PAGS FOTTS PLATTSMOTJTH SEM-WEEKXY JOURNAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1921. PTTRT.TSTTr.Ti SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at'PostoCIce, PiaUainouth..Neb.. ai 'second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Christmas Is lopping along quite lively. :o: Saccharine is stance known. the sweetest sub- :o:- Merchants have commenced to dis play holiday goods. - :o: Sales Day, next Wednesday, will prove as popular as ever. :o: New York has more illiterate wo men than any other state. :o: Queen Mary's colors are geranium red with a narrow blue sripe. :o: Cutting the hair short used to be a punishable offense in France. :o: Redness if the Red sea is due to masses of certain kind of seaweed. -:o:- Marriages in the United States this year are estimated at 1,500,000. :o:: More than 5 per cent of the in mates in English prisons are wo men. :o: . New camera, making three expos ures at once, is used in making maps from midair. :o: Cold wave, eh? Well, it was feared this autumn weather would get dis armed eventually. , :o: Old Santa will be the most popu lar one in the childrens minds for the next fifty days. 0:0 Almost half the world's supply of gold is now held by the United States and nobody seems to know where the other half is. T ' I :o: i Samuel Gompers, president ofthe American Federation' of Labor, is girding for a battle If any attempt is made to foist "compulsory arbi tration" on the labor unions. - :o: ' A popular business man was criti cizing the irregularity of the mails the other night. His aged mother, overhearing a part of his complaint, said: "It was so in my young days; no trustin any of 'em." -:o: : ' Classes in rifle and pistol prac tice for girls have been started in several western cities. It ought to be stopped. We have entirely too much of this business of husb'ands being killed by wives already. :o: A Pittsburgh man has been pinch ed for living in the same house with two different women' A man who has the genius to pull a stunt like that deserves a medal' in stead of a prison sentence. ' -:o: ' Mrs. Harding says she is going to devote an hour each day to niano practice. Well, it's all right. 'The White House has no near neighbors who will be disturbed while she is tickling the . horse teeth oif her Chickering. :o: One of. our Plattsmouth ielly beans was about to. start out for a walk with his girl the other night, and told her that he was -going to kiss her once for every step on the way home. The girl immediately went up stairs and put on a tighter skirt. , :o: Li LOCAL M E "C SjpRQCEEDlMGS QF Before adopting the resolution censuring the utterance of Ambas sador George Harvey, the American Legion convention eliminated the clause demanding his recall.. The ex service men knew It' would be use less to proffer advice tor President Harding. ' i The. Atchison Globe crowns. rtSt !,; . v; it. -o; . , . . - . Let it be known to'all who may be intensely interested on the sub ject that thus far nobody has sent us a Thanksgiving turkey. -:o: oyster the most efficient creature in the world. One oyster can make a great big bowl of oyster soup. :or A doctor says that you should, al ways sleep with body north .and south. Now, look here, Doc, that's a bit of advice we don't need, but if Somebody ought to get in touch you know of any method by which with John Larleycorn and inform We can restrain the family cow him of hi3 death. His hilarious con-from blowing bugle at six a. m. it duct is becoming positively Indecent. will be deeply appreciated :o: The old Romans had nothing on some of the officials in Nebraska ;o: The denizens bf Greenwich Vil lage,' New York, have a right to kick when it comes to collecting taxes by when a cold and unfeeling police a knock-down-and-drag-out method. man orders a poor artist who had 0:0 ; I set up his castle at a street corner One of the most important of our to moTe on. Wars have been caused railroad problems is how to step the breed of fools who imagine they can beat an express train over the cross ing. :o: by lesser incidents. The Trojan war, for instance, started wKh Helen winking at the wrong guy. '- 0:0 Myron T. Herrick, our ambassador to France, denies therumor that he is going to marry the daughter 'of the late J. Fierpont Morgan, and Miss Morgan denies it, too. Under 1 . Marshal Foch carried off the key to the city of St. Louis, and that city will make another. It lingers in the memory that he also carried off the key to Berlin, but Berlin has never J the circumstances, we will have to considered it worth while to make take their word, for it. Furthermore, another, it i nil thp samp tn 11s, Thpv ran marry or not marry, just as they see fit. 1' :o: v When Chicago beat Princeton a short time ago eastern sport writers who never heard that .football is played in the west were at a loss to 1 explain the disaster. But now,, with ; Notre Dame beating the Army and j Nebraska beating Pittsburgh, those I writers will have to. face the facts: ' Some of these westerners are simplj t apt beginners. j :o: 1 Somebody has sent us a four-page communication in which he seeks to j disrurs what Isaiah said on a sertain J occasion. If there is anything on ! earth that gives u the willies it is a communication from a man ' who wants to air his views on the scrip tures. We have no space for such flub-dub, 'and if our correspondent j wants to get it off his chest he had ; better go hire a hall. : r 4r r. "It don't take a man long to bag- his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes "on to explain that the man who Is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing, services Is. keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, cither, r ' -. . , . , . 33 Goods Called for and Delivered SCH - Lb 6 - Nj9 JOURNAL OF, OFFICE XOTICI-: , In thf Il.itrict Court of Cass c-oun-, ty. NVlira -ikH. -.. wrafp .M':rrni t'latntifr, vs.Koy It. Mc'.'anM, J''fen1nnt. To T..- II, Mr-Oat-ilIe: You are tirIv notififl that on the h .! of Jtilv, A. IX, 1821. Jrae illr aril fi!f-(l a petition atralnst you in 'th' lustriet Court of Oafs countv. Nlra ka, ' tlie ol'jort and prayer ' of whlfh are tri obtain a' divorce -f nrrV you on the trrnnmi tlitit you, beinK'of Sum-' fiont ability to provMe suitable main tenance for her; and yemv child, the 'issue of lsald marriage, Iiavo Krossly, wanronH- and cruelly refused and nt-frlec-td' o to do,' and I'or the custody of the" minor child, the1 issue of-naid marriage, to-wlt:-Clarence Udward Mc Cardie, awed ten months.- - . You are reiuired to answer said pe tition on or l.efore ' Mondav, the 12th dav of ' Pecember; A. ' D. 121. . -. Tliif notiee 13 iven in Tnrisuance oftered in aid cause as. prayed for an order or tue msinci coart or lags countv. Neliracka: GHACE McCARDIK. By - Plaintiff. CHAS. K. MARTIN, oSl'iw. Her Attorney. if 1 r 1 i k m 4 From Tnuraarj VUJ; ; iA.'E.t Jameson,! tfy& Weeping Wat er lumberman, '-.was here jfpr.Ta few" hours tjqday, lookinjg ater some,, mat ters of business!." ,-. : r. William Starkjohn was among those going to Omaha this morning ta spend: a, few ; boars looking; after some blatters, 6f business. ". :;'.. r"f v: Frank"' it. Johnson i" "of Weeping Water was here! or' a short time'to day attending 'to some matters' of business at ;the court, tfouse.1'' " Mrs. Ed Ackerman, ' of "Wymore who has teen here .visiting wilh rel- atlves ana, menus, aepaneu,,inis ar ternoon 'for' lier home and-; was ac companied as far. as Omaha bjr Mrs.' George, Lschinskyl ' - From Friday's "Dally. " 'Dr. G.' II. Gilm'ore and W. G, Boe deker of Murray were In the city for a short time today looking after some matters "of business.' ' ' ', Mrs. Fred Sydebotham " departed this morning for ." Glenwood where she will spend the day as a guest of Mr. and Mrs." Miles Reaser and f am- ny. : : " .; "- ' ";" ' Frank Marler, one of the farmers from south of Murray was in the city today for a few hours looking after some- matters . of business with the merchants. mxm mm OF CASS COUNTY 1. c"-.3 INSTALLS NEW ORDER From Friday's IjallyT Col. J. H." Short of this city, com mander ;. ot the i,st regiment of the Patriarchs Militant, has been engag ed this' week in the Installation of two' Vfortjresses"' of the Ladies' Aux iliary of the Patriarchs Militant. One to fce established is t ortress Om aha," with twenty-four charter' mem bers and" "Fortress Lilly;' at the South Side. This is a new 'order and these are the. first of their kind 'to be established In the state. DENIES OTHER BRITISH . r AGREEMENT WITH JAPAN London, Nov.... 10. "There does not exist aay military or naval agreement, undrstanding or arrange ment ' of. any sort . between England and Japan npt rising from the term3 of, the Anglo-Japanese . treaty,", said Premier Lloyd George in, the house of. commons, today. -This statement was: made in answer to a question whether, in view of the Washington conference, he would state if any supplemental arrangement existed. - NOTICB TO CKF.D1TOHS ' The tstate of Nebraska, Cass coun tv. jjs. --'- ' ' In the County Court. n the matter of the estate of Ellen J. Smith, 'deceased, '- To th cmlltors'of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will alt'at tire County Court Toom.ln-Platts-mouth. in said county, on the 25tb day of November, A. 1. 1921. -and on the 25th day" of February. A. ' DC 1922, at lt:f0 o'clock a. m. ach day,- to receive and examine all claims against' -aid estate, wltha view to their adjustment and: allowance. ' The time" limited for the-pres-entfitlon of claims atrainst said estate is three months from -the 25th day of November, A. D. 1921. and the time limited for payment of debts Is orre j ar fronv'sald 25th day of 'NV ember. 1921. -...-... - .- Witness mv hand and the seal of said Countv' Court, this 25th day of October, 1921. ' ' ALLEN J. BEESON (Seal) o27-4w. . County Judge. tKfitL - XOTICE ' In tho TiStrn t Court 'or Cass coun ty, Nebra'ska. Clara L. Armstrong and Koy L. Arm strong,1 her husband. Plaintiffs, vs. J. V.'Carnes et-al, Defendants. To' the defendants, the 1 heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in 1 the e. tate of A. r; Bowman, de ceased," real names unknown, ' and all other persons .having or claiming any Interest In Lot 197, In the' Village Of Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska, real 'names unknown: 1 ' Youand each of you, are hereby notified that On the 20th day of Octo ber. 1D21. the-plaintiffs filed their suit in the 1-Mstrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and purposes of which is to quiet and confirm plain tiffs' title In' and to Lot 197 in the Vil lage of Greenwood, In - Cass county, Nebraska, and -to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming to have any riglit, title, lien or Interest either legal and equitable In 'or to' eald real estate or any part thereof, and-to en join you and each of you from in any manner Interfering with plaintiffs' pos session and enjoyment of said prem ises and 'for equitable- relief. This no tice is given pursuant to an order of said Court. You are required 'to an swer said petition -on or- before Mon day the- 5th day of December,' 1921, or your default will be entered there in, and judgment taken upon plain tiffs' petition. ' . Clara U.' Armstrong and '' Koy L. Armstrong, Her Husband, IlaintifTs. . By TIDD & DUXBUny, o2i-Iw. Their Attorneys. 20.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 10. do SOTICK OK- SI IT TO fll'IKT TiTMi TO' KKVL KST.VTK A pp. Dock No. 1 I'age 37. 39.46 8,0 In the District Court" of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. James C. Kuykendall, - - 1 ' Plaintiff ' vs. ' ' John V. Seymour et al . Defendants. To the Iefendants: John t"eyniore, Mary E. Taylor. James K. Kosh, I'hl lander S. Wiieeler, Olive H. Wheeler, antl the heirs, devisees, legatees, 'per sonul representatives and all "Othf'r persons interested in' the estate of-William H. Taylor.- deceased, and all per- sons having of ' claiming anv interest in Ixt 12 in Block 42 in the City of, nattsmouth Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: . '- You and each of you, are hereby notified that on the 29th day of Octo ber. 1921 the Plaintiff in1 the foregoing entitled cause, tiled his' petition in the District Court of Cass- county, Nebras ka, ' wherein " you and 'each of you are made' pat-ties defendant, for the' pur pose 1 of obtaining a decree from said court, quieting the record title In the Plaintiff, Jmes C Kuykendall, to the following described real -estate,- to-wit: I-ot numbered twelve -(12) In Block' forty-two .(42)' in the City of I'lattsmouth, in - Cass coun,ty, Nebraska," according to the pub lished and recorded plat thereof," as against you unu ' each and all of you, and by such Decree to wholly ex clude you and each and all of you from any estate, right, title,' claim or Interest therein or to any part thereof, and -for Mich otht-r and further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 19tb day -of December, 1921,' or your default -will be entered of record und a .decree cn in 1'lsintlftK petition. Date: October 2H, 1921. - ' JAMES Q. KUVKENDALL. -.-- - . riaintiff, By JOHN M. LEYDA. ,o31-5w, :. , K ;- UJs Attorney. Office of COUNTY. CfprMMISSIONERS ' 'of Cass County " ' . vi-r Plattsmouth, Neb., . n November, 1, 1921. Board met. , pursuant to adjourn ment.'' Present, C. F.. Harris, Tfred II. Gorder and Geo. L. Farley, c'ounty cqmnjissionersi' Geo. R Sayles," coun ty clerk. ' " '.'..', ' ' Minutes of last sessions read and approved when the foIlQW-ing;! busl qess was transacted in regular form: CJaira, Refused: Claim of Mrs. Hel ena Earb, J35.OO for..nursing Bolden family, 'i'efusecL , . .' The following claims were allowed and passed for payment on yarious funds listed: , , - , MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Ellen ' Davis, mother's pension, November, 921 20.00 Mrs. Ethel Boetel, same 20-00 Mrs. Mae Hyde, same i. Mrs. Martha Franke same Mrs. Ida'Schlieske, same.l' Mrs,. Halite Black, same Mrs. Margaret Lahoda, same Mrs. Viola Aux,ier; same: '.- Mrs. Minnie;' Mason, same Mrs. Fannie Nichols, same ; Mrs. Stella Persinger, same Mrs. Minnie Baker, same. Mrs". Anna Zitka, samel- Mrs. Sophia Mayfield, 'same Mrs. Minnie McMaken, same Mrs. Erna Biggs, samelL' Mrs. Nellie Garcia, same Mrs. Birdie Hicks, same Mrs. Amy Harris, same ; Mrs. C. B. Hadley. same. . GENERAL FUND Alpha C. Peterson, salary and mileage, Oct. 1921- ----$237.60 C. F. Harris, phone tolls: -. 3.85 Will T. Adams, salary, Oct 104.16 Ambler Bros.,, prov., Duffieid ,7.93 Geo." L. Farley, phone : tolls , 1.85 A. G. Cole, salary,. Oct. 125.0.0 C. W-, provisions to Adams,. October ; Mike TritSch; supplies and expense ; Fred H. Gorder, phone tolls Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies, claim No. 5486 6.12 S.' Si Chase, prov. to Vorden 3.00 C. F. Harris.1 salary, mileage, October , , - 127.90 John Kopia, prov. to Buriaii 5.00 Geo. u, sayles, salary, exp., Oct ober ' ' L 173.24 Plattsmouth Vater Co., w;at !er .rent, OctpberlJ i- Johnson Bros.,- prov. to Allen Omaha School Sup. Co.. spel ling books to co.-supt 38. ou Sam T. Gilmour, wood Univ. Pub." C.o., exam.", quest; ito Co.. Supt., claim-30a48J Omaha Printing Co., supplies. claim No. o472- .: ;' Columbia Carbon Co., carbon paper, to .Cp. clerk : Jame3 Robertson, insane case Carraher , J.-F. Brendel, M. D., same Aubrey Duxbury, same Dr. G. A. Young, same - Mrs.. Hall, same w- Mrs. Ona Lawton, same : Mrs. Lyons, same Geo. L. Farley, salary and mileage, October 105.50 Plattsmouth Journal, print ing, supplies . 363.55 Frank Detlef, McPherson to county farm , C. G. Fricke, coal, county farm, Kuschinsky Frank H. Gibson, groceries, county farm . James Robertson, State vs. Edward Jones : Win. lolly, clothing to the .county farm . JesB.Warga,-. bulbs to jail Bach & Llbershal, mdse. to illrasky and. Lee . John Bauer, mdse., labor Weeping. Water, Rep., print ing 2 Bd. -Equal, notices-. II. M. Spenichsen. prov. Hart, iWorden, Black, Schlisgner Gepf IL AUen,. livery, cqu,nty board .. : . C- E. Hartford, fuel, Harris, ' Mon roe. - - V-- - J. H. tarns and wife, salary for October r- - Lincoln T,,, & T. Co., October - tolls, November rent DRAGGING FUND FreJ H. Gorder, frt., bars $ Henry Hohman, dragging, read district 14 B. J. Hopkins, same, RD. 14 Modern Const. Co., culvert work, RD 8 i 200.00 Fred Haveman, dragging in 'road district 14 Jesse Holka, same, RD 16 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD 15 ' Nebr. & Iowa Stetl Tank Co., culverts, RD , 6, Nebr- & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, ,BD 1G Modern Const. Co., cemetery culverts, RD 1 J . 124.50 Conrad Baumgartner; ? drag ging, RD 7 : H. P. Dehning, same, RD 7" Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, RD 6 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, RD 14 i Nfbr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD's 5, 14, 16 Nbr- Culvert & Mfg. Co., E'ugene E. Hall, same, RD 16 14.25 C.jM.. Read, same, RD 27 3.37 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., two culverts, RD 15- 34.50 Plattsmouth Motor. Co., mdse. r,oad district No. 10 1 13.20 F.'. C. LlnylUe, - dragging in , road district No. 12 41.25 Orren Pollard, same," RD 13 7.50 ; ROAD FUND Frank Rouse, road work in road' district No." 5-li: 1$ 132.00 Crane, Curyea & Mur.tey, lum ber, mdse., RD 8 4 4.11 R.' L. Whitman, road work In road district No. 12 28.00 Carl Balfour,' same, RD 12 45.00 R. H. Iiigwerson, same, RD 12 50.00 Herman DalL repairs, RD 8. 5.00 R." L. Whitman, road work, road district No. 12 '. 7.50 J, II.1 Buck," for sharpening grader, ItD 4 6.00 J. ""W: Wiseman, road work. M. I. Rys, repairs, RD 10 17.50 Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies, J. D. Lewis, road work, RD 9 26.00 claim No. 28 D. C.. Mick, same, RD 16 I01.70jOmaha Prtg. Co., supplies, W. IT. Meisinger, same, RD 1 32.00' claim 5523 : 1 State Journal Co., supplies, 10.70 M,pyer Hdwe. Co., mdse. to road district 10 Bcstor & Swatek, mdse. to road' district 27 Fred Manners, road work in road district No. 16 C. H. Dysart, same, RD 11 Chas. Ayres, same, RD 6 W. C. Boucher, same, RD 6 A. J. Schafer, Fame, RD 9 Lambert Lister, same, RD 1 A. 'C. Carey, same, RD 1 Justiu M. Ranney, same, RD No. 3 . - J. II. Fulton, same, RD 1 Orrill Allen, same,' ItD 16 Louis Keil, same, RD 2 Louis Keil, same, RD 2 F. H. Baldwin, repairs, ItD 9 DRAGGING FUND 2.60 88.00 23.50 12. 58 1.60 27.32 claim No. 36 Mrs. Eliza V. Phillips, land for road 1 100.00 C. L. Stull, refund on 1920 tax ' 6.88 ROAD FUND 8.00 7.50 3.00 60.70 r Fred Weber, road work in 28.80 j road district No. 13 $ 3S. 50 Fred Lindhart, same, RD 13 12.50 !j. L. Nutzman, same, RD 13 7.50 COMMISSIONER'S FUND I First District 9 00; Harry Forbes, eng. HG 1 $ 72.60 20.00 -Stroud & Co., repairs 29.84 32.50 58.00 58.00 7.00 : I-"-T;7rT7- i J - Inca.tcr, icr sagging A' 1 vl lime 111 x it t paiut;, ivt' -i- x j. . v City of Plattsmouth, prop, of T T T A A A A roaa money, uu i uj.uur,V f. P.-.tton Tin 97 xji-k a c nnr " -j , ii . TV. .... tt-k A COMMISSIONER'S FUND Third District Sinclair Ref. Co., gasoline $ 44.08 STATE HIGHWAY FUND ; " ' Patrol No. 1 t t -i i- . . 1 ' 1 A r a t roads, road district No. 10$ 25.20; Ed Lewis, same 105. 00 JP. A. White, same, RD'6 12".00 I Virgil Arnold, labor 32.00 J. II. Buck, repairs, RD 4 John Bauer, mdse.. RD 1 I H. P. 'Dehning.' road work, road district No. 7 10: J. WJ Keil, same, RD 2 I. A." Warwick, same, RD 12 Kroehler Bros., mdse., RD 1 a a Kroehler Bros., mdse. RD 10 30.00iA E, Wright, for repairing 2? 9? tractor, RD 1 10. uv . BRIDGE FUND Frank Rouse, b'ridare work $ dUVr-i Louisville Farmers Elevator 10.00 f Co ; coffraan feed bill : i-x a I Andrew Schliefert, bdge wk 53.60 26.00 '3.75 7.15 7.00 Peterson Hdwe. Co., epikes, oil, bolts, RD 10 ; R. H. Henry, dragging roads ! in road district No. 10 W. A. Wheeler, same, RD 27 . W. A. Wheeler, stme, RD 10 Win. Cook. Fame, RD 10 !B. F. Plymale, same, RD 15 I). C. Mick, samel RD 10- !C. ('. Barnard, same. RD's 1 5.25 5.25 5. SO 95 5.70 1.50 1.00 34.85 3.45 22.50 4.00 39.70 .75 29.96 iHJ-'V Cmnn- fil1 briT(Jres- 110 72 noy a. Brick.'same, RI)"4 J. II. Welch, same, RD 4 Crane""Curyea & Murtey, for lumber 1 197.11 tewart Adams Co.. paint S2.50 r Tornor1 hriil era x-crvflr - - l Vl V . U4 'Ui L., M4 f Modern Const. Co., bridge wk. A.J w O C W i . -W -- W . o.,w T Richardson, merchan 5 00i die. RD No. 1 Ray Wall, dragging roads in road district No. 15. 3.70 5.00 $4.00 7.67 4.40 6.70 7.50 14.20 6.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.90 2.00 83.93 23.90 8.05 5.75 5r75 17.00 15.95 3.70 40.00 '4.00 12,00 175.00 '82.64 4.80 l 11.25 ?2.10 2.25 30.00 34.49 81.58 69.00 29.25 22.00 88.75 59.27 72.58 I.nncp flHps K-rrto 1 TL no' H P- Lon snme' K ----- tin? Fre'1 -Manners, came,- RD 16 1 1 ... 1 lTf I "1 , . . 1 , 1 T . iaoft Banning & Mckles, lumber 159.15 JuFtin M Ranney. same. ItD In'nnl COMMISSIONER'S FUND Vo 14 -2'JJt First District 'Henry IL Itaross7 sameTRD9 I uvc-u. " -r ,ra.iou, vieriing iron vv orKS, .Kroehler Bros., supplies for . iron bars. RD No. 14 IIU No. 1 w iJ-Uo , Rudolph Shoemaker, dragging .' COMMISSIONER'S FUND road?, RD Nb. 13 ! Second District p. yv ' Elliott, 'gasoline," road Nebr. Culv.' & Mfg. Co., L. district No. 10 Fresno , : 367i . Standard Oil Cn.. ir.TolinP D. C. LaRue. repairs 2.75 roafl dietrict No. 10 C. F. Harris, freight, express 1-7 6 Urbin Ronfte drag-ziiif; roads II I n-KnA O i A . . ...... ' innn'" -""' &ciou""c 'n roal district 2.0. 5 iv.uot r. Fulton, labor. reuairs 39. 2o ' t ir., c,., ni-. 1 - I - . . . . . 1 - 11. 1 ini laii. . I 1 1 n " I v I f .111 ' COMMISSIONER'S FUND Monarch Eng. Co., culverts Third District 15 and 16, RD No. 13 B. L. Coffman. filling bridge-S 30.50 ' Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., Pranl- Hnii9P.- brlfkc work 33.00 culverts, RD 6, 15. 1C 46.14 35.00 43.71 J. W. Viseman, grading in road district No. "14 : Geo. Trunkenboltz, oil, gas Wm. Brothwell, repairs 33.50 SI. 25 8.20 Board adjourned to meet on Wed nesday, November.' 2nd, 1921. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Office of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County Plattsmouth, Nebr., November 2, 19 21. Board met as per adjournment. Present, C. F. Harris. Fred, H. Gor der and Geo. L.: Farley, county com missioners; Geo.' R. Sayles, "county clerk. Tfce following business was trans acted in regular form: Mother's pension' "of Mrs. Nellie Garcia renewed by order of County Judge. Approved. ; Appointment. John Hartsook. con stable Tipton precinct, and official bond as furnished approved by the Board. . j The following claims were' audited and allowed on fund. as listed: GENERAL FUND lAur. Meyer, assigned to J. M. Tecgarden, dragging, ItD 14 P. C. Patterson, dragging in road district 27 '. 132.00 Louis II. Dehning, same, RD No. 15 ; COMMISSIONER'S FUND ' First District J. I). Adams Co., repairs for HG No:" 1 $ Stroud & Co., tractor reps C. F Vallery, grading . F. W. Elliott, gasoline John Iverson, inati., labor C. F. Ynllery, grading, IIG 1 COMMISSIONER'S FUND -Second District A., repair grader $ L. C. Sharp Mfg. Co., repairs Double Seal. Ring Co., repairs John Ivers6n, matl., labor Weyrich & Hadraba, supplies Kroehler Eros., same 1.50, Jess Warga, mdse '. 1.50 O. K. Carage, supplies 3.00 'J- E. Mason, supplies 2.00 ! E. J. Richey, supplies 7. 50. James B. McKee, repairs- 24.00! Nash Sales Co., repairs STATE HIGHWAY FUND . 22.20 PatroL No. 2 7.50 1 A. W. Eaton. salarj 38.50 15.20 'Virgil Arnold, same v 32.00 j Frank Glaubitz, same 110.00, 6.45 Sherman Austin, team work 9.50 j F. W. Elliott, gasoline S.25 G. B. Goodman, team,' work 23.50: A. It. Dowler, gasoline- 5.60'Orval McQuinn, team labor- 3.00 1 STATE HIGHWAY FUND 28.80 Patrol No. 3 - Aug Krecklow, saly., exp. $13S.92 5.25 "Louis C. Krecklow-, salary 120.00 IS. 75 J- E. Johnson, repairs . 2.50 D. Gillispie, team work 11.50 H. P. Dehning same H. A." Doty, gasoline Tool, Nauman & Murtey, for lumber and posts Standard Oil Co., oil, grease Crane, Curyea' & Murtey, for material - (Nash Sales Co., repairs 15.00' STATE HIGHWAY FUND S.23 J Patrol No. 4 riias. Trumble, salary $111.50 206.47 iVr. O. Wall, same 125.00 j Muncheau & Sacks, repairs 95.57, State Dept. Pub. Works, bal- ( ance due IS. 00 . Standard Oil Co., oil, grease. Wm. Brothwell, repairs J. B. Peterson, labor Cornbelt Lumber Co., lumber and supplies 54.50 Geo. H. Allen, gasoline- 381.71 Nash Sales Co., supplies 44.84 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Patrol No. 5 O. E. Sayles, salary, labor $213.00 Bolton Road Maintainor Co.,. ! one maintainer .,. 200.00 Frank Rouse, team work 129.00 C. C. Connis, same 33.00 S. S. Peterson, repairs 8.75 STATE HIGHWAY FUND -Heavy Gang No. 1 -C. F. Vallery, labor $ 42.00 25.01 7.S7 10.41 11.2S r.50 19.05 16.09 51.00 SO. 43 41.75 31. SO 29.00 49.35 72.46 39.75 53.19 3,2,20. 1.55 1.00 50.94 L75 11.00 'tV , n '' -7 ,0" X,riM- M. EUiott. teara work - 92.50 B. L Philpot. mdse., IIG 2 S.35 ; Ha Forbes. engineer. 25.80 SHrou i & Co tractor reps.- 63.SS ; Rtan,lard Qil Co., gasoline 11.35 . f5.00 Standard Oil Co., gasoline Monarch Eng. Co., pulling tractor - Chas. Attebury, grading, HG No. 2 Hallstroni. agent, cut hill and fill bridge 250.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND Third District Monarch Eng. Co., culvert v. No. 17 $301.40 u ! V C Martin, rpnnlrs 00 ? - k 1 ; John Bauer, mdse J. M. Hoover, labor, matl 3.50 4.00 7.00 j The Board adjourned to meet on 151.80. Wednesday, November 16, 1921. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. Opal Fitzgerald, salary, Oct.$ 90.00 Geo Trunkenboltz, gasoline 164.40 f rea fattersci;, saiary, neip. i.o.w'j M3 1G.25 2.00 17.62 40.50 5.50 8.00 3.00 8.00 149.09 S.Oi C. D; Quinton, salary, mileage L. -B.Well3 San.. Trod. Co., 'for supplies Edna D. Shannon, recording county deed; : F, G., Fricke, mdse. to coun- ty farm ' : , John Crabill, care of court house clock , . Jame3 Robertson, insane case of Tomaszewski ' Dr. J. B.. Martin, same.. Ctyas. E. Martin, same B. C Marquardt, same James B. McKee, salary and mileage , H, Sieyers, salary, October 11.3..00 Jame3 Robertson, fees, State -vs. Edw. F- IL Nichols, .provisions to Stribling,; Peter,sn Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies to treasurer, claim 5441 G. Rhode, sawing wood C, J-L Parker, matl. and labor Fred. 11. Gorder, salary and mileage L- John Zatapck, baling straw- Lorenz Bros., groceries to the county farm Bestor & Swatek, mdse. to county farm . J. F. Brendel, M. D., salary, 3d t;r., county -physician J. W. Thomas, helping coun ty surveyor L. R. Snipes, salary, expense, county farm bureau , ROAD. FUND A. A.' Dehning. road work and lumber. RD 15,- $ 16.70 Andrew. Schliefeft, road work in road district; No. S 320.40 Geo. Hall, same, RD 16 43.00 Henry H. Ragoss, same, RD. 9 112.50. Frans Bros. .Lmbr. Co., lum ber, RD 11 x G. L. Heneger, road work in road district 13- --- 9-00 j PLAN BIG FEflST AT . LEWISTQN CHURCH j $ C. . Jordan, running grader- Alex Patterson, road work, road district No. 14 . 5.00 Ilenrv Lemke. same. RD 14 3.70, V- ,K- EidenmiiieK grading 109.20 . of that Qhmch. Will Prepare A. A. Wallinger, grading and ,.m - . . t- , x material -- 111.25 One of Therf Famous Feasts 6.00 xnanKsgiviiig: uay. 1-. Joe Yickers, grading J. I). Adams Co.. repairs 31.50 C. II. Nold Lmbr. Co.. lumber H. P. Long, road work . E. G. Harlan, grading M. L. Evans, driving piling Louis H. Dehning, grading BRIDGE FUND Binger Liknber. & Coal Co., lumber , . ?42i.5 62.60, The ladies of Lewiston are again 15.10 ,' preparing, fpr one of their famous 15.00 ( Thanksgiving dinners, Thursday No vember 24, at the Lewiston church, two and one-half miles .southeast of Murray. This dinner may be expres sed in few words. What one may ex pect from, past experiences. This has the nrosnects of beine even better - than -in former years. Anyone inter- 14.40 30.00 30.53 6. SO ... 17.50 10.50 32.25 US. 60 j 12.00 2S.00 9.60 16.75 18.00 309.56 C. H. Nold Lmbr. Co., lumber V t " :?,' v osted in the cemetery or society wish- Fred' Manners-, bridge 'work- 17.50 ! in& to donate ftom the, following; m Chas. Ayres, bridge work 28.90 6S5.SS W.S0 17,69 i 11.16 LI. L. Evaus, repair bridge 107.47 Modern Construction Co., for culvert .work. Lorenz Halyorsen, bridge wk. R. M. Coat man, spikes. wire Charles Earls, haul lumber Monarch Engineering Co., for bridge No. 19 Monarch Engineering Co., for bridge No. 23 Monarch Engineering Co., for bridge No. 52 may do so. "MENU" Roast Beef Brown Gravy Chicken with Noodles and Dressing Mashed potatoes Sweet Potatoes,; ' Creamed Peas Carrots 5.00 Home Made .Hominy Baked ueans Bread and Butter I: Cranberries Fruit Salad Pickles Celery 0 I'umpKin jfie witn wnippea uream COFFEE !;; 95S.S0 490.45 The Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, November 3rd, 1921. . Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, - County Clerk. Office of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' of Cass County Plattsmouth, Nebr. November 3, 1921. MENU Meat Ealls Creamed Chicken Fried Potatoes Cabbage Salad , Celery Cranberries Ice Cream und Cake COFFEE Note Price of dinner will be 50c. Supper, 25c. 1 , culverts. RD 10 137.40 Henrv Brockman. same, RD N!br. Culvert & Mfg. Co., No 15 'J-'.: culverts, RD 11 -J 110.26J. C, Niday, same, RD 11 Nctjr. Culvert & Mfg, CO., 1 ' ;P. C. Patterson, same, RD 27 culverts, RD 12 68.60-A. Pederson,.', repairing grad- Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. -Co., er, RD 2 culverts, RD 3 47.24 Binger Lumber & Coal Co., Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co., I lumber, RD 13 culverts, and bands, RD 11 116.39 Binger Lumber & Coal Co., Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co., lumber, RD 8 one culverts, RD 9 : 47.24 Binger Lumber & Coal Co., Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., I lumber, RD 14 16.07' Matthew, Sulser, road worK, I -road, district No. 1 49.50 C. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 10.23 R. A. Talbot, same. RD 4 B. F. Plymale, same. RD 15 fiistricIp. 10-ii- . 5.63 J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 10 cne culvert, RD 16 Eldon N. Stark, dragging in road dlstriqt -No. J5 R. E. Norris, bal. due. RD 13 n. RL Read, dragging, road FOUND Man's leather work glove, near the C. E. Cook residence. Find- i Board niet as per adjournment, er may have same by calling at this Present,. C, F. Harris, Fjed H. Cor-, olfice and paying for notice. r. S3.50:der and Geo. L. Farley, county com- missioners; Geo. K Sayles, county FOR SALF. Thoroughbred Buff 77.50 clerk. Orphington roosters. March hatch. 55.20 j The following business was trans- $1.75 each. Call phone 676-W Louis 57.30 acted in regular form:. Horack.V 2td-2tw - : Quit claim deed, from Mrs. Eliza : ; 5.00 ,V. Phillip?, conveying certain land Blank Books at tte Journal Offlcc. in the corner of Sec. 5, Twp. 11.1 66.67; Range 9, Cass county, Nebr., to the ' (County of Cass for road purposes 17.60 filed with the Board and clerk or jdered to draw a warrant on General 8J.94 fund for $100 in payment of same. - ' I i laims as usieu on me various; 3.00 funds, were, audited and .passed for 82.00 payment: . S8.50 GENERAL FUND 16.50 Green's drug store, medicine 77.10 to demons $ 15. Q0 "It the Chape t Thing I Ever Bought," Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Va. "I paid Si .25 for five cakes of Rat-Snap and judi' ing by the large number tf dead rats we've picked up. I reckon we've saved hundreds of dollars fit' chicks, eggs and feed." Your pets won't touch it. Bats dry up and leave no smell. 35c. 65c. $1 Ji Sold and gutraiAced by ?' Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had "" - raba F. G. Fricke & Co.'