The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 05, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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C. D. Ganz autoed to Weeping Wa
ter Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Ganz autoed to
Lincoln Tuesday afternoon.
Mi.-:s Mary Taylor returned to Lin
coln after Thanksgiving vacation.
Dcyd Edwards returned Monday
from Lincoln, where he had spent the
week er.i.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Godley and
Miss Irene Friend autoed to Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore entertain
ed a party cf friends at their home
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner McKinnon
and daughter, Mr.-. Chas. Foreman,
autoed to Lincoln Friday.
Mr. ad Mrs. Farley Young, of Lin
coln, spent the week end with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Appleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rosenow and
Grandma Roeenow of Elmwood visit
ed Tuesday at the C. F. Rosenow
Little Earl Toland. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harley Toland, has been suffer
ing with rheumatism the past two
Mrs. C. F. Rosenow has been on
th? sick list the past week. Her
daughter, Mrs. R. Clark, is with her
helping care for her.
Fred Weaver and son, Judd Weav
er autoed over from South Bend on
business Tuesday afternoon. J. A.
Shaffer accompanied them home for
a brief visit.
FOR SALE Spring wagon, near
ly new. Prico $75.
Alvo, Neb.
Anr-nfr hece home for Thanksgiv
!!' vacation who have returned to
their studies are the Misses Wilma ;
Cool: and sister, Clara Dickerson ana
Carmen Muir.
yii-;; Mayer wer.t to Lincoln Thurs
day evening to attend a convention
of d!m'stic science teachers. Miss
Maver doing excellent work in i
the i-eiuol here.
Mr. a;id Mrb. Tred Prouty and
their daughter. Mrs. Clyde Lancas-J
ter and children spent Saturday with;
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones and child
ren, at their heme near South Bend, j
Mrs. John Sutton visited relatives i
in Fremont and was accompanied '
home by her uncle. James Reed and!
her cousin. Mrs. E. Cozine, or Illi-;
roi-. who spent a week with her be-,
fore leaving for a visit in Denver.
The Woman's Reading club met
Th'Trfday afternoon with Mrs. Chas. j "
Godbey. The program consisted of; Chicago. Dec. 1. The direct pri
qiitsiions and answers followed by a mary should not be abandoned, but
general discussion of each subject, j should be improved and retained,
which proved very interesting. About '; Prof. P. Orman Ray, of
members were present, j crn university, told the national
William. CoaUnan finished busk-! league of Women voters institute on
Ing liij corn ou November 29th, j efficiency In government here today,
hen co the cherry smile. The corn !, improvement is certainly possible,
ranged around CO bushels, cne field ; Dr. Ray said.'and he outlined a piaa
going about 70 bushels. Mr. Coat-; largely based on the Hughes-Saxe
man says that it has surely been a ; proposals made In New York a few
verv tedious job gathering the years ago. The gist of his recora-
"down" corn.
rOii SALE Spring wagon, near
iv new. Price $75.
Alvo, Neb.
?!r. and Mrs. Clyde Lancaster and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Hemple,
of University Place and Miss Mary j ruittces was unsatisfactory to a large
Taylor, of Lincoln, autoed down on j group of party members.
Wednesday evening, spending thej Under this plan the direct primary
day Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lancas- j would be dispensed with whenever
ters' pcirrri.TR. Mr, and Mrs. Fred ! nominations were unsatisfactory, thus
rrouty. Other guests who spent the saving the taxpayers itslarge ex
cveniiig with them were Mr. and j rense.
Mrs. Elbert Taylor and small son,' "Experience under the direct pri
ar.d Miss Ella Vincent and friend. , inary has not fulfilled all the optimis-
j tic predictions of its original advo-
Death of Infant ! ratcs- nor on tne other hand has it
Ruth Berenice, little daughter of
Mr. end Mrs. W. E. Fairfield, passed
av.n.v Sunday morning.
27t;:. 1921. ag'd 1 year. 4 months
ar.d 27 days. The little one had not
enjoyed the bst of health though she
was improving when she caught cold
which developed at once into bron
chial pneumonia, from which she suf
fered scarcely twenty-four hous un
til death came. Besies her parents,
she leaves a sister Alice and two
brothers, Clayton and , Albert, who
mourn her loss. The funercl was
See How It
There will be a clemonstra-;
tion of the working of the In-'
temational feed grinder under j
the directions of an expert, onj
Saturday afternoon of this!
week, December 1 0th, at
Hardware Company,
Come see how it works
In Selling Grain
it is well to get the best prices and the best service.
So when having grain to sell, it is to your interest to
see me. I guarantee you the best treatment as well as
the very best pricss.
held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon,)
November 29th. at the Methodist!
church, conducted, by Rev. E. A.
Knight and burial was made in the;
Alvo cemetery. Four little girls,
Gladys Kellar, Violet Jordan, Marie
Kichman and Marguerite Muir, were
the pall bearers. Those from out of
town attending the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fairfield and
Rev. Thockmorton of University
Place; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Libollt
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Liboldt and Henry Rinker, Papil
lion; Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Schobert
and Mrs. Ben Schobert, of Spring
field. The bereaved family have the
sympathy of their many friends in
their hour of sorrow.'
Business is Some Better
Speaking with Mr. R. M. Coatman,
manager of the Coatman Hardware
com pan j', at Alvo, he says: "I can
r.ctice a better tone of business and
with a larger volume of business, and
while it is not just what we all
would like, the purchaser as well as
the seller, it is looking some better
and we are expecting it to be even
better than now."
Alvo Walking Club
A club recently organized in Alvo
is "The Walking Club" which has
about a dozen charter members. We
understand the object is to walk for
the betterment of health.
The "over-plumps" to reduce and
the "thins" to gain.
And thev walk the same road, the
same direction at the same time. The
jo'.ly, brisk, fresh ozone will help a
Plymouth Bock Cockerels
FOR SALE Pure bred Barred
Plymouth Rock cockrells. $1.00 each.
Alvo, Neb.
University Man Says it is Unwise to
AlwiirlnTi itWomen' Leapne
Advised to Retain It.
mendations wa3 the elevation of ex
isting party committeemen into nom
inating commitees. To rank and file
of the party was reserved the oppor
tunity to substitute thru a direct
primary other nominations whenev
er the work of the nominating coni-
, rmrineu tne dire predictions 01 its
original opponents," Professor Ray
1 ; ,u - th,a.
I "Can it be so improved as to re
, duce its cost to the taxpayers and al
so to insure open, official and re-
1 sponsible party leadership while pre
serving the ultimate control of non:-
rations in the hands of the rank and
. file of the party?
"I am confident that both of these
questions will be satisfactorily work
tJ ont without the creation of new
complications ."
J The demand for Tanlac has broken
all world's records. Over twenty mil
j lion bottles have been sold since it
was placed on the market six years
ago. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A few extra well-marked Rhode
Inland Red cockrells. $1.50 and $2
each. 2td-3tw
Phone 2704, Murray, Neb.
Blank bocks! Yes you can get
af fill kinds. The Journal.
"We only Bought Rat Poison
Twice," writes Jesse Smith, N. J.
"I threw the first kind away; couldn't be bothered
mixing it with meat, chaf sc. Then I tried Rat-Snap.
SAY. that's the itufTl It comes in cakes, all ready
Co use. And it sure docs kill rats." 35c. 60c. 81.25.
Sold and guaranteed by
Eestor & Swatek .Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. Getzschman, Back from Europe,
Reviews Suffering in Austria
at the Present Time.
Washington, Dec. 2. After a trip
of five months through Austria.
Czecho Slovakia and Italy, during
which time, she says, the squalor
and misery that she saw pass beyond
the "power of words to describe. Mrs.
Pcrtha Getzschman of Omaha, left
Washington today on the final lap
of her return trip to Omaha.
Mrs. Getzschman is a native of
Bohemia, which is now the new re
public of Czecho-Slovakia, r.nd sho
made an intensive study of political
and economic conditions there and in
Austria during her five months visit.
Austria, she declares, is suffering
from dismemberment. "With its body
cut away and nothing you might say.
but the stomach remaining, Austria,
faces starvation," Mrs. Getzschman
said today.
Charles' Coup a Joke
She visited Senator Hitchcock dur
ing her short, stay in the capital.
The American relief which is being
given the people of Austria, she said,
is largely being diverted in such a
way that it does not bring the great
est benefit to the people. Sseretary
Iloover told Senator Hitchcock today
that the relief work being done in
Austria and Czecho-Slovakia now k
wholly in the hands of the govern
ments of the two countries.
He said that there was only one
American there now connected with
his department here.
The Austrians took the attempted
coup of former Emperor Charles ar;
very much cf a joke, Mrs. Getzsch
man said. "There was much 1110:0
n bout that in the American news
papers than in the papers in Vienna,"
she said.
"Over there they just laughed
about it."
Austrian exchange has fallen so
low that an apartment house capable
cf housing eleven families could bo
bought in Vienna for $400, she saiJ.
Rut ?4C0 is about 1.000,000 crow .if.
in Austria at the present rate of ex
change. "You could not spend a dollar a
day in Vienna unlets you literally
threw the money away," Mrs. Getz
schman said.
Walter Holcomb Cleared of Charr
of Killing of Thomas Oken
at O'Neill, irebraska. .
O'Neill, Neb., Dec. 1. Walter Hol
cornb on trial here, charged with
manslaughter for killing Thomas O!-se-n,
a Chambers' real estate man at
the Holcomb ranch, August 7, was
acquitted by a jury this afternoon on
his plea that the killing was done in
self defense. On the return of the ver
dict, District Judge Robert R. Dick
ron, scored County Attorney Lewis
declaring that a manslaughter charge
should never have been filed.
He declared the county attorney
derelict in not conducting, or having
conducted, a proper inquest at the
time of the shooting and said that
such an inquest either would have
cleared Holcomb then or have brought
him to trial on a second degree mur
der charge. The county attorney to-.k
no active part in the court trial which
vas conducted solely by a young dep
uty serving without pay.
Springfield, 111., Dec. 1. Illinois
newest political sensation reports
cf alleged attempts to corrupt the
grand jury which indicted Governor
Small last July- probably will be
laid before a future Sangamon coun
ty grand jury for investigation,
State's Attorney Mortimer said to
night. W. D. (Buck) Evans, member of
the July grand jury, today was ac
cused in a public letter to Governor
Small by C. H. Jenkins, director of
public welfare, of offering to trade
damaging information against the
prosecution for a job under the
Small ad'ministraton.
Reports that Mr. Mortimer plan
ned an investigation of alleged at
tempts at jury fixing were circulated
Jennings and the governor said, by
ti e governor's political foes as part
of a plot to ruin Small.
Mr. Mortimer, in reply, said he
told the governor's attorneys three
weeks ago of his information, but
that he would take no immediate ac
tion because he did not want to be
in the attitude of prejudicing the
governor's present situation.
The conference of the Home Eco
nomics teams of the state high
schools is being held today and Sat
urday at Lincoln and among the
speakers on the program is Miss Mary
Kirkpatrick cf the Plattsmouth high
school, who will give a lecture on
"Home Economics and Their Relation
to Other Department of the High
Washington, Nov. 20, Operation
of the army transport Service in the
Pacific may be turned over to the
chipping board for experimental pur
poses, it was announced today ofTI
cially. Chairman Lasker of the
board has requested Secretary
Weeks to permit his agency to take
over the army transport service inj
connection with a weekly sailing I
service it expects soon to begin be-i
tween the west coast, Philippine is-i
lands and the east.
until rv urtiro itciio
F. H. Johnson was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Thursday, making
the trip iu his new sedan.
Mr. Iioscoc Owens has been en
gaged in hauling logs to the saw mill ;
east of Manley on the Thomas Wiles j
Martin Johnson and family were J
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Herman Rauth last Sunday, all cn-
joying the visit very much. I
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seiker of near!
Elmwood, were visiting at Hie home
of Mrs. Seiker's parents, Mr. and 1
Mrs. Aug Stander last Wednesday.
Adam Schaeffer from near Murray
was a business visitor in Manley last
Thursday, getting some materials for
some repairs of his farm buildings.
Herbert Thacker. who has been
living in Manley for about a year,
lias moved to Weeping Water, where
he will make his home in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craig, of Om
aha and Mr. E. A. Rurns and family
of Plattsmouth were guests at the
home of J. L. Burns and wife last 1
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Humble were
visiting at Weeping Water last week
one evening, guests a.t the Masonic
club, which held a most interesting
August Krecklow and son Louis the tractor and grader were do
ing some work in the neighborhood
of Greenwood during a portion of
last week.
Miss Alice Harms, who has been j
visiting for some time at the home of
her sister, at Nebraska City, return
ed home a few days since, after hav
ing had a very enjoyable visit.
Edward Kelly and sister, Miss Nel
lie Kelly were visiting and looking
after some matters of business in the;
county seat last Thursday, making.
the trip in Mr. Kelly's auto.
Mesdames J.' C. Rauth, Herman
Rauth and Emma Gibbon were guests j
last Tuesday for the day at the home)
of Mrs. Ed Ruby, where the ladies:
all enjoyed the pleasant afternoon.
At the home of Albert Glaublitz
between Manley and Murdock, there
is joy on account of the arrival of a
very fine boy at their home. The
pleased satisfaction also extends to
the home of Unele J. C. Rauth.
Rudolph Bergman and wife and;
Mrs. Win. Ileebncr were looking af-i
ter seme business matters in Omaha
last Wednesday and while they were
there Mr. Joseph Wolpert was look
ing after the business at the store.
Charles Murphey, the pioneer ofj
Cass county, and whom everybody
knows only to respect and honor and
one of the most excellent citizens,
who h?s been sick at his home for
some time, was feeling very poorly
for the past few days.
Mr. and T.Irs. J. C. Rauth enter
tained fvr Sunday dinner and dur
ing -the -day -.Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Manns and daughter, Alma, and son,
Herman; also Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Itautli and their son John. All en
joyed the occasion very nicely.
W. H. G ami in and Theo. Harms
were visitors in Omaha last Thurs
day, making the trip in their auto.
Mr. Gamlin also visited with Mrs.
Gamlin, who is receiving treatment
in a hospital there and who is re
ported as making very satisfactory
improvement. Frank Murphey, of Grant, who has
been visiting here for some time and
had just arrived at home, was called
home again on account of the very
extreme illness of his father, Charles
Murphey. Paul Murphey, who is at
tending school at St. Marys, Kansas,
also is at home.
Mrs. August Stander, who has
been receiving treatment at the St.
Catherine hospital in Omaha for some
time pas, on account of lier health,
returned home last Monday and is
feeling much improved, and while
not entirely restored to her accus
tomed health, is making progress
that is satisfactory.
Has the Building Enclosed
Py dint of hard work, Messrs. John
Falischman and Herman Dall, who
have been working on the new shop
of Mr. Dall, they have the building
enclosed and the work cf getting the
interior ready for work is rapidly go
ing forward. 'Mr. Dall is doing some
work which pressed hard enough on
him, but will not be ready for gen
eral work before about the first of
the year, when he will expect to be
ready to care for all work which
Reduce Working Force
The Missouri Pacific have reduced
their working force in Manley on
the track crew to the section fore
man and one helper. Mr. Neihart,
the foreman, has kept Mr. George
Schafer, and with the reduction in
the numbers this loses the position
to Marion Thacker and Frank Wan
namaker. Building an Excellent Granary
August Stander, east of town, is
just enclosing a granary and crib,
which he will use for housing his
grain, and is so constructed that he
can load with power from any bin
or division in the structure. He has
a large concrete dump with spouts
running -from all the bins in the
building, and also from the upper
bins, to a wagon stand which avoids
the necessity of having to elevate the
second time. From the lower bins
and dumps he can elevate the grain
by a power elevator and deliver it
into any other bin or to a wagon at
his pleasure. J. C. Rauth and Mr.
Stander and sons have been getting
the structure inclosed in order that
the remainder of the work can be
effected even should the weather get
cold. -
" Don't blame anyboy but yourself
if your nights are made miserable
by indigestion. You failed to take
Tanlac. P. G. Fricke & Co.
If von have anvthin? to sell, or
want to buy, don't overlook a want-j
ad in the Daily Journal. '
From Thursday' Dally.
William Starkjohn was In Omaha
for a few hours today attending to
some matters of importance in that
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today for a few hours
attending to some legal matters at
the court house.
E. S. Tutt and wife of-Murray were
here today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business and
visiting with their friends here in
the county seat.
Frank Beeson of Alliance is in the
city enjoying a visit with his moth
er, as well as his brothers. Judge A.
J. Beeson and John Beeson and his
sister, Mrs. H. H. Cotton.
Col. W. R. Young, the celebrated
auctioneer, who has been holding a
number of sales in the western part
of the state, returned home this
morning on No. 6 over the Burling
ton. John Zvonecek of Wilber, repre
senting the Wilber Mills and their
celebrated Little Hatchet and Golden
Bell brands of flour, was here yes
terday for a few hours visiting with
friends and also talking business
with the merchants.
From Frioay's Dally.
Joe Beil from the vicinity of Un
ion was in the city yesterday for a
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Ray Campbell came up yesterday
from the farm south of the city and
spent a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
Paul II. Roberts of Cedar Creek,
was in the city today for a few hours i
looking after some matters of busi-j
ness and visiting with friends. j
Mrs. Con Grebe, of Portland, Ore., '
arrived yesterday for an extended ;
visit here at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman and fam
ily. George W. Snyder came in this
morning from his farm home and
departed on the early Burlington
train for Omaha to spend a few hours
at the stock market.
William Atchison, former county
commissioner, and John Gerry Stark,
two of the prominent residents of
Elmwood, were here today for a few
hours looking after some matters at
the court house.
Henry Hinemann, of near Murdock,
one of the leading residents of that
part of the county, was here today
attending to some matters at the
court house and incidently visiting
with his friends in the county seat.
Do you feel old before your time?
Is your back bent and stiff? Do you
suffer urinary disorders? Don't de
spair profit by Plattsmouth experi
ences. Plattsmouth people recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills. Ask your
neighbor! Here's a Plattsmouth resi
dent's statement.
Louis Kroehler, proprietor hard
ware store, 521 Main street, says:
"Some time ago I had pains in my
back. I was so lame I could hardly
stoop and my kidneys were weak. I
had a tired, languid feeling all the
time and headaches were common.
I got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills
from Rynott & Co's. drug store and
began taking them. They soon re
lieved me of my troubles. I am pleas
ed to recommend such a valuable
The above statement was given on
April 10. 1912 and on May 12, 1920.
Mr. Kroehler added: "I am of the
opinion that Doan's Kidney Pills are
a splendid remedy for kidney ail
ments. I haven't needed them in a
number of years and would certainly
use them again should I ever have
kidney disoruer. I have great faith
in Doan's."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Kroehler had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
The following story may sound a
little "fishy" but nevertheless facts
are facts and Miss Louise Newhall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al New-
hall can testify to the truth of the
same: She had started home from
town on Monday afternoon after
school was out, driving the faithful
old family horse that had passed his
twenty-third year. The home Is sev
eral miles south of town. When they
were about a mile from home is
where the horse thought that he
would show the world a thing or two.
An auto was "lazying" along ahead,
the horse pricked up his ears, threw
up his head and loosened his old
Joints and muscles and the way he
shook the dust from his old hoofs
and lit out was almost enough to put
Pat L's record on the fence. He ac
tually went around that car with a
snort of anger. Unfortunately the
buggy was overturned and Miss Lou
ise was thrown out on her head and
rendered unconcious for a short time.
At the present time she is getting
along quite well respite the fact that
she is considerably bruised up.
The horse continued to run until
he reached home and as a result the
buggy and harness were badly dam
aged. It is curious to know Just what
was wrong with the old horse or
what he was up to bu this will al
ways be his secret.
It is said that the auto belonged
to Dan Fentlman and some think
that he must have had some horse
tonic in the car and it was this that
the horse wanted. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
Taken up at my place southwest
of Myna'rd, one dark red cow giving
milk. Owner can have 'same by prov
ing property, paying for. care and
feed and for this ad. Phone 3614.
dl-tfsw Mynard, Neb.
Be a "Sooner
Shop a little "sooner" than the other fellow
the sooner the better!
If every salesperson in every store in town were twins or
triplets, and every customer a football star in training,
"last minute shopping," might be a success. Even then
somebody is bound to be disappointed.
Better all around to do your shopping
early - don't you think so?
We're ready come any time!
A Buddy Lee doll free, suit or overcoat $25 up,
during December.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Republican Politicians on Inside are
Certain He Will Retire at
End of Present Tenn.
Republican politicians who are
generally on the inside are'quite cer
tain that Congressman C. F. Reavis
of the first district will not be a
candidate - for , re-election. They , are
not so sure but that he may resign
before his term1 expires, as the op
portunity to enter the law business
with a big New York firm may not
remain open for, him until the ex
piration of his present term March
4, 1923.
This is not' purely local gossip,
says the Lincoln State Journal. It
is quite current in Falls City, Auburn
and Nebraska City, where apparently
the word has been allowed to go out
so that local ambitions may be nur
tured. In a recent interview Mr.
Reavis denied that he intended to
locate in Omaha, but did not deny
the possibility of his going to New
Mr. Reavis personal friends have
known for some time that he was
not altogether satisfied with con
tinuing in congress. He has been
frank in saying that he was unable
to save anything in Washington on
the salary of $7,500 a year, that he
would have been better off if he had
stayed at the law business, and that
as he grew older the necessity of lay
I The flew Van lleussn
Soft Collar!
The Soft Collar with the starch
collar appearance. Will not
wrinkle will not wilt and will
not shrink. No starch and no
saw edges. Saves your shirts
and ties. Wash it like a handr
kerchief. It will outwear a half
dozen stiff collars.
Truly it's a real collar, worth a
$1, but sells the country over at
Philip Zfhi&iCi
ing up something for his family was
impressed upon him.
A number cf congressmen of legal
talents have gone to New York.
When Congressman Good, of Iowa, a
close friend, quit congress a little
while ago to enter a New York law
firm, Mr. Reavis said he would like to
have such an opportunity himself,
and it is understood now that just
such an opportunity has come to
him, so good a one that he does not
feel his duty to his family will per
mit him to refuse it. ?
This is the form that gossip is
taking. When asked, about it, Mr.
Reavis has replied that he would
make any. announcement . as-)t?his
future in bi: own. Fwaj'.f 'He ytns
urged repeatefl'ly to get Info the se?ia
tortalscontes,' bitt aS this figured" to
represent an expense of about $20,
000 It has not appealed to him.
A number o candidates. Cor -li is
place will appear If he makes ..the
announcement indicated. In Lan
caster county, - Walter L. Anderson,
speaker of the house, is expected to
enter. EJ Fernau of Auburn, a
member of the constitutional con
vention with Anderson, is another.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Now is the time to lay in a supply
of Chamberlain's Cough Remey. It
is almost sure to be needed before the
winter is over. You will look a good
while before you find a better rem
edy for coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough or one that is more
pleasant to take. It insets with favor
everywhere. Buy it now and be
prepared. Weyrich & Hadraba.