Nebraska State Histori cal Society mum th mm VOL. 130. XXXV1IL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921. KO. 42 ELKS HONOR MEMORY OF DE PARTED ONES PARMELE THEATRE IS FILLED CITZENS TO JOIN LODGE IN ITS SOLEMN SERVICE Prom Monday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon at the Par meie theatre, the members of Platts- mouth lodge No. 739, B. P. O. Elks, paid .their tribute of love and mem ory to their departed brothers, the services being upon to the public and a large number of the residents of the city taking advantage of the oc casion to be present. The lodge membership met at the club house at 2:30 and headed by Exalted Ruler J. S. Livingston march ed to the theatre, where the cere monies were to be held. The stage had been arranged in a very attractive manner for the occa sion, the large American flag drap-i ing the rear of the stage and the al tar of the lodge erected in the cen ter of the stage, where, decorated with the flag, it served as the most striking part of the ornamentation of the stage itself. The lodge officers. Dr. J. S. Livingston, exalted ruler; H. R, Cole, esteemed leading knight; .Jess F. Warga, esteemed lecturing knight; Fred Stewart, esteemed loyal knight; J. H. Short, chaplain; Emil J. Hild, esquire and J. . Holmes, secretary, with Judge Begley occu pying the seats on the stage. The opening ceremonies were con ducted by the officers of the lodge in placing their emblems of the virtues of the order on the altar to pay a tribute to those of the membership who shall come no more and the music of whose voices is stilled for ever in the great beyond As ine secretary Mr j v . iioimes. . crime j. called the roll of the Elks who have; peston did not take the stand on passed to the grand lodge beyond, on aig own Dehalf. and his attorneys re the screen at the rear of the flag the lled for reversai on tne absence, as names leaped to life in electric lights they claimed or any testimony that and when completed a large cross of ,nr meretricious relations had been the names was formed-liat-d a 115tail,P( wthin the neriod rhared. striking picture of the unforgetting spirit in which they were LW -by their living brothers. The Elks wnos names ere given as uaia6 lbe jury that tnere was a birth cer passed away, and who were members tif5cate in wnicn the name of Pres et this lodge were J. M. Patterson, I ton was given as tne child's father. P. W. Agnew, S. M. Chapman. F. W. They said that apparently he had Richer, O. C. Bookmeyer. J. V. Egen- Deen COnvicted because his alleged berger. F. J. Morgan, C. E. Coffey, paramour had an illegitimate child. D. Hawksworth. F. M. Richey. H. B. , They insisted the prosecution was bv Purge?s. Fred W.-Fink, H. D. Travis. ! a coupie of busybodies who desired J. H. Kuhns. D. L. Aniick, J. H. 1o seek revenge. Lincoln State Thrasher, W. K. Fox. Henry Hirz, . Journal. Matthew A. Jirousek. L. E. Bogart.j " V. F. Dickson. E. V. Cook. D. H. I inminT rtf-VO IfclTn The American flag that occupied a place at the station of -the exalted ruler was escorted by a guard con sisting of Tom Wailing and Raymond Larson, with Carl Wohifarth a3 the party Defies Regulations by Driving color bearer and this added a very, fa Reckless Manner and Gets appropriate touch to the intensive! r Tnj n i patriotic spirit of the occasion. Stuck ?10 and Costs. Judge James T. Begley gave the' address of the afternoon and in his ast night about 11 o'clock the remarks paid a glowing and eloquent police were attracted by the antics tribute to the departed brothers and f the driver of an auto on the the order of which they had been streets of the city, and who the such faithful members. Praising guardians of the peace sought to their lives as Elks and benefactors of snare but without success. The their fellow men. the speaker im- party arrived here and r-topped at pressed on his audience that the the Russell cafe and ordered a large lives of men lived with a view of amount of coffee prepared, but be benefaction to their country and fre the coffee could be served, the their fellow man left a golden mem- autoist departed and drove the car ory and while they might not have "P Third street toward the north gathered fame they left a glorious portion of the city, the cut out being memory of achievement. Judge Beg- open and emitting noises not unlike ley also paid a very beautiful tribute a boiler factory in operation and to the memory or Brothers Henry arousing the residents from their Hirz and Matthew Jirousek, who gave peaceful slumbers. their lives for their country in the The driver of the car, however, world rar. successfully made his escape over the . The sleeker also reviewed the foundation of the B. P. O. E. from the time of its inception in 1863 down to the present day and or the virtues on which it was rounded. , During the servic- the male quar- tet. composed of Iiev. H. G. McClusky, Frank A. W. Knorr and Don C. York gave a very beautiful don, was told that he must answer cumber highly appropriate to the for the breach of the driving regu oecasion. lations of this city. He placed a The orchestra, under the direction cash bond in the hands of the au of W. 11. Holly played a number of thorities and this morning the sum selections and at the close the bene- of $17 was added to the funds of diction was given by the chaplain, t the city. J. H. Short, at wmch tne colors were borne from the etage and the session formally closed by the exalted ruler. SECURES DIVORCE DECREE From Monday Dally. This morning in the district court Judge Begley heard the case of Caro- line Propst vs. Drvight Propst and at friends were entertained in the hos tile close of the evidence awarded the pitable manner so characteristic of plaintiff a decree of divorce and the this splendid Cass county family. The custody of the minor child, Verona main event of the day was the dinner Propst. The action brought by Mrs. that embraced all the good things Propst against R. L. Propst and oth- that the Cass county farms produce, j era for the alienatn of the affec-l Those to enjoy the event were C. tions of the husband of the plaintiff It. Frans and wife, John Lyons and; was settled by agreement of . all par- "wife, Mrs. Rose Cogdill, Mr. and Mrs. i ties and the action dismissed from Clarence Boynton and son. DwierhtJ the docket. j j FOR SALE ; 2 big type Poland CMna boars, i pedigree papers furnished. $20. y 1 Pi (tub 8315 A, O. PJU3GE- Blank Books at tie Journal Office. ENJOY HIKE Gwenivere Smith and Estelle List er went on a hike Sunday afternoon, starting from the main portion of the city and going around by way of Oak Hill cemetery to the corner west of cemetery and then south to Mynard. The young ladies took their lunch and enjoyed a campfire by which they roasted wieners. Returning home tne latUes reached here shortly after u ui.K.. i ue gins are uutuuiag oil uk- ing a hike to Omaha Saturday if the weather permits. They will leave Plattsmouth about 6 o'clock Satur day morning and intend to remain, over night in Omaha, then hike back on Sunday morning. WELL KNOWN YOUNG MANJNJJMELIGHT Ehaont Preston Appears This Time As Defendent in a Case Charg ing Him With Adultery. The supreme court heard argu ments Friday morning in the appeal of Elmont Preston, convicted in Buf falo county of having adulterous re lations with an eighteen years old girl named Margery Hays. Preston was before the court only a few months ago, when his conviction in Otoe county for wife and child aban donment was set aside. The present prosecution was by his wife. The Hays girl lived at Pleasanton, and the state claimed that he was a fre quent visitor at the home, that ' he took the girl on a ten day automo bile trip, that he was present a few hours after her child was born. Her parents, it was asserted, protected Preston thruout the case. The attor ney general argued that anyone with an ordinary comprehension of hu manity would find it difficult to take all the circumstances into considera tion and still maintain the honest Itotief tint hp ic Innrwert nf th at least They also anea thecoun-J tT attorney had been guilty of mis-J conduct Iu attempting to put before HANDS OF THE LAW Platte and was last reported as go- j ing toward Omaha. The police, how-1 ever, kept an eye out for the speeder j and this morning at 6 o'clock the car. was seen here enroute from Omaha' to Nebraska City and was promptly halted and the gentleman in charge, who gave the name of William Hay- ENJOY FINE TIME From Monday's Daily. The pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nickels, four miles ; east of Murray. Was the scene of a I when a number of relatives and Plattsmouth, Mrs. Jennie Frans and son, Ray. Rue Frans and wife of Un- pon. Will Carey and wife, Wyett j Hutchison and "wife and family. Will unver ana wiie. , FOR SALE 2 pedigreed Hoist In Bull calves. $25 each. Six -wwefcs old. rw Bbaa IS13 A. O. RAMGE. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD IS MADE ; Woodson Spurlock Receives Rhodes c i l i. T-i t ocuoiaxsnip x onner resi dent of Plattsmouth. Woodson Spurlock of York, a sen ior at the University of Nebraska, was awarded the Rhodes scholarship for the state at a meeting of Jhe state committee held Saturday. Ralph E. Svoboda of Creighton university. Omaha, was elected as a candidate for the position of Rhodes scholar at large, to compete with candidates frcm other states. Seventeen candidates were passed upon by the committee: Five from the University of Nebraska; four from Creighton; three from Nebras ka Wesleyan; two from Doane col lege; two from Grand Island, and one froiri Midland College, Fremont. The committee was composed of Chancellor Avery, chairman; H. ,A. Gunderson of Fremont, Rhodes'schol ar from South Dakota from 1911 to 1914; Prof. G. B. Noble. Rhodes scholar "from the state of Washing ton. 1912-16, and Paul F. Good, Rhods scholar from University of Nebraska, 1914-17. froz. J. A. Kice, who had been expecting to serve on the Nebraska committee, was sent in stead to Colorado to assist in the se lection of a candidate from the state. Professor Rice was a Rhodes scholar from Louisiana during the years 1911-14. Woodson Spurlock is the sou of George M. Spurlock, a lawyer at York. He was born at Plattsmouth in Febuary, 1900. His grandparents came to Nebraska in 185C and set tled at Plattsmouth. He was educat edin the public school of York and graduated from the York high schofli with highest honors in 1917. For two years he attended the Ne Mexico military institute, where he was first lieutenant and graduated with sec ond high honors in 1919. During the war he was intraining at the Presido, San Francisco, but on account of his age did not receive a commission. He was less than eighteen when the war ended. . Woodson Spurlock is now in his senior year at the University of Ne braska and will receive a degree from the arts and science college at the close of the present semester. His scholarship is said to be of very high order. He is a member of Sigma Nu. He is of fine appearance and attrac tive personality. Entertains For Friends The very charming home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sehultz near Mur doch was the scene of a most de lightful gathering on last Sunday when they entertained a number of friends and the occasion one of the greatest of pleasure. Those who en joyed the hospitality of the Sehultz home were Otto Miller and family of Murdock, Philip Hirz. wife and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Sehultz. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Braun, Fred Guent li ner, wife and family. Misses mma and Elizabeth Hirz, Gretel and Le ota Hackenberg. and Rev. H. Kot tich, all of Plattsmouth. " Another entertainment was held in honor of the visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller and where the guests were treated to the lavish hospitality of their friends in a manner that they will long pleas antly remember. Those attending were W. A. Sehultz, wife and family, of Murdock. Misses Emma and Eliza beth Hirz. Gretel and Leota Hacken berg and Rev. II. Kottich of Platts mouth. HIKERS REACH THIS CITY From Monday' Dally. Yesterday morning a party of some twenty Omaha people arrived in the city on No. 4 over the Burlington and spent a'short time here preparatory to making a hike back to the metrop olis. riie organization was the Hikers club and among the members were a number of heavyweights who would tip the scales at considerably over 200 rounds and who expected to derive a great deal of benefit from the hike of eighteen miles from this city to the metropolis. Charles Gadway, a neph ew of E. C. Rippleof this city, was In charge of the party and after their rest here they swung out on the long march to the big town and expected to stop on the way to enjoy the noon meal out in the qpen and reach their homes late in the afternoon. DO YOU WANT A GOOD HALTER? One dollar ten gets the best halter made anywhere in Cass county. Your money back if not satisfied. This is made of government" material and cost during the war, $6.50. I am able to deliver this halter at your mailbox for $1.10 each, as many as you want. Reference, Bank of Mur dock. Better try one. A. J. TOOL, n28. d8. Murdock, Neb'. RETURNS FROM THE HOSPITAL From Monday's TJaily. Yesterday morning Grant Burrows who has been at the University hos pital In. Omaha for the past few -weeks, was able to return aome and Is feeling very much Improved. Mr. Burrows has been through a very se vere ordeal anfl his family and friends are delighted that he is sho-orfn? mith plea&d recovery. OLD RESIDENT DIES Proaa Monday's Dally. The announcement has been re- ceived here of the death at his home ; in Carrol, Idaho, of J. P. Ruby, an i I old resident of Eight Mile Grove pre-' cinct, for a great many years. Mr. J Ruby was born in Harrison county, j i O.. March 8, 1831. and came to Cass; county at an early date, but later ' made his home in the west where j he passed away. j I . I ROADS IN LEWISTON I HO A I ITV BD4I0LT1 LUuALII I rfl.HIOLU Enterprise of Residents Merits Words 'of Commendation at Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. From Tuesdays tjatly. Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union, is reported to have said, in speaking of the Lewiston road, "Did you ever see more improvement or. a road? I nave been nommg serices nere ai Jt took me ten days to decide about times for a number of years. When j joining the club and 1 bought a pure we would start here to a funeral. ourjred sow from Mr. R. C. Pollard on worry would be if we came from .the east, can we ever make the hiil at the cemetery;, if from the west, can we keep out of the ditches, or will we' meet someone where v.e can't pass on that half mile stretch. Sev eral times we have put four horses on to make that hilL Mr. Lillie and Mr. Ray surely shovld be commend ed for getting such work done." F. R. Gobelman. .- of Plattsmouth. was present at the dinner, and said: "The road speaks for itself. Many a time I have been down here hunt ing and had the brush whip the top off my car. the cap off my head and been out pushing my utmost to make it. But look at the cemetery. 1 have shot rabbits in there among the sumac, prickly ash and grape vines. No hunting in there this winter." W. P. Hutchison, of Rock Bluffs rays: "It sure is a great improvement. If Lillie and Ray would keep that up they should be put in as road su pervisors." A. L. Becker, of. Union, says: "Look at the church grounds: you can get in there and et out all the same day with a car The people of this communitv'-'iiaAt surely done some good work.' Up till this work! commenced the fences in one place were just 18 feet apart and brush on each side of the roadway at that. With the assistance of the county surveyor and a little work it has sure been made it road." County Surveyor Patterson said: "When I surveyed this from the west. I stood overon that hill for an hour while the boys cut brush so that I could get a focus on the center off the road over here. It would be a pleasure now." Chas. Spengler of Murray said when he saw the people so inter ested about the road he was wor ried for fear they had overlooked the dinner but they had the dinner as usual and now they have the road, so people can get there. The people of the Lewiston com munity should be congratulated for being public spirited' enough to con solidate and make a road connecting up with the state road and making it possible to get to and from the ceme tery. THIRD PARTY AD HERENTS MEET Persons Having the New Party Charge Gather at the Court and Choose Delegates. in The part that Cass county will have in the forming of the new third party movement was given a otart here on Saturday afternoon when the farmers interested in the new move ment, gathered at the courthouse to put their ticket in the field, or at least select the delegates to the state convention that will meet at Grand Island on Thursday, December 8th, for the purpose of taking definite action in regard to placing a state ticket in the field. The meeting in this city was call ed to order by W. F. Nolte. one of the farmers of. the vicinity of Platts mouth and who stated the purpose of the meeting was that of acting in conjunction with other counties in the naming of delegates to the first state convention of Independents. A. R. Johnson of this city was select ed as the secretary of the convention. On motion the following dele gates were named to the state meet at Grand Island: C. L. Wiles, S. O. Cole, F. J. Hennings. Sherman Cole, Charles Peacock, Philip Hild, Frank Cook, Alvo, Harry Long, South Bend, F. H. Johnson, Weeping Water, A. A. "Wetenkamp and J. J. Lohnes of Mynard. It was decided to leave the selecting of the delegates from Plattsmouth to the state convention to a later date. FARM LOANS Lowest rate, 5. 7, 10, 15 and 20 years. G. M. McClerkin, at the Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. tfd FARM WANTED Wanted lo hear from crwner of a larm for eale, give lowest price, and.v pnesaJoji.-L. Jen. Box 4il, Olnvy, HlineU. CASS COUNTY BOY BIDS CLUB FAREWELL Harry Knabe of Near Nehauka, Now at Chicago' Siock Show, Tells f q d f th piT CJ h OI UOOG 01 tLC UIU0' From Tuesday ianv j have to 'say Kood bve Pig ciub. after being in 4 years, for the sim- j pie reason that 1 will be 19 years I old January 1. 1922. As I cannot be a mfiiiuer oi me i'lg ciui iiesi jtrar 1 do not tb-ink that I will forget all about it for I will try and get all ' ia the Pig club as possible. I think all the boys and girls who are in the Pig club will feel like I do, that they owe it a great many thanks. That is if they will have any where as much success in the hog business as I have had. The way 1 have made mv siirpfst was liv tho fnlV ursine' 1 me to buy pure bred sow pigs for the Pig club. I did not think very much about it when I first started. June 30, 1918, for $25. She weighed 00 pounds. I fed her all thrt sum mer and she put on 1.7 pounds a day. Every time I went to feed her 1 got to thinking more about the Pig club and I also acquired a liking for the hog business. I showed her that fall at the County and Precinct show. On March 1919 she farrowed me a litter of pigs (11) and I saved 9 of them. 5 of them were boars and the rest were sows. I entered all 9 of them in the Pig club. I showed 2 of them at the State Fair and 3 of them at the County Fair. I sold all 5 boars ?nd kept the sow pigs. The next year, March 1920, she farrowed me a litter of 12 pigs. Out of these I saved 7 sows and 3 boars. 1 put 4 sows and 1 boar in the Pig club that year. This year I showed at the State and County Fairs and the Interstate Fair at Sioux City. That fall she farrowed me a litter of 16 pigs. I think when a person gets a good rroducing sow that he ought to keep her as long as possible. I have bought 2 boars since I started, paid $75 for one an3 $150 for the other. I sold J the $75 one for $S and I still have a $150 for the other. Since I entered the Pig club and got started in the pure bred hog business, I have sold 14 head of registered hogs for $884. 50 and 45 on the market. I have 140 head of hogs now that are all re lated to Pansy except the herd boar. I have been offered $750 for her and I think she is worth that to me. .During the 4 years in the Pig club I have won 55 ribbons at Fairs in the Pig club and also in open class t'ansy has raised all tne pigs tnai won these ribbons. These ribbons in cluded 2 grand champions. 3 junior champions. 22 firsts. 10 seconds. 6 thirds. 6 fourths. 3 fifths. 2 sixths, and 1 seventh. These ribbons amount to $356. Besides these I have won one trophy and the last two years I have won a free trip to the Boys and Girls week at the College of Agri culture. If it had not been for the Pig club I suppose I would not own a pig or care in the least for one. So that makes one feel that the Pig rlub is one of the best things going for boys and girls. I wish the best success to all the boys and girls in the Pig club. HARRY KNABE. The Pig clubs of Cass County will loose one of their best members. Har ry was a member of the first Pig club the Cass County Farm Bureau organized and we are mighty proud I to own him. VISISTING RELATIVES HERE From TueKflsT" Dally. Miss Alice Knowlton, of New York is in the city enjoying a visit at the , home of her aunt. Mrs. Claus Speck. ' and her cousin, Mrs. Frank T. Mar ' shall and family for a few days be fore returning to the eastern city. , Miss Knowlton is connected with the musical production at the Win ter Garden in New, York and has been enjoying a short vacation in the west prior to resuming her work for Ihe season. This talented young lady I was for two years engaged in the movies at Los Angeles and has decid- ' ed that the legitimate stage has i greater attractions than the silver, screen and will resume her musical work in the great metropolitan pro-1 ' duction of which she Tvas formerly a .memter. She will leave the last of ! the week for the east. TO ATTEND GRADUATION Prom Tuesflay' ta;iy. Mrs. T. B. Bates of this city is. spending a short time in Minneapolis, 1 for which place she left Sunday, to : be present at the graduation of her, 'niece. Miss Octa French, from the' high school of Minneapolis at the winter commencement services. Miss ; French is the daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. Guy ' French, formerly of Om-; aha. and has completed her high ' school work since the family removed j to the Minnesota city. The young j lady' is al?o the granddaughter of 1 Mr." J. J. Smith, of Florence, and is! known to a number of the Platts- j mouth people, as she has been here ' on several occasions as .a guest at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. end Mrs. T. B. Bates. - Misa French . will later enter one of the more ad--vaaeed schools lo ber home state- to 'complete her educational work. - 1 DEPARTS FOR FLORIDA Fronr Tuesday's Dally. This morning R. L. Propst and son, Dwight, departed via the auto route for West Palm Beach, Florida, where they will join the rest of the Tniily and spend the winter in the south. Mrs. R. L. Propst and daugh ter. Roberta, departed some time ago for Palm Beach to join Miss May ola, who has been making her home there and now the family will be to gether for the winter months in the mildness of the southern clime. Mr. and Mrs. Propst expect to return to Nebraska next Jane for the summer and to spend the summer with the children who reside in this portion of the country. CLEVER SWINDLER DISPOSES OF LAND R. Pierscn, Former Union Ranker, Finds His Oklahoma Interests Deeded to Others. From Tuesday's Dally. The Cass county friends of John R. Pierson, former well known bank er of Union, and later of Table Rock and Tecumseh, and now located at Auburn, will be surprised to learn that this gentleman has been called to Oklahoma to investigate the work ings of a confidence man in that ter ritory and which has involved the land-interests of Mr. Pierson. It seems from the reports that have reached Mr. Pierson that this party operating in Oklahoma has in a very bold manner sold and deeded away certain of the lands belonging to Mr. Pierson, without the knowledge or consent of the Netraska man. The operation of the smooth gen tleman was different from that of the ordinary "blue Fky" operator, as he did not sell an equity in any thing, but boldly went ahead and sold the land itself, although he had no more right to it than the man iirl the moon. It was the practice, it is stated, of the swindler to represent himself as the owner of the. lands that he had picked on and to hunt up a purchas er, close the deal for the 'land and execute a deed which was turoed over to the unsuspecting purchaser. In the closing of the deal the man would go so far as to steal a no tarial seal in the ma'klug of the ac knowledgements to the instruments. Mr. Pierson was not fully advised as to how the deals were carried out, but has hurried to Newoka, Okla homa, near where his land inter ests are located in order to have the fraudulent transactions set aside and the land restored. The man who pulled off the deal lias since died and this has com plicated the matter and makes it more difficult for the law to un tangle. LITTIE ONE BURIED From Tuesdays J !!. Yesterday afternoon the body of! the newly born babe of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall was brought to this city from the home in Council Bluffs and laid to rest in the family lot at Oak Hill cemetery. The father accom panied the body of Ihe little one. Five dollars reward for informa tion leading to recovery of strayed, two-vear-old, branded Hereford steer. SEARX S. DAVIS, 2wks-w Murray, Neb. How Fashions Change! In the 1 8th century a copper coin was used in Europe which measured 7 Yl inches square and weighed 3xl pounds. You would not consider paying bills with 3 Yi pound coins today. You will have little use for even present-day money if you use the pay-by-check method. Theadvantages of a checking account are yours the moment your account is opened. Why not come in and open one today ? The First I THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL. .T HOME fJVTTSMOUTH jJJT NEBRASKA. DEATH OF T. S. BAR BOWS AT MURRAY One of the Popular and Well Known Men of that Community Call ed By Death Today. ?rom Tucfrtays IalTy. This morning at 11:20 at his home in Murray occurred the death of Mr. T. S. Barrows, one of the btst known residents of that community, ami who was for a number of years cloe , ly identified with the business inter ests of that thriving little city. Mr. Barrows was taken Kick some three weeks ago with typhoid fever and despite all the tender care of his beloved ores and the medical skill of his physicians he gradually grew worse until death came to his side this morning and closed his eyes in the sleep that knows no awakening. To mourn his loss there remains the wife and two children, Mrs. Jes sie Corey of Milford. South Dakota. Charles Barrows, who resided at home. The aged parents reside at Milford. where they are lolated at the Soldiers' Home in that cit . During his life in and near Mur ray he was engaged in farming and later was associated with W. H. Puis in the hardware business, laying the duties of his active business lift aside some three years ago. T. S. Barrows, was born in June 187 6, near Union. Neb., where the parents had located and he was rear ed to manhood in that con;munit and later married to Miss Elizabeth Sans, a resident of near Hock BluiT. The family then removed to South Dakota where thpy resided for two years and then moved to Cedar coun ty to make their home and later re turned to Cass county, where they have lived for the past seven 3'ears. The deceased gentleman was a mem'ber of the Christian church and also of the Odd Fellows order, be longing to the lodge at Cottonwood. S. D. The parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Barrows arived at Murray on Wed nesday last from Milford and were with the family at the deathbed of thejx. son. One brother, Harry Bar rows, of Omaha and two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Sherwood of Draper, S. D., and Airs, Nettie Hathaway of Niobtara, Neb., are also left to mourn the death of Mr. Barrows. The funeral services will be held at Murray Thursday afternoon at 1:30 and will be in charge of the I. O. O. F. Rev. W. A. Taylor of Un ion will preach the sermon. HAS NARROW ESCAPE From Monday's Dally. Yesterday William Smith, one of the prominent young men about town, had a close call from being overcome by gas. Mr. Smith was en gaged in taking a bath and in the fmall room was a gas heater used to heat the water and this was very an noying with the odor of gas tout nothing was thought of -the matter by the young man until he had been in the tiro for a few mintites when his head began to feel the effects of the gas and by. the time he was able to dress and get out of the room lie was almost overcome. On reaching his home he was unable to "-limb tho stairs leading to the apartments ol the family and his condition became fuch that it was necessary to sum mon a physician to treat the young man and a few minutes more of the gas and be would have been in very l'-ad shape. NtionalBani