The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 17, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class ,mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Some men are so honest they will
take nothing for granted.
Work and the world works with
you; sit and you sit alone.
Country cousins are busy getting
even for the summer vacations.
The fellow who has no will of his
own finds it difficult to borrow one
that is worth using.
. :o:
If money is the root of all evil
there are mighty few sinful people in
the world these days.
Man no sooner escapes from the
motor car dust in the summer than
he faces the funace dust of the win
ter. -:o:-
Xature puts a haze on the hills at
this season but says that the sopho
mores take care of the freshmen at
The breweries authorized to make
and sell medicinal beer now number
four, but it is believed the epidemic
will spread.
London property owned by King
George as the Duke of Lancaster has
been held by the British royal fam
ily since 1260.
London specialists say weaker
nerve centers is the cause of wo
men's inability to stand as much
physical strain as a man.
Meanwhile, the old fashioned peo
ple who depended upon apples to
keep them fit, may find it cheaper
to employ the family physician.
Last summer they told us that
business had turned the corner, but
maybe it was just holding out Its
hand to indicate that it was going to.
Ex-Emperor Karl, it is said, tried
to shoot himself, but was prevented
by his wife. Nothing attempted by
that poor fellow seems to turn out
just right.
Many a man marvels more at the
wonders of mother love when he .
looks at a photograph of himself tak
en when he was only ten or twelve
years old.
If we have any more.delays in re
habilitating our sick and wounded
ex-service men we may have a great
deal of trouble in rehabilitating our
sef respect.
A lot of people get reputations as
pessimists when there's nothing
wrong with them that could not be
remedied by an old fashioned dose
of castor oil.
The frequency with which the
shipping board is reorganized per
haps explains why the board never
has the time to attend to any ship
ping matters.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's . the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who Is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing bis clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when ne not acquainted with
us. ' And It doesn't cost much,
either. ,
Goods Called for and Delivered
9 hs
About the only reason we can see
why Secretary Mellon should retire
from the treasury department is that
Senator La Follette has demanded
his resignation. ' "
Germany ha3 printed 5 billion
marks in three weeks, which it is
predicted will greatly hasten nation
al bankruptcy. No doubt of it, with
the price of paper where it is.
A Virginia man pleads an un
usual condition" as a defense for hav
ing murdered his wife. If his mental
condition had been normal he would
have probably only wanted to kill
A deposed husband advertises
that "after this date I will not be
responsible for my wife's debts or
actions." He could just as well have
added "or opinions" for a few cents
An English professor has induced
his hens to lay more eggs by shock
ing them wit,h electricity. Were it
possible to generate enough current,
the plan might be tried on some
A face specialist says the shape
of one's nose may change by appli
cations of wax. But, if you wish to
change the shape of the other fel
low's nose it may be done by a more
direct and simpler method.
If Germany wants an easy way out
of her financial trouble she ought to
abandon that rag-tag currency and
use beer checks for money. They are
always worth face value, whereas
the German mark is worth only about
If you want to know just what the
world's debt looks like, picture all of
the 106.000,000 people In the United
States marching single column, each
person carrying $4,000 in gold. The
total debt of the nations ls ?406,
000,000,000. :o:
The Texas legislature is going to
install an electric voting machine.
That's mighty dangerous. The aver
age lawmaker is always getting his
wires crossed anyway. Let us hope
that they do not attempt any such
innovation in Nebraska.
The pulpit, which was solidly
against Mayor Hylan, declared at the
close of ttfe campaign that Venus,
Bacchus, Pluto and the devil were
on the mayor's side. No wonder he
won so easily, then, over nolody but
the preachers and the newspapers.
Reading of the great stacks of
currency it takes to buy a loaf of
bread in Vienna nowadays our im
agination fairly staggers when we
think of the enormous load the Vi
enna paragraphers must carry away
from the cashier's window every Iay.
A New York speaker on the sub
ject of "Christian Principles in In
dustry" says that wholesale costs
have declined 45 per cent, but re
tail living costs have dropped only
18 per cent. So evidently his talk
dwelt mostly on the lack of Christ
tian principles.
A dispatch from Rome says the
pope is trying to work out a plan by
which Easter may be made to fall
on tho same definite date each year.
It certainly. would be a favor to coal
users, who never remember in time
to find out whether the Easter bliz
zard is coming early or late.
A friend of ours out in Los An
geles sends in some propaganda con
cerning a new movie actress he has
hired to boost, and adds, "there has
never been a scandal of any kind
connected with her name." Well,
cheer up, old fellow. You must re
member she has not been in the
game very long.
Congress will be asked to increase
the annual appropriation for prohi
bition enforcement to $10,000,000,
an advance of about 25 per cent over
the present allowance. That's an av
erage of about a dime for each man,
woman and child in the United
States. Do you think it is worth ten
cents a year to keep you sober?
It is admirable of General Foch to
show his respect for our prohibition
laws by abstaining from wine and
other alcoholic drinks while In the
United States. We assume, of course,
that it is out of respect for our laws.
On the other hand, somebody may
have whispered a few words in his
ear about the poor quality of hooch
In this country.
The uplift movement, formerly in
tended for society, has been trans
ferred to prices.
"Mongolian soldier ordered to cut
off their pigtails." This hair bobbing
fad Is spreading.
A woman's idea of home is a house
with about 100 closets and a key to
each one of them.
Babe Ruth will sing In vaudeville
and the audience may break some
home run records.
If you don't believe Plattsmouth
is prosperous, just count our gaso
line filling stations.
Red Cross Christmas seals are
quoted at pre-war prices. Be sure
and buy your share.
Get your dollar ready for the Red
Cross. And make it more than a dol
lar of you possibly can.
There are people who condemn
various forms of sin just to have an
excuse to talk about it.
Now Foch can say "My left wing
is shaken; my right is in a sling;
banquets attack in my center.'.'
An old bachelor says, that some
women are born roolisn and some
achieve foolishness and the rest mar
ry fools.
The nation may consent to destroy
all their absolete battleships, but
that is about as far as they will be
willing to go.
Europe is laughing at our ambas
sador to England and when they
laugh at an ambassador his useful
ness is ended.
The identity of the Unknown sol
dier will never be known, but we
will always know that he was a true
son of America.
A few days ago John D. Rockefel
ler gave a little girl two silver dimes.
And now gasoline is up to 22 cents
per gallon, darn It.
Of course, we are for disarmament,
and all that sort of thing, but thus
far we fail to see how it is going
to take the fighting spirit out of
A Missouri school teacher won the
capital prize in a beauty contest. We
are willing to wager in any reasona
ble sum that she won't stay single
very long.
Jt has just about reached the point
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Clara I Armstrong and r.oy L. Arm -
ptrongv her husband, Plaintiffs, vs. J.
Larnes et al. Defendants.
To the defendants, the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa-
ives and all other persons interested
In the estate of A. D. Bowman, de-
eased, real names unknown, and all
other persons having or claiming: any
interest in Dot 197. In the Village or
Greenwood, in Cass county. Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You, and each of you. are hereby
notified that on the 20th day of Octo
ber, 1921, the plaintiffs filed their suit
in the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purposes of
which is to quiet and confirm plain
tiffs' title in and to Lot 197 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, In Cass county.
Nebraska, and to enjoin each and all
of you from having or claiming to have
any right, title, lien or interest either
legal and equitable in or to said real
estate or any part thereof, and to en
join you and each of you from in -any
manner interfering with plaintiffs' pos
session and enjoyment of said prem
ises and for equitable relief. This no
tice is given pursuant to an order of
said Court. You are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 5th day of December, 1921,
or your default will be entered there
in, and judgment tanen upon plain
tiffs' petition.
Clara D. Armstrong and
Koy L. Armstrong. Her Husband,
o24-4w. Their Attorneys.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
y. Nebraska.
James C. Kuykendall,
App. Dock
No. 1
.Page 37.
John XV. Seymour et al
To the Defendants: John V. Seymore,
Mary K. Taylor, James 11. Ross, phi
lander S. Wheeler, Olive H. Wheeler,
and the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives anil all other
persons interested In the estate of Wil
liam H. Taylor, deceased, and all per
sons having or claiming any interest
in Dot 12 in Block 42 in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 29th day of Octo
ber, 1921, the Plaintiff In the foregoing
entitled cause, filed his petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, wherein you and each of you are
made parties defendant, for the pur
pose of obtaining a decree from said
court, quieting the record title in the
"Plaintiff, James C. Kuykendall, to the
following described real estate, to-wit.
Lot numbered twelve (12) "in
Block forty-two (42) In the City
of Plattsmouth, In Cans county,
Nebraska, according to the pub
lished and recorded plat thereof,
as against you ana each and all of
you, and by such Decree to wholly ex
clude you and .each and all of you
from any estate, right, tide, claim or
interest therein or to any part thereof,
and for -such other and further relief
as may be just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 19th day , of
December, 1921. or your default will
be entered of record and a decree en
tered in said cause as prayed for in
Plaintiff's petition.
Date: October 29, 1921.
o31-5w. - Hi Attorney.
In this country where if a family
owns only one automobile, poor fath
er has to walk or ride a rickety
street car.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, BS.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ellen
J. Smith, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. In said county, on the 25th day
of November, A. D. 1921, and on the
zotn aay or February, A. D. 1922, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 25th
day of November, A. D. 1921, and the
time limited for payment of debts Is
one year from said 25th day of No
vember, 1921.
Witness mv hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
October, 1921.
(Seal) o27-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
Grace McCardie. Plaintiff, vs. Rov H.
McCardie, Defendant.
To Roy II. McCardie:
You are hereby notified that on the
ISth day of July. A. D. 1921. Grace
McCardie filed a petition against you
in the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you
on the ground that you, being of suffi
cient ability to provide suitable main
tenance ror her, and your child, the
issue of said marriage, have grossly.
wantonly and cruelly refused and ne
glected so to do, and for the custody
of the minor child, the issue of said
marriage, to-wit: Clarence Edward Mc
Cardie, aged ten months.
lou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the 12th
day of December, A. D. 1921.
Tills notice Is given in pursuance of
an order of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska.
By Plaintiff.
o31-4w. Her Attorney.
In the county court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
state of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons Interested in the es
tate of William H. Miller, deceased:
On reading the petition of George
Miller praying that the instrument filed
in this court on the 12th dav of No
last w
ceased, may he proved and allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of the said deceased, may be proved
and allowed and recorded as the last
will and testament of WMliam H. Mll-
er, deceased; that said Instrument be
admitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
Elizabeth Miller as executrix:
It Is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter.
may, and do, apear at the County Court
to be held in and for said county, on
the 10th day of December, A. D. 1921
at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and that the hearing thereof le
given to all persons Interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the , Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed In said
county for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 12th day of November, A-
D. 1921.
(Seal) nl4-3w. County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr
ue of a chattel mortgage, bearing
date July 5th, 1921, upon one Overland
automobile, model and year 1918, a
copy of which mortgage Is on file in
the office of the County Clerk of Cass
county. Nebraska. the same having
been filed on July 6th, 1921, at 2:4;",
o'clock p. m.. executed and delivered
by L. K. Terryberry to the Pennsyl
vania Pubber Company, to secure the
payment of $715.00 and interest, upon
which there Is now due principal and
nterest the sum of S734.00. default
having been made In the payment of
the sum secured by said mortgage, and
proceedings having been had at law in
he County Court or cass county, Ne
braska, on the note secured by said
mortgage to the end that Judgment in
he sum of 1734.00 was rendered tliere-
on and that an execution issued upon
said judgment was returned by the
Constable wholly unsatisfied, and said
mortgage by its terms providing for
a public sale of said automobile upon
such default.
Therefore, the Pennsylvania Rubber
Company, mortgagee, will, on the 5th
lay of December. 1921. at the hour or
11 o'clock in the forenoon at the gar
age of John Bauer on Vine street In
lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska.
sell the property described In said
mortgage, viz:
One Overland Automobile, moaei ana
ear 1918. engine No. 8H21017. at pub
ic auction to the highest bidder for
cash. Ha id sale will remain open for
bids one hour.
Date: November 12th, 1921.
nll-3w. Its Attorney.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska.
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Evan G. Brown,
bankrupt, in bankruptcy. Case No.
To creditors of the ' above bankrupt
of Oreenwood, In the county of Cass,
lie district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
9th day of November, A. D. 1921, the
aid bankrupt was duly 'adjudicated
bankrupt and that the first meeting of
his creditors will be held in the Federal
Court room in Lincoln. Nebraska, on
he 23rd day of November, A. D. 1921,
t 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which
ime the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, examine the bank-
unt, appoint a trustee, ana transact
uch other business as may properly
ome before such meeting.
Dated November 9, 1921.
Referee In Bakruptcy.
on I'ctltlon for Appointment of
The State of 'Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
in tne county court.
In the matter of the estate of Scyen-
ha Nelson. Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
I W. Nelson praying that admin istra-
ion of said estate may be granted to
Ouy W. Morgan, as administrator:
uraerea. Tiiat Btn aay or Decemner.
A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock a. m., is as-
igned for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter
may- appear at county court to he
held in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
Mould not be granted: and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed In said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Pt4 this 12th day of November, A.
D. 1921. '.-.-.
(Seal) nl4-3w. County Judge.
From Monday's Daily.
Charles E. Noyes of Louisville was
in the city today appearing as a mem
ber of the petit jury panel.
Atorney C. Er Tefft of Weeping
Water was in the city today for a
short time attending to some matters
at the couft house.
William Timblin of Alvo, one of the;
members of the petit jury arrived yes
terday afternoon to atend the open
ing session of the district court.
H. P. Canady and Torrence Flem
ing of Weeping Water were in tne
city today atending the sesion of the
district court as members of the jury
P. A. Horn and wife motored in '
this morning from their country
home and departed on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha to spend a
short time with relatives and friends.
J. W. Magney and Scott Norris were
the Nehawka representatives on the
petit jury to gather at the court
house this morning to attend the
opening session of the district court.
Col. Phil Li. Hall, of Greenwood,
was here today for a few hours at
tending the session of the district
court looking after some matters of
litigation in which he was inter
Mrs. Hj H. Tartsch of Sioux City,
Iowa, who has been here assisting in
the care of her mother, Mrs. William
Balance, returned this morning to lier
home, as Mrs. Balance is now feeling
very much improved in health.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Attorney C. L. Graves, of Union,
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi-!
ness. j
Theodore Starkjohn and wife were'
in Omaha todav for a few hours, at-
tending to some matters of importance.
C. E. Isoyes and wife of Louisville cult for the Wrong doer to make a
were here yesterday afternoon for aletawav in case they should trv to
few hours looking after some mat- J pun off any robbery stunts.
ters Of business. In nlaPM whpro this hna hpn tried
Mrs. F. J. Hennings was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha, where
Khi will visit with hpr rlaiichlpr Mrs
,at the Immanuei;
uucpiiHi uiiu vt 11 u is repurieu as uums juu u; hyuiuuu, iry any 01 ineir
very nicely. stunts where there is a light to ex-
E. G. Cooley, an old time resident Pose them,
of this county, who has been here j The cost of this should not be
visiting with his relatives and!rcat and if t wil1 save anv loss
friends and at the home of W. H. frori tlie visitation of robbers during
Sevbert and George It. Savles. de-
parted this afternoon for the pacific
coast where he will visit his daugh
ters and expects to make his home
n the future at Los Angeles.
The meeting held at Murdock last
Tuesday was appreciated by a very
good audience. Miss Murphy of the j
Extension Service gave a talk on
health. Miss Wilkins, Cass County:
Home Agent, talked about making !
dress forms in Cass county. 4 reels;
of pictures were shown with the
Farm Bureau moving picture ma
chine and Smith Service Station fur
nishing the power. The reels were on
Farm Lights Plants and Home Con
veniences. Eagle had a fine audience of 150
at the meeting which the Cass coun
ty Far Bureau gave under the di
rections of the Community Agricul
ture Committee. Miss Murphy gave a I
"health" talk, Miss Wilkins talked j
on dress forms and the County Agr.
Agent gave four or five important
facts which the County. State and
National Farm Bureas have accom
plished. Eagle is fortunate in having
such a fine auditorium as they have
in the new school building.
Culling Demonstrations
Two culling demonstrations were
held, one at John Hoffman's at South
Bend and the other at Conrad Baum
gartner's at Murdock. Both were well
attended and many learned to cull
hens. ,
Health Meetings
Miss L. N. Murphy, R. N. from
the Extension Service was in Cass
county Nov. Sth and 9th. A very in
teresting meeting was held in Mt.
Pleasant precinct at the home of
Mrs. Oscar Domingo. 14 ladies were
present. Miss Murphy gave a talk
on the Prevention of Contagious Di
seases. The women voted to take up
the work of a health project. Mrs.
Will Carper was chosen leader.
The ladies in Stove Creek precinct
held an all day meeting at the home
of Mrs. Lloyd Miller near Elmwood,
Wednesday, Nov, 9th. In the morn
ing 2 dress forms were completed
and at noon a splendid dinner was
served. In the afternoon Miss Mur
phy gave an interesting health talk.
The women showed much interest
and asked many questions concern
ing the work and voted to take up
the work as a project and make a
report at the end of the month. 22
ladies were present. Miss Murphy al
so spoke at the community meetings
at Eagle and Murdock.
Dress Form Meeting
A very interesting dress form
meeting was held Thursday Nov. 10
at the home of Mrs. C. L. Wiles in
Plattsmouth precinct. 22 ladies were
present and 2 forms were made. Mrs.
C. L. Wiles is project leader for this
precinct with Mrs. Henry Bora, as
sistant leader.
County Agr. Agent.
County Home Agent.
For Sale
t 1
Single comb. Rhode Island Red
Cockrells for sale.
Phone the Journal oSice when you
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Eest equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
tryy y
Plaifsstiofh High School
vs. Unburn High Sohool
' V.
At the Ball Park, Plattsmouth
-3:30 P. M
Friday, Hoiember I8fh
These teams should be evenly matched,
so a close and exciting game
should result.
Adults, 40c
From Tuesdays Dally.
A number of the property owners
along Main street are urging that the
alley ways be lit up with several elec
tric lights to the block that. will have
a tendency to make the robber or
burglar a little timid about making
their visits to this city.
a S?od suggestion and
r-lul" means ul proiec
I tion as it would give the police
) greater facilities for supervising the
t alley ways and make it more difii
i it has proven very satisfactory and
has decidedly checked the small de-
nrpdn t inne na tb iwaKo hnrn-lnr
dreads the light and will'not, if it
tiie v.intcr montns it certainly would
be money well spent.
frcm Tuesday's Daily.
Last evening when the midnight
Missouri Pacific arrived here one of
the passengers, a Mr. Kingslfey,
stockman of "Kansas City, suffered a
very severe accident. He was alight
ing from the train when his foot
caught in eome way on the step of
Cauble & Rishel
The 6th Street Grocers!
Will sell canned goods at the same old figure, not
withstanding the prices are to advance. We have a
large stock which go at the former low 'price. We
are paying the very top prices for Butter and Eggs.
Btauble $k ishe!
Remember J. P. Lutz's Old Stand-
Renewed Piano Sale
will continue until all are sold. Practically as good as new.
Protected by the Hospe Guaranty.
$10 Down and $10 a Month
will put a fine instrument in your home.
Ilallet & Davis, Rosewood. . .$11 S
Kohlcr & Chase, Mahoprany . .$140
Hobart SI. Cable. Mahogany . .$225
Cable & Sons, Walnut $195
Hale 4 Co., Rosewood S 83
Stesrer. Walnut $235
Smith & Parnes. Mahogany . .$275
Xetzow, Walnut 5215
Harvard. Ebony $160
Everett. Ebony $143
'Bush & Lane, Walnut S2S5
Camp & Co.. V.'aJnut $235
Kimball, Oak $310
Kimball, French Walnut ....S285
Kranich & Bach. Walnut $225
Big Clearance of Player Pianos
$3.50 a week buys one.
Orchestra and Sand Instruments
Kigh-grade at greatly reduced prices.
'AsIc for Our Free List of Victrola Records
r I Chloroform. Ethar or other nrj
vaa4L A cur. ruar.nte.ld In ev.ry caaa accept:! for treatment, and b BMgtjIJ
i.aid iiriUl. cured- Wrtte for book on KeoloJ I'iaeaaes. with nmo" na te tUOniaj
of mora ttian 1.000 prominent paonl wli nae neeo Jru'VwivY nVtHA.
11 . 14. Tt. TUK, SHiuOoriam, Petera Treat BIdr. Bee Bldf.). 031AIIA,
. . I. B. 8. Juiuiatoa. IU"icaU Directs.
A" V
v." .
Students, 25c
the coach and he fell, inflicting a
severe bruise on his head and also
his shoulders and it was thought at
first that his injuries might be se
vere. He was taken to the residence
of H. L. Prcpst nearby and the fam
ily very hospitably threw open their
home to the injured man and he was
made as comfortable as possible.
This morning an examination of hi3
Injuries did not disclose anything
CfTice supplies oi all kinds han
died at the Journal office.
1'ilfi Tourinpr Winter Top $.'5
lOlfi Cab and Truck body 9"
I'm Touring lfi.
i:17 Touring, Extras 00
1 1 1 7 Touring, Storage Battery for
lights 210
191 Touring 210
liils Touring. Winter Top 200
lUin Touring with Startf-r 323
If'l'it Coupe. Wire Wheels i'T,
.U'lD Iiur.dster, Starter Block 223
7 If. I. Hercules gasoline engine,
almost new and guaranteed like
new floo
D-passttiKer Oakland 150
We will sell any of these cars on
part cash and time payments on bal
ance. Lilieral discount for cash on
any of above prices.
For particulars see E. R. Queen
Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska
mTrmB-mi lit
sr. - "4 ,
- .
"The Art
end Music
Fisfiu la-Pay When Cured
A mild ayatam of tr.atra.nt that cur Pita
tlma. without a aTera auralcaJ oparatUm. , N
- I;
. I
... "5