The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921.
; ;
Prepared in the Interevf the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If of the readers of the
Journal knov of any socli.1
event or Item of Interest In
this vicinity, and will mail
me to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all newsitem Epitob
Tiling Vp
Does each year find you
wishing and hoping for
better things in the future and
regretting lack of accomplishment
in the past?
There is one sure way to fill your
horn of plenty to the brim with all
the good things of life. It entails
no sacrifice now. It merely means
the forming of a good habit.
Save! That good old formula for
success is as true now as when
it helped build the fortunes
of our pioneer railroad build
ers, manufacturers and
Applying it on a small scale
in your own way will bring
you results in proportion.
MaKe This Ba.tiKyor Best Ser-O ant
Open an Account bvith Vf Today JVOWf
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Sirs. J. W. Berger was a visitor in
Omaha last week, being a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Trfcnpe, where she visited for some
three dare.
Mrs. Ona. Lawtn, who is employed
at the Masonic home in Plattsmouth,
was a visitor at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young
last Sunday.
Earnest Kropp, of Nehawka, was
looking after some business matters
Collission Causes Wreck
Last Thursday while Bert Jamison
was coming out of the barnyard
where Jack West had lived, a Ford
coupe, going west came along at a
rapid rate, and the truck of Mr.
Jamison and car of the Miller tire
man came together with the result
that the car of the .tire man was
pushed into the ditch an one wheel
broken. Mr. Jamison took the sales-
in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. l"
having driven over in his car for fAth,fr whet'1 L
the occasion Miller came back with tyim and plac-
During the fore part of the weekly the wheel on the car and the man
Mrs. J. W. Berger was a visitor m - Proceeded on hls to Lincoln.
Nebraska City, where she is guest
at the home of her son Will Berger
of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Earn Carroll and the
children were visiting in Murray
last Sunday, being guests at the
home of the parents of Mr. Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carroll.
Mrs. E. P. Lutz. of Plattsmouth.
was a visitor in Murray for a short
time during the f.rst portion of the
week, and was a guest at the home
'of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt.
FOR SALE Pure-bred Duroc-Jer-
sey boars,
raise them.
Come to Bible School
The coming Sunday there will be
considered one of the most interest
ing studies in this quarter, the ship
wreck of the boat which carried Paul
for a portion of the way from the
Pibie lands to Rome, some nearly
nineteen hundred years ago. This les-
', con is one of much interest and filled
jwith stirring incidents, covering 14
! days of storm and ending in a ship
wreck when some 276 people were
, cart into tne sea ana no one arown
Enjoy a Very Pleasant Time
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Gensemer last Sunday there . were
gathered a large number of friends
and relatives which were gathered
for the purpose of enjoying vtbe
friendship of ea$h other and the hos
pitality of the genial host and hos
tess. The afternoon was very pleas
antly spent in social conversation
and amusements with a goodly quan
tity of music as one of the more
pleasing features of. the program.
Those present and to assist in making
the afternoon one worth while were
Messrs and Mesdames Wm. Puis, Sr.,
W. H. Puis, P. A. Hild and the bojfs,
Fred Lutz and' family and Herman
Gansmer and family. ;
All members o
of the Christian Sunday school are
urged to be present at the study of
this lesson. M. S. Briggs, Teacher.
Rock roosters.
Murray, Neb.
Cheaper than you
Healthy, growthy.
' 3wks-w Murray, Neb
j There was to have been a medicine!
.show at Murray during this week, j
i but on a conflict of dates with the:
; dancing club, the show was given up:
and the parties went elsewhere. Barred Plymoutn
J. C. Niday, of near Union, was a I ?l-50 each,
visitor in Murray last Tuesday, com-j
ing to secure a load of bridge plank 'Phone 1511
for the placing of a floor on the j
bridge near the home of Earl Carroll, j Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Frank Schlistemeier shelled corn j
last Tuesday, which was of the yol- r
low variety and which has been com-
manding a premium of a cent on the:
j white, and was delivered at the:
Farmers elevator last Tuesday. j
Omar Sehlictemeier started fori
Omaha with a load of hogs for that!
market last Tuesday morning and:
having an accident with his truck,
the piggies were taken to the market j
by Frank Mrasek in his rapid tran-j
sit freight wagon.
Federal' Statute Against Motor Boat
Hunting Invoked by Special
Agents Operating Here.
From Monday 0 Taly.
That part of the government game
laws which prohibits the shooting of
game birds from motor boats, was
strikingly demonstrated yesterday
when two government game wardens
visited the city and journeyed on
down the Missouri river, seeking to
discover - if possible anyone who
might be violating this part of the
law in the shooting of migratory
f Iho 1? i hi o rlacc 1 CDucrtil narticc nut In fViolf rra f t s
shooting away at the birds and with
the result that the parties will be
compelled to pay a stiff fine as well
as lose their game that they had in
their possession.
Robert Good was delivering a load
of hog for Phillip Keil to the mar
ket at Nebraska City last Tuesday.
' J. E. Lancaster and family were
visiting with -friends in Plattsmouth
last Saturday, driving over in their
Mrs. George E. Nickels was report
ed as feeiing quite poorly last Mon
day and Tuesday, but is now much
George E. Nickles was a visitor in
Omaha last Saturday, where he was
called to look after some business
matters for the day.
J. V.". Edmunds has just complet
ed a feeding bunk for Mr. A. C. Long,
which will be used on the farm east
of town for feeding cattle.
Frank Vallery was looking after
some business matters in Murray last
Monday, driving down from his homey
in Plattsmouth in his auto.
A. A. Johnson was a visitor at
Blair for a number of days last week,
where he was doing some work at
I will make
W. R. Young and wife, who have ea-t Ca3s county
made their home at Plattsmouth for serve lunch.
of town last week, and will make j
their home there until spring, when I
they will go to the western portion '
of the state to live for the summer. !
Willis Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. j
Frank Reed, was reported as being j
very sick at his home a few days
since with a case of pneumonia, with f f -
the best of care he is expected to umiray
1 improve and his many friends are
all -"public sales in
this winter and
the home of his brother, Dick John
son, and on his return departed for
Nebraska City, where he is visiting
at the home of Mr. Wm. Berger.
T. J. Brendel was a business call
er in Lnion last juonaay morning, j hoping that ere long he will be well1
where he had some matters in the again.
insurance line to look after. Mr. Jay J. Johnson, of St. Joseph.
Mrs. M. R. Stebb ' and daughter. I Mo., was a visitor at the home of his
Rhea, were visiting with friends and j brother. Frank II. Johnson, last Mon-'
day evening and staying tor tne
night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. John-,
son passed through Murray on last 1
Tuesday for Omaha and from there
Mr. Johnson departed for his liom.'
in the south. J
E. A. Hinkle. the new enrage man.
Eat at the Lunch Wagon
Make dates with Col. W. R. Young
at Plattsmouth or see me personally.
also attended the "Old Nest" at the
Parmele last Monday evening.
Mike Rys, the blacksmith, who has
been away for some time o account
of a very much affected leg. was able
to return to his work last week.
Henrv Timm shelled some
hundred bushels of corn last Tues
dav. which he delivered to the feed
yards of Mr. G. M- Minford, east of
,V. It. Young of Murray and E.
R.' Cobb of Omaha were looking af
ter some business matters In Union
and surrounding territory on last
-Duroc Jersey-
"Sensational Breeding"
I C-O I 101 l 1 1 a 11 V Lit a 1.1 a. juci ii t'liuaj
1 evening and Tuerday, returning home
Tuesday morning, and while there
witnessed the reception which was
accorded General Diaz on his arrival.
He was met by the Italian consul and
many of his former countrymen who
I have for sale some of the
finest of spring farrowing.
were very enthusiastic to see
fighting man of the world war.
obert Troop-
Phone 1720
Murray, Nebraska
uaiify and Prices!
You, in buying for the home, are governed by
both these attributes. Your buying is measured by the
quality you get and the price you are paying. We have
measured both price and quality for you in the Bargain
list below for Saturday, Nov. 26th.
Picnic hams, average weight 6 to 3 lbs., per lb $ -18
Peanut butter, 2-lb. school dinner pail, per pail -49
Sunshine Krispy crackerr, -1 '4 lb. box : - -69
Pure apple butter, Zi -vz. screw top jars .3S
12 cans 10c size sardines, put up in oil -tf
I'l bars Palm Olive Co's Galvanic soap 1.00
Winocr brand tweet corn. S cans for .98
In our Ery Goods department we are pricing spec
ial items which winter weather is demanding.
Sub wool blankets, tan and blue plaid, size GGxSO, special.
for Saturday $4.39
Ladies wool yarn sweaters, coat style, belted. Colors brown.
blue, old rope, black, orange, etc. $3.75. $4.50 1 4.95
.Men's sweater coats, heather color yarn, just the kind for
rough ware. Special Saturday . 2.39,
Men's vests, full leather lined, leather sleeve, knit wrist,
heavy khaki cloth. Price each 5.85
Men's vets. corduroy cloth, leather lined, leather sleeves,
knit wrists, extra long coat style, leather faced pockets 6.50
Keep in mind our fresh fruits and vegetables car
ried by our up-to-date grocery department.
Head -Lettuce. Celery, Cranberries. Sweet Potatoes, Oranges,
Lemons, Dates, Figs, Bananas and Apples.
Strictly fresh eggs, 45c doz. Sweet fresh butter, 40c
Telephone No. 12 -:- Murray, Nebraska
Made Business Visit in Lincoln
Last Thursday Messrs. George E.
Nickles, Harry Puis, W. S. Smith and
W. H. Puis drove ever to the state
capital, where they were looking af
ter some business matters for the
day, returning home in the evening.
Brood Sows for Sale
I have a number of pure brood sows
of the Spotted Poland China strain.)
spring farrow and good size, for sale 1
reasonable. Also have three bronze
gobblers for sale.
O. T.
Com Some Better j
Leyda shelled a portion of.
his corn lar.t Tuesday :r.d delivered !
the same to Mrl J. D. Pitman, from t
whom he received 32 cents a bushel. !
The price of corn is looking up and !
13 what is needed for a revival of
business, for when the farmer can
pet rM of money he will . be able
to make the purchases which he is ,
needing, and this will help business.
Keturns from the South
Last Thursday, Mr. C. H. Boedeker.
who has been visiting for some time
at the home of his daughter. Mrs.
Harold Hutchman. of Ameret, Mo..
returned home after having had a
most pleasant visit in the south. Mr. j
Boedeker tells of many people there.
who have just begun the picking of
their corn, and that the crops are
similar to what was grown here dur
ing the past year.
IV. R. Y00H0
Always Ready for Safe
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange
Captain and Mrs. Floyd Harding
and daughter, Margaret Jane, who
arrived last week from China where
they have been stationed at Tien
Tsin. will spend their two months'
leave with Mrs. Harding's relatives
st Plattsmouth and Captain Hard
ing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Harding of Council Bluffs.
Captain Harding, who has been
with the Fifteenth infantry in China
and at Fort McKinley at Manilla, has
been ordered to the Thirtieth infan
try, and will be stationed at. Camp
Lewis. Washington.
This trio leftTien Tsin the middle
of October and went to Nagasaki.
Japan, where they went aboard the
United States army transport Logan.
About 100 officers and their families
were on this boat, including Major
end Mrs. L. F. Drysdale. Major Drys
dale. who it military attache at Pe
king, was on hi3 way to the arms
cor Terence at Washington, D. C.
The young: cour'e were next door
-neighbors to Mts. Gerald Marsh and
Fon, Gerald. Jr., and the late Lieu
tenant Marsh. They are also ac
quainted with Mrs. Carl Wolsiffer,
formerly Miss Esther Connolly of
Omaha, and Mr. Wolsiffer, and visit
ed them at both Tien Tsin and
Little Miss Margaret ..Jane, who
will be 2 'j years old in December,
is a "seasoned" traveler. She crossed
the ocean when but two months of
age. having gone from Fort Leaven
worth. Kas., with her parents to Cap
tain Harding's new post in Manila.
With them she toured China and
Japan and visited Vladivostok.
Better Hogsj
I have four black Poland
spring farrow bard and
All registered. Price $20.00
Washington. Nov. 21. The Unit
ed States Civil- Service Commission
stated today that the income tax un
it of the Bureau of Internal Reven
ue will appoint several hundred ad
ditional auditors and revenue agents
or inspectors as soon as the Commis
sion can supply the eligibles, for au
diting work in the central office at
Washington and inspection work
throughout the country. It is stated
that the Bureau of Internal Reven
ue finds it necessary to greatly aug
ment its present force in order to
bring Its inspection and auditing
work up to date and keep it current.
The Bureau recognzes the mportance
to busness nterests of clearing away
wcrk in arrears.
The Civil Service Commission has
announced an examination to be held
throughout the United States on De-
reraber 14 to fill these positions. The
J entrance salaries offered range from
j $1,800 to $3,000. Advancement will
I depend upon the record of the em
I Full information and application
China blanks may be obtained Ironi the
one gut. j fjoniL Washington. D. C, or from the
Civil Service Board at the post office
or custom house in any city.
Font T. Wilson,
Ccckrels for Sale
I have a number of pure bred sin
gle combed Buff Orpington cockrtl3
for sale at $2.00 each if taken before
December 1st. I
Phone 2412. Murray, Nebr.
Making the Store Room Shine
" Frank Va Her y. the owner of the:
store room which Is occupied by the!
II. M. Snennirhspn errnnerv bouse, is I
having the same painted and refinish- ,Rhoden Barn Garage
ea insiae ana wnicn wnen aone win i
make a most attractive place. This
For Sale
Duroc Jersey boars for sale. Path
finder breeding. Herman Wohlfarth,
Murray, Nebr.
Washington, D. C. Nov. 19.
Democrats in the senate moved to
day to unseat Truman H. Newberry,
republican, Michigan, whose election
in 1918 is contested by Henry Ford,
when Senator Walsh of Montana sub
mitted a resolution, which if adopt
ed, would make the seat vacant.
Mr. Walsh announced that tfhen
the question comes to a vote . he
would ask that his resolution be 'sub
stituted for that declaring Mr.'Ifew
berrv elected, introduced by the re-
i cutlican members of the senate
and privileges and elections committee.
prepared to furnish the best' Mr. Ford's claim to the place by vir-
has alwavs been a verv nleasant end t- i - iri I tue of. his having failed to receive a;
convenient place for. a business room, rom servic rK 8uaran"i majority of the votes cast. It would
but the lanse of time has 'left its (on anJ rharc rMtnnahlo J retire Mr. Newberry because of al-;
I am now located at the
mark, and the renewing of the in
terior will greatly improve the ap
pearanc'. The artists-Phillip Lam
bert and Jesee Chambers, are doing
the work.
Rlurriel nickel,
Murray, Neb.
leged "acts in gross and flagrant vi
olationof the lw."
Get in the clear for the bad weather, for
it will come. We have a fine assortment
and prices are right on overshoes.
Two buckle, three buckle, four buckle,
and for ladles, men and children.
Do Not Pass This Up!
E. H. Schulhot. piano
Phone J89-J.
Old Winter Coming!
Better be prepared. Get a bob sled. We
are offering some very nice prices on some
excellent sleds.
Also a used
Cylinder Sheller!
Ths is as good as new and at a very attrac
tive figure. Better see about it at once.
Peterson Hardware Co.
EE. 1. PETERSON, Manager
Those Wot Yet
Many have come and settled the accounts which
existed at the closing of our business as hardware mer
chants. For this we are thanking them. There are some
who have not as yet responded to our request for set
tlement. W. H. Puis will be found at the Murray Gar
age and you -ho have not settled are requested to call
and arrange for the fame at once. Thene accounts
must be adjusted
isten! Wake Up! Let's Go!
One good level 160 acres, 5 miles west of Grant,
Nebr. Ninety acres in wheat, one-third delivered, goes
with place. Clear of incumbrances '.
320 acres good, level land 2 miles from Senora,
Colorado. Will trade for garage, store or what have
you to trade? Can make long time terms.
85 acres bottom land, 4 miles southeast of Union,
all being in crops. Some alfalfa, one good silo, fair im
provements. 40 acres one mile east of Weeping Water. Hog
tight fence, good spring, dandy improvements.
One pool hall, building and fixtures, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Garage and residence at Murray, Nebr. Only gar
age and gas station in town. Good equipment and stock.
Will, trade for farm land or ranch. This is all free from
incumbrance. Can make good terms.
One general store in Cass county, Nebraska. Doing
a good business.
2 Yl acres in Plattsmouth, Neb. Fair improvements.
Also several other houses in Plattsmouth.
Will trade any of the above for mortgage paper,
Liberty bonds or what you have.
Frank Vallery,
P. O. Box 677 PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.' Phone 60S