The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    tfO&DLAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1821.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
$40,000.00 to loan on real eatate.
Federal Land Bank Co., D. C. West,
Wanted to Purchase: $10,000.00
worth of Liberty bonds. Call at the
Nehawka Bank.
Frank Resneck and family were
spending: Armistice day in Omaha,
where they were guests of relatives.
Mrs. Z. W. Shrader was enjoying
a visit from her friend. Mrs. Charles
last Friday, making the trip via the
Missouri Pacific, where she visited
for the day.
Herbert Blake was a passenger to
Nebraska City last Friday morning,
where he went ,to celebrate Armistice
day with friends and to look after
some business matters.
Charles E. Hitt and wife were vis
iting with the father of Mrs. Hitt
last "Friday, being- Armistice day.
Cherry of Weping Water for a few they driving down from their home
days the past week.
Bert Frans of near Union was a
visitor in Nehawka last Friday, go
ing to look after some business mat
ters for a short time. j
W. IL Marks of Union was a visi
tor in Nehawka on Armistice day.
in Plattsmouth in their auto.
J. W. Magney and W. S. Norris
departed this morning for Platts
mouth where they will serve as tails
men on the petit Jury in the term
of court which opening there today.
During last week C. M. Chriswisser
coming to look after some business -ag a visitor in Omaha where with
and visit with friends.
A. R. Noble of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Nehawka last Sunday look
ing over the country and visiting
with friends while here.
Miss Mabel Troop of Plattsmouth
was visiting with friends in Nehaw
ka last Friday afternoon and also
looking after some matters of busi
ness. ' i
tan scnaener was at. lue nusuuui uauuiviuU6 . . hon All pnWd vprv erpat-
in maha for a few days last week, pany was closed last Friday on ac- fe ?a? -JZ?-TZ.?Je&L .
where he had an operation on one of count or the celebration or Armistice ..,,, Mp wnnderlirh a a nJff" school and grades by programs
i.i.t- l li Aav lha omnlnvag hotno- a number of lnelr Praises OI JUT. W UnaerilCn as a , . ..,
Thomas Tilson of Murray, they pur
chased two cars of cattle, which they
will feed at the farm near that town.
John Lloyd and wife were looking
after some business in 'the county
seat last Monday, and were driven
over by Mr. II. H. Stoll, who was
also called there to look after some
mistice day at the auditorium, and
visit for over Sunday.
Thomas Mason, who has been tak
ing bis vacation during the past few
weeks, is again on the job, which
has been looked after by Charles Hall
during his absence. While' away Mr.
Mason visited Kansas City, where he
attended the American Legion's na
tional convention, and also spent
some time at Arkansas City, where
he visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank West, having an excel
lent time while away.
help enjoy the delightful repast that
the ladles, bad prepared. Not that
Nehawka eating Is bad, for. contrary
It is excellent, but that this dinner
far exceeded the ordinary Is a reason
were served and . the girls departed
for home agreeing that Eloise was a
delightful hostess. '
The school hours have been chang
ed a little to allow a convocation
why the gentlemen are wishing that period without cutting into classes
a similar meeting may occur again From Monday on the first twenty
soon and their their names not be
left out
minutes in the morning will be taken
up by convocation after which the
classes will proceed as before. School
will not close at noon till twelve
o'clock; the afternoon program will
remain the same. It is hoped to have
more speakers from the outside of
school, more public speaking by the
pupils and more and better singing,
This period may occasionally be used
See Lands with Speaker
Last Friday the superintendent of
the Nehawka schools was fortunate
in securing for an address to the high
school, Mr. Walter Wunderlich, who
was for some thirteen months in
France, and who saw some of the
fiercest of the fighting in the world
war, and who gave a very graphic de
scription of the trip over and back,
delineating the life of the French
people as well as the camp and army
life there. His talk was of such in
terest that he verily carried his
The Sheldon Manufacturing com- here with hl on ill? students.
School Notes
Mary Pollard was absent
school Tuesday due to a cold.
The freshmen are studying the re
quirements for a business letter.
The English literature class is
roariinc "Th a Mrh a n t rf Venice "
The Juniors are planing an event AOT class meetings,
for December 16th; every one please
keep this date open.
Quarterly examination will be
given the third and fourth grades
on Thursday and Friday.
Examinations are uppermost in the
minds of the pupils and in general
they are doing good work.
Gladys Steel, . Violet Martin and
Unadine Schrader were absent from
school Monday on account of sick
ness. The fifth and sixth grades were
delighted with a set of new arith
metic books to begin their third
month of school.
There were twenty-five pupils in
the third and fourth grades who
were neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the month of November.-
The pictures have arrived that
were taken the other day by Mr.
Hanna of Blair, Neb. They are quite
good for the size and considerable
number have been purchased by the
Fire day was recognized in the
his eyes, which has been giving him day, the employes being a number of
Miss Edna Stoll, who has been ill
for the past week is reported as
showing considerable improvement
and was able to be down town last
speaker of interest.
Mrs. R. F. Cunningham was a vis
itor with friends in Nebraska City
Call us for quotations on grain
and for reservations for de
livery. Nehawka Farmers' Grain Co.
We are also carrying all
grades of
them engaged in the celebration that
was given at the auditorium. , , , . .
Not alone is Mr. A. B. Rutlege J Workers Elect Officers
noted as a chicken fancier, and he BUly W?rk,t , w
is a man who raises the best and dlst church t heir last regular
meeting iu auuiuuu iu uie laigc
and fire drill. The high school seem
ed especially to enjoy going down
the fire escape.
The clothing class in Home Econ
omics " have completed their make
over problems and are now making
new wool dresses. The class is also
r t atitb V aw Vvn Vi a I a In i Via rl a sctaot
list of the sportsman, as he has ,"utl i?i Vor Yh omn making a scarf for the buffet and a
three wild mallard ducks which he ?' e.Le5te2 ?iCe" tolthSr Cm" table runner for the dinin table:
ins year, iiiey uciug in. cj. im. x ui
lard, president; Mrs. E. O. Johnson,
vice president; Mrs. J. J. Pollard,
secretary; Mrs. Marion Tucker, treas
uses for decoys and they bring home
the bacon, without a doubt.
Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans, who has
been staying at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wunderlich,
during the absence of Mr. Rosencrans and Mrs A 0st her assistant,
who has been spending some time in
Texas, returned to her home in ;
Plattsmouth last week, having en--Joyed
an excellent time while here. '
Charles Hall was a visitor to Riv
erton, Iowa, where he took a load of
flour to the Tysor market, which is
conducted by Truman Tysor and his
father. Mr. Hall is loud In his
praises of the roads in Iowa, which
he says are well kept and well mark
ed, so that a traveler can tell where
he?ti.8v. I Eev- Simpkiiis Breaks Arm
C. M. Chrisweisser gathered in the- . . . t . ,
reins of his Ford in hand and last "er efT,"ngr Smnkfns
t-.o,. tr-ir, n t ninin and Ford car, the Rev. J. K. Simpkins
return, brinn home with him hta th. misfortune to receive a frac
daughter. Miss Zupha, Misses .Hope
table runner for the dining table;
embroidered designs are being used
and crochet edging.
The Hygiene class is making an
urer; Mrs. John Steffens, assistant; enort to improve us neann namts
Mrs. E. A. Klrkpatrick, directress ween. More attention is Deing
paid xo cleaning me xeetn, linger
nails and eating well balanced meals
! etc. Eac hglrl is keeping a schedule
to keep track of herself. Some very
Will Make Home with Daughter
Mrs. Malcolm Pollard, who has
lived In the Pollard home on "O"
street, west of Nehawka, for a little
over 41 years, has decided to discon
tinue housekeeping and will make
her home with her daughter, Mrs. A.
H. St. John, of Nebraska City, after
she shall have visited for a short
time with relatives.
St. John and Dorris Magney, as well
as Verner Lumbers', who were com
ing to enjoy the celebration of Ar-
Registered Hampshires!
I have a few excellent boars for service. Two of
fall farrowing for $30, one of spring farrowing for $25.
This spring boar took the junior champion prize at the
county fair. These prices for this month only.
Phone No. 1804
Nehawka, Neb,-'.
ture when the car kicked. He is get
ting along but .-feels .a. considerable
pain Eince the accident. He is look
ing for the time when the fracture
shall heal.
Box Supper and Program
At the New Hope school. District
60, four miles north of Nehawka and
two and a half miles west and one
mile south of Murray, a program and
box supper will be given on Friday
evening. Nevember 18th. '
. V Teacher.
attractive posters were made "by the
class illustrating what they were at
tempting to do.
The Sunny Side girls met with
Eloise Pollard Thursday afternoon,
November 3rd. They held their reg
ular business meeting and decided
their next meeting would be with
Mabel Ketch. The girls sewed on
various articles besides learning th
basting stitch. Eloise rendered a
musical reading and Vera Martin al
so read for the club. Refreshments
The Service Garage!
The main point in our business is that of service
and that the best. We are qualified to do you the best
work, and are here at your call. See us for the best of
supplies also and accessories. Remember, the best ser
vice is our watchword.
The Lumberg Garage, ,
,v Ihjcks a vPIenty, They Say ,
'It is" currently reported that there
are plenty of ducks along the Weep
ing Water creek and one can get a
shot there most any time. Only the
other day a young man, brother of
Mrs. Edward Stokes, who has been
trapping for fur bearing animals,
most looking for otter, caught in one
of his traps a teal duck, they being
so plentiful.
Sumptuous Dinner and Program
The ladies of the United Brethren
church gathered in their regular
meeting last week, gathered at the
home of Mrs. C. D. St. John on last
Wednesday for an all day's meeting,
' at which they did much work and en-
Joyed an elegant program, which the
; ladies had prepared, as well as serv
. ing one of the most sumptuous din
ners at the noon hour. Nehawka's
worthy miller had with him Messrs
Ed Klrkpatrick and A. F. Sturm to
John Opp
Always ready for dates far
or near. Rates reasonable.
Satisfaction of no pay. Re
verse all calls.
PHONE 58 i
Natural Laws
seal the concrete vault, mak
ing it imprevious to water.
This is the only burial vault,
which perfectly keeps out
water from the casket. Call
illor & Grubor
for service on burial vaults.
Nehawka, Nebraska
guQair Uinta tafeirfl!
We have one of the best assortments of.
Winter Underwear that has ever been shown
in this city. p
LADIES' GARMENTS which insure fit,
style and comfort. We can suit you just as
well as any large city and at better prices.
THE CHLDREN'S NEEDS have all been
carefully looked after and we can supply the
little tot or the larger child.
FOR THE MEN FOLKS we are prepared
just as well as for the remainder of the family.
All sizes and styles await you.
Remember the word "M-U-N-S-I-N-G"
spells the best underwear that money can pur
chase. Come, see our large stock.
Merry-Go-Bound Have Good Time
The ladles of the Merry-Go-Round
north of Nehawka, and having many
members in town and in other direc
tions, had a most pleasant time last
Saturday when they met at the home
of Mrs. Frank Cox to celebrate
among themselves the signing of the
Armistice In the World War. They
had deferred their celebration until
the following day after the annivers
ary of the signing that they anight
not interfere with the celebration at
Nehawka. With the excellent pro
gram which the ladies had furnish'
ed and the bountiful feed of good
thing the evening was one most
pleasantly spent.
Celebrated Armistice Day
The people of Nehawka never do
things by nalves but go whole-heartedly
into what they have in hand be
that a business enterprise, a social
program, or a patriotic demonstra
lion. The celebration of Armistice
day was a combination of the two
latter ideas and the whole commun
ity were out in force for the occas
ion. We were in town up until about
the time when the celebration be
gan but were called away by the re
alities of business and failed to en
joy the occasion as we would have
The Busy Workers, and they are
well named for that, had the matter
of the feeds which were most ele
gant, in hand and did not disappoint
anyone for they sure did serve an
abundance of eats which were for
the community without charge, and
were more than worth while.
The ladies composing the commit
tee which served the occasion were
Mesdames A. B. Rutledge Marion
Tucker, John T. Dale, Henry M. Pol
lard, B. O. Tucker, J. M. Whiteman
The celeDration was without a man
and was one which paid a noble
tribute to the boys who placed their
all upon the altar of their country.
as expressed by a gracious commun
i.T.. T.
4 The school was dismissed last Fri
day on account of the celebration of
Armistice day.
Charles Stoltz was the first to de
liver new corn last Friday to the
Kelly elevator.
John Crane was visiting in. Omaha
last Saturday and Sunday, being the
guest of his nephew.
. , Joe Maceney was looking after the
lumber yard during the absence of
Mr. John Crane at Omaha: '!
W. J. Stohlman, of Louisville, was
looking after some business in -Man-ley
last Thursday, driving over in
his car..
Theo. Harmes and wife were guests
at the home of Mrs. Harmes' parents,
H. E. Peters, of Talmadge, for last
Ralph Coon was a visitor in Om
aha one day last week, where he was
called to look after some business
W. J. Rau was a visitor in Omaha
last Thursday, driving up in his carl
DO 'you know that on the 20th of each
month, Edison issues a fine supplement of
new Re-Creations? It includes operatic and
classical selections by world-famous artists,
and popular song and dance numbers by favor
ite vaudevilians and orchestras.
Make it a point to come in every
month on the 20th and hear the
new Re-Creations.
When it comc9 to Broadway's
newest song and dance hits, Edison
does not wait 'till the 20th. These
are speeded through in Mr. Edi
son's special department for man
ufacturing hits. Edison Now is
First with tho Hits. If you want
to keep up with Broadway, watch
our window for "Flashes from
Broadway", and get in the habit of
visiting our Rb -Creation depart
publishing1 a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper -printeu in said county, ror
three -suecessiveVweks prior to said
day of 'hearing'- v.'
Dated , this I2th nay -or: Kovemuer, a.
D. 1921. ' '
(Seal) nl4-3w. . County Judge.
of Cass coun-
In the county court
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, county or uass.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William II. Miller, deceaseU:
On readiner the petition of George
tn Inok aftpr enme business matters ' Miller praying that the instrument filed
to looK alter some Dusiness matters ,n th,a court on the 12th day Qf No-
vember. 1921. and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of the said deceased, may be proved
and allowed and recorded as the last
will and testament of William II. Mil-
. . , . . A, i irr. u trutttistru nidi 1 1 1 l i umrut ':
me ADoei onsirucuon admitted to probate, and the adminis
for a short time.
Wm. Sheehan and Wm. Heebner
Were visitors in Omaha last Thursday
where they were looking after some
business matters for the day.
Will Harmes has accepted a posi
tion with
Company, Of Nebraska City, where tration of said estate be granted to
they are doing some paving for thei Elizabeth Miuer as executrix;
. I T fa horAhv rttwl Arori that vnn. And
all persons interested in said matter,
may. and do, apear at the County Court
to be held in and for said county, on
the 10th day of December. A. t. 1921.
at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and that the hearing thereof be
(Seal) nl4-3w.
County Judge.
August Sander is building a foun
dation for an extra building for the
stock, which he will expect to have
completed by the arrival of cold
The Royal Neighbors of America
Will give a supper and entertainment ' riven to all persons interested in said
at the hall this coming Thursday at matter by publishing a copy of this
Which all are invited and a good time ordr In the Plattsmouth Journal, a
. . c -vi eisuu , semi-weeklv newspaper printed in said
IS assured. county for three successive weeks prior
J. C. Rauth and wife and Mr. and ; to said day of hearing.
Mrs. E. E. Day. Of Weeping Water, I Witness my hand and ,eal or said
were aiienaing a siock saie at near p 1921.
Elkhorn last Thursday, driving over
in the auto of Mr. Rauth.
Mrs. Charles Craig, of Omaha, was
a visitor at the home of her parents,
at Manley, J. L. ' Burns and wife,
during the most of last week, re
turning home . last Thursday morn
ing. . - Joseph Wolpert, and two sisters
Misses Katie and Maggie were visit
ing and looking after some business
matters in Omaha last Thursday, they
making the trip in the auto of Mr.
Mrs. James Murphy was a visitor
at - Omaha last Thursday, . being a
passenger with Mr. Theo Harmes and
mother in Mr. Harmes' car, where
they were all looking after some
business and Mrs. Murphy was visit
ing with her son .and daughter.
In the restrict Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska,
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Evan G. Brown,
bankrupt, in bankruptcy. Case No.
To creditors of the above bankrupt
of Greenwood, in the county of Cass,
the district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
9th day of November. A. I). 1921. the
said bankrupt was duly adjudicated
bankrupt and that the first meeting of
his creditors will be held in the Federal
Court room in Lincoln, Nebraska, on
the 23rd day of November. A. D. 1921,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which
time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, examine th bank
rupt, appoint a trustee, and transact
such other business as may properly
come before such meeting.
Dated November . 1921.
Keferee in Uakruptcy.
Blank books! les you can get
f all kinds. The Journal
Over Halstead's Market
Union Block
on Petition for Appointment of '
The 'State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. -
In the" County Courts
In the matter of the estate of Scyen
tha Nelson, Deceased.
On reading and filing' the petition of
L. w. Nelson praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to
Guy W. Morgan, as administrator;
Ordered. That 6th day of December,
A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock a. m.. Is as
signed for hearing said petition, when
all persona Interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be cash.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage, bearing
date July 6th, 1921, upon one Overland
automobile, model and year 1918, a
copy of which mortgage is on file In
the office of the County Clerk of Cass
county. Nebraska, the same having
been filed on July 6th. 1921. at 2:4s
o'clock p. m., executed and delivered
by L. F. Terryberry to the Pennsyl
vania Rubber Company, to secure the
payment of $715.00 and interest, upon
which there is now due principal and
Interest the sum of $734.00, default
having been made In the payment of
the sum secured by said mortgage, and
proceedings having been had at law In
the County Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the note secured by said
mortgage to the end that Judgment In
the sum of $734.00 was rendered there
on and that an execution issued upon
said Judgment was returned by the
Constable wholly unsatisfied, and said
mortgage by its terms providing for
a public sale of aid automoDiie upon
such default.
Therefore, the Pennsylvania Rubber
Company, mortgagee, will, on the 6th
day of December, 1921, at the hour of
11 o'clock in the rorenoon ai me gar
age of John Bauer on Vine street in
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
sell the property described In said
mortgage, viz:
One Overland Automobile, model and
year 1918, engine No. 8H21017, at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
Said sale will remain open lor
held in, and for said county, and show
cause why . the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted: and that notice
of the pendency of aald petition and
the hearing thereof be' given to all
persons interested In said matter by
bids one hour.
Date: November 12th, 1921.
14-3w. Its Attorney.
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth on Thursday Nov. 17, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Hens, per lb 16c
Springs, per lb 15c-
Ducks, per lb , 16c
Geese, per lb 15c
Old Cox, per lb -7c
Turkeys, per lb 25c
Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or shine and take caw
of all poultry offferwd for Bale.