The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 03, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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paos rons
Vbc piattsmouth Ipurnal
Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-clas mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Foreign entanglements are most
ly nautical knots.
Connecticut was the first state to
adopt a constitution.
The gas meter will soon be tak
ing up its winter quarters.
The alimentary canal of the adult
person - is about 30 feet long.
Thousands of moths specializing
on women's clothes have starved.
:o: :
Bryan is backing -the blue laws
in Florida. Bet the anti-blues hired
Some people never lie, others tell
the truth and afterward confess
-their lies.
The weather man is unquestion
ably doing his best to give us an
ideal October.
The mouth of Amazon is over 100
miles wide. The Amazons were a
race of women.
"Good for Headache" reads an
adv. Most people, want something
bad for a headache.
Chicago is claiming the world's
largest gas plant and we thought it
was in Washington.
Where Is the person bold enough
to suggest that we beat our jazz in
struments into plowshares.
' :o:
A gallon of home brew saved a
An Oklahoma dancing master who
was horsewhipped by a, lady no
doubt found the. occasion an inspir
ation for giving a few improvised
Some folks can carry on a three
hour conversation without once
pausing for breath, and then find it
impossible to write an intelligent
thirty-line letter.
If there is anything more annoy
ing than having to Tead of congress
man Blanton's customary conduct in
the house, it is having to read his
denials of the same.
The title of king, is the old in his
San Diego, Cal., Oct.
91 T3 n J I
Steel pins originated in England broadcasts today from 'the ' Panama
in 1803. - I canal zone requested news of the
-o:o I United States gunboat Sacramento.
Lawyers were known in Babylon 1 attached to a special service sqad-
ron operating in Central and South
American waters. The Sacramento
left Charleston, S. C, several days
ago, just before a violent storm
swept the south Atlantic and Carib-
-o:o l bean.
In 2300 B. C.
Saturday was
planet Saturn.
named after the i
Over Ilalstead's Market
Union Block
People are all right in their way ;
if they" don't get in yours.
r :o:
Another Christmas savings plan is
have a fight with your girl.
The crop of fall wheat in England
this year is above the average.
Men who write books about them
selves are full of their subjects.
The only thing harder than living
within an income is living without I j. smith deceased
one I To the creditors of said estate:
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
in tne matter or the estate of Ellen
You can't convince the average
Plattsmouth housewife that there is
an unemployment problem in this
country. She still finds it impossi
ble to get a good cook.
"Women's place is in the home,"
says an old adage, but it is some
times hard to keep her there when
a bridge party or a movie thriller
is offering other diversion.
Marshal Foch, undefeated and un-
terrified up to this time, will find it
a difficult ordeal to, survive the
American home brew and our" imi
tations of French cooking.
A London astronomer reports that
the moon is slightly off its path and
twleve miles ahead of its schedule.
Trying, perhaps, to keep up with
this fast age in which we live.
lou are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Plntts-
The president of the government! mouth, in said county, on the 2Sth day
railways of Japan receives $3,500 a25th day of February, a. i. 192::, at
10:00 o clock a. ni. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
0: I estate, with a view to their adjustment
. .. , . ,j na allowance. The time limited for
An Englishman has invented I the presentation of claims asainst said
spring steel clamps to replace S.?1 Wtem
The claims that skirts are longer
this fall need a microscope to yer-5ctobe?.u i2i.Curt
. . I ' ATT1
iy tnem.
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 23th day of No
vember, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
this 25th day of
(Seal o27-4w.
County Judge.
A fashion note says women are go
Chicago man's life. It exploded in J ing to wear turbans during the com-
the jug before he got a drink. ing winter. It is now up to some
:o: j body to declare that the wearing of
Ai-cwMiug iu ocivu ui!,uuitus; a turban is Immodest and Immoral
the gift of a bunch of heather to a ' :o:.
Highland lassie is equal to an offer
of marriage.
One of the mysteries of this world
is why a stout woman will wear a
fash when it always makes her look
eo much stouter.
The Krupp gun works, transform
ed into a peaceful industry, pro
duced 3,000 freight cars last year,
and each of them will carry farth
er than any German gun ever could.
: :o::
Charlie' lfa'psburg is trying to get
back to bis. old . job . as Emperor of
Men who can't get free space to Hungary. It is hard to convince the
royalty that kinging and emperor
ing are no longer popular with the
The proposal to build a coast to
coast highway as a memorial to the
exhibit tbeir political sore toes and
their half-baked ideas like to call it
a "capitalistic press."
. :o:
Along the southwest coast of Per
sia there are parts where the ther
mometer registers above 100 degrees soldiers of the World War suggests
for months at a time.
Alter a long life, one may sit ' present.
down and consider how many per
sons he has made happy by his re
forming activities and also how
many he has made miserable or un
comfortable. :o:
the property of a man's giving his
wife a shaving set for a Christmas
The allies have dropped all plans
of exiling ex-Emperor Charles to
St. Helena, as they do not wish to
make him appear a martyr. That
would also seem to dismiss Petro
grad and Moscow from further con
sideration as places of exile, to.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
The ex-Empress Zita no doubt ac
complished more troublesome tasks
every day than preventing her hus
band's suicide. And nobody suspects
Zita of being a very hardworking
woman, either.
And this i3 the season of the year
when father plans to take out the
window screens in thirty minutes
and in such a way that it will take
him thirty days next spring to get
them back just right.
Mary Garden won't tell the name
of the man she's to marry, saying
merely that he's one of the oil kings.
Nobody ever knows the name of a
prima donna's husband anyway, so
what's the difference?
Rockefeller's income is 1 19 per
minute. He got rich while we fig
ured it out.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Clara L. Armstrong and lioy L. Arm
strong, her husband. 1'laintiffs, vs. J.
Russian rubles are quoted at alv- -afpes et uerenaants
I To the defendants, the heirs. devi-
nickel a thousand if you do your I sees, legatees, personal representa-
tives and- all other persons interested
own nauiing. jn the tate of A. I. Bowman, de-
;q: ceased, real names unknown, and all
tPHnfr trfar 1rlnt chnnlrl be other persons having or claiming any
steering gear joints gnouia oe Merest in Lot 197. in the Village of
kept well packed With half grease Greenwood, In Cass county, Nebraska,
. real names unknown:
and half graphite. you, and each of you, are hereby
.... inoiiiivii iiiml on iiie iuui uuy ui wcio-
I iw,. inji ka nlln,ffr. ! l ,L.i.
u?ciL3 iuuiiuj I n the IJfstrlct Court of Cass count v
$100,000,000 yearly."
include pessimists.
This doesn't I Nebraska, the object and purposes of
which is iu quiei anu connrm plain
tiffs' title in and to Lot 197 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, in Cass county,
and to enjoin each and all
1 lnnk it thA nHre and Kpe whatlany r'slit. title, lien or interest either
is iook at tne price ana see wnaijepa, anJ equltai,le Jn or to gaj(1
you can get for it.
The proper way to read a menu I of you from having or claiming to have
estate or any part thereof, and to en
Irtin vnn ATiri urMi nr von frnm in anv
u- I manner interferine with nlairit iffs' rtos-
Com pared with the linen found on session and enjoyment of said prem-
I i . 1 . : .. i 1 i ; rri.i.. HA
m . . , . . . j . v. rt I -uuii iui cquiittuic I run. linn uv-
some of the ancient mummies, thelM,.A iVf.n mjrsiian nn orrir r,t
finest linen of todav is coarse. I said Court. lou are required to an
swer said petition On or before Mon
day the 5tli day of December. 1921.
hundred I or yur default will he entered there
fin. and judgment taken upon plain-
words is the average number spoken i tiffs petition.
, . , r t V. W I a,CX U. 111." II "11 IllIVl
Seven thousand five
As fast as one nation builds "the
largest battleship in the world," a
rival power launches a bigger one.
:o: i-
i:oy I Armstrong, Her Husband,
o2i-ixv. Their Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, us.
In the County Court.
In Die matter of the estate of James
W. Taylor, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
'ou are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county on the 19th day
of November. A. I). 1921. and on the
has Moth day of February, A. U. 1922. at
uunc more man i.suu nines oi ruausiand examine ail claims against said
Mrrnn mc f thorn with I fftate with a View to their adjustment
Every effort should be bent to
ward making this as hard a winter
on the holdup men as it will be on
the rest of us.
The French administration
camel drawn rollers.
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims
said estate js three months from the
19th day of November, A. I. 1921. and
The war brought us camouflage, I the time limited for payment of debts
i one year iroin saiu lain uay oi
November, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Count? Court this 13th day of
October, 1921.
(Seal) o!7-4w. County Judge.
barrage, zero hour and meticulous,
the road to normalcy has brought
us agenda" whatever that is.
Receipts from the gasoline tax
which became effective in Washing
ton July 1, show the state brought
more than 8,500,000 gallons.
Several western school boards
have affected a great economical
stroke, recently, by ordering school
girls to quit wearing silk stockings.
Why not follow it up by an artist
ic stroke now, and ban white cot
ton stocking.
Probably it won't help ex-Emperor
Charles' case any to establish
that Zita really was responsible for
his attempted coup. The chances are
she merely told him she wanted him
to do and then advised him to do
as he pleased.
Better salaries for teachers aTe
reported from many parts of the
country to the bureau of education
at Washington. The recent report
from Missouri state superintendent
of schools of an increase in this
state of 31 per. cent In the average
.salaries of teachers is In line with
conditions elsewhere.
It took Columtia a long time to
decide that it would accept the $25,-
000.000 which as far back as April
Uncle Sam put to the credit of the
Central Americans. The Columbian
senate considered the treaty which
gave its country the great treasure
three time before finally voting to
accept. We trust, however, that the
Columbians will tot ferget to dr?p!
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
James C. Kuykendall,
App. Dock
No. 1
Page 37.
Most men are long on two things.
i"v 1 - : I .. .1 : rri. . . 4
kjuc is S'uns iub umci " John W. Seymour et al
lying boastfully what he would do
if he were in somebody else's place. To the Defendants: John W. Scymore,
iwary K. Taylor. James Jloss, ptu-
. : I lander S. Wheeler, Olive H. Wheeler,
SsomeDOCly wants to Know wnat tneiand the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal r-;ireseniatives ana an orner
Offcers of Department are Ee-elect
ed for the Ensuing Year
large Number Present.
From Wednesday' Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Plattsmouth Volunteer Fire Depart
xaents gathered at the city hall to
Hold their annual election of ofli
cers and to look after other matters
before tbeir meetin and a very large
number of the members were in at
The officers who have conducted
the affairs of the department in such
excellent manner in the past year
were all re-elected despite their
wishes and will continue in .the good
work of giving the city one of the
best departments in any of the smal
ler towns of the state. The officers
elected were Frank Bestor, presi
dent; John V. Hatt, vice president;
Claude C. Smith, secretary; Guy W.
Morgan treasurer; Emil J. Weyrich,
chemical operator; David Ebersole,
assistant; Louis Kroehler, assistant
chief; Harry Smith, foreman hook
and ladder company; Fred P. Dusch,
At .the close of the business of
the evening John Hatt spread the
good news among his associates that
there would be something doing in
ithe way of a wenie roast and soon
the members were regailed with
choice wenies, celery and other
trimmings that made the occasion
one of the greatest of pleasure. This
treat was provided by Mr. Hatt to
the department in recogniton of
their work during the two limes that
the Hatt store has been visited by
fire and both times it . being the ex-1
cellent work of the fire department j
that prevented serious loss to the
The fire department will take
Steps to aid in the observance of
Fire Prevention day on Friday, No
vember 4th, and request that every
property owner on Main street clean
up their premises and have all de
bris and ashes at the rear of their
places of business on Friday morning
and the department and city will
see (that they are hauled away. As
sistant Fire Marshal Hayduk of Lin
coln will also be here on that oc
casion and speak to the young folks
at the schools on fire prevention
Plailsmouth Nigh School vs.
Nebraska City High School
At the Ball Park, Plattsmouth
-3:30 P. M
Friday, November 4th
You always see a real game when Ne
braska City and Plattsmouth Play. Come
out and boost and help Plattsmouh win
from her old rival.
Adults, 40c
Students, 25c
American 'woman will look like in
at her husband, too?
. :o:
It is now up to some wild-eyed
0. If any one has the necessary I ,iam H- Taylor, deceased, an
i ,. . v., ji a i i lson? "avlns or claiming an
Ion, will he kindly take a slant in Lot 12 fn Block 4i in th
n'terested in the estate of Wil-
J all per-
y interest
the City of
1'iaitsmouth, cass county, .Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each ot you are hereby
notified that on the 29th day Of Octo
ber, 19l'1, the flaintlft in the foregoing
reformer to raise a righteous howl I entitled ause, filed his petition in the
k., ... l."lstrl court or -ass county, zebras
ucvciuoc a utj il oiuotuic iKa. wherein vou ana each ot you are
women actually served vile cigarets tna-ai i-'irties defendant, for the pur-
pose of obtalniner a decree from Kaid
to our soldier boys during their court. iuietns the record title in the
hrtAf tn K C Plaint", Jarnes C. Kuykendall, to the
. . -v - roiiowing described real estate, to-wit
:q: 'Lot numbered twelve (12) in
Thp cnrnmnf Inn nf fnfrm hao Block forty-two 42) in the City
tne consumption or conee nas of .lattsnioutn ,n Cass COUnty.
Shown an increase of 100 cups per Nebraska, according to tlie pub-
capita per annum, In this Country I as against you ana each and all of
since prohibition became effective. I -vou,j anu , by sucn Decree to w noiiy ex
. . Iclude ymi and each and all of you
It s Simply outrageous. We must put I from any estate, rlRht, title, claim or
a tr.r tn, hfa torrfhl ,nHlf I interest therein. or to any part thereof.
r . .. 1 anu lor sucii otiier ana furtner reiier
;o; las may be just and equitable.
t., i.u v.. You are required to answer said pe-
auuuu"u,uu " U,6U- uul lu,lcltitlon on or before the 19th day of
are a lot of Plattsmouth sportsmen I ueccmber, J921. or your default win
. , . . , I be entered of record and a decre en-
WhO even now are preparing to takejfpred in said cause as prayed for in
guns and dogs into the country and 1 1 t'"'1?1 F,tltloni 10o,
oiow away ?iu wortn or snot ana
.11 - a. at A l. a. ri
bueii ai a liiieeu cent quail. 1 By JOHN M. LEYDA,
:6: o31-5w. His Attorney
President Harding had a taste of
something akin to warfare when be
participated in the mimic
, JAMES c. KurKEsn.ati,
In the -District Couit of Cass coun-
battlet". Nebraska.
staged by the marine corps on the McCardie'. Defendant.
same territory in Virginia that was Titoy that on the
the scene of the historic battle offisth day of July. a. r. i2i. tiruce
the wilderness in the civil war
:o: :
Ai naval strength now
McC'ardle filed a petition aainst you
In the District Court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which am to obtain a divorce from vou
stanat, ion tne ground max you, oems 01 sum
England has the greatest navy, with grSSrMidTtK
that of the United Sates second in l?" of said marriage, five (rrosiy,
, . wantonlv and cruelly refused, and ne-
slze, Japan third, France ; fourti, Kiected so -to-' u?; arid 'for :he .custody
anfl Ttalw fifth ft tha hutlitinp- nrn. of the niinor ' child, t he1' .Iftsu'e p.said
ana ttaiy nun. II the Duiiaing pro- roaj.rras-e, tb.-wit: Clarence Kdward Mc-
graxns proposed by these nations are Cardie, aged tien months.
... . ., v..v You are required 10 answer sa4d pe-
tamea um, (.acre is hkj ikiiwb tiwn i tltion on or before Monday, tne lstn
the fleets may compare in a year or dahi,f "vn purluance orre is no question of the delegates
H. II. Gerbeling autoed to Weeping
Water Tuesday afternoon.
W. S. Ilardway was a Lincoln
passenger Monday evening.
Li. R. Stanley and M. E. McDonald
autoed to Lincoln .Tuesday.
Cbas. Clapp and Mrs. C. S. Allis
were Lincoln passengers Saturday
Miss Agnes Rough enjoyed a birth
day supper at the Lake home Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lake and twins,
fpent Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Murfin.
Mignonette Folden of Lincoln is
spending a few days with her aunt
Mrs.Edgar Ilolden.
Mrs. Guy Lake and twins, spent
Wednesday afternoon at the John
Donlan home near Avoca.
O. O. Thomas spent several days
In town the latter part of last week
and the first of this week.
Womens Missionary Society No
vember 11, 1921. Place Mrs. E.
S. Stutt. All members are urged to
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroder of
Bethany spent Thursday and Fridoy
with their nephew and family Mr.
and Mrs. Gerbeling.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and two
sons, Elwin and Arnold, spent Satur
day at the home of Mrs. Jones par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth.
Mrs. C. H. Roper, Marguerite, Max,
and Ted Rupert of Uni. Place, and
Mr. and Mrs. Geore Nickle and Le
Dean'Svete guests last Sunday at the
Guy Lake home.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Dehning,
daughter Meta, sons William ard
Harry and grandaughter Hilda Smi(h
spent Sunday at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Dehning.
Mrs. T. G. Frans and Mis. Frank
Marshall drove to Murdock last Wed
nesday where they assisted Mrs. A.
J. and Mrs. Ada Toole in entertain
ing the O. E. S. Kensington, at the
Ada Toole home.
The people in and around Wabash
have been wondering why the bank
ers at Elmwood and Murdock did not
let the bankers at Wabash know that
they had a hunch that burglars were
in the vicinity, Oct. 27th.
The Farmers State Bank of Wa
bash have installed a new Teabold
Round Door Burglar-Proof mangares
safe this , make of safe has no at-j
traction for safe blowers because
they never have ben able to crack
II. II. Gerbeling's mother, Mrs.
Clara Gerbeling, a sister Emma Ger
beling, a sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Schweiger all of Burling
ton, Iowa, left here Saturday evening.
by. the way of Lincoln tor tneir uome
in Iowa.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The boys class of the Christian
church, led by Mrs. It. W. Cavender
and the girls of the class of Mrs.
Edward Ofe, enjoyed a very delight
ful gathering last evening at the
class room of the boys in the church.
The occasion was in the nature of a
box social and each of the young
aJie bad come with a box of the
tempting good things to eat that fur
nished a most delightful part of the
evening program.- The room was ar
ranged with the Hallowe'en decora
tions of black and orange and made
a very attractive appearance. The
evening was spent in the games of
the reason and at which a most de
lightful time was enjoyed and at a-
suitable hour the boxes of dainties
were unpacked and served to com
plete the time in a inot fitting manner.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the St. Mary's Guild were very
pleasantly entertained at the beauti
ful H. X. Dovey home on north
Fifth street, Mrs. Dovey and daugh
ter, Mrs. B. I). Betts, being the hos
tesses of the occasion. The time was
spent in the plying of the busy nee
dle and in making the many articles
which will be found at the Christ
mas shop to be held in the first part
of December. At a suitable hour in
the afternoon delicious refreshments
were served that added to the en
joyableness of the event.
fiotn Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening the operators at the
exchange of tho Lincoln Telephone
& Telegraph Co., were pleasantly
entertained by Miss Gertrude Smith
at her home on Vine street at a
most delightful Hallowe'en party.
The rooni3 were decorated with
the streamers of black and orange
p.nd interspaced with these were the
pumpkins, witches and black cats,
typical of the season and which add
ed attractiveness to the scene.
The evening was spent in games
as well as dancing, the young people
spending the first part of the even
ing in bobbing for apples and other
of the Hallowe'en games and later
a short dancing party was enjoyed.
During the evening refreahments
of pop corn and aples and cider were
served that aided in completing the
enjoyable occasion.
The Plattsmouth high -school will
meet the Nebraska City team on the
local gridiron on Friday afternoon
at 3:30. The two teams have a riv
alry of several years standing and
the battle on Friday will be one of
the best of the season as both teams
are looking forward to annexing a
Fifteen and one-third acres im-
proved pnd as level as a floor. One
and a half miles to Ashland., Price
$5,500, your own terms.
Two and one-thirteenth acre3, siTu
room house in Plattsmouth, other -outbuildings,
just the piace to plant
grapes or as a chicken farm. Price
f2,750, very good terms.
Eighty acres improved, lies good,
very productive, reduced to $10,000
$4,000 cash Mareh 1st.
160 acres improved, reduced to
$100 per acre, 55,000 March 1st.
613 acres near Melia and Gretna,
2S miles to South Omaha. Improved.
Will carry 150 cattle, 10,000 bushel
of corn, hay wood and notes. Fine
lakes stocked with fish also good ,
schooling. Price $60,000. Will take
in smaller farm and give good terms,'
on balance.
Many other choice bargains.
Springfield, Neb. 2 t w
mid .oiIrc- uu l'-4itloii for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Xitraska.
'tfit ot Nebraska, Cass county, fs.
To all persons interested in the es
tato of Katherine D. iieckor, deceased:
On read in ;r the petition of I'hilip T.
Hi-pkf-r, administrator, prayintr a final
settlement and allowance of hid ac
count tiled in this court on the 2nd
day of November. 1921, and for a de
termination of the heirs at law of
said deceased, anil for such other or
ders and proceedings as may he re
quired in order that said estate may
be timilly closed and said administrat
or discharged;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said county
on the 1'th day of November, A. 1 .
1U21. at ten o'clock a. rn., to show
cause, if any there be. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed, and tiiat notice of the pendency of
si'id petition and the hearinff thereof
fe sriven to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the f 'lattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing:.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal of said
court, this "nd day of November, A.
. 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
I . am closing out my
stock of used Ford cars at
Bargain Prices for cash or
on term payments.
For particulars call at the
Ford Garage.
London. Nov. -.Business of the'
Irish cqnference continues to be con-;
ducted by four delegates, and it wa
ducted by four delegates, and it was
stated '.tonight there was no inte-.
tion of summoning a full conference
for several days.
At Sinn Fein heaquarters no im
mediate breakdown is expected, and
j0ice supplies of oil kiads ban
us a line thanking us for the gift. 'died at the Journal office.
an order of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska.
By Plaintiff,
leaving London this week.
Lost anything fpuiva anything'
Her Attorney. ;Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy." ,
Store your car in a good warrri place. A few stalls left.
We do repair work on all cars. Vork guaranteed.
Batteries recharged. Prices reasonable
Draying Welding '
Livery Agents for
Hot Shot Batteries VESTA Battery
U. S. Tires, Tubes Temme Springs.
Gas, Oil and Greases