MONDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1921. PULTTSJIOTJTH SEIH-' STRKKJ PAGE FIVE MURDOCK DEPMR TMEMT PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. if): The Communities IVclfaro! The banking business is one of more than ordi nary interest to the community in which the institution is located. To make the work of the bank most effective, there must be a confidence between the bank of its patrons, and between in fact the whole community. Any fear of a financial institution is immediately reflected in the business of the whole community. The bank which has proven its worth to the com munity is the one which has stood the test of good and adverse times and stands e'er ready for the service of the whole community. The patrons' interest and the community good is the bank's first concern. We are here for the service of the entire community. Thanking you for your confidence, co-operation and earnest work for our community, we invite your business. The Bank of EV2u Murdock, Nebraska 'The Bank where You Feel at Home" KENI1Y A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTEMA5N, Cashier Dr. C. E. Trendholm. of Elmwood. was a visitor in Murdock last v.eek on professional business. George K. Stuat?. of riattpmouth. war a visitor in Murdock let Thurs day, and a pueft of friends. Miss C'athtrir.e Tool, who is teach ins: in the schools at Firth, was a visitor at the home of her parents for over Sunder. Notwithstanding the rush of the farmers to get their corn out, Mr. J. II. Buck i? Veins kept tmsy at the blacksmith -hop. V. E. Stroy l as two very fine scr rel herpes which he is offering for sale, they being four years old and excellent worker?. tf. Gilbert Meyers., of Louisville has been making some changes in the wiring for the purpose of affording 'all nistht lights in Murdock. Mr. Frank Melvin is making very satisfactory progress in the construc tion of the buildings and other equip ment of the oil and gas station. Frank Rosenow was shelling some of the new crop of corn last Thurs day. Mr. W. II. RuMi doing the work, and assisted by Tobert Crawford. Miss Margaret Tool, who is attend ing school at Lincoln was a visitor at home for over Sunday, and return ed to her studies this (Monday) morning. The little daughter of Mr. and Fa emarkable Values in the Selz $Six ERE is a super-shoe for $6. all-leather, carefullv illj made, And of the latest style For low price,long wear and constant comfort, this shoe is to be recommended for men who seek full return for their money You should see it before you buy. Compare it. You'll see the extra value at once, and the long wear will tell an even more interesting story. Mnrdock Mercanlile Company, Murdock, Nebraska SPECIALIZING IN SELZ SHOES Mrs. O. J. Pothat has been very sick during the past week, but is report ed as being considerable improved at this .time. Mr. and Mrs. John Burt and Alfred Allagaard and wife of Omaha were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hush of Murdock. Harry Gillespie and Lacey McDon ald were enjoying a duck hunt at the riatte river west of Murdock last Thursday and met with very pleasing success. Conrad Baumgartner has complet ed the gathering of his corn, being one of the fortunate ones who have taken advantage of the excellent west her this fall. Harry V. McDonald, the druggist. J took a day off last week, leaving his ' r . 1 1 ,t n :t i . eiujr in vital jcr ul iiai I vruifpitr, and looked after the welfare of the ducks at the Platte river. II. A. Tool, A. J. Tool, Lacey Mc Donald and H. W. Tool were enjoy ing a duck hunt along the Platte river last "Wednesday and secured a number of the squawking birds. Miss Rose Auigwert and Joe Ran ney, of Council Bluffs, were visiting at the home of Mrs. B. Amgwert last Saturday and Sunday, they driving down in Mr. Ranney's car for the trip. Mr. E. K. Norton, who has the i Murdock market, says that business (is good and that he has no reason to complain. He with the family are liking Murdock fine as a place to reside. John Gakemeier, who has been confined to his home on account of an attack of pneumonia, is able to be out again and iv. feeling pretty well with -the exception of being some what wenk as yet. Miss Selrua Brauchle was a visitor last Thursday to Lincoln, where she was ri:-iting with her sister and hus band. Edward Koenig and wife, who are departing for Hollywood to make their home in the future. Win. Bonrke shipped a car of mix ed hogs and cattle to the South Om aha market one day last week. -At this time there are more cattle ship pod into the country for feeding than there is bein sent to market. Herman R. Schmidt was a visitor in Elmwood last Thursday, where he was looking after some business mat ters for a short time, and was ac companied by his little daughter, Hilda, who wont for the trip. E. W. Thimgan, Harold Tool. John Gakeireier and A. J. Tool were tak ing a vacation aaid enjoying the s-.hooting or ducks at the late north went of Ashland last Friday and bag ged a number of the feathered tribe. Mrs. J. E. McIIugh was a visitor in Omaha last Wednesday evening, where she accompanied the teachers cf Murdock on their trip to the teachers' convention, and with then enjoyed the splendid play, "A Bird cf Paradise." JJiss Lillian Amgwert. who is one of the most expert nurses, and who is employed in Omaha, was with her chum and room mate, Mrs. Nell Neck, visiting for over Sunday at the home of Mrs. B. Amgwert, returning to their home in Omaha on Sunday evenin g. O. E. McDonald and family were guests; at the heme of Mrs. Myra Mc Donald of near Murray last Sunday, they driving over in their car for the day's visit. They were pleased also that Mrs. J. li. Kelly, of Plattsmouth, mother of Mrs. McDonald, was al&o present for the day. this tusking it more enjoyable. Orville Ingwerson. who is will be remembered w.s ibe mechanic at the garaee cf Mr. Win. Gehrts, where he conducted the repair department, and who went to Alvo, where he en gaged in tee business for himself, hps Dld out to his partner, Mr. J. L. Pilkington and returned to his home at Pawnee City, where he is now empioj-ed. Many of the farmers, with the com pletion of the picking of their corn will hell and place the fame on the market. The corn is in excellent condition for Fhelling and marketing and the yield was excellent, but the price is far from what the growers cf this cereal should have for their work. With the marketing of the corn in a considerable quantity, the busiress situation will be greatly re lieved. 0. W. Gille-pie, after a number of ye ars at "other work, is again in charge of the dray line In Murdock. He has had a ni?mber of people look ing after the work during the time which IreTias been off from the work, and with last week took charge of the team and work again himself. Mr. Gillespie is a very clever man, and will look after the matter to the best advantage and convenience of all. Mr. J. A. Eauers. who has had charge of the work for some time, proved himself very able and looked after the work in the bert manner v.'Mle he was in charge. POWERS OF WORLD READY TO DISCUSS ARMS LIMITATION Way, superintendent of the Murdock nrith hir ami interest on the1 1 With Arrival 01 sSTlU&h cause which is so near to the hearts' of the people. There was large and enthusiastic crowds to hear these able speakers. Simplicity Marks Start. Washington, D. C, Nov. 10. The' great powers completed their prep arations today for the conference on Schools Closed for a Few Days I limitation of .armaments. ! During the latter portion of last i. Tonight their representatives set week there was no s:hool on acconnt! aside as a period of mourning for cf the meetings of the state teachers'! America's soldier dead the hours re-j association at Omaha, where the'maining before the conference as teachers of the Murdock schools went tirith the single exception of Su perintendent Way, who was detained cn account of his being on the pro gram for the Disarmament and Ar mistice day celebration, which was held on Thursday evening. Ford Curtains for Sale I have a set of good Ford touring car curtains for sale. MISS JESSIE MELVIN. Will Burn Liglit All Night The city of Murdock have ar ranged for the burning of a portion cf the lights all night and especially the ones on Main street at the inter jection of the Murdock Mercantile coiLpany and one at the first block ronth. The one at the intersection of the streets at the Bank of Mur doch and the Murdock Mercantile company has been placed on a switch which is located at the home of Mr. Max DusterhoS", while the one which is at the intersection of the street near E. W. Thimgan's. G. Bauer's and the bank will be placed on a switch at the Thimgan garage. These will be allowed to burn all night, and will be a means of keeping the streets lighted for protection. JIurdock Merchants Lose Heavily Incident to the burglary of the two stores which was reported in latt week's Journal, it seems as tho this is a very prevalent thing over the country at this time, the burg lars have taken many chances in their efforts to sesure the goods. At Mercantile Company with the larg est stock of good which they carry sembles Saturday. The last of the major delegations was completed by the day's arrival ( who included A. J. Balfour, head of, the British group until the coming, of Lloyd George, a-nd additional dele gates from New Zealand, Australia and Italy. Only the delegation from Portugal which is to arrive tomorrow, was' missing tonight. Notable among the day's confer ences among the representatives of the individual nations was a meet ing of the advisory committee nam ed by President Harding to "advise and assist" the American delegates. The committee completed its organ ization. The Opening Program By exchanges among the partici pating nations, final agreement was reached on the program for the open- i ing day, last minute touches were ! added to physical arrangements in " the conference hall and every detail of the preparations was completed. Plans for the opening session will start the conference with a minimum' of frills. Secretary Hughes will bring , tne delegates to order, mere wia ne a prayer. President Harding 'will make a short speech, a chairman will be chosen and the conference will go to work. President Harding will entertain the delegates at din-j ner at'the White House Saturday night. Unless all surface indications are deceiving, the United States alone will be ready to come forward at the cutset with a concrete proposal for armament limitation. To Avoid Troublesome' Fields This plan, relating primarily to Three Lines of Cars! We have three excelleht lines of cars to choose from and each a leader in its class. The Buick, which cannot be beaten anywhere and no line barred. The Dodge Brothers also one of the most reliable and sturdy cars in the market. The Ford, you all know its Stirling work and dur ability. See us for these cars, and also remember we are prepared to look after your repairing, no matter what the line or make of cars we are equipped for the job. 0. W. THIMGAN, The Automobile Man MURDOCK -:- -:-. -:- NEBRASKA OPERATED ON m LINCOLN Edward W. Rebal of this city was operated on Thursday at the Lincoln Sanitarium for an affliction of t'.ie air passages from which he has been a sufferer since his dir.charge from the navy in 1919. The operation was performered by the government sur geons and was a very severe one. the patient being on the operating table for an hour and one-half. The last reports from the bedside of the young man state that he is doing as well as could possibly be expected hut it will be some time before he is recov ered from the effects of the opera tion. It is hoped that this operation will result in the permanent relief of the patient who ha-? suffered so long from this affliction. Office supplies of all kinds han dled at the Journal office. GETS A KNOCKOUT The boxing match of the "Buddy Lees" in the window of the C. E. Wescott's Sons : tore has gone to a knorkcut and the defeated "pug" lies prone on the floor of the ring, having taken the Count in the thirty-ninth round. The fight is all over and the "Buddies" who have orna mented the window for the past week are going to be" taken into the homes of the city as the kids have been on the warpath after their par ents since the display was first shown to have one of the kewpies and as the result dad and ma are be ginning to dip up far the dolls and if the firm had more they could have easily disposed of them. An extensive line of high class stationery on hand at al1 times at the Journal office. it is not an easv matter to ascertain just- the extent of the loss. SufTic- naval problems, therefore arpears to j if-n) tn av it tw.i thnuuTirl VI nil a rs. I fr ripctTTiP.'t tr Ipfnmp the first im- The goods already checked up runs portant topic of negotiation, altho' in excess of the former figure and counter proposals are expected to he may by the time all is taken into, brought in later and the discussion j pcroant approximate the latter. At j is believed likely to lead the confer-' the store of Mr. Bauer the loss wasj ence quickly into a consideration of nearly in line with the other store, j various far-flung questions of diplo- j Just what will be done to solve this'matic policy. qu2s-tion which is i aggravating the I As the opening hour approaches,' merchants do not know but the bus iness men are working on some de vice to prevent this looting of their houses at the will of some gang of prowlers. Ilach Interest in Foot Ball The students of the Murdock schools are taking a good interest injure almost as hopeful of quick ac there is manifest a feeling of grow ing optimism among many delegates, t coupled with a determination not to permit the conference to Btray into troublesome, fields with which it has no concern. The British delegation is making its plans for a six weeks' , session, and most of the other groups the athletic games both in basket ball and football which is very in teresting and clean sport. Superin tendent Way is with the pupils much interested in the popular sport and is assisting in the working out of the schedule, for the games with Louirville, both in December and January. And dates will be made complishment. POPE AND PREMIER FOR ARMS REDUCTION Fall Plowing Now! The harvest is over and thrashing done now for the Fail plowing. We have the facilities for this task plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery. See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur prised at what we can show you. ls3 the LluSio-Llotor Washer! Oils and Gasoline! Mm. GEHRTS, The Implement Man MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA of rother towns surrounding in a : Delegates Cheered by Certainty of short time. Superintendent Way is not trying to effect an association of the town near Murdock in the forming of a league for this portion of the county. BANDITS LOCK TRIO IN THE BANK VAULT And Make Their Escape with $10,000 in Currency Posse Unable to Secure Trace of Them. Fordyce, Neb., Xov. 10. Three armed men held up the Farmers' State Bank at Fordyce at 10 o'clock this morning, locked three officials and employees in the vault and es caped with nearly 1 10,000 in en auto mobile. The men entered the bank with revolvers drawn and ordered F. A. Leise, cashier; I. F. "Lammer. assis tant caEhier;1 and Miss Hilda Lam mer, Imokkeeper, into the vault. They then gathered up from ?9,00P to $10,000 in currency and ran to thtir automobile waiting cutside. It is htlieved they went in the direc tion of Sioux City. Support Ircm Powerful Ken of the World on Parley. j Washington, D. C, Nov. 9. Pope Benedict approves President Hard ing's plcn tD bring atont the limita tion of armament by common under standing. The attitude of the holy see is considered, especially by Cath clirs. as most important, since it se cures to the conference the support of what is termed by many "the greatest moral and spiritual power in the world." Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain, in a message today express ing regret that he could not attend the opening session Saturday, de clared the heart of Great Britain was "deeply set on the success of the con ference"," and promised the diligent efforts of the United Kingdom to ward a solution of the problem of armaments. It became known through unoffi cial channels that Pope Benedict might pronounce the official sanc tion of the noly Bee at the consistory November 21. He has prepared to. maintain close contact with the ne gotiations. The Rome correspondent of the Ar.ociated Press understands that the rope claims a priority in the Will Work in Omaha Max Dusterhoff and Joe Wat chinek will work in Omaha for bome time to come on a job, which, tbey hae been called to execute in tlu big city. The work which these two men have been doing we.s of Fisch ex cellence that it comld not be hidun drr a bushel. Alfred Allagaard and wife of Omaha visited here a short time since and while here had the opportnnity to fee some of the work which these gentlenaeti have been do ing nd immediately secured them for the refmishing ot their home in Omaha. Tiiis is a large ted very elegajit residence and will reiuire a number of weeks for the execution of ihe decoration. Tlik iiFi man ntlil mrirl ?r!i?ntl V .1 111V II I li LI f-, A I A V 1 V JJ1 '-''' . . ers in the vault lor nearlv tortv- "".V " f v" . ... or August i, urgea tne oeuig- erent powers to agree on some funda mental principles to end the war and lead to just and lasting peace. It in-, vited all countries at. war to agree "on the simultaneous and reciprocal decrease of armaments," limiting tbe monly to wJiat strictly was ne cessary Tor the "domestic -maintenance of public order. The certainty of nipport by two puch powerf ul . forces struck a note cf encouragement in all delegations us tbey conferred. Former Senator Sutherland of Utah was chosen chairman of the ad visory body, but further organiza tion details were left in the hands of n committee of six. Mr. Sutherland wp placed at the head of the com mittee - whose . other members are Samuel Gompers. Rear Admiral Rodrers. Willard Saulsbury," Henry. P. Fletcher, and Mrs. Eleanor Frank lin Egan. five minutes. - They were released Ef ter on? of them called the combinp tion througn an air hole to Charles Miller, hardware merchant, who woil.ed for nearly half an hour be fore, he succeeded in getting the door cpen. Plight cf the imprisoned people was discovered by Frank Melrose, postmaster, whose office adjoins the tack. His desk is against the back wall of the vault.. He heard the ruufiltd cries Cor help issuing from the vault and investigated. ..7 . .The hanJi has a capital of 25,006 and is rated as onetof the soundest in the country. Sheriff McFadden and a posse ar rived l'roni HartingtGn to attempt to pursue the robbers. Bankers from Hartinston hurried to Fordyce to free the prisoners in the vault, but the three were released before help frim Hartington arrived. ; -, . Fordyce is eight miles north of Hartington. It has. a population of 250. Qji .riM . THE LATEST NOVEL 1 Held Patriotic Xeetins During last week, the people of Murdock held some very interesting and patriotic meetings in wtich tfaere were a number of local ppeak ers made worthwhile addresses. In cident to the Armistice day. Rev. A. Brauchle, Rev. I. Laipply and Prof. The most pleasing novel of the year has been that of Harold Bell Wright in "Helen of the Old House." which has been published by the Appleton company and which is now on sale a the Journal office at (2.00 each. r .. n x c . m I the most enjoyable pieces' of Utera-' Restores avaxue of All Kinds! At prices which prevailed before the war, for out side work and inside painting and varnishing. All cizes just right for your particular job. REAL BRISTLE, the kind the painter, uses. 9 We beat the work on the price. The quality and price will surprise you. Enough to paint all Cass coun ty. Do not forget full stock of Lowe Bros, paints. The Dusterhoff Shops, PURDOCK NEBRASKA If it's in the stationery line, call We only fiougtit Rat Poison Twice, writes Jesse Smith, N. J. "I threw thentiuBd sivay; wouldn't he bothered mixing it with meat, cheese. Then I tried Rat-Soap. SAYjthat's the stuff! It comes in cskes. all ready to ose. And it sure does kCl tats." 35c. 65c. 81.25. ,vSd!d and guaranteed ty Weyrich & Had- ture of the present day. I rata F. G. Fricke & Co. How is Your Battery? We are doing battery charging and repairing. If your battery is not doing its work, bring it to us and we will remedy the evil. We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and aie equipped to furnish the best repair services" on all makes of cars at reasonable prices All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Land holm Auto Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA