The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1921, Image 1

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    Nebraska Statt Histori
cal Society
VOL. NO. txxvhi
NO. 43
; ' .
Another of the Big Monthly Buying
Events in Plattsmouth will be
Held Next Wednesday.
From Thursday Dally.
The business men of the com
munity who are associated together:
in the carrying out of the cornmun-j
ity bargain day program, have ar
ranged to hold the buying event one
week earlier this month, and it will
be held on Wednesday, December,
14th. instead of on the third Wed-
nesday as formerly
The last community sales day was
the most successful in every way of
the six that have previously been
held in Plattsmouth and the mer-.
chants of the city are putting on I
their lists a large array of staple and)
seasonable articles that will be of-;
fered to the buying' public at very'
low figures this month. Another
I ri in cr t hot cri vac tha liar am hor en la
added attractiveness is the near ap-
proach of Christmas, when normally,
every purse is taxed to meet the J
cost of living coupled with the cost j From Thursday Daily,
of giving. This year, it is claimed The Plattsmouth volunteer fire de
the Christmas money can be Epread partment is preparing to send to the
oat by taking advantage of Bargain state convention of the firemen a
Wednesday until it will do double delegation of its members that will
duty the buying of gifts and of enow to the other cities of the slate, done toward getting delegates pres
necessities, too. i that this city is not a bit backward ; ent. He read thecall for the conven-
Members of the Ad club are bus-, in the matter of a live organization.? tiou. He reported the appointment of
ily engaged in sending out the circu-j The delegates selected by the de-.the executive committee made, com-
lars advertising the big festival, to
the adjoining territory and will put
everyone in touch with the preposi
tion that they are offering to the
people of the city and community.
In order to allow everyone an cp-
portunity of securing these bargains-other of the firemen on hand at the
as well as to do their other Christ- state convention, v
mas shopping the stores of the city The meeting will be held in Jan
will remain open until o'clock on uury and this city at least will pre-
the day of the sale, but it would be
well for those desiring to secure
the bargains to be o the Job early
and secure the best that is ouered by .
the merchants.
William Barclay Mentioned in Con
nection With Office Wh.e
Judge Archer is HI.
From Thursday's raUy.
The sickness of Police Judge Arch-
er has-occasioned the cny bavins a,
r1" TV;;"r6r r B"7, - , I
fore Judge A. J. Beeson, who is al-'
so probate Judge and which has
caused a great deal of inconvenience
to the court as well as the city that
has lost a number of fines in cases
of drunks and violations of the speed
rami lot C
As the sickness of Judge Archer
has continued it is suggested that
the board of county commissioners
make the appointment of an add!-
tional Justice of the peace for the
city and then Mayor Johnson could'
have the justice named as acting po-
lice Judge until such time as Judge I
Archer might be able to resume his'
office. I
For this position the name of Wil-1
liam Barclay has been suggested and
if this exceptionally quplified gentle
man is willing to accept the posi
tion there certainly could be no bet
ter gentleman secured to
Carry On
the work of the office that has been
so long filled by the venerable Judge
M Archer and would insure the city
, X 1 degree of their office conferred upon
or ,aw ogepaers- them and the chapters will then in-
stall in their offices the various new-
STUCZ FOR THE FEED ly elected occupants.
Nebraska Chapter No. 3 of this
From Thursday's Dally city has selected the following offi-
Last night at the Legion meeting ; ctrs for the ensuing year, who will
while the matter of a feed for the!take office at the session following
December 21st election of officers was'tbe grand chapter: Oliver C. Hudson,
being discussed. Post Commander high priest; W. F. Evers, king; Dr.
Hild and Alfred Thomsen jokingly re- R. P. Westover, scribe; Fred P.
marked that they would provide tha'Rusch. secretary; Rev. H. G. Mc
erts. and no sooner was it said thanjClusky. chaplain; Glen Perry, cap
a motion was proposed and seconded 1 tain of the hosi; H. W. Smith, prin
to th?t effect. And when it went! cipal sojourner; George W. Brlnklow,
over, like a flash the good natured ' royal arch captain; Virgel W. Perry.
Legionaires accepted the mandate of master of the 1st vail; T. C. McCar
their comrades, with but one stipula-; thy. master of the 2nd vail; John E.
tion. which was granted, namely,
that .they be allowed to select their
own K. P. detail. Now the propound
er of the resolution, the seconder and
all who had a 'voice in its passage
are shaking in their shoes leastwise
they be selected. Rumor has it that
at least one member of the post who
has often bragged of having escaped
K. P. during his army career is to
draw hia heated assignment at this
w - -
Suffice to say. there will be some-1
thing to eat and something to smoke,
and a large turnout is hoped for. as ;
the important business of selecting
pot officers for 1922 is to come up.
Clerks, for Postal Mail and Gov
ernment Field Service. J 125 month.
Experience unnecessary. For free
particulars of examinations, instruc-
tion. writs J. Leonard, (former Civil
Berries, examiner) 248 Equitable
Bldg. Washington, CU Std
Although journal want-ads cost
tat little the results' they brinfc are
wonderful. Tit them.
From Thursday's Xally.
The Service class of the Christian
church met at the home of Mrs. Ed
Ofe Tuesday afternoon and had a
'very pleasant meeting. The attend-,
ance was very large and the chief
business of the occasion was the elec
tion of the officers, the following be-
tug tiiuscii. mis. iua oinic". jjresi-
dtnt; Mrs. Mable Ofe, vice presi-
rfpnt Aire f) lr rnnnpr coKratarv
Mrs. Clara Clark, treasurer: Mrs.
Wilma Stander, press committee. '
After the business session was
over the class took up the lesson on
"Training for Personal Evangelism."
a study the class is enjoving.
The ladies were treated to refresh-
ments at a sujtabi hour which brot
a hne afternoon to a close.
Delegates to the Norfolk State Ccn
vention of the Volunteer Fire
men are Selected.
partment to attend the atate meet'
are Dr. O. Sandin, chi&f of the de-
partment; Frank M. Bestor. presi
dent, David Ebersole and Frank Det
lef. and in addition to these it is
hoped to have a large number cf
sent a vastly different department
than they had at the last convention '
At the time of the lart convention
there were only seven members re
ported from this city, while at the
present time the department em
braces forty-two members in active
I Not only in the increased member
, ship has ihe department improved.
hut the addition or a nne chemical
cnglnejias made the department more
modern and up-to-date and these two
facts will have a tendency to secure
for the citizens a reduced rate on
their insurance as the fire fighting
facilities have a great deal to do with
the standing that the adjusters give
the city in making out their ratings.
This city has in the years
had some of the best and most active
organi2alions in the Btate and the
example to follow in the record of
, T , ., .... , ., . .
the old timers who have served out
their years of service in the depart
ment. The city of Norfolk is preparing a
great time for the fire boj-s and a
real treat should be in store for all
those who attend the meeting,
J.,.. ...
,.,,. ..Maia
Will IfJnTdI I YMflM
. , , ,
Following Meeting of Grand Chapter
m Omaha, New Officers will
Assume Duties Here.
The Grand Chapter of the Royal
Arch Masons of Nebraska will meet
i n-.k, Anrintr tho litter nnrt of
t k at which time the newly
e,ected h, h iestg of the variou3
chapters over the state will have the
ouuuiz, master oi me jra van; u. u.
Despain. tyler.
From Thursdays Dally.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
ei yesterday by the arrival of two
fine utile baby girls, who with the
j5 ' "
uiuiuci a i r uuiut very iiiceiy a. l iae
Fenger hospital. The many friends
here of th fmnv n-ni w, w,io
to learn of the happy event and
trust that the two little ladies will
enjoy a long and happy married life''w'hen the car turned over and the
From Thursday's Daiiy.
This afttrnoon a number of the
members of Platte lodge No. 7, I. O.
O. F. or this city motored down to
Murray where they attended the fun-
r s Barrowa whi.h w.. t,.m
thre today. Bermon wa8 flellT.
ered by Rev. w. A. Taylor of Union
and the Odd Fellows carried out
their ritualistic wtrrt.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
N '
Formal Organization of Mass Con-
vcntioa Complete Plan cf.
Action Undecid?d.
Piom Friday- Dal'.v
Grand island, Dec. S. A new
party was torn here this morning
ance was provided. Those who broT
the party into being, say it is net a
third party, but a new party.
j Grand Island. Dec. 8. F. L. Bol-
len called the convention of third
party organizers together at 11:15
a. ni. and introduced Mayor T. G.
Ellsberry. who welcomed the delega
' tion to Grand Island. There were
then about 500 persons on the first
. ficor of the opera house and a few
i in the. balcony. On the temporary
jroll call by counties 454 had been
reported, with 43 counties answer-
ing to the roll call. Delegates con
tinued to arrive after that hour.
Chairman Bollen told of the meet
ing in Lincoln on October 2S. of the
all for the convention, and the work
posed of himself as chairman. W. II.
reen. secretarv and K. C. Knutzen
as treasurer. That committee was
ready to turn its work over to the
The second roll call showed 529
delegates present, with 5 counties
reporting. A count of persons on the
floor of the hall at the time showed
563 present. .
On motion of Edgar Howard. F. L.
Bollen was made temporary chair
man. W. H. Green of Omaha was
made temporary secretary. Ream of
Hall wanted to make the temporary
organization permanent, but his mo
tion was ruled out of order.
B. F. Ballard of Omaha .'moved the
appointment of a committee on cre
dentials. The number was placed at
six. The motion carried.
I. W. Jacoby :of Havelock, B.-'F.
Ballard of Omaha. Edgar Howard of
Columbus, Walter Q. Detrick of York.
Joseph Ream of Grand Island and C.
M. Webb were named as the com
mittee on credentials.
A motion to hear J. A. H. Hopkins
of the national commitee of forty
eight brought on a debate. Roy Har
rup of Omaha didn't want to have
proceedings interrupted and did not
believe Nebraska workers were ready
to take dictation from New York.
Omaha labor delegates showed oppos
ition to hearing Hopkins.
Edgar Howard reported for the
credentials commitee that more than
500 voters had signed a statement
that they were present and partici
pating in the convention. The report
was adopted and those signing were
members of the convention.
The temporary organization was
made permanent. The chair called
for a roll call on whether a new par
ty shall be organized in Nebraska
by this conventfon. The motion car
ried unanimously.
J. H. Edmiston, called on by the
chair, offered a resolution giving the
plan for selecting a party name, pro
viding an informal ballot, a first for
mal ballot on the five high names,
and a final ballot on the two highest.
The resolution was carried.
Beal of Custer moved a committee
of thirteen be named on resolutions,
two selected by each congressional
district and a chairman selected by
the convention. An amendment also
included a like selection for com
mittee on organization.
Arthur G. Wray was made chair
man of the committee on platform
by acclamation. J. H. Edmiston of
North Platte was made chairman of
the committee on organization.
From Thursday's Dally.
The residents of the vicinity of
Lincoln avenue and Granite street
were rather startled last night when
a loud crash was heard and they hur
ried from their homes to find a Ford
touring car badly demolished at the
intersection near the Atlantic house.
It seems that the car. which was
owned by parties residing at Friend,
Nebraska, had been driven up the
hill and when partially up the hill
side there had been some trouble that
necessitated the occupants of the car
eetting out to make a few hurried
rePairs and as they were P?1 ' the
car the brfkes faiJed to olln, a
car started on down the hill and
. , .
gathering quite a good rate of speed
hit the bottom with more or less
force and as tne result the two rear
Wheels were broken, the top torn off
macnine inorougniy uaiiereu up u
the effects of the runaway.
2 big type Poland China' boars.
pedigree papers furnished. $20.
Phone 3513 A. O. RAMGE.
2 pedigreed Holstetn Bull salves
ze acn. Qix weeks eaa. sw
Pheoe 3S13 A. O. litfSI.
From Friday's lially.
The dance given last evening at
: the Eagles hall by the local ehap-
I ter of the Order of De Molay was
one of the most largely attended of
the season and the floor was filled
with the merry dancers to enjoy the
excellent music that the Merry Mak
ers put forth. This orchestra has
made a great hit with the dancing
i -nnhiif? anrt nroven liie most lodu ar
oi me orcflfsiras appt-diiiig m luibj
city and their return during Janu-
cry is being looked forward to with
much interest by the lovers of the
dance. 1 ,
This Sport Will Be Enjoyed for the . ,w .1.. c
Opens Next Week.
The high school basketball season
will soon be ready to launch itself
and permit the lovers of this form
of sport to enjoy a number of very
interesting games during the winter
The workout of the candidates for
the team has shown some splendid
results and a number of very fast
players have been developed in' the
school in the short time that they
Jiave been working out. The last
year's team was largely seniors. Sat
tler. McCarthy, Schneider. Brubach
er and other of the fast players re
tiring at the close of the school year,
and therefore it became necessary
to develop a new line up and the re
sult has been that a team of excep
tional fastness has been whipped in
to shape for the season.
The team this season vill not be as
heavy as thatvof last year but the
players arc fast on the floar and
should prove a hard proposition for
nny of their opponents to defeat.
Howard and Harry Dwyer. Stewart
Chase. Frank Gradoville and Charles
Ilaitford are among the promi&rhg
material that the ; athletic depart
ment of the schol will pla"e on the
floor this year and their reserve force
numbers excellent material so that
the school will be -able 'to make a
good record this sjH?nn. -
California Certainly Has Nothing on
Nebraska -This Fall Maybe
We'll Pay Latex On.
California far famed as the land
of sunshine and temperate weather
bids fair to lose its reputation to Ne
braska. In fact the stakes are up
and unless the weather man shifts
the scenery all that our fair common
wealth will need is a goo press agent
to put it in the class of her western
rival, where they grow two crops a
year summer tourists and winter
Nebraska has yet to experience its
first real freeze of the year, and to
date no snow has fallen Such a fall
as this is truly uncommon.
From Prldav'n DaHy.
Yesterday afternon the funeral
services of the late T. S. Barrows
were held from the late home at
Murray and attended by a very large
number of the old friends and neigh
bors to pay their last tributes of love
and respect to the memory of this
good man, so suddenly taken from
the family circle and the midst of his
host of friends.
The services were conducted by
Rev. W. A Taylor of Union, an old
friend of the deceased and his fam
ily, and in his sermon the pastor
paid tribute to the useful life of Mr.
Barrows and the loss that had be
fallen his loved ones and the com
munity in his taking away. Rev. Tay
lor spoke words of cheer and comfort
to the mourning ones in their loss
that they might be sustained in the
hope of the future meeting where
partings should come no more. Dur
ing the service a number of the old
and well loved hymns were given by
the choir.
At the grave the members of Platte
lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F. conducted
their ritual service. Noble Grand
James Henderson and Past Noble
Grand John Cory, as chaplain, con
ducting the service, which was im
pressive and beautiful. The pall bear
ers were selected from among the
to embers of the I. O. O. F. being:
J. W. -Marquett, Geo. Rogers, Har
ry L. King, Harry Winscott, John
Bates, J. J. Meisinger.
Those to attend the funeral from
this city were James Henderson, no
ble grand; John Cory and Sanford
Short, past noble grands; Ezra Lynch
vice grand; J. W. Marquett, chap
lain. George Rogers. T. L. Short, H.
L. King, Harry Winscott, John Bates.
J. J. Meisinger, Frank I. Fanger and
Fred Clugy.
-Lowest rates, 5. 7. 10, 15 and
20 years. G. M. McClerkin. at- the
Bank of Cass County. Plattsmouth.
Nfebtaska. tfd
Journal want ads pay.. Try them.
Plattsmouth Man Sees Schmader Go
Thru Strenuous Workout with-
out Much Exertion.
Frorn Fridays pniiv
; ,.. -
. '
The most interesting hour spent
in manv avs WIiS when business
culled the writer to our neighboring
village of Louisville and incidentally
we came into Konian raicr s garage,
the np;ier story of which is occu
pied as training quarters for our
"Sailor Boy" Andy Schmader. It
was December 1st about 2:30 p. m..
received a very cor-
enter the training
quarters of Andy, which was very
' pleasantly accepted,
: December 1st. A
Andy had permis
sion from his doctor, a bone spec
ialist, to go into training in full
Mast. 3 p. m. was the hour set for
the workout and the curtain was up.
The ring was regulation size can
vas covered, roped and good light.
A regular gong and a very cordial
yourg man with watch in hand wa;l
e.l the approach of C o'clock. Andy
was busily engaged in his dressing
room and wore a suit of wool tights,
and regulation shoes, ready for ac
tion. The equipment is very handily
and artistically arranged. Hot water
was prepared for a bath at the con
clusion of the workout. A shower
bath is at his hand any everything
t' makes it a convenience for an
athlete is there.
Promptly at 3 o'clock Andy entered j
the ring as the gong sounded and the'
"Big boy from Cass" was off for a ;
Vf ,11 VIh f ' " tZ,u
. .. , . - ...ling o" the series of courses is
.-.u iiufeme, in iuC vtuir. v,! ii
ring iiuuuL j. icei o incut;. xruiii nit:
nat. The writer was amazed at the
fciocity of the punches delivered,
especially with the broken right fore
arm. Time and again the punches
v ere repeated without the least signs
o" a riineh or weakness.
Then the gong sounded and after!
one minute of rest the big fellow
railed into the dummy for another
three minutes while another oblieing
young iian was getting in shape for
a round or two witu tne sauor.
This was very tame as Andy was
careful net to hurt his light oppon
ent, but occasionally when a punch
would put the gritty little fellow
part way to dreamland. Andy would
hold him up and help him to come
The next was a real working out
with the medicine ball, a regulation
basket ball filled with corn and
weighing about 25 pounds. Andy
would work against two young hus
kies, one at each opposite corners ot
the ring from Andy. This ball is
alternated between Andy and his two; chine. The course will make it pos
companions in such manner as to sible for any owner to make small
require a shift in his position of re-l repairs needed from time to time
ceiving and delivering it each tme, and also to no a complete of over
and only once dd he miss his catch. ' hauling.
which is made with the rignt or left. :
hand and forearm as the case may ANNOUNCES AVERAGES
be. The successful catching of thisl
ball gives an athlete good practice The announcement of the scholar
for the arms and a quickness of eye ship averages at the high school for
that is indispehsible to pugilism and
is a very clever stunt.
After a second round of this the
rope skipping is used for three min-
utes and plastic cord practice and
crli n firm? lrT- n cr fnr n rminrt After
strengthening exercises for his back!
and leg muscles. the athlete is
ready for the bath.
Andy did not appear worn out in
the least and informed the writer
that after a week of this ten round
training schedule he will gradually
go up to 20 rounds of it.
Schmader has very little excess
weight despite his enforced vacation
from the boxing game, indicating
he has not 'neglected to keep himself
"fit to fight" and has taken consider
able physical exercise of all kinds.
His road work period is in the fore
noon of each day and will be grad
ually increased.
He will be in trim tp meet the
Indian and give a good account of
himself December 17th and every
fan should be present to show their
appreciation of the clean, manly
sportsmanship which Andy displays,
both as a ring fighter and a citizen.
Here's for a "Cass county section" at
the Auditorium in Omaha, December
17th, when he meets the Walt Hill
Indian for a 10 round go, with the
best preliminary bill ever shown in
From Friday's Pally.
The beautiful country home of
Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Born near this
city was the scene of a most delight-
ful gathering on Wednesday evening
when the members of the senior
lass of the Plattsmouth high school;
tendered a reception to their class j
sponsor, Mr. Byron C. Doolan and '
bride. j
The members of the party weret
conveyed to the Borne home in cars j
and spent the evening verydelight- j
fully' in games interspersed with se
lections of the piano and other musi
tral rmrnhers that served to eneed the
hours until the home-going hour. The
class served very dainty and delic-i
ious refreshments during: the evening
that added to the enjoyment of the
occasion very much and it was a late
hour when the members of the party .
, wended their way homeward feeling
I -that Iht lin tiarl hn mMt 1ltrhf-
I fully spent. I
From Friday's Oaltj
Last evening Mrs. J. W. Tritsch
arranged a very pleasant surprise for
her hu?band on the occasion of his
forty-sixth birthday anniversary and
one to which a number of his neigh
bors and close friends were invited
to enjoy the event. The evening was
spent in cards at which the gentle
men derived a great deal of pleasure
and the members of the party were
also treated to a number of
selections by Mrs. Tritsch and Mis3
Esther. Mrs. Elizabeth Tritsch, moth
er of the guest of honor, was also
present to enjoy tfie occasion. Those
who participated in the event were
J - Us5i"n, T, . ties in a verv thorough manner.
A. U Holhmeier . J H. llallstrom. Th burgli,rs Becui.ed their en
John Hi ber. Mike Tritsch. John Hob- fOI1Q Kni. w ,
e5t!h Ji VleVreAd Sdeth-! Window on the south ide of the of!
S Braua- At "? c.lose,fice and which was not closed by a
of the evening a very enjoyable two
course luncheon was served bv the
hostess that added to the pleasures
of the evenfng.
n . . . . . . . ,
School of Agriculture of the State
. n i ,
Announces Special Four Week
Course for the Farmers.
The officials of the school of agri
culture of the University of Nebras
ka are announcing a short four
weeks course in auto mechanics at
the school that wrfl give the young
men of the state an oppottunity of
gathering a practically knowledge of
this very important branch of mod
ern farm work.
The length of the course is fixed
at four weeks and the dates of open
aJ. Januarv 9
and 24 and February
6 and 20.
Men may enter on any of the dates
mentioned above and continue for
four weeks completing the entire
i cnnrp Ther mnv nkn talrn oIet-H t
j wp.k,-tr5Tli h nn h
first registration date.
A 25 fee is charged for the four
weeks. If the student wishes to re
main for eight weeks, a second fee
will be charged at the beginning pf
the second course, 1 -
The different subjects studied in
this four weeks course are: ignition,
carbureticn, lubrication, repair work.
i bearings, belt lacing, forge work.
chassis parts, operation of automo
riles and tractors. Practical shop
work is given in connection with
each of these subjects.
The auto-tractor mechanics short
course is planned to aid the fanner
or any user of an automobile or trac
tor not understanding his own ma-
, the first quarter of the year has been
'made. The senior class shows the
highest average for the quarter but
are run a close race by the freshmen
who have pressed them for the first
rlao in the crhnl ranlrc Th froch.
men are second the juniors third and
the sophomores are a poor fourth in
I xi a m a. i
the standing of the classes.
Liberty Bond Interest Due
December 15th.
Semi-annual interest on Liberty Loan
Bonds of the 1st and 5th issues will be
due and payable December 15th.
Clip your coupons promptly. We shall
be glad to cash them for you here.
pfjyrrsMOUTn JI Nebraska. J
Enter the OSce of the Cloidt Luni-
ber Co. and Knock Combina
tion Off of the Safe.
From Krify' Dally.
Sometime durinsr the late hours ot
last night or early this morning the
Cilice of the Cloidt Lumber Co.. situ
ated on the alleyway on South Foiirtn
street, just south cf the store of Wil
liam Holly, was entered by burglars
j n i pnnc'il-fll i t 1 h u .11 I 1 T" t '. '1 -
catch and was therefore very easy
to raise. They then proceeded to giv
the building a thorough overhauling
in the search for valuables but aa
far as could be ascertained there was
nothing of value secured.
The large safe that Etood in the
northwest corner of the office had
been attacked by the night-time visi
tors and the combination knocked
off the afe in an endeavor to open
f it u nvi till. I urru . c - i i i
awav as there was no sign of them
i ' ..
to be round this morning on tne
premises. The removal of the com
bination dial from the tafe made it
impossible for the owners to open it
up to find if there was anything of
value taken from it and it will be
necessary to have an expert come
and open the !afe before it can bo
possible to find out if anything is
missing, but from the general ap
pearance of things the visitors wore"
unable to get the safe open.
The drawers in the desk were all
pulled out and ransacked through
but there was nothing in these Ihat
was of any value aside from bu?i-
ness letters and documents.
Whoever committed the burglary
were very careful about removing all
their instruments or tools used an
there was nothing found in the office
or near the scene of the burglary
that might indicate what had been
ued to force the combination off
the safe.
The burglary was discovered th!
iaaratsg whep. John Cloidt arrived
to open up the office for. business and
be at once notified Sheriff Qulaton
who visited the scene and looked
over the damage done by the unwel
come callers, but no clue as to the
identity of the parties committing
the act found.
This afternoon the sife was forced
open by the use of drills and the con
tents of the safe found intact and
the burglars seem to have had their
work for nothing. The damage to
the safe, however, will necessitate a
new safe in the lumber company of
On account of serious epidemics of
smallpox in Kansas City, St. Joseph
and other places on the Burlington
railroad. General Superintendent
Fj-nn of the "road has asked the
trainmen to submit to vaccination
and save rhemselves trouble. Train
men running in and out of Kansas
City especially are admonished to be
careful because they come in contact
with so many suspects and those ex
posed to the disease. Trainmen min
gle with all sorts and conditions of
people and are especially susceptible
to disease.