THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921. PAGE FOTTX PLaTTSMOTJTH 8EMI-WEEZLY JOURNAL Cbe piattemoutb Kournal . .1 - i iii PUBLISLXD SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postotrice. rutismouih. Nb.. fcond-cUM rnall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Christ died on April 3. A. D. o:o England's national flower is-the rose. -:o:- A man must make his way In the world, a woman merely has hers. -:o: Massachusetts leads all states in the manufacture of cotton goods. :o: The man who apologizes, never has to explain how he happened to get a black eye. :o: . A hypocrite is a man who has been crooked all week and attends church twice on Sunday. -:o: A man doesn't have to have faith in women nowadays. He can be hap py 'believing what he sees. :o: The reformers would realize more of their hopes if they didn't expect us to swallow so much of their stuff. :o: ' Go ahead and enjoy these delight ful autumn days to the utmost. When we need bad weather we will get it. io: Our idea of complete misery in a family is when fattier suffers for corn liquor and mother suffers for corn ealve. :o: Keep the home fires burning, of course, but remember that coal is still high, and real winter has not yet started. :o: It has Just about gotten so in this country that young woman won't pay the photographer unless he puts .her legs in the picture. :o: After Afar&nal Foch sees that Yale Princeton football game Le will un derstand why our doughboys consid ered that war in France as a sort of holiday. o:o The treasury department says that beer may be prescribed as medicine under certain conditions. Wonder if thirst will bo included tn the list of ailments? :o: It all of those delegates to the dis armament conference brought their own liquor supplies along, Washing ton must be a pleasant place to visit these days. :o: : Charley Chaplin's fjrst evidence that he 1s serious about quitting comedy and going in for tragedy is his confession that he is going to marry again. :o: It begins to look as though there won't be any blue and gold flag bear ing the name of "Col. George Har vey Post" to next year's convention of the Legion. :o: If President Harding insists on solving the race problem we will end all the raw material to his homo state and let him tackle the Job in earnest. :o: The Progressive Farmer tells of a Nebraska farmer who quotes poetry to his cows in order to increase the milk flow a sort of versified farm ing, so to speak. :o: And now the days aproach when the hound dog at the kitchen door dreams of the long chase through. xtTOT3 cheiwtors In the .District Court of the United States for the District ot Nebraska. Lincoln dlvlalon. In the matter of Jesse Vallery. "bank rupt. Cut No. 588 in .Bankruptcy. To creditors of the shove bankrupt, of Murray, in the County of Cass, the district aforesaid, a hanRTupt: THE GERMAN UfARK On of the outstanding features in the United States, today is the amount ot Investment or perhaps it t would be more correct to say cram- Notice Is hereby given "that on the Mintr -in nrpi-n eurrencv This Is h ci.iv of October. A. I). 1921. the said. oune ln oref;n currency. a bankrupt was fluiy adjudicated bank- carried on In the money of all the such meeting-. Dated November 1, 1921. DA NIK I. H. McCL-KNAHAN. n7. Keferee, tt Bankruptcy, Babe Ruth is going to sing in ' tne moonlit woods at night in quest vaudeville, which shows that this country will endure anything from a hero it truly loves. .1 ;o:" A splendid opportunity will soon be given the Thanksgiving turkey to give us an object lesson in the re duction of food prices. . i'v 1? :o: of the. Juicy 'possum. :o: One Plattsmouth girl, according to reports, has discovered that her young man friend, Instead, f being a "night blooming serious," Is mere ly a hothouse lemen. - - Sometimes a man Is so inspired by Itthe: world, ever:; becomes -reaUyL Tlrf-lfr-hnTt-Ms neighbor lead sane.'a-lot of'the-money thafhas blameless life that'he soe3 to 'the toeen spent for some of our rerorm movements will be a total loss. There's this much we can-say about gum chewing: You can learn it In a few easy essons at home,-but it takes practice to become : profic ient. :o: What the Congressional . Record needs is a of capable editors. One of these days somebody is going to repeat Congrasc-nian Planton's stunt and get tJncle Sam involved in a libel suit. -:o:- Tne Americanization of Admiral Earl Beatty may now be said to be complete. First he took an American wife, next he became an American Legionnaire, and then Tuesday eve ning on the way home from the pa rade his car collided with a Ford. i ISP J J ""V2V?"2ra J "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered PMONE -r-f&. OPPOSITE VLOJOURNAL OFFICE courts about It instead of trying to get him to seek religion. -:o:- It is said that Premier Briand will not talk much at the disarmament conference. In view of the numer ous "problems that the French pre mier has on his bands he is lucky to be able to talk at all. notice to iTmmiTons The State of Nebraska, Cass coun t v ss. "in the county Court. In the matter of the estate of Ellen J. 55niith. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are Iterehy noUned. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts- mouth. in said county, on the 25th day of November. A. D. 1921. and on the 25th day of February. A. 1. 1932. at 10:00 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive and examine all claims against atd estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the nresentatfon of claims against said estate Is three months rrom tne 25tn (lav of November, A. I. 1921, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 26th day of TCo vemler. 1921. witness my hand ana The seal or said County Court, this 25th day of October, 1921. (Seal) o27-4w. County Judge, The war department advertises thirty-five old forts for sale. They were built at cost plus and will be sold for cost less. That's v.-hy the government is so anxious for all of us to acquire habits of thrift. :o: If you are afflicted with a grouch,! do something no matter what it is, do something. Learn to dance, fall in love, kiss your stenographer, cuss your cook do anything that will take the edge off your frown. :o: A reformer shrieks loudly to the effect that beer has no medicinal val ue. Well, perhaps not, but we know a church deacon right here in Platts mouth who carrie3 a buckeye in his pocket to ward off rheumatism. The i man who wants beer as a medicine J lias just as much right to imagine lit will do him good as that deacon has to believe that keep away aches and a buckeye will pains. -:o:- C. E. ilartford. State Fire Mar shal, is certainly on the move ia looking to the prevention of fire in different sections of the state. If his deputies or inspectors are s compe tent and -as reliable or as able as E. E. Hayduk, who was on duty in this city la-st week, the old fire traps will be removed. The Fire Marshal de monstrates that he is. In the fullest sense of the term, he's the right man for the place. OTICB; In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Orare Il-Cirdi. Plaintiff, vs. l:oy H. llrCardif-. lfendnt. To ;- Ji. McCanlie: You are hereby notified that on the lth day of July. A. D. 121. Orace MM'wrtlie tiled a petition iisiainst you in tl; district Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the cround that you. bemK of suffi cient ability to provide suitable main tenance for her, and your child, the is.ue of sHid marriage, have -grossly, wantonly and cruelly refused and ne-Kl'-cted so to do, and for the custody of the minor child, the issue of said marriage, to-wit: Clarence Kdwarrt Mc Cardie. ajred ten months. You are rcuirwl to answer said pe tition on or icfore Monday, the 12th dav f Itmmhcr, A. D. 1921. This notice Is piven in pursuance of an order of the District Court of Caas county. Nebraska. GHACE McCAFDlS." By Plaintiff. CHAS. E. MARTIN. o31-4w. Her Attorney. rupt and that the first meeting of his ...... i . r creditors win lie lieid in my -office in European countries, of course, but Lincoln. Nebraska, on the 17th day of an overwhelming proportion Ot it Is November, A. D. 1921, at 10 o clock in - " " ... the forenoon, at wbfHi time the said in German marks. This is due chief- SUiKkKS ytoa carious and almost childlike a trustee, and transact auch other taJth in the -power of Germany ef- irctency to worn miracles, r ui icu long years the world had the etfe- iency of the Teutonic race dinned in to its ears, until at last in it became B. sort of a dogma. Faith Is defined In the Shorter Catechsm as "the substance of tilings hoped for the evidence . of things not seen.". This somewhat ne bulous and Delphic definition is fairly good description of the state of mind of the average - man who gambles in German currency. That this gambling re carried on, on an enormous scale is beyond all doubt, though anything like exact statistics are impossible to obtain. One New York banker estimates the amount invested, or gambled, in German marks at 9,100.000,000. Another es tlmated the investment at more than 50,000.000,000 marks. And yet beyond blind faith there does not seem to be mnch to Justify the belief in the power of the mark to "come back" to any great degree, at least In the immediate future. It was only in mid-summer after the armistice was signed that quotations of the German mark were resumed on the money market of the world These started at 7 to 8 cents a mark (nominal par value 23.8 cents) but as fast as the first deliveries were absorbed tidal waves of Ger man currency began to pour into foreign countries. The result has been that the value of the mark has shrunk to less than 1 cent. There was no reason why the flood should cease or even slow down, see ing that the only limit to the upply was the speed with which the Ger man government ' printing machines could turn out paper money. In the two weeks preceding Germany's re cent payment of 1,000,000,000 gold marks to the reparations commls sion the printing presses of the Jer man reichsbank ground ont 3,500,- 000,000 paper marks, raising Its note circulation to 1,960,000,000 marks. The -very fact that billions of marks are held by speculators in the United States will prevent any serious rise in the, exchange value, for as' fast as "th' any" Improve ment in the Quotation the rush of holders off Germa'n currency to take profits will mediately flood the mar ket and drive prices down again. Even supposing the printing presses in Germany are shut down for good. the task of absorption and deflation will tax Germany's every energy for many a long yeaf, and the rehabili tation of the currency will be a long and painful affair. -to; William A. Brady, in a recent pro test against censorship, says moving pictures are a form of republication, and he demands 4he same freedom of the press that is accorded other news and fictionmedlums. Mr. Bra dy would do better to leave well en ough alone. If subscribers begin writing in to their movie producers in the same volume as they do their newspaper editors, they'll begin yell ing for their dear censors back. :o: : THE MASTEE-KET TO HEALTH l.t-VL, XtTICB In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Clara L. Armstrong and Hoy 'U. Arm strong, her husband. Plaintiffs, vs. J. V. fames et al. Defendants. To the defendants, the heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested In the estate of A. I. liowinan. de ceased, reaj names unknown, and all other persons having or claiming any Interest in Dot 197,, in the Village of Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You. and each of you, are hereby notified that on the 2Uh day of Octo ber, 1921. the plaintiffs filed their suit in the Oistrict court or uass county. Nebraska, the object and purposes of which Is to quiet ana confirm plain tiffs' title In and to Lot 197 in the Vll lapre of Oreenwood. in Cass county. Nebraska, and to enjoin each and ail of you from haviner or claiming to have any rifcht. title, lien or interest either lepal and equitable in or to said real estate or any part thereof, and to en join you and each of you from in any manner interfering with plaintiffs' pos session ana enjoyment of said prem ises and for equitable relief. This no tice is given pursuant to- an order of said Court. You are required to an swer said petition on or berore Mon day the 6th day of December, 1921, or your default will be entered there in, and judgment taken upon plain tiffs' petition. Clara L. Armstrong and Koy L. Armstrong, Zler Husband, . riaintiffs. By TIDD & DUXBURY. o24-4w. Their Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. in the County court. In the matter of the estate of Jamos W. Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: -You are hereby notitieti. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county on the 19th day of November, A. D. 1921, and on the 20th day of February, A. D. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m. .each, day, to:-recelve and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited tor the 'presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 19th day of November, A. D. 1921. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 19th day of November, 1921. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 13th day of October, 1921. ALLEN J. BEKSON. (Seal) ol7-4w. County Judge. KOTICE W SflT TO nt'IET TIT Hi TO 1UUL ESTATE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, James C Kuykendall, 1 Plaintiff I App. Dock vs. V No. 1 John W. Seymour et al I Page 57. Defendants. J To the Defendants: John W. Seymore, Marv E. Taylor. James K. I'.oss, Phi lander S. Wheeler, Olive H. Wheeler, and the heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested In the estate of Wil liam H. Taylor, deceased, and all per sons having or claiming any interest In Lot 12 In Block 42 in the City of Plattsmouth, Oass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of Octo ber, 1921, the Plaintiff in the foregoing entitled cause, filed his petition In the District Court of Cass county, Nebras ka, wherein you and each of you are made parties defendant, for the pur pose of obtaining a decree from said court, quieting the record title in the Plnintlff. James C. Kuykendall, to the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot numbered twelve (12) in Block forty-two (42) in the City of. Plattsmouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, according to the pub lished and recorded plat thereof, as against you ana each and all of you. and by such Decreed wholly ex clude you and each and all ot you from any estate, right, title, claim or interest therein or to any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may te just and equitable. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 19th day of December, 1921. or your default will be entered of record ana a decree en tered in said t-ause as prayed for in Plaintiff's petition. Date: October 29, 1921. JAMES C. KUYKENDALL, Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LKTDA. o.ll-Rw. His Attorney. OltOKR 0 HKAHIMi u Nailer PelltHM for Srt tlemeat mt Accutiot In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Caas county, en. To all persons interested In the es tate of Katharine D. Becker, deceased: On reading the petition of Philip T. Becker, administrator, praying a final settlement and allowance of his ac count filed in this court on the 2nd day of November. 1921, and for a de termination of the heirs at law of said deceased, and for such other or ders and proceedings as may be re quired in order that said estate may be finally iJosed and said administrat or discharged; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons Interested in said matter may and do, appear at the County Court to he held in and for said county on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1921. at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any tlire ba, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tire Dlattsmouth Journal, a xeini-weKly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and the seat of said court, this 2nd day of November. A. D. 1921. ALLEN J. BEKSON. (Seal) County Judffe. Every automobile owner will tell you that if you have carbon in your cylinders, your machine will not run perfectly. It follows that you must clean the carbon out of your engine. The masteT-key ,to your health is the same; you must clean the waste poi sons out of the tissues of your body. If your blood is kept free from these dangerous -wastes you cannot catch cold. Catarrhs, rheumatism, neu ralgia, bronchitis, etc., are born in the sluggishness of your stomach and intestines. No remedy can regulate your bowels better than Triner's Bit ter Wine. It acts surely and with out any unpleasant symptoms. Ev erybody who tries it finds it fully re liable. Mrs. AY. Lasco wrote us from Genoa Junction. Wis., on October : "I have tried some or Triner's Bitter Wine and I think it Is fine." Almost at the same time, on October 5, 1921, wrote us Mr. James P. Vail from Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, . N. Y.: "I have taken four bottles of Triner's .Bitter Wine and I can recommend It' Buy it at your drug gist or dealer in medicines and you will surely agree with the above opinions. (1 M,' OOVS You. Can Earn from $1.00 to $10.00 a Week. Quick, easy Just an hour or so af ter school. Nothing to sell, and no money required. We want two am bitious boys in each town and com munity. Could you se some EXTRA MONEY? - If so, send your name and address TODAY-J-a post card will do. Address Dox 240, Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska Prime Albert is 9old tn toppy red hmg. tidy rd tins, handsome pound and half jtound tin hvrmldoTM and in the rmmd crystal glesw am id or ri t h ftpafifc moittmntr fop. Buy a pipe and some P. A. Get the joy that's due you! We print it right here that if you don't know' the "feel" and the friendship of a joy 'tis jimmy pipe GO GET ONE!. And get some Prince Albert and bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gong! For, Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness fragrance is in a class of its own! You never tasted such tobacco! Why figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper when we tell you that Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! Prince Albert is a revelation in a makin's cigarette! My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent! And; how it does answer that hankering! Prince Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped cut. And, say oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe ! Do it right now! Copyright 1921 t7 R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. WiiM ton -Salem. N.C. I Alieif the national joy smoke L0CALNEITS From Monday's Dally. Marriage license was issued Sat urday afternoon at the conrt houe to Mr.'Dewey Brittain of this city and Miss Cora Lynch of Peace Val ley, Missouri. Gus Jocnlm and wife and Peter Vogler and wife motored in this morning from near Louisville to spend a few hours looking after some matters at the court house. F. R. Ballance of Glenwood was here yesterday to enjoy the, day visit ing at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Ballance, return- ng this morning to Glenwood. Mrs. A. Fricke. of Axtell. Nebraska, came in yesterday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman, returning home this morn ing on the early Burlington train. Fred 11. Ramge. one of the enter prising young farmers of near Mur ray, was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha where he was called to look after a few masters of business. F. J. Hennlngs and daughter were in Omaha yesterday, where they spent the day with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Allie Meisinger at the hospital. Mrs. F. J. Hennings has been at the hospital with her daughter since the operation of last Friday. . ' LOOKS LIKE WINTER Krom Tuesday's Dally. The first snow of -the season this morning traused 4he householder who has spent the summer months wag ing a battle to pay for ice and oth er necessities of the hot weather, to look over the coal pile and prepare for the sfrenous labor of keeping the furnace going in the good old win ter time. The cold spell started yesterday In the western part of the state and more or less snow is reported from Alliance and North Platte and with the storm driving eastward. Willie the snow here did not amount to anything of a serious .nature it was a fore taste ct what the weather naa has up his sleeve for the winter monts. rrom Tuesday's Dally. J. J. .Meisinger was among those going to Omaha today, where lie was called to look after some matters of business. Mr. and . Mrs. Oscar Peterson . and sou Carl, of Creston, came in last night oh No. 14 for a visit of a few days at the Elmer Webb home. Mrs. .Rose Chambers Ruffner. of Oak Park, Illinois, a former resident of this city, is here enjoying a visit with old time friends, as a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wes-cott. GIVES FRIEND SURPRISE OUR SPECIAL Renewed Piano Sale will continue until all are sold. Practically as cood as new. Protected by the Hospe Guaranty. $10 Down and $10 a Month will put a fine instrument in your bone. . YOUR CHOICE OF ONE OF THESE Hallet" & Davis. Rosewood. . .$115 Kohler ft Chaste, Mahotrany. .$140 Ilobart M. Cable. Mahogany . .$225 Cable & Sons. Walnut $195 Hale & Co.. Rosewood $ 85 Stejrpr. Walnut $235 Smith & Parnes. Jlahojjany. .$275 Netzow. Walnut $215 Harvard. Ebony $160 Kverett. Kbony $140 Bush & J-ane. Walnut $295 Camp & Co.. Walnut $235 Kimball. Oak $310 Kimball. French Walnut . . . .$285 Kranih & Bach. Walnut. .. .$225 Big Clearance of Player Pianos $3.50 a week buys one. Orchestra and Band Instruments High-grade at greatly reduced prioes. Asfi for Our Free List of Victrola Records 9 1513 Douglas Street AS 0rT wyaziiwi The Art and .Music Store" From Wednesday's DaUy. The twelfth birthday anniversary of little Miss Florence Kaufman was observed a few days ago very pleas antly at the Kaufman home after the wung folks had returned from school and in which a number of the young friends joined in assisting the guest of honor. Mrs. Kaufman had arranged the affair as 'a surprise to Florence and it proved a very pleas ant one, in deed, to her. The after-. noon was spent in games and at an appropriate hour Mrs. Kaufman as-. sisted by Mrs. Fritz served a very dainty luncheon. Those wno were in attendance were: William, Martha, ( Charles, John and Violet Lamphere Dorothy and. Harriett Hunter, Elea nor and Margaret Vitersnek, Violet Sutton, Glenn McBride, Orin Rogers, William . Galloway. Antiansia and Merel McCrary, Richard Elliott and Raymond Tritsch. Clank Btoka mt the Journal Office. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the toucn of your clothing. Doan's Ointment s fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it, 60c a box. Dr. II. C. Iyeopold, new offices Union block over llalstead market. tfd-d&.w E. II. Scnulnot. piano Phone SS9-J. tuner, d&w. We do -all kinns or jon printing. tkmgol OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Store your car in a good warm place. A few stalls left. We do repair work on all cars. Work guaranteed. Batteries recharged. Prices reasonable Draying Welding Livery Agents for Hot Shot Batteries ' VESTA Battery U. S. Tires, Tubes Temme Springs Gas, Oil and Greases SERVICE THAT'S US J. IV Plattsmouth 9 Nebraska