain leather Picture frames, assorted Gillette razor sets Ladies fancy garters Boudoir caps Mother of Pearl sterling cutlery Men's assorted pattern ties. Group 3 Hems to Sell for $1.50 Boudoir caps Military brush sets . ' All-leather hand bags French long handle mirrors Quids' 3-piece set, ivory effect Pencraft fountain pens Child's 3-piece cutlery sets, pearl handles Fancy Turkish towel sets. URL, Telephone 64 and 65 Cor. 6th and Main Gi nlvM Specis ii la (See other side) Gallon cans Karo syrup used to sell at $1 .25. Special 39c W hite Karo syrup, gallon 43c Additional Specials! Xmas candies, lb 20c New mixed nuts, lb 25c (Walnuts, almonds, brazils and filberts.) Fine new popcorn, 3 lbs. .10c 122 oz. jars Thousand Island salad dressing, jar . 35c No. 2 cans of sliced pine apple for 25c Curtis ripe olives in cans, per can lZc Chocolates, , Rover brand, price per lb 25c 32-oz. jars cf fancy wet mince meat, per jar. . . ,50c Good pink salmon, No. 1 tall cans, each 15c Pure jelly, 7-oz. glass tum blers, each 15c Pure jelly, 1 3-oz. tall glass jars for 25c Mazola oil, pint cans ..... 35c Bulk cocoa, 2 lbs. for. . . .25c Otoe hominy, large No. 3 cans, each 10c 1 1 '-si J Clark-Gorham Shoe Co. Gib and Haiti St., Plallsmonlb, tleb. A Host of Bargains for Bargain Wednesday! Yes Sir, you'll find this new shoe store chuck full of bargains on Wednesday. Footwear of dependable quality, priced at a down right saving, whether it's a shoe for yourself, hosiery or rub bers for the kiddies or just a pair of shoe strings. A Pair of Slippers FREE! - u Wilson pure milk, dozen large size cans with 2-quart heavy aluminum pudding pan $1.57 Fancy western apples, any va riety, Jonathan, Pippins, Spitz enberg and many other varie ties. Per peck 75c With Every Pair of Children's Shoes. 0 Boys' Dress Shoos Sizes 2 to 5 1-2., brown, calf, lace Boys' School Shoes 2.-!2 and 23 Girl's Dress Shoes Sizes 8 to 2, brown or black. Best quality tt 90 Girls' School Shoes,9 size 8 to 2, black gun metal, S2. Children's Hoe s A. good strong lisle hose in brown or black, regular 50c quality special Women's Hose, silk and wool, $2.75 value $1,98 Overshoes for the Whole Family! Men's 4-buckle all rubber. .... .$2.69 . Boys overshoes $1.98 Men's cloth top, 4 buckle 3.69 Ladies' overshoes 2.19 Men's rubbers 1.49 Small boys overshoes 1.39 Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.19 -Clark-Gorham Shoe- Co.,- FORMERLY KINNEY SHOE COMPANY Vwmii I n y 0 5 n 0 c G