The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 03, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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tand Mrs. James Oilmore of Weeping
! Water. Her uncle lived in this vi
jcinity about thirty years ago and is
well known to the people who were
! living here at the time. His wife
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readen
Winter Clothes
I: &rt of th reader of tbe
Journal knor of any social
erect or item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mall
me to this office, it will ap
pear under tbl bead In r. W
want all news items Editob
was formerly Miss Kate Kennedy, a
sister of S. W. Davis.
, t
15. ,.
Yonr Declaration of
Follow yotn country's example. Declare your inde
pendence independence of the tyranny of financial
worries. Danish the fear of the future. Win your
complete freedom and hold it You do all these
by starting to save and keeping at it.
Yonr signature to your initial savings deposit slip
is your declaration of independence. Every daily or
weekly deposit will be a celebration afe and sane.
Save for Your Future
Ready cash makes you ready for opportunity. To
be financially prepared is to have practical insur
ance on success.
You dreara of the future. Why not plan to realize
those dreams? Decide on a definite saving policy
and stick to it with determination. You v?ill bo
tGildir.jT character
a well as capita).
And character will
biing you extra
cacital when you
need it. Sign your
declaration of in
dependence today!
m To SslVS
and Mafos
Yozz-rMomy 2 sis
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Charles Green was looking after!
souje business matters ; in Platts-j
niouih last Saturday. i
Harvey Gregg, not willing to lay .
around, has been picking corn for
J;-ck West during this week. j
Muriel Nickels is assisting in pick-'
int corn for M. R. Barnes who lives ;
four miles west and one north. i
Omar Schlictimener was a visitor!
at Piattsmouth last Tuesday called!
there to look after some business. I
T. J. Brendel and wife were vis
iting and looking after some busi-j
ness at the county seat last Tuesday. I
L. II. Pubs of Piattsmouth was. aj
vis-itor in Murray lan Tuesday hav-j
in? fome business to look after here.)
Robert Good and wife with their j
little grandson were looking after
some business in Flatlsmouth last
A. D. Rhoden was a visitor in Om
aha liPt Tuesday called there to con
sult his physician regarding his
Mate of health.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Tutt and Mr.
Ji. A. Rcot were attending the fun
eral of Mrs. Hattie A. Leach at Un
ion last Sunday.
John Farris was shelling and de
livering his last year's corn last
Tuesday, the work being done by
the Richter brothers.
Searl S. Davis shipped a carload
of rattle to the South Omaha market t
last Wednesday in which G. M Mln
fcrd added two calves. j
Mr. A. J. Schaefer from several
miles west of Murray was a visitor
in Piattsmouth last Tuesday look
ing after some business matters.
Mr. G. S. Uptcn of near Union
waswas a business visit in Murray
last Tuesday traveling in the old
fashioned style, coming horseback.
County Commissioner Fred Gorder
of Weeping Water was a brief vis
itor In Murray last Tuesday while
on his wy .to Piattsmouth to look
after some county business.
Meidames L. Rusterholtz and
daughter Gertie. Win Patterson and
J. A. Davis made up a party which
vi!ted and looked after some busi
ness matters at Piattsmouth last
C. II. Boedeker departed last Tues
day afternoon for Mexico, Mo.
where he goes to visit at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. H. B. Hutch
inson where lfte will visit for some
two weeks.
Max Dusterhoff and Joe Mutchin
rk of Murdock were visiting for a
short time in Murray last Tuesday
stopping to look after some business
while on their way to Omaha where
they are working.
L. K. Kniss the mail carrier and
Dr. G. H. Gilmore were looking af
ter some business in Omaha this
week. Mrs. Gilmore going along and
alter the business was over went
out to the field to the see the aero
Our Big Sale Now Going On and Will Close
Saturday Night!
Come! Plenty of bargains left. It will pay you to
come for miles to attend this big sale and help some
one win the Talking Machine that will be given away
Saturday night.
Big Box Sale Saturday!
Each box contains values from 10c to 50c. 10,
000 extra votes with each box. Choice of boxes 10c
Como! Don't t.liss This Big Event!
Hiatt Q Tutt,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Johnson who
have been visiting for some time at
the home of Mr. Johnson's sister,
Mrs. J. W. Berger, for the past tw'6
months, departed for tftennewick.
Washington, where they will spend
the winter. They were taken to Un
ion by J. II. Brown where they took
the train for the west.
Mr. Alex Storey of Westford, Pa.,
a brother of Mrs. Sadie Oldham, and
whn Hvprl in T'OT'r'nelr r n nnmir of I
years ago, removiug to the east in
1S76, arrived in Murray a few days
since to visit at the home of hi sis
ter and will after having paid her
a good visit depart for the west
coast where he is expecting to spend 1
the winter.
Edward Becker and Geo. M. Hild
were in Murray last Tuesday for a
short time looking after some busi
ness and whle 'here Mr. Hild was ne
gotiating for the renting of an office
and found one suitable but 011 ac
count of inadequate ftle was un
able to get a lease of such length
of time as would justify him enter
ing toto a contract.
each person make an effort to an
swer all questions. We aie to have
our Annual Thank Offering at this
" Please take an invoice of the many
bles?ings you have enjoyed the past
yearand then we will all give a very
liberal Thank Offering. We will
have a short Thank Offering pro
gram. Don't forget the "Dickey Fund"
which is due this month.
Iet us all work hard and try to
get out of the "Rut."
Bex Sale Saturday
Ju?t at this time box socials are
very popular and many times the
boxes should be prepared by just the
proper lady cost pretty well before
they are finally shared with the
maker. Now there is a different one
on hand for next Saturday and it
will last all day at the store of Hi
att & Tutt. A large number of these
boxes have been prepared, wrapped
in paper and sealed, they are all
;izes and shapes and contain articles
counting no less than a dime and in
many cases more than a dollar. You
have your choice of the lot for just
one dime, try one and see how ytu
like it. We know you will in all cas
es get more than your money's worth
and will be abundantly satisfied. Re
member at Hiatt & Tutt store all
day Saturday
Eni oj'ed the Party
Edmond Peterson of the Peterson
Hardware Co., was a visitor in Om
aha from last Sunday morning un
til Tuesday afternoon. He went up
to visit the folks and attended a
Hallowe'en gathering there and en
joyed an excellent time.
China Closet. Tor Sale
A solid Oak, slightly used com
bination china closet and buffet,
for sale. Inquire" at postofUce, Mur
ray, Nebraska.
But a Brief life
Last Sunday evening there wa3
born to Mr. and Mrs. Mearle Shar
ber, living some seven miles west of
Murray, a ?en which lived only un
til about rthrre o'clock the following
morning. The funeral was held on
Tuesday. The parents have the sym
pathy of friends. They only moved
to the neighborhood a few weeks
Barred Plymouth Rock roosters.
51.50 each.
Phone 1511 Murray, Neb.
Murray Gaiage Chirjres
While Mr. Frank Vallery. who has
had the Murray garage for some
Kmc part, he has disposed of the
flock, tools and business or a part
intsiest there to Mr. E. O. Hinkle
formerly of Springfield. Sarpy coun
ty, and who hrs come to Murray to
live. The garage will be run in the
amc high plnne of the be?t service
for every customer that can be giv
For Sale
Duroc Jersey boars for sale. Path
finder breeding. Herman Wohlfarth,
Murray, Nebr.
Makes Many Mover
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ilia it have
moved to the Presbyterian parson
age in order to vacate the house
which was purchased by Mr. T. J.
Brendel and into which they have
moved this vacation the house where
thev have lived so long. Mr. Louis
Ilallas will then move into the house
which ha been vacated by Mr.
Brendel. thus leaving the one va
cant which they have lived in. This
makes a home for some one who onw
wants it.
Father Not so Well
Advices from the home of his fath
er. Mr. J. II. MeCracken, of Keller
ton. Iowa, received by Mr. G. W.
McCracken was to the effect that
the parent lis continually growing
weaker and that but little or no hope
row exists for his recovery. Every
thing is being done that is possible
for his comfort and welfare.
James Terryberry went toy Tabor,
Iiwa, Sunday to attend tbe funeral
ff his cousin. Mrs. Adella Aistrope.
She was 5!) years of age and was one
cf the pioneer residents of that city,
which was her birth place.
Phillip Kahler, president of the
Kahler Pottery company, left Tues
day evening for a trip to Alliance,
Grand Island, Hastings and other
Nebraska points to call on dealers
and interest others in Louisvile pot
tery ware.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stohlman
had the pleasure of entertaining
their children, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi
nand Brunkow and family of near
Murdock. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Gaebel and family from south of
town, at a dinner last Sunday. Other
guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Stohlman and family, of
Louisville. In the evening several
neighbors and friends dropped in for
a visit.
One day last week Wm. Stohlman
"hot a coon out in the wood3 south
.vcFt of town. He had it nicely dress
?d and Frank Wheeler volunteered
to roast it along with sweet potatoes
ind brown gravy. They then took
It to Walter Stohlman's soft drink
parlor Friday afternoon where it was
-crvftd. The Courier man lost out
on the feed as he- was out of town
at the time, but all who participated
say it was most appetizing.
Afr. Albert Shelhcrn had the
pleasure recently of a visit with her
mc-ie, John Gilmore, of Cozad, Who
hati brought a car of cattle to the
Omaha market and came on down to
Lculsville for a visit with his niece
md family. Mrs Shelhorn entertain
ed a few friends and relatives during
her uncle's stay, the guests being ber
mrents. Mr. and Mrs; I. O Hornbeck.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Tritch and Mr.
-Duroc Jersey-
"Sensational Breeding"
I have for sale some of the
finest of spring farrowing.
Robert Troop,
Phono 1720
Murray, Nebraska
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmonth Exchange
Better Hogsj
I have four black Poland China
spring farrow bard and one gilt.
All registered.' Price $20.00.
Font T. Wilson,
R9ir. Interfere!? With Bazaar
The dinner and bazaar which the
ladies of the United Brethern church
were to have given last Saturday
was despoiled by the severe rain
storm of last Friday and were many
other function. The ladies not to be
outdone by the old weather man,
with all bis black clouds and driving
rain, have arranged to have their
meeting on November 5th. S3 all
will remember the day the place at
home of Mrs. Rusterholtz and from!
2 to 5 on Saturday afternoon of this
Some Members of Cabinet Believe
He is After High Executive
Job at White House. -
Washington, D. C, Oct. 21. Hen
ry Ford is grooming himself for the
presidency of the United States,
some members of President Hard
ing's cabinet believe.
One cabinet official said he is con
vinced the Detroit automobile wiz
ard wants to use the Muscle Shoals
project as a stepping stone for 1924.
Ford. : this official thinks, has
evolved an ambition of becoming the
patron saint of the farmer by tak
ing over the Muscle Shoals plant,
turning out millions of barrels of
fertilizer at an unheard of low price,
and thereby making himself such
an outstanding figure in both in
dustry and agriculture that he will
be called to the political leadership
of the nation.
One official here who scents pres
idential ambitions in Ford's activity
declares he is receiving propaganda
thru the mails daily from widely
scattered points, which, he believe.
i5 being circulated with a view to
presenting the availability of Ford
to the public.
Another close friend of President
Harding, however, has just returned
from a ten days' visit with Ford.
Though his visit is alleged to have
teen strictly personal, this visitor
declares Ford denied positively hav
ing political' ambitions of any kind.
Eetween Thirty-five and Fifty lives
lost and Great Property Dam
8ge in British Columbia.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 29. Be
tween thirty-five and -fifty lives lost
and property damage of several mil
lions of dollars tonight was the es
timated toll of the floods that swept
away parts of several towns north
and cast of here last night and to
day. Tiie.most damage was at Britan
nia Beach, a mining village with a
population of 350, eighteen miles
north of Vancouver. There last night
a cldudburst broke thru a fill and
released a torrent which rushed
SoTn to the ocean, carrjing away
about half the houses in the town.
Late in the afternoon mpager ad
vices placed the number of dead and
misring at thirty-five. A ship bear
ing medical aid has gone from Van
couver. A portion of Port Coquitlam, four
teen miles east of Vancouver, was
destroyed by flood waters, of the Co
quitlam river. Several buildings, un
rooted, went floating down the riv
er. No mention was made of cas
ualties in reports from this district,
but fourteen families were said to
be marooned. Ccmmunication with
the stricken area was impossible, ex
cept by boat.
The Canadian Pacific railway re
ported extensive damage to its property-.
Several bridges and miles of
track were washed away on the main
line paralyzing transcontinental
traffic. The Canadian Pacific esti
mated the damage at $1,000,000.
At Britannia Beach several bodies
had been recovered and at an im
provised morgue the work of identi
fying them was proceeding tonight.
Washington, Oct. 31. Cancella
tion by the veterans' bureau of all
contracts with state, municipal and
private hospitals not established
prior to July 1. 1917, and with all
others found to be unsuitable was in
cluded among administrative reform
in veteran relief activities recom
mended by the special -senate in a
report by the committee in its yet
uncompleted task.
Asserting the goverment had fail
ed to obtain "results commensurate
with the large expenditures" in re
habilitation work, the committee re
pprted with "deep regret" the melan
choly fact" that out of a total of
256,000 approved applicants for vo
cational training up to last July only
5.055 have been rehabilitated, 108,-0-00
having entered training up to
that date.
Houston, Tex., Oct. 31. Officials'
of the International & Great North-i
ern railroad late today agreed to an-
swer Tuesday the proposals made by
brotherhood officials for a settle
ment of the trainmen's strike.
The proposals embraced reinstate-,
ment of ail strikers without injury
to their seniorty right, and consid
eration of the strike as having been
part of the national program of the
Women's Missionary Society
Place. Mrs. E. S. Tutt on Novem
ber 11, 1921.-All members are urg-l
ed to be present. j
Please give the answers to Sep-,
tember questions, also look up an
swer for Oct. questions. Let
I am now '' located at the
"Rhoden Barn Garage" and
prepared to furnish the best 4..
Ford service. Work guaran
. Blank books! Yes you can get
of all kinds. The Journal.
teed and charges reasonable. : W. A. nUDtnloUti t
' ft a - en . a ti .
Plftirrirai Txl lLrl Coates Block Second Floor 4
EtflUrriWl iNilWKWly EAST OF HOTEL $
Murray, Neb.
You had better look out for the cold
weather which is corning. We have
just received our winter lino of sheep
lined coats and vests. See us before
you go to thn large towns and will
beat their prices. See our winter
overshoes, husking mittens and
gloves. Also winter head wear.
That winter w II soon be here and with
the howling of the blizzard we w II Ions
for the warmth which the ordinary stove
cannot furnish. '
We have furnaces which will keep the
home warm. See us before the cold
weather comes and we will havo tho
home good and warm.
Peterson Hardware Co.
. L. PETERSON, Manager
Those Wot Yet
Many have come and settled the accounts which
existed at the closing of our business as hardware mer
chants. For this we are thanking them. There are some
who have not as yet responded to our request for et
tlement. II. Puis will be found at the Murray Gar
ape and you who have not settled are requested to call
and arraugo for the same at once. These accounts
must be adjusted
Listen! Wake Up! Let's Go!
One good level 160 acres, 5 miles west of Grant,
Nebr. Ninety acres in wheat, one-third delivered, goes
with place. Clear of incumbrances.
320 acres good, level land 2 miles from Senora,
Colorado. Will trade for garage; store or what have
you to trade? Can make long time terms. ,
85 acres bottom land, 4 miles southeast of Union,
all being in crops. Some alfalfa, one good silo, fair im
provements. 40 acres one mile east of Weeping Water. Hog
tight 'fence, good spring, dandy improvements.
One pool hall, building and fixtures, in Cass coun
ty, Nebrajska.
Garage and residence at Murray, Nebr. Only gar
age and gas station in town. Good equipment and stock.
fWill trade for farm land or ranch. This is all free from
incumbrance. Can make good terms.
One general store in Cass county, Nebraska. Doing
a good business.
2 Y2 acres in Piattsmouth, Neb. Fair improvements.
Also several other houses in Piattsmouth.
Will trade any of the above for mortgage paper,
Liberty bonds or what you have.
Frank Vallery,
P. O. Box 677 PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Phone 606