The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1921, Image 1

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    retetfka State HMori
cal Society
vol. no. xxxvrn.
NO. 35
From Thursday s Dally.
lesterday afternoon snortiy anerjof the cars and storage at his
4 o'clock, William Henry Miller, one rage on Washington avenue,
of the -well known residents of the
northwest portion of the city, died
very suddenly while on his way home!
,ft ooir,. o fiW femora nvn
k a. 1- A CCUUiUb a V A va w
town with his friends. Mr. Miller,
who resides about two blocks west
of the Missouri Pacific passenger
station,"- had reached the home of
William B. Rishel, a neighbor, and
stopped for a few minutes to con
verse with Mr. Rishel who was work
ing in the yard and as the two gen
tlemen were standing conversing, he
suddenly sank to the ground and
when lifted by Mr. Rishel, life was
found to be extinct. The sad news
was a severe blow to the family who
had parted with the husband only a
few hours before when he departed
for town feeling in the best of spir
its and to be called on to receive in
such a short time the lifeless form
of their loved one proved a great
William Henry Miller was born
December 5, 1843. in the province
of Nova Scotia. Canada, and where
he spent his childhood days. Mr. Mil
ler when of tender years was bap
tized in the Episcopal church and
has during his entire lifetime been
a very devout member of t he church
and has for years been in charge of
the work of caring for the St .Luke's
parish here, regarding his task as a
labor of love in the cause of the Mas -
ter". After reaching his manhood he
rame to tne united states ana uvea
in the east for a number of years
and on Christinas day 1876. at Phil
ipsburg. New Jersey, was united in
marriage to Miss Elizabeth Ross.
Shortly after the marriage of the
young people they came west and lo
cated in PLattsmoyih, Nebraska,
where they have since resided. Dur
ing his residence here Miller fol
lowed his trade as carpenter and
coptractor and was known to thi
greater part of the older resident!
of the city for his honesty and in
tegrity. Politically, Mr. Miller was an un
faltering Democrat and in the many
campaigns was always found urging
the cause of his party among his ac
quaintances and his faith in the
teachings of his party remained with
him until the end.
To Mr. and Mrs. Miller there were
torn three children, all of whom,
with the wife and mother survive
the passing of this good man. The
children are George H. Miller of
Daysville, Wisconsin, Mrs. Annie E.
Standley of Lincoln and William
R. Miller. Plattsmouth.
He also leaves two brothers, Levi
Miller of Council Bluffs. Iowa and
Cornelius, residing in the state of
Maine, and a sister who makes her
home in that state also.
The deceased gentleman has
the past two years been troubled
with heart trouble to a great or less
extent, although it had never been
thought as serious as to cause death
The peaceful and suddenress of the
death was an end often wished by
Mr. Miller as he had dread of a long
and lingering sickness and his pass
ing was a gratification of his wish
and prayer.
Thp funeral esrriiic n-HI Ke kn' 1 I
' - . ...... v. u..u i
on Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the
.L?ku 'Epo ""l hT?rch- cou:!
iUfd h?HRe,V f,?,te' and
the burial held at the Oak Hill ceme-.
The family has requested that no
flowers be sent to the funeral serv
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening the Monte Carlo En
tertainers were here for a return en
gagement and delighted a large
crowd of the young people of the
city and surrounding territory. The
orchestra had a very hard time get
ting here, coming as far as the Mis
souri river in an auto and there
finding that they could not cross on ' and have the best wishes and con
account of the ferry not being able gratulations of a large circle of
to operate. The orchestra remained
there for several hours and were fin
ally brought over to this 6ide of the
river by a row boat and by 10:30
the dance was able to get underway.
While late in starting the dance was
the real article in the way of pleas
ing music and the Jolly dancers
tripped the light fantastic until a
late or rather early hour.
From Thursdays Dallj
The message has been received
here by the relatives of the very ser
ious condition of Hiram P. Sheldon,
at his home in Grand Rnpids, Minn.,
the gentleman Is reported as suf
fering from a very severe attack of
pneumonia and the outcome of the
case one that has caused the family
9 tmi.t ..l f .f.rli. nr.
Ts a brother or Mm 8h.W of thta
city and well known to a mu&ber f
our resident. .
We can furnish yon clank boob
a&ost any kind at Journal office. -
Frank Martin, the well known au
tomobile mechanic and expert in the
handling and care of all lines of au
tomobiles, has secured the O. K. ga
rage building and is in full charge
of the workshop and plant there.
Mr. Martin has been so long identi
fied with the automobile business in
this city that he needs no introduc
tion to the auto owners and his many
friends will be pleased to note that
be is to launch into the garage busi
ness for himself. Mr. Martin is han
dling all kinds of auto supplies, as
well as looking after the repairing
iff OTflDEImi
J II I Kh AlnrRrrraB
William H. Shopp of This City De
parts Last Evening to Take Up
Work in Windy City.
From Thursday's Dally.
The Burlington store department
has selected another of the Platts
mouth office force for promotion and
named William H. Shopp of this city
as storekeeper at the 14th street
storehouse in Chicago, one of the
important points on the Burlington
lines east as regards the supply de
partment. Mr. Shopp departed last
evening on No. 2 for Chicago to take
up his duties at once and be in readi
ness to assist in the work of that
Mr. Shopp has been employed in
the local offices of the Burlington
store department for a number of
years and has proven one of the most
I efficient men in the local offices and
lone who has shown a great aptitude
to the work of this branch of the
railroad service. While his friends
'here will regret very much to see
' Mr. Shopp leave this city they will
join in wishing: him the most abun
dant success in his new position.
From Thursday TaUjr.
Last evening the members of the
Hugh Kearns post of the American
Legion held a smoker and meeting
at the club rooms in the Leonard
building and which was attended by
quite a pleasing number of the mem
bers of the organization.
Following the transaction of the
routine business, a report of the Kan
sas City convention was given by
Adjutant Elmer A. Webb, who was
one of the delegates from Nebraska
to the convention and remained for
the three days' session of the big
meet. The report was very thorough
and gave in detail the important
matters that had been passed upon
by the meeting, including the re
affirming of the Legion stand on the
compensation question, the urging of
the making of Armistice day a legal
holiday as well as fciving excrepts
from the address of George Berry, of
the Pressmen's union, and official
representative of the American Fed-
foreration of Labor at the Kansas City
convention, in which the close unity
of the labor federation and 'Legion
principles were set forth.
The Springfield Monitor of last
week contained an announcement of
the wedding of Miss Marie Stratman
! arA TrtViTi r Steele hrkth of Orah Or-
- . " ' .. , n . .
hiirrt Tvenrasira rtn
October 27th,
1921, at the M. E.
parsonage in
Springfield, in the presence of 'a few
telatives and near friends.
k-iho. i the ii9nrhtpr nf Mr
ana Airs, tienry sstraiman, ioraenjr
a prominent Sarpy county family
now residing in Johnson county,
near Tesumseh. She is a sister of
Mrs. Henry Jochim. formerly of
Louisville, now residing in Johnson
county. She has visited in Louisville
during the time the Jochim family
lived here and she has many friends
in this locality who will be inter
ested to know of her marriage. Mr.
(Steele is a highly respected young
man and is a prosperous and pro
gressive farmer and the young cou
ple start out on their journey of life
under th most favorable conditions
friends. Louisville Courier.
The announcement has been receivi
ed here of the birth of a fine little
son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Chapman, at Baker. Montana.
The little man arrived on Saturday,
November 5th and the mother and
little one are both doing very nicely
at the hospital in Baer, where they
are at the present time. The little
one will receive the well wishes of
the many friends here of the happy
parents, for a long and successful
From Friday's Dally.
ie.c ei-jro. iiu uas irecu on uir
T. 1 1 1 4 1..
5iC-k "f0' "m? h" ?
i 15 ,aDie m
return to work and on Monday -will
i o-upu uia oiacKsmiLn snop at .Biur
ray and be ready to look after th
needs etf his customers as In the
Mrs. Ralph Dowd of Omaha Addres
ses Ladies on "Americaniza
tion of Foreigners.
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Fontenelle chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, with a
number of friends were entertained
at the hospitable home of. Dr. and
Mrs. J. B. Martin and the meeting
proved one of the most interesting
that the ladies have enjoyed as they
had with them on this occasion, Mrs.
Ralph Dowd, of Omaha, one of the
leading social settlement workers of
that city and a close student of the
problems of the foreigner.
The early part of the evening was
enjoyed in a piano offering by Mrs
Christine Coughlin, which was given
in her accustomed pleasing manner
while little Miss Helene Perry gave
a number of dramatic poses that
were very much appreciated by the
members of the party.
Mrs. Dowd had as the subject of
her talk. "Americanization" and took
up many of the phases of the for
eigner coming to America and the
viewpoint of the native born Ameri
can toward the new arrivals in the
republic and held her audience in a
close grip of interest during the en
tire course' of her remarks and the
only regret was that the speaker
could not continue longer witlv her
very interesting discussion of the
matter. Mrs. Dowd is well qualified
to speak on this subject as she was
born in Russia and was at one time
sentenced to Siberia by the Czar of
Russia and the authorities for the
expression of her opinion and held
in the prisons in Siberia until 90S
when she escaped and came to Amer
ica and at once entered into the
work of aiding those others who
came to our shores strangers, to find
a new home amid the American peo
ple. The different aspects of the ques
tion of the assimulation of the for
eigner into the political and social
life of the Americans was thorough
ly discussed and the chief point that
was urged by the speaker was that of
personal touch of the native Ameri
cans with the foreigners who came
here, the assistance and guidance of
personal effort in teaching them the
meaning of what America represent
ed or as the speaker stated, "living
the flag rather than waving it."
It was in this manner that Mrs.
Dowd impressed on her audience the
fact that the stranger within our
gates could more readily grasp the
true greatness of the American re
public, the lessons of patriotism, of
love of country and service by learn
ing the lessons from the everyday
life of the citizens of the United
States and their association with
At the conclusion of the remarks
of Mrs. Dowd she was congratulated
"by the members of the party on the
clear and consise manner in which
she had explained the foreign prob
lem and the wish to hear more on
this important subject was express
ed by everyone present.
Dainty refreshments were served
at the close of the evening that add
ed to the pleasantness of the event.
Amsdel Sheldon, of Avoca, one of
the pioneers of this section, changed
cars here Friday morning on his way
to Nebraska City to spend the day.
In speaking of the storm in his
section a month or more ago, said he
was damaged to a large extent. He
estimated his loss at about $600, but
he says the insurance company don't
see it that way. He says they have
not settled yet. He feels the worst
about the trees that were destroyed.
He had one big elm in his yard that
he used to sit under in the hot sum
mer days that he feels the loss of
very keenly.
He says he is used to losses in his
long years of active life. He lived
through the grasshopper devasta
tions, drouths, etc., so he has learn
ed to take things as they come.
Weeping Water Republican.
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning, Henry A. Schneider,
who has been quite sick for the past
week, was able to be out and around
for the first time since he was taken
sick. Mr. Schneider is showing the
effects of his illness to some extent,
but trusts that he is now over the
sickness which has proved a very se
vere ordeal. His host of friends were
delighted to meet him and trust that
he is now on the highway to com
plete recovery.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mrs. J. F. Burke of Spokane,
Wash., who has been in very poor
condition at the Sacred Heart hos
pital in that city for the past two
weeks Is now snowing a great Im-
J provement according to word receiv
ed nero uy uitruiuci s t, l ius law
ily. Mrs. Burke was formerly Miss
Julia Wittstruck of this city, daugh
ter of Mrs. Ann Gaster.
Advertising ii the life of trade.
From Thursday's umiy.
This morriing R. H. Patton and
daughter. Miss Ida. returned home
from a stay of some duration at
their farm In Mitchell county, Geor
gia. Mr. Patton has a fine Pecan
farm there with five acres with 100
trees from which the yield has been
quite large. The i farm is located
near the city of Albany, a place of
some LS,000 people and is a real
thriving place. Mr. Patton brought
back a fine array of the pecans
raised on his farm and they certain
ly were all that could be desired in
the way of fine large Fpecimens.
Observance of the Anniversary of
the Closing of Hostilities of
the World War.
From Friday's Datly.
The anniversary- of the signing of
the armistice by the allied nations
and the representatives of Germany
at Senlis.- on the morning of Nov.
11, 1918, brings to almost everyone
a vivid recollection of the events
leading up to and ir.ciuding that day,
from the former sMdier who emerg
ed from the gory fields of battle to
the peaceful householder who had
been doing their part in the home
land. ?
The Intensity of the fighting in
the war from the first part of Au
gust up to the close of November
10th had kept the ullied rations key
ed up to the highest pitch as the suc
cess of their armies was becoming
more and more in evidence and the
passage of time was growing to be
the only obstacle that lay in the way
of the onrolling allied forces to fight
ing to the town cf S?dan. where in
the year 1S70 the Germans had com
pelled the capitulation cf Napoleon
III and it was here that the troops
of Uncle Sam made Wilhelm Der
Grosser take to the tall uncut and
cry 'Kamerad," and the suddenness
of the close of the conflict carried
the world off its feet.
To the men at the front, in the
heat of the strjiSv the nev.s was
almost unbelievable and' was regard
ed as a part of the host of rumors
that are oue of the attributes cf
army life and it was not until the
orders to cease all activities at 11
o'clock on the morning of the 11th
of November that the finish of the
war was impressed on the men who
had the greater part in the conflict.
The day was a delirious happy one
in all parts of the world, even in de
feated Germany, the event broug-tt
relief and rejoicing from the homes
of the people who had spent four
years of sacrifice for their misguid
ed war lord, and the manner in
which the day was observed was on
ly a question of what stunts the
happy war free world could think of.
The great cities were teeming with
noise, confusion and general rejoic
ing and even in the smaller cities
and towns of the United States were
to be found the minature reresenta
tion3 of the larger cities in the re
With the service men the day was
not given over to celebrations and
especially in the A. E. F., as there
was the usual routine to be locked
after and the troops who but a few
short hours were engaged in a life
and death struggle were to be whip-i
ped back into peace time routine of
drills and fatigue and to prepare for
the long hike to the Rhinelacd to
guard the front door of the former
German empire and some of them
are still there.
To many it seems a long time ago
since the armistice day and 'the men
whe were able to see that it was
Germany and not the United States
that asked for the armistice, are back
home now, and many enjoying the
fruit3 of their victory jn walking the
streets seeking the bread of life and
getting a large bunch of rocks hand
ed them.
From Thursday's Dair.
Tbe Hotel Wagner has secured the
services of J. S. Miya, one of the best
known chefs in Omaha, who is pre
siding over the kitchen of the popu
lar hostelry of Fred Wagner and his
work certainly speaks for his ability
in the culinary line. Mr. Miya start
ed in his work yesterday at the Wag
ner and has proven the right man
in the right place in the preparation
of the many dainty and appetizing
dishes served. !
New York, Nov. 10. Surrogate
Cohalan today denied an application
or Mrs. Anne U. Stillman, defendant
in divorce proceedings instituted by
James A. Stillman, New York bank
er, that she be appointed general
guardian of her sons,7 James and
The .surrogate, however, appointed
Mrs-. Stillman and her attorney, John
F. Brennan of Yonkers, as a commit
tee to take care of the property of
these two children.
Your ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerations.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening Pttul Stadelmann,
for years a well known figure in this
city, was fatally injured in art- auto
accident at 17th and Cuming St.,
Omaha, by being struck by an auto
mobile and three hours later passed
away at the Fenger hospital in that
Paul as he was so well known here
has been since babyhood, a cripple
and made his way largely by the use
of a wheeled chair or cane, and in
his condition was unable to make
his escape from the path of the on
coming car which caused his death.
The onlookers of the accident state
that the young man was waiting at
the corner of 17th and Cuming St.
for a car that would take him to his
boarding place, about 6:45 in the
evening, and the automobile came In
sight suddenly, the crippled man
made on attempt to hurry out of the
path of the car but in his condition
could not get cut of the way and
Fhrieked a warning to the approach
ing car but too late as a few seconds
later he was struck and the cane
with which he was assisting himself
being hurled from him and Paul sank
to the pavement and was run over
by the wheels of the car. The driver
of the car, which had by this time
slowed down, glanced at the moaning
heap on the pavement and then
speeded the car and escaped in the
duk and is now being sought by the
Omaha police.
The injured young man was hur
ried to the Fenger hospital where
the examination disclosed a fracture
of the skull and other injuries that
made his death a matter of but a few
hours and at 10 o'clock he passed
Paul Stadelmann has, since his re
moval to Omaha in the spring of
1920 been engaged in selling papers
at the norner of lGth and Douglas
St. in Omaha and had become a well
known sight in the business section
of Omaha and made many friends
there by his earnest effort to carry
on his work despite the great handi
cap that has "been his affliction for
his entire lifetime.
Paul Bloedel was born at East Or
ange, New Jersey, August 13, 1891,
and was the son of Carl Bloedel, at
that lime a wealthy manufacturer of
St. Louis, and Josephine Catherine
Bloedsl, the mother being a daugh
ter of Fred Stadelmann, a pioneer
resident of Plattsmouth. When two
months eld the mother and little
babe started for the west for a visit
and were the victims of a fatal rail
road accident on October 17th. in
which the mother was killed and the
infant boy was injured so badly that
for the rest of his lifetime his limbs
were paralysed and his vocal cords
affected so that he could hardly be
understood when talking.
After the accident the little one
was brought to Plattsmouth by the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stadelmann, who reared the child as
their own and by process of law
adopted the little one, changing his
name to Stadelmann, as the father
did care for the charge of the injur
ed child. The tender care of the
grandparents reared the boy thru
his tender years and it was a very
familiar scene to see the aged grand
father wheeling the child to school
and along the streets of this city,
watching over him with care and as
sisting in the task of rearing the
boy. Through the affliction from
which he suffered Paul was able to
secure a good education and develop
ed an unusual geenness in the line
of business that would have done
credit to one gifted with all the ac
tivities of life, and from boyhood he
was engaged in selling papers and
other means of earning a livelihood.
By his efforts he succeeded in acum
ulating quite a neat sum and when
he moved to Omaha possessed a sum
sufficient to care for his needs.
The death of the grandmother and
later the grandfather of the young
man made necessary his care by
strangers and in 190S Paul was ad
mitted to the Nebraska Masonic
Home at the last Tequest of the
grandfather, who had been a lifelong
member of the Masonic fraternity
an-d from that time to his removal
to Omaha. Paul continued to make
his home there. The desire to engage
in' business in a new field had been
felt for a long time prior to going
to Omaha and led to the final deter
mination of Mr. Stadelmann to em
bark in the paper selling business in
Omaha and at which he proved very
The father of the dead man, is
now living in Germany, as is also an
elder brother, Frederick, but Paul
has not heard from either the father
or brother since the outbreak of the
World War in 1914, and their resi
dence is unknown here.
An aunt, Mrs. Mark White of Los
Angeles, and an uncle, William J.
j Standelmann. of Santa Monica, Cal.,
j are the nearest relatives of the young
; man living in this country.
The body of Paul Stadelmann will
remain in the hands of the coroner
in Omaha until the inquest to deter
mine the cause of the death and the
facts in the case and will then be
brought back to the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home where the funeral serv
ices will be held and the body laid
to rest in the Oak Hill cemetery
where the grandparents are sleeping.
Fred Zink has one of the flashiest
and niftiest little roadsters that we
hare seen in a long time. We noticed
Sunday that on the left hind wheel
he had a good luck tire all covered
with horseshoes.
Well, the story is that Fred and
Ivy McCrory weat thru Wabash late
the night of the bank robbery and
as it was a frosty night the car left
a track all the way to his home. The
result was that when the Pinkertons
looked over the situation they quick
ly traced his car into his place. Well.
Fred and Ivy soon explained that
they had been at the big Masonic
meeting at Elmv.-ood and returned
home rather late that night and his
friends could all vouch for this.
The instance las created a great
deal of fun and laughter. Now, just
how much there is in a horseshoe we
could not say, but we do know that
he will leave a trail of horseshoes
wherever his car goes now. Elra
wood Leader-Echo.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schoeman, of
Enid, Okla., who have been here
for several weeks visiting their rela
tives and many old time friends, are
being extensively entertained and are
having a splendid visit. Mr. Schoe
man and his sister, Mrs. William H.
Hoover, returned a week ago from a
visit with relatives in Wisconsin and
during their absence Mrs. Schoeman
visited her relatives at Murdock.
Last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Freder
ick Stohlman invited the visitors and
a few others in for the day and serv
ed a fine dinner. On Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stohlman en
tertained them and served a splendid
lunch and the time was spent in con
versation with music on the grafo
nola. On Monday they were invited
to the hospitable country home of
Mr. and Mrs. An-drew Schoeman for
dinner and a rumber of- relatives
were present, an! hardly a day pass
es that they are not entertained
eome place and they feel that their
time has been well spent in making
the long trip from Oklahoma.
Louisville Courier.
Vane Gregory, 19. eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leg Gregory, was ser
iously injured Sunday evening when
the car driven by his father and one
driven by Jack Gregory run into each
other. All of the occupants of the
car driven by Jack Gregory, includ
ing his wife, Mrs. Les Gregory and
the children of both families were
thrown out. Vane being cut about
the face and head and otherwise in
jured. Mrs. Jack Gregory suffered a
sprained back and Jack himself has
a badly cut hand. His car was com
pletely demolished. Les Gregory, hav
ing the heavier car and being the
only occupant, was not 'hurt. Im
perial Republican.
The parties are well known in this
sections, having lived here a good
many years. Weeping Water Re
publican. Blank Books at the Journal Office
1 rnmj. ill
From week to week we try to tell you
in these advertisements something about the
advantages which the First National Bank has
to offer.
One of the greatest of these advantages
is the genuine desire on the part of our officers
to co-operate helpfully with, our farmer pa
trons. These are days when the banker and
farmer must work together in solving their
mutual problems. Come in often. You are
always welcome.
Large National Touring Car Comes
Close to Plunging Into Ditch
Near the Wills Farm.
From f'rjdiv'n r"y.
Last night a party consisting of
three strangers who were driving
north from this city, had a very
close cell from what might Lave bet-n
a very tragic death when their cir.
a large National touring tyre, hung
suspended over the fifteen lot m
bankment rear the Tom Wills farm
on the Omaha highway north of thi
in the darkness the driver of the
machine had been swept from th"
main road by the slippery condition
of the road and the car suddenly
turning crashed inro the fence thut
has been placed along the road as a
means of protection and here thn
fence demonstrated its uf-efulne-ss, as
it was all that checked the car from
plunging on over the embankment
to the distance of fifteen feet below.
The rear wheels of the car acted as
a brace for the machine although the
two front wheels were hanging over
Assistance was called from this
city and a truck as well as a high
powered car was sent to the scene
end it required the pulling power of
both the truck and car to get the
machine Lack to the roadway.
The occupants cf the car. when
they realized the full extent of tluir
escape, felt very thankful that they
hsd been as fortunate as they were,
for a few more feet would have
flung thcni to what might have been
From Frlday' Daily.
Yesterday afternoon little Miss
Jane Dunbar celebrated the passing
of her tenth milestone and in honor
of the occasion a number of the lit
tle friends were invited in to assist
Jn the pleasant event. Madame Leete
and Mrs. W. S. Leete, Mrs. F. K.
Gobelman. Mrs. A. C. Davis and Mrs.
C." A. Rosencrans were also present to
assist in making the event on eof
tbe greatest of pleasure to the little
folks The afternoon was spent in
playing games of all kinds and at a
suitable hour a very dainty luncheon
was served. The coIof scheme of the
luncheon was in pink and yellow
and the table very handsomely ar
ranged with decorations of these col
ors. The centerpiece was formed by
the birthday cake with its ten glow
ing candles. Those to enjoy the hap
py occasion were: Jane and Marlon
Fricke, Jacqueline and Mary Davis,
Lucile Hatt. Laurine Windham,
Laura Grassman, Mary Ann High
field, and Masters 'Billy Highfield
and Billy Rosencrans.
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning Dr. II. C. Ieopold
operated on Miss Hulda Span! for the
removal of her tonsils and the opera
tion proved entirely successful, and
the patient is feeling much improved
as a result of the operation.
Christmas is almost here. Remem
ber ycur card friends by buying right
now, while the line is fresh. Call
cr send your order to the Journal of
fice at once.