' J . ' - . PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1921. FACE TWO ALVO DEPARTMENT ARMISTICE DAY IS r - VERY QUIET ONE ? I-. Lauritscn has returned from' Ruskin. Miss Blanche Moore spent Friday at home. Mr. Ella Prouty went to Lincoln Friday ?aornin;j. Miss Ella Vincent was a passenger to Lincoln Friday mc-rnins. V". S. Jordan and family autoed to Alexandria Friday to visit relatives. Schccd was dismissed here on Friday on account cf Armistice day. Lee Clark was in Lincoln Friday attending the Armistice day program. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Rouse went to Lim-oin Friday and visited relatives until Monday. William Ito-cnow of Elmwood vis ited his brother, Charles F. and fam ily last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. "W. O. Boyles, of Lincoln, visdtcd over Sunday with S. j C. Boyles and ivife. Miss Grace Wood viited her sis ter, Mrs. Clarence Curyea and fam ily in Li -icoln , from Monday until Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godbey were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trout y last Sunday. Dr. L. Muir and daughter Mar guerite. Elmer Iiosenow and L. Stew art autoed to Lincoln Friday morn-j in.-;. Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs.. Valiery, of riattsmouth, visited Sun-' dav with their sister, Mrs. Bina Kitzcl. Mrs. Nellie Garcia and children went to Meadow Friday to visit her tister, Mrs. Bessie Newmann and Mr. Xewman. j Mr.. W'zi. Tsv'or. of Kansas, vis-: itc-d over Sunday with helatives here and v. as acc nipanied home by her sister. Mrs. Dell Sutton. Mr. Mrs. Geo. I Foreman. Mr. and M;r. John Foreman and Maryj .... . J , n . t' I - ' with Ori-- Foreman and family. .M'js Flrenre T;yer came up was carried out and a report of the delegate to the State Federation of Woman's clubs at Seward last week was read. At the Bushberry school, which is taught by Miss Katie Nickel, the following pupils were neither tardy nor absent during the past twoi months: Leroy Cook. Phillip Nickel, 0:nr Marshall, Joe Marshall. June Weichel, Evelyn Stout and Thelma Weichel. Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman and Mrs. George P. Foreman autoed to Lincoln Wednesday, the former visit-in-; at the C C. Dye home and Mrs. George P. Foreman spending the night with Mrs. Arvilla Linch at University Place. They returned home Thursday. Charles Stout and Robert Wiggs returnei Friday evening from May sair, Canada, where they have been since last spring. They like it fine up there and plan to return next spring. They report fine wheat crops were raised there this year: Mr. Stout has a half section of land there. ' - Presentation of Certificates and Mus icale and Dance Are the On ly Events of the Day. Krorn Saturates I-iatiy The passing of Armistice day. 1921. was very ouietly observed in I ' ' inininii . ii rtnniiftinn .".s. jirfal-ju -3m9li; Mr. ar.rW. David Mltcfcell spent Sunday in Lincoln. "" Mr. and Mrs. Wrill Murfia autoed to Liucoln Thursday. Mrs. V.. J. Eeals has been on the sick list for the past few weeks. Elmer Colbert : raa a Weeping this 'city owing to the fact that the t Water passenger Friday morning, plans for the Burlington mert 'txr fceM Mr8- C!arfije, Ohm ! 'tome again f n V.l :ru. whrre she is attending school, to vf.-it relatives a few days and left 'Friday morning for Lincoln. Mr. ::r.d Mrs. Chris Hoffman and two ns returned Sunday evening via the auto rcute from California,! i . l 1. ...a 1 . c-ir rtrt -t -1 . - In'! v:;;o Hit iiai ic-i piiivc t-w i. spring. I'-,: r---rnctt end John Foreman are 'radi.sq; the" road from Alvo to the ix.ncus.tcr ccuniy line. They hope to get it ri good thape before itj Ircezrr. The Lad;:? All society will give their annuil sapper and bazaar in the c'-.nrrh basement. Friday evening, Norcn oer ISth. Price of snpper, 35c and Z'c. Mr. end Mrs. Key Cole of My nard 'spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr?. M. C. Kecfer. Miss Lcu Kci-r of Milford also spending dav. at home. Mr. end Mr.-. Charles Morton of Ch-n"v .r-P-t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs". Cl.r.rtf - F. Rosenow. Mr. Mcrton was f.-r: .lerly a. rural mail carrier, l ut is farming now. Leu Purer! went to Geneva Sat ur:!n' lo vNit 1.!.- lnrslhcr, who had il e ii i fortune to fall and break her arm l.'t week. Mr. Picrson returned lisTt! Monday afternoon. Jc lui Skinner and his mother, Mrs. Mary S'.. inner and niece. Miss Lela She! tun. au'oed. to Fremont Thurs day afternoon to attend the Armis tice day program Friday, spending the wei.U-i.-nd with relatives. Woman's Reading club met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. H. L. Bor nenieier. A Thanksgiving program Best no, 1 barrel salt at Will Save Many Fires Joreph Armstrong, of Alvo, has one of the best articles which will he a prevention of fires and which has been approved by both the fire commission of Nebraska and Iowa. The device clamps on the inside of the chimney and! is secured with a bolt and screw. The device is knon us the POSITIVE FLUE STOP and sura is such in reality as . well as 1n name. This is an invention of Mr. Aimstrong arrd has the commenda tion of the Fire commission of the two state mentioned who see in it tho savins on many fires and prop erty which are caused by poor and inadequate flue stops. Mr. Arm strong and his son are very much in clined to the inventive and always give their best thought and work to whatever devices they may have in har.d. This device has taken-much care in its designing and also ia the execution of its manufacture,' Mr. Ivan Armstrong has also invented a rneins of "chopping food for chick ens such rs green bone and other vegetables' in the harm?ing of a lavn mower to gas eagine, which dee? the work that vould takA a nv.mbsr of other tnaehinffs' longer , to accomplish, and which with this de vice is much better in the end. II. Gerheling and - I . t 1 . . . ..ill . A . 1 ... I . . . iiifwn.x k ifinpv. t'ltiH (34 1 1 i lea i. ii . I sentation df--tlr ..re saoppers ,n uco,u ""'a tertM Tor Anv kind of kidnev ail-1 scrTice,- wWrf rm l' "y,; -intAl fc"A,hl1 'h of veara 'Q x a had rfV?v with my back. I! 1. . ,m.-;-i- 'i- i-L- D.- . was Ihia up bo I had to have hot I ,..,r from tiifp iiiitips pprf TiRf fnt I )- looks goQtl M Pee her amund again mnlnted until within the-Ia-st'rteW ' a numueriijoni neraiionuea me davs and left no cnaTffe'otiTOKTng ruuaijsivvc inrT,vu...aj nrpnamt nns for an extensive ODserr-j -"" . v n i 1' - - " 1 . I . . . Ti - . . i nr . litv n htVee"MA:rre4r -r. ami urs. ii The pre tlficates of of Nebrask which express neotde and to their sons who have gbne forth in battle in the World War. w-a hwa at 7t0 at the high school auditor ium and attended by quite a number of the service men as well as the citizens of the community. Attorney A. H. Duxbury presided over the meeting which was opened bv the singing- of America, the audi ence being led by Mrs. E. II. Wes cott in the well known patriotic song, and as the last notes of the song died away. Rev.- John Calvert, pastor of the First Methodist church, offered the' invocation and asked the Divine, blessing on the day and also Ihy had been for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Colbert will keep open house to all the friends and neighbors of Mrs. Colbert's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth, ori November 19th, from th hours of 2 to 5 p. m. In honor of ther golden wedding anniversary. BACK BADTODAY? Backache Is usually kidney-ache and makes you dull, nervous and tireftV Ue Doan's Kidney Pills for veak kidneys the remedy decom ir.onded by1 'Von f friends and neigh bors." 'Ask'yotlr neighbor! ,.. Mrs. 'T. N.t Raueri, 1109 Pearl street, 1MtlfniOttth, says: "I believe Mr. and MrsTlOd Vr.n Every and !GtillWiut on my back and sides I aura McDonald spent Sunday with " relieve ins im. t vouiu uaiu.j friends and relatives. . tl,rn "vr heel nnd was fore -all Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rlne'ti are through my back I would have t'J( nrtM.;A narent of .a fine hnhv nov.awiuiiy uizzy epens aim tpecivs wuuiu nnd born October SO. 1921 Mr. and Mrs. Tlwirm Frans family were visitors at Water Tuesday morning. Mr. Bosworth, Joe Lorning and Jim Bosworth were. Weeping Water passengers Saturday mornins. William and Harry Denning were railing on the streets In Weeping "?er early Tuesday morning. Edward Allis was passenger to made an earnest plea for the success :TchHwka Saturday mornine. He re of the disarmament conference at Washington. . - - . . , Mrs.-Wescott then-gave a special solo number in her ltMial pleasing father, Ollie, Sun turned with his diy morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and fsnily spent Sunday afternoon at come before my eyes. Many times I would have to sit down and wait WPoMfiir1 f,r these attacks to pass off. It was . " t i . . ii.ii. i . . . .i oniy a tune wniie aiier i cuiuineiiueu to use Doan's Kidney Pills that I began to improve. I got several boxes from Weyrich & Iladraba's drug store and they finally gave me permanent relief after other kidney remedies had failed. I always keep Doan'a on hand and use them when my kidneys need attention. They keep them in a strong condition." 60c. at all dealers, Foster-MIlburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. manner-and which was an inspira-! the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole, of tipn tD the meeting1 and well chosen j Weeping Water. for an occasion of this kind. I Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jackman and Hon. R. B. Windham, veteran of ; ,t,U5rMer. Marv. Mrs. II. H Gerhe- the Civil War, and pioneer legislat-. ling aI1(1 daughter, J. D.. attended the -For. Sale ' White Rock cockreLs, $1.50 if pur chased soon:, -y Mrst. Roy ."Stewart, Alvo, Nebraska. , ' - ; 'S " . PER 3ARR2L at the Lumber Yard! I am your friend, JOHN MORTEY, Alvo, Nebraska Serious , Eesnlts fron jCoIds Colds not only caiie a tremendous financial loss but are also a serious injury to every one who contracts them as they lower the-vitality "and prtcaxe the system for the mqre ser ious diseases. It is not at all un usual for people who have serious lung trouble to say, "I had a hard cold last winter."- Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while yon-can? UJTIOIT MAN I0SES ARM From &.'itar5.-iv'B Dally. Last evening as Frank Boggs, of Uu ion. who conducts the lower Main street hotel and the upper Main ctrcct restaurant in that thriving tillage lost- his forearm as a result of a most peculiar accident. The unfortunate man had been in the rear of his restaurant shooting rats and as he entered the building to nut the tgun away he accidently caught it against the counter with the result that it was discharged, the thut entering his arm just above the wrist. The flesh was mangled in tuch manner a3 to leave a gaping wound and make necc;ssary the am putation of his forearm. He has been suffering much pain today but is getting along as well as might be expected. How Would You Like to See What Irvin Nerkood (Pa.) Saw? 'One cH3tomfT told mc that after using one large package of Rat-Snap, he got FORTY-EIGHT dead rats. How many more dead he couldn't see. be doesn't know. Remember rats breed fast and de. etior -iollars' worth of property. " 35c, 05c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had raba F. G. Fricke & Co. in Selling Grain it is well to get the best prices and the best service. So when having grain to cell, it is to your interest to fee me. I guarantee you the best treatment as well as the very best prices. 'JOHN MIU ALVO FEY, NEBRASKA or and statesman of rsebraska. aaa been selected for the task, of giving out the certificate? of merit and preceded this part of the program with a few well chosen remarks in which he paid a glowing tribute to' the men who served .their . country and a -word of sympathy for those who had 'failed to realize the great ness of the occasion and stand forth as willing to. do battle for their country.. The certificates were then given out as. the names -of the former serv ice men. were called and each receiv ed .what the state. hajL.designated their olEcial expression- cf appree tion jf service. Following - the presentation the rausicale and dancing party at the Eagles hall AvaS' given, and the hall crowded with a large number of the residents of ' the --community, who vf era-meet Wipp- with tb "former servr ife men for the occasion. The musi cale portion of the program was very pleasing r;ardt ipjffared". selections from the leading artists of the city, MrsXK. IL-Weseptt- nd Edna IJuon offering vocal solos -thai gave their s frl c r'fi i cL . raices a ;Ii n v oiprtj i n ity fcr expression,-. while; MrH. jClhrlstine Coiighlin and Mrs. Roy Cole of My nard, t wp .of, tb.e most tajentcd pian olas In this city, gavo piano, selec tions, which were received, .with niarked iavo .rivaling the cntUusi aEm w ith which .Jhe ocal numbers had been received. - AXler the 1 ant of the musical ntim- er?. the younger set enjoyed a fine time dancing until a late hour to the music furnished', by the . Holly Syn tcpators. . " . .. The. hall was decorated very pleas ingly in the national colors a3 wr.s also the serving room where several of the charming -little ladies of the eity Ferved .punch during, the eve ning to the thirsty audience. funeral of Mr. John Raber Thursday afternoon. Glnn Atc'.ilson. the garage man. j hss sold out to John Wood. Mr. Wood cwie;i tne garage betore Mr. Atchis cn. What Mr. Atchison is going to do has not been learned. Mr. and Mrs. William Glaubitz, of re.ir Klmwood, autoed to Liucoln Funday -morning - nnd brought' Mr. Frank Reese and .daughter. Dorthy, home from the hospital, where Dor- i-H -l"t "i"tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 i "I 1 LOUISVILLE 1 Courier .H l-M-M-I t 1 1 t 1 "H Claude Seivcr and George Schoe man have finished shucking seventy acres of corn at the farm of C. E. Xoyes'and say they had a fine time and that the country beats town, any old time. . , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Todd and little son, of near Plattsmouth, drove up Sunday to take dinner with their cousin, C. G. Mayfield and family and in the evening they were sup per guests of their uncle and aunt, hmml Storage! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Store your car in a good warm place. A few stalls left. We do repair work cr. z.11 cars. Work guaranteed. Batteries recharged. Frices reasonable Draying Welding Livery . Agents for Hot Shot Batteries VESTA Battery U. S. Tires, Tubes Temrne Springs Gas, Oil and Greases SERVICE THATS US J. MASON Plattsmouth 9 . Nebraska Elder and Mrs. G. W. Mayfield. They were accompanied by the young lady who teaches in their district and who boards with them. Mr. and M"3. Rudolph Ileil write to us from Laramie, Wyoming, to have their address changed to that city from Kimball, Neb., where they have been making their home. They are enjoying the west and say the scenery is fine around there. The Black Hills are to the east and west of them, and snow covered moun tains beyond the Hills to the west. They saw a big snow storm In the mountains from Laramie and say it was a wonderful sight. They send regards to Louisville friends'. Mrs. E. G. Pautsch was pleanant ly surprised last Sunday evening when, a few of her relatives and friends dropped in to spend the eve ning in.honor.of. her birthday anni versary. A supper was served at a late hour and the evening passed swiftly in music and lively conver sation. The g-uests were: Mrs. Paulsen's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Will Schliefert. son. Elmer, and daughter, Erna, of west of Manley, Conrad Wehrman of Mur dock, Mr. and Mrs. August Pautsch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau and two daughters, Misses Augusta and Helena. Clank Books :it the Journal Office. , W. A. ROBERTSON Coates Block Second Floor EAST OF RILEY HOTEL . PTPT r-: hps A Eeifable Remedy for Colds - and Croup It would surprise you to know the number of people who ure and recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. J. X. Ro?e, Verona. Pa., writes. "Chain tT-rlain's Cough Remedy has been used by myself and husband for a number of years for coughs and cold?. I ateri. gare . it to my little granddaughter, three and a hnlf years of' age 'when she had croup last winter. It broke Jip the attack nt once. I have recommended this remedy to many of my friends and neighbors who have also used It with good results." ENTERTAINS AT UNION HeatinE Stoves! The celebrated over draft, the Great Western line. Winter will soon be here and you will want them. CORN GATHERING NECESSITIES Husking Gloves and Mittens Hooks and Pegs Soafma ardvvsro Company, ALVO -:- - NEBRASKA Prom Pf jr3ay taSty; Last year a number of the Platts mouth entertainers' rhosc splendid talent has often contributed to the programs and public gatherings here, were asked to give a recital at Union, and did so, and thi.T year they were once more urged to Kive the good people of that place an opportunlty of hearing them and accordingly on Thursday evening the visit was made to our neighboring citv. Mrr E. II. Wcscott. vocalist; !Mr?Mf". II. r.esc6tt. pianist; Mrs. Wm.' i3J'A1.; reader ard Miss Alice Lnfce "WlS-? cctt. whistler, comprised the party ot entertainers and tl'.eiriiJi?7t firtjpTOl gram .was thoroughly 6joy2i2j.-ate'j Lnioir :cjtizens. who'.fiDoJciryl fiurfeu? natc in securing lli6m-!iiirDa:knijr-" tainment whs held-umJar die pices of the Epworth League of Ifiyfesh) at the Pecker hall in thatii, afjd; w-33 well attended by d fclfeifiod auaience. Ta ilac Las made life worth living for millions of people who had almost given up hope. It will do the same for you. F. G. Fricke & Co. Starting Saturday a Mighty 1 Ow ship Kinney Shoe Co. Disposes of Entire Stock to orhamni hoe Co FOR SALE Young fat geese. Phone 440-J. lwk-d&wj Cigar clipping for sale at Herman' Spies, 463 Wain St., Plattsmouth, ! Nebraska. 2w'-d&w Dr. II. C Tnn.-lrl . new ' offices Union block over Halstead market.' tfd-3&w P-. CIL'', Scnulhot piano tuner. Phone 38 9-3. . -' - ' d&ff. , Immediate action is centered on the close out of every shoe in the house by the new owners. Prices piean nothing -values are forgotten. Here is by long odds the most wonderful- shoe buying opportunity yet presented to the footwear buyers of Plattsmouth and vicinity Piaitsmouth Has Wever Known Such Value Giving hoes f or Cv3eoi," TO and.GhSldreini AT A FRACTION OF THEIR TRUE WORTH! L ' Tables are piled high with first quality shoes all priced iri a manner that will aston ish every visitor to this store. EVIen's Shoes Come prepared to get your full shre of these extreme money-savings. Bring every member of the family. You'll never regret it. in 3 Big Lots AND SO 95 IN. Ladies' Shoes in 4 Big Lots $2 3 3 and 4.15 c : t . - - . ' t Juct -received a hew line of Overshoes hifldireini9 Boy's and Girl's School Shoes jP S ShoesS 75 to Infant's Shoes $1 69 U B to 39 t"?rv-' ITy,-r-J.jj.ra rnsnirrm kaa u u u FORMERLY KINNEY SHOE CO