Lemuel Barritt who is attending Cust Hollenterg from near Mur school at Omaha was a visitor at ray was a visitor in Union last Mon- fciome last Sunday. Mr. A'. P." Moore of Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Union last Monday driving down with his car. J. M. Patterson and family were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth last Saturday and over Sunday. M. R. James of near Shenandoah was looking after some business matters in Union last Monday. W. Yonkers and son, Roy, were looking after some business matters in Nehawka last Friday evening. Miss Jessie Todd was a guest at the home of Mrs. Geo. C. Sheldon at Nehawka on "Wednesday of last week. H. H. Becker keeps very busy in sawing wood and shelling corn and Is a rustler when it comes to either work. The Rev. George Warren conduct ed services at Wyoming last Sunday in the morning and at Union in the evening. hX;.;': Wm Burbee, A. W. Propst and Earl some ducks for a time last Monday morning i Herman Shumaker from near Ne- hawka was looking after some busi ness matters in Union for a few hours last Monday. A little excitement was created last Monday morning when the team hitched to the dray belonging to Joe Dare ran away. Fred Borne. Deputy postmaster, was looking after some business mat ters in Nebraska City for a short time last Monday. iirs.Mannan lignnoot oi umana an aunffcof Mr. Mont Robb, was a guest at the home of the Robbs for a few days last week. Hall Pollard and wife of near N'e- hawka were visiting at the home of Mrs. Pollard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harris, last Sunday. LARGE TYPE Poland -Chinas! I 25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's farrowing, ready for service. Large Type Poland Chinacan have pa- iwiouu viiuur-wuj pers on-them for ?25 per individual. Phone 5911 G. S. UPTON, UNION NEBRASKA That IS Our E Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies also standard and always the best. We are here to succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of service in every instance. A. G3. DOWLER, The Auto Man -:- " -:- Union, Neb. And Have Money Left! We have just received a large and well selected shipment of Ladies, Mens and Childrens shoes from St. Louis and New York, which we are offering at prices which will save you money. Also overshoes, which can also purchase to advantage and still have money left for other things. A. L. UNION 30,000 LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND ' FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat- v urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CM AS. BOWD.SH, Bex No. 11 - - - Union, Neb. Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. day coming down to look after some business matters for the aay. Earnest Lillie and wife who have been making their home at Union for some time, moved to Plattsmouth where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stine and their daughter Miss Lena, visited with friends and looked after some busi ness matters in Murray "Wednesday During a portion of the week at the Bapti3t church there was con ducted a school for the members and many were attending the interesting sessions. A. R. Dowler and family were vis iting with friends and relatives in "Weeping Water last Sunday and re turned home Monday after having enjoyed a good time. Frank Boggs Is making very fair progress in his convlesence nd is hoping tht he will soon entirely be over his injury from the accident ?PP-d a few weeks s! since. tie snton w P7 towards recovery and while hf, n? f ?I "r lb,! lt'tUUK U1CIIY Ull, WlUllUCIlUg IUC seriousness of the operation under which she went. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church met last week on Thursday at the home of Mrs. L. G. Todd and i enjoyed the hospitality of that home ' being well pleased with Mrs. Todd as an entertainer. ' Little MarjorieHoback daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoback, I who is staying at her grandparents home, has been uite sick for a few virh , vrv SPVpr ftT, "her lungs, but is fome better R. D. Banning of Grand Island who has been engaged in railroad work for some time, was a visitor in Union and at the home of his moth er, Mrs. Kenry Bannine and is think ing of engaging in the automobile business in the west. Jack McNatt of the historic town of Kenosha, was looking after same business matters in Union last Mon day ard wa accompanied by anoth er riti7ei" of that community who is rot an old ettifr or not a pioneer, I Mr. John "W. Sutton. Earl Merritt and Fred Clark have the belt a far as shooting ducks is concerned. They went out real early le Qtner morning and bagged 20 ot tbe featnere(j friends, and have bPen eating duck and giving them I to their friends ever since. "W. H. Tuck in accordance with the laws touching such subjects was in Union and tested the -milk cows for tuberculosis and was busy all day he had a large number to pass on and, besides, he made tests of tisiness! ECKER, -:v NEBRASKA , Acre soundness of horses as well. ' visitors at the home of R. M. Tay- Alex Eaton has been suffering with jor near Nehawka last Monday where an ailment in the back of his neck they went to visit Howard Taylor rhlch has caused him much suffer- Who has been ill for some time with '.ng during the past few weeks. He is gtomache trouble. Howard is report .till feeling very badly from its ef- e(i as being some better and it ia reels and has had the neck lanced hoped he will soon be able to be out a number of times in the hones of no-nin i geiiing renei. Mr. L. R. Upton, the hardware merchant, who has been kept to his aome for a number of weeks on ac ount of an attack of rheumatism, was able for the first time to be up and around. Mr. Dan Lynn has been looking after the store during the absence of Mr. Upton. John Becker and three men to belp went to Nebraska City one day not long since and brought home a number of cattle which John had purchased and which he is expect ing to feed. Those to assist in driv ing up the cattle were Henry Shep herd and Roy and Arthur Lee. Report has it that one of the for mer citizens of Union but now en gaged in business elsewhere, has suf fered a loss of lands in the south by some fraud practiced upon his cred ulity. The lands which were very valuable and now in the possession of another looks like they had real ly been stolen. Miss Jessie Todd and Mrs. Jennie Frans were enjoying the supper and bazaar which the ladies of the Pres byterian church at Murray gave last ... - i Saturday night and at which there was a large crowd of members of the church and their friends in attend ance. The gathering was well enjoy ed by all who were present. John Clarence and wife of Union Mrs. John Clarence. Sr., of Nebras ka City, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clarence of Arriba, Colo., who are visiting with friends and relatives in Union, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Becker for dinner last Sunday and all report Mrs. Becker one of the most finished cooks in the country. The butchers' strike prevented a number of the farmers who were ready to send their stock to market. from getting them in. Two people in the vicinity of Union were ready to ,send their cattle forward but when they had gotten them to the station they learned that they could not rorwara them and had to re turn them to their farms. J. P. Jay of Nebraska City was a visitor in Union and working with the resident minister of the Metho dist church. Rev. Geo. Warren, and the pastor of the same church of Plattsmouth, the Rev. John Calvert, looking after raising the apportion ment which is being asked for the assistance of the "Wesleyan Univers ity. They were guests at the home r.f Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd while in town. Speaking of the ability of Mr. De "Watt Serfage to gather corn. R. E. Foster ra5s he is a wonder when it "omes to getting the corn into a wa-e-on. For twenty-eight consecutive days Mr. Serf ace at the home of Mr. Foster cribbed one hundred bushels rer day. and during the time was juct 2.S00 bushels. This looks like a nretty good bit of work and while Mr. Serface was at it he was surely roing some. They then went to an other place the corn proharlv not be ing Quite so good and there he did not make his former average. Attempted Burglary Fails While one of the prominent fam ilies of one of the nearby towns was away visiting, the sweetheart of the girl who was left in charge, called to see his "Dulcina" and as they were talking about "what wa3 in the future for them, a -very peculiar noise was heard, which they thought was someone entering the house by the coal chute. The gallant swain with a descretion which would not have been supposed counting his years, dived down town for assist ance, while the fair one watched the house that the burglar, if such was the case, should not escape. When sufficient reenforcenients had been secured they went and searched the premises and found in the cellar, that the coal had slid down from where it was piled against the wall, and caused the frightful noises. Conducting a Three-Days' Meeting Last week Rev. "W. A. Taylor, ac companied by brother Frank. Eaton, went to Iowa and conducted a meet ing extending over a number of days at the Pleasant Valley school, which is Just across the river from Union and while there were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Garrens. The peo ple of that place appreciated the kindness of the brethren coming over to assist in carrying on the services Rev. Tavlor is an excellent minister and very eloquent, and withal one of the most pleasing of speakers. "Will Have Christmas 'Pro prom The committe of the Methodist church having the matter in hand l are making preparations for observ ing the Tuletide in the proper wav. They will have a Christmas which will be appreciated by all who care to attend. A worth while program and of course, the tree and toys for the younger ones. Mffhfy?it Chrro'h. Serrires FHMe Pfhool at 10:00 a. m. PTeach'ncr services 11:00 a: m. F-nworth League in the evening. Evening service after Epworth League. At the Baotist Chnreh Morning service at 11:00 Bible school at 10:00 a. m. Young People's in the early eve ning. Preaching services later. Will Held Bazaar Soon mht dlesvf tte "ethdi9t chYch will hold a bazaar in the near fut- I ure and will at the same time give Tiny program. Tae path Tin will be held on Saturday of nevt week, De- 1 cember 17th, and the booths which will be had and which will be one of the attractions of the event, will be opened at 2 o'clock. i Howard Taylor Better TLv- and Mrs. W. A. Tavlor were o- Have an Excellent Time Last Sunday there were gathere'd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snavely a number of their friends who enjoyed the hospitality o the home not least among which was an excellent dinner. Those there to grace the occasion bseides the genial host and hostess were W. A. Lewis and family. "Mike" Cisney and fam ily, Clarence Park and family, be tween Nehawka and Murray, W. T. Vallery and wife and their two daughters-. Misses Bonie and Bessie. That all had an excellent time goes without saying. AMSBERRY DECLINES TO USE NEW SEAL Proposes to Follow Opinion of At torney General New Seal Not Yet Designed or Filed. Regardless of what the governor's commission proposes to put into the proposed new state seal there will be no new seal until another legislature meets and authorizes. This is the as sertion heard at the state house. It is' based on the position taken by Sec-' retary of State Darius M. Amsberry I that legalley there can be no new! seal until another legislature takes' affirmative action. He holds with As- j sistant Attorney General Mason Wheeler and he act of the recent leg islature does not authorize the adop tion of a new seal and that the old seal will remain the seal of the state until the act of 1667 adopting the present seal is repealed. Mr. Wheel- ! er called attention last September to the absence of a repealing clause in j the bill nassed bv the last legislature. ! The secretary of state is custodian of the seal of Nebraska and if he re- fuses to use a new one soon' to be de- signed his action will settle the con- troversy. Commends Amsberry Mr. Amsberry has received the fol lowing letter commending his posi - tion. It was wr'tten by M. C. War - rington, for twenty-five years editor of the Mason City Transcript: "I wish to make known my hearty o r rvv vr o 1 rvf t Yi a of a rtrl vaii rtovo falraTi in regard to not using the "new state seal' recently concocted and designed by one of Governor Sam's commis sions. "Am glad you have taken the at titude you have in this matter and ate a proper regard for the splendid sentiment of honest industry and high regard for law and Justice; which is so openly manifested and : proclaimed by the pioneer fathers j when the old state seal was selected. "I cheerfully subscribe to all con- structive beneficial ideas of progress and advancement in government af fairs, but when it comes to changing the seal of a great state like Nebras ka for the mere sake of keeping hospital for tuberculars were given step with the Jazz music and spec-jpoor fooj phe state executive com tacular stunts of our over-ambitious! mittee of the disabled American vet givernor. well, I'm kicking." erans of the world war of Nebraska. Governor McKelvie. mentioned by meeting at Grand Island, gave voice Mr. Warrington, appointed a com-10 tne charges of improper food or mission to design a new seal. The bill authorizing this was introduced by Representative George A. Wil liams of Filmore county. Mr. Wil liams alleges he is the originator of the bill. Dr. G. E. Condra, who was interested in having such a bill in troduced, was appointed on the com mission by the governor. Mrs. E. B. Penney of Fullerton is the third ap pointee. Attorney General's Opinion Last September Assistant Attorney General Mason Wheeler wrote in re gard to the bill creating the seal commission: "No provision is made for the offcial approval of such de sign. An act approved June 15. 1867, officially adopts the present seal as Ldoes section 5569, Revised Statutes of 1913. These statutes officially adopting the present seal are not re pealed or affected by H. R. 571 and in our opinion the present seal of the state remains the official seal of the state until a new seal is specifically approved by the legislature." Chairman Williams of the com mission takes the position that the law authorizing a new seal is suffic ient to make the design the official seal of the state without further ac tion after the design is filed with the governor and is transmitted to the secretary of state. The commission has not completed its design and has made no final re port to the governor. What is to be included in the design remains an official secret. The details will not be definitely known until the design is prepared by Bertram G. Goodhue of New York, architect for the state capitol commission. It is reported, however, that about all that the seal commission will retain of the present seal Is the anvil. The com mission is of the opinion there is nothing In the present seal emble matic of Nebraska today. It proposes to leave out whatever is historical in the design.. It is to be based on the rules of 'heraldry. Critics allege there ; is nothing on earth more absolete than heraldry. The commission de sires to obliterate the swarthy black smith but leave his anvil, wipe out the steamboat, train of cars and mountains, but leave the motto,, Equality before the law. The river in the oresent seal is to be changed . , , ... . as to course and size. It will be nar- rOW a.8tfvK CU,"!.nt-JIe plOD" eer's cabin is to be wiped oft the map. The sheaf of wheat-is' to go nd In form will be substituted. Th ittOI.JWH CTJf . - Oar (fa FORMERLY KINNEY SHOE Sixth and Main St., Supreme Values in Shoes for the Family! New lines of shoes bought at new low prices, which enables us to sell them at a remarkable saving to you. Every pair sold on an unlimited guarantee, or a new pair, if for any reason, they fail to give entire satisfaction. Women's Dross Sboos! Black and Tan, in Vici or Calf 45 Women's Oxfords, Brown SZl 90 GZS 90 and Children's School Shoes, a 98 -Clark-Gorham Shoe Co;- JF r"l O Plattsmouth, : . ....... - !, . . . head de31S?- andfi if there is room there mar De a figure of justice. SUIMK IKItU IU ELOPE WITH NURSE Flight Was Prevented, nence tne Charges of Inadequate Food por Soldiers at Xearfcey. - "About eight tenths of the story is false and probably two tenths may m.tl,in anmi truth " enid T.. P.. Ober- contain some truth," said L. C. Ober lies of the state boar dof control when asked about the charges made by the American Legion that ex-service men boarded by the state at the Kearney inadeauate food and lack of care ow- ing to the fact that only one physic Ian and one assistant are employed. Chairman Katherine F. Worley and A. E. Allyn, members of the board of control, said . the board would go to the institution this week and make an investigation and that a report of the board's findings would be made public. All members of the board said such a report was due the public in view of the facf that charges had been published by Amer ican Legion members. In regard to the origin of the com plaint against the food and care of soldiers some members of the board are inclined to lay the blame upon an ex-service patient. "He tried to elope with one of the girls at the Institution, but we pre vented the getaway and the man in the case has been trying to make trouble," said a member of the board. The board declined to give the name of the patient leferred to. It is said the girl was a nurse employed at the institution. MESSAGE SENT BY WIRELESS FROM ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA Sydney, Dec. 5. The Sydney Sun trtdAV ntihlifthMl the first nresff mps-: sage by wireless direct from Eng- Party of the clergymen of the church, land to Australia, marking an epoch . Rev- Calvert of this city. Rev. War in th world's transmission ot news. n University Place and Rev. The. message was dispatched fxom'WI1,cox of. Nebraska City. It is desir the Marconi company's station at ed ot tne backers of the proposition Carnarvon and received, practically j to see that the school is placed on a instantly, 10,000 miles away at the experimental, station at Koowerup, Victoria. - It is expected that the Australian parliament will sanction regular and; direct service- between Australia, England and America at an early date. Omaha" today for a few hours having , wftv w,vrf tt in hat city. John Rauth and Aaron Rauth and families of near Manley were in the city yesterday for a short time vis iting with friends. . . . , nere tor a lew uuurs iwuay tuiuuie tn w.u, y,a win stock market for a few hours, . . t49m . f n m Calf, Brogue Men's Work sizes 8 1-2 to 2 Neb. 6th WAE FINANCE COBP0RATI0N ALLOTS NEBRASKA $150,000 Washington, Dec. 5. Approval of 50 advances for agricultural and live stock purposes, aggregating $2,813, 000, was announced by the War Fi nance corporation, Nebraska received $150,000; Utah. $1,274,000; Iowa, $217,000; Washington, $10,000 and South Dakota, $160,000. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC ELECTS Hold Interesting Session on Saturday Afternoon Three New Mem bers Enrolled in Post. The McConihle post. Grand Army of the Republic, met on Saturday af ternoon at their rooms in the court house for the purpose of the elec tion of the officers for the ensuing year and the following were chosen: Hon. R. B. Winham, commander; I. H. Isbell, senior vice commander; John Fight, junior vice commander; T. W. Glenn, adjutant; Thomas Wiles, quartermaster; W. H. Freese, chaplain; Col. M. A. Bates, officer of the day. At this meeting three new mem bers were added to the roll of the nnRt T? Tl Smith. W. H Venner and Thomas McCarthy, Sr., being enroll- ed in the ranks of the old veterans and making the organization very close to the 100 per cent member ship of the available timber in this locality. The old veterans in their order carry on the work of patriotic ser vice today as much as in the days of warfare and there are few other or ganizations that maintain as strict a spirit of true Americanism as does the G. A. R., composed as it is of the men who preserved the union from dissolution. SEEKING AID FOR ENDOWMENT The" cause of the endowment of the Wesleyan University, the great Methodist school of the west, is be ing boosted in this city today by a basis that will ensure its future wel fare and permit it to. grow and en large as it should. AMERICAN CONSULATES OPENED Washington, Dec. 5. American consulates have been opened in Mun ich, and Hamburg, the State depart ment was advised today by Ellis Lor ing Dree el, in charge at Berlin. They are the first of such posts to be es tablished in Germany. Blank Books at the Journal Office. A Fiatalft tlma, Chloroform, mmmA. A an ruruitHd im nr mm paid omUl ourod- Write for book on Rectal DImjh with Trye ttd of more than l.W"J,.iron!tDm taovT watt TAJLKT. ho note loiu. Pt' Ub. SL ft. o CO. Plattsmouth, Neb. n Hen's Dross Shoos! Nearly Any Style or Leather 90 GS 90 Shoes, special for Saturday 98 to QCn) Children's Hose for Saturday Only 50c cT 50c Value U Pair Value and Main St. SINN FEINERS AC CEPT PROPOSALS Government Officials Announce Text will be Sent to Parliament and Dail Eireann Soon. London, Dec. 6. It is officially announced that the government and the representatives of the dail eir eann have reached an agreement, the terms of which will be submitted for ' the acceptance of parliament and of the dail eirean. A copy of the agreement has been sent to Sir James Craig. Ulster pre mier. After a session which lasted more than three hours, from. 11: IS last night until 2:20 this morning, the meeting of the government minis ters and Irish representatives fcep arated and a member of the cabinet, replying to a question as to how things stood, said: "The news isn't bad; an agree ment in fact, has been reached, the terms of hich will be communicat ed to the press." Delegates Weary and Grave The delegates looked tired and grave as they left the premier's rtsl dence. Asked whether he had any- tning to say. Michael Collins, the Sinn Fein finance minister answered sharply: "Not a word." Answering the question, "Are you coming back?" Mr. Collins answer ed hurriedly, "I don't know." and shutting the door of his automobile, he drove off with Mr. Griffith and Mr. Barton. A few minutes later Lord Birken head and Mr. Churchill left. Their appearance suggested that the strain of the conference had been severe. Questions at Issue The big question at issue between the British government and the rep repentatives of the Irish republican parliament has been: Shall Ireland become entirely in dependent or. If it remain within the British empire, shall there be two reparate governments in Ireland, one for Ulster and one for the rest of the country? " ' Prime Minister Lloyd George baa refused to consider any proposal which would put Ireland outside the empire. The Sinn Feiners refused to ad mit that Ireland should be split In two parts. Ulster refused to unite In one par liament with the Sinn Feiners. It has organized a parliament of its own under the Government of Ire land act. The Sinn Feiners refused to set up a parliament for the south of Ire land, as proposed in that act. They adhered to their own Irish parlia ment, called the Dail Eireann. which the bad set up independently as the governing body of the Irish republic. Fictula-Psy IVta Ccrcl mUd wrwXmm ot treatment OMit u th.wr RctJ Ei B outer jieciaj uwmmmmm tm m mmmrm rat a eerere orglcoi eperoito. Me . Btner or other aeaaroi one thotW id for treatment, mad ao manor ta he without accented I D !. with "eTTyo M toraa