The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 03, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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New York, Nov. 1. Approximately
eight million people in New York)
and surrounding cities found no milk
and cream on their dumb-waiters orj
at their back doors this morning
The Milk Wagon Drivers' union was'
on strike for a wage increase of $5 1
a week and annual vacations of two
weeks with pay. Distributing cor-!
porations gave notice of their deter-1
iumaiion 10 put me open-snop poncy ,
into effect.
Thomas Nelson of Weeping Water j
was in the city today for a short
nine aiicuuiug iu a icw uiaiicis ui
the court house.
JIM. i s T
Mil W .1
First of Christian Churches to Bring
the Message cf Christianity
to the Outside World.
items of
Perhaps You Don't
Know It!
But we have a line of the best look
ing silk hose at a most unusual
price. They have all the fit and
appearance of a full fashioned hose
without a full-fashioned d yr
price. They sell for v 1D
Here is Some
Real News!
We have just put in a new line of
a splendid wearing and good fitting
hose called the Humming Bird. They
have special features that make them
exceptionally serviceable, such as
extra length, double silk knee, elastic
top and the foot is reinforced of
pure silk. Price per pair, rn
$1.75 and l3U-i
Are You One
of the many who want a heavy qual
ity full fashioned silk hose at a
moderate price? Well, we have
them a beautiful hose with excep
tional wearing qualiti??. They
are the La France hose, o P(
and cost, per pair, onlyVM)U
LaTouraine Hose
is an out Fize of the La France hose
and has all the qualities of the La
France, but made especially large.
If you have difficulty in finding a
well fitting serviceable hose, you will
be more than pleased
with this. Reduced
to $2.75
Iron Clad
Silk Hose give Iron Clad wear. They
are made of all pure thread silk, re
enforced htel3 and toes, double feet
and a fine lisle top. Can be had in
Brown and Black at
only per pair
Cotton Hose
With or without ribbed tops. Made
of combed yarns and in two weights.
Made for good hard service and will
give the utmost satisfaction. Brown
and Black, all 9C
sizes. ---------tiDC
Just Think
of being able to buy a dandy looking
lisle of a fine quality that tits
snug and neat thru the an
kle and foot a fashioned hose thai,
holds its shape after being laundered
and gives long service and a feeling
of satisfaction. Colors brown, black
and write. Price per ft
pair, only OUC
The same hose of finer quality and
more highly mercerized
for. per pa'r
Have You or
Have You Not
decided to wear' cashmere or woolen
hose this winter? If you haven't
decided to you will very shortly for
they are most decidedly the thing for
street aim vuw c uavt?
them in all'the most desirable colors'
and white. Price per J or;
Last evening the members of the
St. Luke's parish of -the Episcopal
church enjoyed a visit from their
j bishop, the lit. Rev. Earnest V.
Shayler of Omaha, who held the ser
vices at the church and gave a won
derful All Saint's day sermon on the
work of the church and the devot
ed ont?s who:-? lives had been spent
in the upbu'lding of the missions
of the church.
The distinguished prelate took as
the subject for the sermon, "Turn
ir.jr the World Upside Dawn," and
the thought of the sermon was the
wonderful work that the faithful of
the church have carried out In mak
ing the world more responsive to
the teachings of the Master, by their
p?r:--cnal services and efforts in
spreading the Christian faith. In his
opening remarks the bishop pointed
cut the fact of the present day ma-
toriarrm. the thoughts of the dis
armament conference being not to
a?H h w?r l;ecause of the wrong,
hut berau?e of the cost in money,
the f-ettl.-mc-nt of the railroad strike
l.trru-e it would have caused a great
los cf money to the nation, instead
cf the real reasoii that war of any
l inr! !; wrong". The spirit of war
h:'t ho'.iM lead tD disarmament was
lernuse it was in violation of the
Divine command and to love each
other. r.4? brothers and the keeping of
this teach'ng wr? more far reaching
than tho !os that might be occas
ioned in the purses of the people,
but the birhop expressed the hope
that wh-atrver the motive the result
might be for peace.
Taking the thought of the day.
All Saints day. the bishop pointed
out the intention of the church In
setting this day in its calendar as
one cf the inert holy days, to pay
itrihuta to the Faints of the church,
who have passed on, who are here
today and who may come tomorrpw.
and the sarnlne3 of the day to the
church nnd its people. It was due tc
the good people who had devotee"
their lives to the forwarding mis
sion of the church thaf its great
success had been won and their sac
rifices were honored in this day.
Bishop Shayler pointed out that
tbe first missionaries of the Christ
ian church were sent out from Je
rusalem, and numbered the persona1
followers of the Christ, nnd thesr
men had spread their teachings over
the lands lying to the westward in
Greece and Rome and lai3 the foun
dation of the church, suffering Im
prisonment, privation and sometime?
death for their teachings. The firs
cf the chri-tian missionaries reach
ed the British Isles to preach and
292 years before St. Augustine was
sent by Pops Gregory at Rome tc
Britain, a christian missionary, St
Albin. was killed in the Islands for
his espousal of the faith of Christ
and laid the first step" of the church
that today reaches all the English
speaking world.
It was a missfonary of the Epis
copal churrh that landed at James
town. Virginia, in 1607 and founded
the first parish in America, and
from which had spread the teachings
westward to the wilderness and pav
ing the way for civilization on this
continent. From this parish had
fprung the strong men of the nation
in its earlv davs and their efforts
had strengthened the church in its
growth. With the revolution had
come the creation of the American
branch of the church and its forms
of church government had served as
models of the civil government of
the nation.
The Episcopal church had after
the earliest period ceased to be the
great missionary force that it had
previously been until awakened to
the fact that in it lay the strength
of the church and since that time
the church has grown by leaps and
bounds and carried the message of
Christ across the continent and to
the Isles of the Pacific as well as to
China. Japan and the Phillipines
with the greatest of success.
It wa3 not alone the work of the
bishops and priests of the church
that the interests of thj church has
been advanced but by the work of
the saints of the church in the lay
forces as well and these were among
those to whom the church paid its
tribute on All Saints day.
Bishop Shayler in his closing
made a very eloquent appeal for the
work of the Individual in the jhurch
and the cause of the missionary field
and the advancement of the christ
ian teaching, urging the parishion
ers to lift their, glances to the high
er hills of the life of the church.
Chicago, Nov. 1. Grain prices
underwent a severe tumble today, I
.carrying wheat and oats down to the!
lowest level reached for 1921. About t
6 cent3 a bushel was cut from the -n i- A- t n e r '
value of wheat for future delivery, urges Enlisting In Cause of Cancer
Cure and Steps to Check the
Bread Disease.
May touching $1.06, as compared
with $1.12,3-8 to $1.12 at yester
day's finish. Lack of buying was a
rp.lillrP. I rtjit.- t- i . . il t i
wimaies mi ue w crup m Esteemed sir:- "The National
wheat totaled 88,000 000 bushels Cancer Week." begins today and I
more man i year uau a iiemwuicy i have been requested by the Nebraska
to discourage holders and to deter ;pr-r DPwar,h snrintv to m10
buying. Some export business, how
ever, . developed as a result of the
Well Known Ehnwood Attorney and
Banker Given Boost for Posi
tion in Halls of Congress.
Phone 53, 54 and 144
The Pageant that was given at the
St. Luke's church last Sunday even
ing showing the progress of the
church work in this parish since or
ganization, will be rendered on Fri
day evening at 7:45 at the church.
The public is cordially Invited to be
present on this occasion and to en
joy the services with the members
of the parish.
Editor Plattsmouth Journal.
Dear Sir: It is with pleasure I am
writing you for the purpose of nam
ing placing before you and for your
consideration the name" of C. 11. Al
drich of Elmwood, Cass Co., Neb.,
as the candidate on the democratic
ticket of this congressional district
at its next congressional election. I
consider Mr. Aldrich a man of abil
ity, a man worthy of the considera
tion of the people of this district
irrespective of party affiliations. A
man is generous to a fault with
charity toward all, with malice to
ward none.
I believe should the Democratic
party honor him with the nomina
tion it would mean his election al
tho should Mr. Reavis, the present
representative, decide to run again
for this office. Mr. Aldrich would
ave to put up a pretty good fight.
But I feel assurred he could do that
and a clean fight, at that, that
would be a credit to his party.
I have talked with some of the
leading Democrats of the county and
they think he would make a splen-
iid man for the place. I have also
heard from some of the best Ger
mans of the republican persuasion
through a reliable source. T.iey ac-
knowedge Mr. Aldrich would be a
splendid man for the place.
In Conclusion Mr. Editor, will
ay I have no ax to grind and shoull
Mr. Aldrich secure the nomination
and be elected I would not expect
any favors of him. I am doing what
I can for Mr. Aldrich for the friend
ly feeling and the confidence I havs
in him as a man without a fault.
Expecting that this will meet with
your approval and that you can see
your way clear at the proper time
o place his name before the people
in your splendid paper, the Journal.
I am respectively yours with best
vishe3 for your health. A booster for
C. H. Aldrich for the next represen
tative from this district.
Frank E. Schlater was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend a few hours looking after
some matters of 'business.
The many friends of "June" Mar-
"11311 who is now connected with the
National Cash Register Co. of Day
'on, Ohio, will be interested in the
following extract from a letter Mr.
Marshall has written:
' I have been practicing basket
ball two nights a week with the N.
C. R., they are the city champions,
and have practiced with the same
earn they had last year with the ex
ception of one player and I am go
'ng to take his position of "Right
Forward," at least that's the way it
'ooks by the "write up" they gave
me In the paper. It certainly was a
surprise to me to read it as there
were about 25 tried out for the team
and all but four were big fellows so
T didn't think I'd stand much chance.
Take notice of the college I went to.
the fellow who wrote 'that up said
he didn't know where I was from
"o he said Center College. I am send
ing you the clipping:"
The N. C. R. basketball team, last
vear's industrial champions, are
about ready to start off the season.
The team has been practicing for the
nast three weeks, and are now in
Treat form, ready to meet the best
teams in southern Ohio and Indiana.
A few new faces will be seen in
the lineup this year, among them
being: C. A. Marshal. Jr., formerly
of Centercollege. and who will make
be fans 'step up and take notice
when he starts. Marshall is about
a? fast a forward as ever wore an
N. C. R. uniform, -and will be of
great help to the team.
Prom Wednesday Daily.
Last evening Miss Estelle Lister
entertained -very pleasantly at her
country, home west of the city in
honor of the young ladles employed
at the Nebraska , Masonic Home and
the" occasion proved most delightful
to the jolly party of young people.
The Lister home was prettily ar
ranged In the seasonable decorations
of black - and orange, the color
scheme being carried out In stream
ers and pumpkins and other of the
Hallowe'en features being used in
the decorations. One of the attrac
tions of the evening was the fortune
teller, who in the most weird man
ner told what the future held in
sltore for the young folks and much
pleasure was derived at this feature
of the entertainment. Other games
were enjoyed and served to round
out a mosjt enjoyable time tor all
concerned. At a suitable hour, re
freshments were served by the hos
tess that aided in making the eve
ning one long to be pleasantly re
membered. Those who were present
at the event were: Misses Freda Ot
terstein, Helen Krisky, Frances
Welch, Lillian Spangler, Josephine
Kubuvec, Clara Gobelman and the
hostess, Messrs. Marvin Stiles Frank
Lister, Robert Dunn and Howard
Record . of Weeping Water.
attention of the general public to
the objects and aims of this society.-
Am sending you a few facts and
figures with paragraphed quotations,
from reliable authority, which, I
trust you have space and see fit to
publish in the Journal for tjie pres
ent week, as a matter of news and
From an editorial in the Journal
A. M. A. date of Oct. 29-21. Next
week we shall be in the throes of an
other drive, this time on cancer. The
purpose of Cancer Week is to ac
quaint the lay public with the es
setial facts concerning the disease,
treatment, and to reenlist the inter
est of the medical profession in con
trolling the disease. A large major
ity of fatalities in cancer have re-
suited from delay in treatment due
to lack of recognition of the disease
in its early stages. The responsibil
ity rests on the public for delay in
recuring competent medical attenr'
tion, and on the medical profession
for delay in diagnosis and procras
tination in treatment. The cam
paign of education should be steady
and continuous, and not a "flash
in the pan." From a circular letter
sent out by the Department of Pub
lic Welfare, Bureau of Health, Lin-'
coin, Nebr., date of Oct. 24th 1921:
and mailed to every registered physi-'
cian in the state of Nebr. "As the'
National Cancer Week draws near, I
you might be interested in the deaths!
from Cancer in the state of Nebr.)
during the few years. In the table
below you will find given the total
number of deaths reported for thejj!
years ii-iia-iu, anu ior me t
first six months of 1921. Approxi
mately, one of every thirteen deaths
occuring in the state is due to cancer.-
This death rate can be materi
ally reduced by educating the public
to the fact that an early diagnosis
and proper treatment administered
early wl)l, in many instances, entire
ly remove the diseased condition and
save the life of the'patient. ,
In Nebr. the following number of
deaths resulted from cancer: 1918
S67) 1919 S47) 1920 (988) and
during the first six months of 1921
(506)-excess of 1921 over 1920-26
Appaling as these figures seem
they are incomplete for no doubt
many persons afllicted with cancer,
die annually from other causes and
notation of cancer is not made in
death certificate.
It is urged, therefore, that every
physician in the state assist in this
educational work not only during
"Cancer Week" but at any and all
times. Respectfully vours.
P. J. Flynn. M. D.
Unbleached toweling, special per yd.. . . 9c
Turkish toweling, good quality, per yd 29c
Bucilla Germantown yarns, in colors, per ball ...loc
Oil cloth, in fancy and plain colors, special, per yd , 39c
Worsted dress goods of almost every description at Less than Cost
Striped ticking, good heavy quality, per yard . . : 29c
Ladies' and Children's sweaters in a large variety of patterns. .Moderately Priced
Men's heavy 220 denim overalls, $2 values, special at .$1.49
Men's flannel shirts, elegant quality, special price .$2.25
Cotton flannel gloves, special... - 10c
Men's leather and sheep lines vests, coats, mackinaws, overcoats
and duck coats at Unusually Low Prices
Boys' suits and overcoats priced from $4.25 Up
Boys' slip-over sweaters, some real values at $1.95
Fancy infants shoes at 95c
14 lbs. pure granulated sugar for ' ". $1.00
Large cans of hand picked tomatoes at 12c
Iten's fresh crackers, per lb . . 17c.
Ask for Your Coupons!
Fanger's Department Store
FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor
Immediately after the morning
session of the legion convention the
delegates and visitors went to the
Union station plaza, where, the me
morial of Kansas City for the . war
dead was dedicated.
While the memorial was being
dedicated, Kansas City sent to Pres
ident Harding and to the nation as a
whole, a message cf peace. The mes
sage, prepared by R. A. Long, presi
dent of the Liberty Memorial asso
ciation, in the nam of Kansas City,
will be carried by a dove, the em
blem of peace and good will. The
message said:
"Greetings, Mr. President, greet
ings of peace and good will from
Kansas City.
"We are assembled. In one place
and with one accord, consecrating
Memorial hill to the glory of God
and the honor of those who won the
world war. Foch, the marshal of
France and conqueror of Germany,
is 'here; Diaz, the defender of Italy,
is here; Jacques, the redeemer of
Belgium; Pershing.' the American
(God keep)' is here; 80.000 legion
naires, mighty men of valor, are
here; fathers and mothers of the
glorious fallen, are here; wounded
and groping heroes are here; the
mighty souls oft the multitudinous
dead are here; the quickened spirit
of liberty is here all in one accord
"In the coming peace council may
our glorious country win more glory
still by leading the war-weary na
tions of the e.-irth out of the wild
erness of discord and dismay into
the Canaan of peacef and prosperity."
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Phone No. 206
5 ' V
Martha Ellen Knapp was born
September 16, 1849, in Illinois, and
died at her home in this city, Octo
ter 26, 1921, aged 72 years, one
month and ten days. She was united
in marriage to Robert Bruce Smith
September 17, 1S71. in Lynn coun
ty, Iowa, and to this union were
born ten children. Mrs. II. E. Rus
sell of Plattsmouth, Mrs. C. A. Conk
lin of Waltill. Neb., George E. and
3. R. Smith of Lyons, Neb., Thomas
Smith of Lyons. Neb., Benjamin
Smith of Plattsmouth, Mrs. J. W.
Marquett and Mrs. D. W. Caster, de
ceased. Besides the aged husband
and children she leaves to mourn
her loss one twin brother, several
grand children and great grandchildren.
She possessed a fine christian
character, having united with the!
Methodist church several years ago, i
and has always tried to follow the
teachings of the Master. Being of a j
sadly missed by those who knew her
The aged husband. Robert Bruce
Smith, was born at Rising City In
idana. and is a son of George Smith
and Harriett Reid Smith,, and is a,
veteran of the civil war, and to him j
the death of the wife has come as a;
severe blow.
spend the birthday anniversary. It
was a late hour when the members
of the party wended their way homo
ward wishing Charley many more
such pleasant occasions. Those to at
tend the event were: Mrs. Anna Cas
ter and children, Fred, Howard and
Julia Wittstruck, Mr. Abe Mason
and daughter, Grace, and son. Earn
est Mason and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Gouchenour and daughter,
Virginia, and son, Melvin, Mart
Sheldon and wife and children, Gla
dys, Mable an. Ralph, Gene Mason
and daughter, Lucile, Charles Allen
and wife and children, Edith, Alice,
George ami Clyde, Mrs. Bertha Spain
and daughter, Georgia, Enoch Ma
son and daughter, Helen, Lee Ben
nett and wife and son, Alfred, Joe
Mason, Edith Kephart, Grace Welch
and Alice Marquett.
The most pleasing novel of the year
has been that of Harold Bell Wright
in "Helen of the Old House." which
has been published by the Appletoa
company and which is now on sale
at the Journal office at $2.00 each.
Call and secure your copy of one of
the most enjoyable pieces of litera
ture of the present day.
Lose anything? Find anything?
Try a Journal want-ad.
From Wednesday's Dally.
On Sunday a, number of relatives
and friends of Charles W. Witts
truck gathered at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Anna Gaster, to assist
the young man in the proper ob
servance of the occasion. The time
was spent in playing games until the
noon hour when a very enjoyable
dinner was served to the members
of the party, to which all did ample j
justice. The guest of honor received
a large number of sox in remem
brance of the pleasant occasion and
tome sixteen pair were presented by
the friends. There was also a second
surprise given Mr. Wittstruck when)
his uncle. Abe Mason and family and i
cousin, Earnest Mason, and wife of
Burlington, Kansas, motored in to
Sheep Lined Coats,
Leather Coats and Vests
Come in and make our selections while my
stock is complete!
Cedar Creek,
Have You Seen the New Interwoven
Fiber Silk
New York, Get. 29. The anti-ku
klux party will have a place on the
ballot In the city election November
3, the board of elections announced
today.. The party's only nominee Is
Edward S. Brogan, candidate for
Judge of General sessions court in
Manhatten. An arrow is the party's
ehiblem on the ballot.
If it's in the card line, call at
the Jonrnal office.
sed Fords
at Bargain Prices for Cash or
Payment Plan.
One of the new things in mens socks is a fiber silk in
same old Interwoven quality in Cordovan and black and
they're priced at 1 60c. . ;
Lisles, 40c Silks, 75c
No other make of hose took the price drop and held up
quality as did the ever famous Interwoven.
Men's fancy wool hose Interwoven quality, 75c and $1.
We are showing a wonderful cashmere men's hose at 50c
have them in brown, black and natural.
Ladies' fancy wool hose, clocked and plain, $ 1 .25 to $3.50.
Ladies' full fashioned silk hose, $2.75.
Boy's "Iron" Stockings 25c.