rmJESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921. PLATTS1I0UTH SEMI-WEEKLY J0ITE.NAL PAGE FIVE i Murray Department I Prepared in the Interest of the People V Safeguarding your Money The best protection for your pocket book is the service of a good bank. Money deposited with us is safe. More than that it is ACTIVE. It is useful. A surplus account is building prosperity for your community as well as making money for you. To make your money as USABLE to you as if it were right in your own home yet as SAFE as if it were in the United MaKe This "BariK Vottr 'Best Servant Open an Account tvilh V Today JVOXXJ ! Interest paid on time deposits. ' Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. W. Boedeker, President Fred L. Nutzman, Vice Pres. L. J. Hallos, Asst. Cashier Quality You have heard so much about price in the past few months that we wouldn't blame you one bit if you had almost lost sight of the thing which really counts more than anything else in a purchase VALUE. If you are tempted by a lower price than we are able to give you on a certain piece of merchandise, be sure that it has the quality you are looking for. You can buy good clothes and good eatables at the RIGHT price here. Observe these Saturday specials : GROCERY DEPARTMENT Seedless raisins bull: good quality, specially priced JQ at per lb 2 CifC Ryson baking powder 1-lb. can and a $1 cook book QQ. free for only sC 2 pounds Laundry soap chips fine fcr washing your jr clothing specially priced ior Saturday tDC 2-Ib. can of Armour's, roast beef ready to serve spec- Q C ial price Saturday uDC S bars of cither Palm Olive. Creme Oil. Crystal Cocoa or or Peter Pan toilet soap for DC 4 cans of "Gibralter" brand peaches put up in syrup. An unusually good value at aj) OUR XMAS CANDIES ANT) NUTS ARE HERE Get your supply while our stock is complete. Order your Christmas Tree now We have a large stock of good ones. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Women's fine quality satine petticoats, colors green, (t qq purple, navy and black. Special for Saturday pl0 Ladies' satine bloomers, ankle length, full cut special f price, Saturday '. Jpj, Children's knit skirts just the thing for winter wear. rjf You can't buy too many at this price i U C 26-inch storm serge, colors green, brown, Copenhagen CA blue, black and navy at, per yard OaC Heavy quality SG-inch buck towel, with 1-inch hem- i-f stitched heus, stamped with eimple design for embroidery )IIC Christmas Sale of Women's fine of best materials, and in the An exceptional value at only Do Your Christmas h.-h. sonrwnsEfj & qq., Telephone No. 12 of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readert : States Treasury that is our function, our ambition. Come in and find out how easily you can get this service. - -vs Price! quality Leather Bags, made newest shapes. do Q VfaU Q Shopping Early Murray, Nebraska -" j . yesterday Attorney P. O. Dwyer . . - received the information from the su- J. A. Scotten was looking after not, both Union and Murray are stir- preme court of the affirmipg by tb'e some business matters in Plattsmouth ring towns. ' .state courj of the decision of the dis- last Tuesday morning. I Jtrict court of Knox county in the W. C. Gilmore and wife were Cockrels for Sale j case of Walton vs. Porter. In this guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ( j v,ave a number of White Leg-' caee Mr- Dwyer appeared for the de Wm. Puis at their home last Sun- born cockrels for sale, which will ge fendant. R. W. Porter, a former Cass day- , 'at one dollar cs long us they last. . f unt3; .mf"' ad wh- W!f .w ill Mrs. Myrtle Woodard of Omaha ; IRS H C LONG ! tte Plaintiff, who claimed that the has been visiting for a number of d8otw ' Murray Nebr I land purchased by Mr. Porter should days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , . ' ' i have been transferred to the plaintiff Phil Lambert. -jt' Cv 'instead. The. case was tried before Ralph Kennedy has placed a topj AUX0 BnoP I Judge W. V. Allen at Creighton and on his car and one would ift know! Amos Wright has opened a new the decision given to the defendant the car now it having an absolutely , auto repairing shop at the Nick Fred-'and the high court has now approv new appearance. i rich borne about nine miles south of ed this decision. i Uncle John Edmunds has been 'Murray. Mr. Wrigbt has secured the j j keeping out of mischief hauling wood use of this pHce and established aj FOR SALE and also is keeping George Tanner , repair shop there where he will work , busy splitting it. cars aEd tractors. Mr. Wright j Barred Plymouth Rock roosters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sans were at kas been here long enough that all Ji.go'each. Plattsmouth last Tuesdav, beins called there on account of the death of Mr. T. S. Barrows. ' : W. G. Boedeker was looking after . . . . . - . . . i, some Dusiness matters m fiaiismoum ; "-111,J" "u last Tuesday afternoon, driving overrule when done, providing the man in his auto for the purpose. Dr. J. H. Hall has been down at the farm east of Murray for the past few days, looking after the sawing of a quantity of wood at Mr. Hall's farm. Miss Leona Wright, who was so sick for a few days last week, is ; reported out of danger and ismak-j ing very rapid strides towards ner usual health. Uncle Vincent A. Kennedy was looking after some business matters in Plat.tsmouth last Wednesday 2nd was accompanied by his son, Mr. Ralph Kennedy. John W. Llovd. from Nehawka. was a visitor and was looking after some business matters in Murray, and a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporrer. Charles Gerlich and son Will, of Benson, were in Murray last Tuesday, looking after some business metters regarding a real estate trade, driving over in their sedan. A. G. Long and daughter. Miss Grace were visiting and looking af ter some business matters at Omaha last Monday, driving over to the metropolis in their auto. On Wednesday of this week Phil lip Keil, who is one of the most expert butchers, was at Plattsmouth, where he dressed seven large hogs for Mr. George Erinklow. The representative of the Journal was a guest at the home of Mr. pud Mrs. Wm. Sporrer for dinner on last Tuesday, and enjoyed the hour spent under this most hospitable roof. Mrs. W. L. Killey, of' Omaha, a cousin or Airs. James natcnett, is visiting at me nome 01 ner cousin during the present week, and is en joying the occasion very pleasantly. Louis Hallas and wife were virit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- i Water last Sunday, coming over to seph Hallas in Plattsmouth last Sun-J Murray and holding a most enjoy jday and also had the little one along able service at the church here. Rev. to visit Grandmother and Grand- Robb has a very warm place in the father Hallas. J hearts of the members of the Mur- Mrs. Jessie Corey, daughter of Mr. (ray church and is ever very welcome and Mrs. T. S. Barrows, arrived in - at this place. Murray last Tuesday evening, called j here by the very serious illness of; ner iatner, wno nas siiicu ausvseieu the call of the death angel. ! Mrs. Sadie Sherwood, of South Da kota, a sister of the late T. S. Bar rows arrived here last week in an swer to a call telling of the illness of her brother and remained until the end came and for the funeral. C. N. Barrows and wife, who had but a short time since gone to Mil ford to make their home, returned here on account of the extreme ill ness of the son, T. S. Barrows, and who passed away Tuesday morning. Phillip Keil. Col. W. R. Young and father D. A. Young dressed eight large hogs at the home of Mr. D. A. Young last Monday. Three of the hogs weighed 1340, or making an average of 446 per hog, and which is pretty good. Dr. H. C. Leopold and wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Luke Wiles and wife, of Plattsmouth. were visiting at Murray last Saturday, they driving down to enjoy the sup per and bazaar which the ladies of the Presbyterian church gave. I George Tanner is suffering from a very lame hip. the result of hrv ing torn a ligament loose while be was working at the splitting of some wood. Mr. Tanner is getting along vPrv well, but it will be some time before he will be over the injury. the excellent supper which the la L. H- Puis, who formerly was one dies had provided. - STich suppers as of the business men of Murray. but)fkese is what makes Murray so pop: is now making his home in Platts-! ular as a place to get good eats. mouth, being used to an active life, I could not be contented by living in "THE PIONEERS," TELLER'S town with nothing io do, and so ac- WALL CALENDAR FOR 1922 cepted a position m the machine shops of the Burlington, where he is working at this time. The Missionary society of the Pres byterian church will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. George E. Nick els, and at which there will be much of interest for the members and those who attend. The meeting is to be on Friday afternoon of this week, December 9th. All are cordially in vited to be present and enjoy the excellent time which will be had. County Surveyor B ed Patterson and Highway Commissioner Aug Krecklow and son Louis were looking after the matter of finding the true metes and bounds of the road run ning west from Murray. It is claim ed that in some places that the road is not just where H Bhould be, and the survey is made at this time to ascertain the correct place for- the highway. Rueben D. Stine, the Union mer chant and Attorney C. O. Graves, who had been in Flattsmcuth last Tuesday, drove through Murray and stopped for but a moment, then de parting for their home at Union. While bere they expressed them selves as pleased with. the business like appearance of Murray. And why If ur of the reader of in a Journal krior of any social event or item of interest 1b ibis vicinity, and win mail itme to this office, it will ap pear under tbia heading. We want all nrwsttcmti Errron know or ms excellent worKmansnip. ; See his ad in another column regard- ing the business. He will carry tires and tubes as well, and-will on nati- !AAntlfMi nil fn. n-n.V unit ilnliva. tka is busy and cannot bring work. Jack West Home Again Jack West, who has been at the rbspital in Omaha for the past ten days, where he has been receiving treatment for his health, returned uome iast Tuesday feeling much im proved and ls abJe to be around and hopes to be himself in the near fu ture. Chickens and Cream I am prepared to handle both poul try and cream and will pay the high est market price. Bring the produce1.. , along. Scotten, Manager. Wanted, Chickens and Cream We are wanting chickens and cream, and are paying all that the' market will allow, uring them in and get the money. Murray Cream Station, J. A. Scotten, Manager. Little Boy Gets Bnjned Robert the little four year old son , of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Long, while' playing around the kitchen last Mon-j day, pulled the plug out of the wash-j ing machine which contained very, hot water, and as a consequence he spilled the water over mm, burning one leg quite severely. However, un der good care and the doctor's atten tion, the little fellow is getting along nicely. v Held Services Sunday The George W., Robb. w ho . Vas formerly minister ,of the Christian church of Murray, but 13 now me resident minister of the Weeping Water church, was a visitor with a large number of the members of the church living in and near Weeping Missionary Society to Meet The Missionary society of the Pres byterian clfurch will hold their regu lar meeting at the home of Mrs. George E. Nickels on Friday of this week, at which time they will have a most excellent time with the work which the ladies have to look after and will be entertained by Mrs. Nickels. Will Give Supper and Bazaar The Ladies Aid society of the Christian church will hold a bazaar and supper at the, church " on De cember 17th, Saturday afternoon and evening, at which they are expecting ot have a most enjoyable time. They will serve dinner and supper as well as have the bazaar. The charges for the dinner and supper will be 35 cents. All are cordially invited to be present and enjoy the occasion. - Had Most Splendid Time The ladies of the Presbyterian church at their bazaar and supper last Saturday proved themselves most excellent entertainers rnd were able to care for the extremely large sized crowds which thronged the church during the late afternoon and even- ing. Many, from other towns were . in attendance and were served with The distribution of Triner's Wall Calendar 1922 has Just begun. This; splendid work of art is full of color and rich in ideas. Around the center picture of Progress daringly ascend ing the steep heights are nine small er pictures in which" various coun tries introduce to us their famous pioneers: United States is represent ed by Fulton's first steamer, England by Stephenson's first locomotive; then follow: Czechoslovakia with Co menius who first conceived the idea of public schools, Poland with Co pernicus who found that the earth revolved around the sun-, and with Mme.' Curie, pioneer of radium, Italy and Yugoslavia w ith their pioneers of electrical science, Volta and Tesla, Bavaria with the X-rays pioneer Roentgen. We see here also Joseph Triner, pioneer -of the American Elixir of Bitter Wine. The Calendar is a fine decoration for every home. Send 10 cents to cover mailing ex penses ( Address: Joseph Triner Com pany, 1338 So. Ashland Ave.. Chi cago, III.) and don't forget to remind your drugeirt or dealer in medicines to be well .slocked - with Triner's remedies, especially ' with Triner's Bitter Wine. . A Christmas Play "The Bird's ' Christmas Carol" by Kate Douglas WJggip is to be given at the Lewigton school, district No. 7, two miles "southeast of Murray, on Wednesday evening, -Dec. 21. Cake and coffee will be served after the play. . , - WINS IMPORTANT SUIT D. a. YOUNG pione 1511 Murray, Neb Brood Sows for Sale I have a number of pure brood sows of the Spotted Poland China strain, spring farrow and good size, for sale reasonable. Also have three bronze gobblers for sale. D. A. YOUNG. Cockrels for Sale I have a number of pure bred sin , gle combed Buff Orpington cockrels for Eale $2.00 each if taken before December 1st. MRS. Phone 2412. J. H. BROWN, Murray, Nebr. WABASH HAPPEIIIHGS H. T. Richard came into town on Monday morning.. Miss Kuia jacKman spem. jaaiuraay in Weeping Water. Mr. Albert Pool drove to Weeping Water Tuesday morning. . L. R. Stanley and W. S. Harway autoed to Lincoln Thursday. James Bosworth was an Eagle passenger Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gerbeling and family autoed to Lincoln Saturday. William Staton, Jr., brought Mr. M, V. Wood home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool of Weeping Water, were callers in town Monday. t Mr. and Mrs. William Van Every and Park Otte autoed,, to Lincoln on Thursday. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Lane and daughter, Esther, autoed into town Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. S. Hardway and Marjorie Earls snent Sunday afternoon at the Frank Reese home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and two sons spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and son, Elmer, and Lester Bosworth autoed to Lincoln Tuesday morning. Mr. ard Mrs. WH1 Van Every and son Russell spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. M. Van Every. The teeend number of the lecture course 'will be held Friday evenig, December 16th. Everyone is invited to come. Several from here attended the church meeting in Elmwood a num ber of different evenings during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jackman and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jackman's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman. ,Ir. and Mrs. Jesse Ilolka and daughter. La Vern, Martha, Lena and Fred Weisheit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mur fin. A number of friends gathered at the Earls home on Monday evening, December 5th. it being Nellie's birtn day. She was completely surprised. A very jolly evening was spent. The ladies of the Baptist church will hold their bazaar and dinner at the M. W. A. hall Saturday, December 10th. Everyone come. Children un der ten, 20 cents, over ten, 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman autoed to Saunders county Monday. They called on old friends and neighbors. They all enjoj-ed the ride as well as visiting with the friends. Last Wednesday evening a fare well was given for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinck and family. They left Thursday evening on the midnight train for Missouri where they in tend to live. They all ha a jolly good time. The evening was spent in dancing. BOX SOCIAL A box social and program will be given at the Bestor school district No. 42, on Friday, Dec. S. Everyone invited. GRETTEL HACKENBURG, Teacher. The most exqniiite line of birth day and gift cards to be found any where! At Journal office. iv, n. vpurjG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. BATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OS NO PAT! REVERSE ALL CALL8 Telephone 423 Rattsmouth Exchange ; mm ,. Every Saturday night One-Half tviMe South of Otoe, Nebraska IN The Bm Saturday, December 10th Dan De&Ounes Violin and Saxophone 5 Piece Colored Orchestra, of Omaha. Tickets 1 .1 0, at the Door Watch this space for Christmas and New Year's Eve Dances. CELEBRATES 52ND BIRTHDAY. From Wednesday" Dally Yesterday Edward C. Ripple, the Fifth street grocer, celebrated his F2nd birthday, having been born in Plattsmouth December 6. 1869. He has lived in Cass county during all but nine of these 52 years, having re sided at Nebraska City three years and in Oklahoma fix years. During his earlier life Mr. Ripple attended the high school here, being a student in the old central building at the time it was wrecked by the earthquake and in the rush to get out. fell and was trampeled by the other children, sustaining a severe face cut on the edge cf a scraper. Mr. Ripple was born near the pumping station of the water compans', which was at that time the location of a flourishing brewery long since passed out of existence. Mr. Ripple would like to meet all those who were born in Plattsmouth in 1869 or prior thereto, and will stand treat to all those claiming such distinction to the amount of 25 cents worth of anything in his store, if they will but call. Now let all those who assisted in digging the Missouri river please step forward and claim the distinction. Despite the fact of it being his birthday, Mr. Rippl spent the day quietly at his home in the west part of the city, sawing wood, while his good wife looked after the business at the store. O WERSMOES Get in the clear for the bad weather, for it will come. We have a fine assortment and prices are right on overshoes. Two buckle, three buckle, four buckle, and for ladies, men and children. Do Not Pass This Up! F. T. VtfOLSON THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Old Winter Coming! Better be prepared. Get a bob sled. We are offering some very nice prices on some excellent sleds. Also a used CyJindcr Sheller! .This is as good as now and at a very attrac tive figure.7 Getter see about it at once. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY r -:- -:- NEBRASKA G3ed Sam Auto Repair Tires and Tubes! I have opened a repair shop at the farm of Nick Fredrich and will o repair work for any kind of an auto or tractor. . Work called for and delivered. Call Central and I will come after work if you cannot deliver. Work the best. Prices reasonable. -Amos Wright- -WILL SERVE LUKIIHI2 I will make all public sales in east Cass county this winter and serve lunch. Eat at the Lunch Wagon Make dates with Col. W. R. Yiung at Plattsmouth or see me personally. OSCAR JAILER, Murray -:- :- Nebraska res;