FIAXTSMOUTH KELH-WEBSXT PAGE TTTRT1 THT7ESDAY. 3, 1931. h Uxiitim DepsirtimeEBt Prepared Exclusively for .The Journal. -TRUCKING!- Sure we are ever ready to look after your hauling, whether it be goods or your stock to market or your grain, we are always ready and the most careful driver. SERVICE and that the very best is our watchword in the repair department of our garage. Remember we carry the best of oils and gasoline, as well as tires and supplies for the auto users. A. R. DOWLER, UNION All day meeting of the M. E. Aid last Wednesday at Mrs. McNamee. Baptist: Rev. and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Easter, Mrs. Jennie Fraus and Laura Easter. The Ladies Missionary Society is meeting today at the home of Mrs. '. W. B. Banning. Dr. E. S. Furay was a visitor In Omaha for a short time last Friday returning home Saturday. Frank Sherwood from near Avo- ca was looking after some business, matters in Union last Monday. j It Is reported that Mrs. George Batton has purchased the building used for the Merrit restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cross and Elsie j Taylor attended the S. S. Convention j In Plattsmouth Friday afternoon.' t V. TV OhanTnnn was fihplliner and ' delivering his corn last Monday to W. B. Banning, Who is feeding hogs. -ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. E. S. Furay (Successor to Dr. Swab) Calls Answered -Day or Night! UNION -:- NEBR. LARGE TYPE Poland -Chinas! 25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's farrowing, ready for service. Large Type Poland China can have pa pers on them for $25 per individual. Pkone 5911 G. S. UPTON, UNION -:- NEBRASKA RED RIVER EARLY OHIOS PER BUSHEL and Fine ones at that. I have a car load in the cellar ready for you. Better get them as soon as you can. A- L. BECKER, UNION 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LArfo FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west 'and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - - Union, Nefcr. NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mr. B. A Root were attending the fun eral of Mrs. Hattie Leach last Sun day. Second number of Lyceum Course Tuesday Nov. S S p. m. Mary IIol lingsworth, a play reader and enter tainer. J. F. Wilson, constable, and At torney C. L. Graves were looking after some matters In Nehawka last Wednesday. Mrs. Lemuel Barrltt was a visitor In Union for over Sunday and re turned to his studies at Omaha Mon day morning. Mrs. A. R. Dowler was a visitor for several days past at the home of her friend. Miss Nellie Johnson of Council Bluffs. The World Wide Guild Girls will meet the coming Saturday at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frans vest of Union. Alice Todd, who is attending the state university at Lincoln was a visitor at the home of her parents for over Sunday. Dean Austin began the winter season on the last day of October by dressing one of his porkers far, meat for Joe Dare. Walter Johnson was constructing a corn crib at his home southwest of Union last week and is getting ready to pick his corn. Dean Austin and Isaac Dye are done picking corn they had but a few loads at the time the rain came and were very fortunate. - Charles Peck and wife of Elm wood were attending the funeral of Mrs. Hattie Leach. Mr. Peck being a brother of the deceased. Mrs. Nancy Knapp of Council Bluffs has been visiting for the past week at the home of Mrs. Nancy Grimes and Tabitha Smith of Un ion. The rain, last Friday prevented the holding of the box social which had tee narranged for the Swan school by Miss Margaret Swan the teacher. Walter Wundelich, Eugene Nutz man and Ed Wood of Nehawka pass er thru Union last Sunday enroute to the American Legion convention at Kansas City. NEBRASKA Delegates from M. E. Sunday School to County S. S. Convention at Plattsmouth last Thursday and Fri day were Mrs. Lee Faris, Mrs. Mougey and Fay Hansell. Mr. D. B. Porter gave two ducks to the Rev. W. A. Taylor last Mon day which he took at the hunting. They were greatly appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor of near Nehawka were looking after some business in Union last Monday and also visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Black. Attorney C. L. Graves was a vis itor in Plattsmouth last Monday taking the early morning train, be ing called there to look after some legal matters at the court house. The ladies of the Baptist church held a very interesting meeting at the basement of the church last ev ening which was one worth while and greatly enjoyed by the ladies. The sermon for the coming Sun day at the Baptist church will be on the subject of a "Warless Na tion" in accordance with the plan to keep In line with world disarm ament. The scholars and others interest ed were greatly disappointed and are looking for the time when they have a social to take the place of the one which was to have been given. Charles Hathaway will in the fut ure look after the dray business of Union having began the work last Monday and will bend every effort to give the best of service and sat isfy all customers. Mtsdames Z. W. Shrader and A. F. Sturm were in Union for a short I time last Monday While changing trains for Plattsmouth where they went to "visit with Mesdames Thom as Sullivan and A. W. Taylor. Palmer Applegate, who is work ing in Lincoln in a garage, was a visitor in Union last Sunday as the' guest of the wife and baby at the home of Dean Austin. They will ex pect to move to Lincoln in a short time. Reports from the bedside of Mrs. Nettie Stanton is that she is getting along nicely now and has been re moved to the convalescent depart ment of the hospital and is looking for the day when she will be per mitted to return home. W. B. Banning and O. W. Finney were out last Monday morning ear ly looking for the festive duckling but it seems that in their portion of the country near Frank Hugh, there were none of the feathered tribe and they had to come home and purchase steak for their din ner. Following attended Eastern Star meeting at Plattsmouth last Wednes day: Rue Frans and wife, Mrs.. L. R. Upton, Mrs. F. Lynde, Mrs. Joe Banning, Mrs. John Lidget, Mrs Ol ney Easter, Mrs. Earritt. Mrs. A. L. Becker, Mary Becker, Fannie Mc Caroll, Augie McCarroll. Elsie Taylor, Nettie McCarroll and Gladys Hall. Get Many Ducks Sherman Austin, Ira Clark and D. B. Porter went last Sunday evening to the Missouri river where they es tablished a camp and remained dur ing the night and a portion of Mon day and were rewarded with a line of ducks which they were able to give to their friends. They returned home Just afternoon Monday and presented the ducks to their many friends. Enjoyed a Coon Hunt W. L. Stine, Willis Eaton. Dee Hostetter, Rueben Eaton and Santa True and De Witt Surface were look ing after his coonship last Saturday evening and made the woods ring with their laughter and shouts as well as the howling of the dogs. They got one coon and feel well re paid for the trouble as the good time more than ballanced all the work. For Sale Single comb Rhode Island Red Cockrells for sale. MRS. NICK FRIEDICH Attended the Convention Union was well represented at the Sunday scliool convention which was held at Plattsmouth last week on Thursday and Friday. There were from the two schools here a large delegation who greatly enjoyed the meeting and assisted In making it a success. Those from the Methodist church being Mrs. E. J. Maugay, Misses Fay Hansen, Elsie Taylor, : Mrs. Lee Harris and Mr. J. D. Cross. From the Baptist church there were , Mrs. Elizabeth Easter and her daughter. Miss Laura, Mrs. Jennie Frans and Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Mil ler. Will Not Serve Mail In accordance with a recent or der in the postal department bear ing number 6403, which revokes the power of the postmaster to require ( the carriers of the rural route to : serve mail on Sundays and holidays when the mall is not carried to the country, the practice which has pre vailed heretofore, will be discontin ued in the future. The new vogue of refusing to serve the mails to rur al customers will go into effect on Sunday, November 6th. School Notes. Mrs. L. R. Upton ,was a visitor on Tuesday afternoon. She put in most of her time in the grammar room, and high school. This week closes 4he first quarter of the school year. Grades are aver aged, examinations given and report ! cards made out. Parents are asked to give close attention to their chil dren's report cards. The pupil's j standing in his school work can easi ly be noticed. State fire day comes on Friday. November 4. A proclamation of McKtlvie calls special attention to the day which the Legislature of Ne braska has set apart as State Fire Day. Everthing possible should be done to save ourselves from the aw ful destruction of life, and property by fire. Certain work has been allotted to the different days for general exer cises. Parliamentary Law was prac tised on Monday; Geraldine Roddy is chairman and Virginia Harris, secre tary. Tuesday morning. Miss Tobin conducts work in spelling of com mon words. Miss Neumann gives drills in Penmanship on Thursday. She believes there is a chance for the improvement of all in writing a better hand. Miss Hollister leads in singing on the closing day of each week. Had Excellent Time Many of the members of the Ep worth League of the Methodist church met at the hospitable home of A. L. Becker and wife and en joyed the evening as guests of Misses Mary and Ethed Becker' hav ing a most delightful time with the Hallowe'en season, and with the many delightful games which were played and sumptious dinner which the hostesses served made the even ing one long to be remembered. Attended the Eastern Star Last Tuesday there was a large crowd of the "Union members at tending the meeting of the Order of Eastern Star at Plattsmouth there being among the number three can didates who were given the myster ies of the order. Those to take the degree were Mrs. A. L. Becker, Misses Nettie and Angie McCarroll and Mrs. W. M. Barritt. Others to to attend from Union were Miss Mary Becker, Fannie McCarroll, El sie Taylor, Mesdames Joe Banning, M. Lynde, John Lidgett. Olney East er, L. R. Upton and Mr. and Mrs. Rue Frans. Must Be Good Corn The farmers are telling how eas ily the new corn shells when it Is gathered and in the elevating of a load of corn sometimes as high as two bushels of 1 shelled corn runs hack from the elevator. This is an indication of an excellent quality of grain and all think that the qual ity is far beeter than last year. NEARLY 2, 000, 000 PURE BRED GATTLE !fj U. S. Is 3 Per Cent of Total Number on Farms, Says Census Report ' Beef Breeds Lead. Washington, D. C, Oct.23. The department cf commerce thru the bureau of census announces the fol lowing figures from the 1920 cen sus of agriculture for the United States. The 1,981,514 pure bred cattle in the United States on January 1, 1920, according to the fourteenth census, included 1.064,912 cattle of beef breeds and 916,602 cattle of dairy breeds. The pure bred beef cattle were distributed among the several breeds as follows: Aberdeen Angus, 108, 524; Devon. 1,194! Galloway, 6, 920; Hereford, 405.5S0; Polled Dur ham, 61,755: Shorthorn, 416,995; all other beef breeds, including ani mals reported as pure bred with breed not specified, 63,944. 916,602 Dairy Cattle The 916,602 pure bred dairy cat tle were distributed according to breed as follows: Ayshire, 30,494; Brown Swiss, S.130; Guernsey, 79, 445; Holstein-Friesian, 528,621; Jersey, 231.834; and all other dairy breeds, including animals with breed not specified, 38,078. Among the teef breeds the most important were the Shorthorns and the Herefords. Of the 416,995 pure bred Shorthorns reportted, 69,560 were in Iowa, 39,093 in Illinois, 32, 777 in Nebraska, 32.419 in Minne sota and 10.517 in Missouri. Of the 405, 5S0 Herefords deport ed, 70,021 were in Texas, 40,894 in Iowa, 38,695 in Kansas, 32,609 in Missouri, and 27,418 in Nebraska.. Of the 528 521 Holstein-Friesians reported, 114,662 were in New York, 80.845 in Wisconsin. 48.652 in Pen., 38,327 in Ohio. 32,702 in Michigan, 25,124 in Illinois and 22.S30 in Min nesota. Jerseys In Ohio Of the 231,823 Jerseys reported, 23,824 were in Ohio. 1S.718 in Tex as, 13,411 in New York, 11,036 in Pennsylvania and 10,708 in Miss ouri. This breed is more widely dis tributed perhaps than any ' of the other breed. In many of the south ern states, in particular, the num ber of Jerseys exceeds the number reported for any other one breed of cattle. The reports of previous censuses did not show the numbers of pure bre"d live stock, so it is impossible to make comparisons with earlier years. It is interesting to note, how ever, that the whole number of pure bred cattle reported for 1920 (1, 981,514) constituted 3 per cent of the 66,652.559 cattle on farms in the United States on' the census date. The total number of pure bred cattle on Nebraska farms is 82,047. The total number of beef breeds i3 74.174, by far the vast majority of the state, and includes 4,640 Aber deen Angus, 411 Galloway, 2,4 18 Herefords, 3,420 polled Durham, 32. 777 Shorthorns and 5,508 other cat tle, reported as pure bred with breed not specified. There are 7,873 cattle of the dairy breeds in the state, including 74 Ayrshires, 38 Brown Swiss, 348 , Guernsey. 5,368 Holstein-Friesian, 1,275 Jersey and 770 of other breeds,' reported as pure bred with breed not specified. I Books! Books! Books! We have them till you can't lest, at the Jour-1 nal Office- ( 10 LESSONS 1; OF THE YAH National Defense Structure Being Projected in Country's Reor ganized Army. Washington, Oct. 29. Two les sons of the world war, learned at heavy cost, are sharply emphasized in a war department bulletin son to Le issued giving the first official picture of the new national defense structure projected in the reorganized army of the United States. One lesson comes direct from the batlefields of France. It is that efficient staff work is vital to modern military operations, and with it goes the correlary that staff night. The other comes from the war time din and confusion of the cen tralized training camps at home. It is that efficient mobilization of the na tion's fighting strength can be car ried out only as a decentralized pro cess thru agencies set up in times of peace. Realization that these lessons must be worked Into the new mili tary policy if perilous delay and cost ly confusion which preceded past mo bilizations were to be avoided has marked the effort of the war depart ment. The bulletin shows that it has attempted to write regulations under the revised national defense act that would furnish a clean cut scheme for war mobilization without violating national traditions against militarism or creating machinery that would impose heavy burdens in peace times upon the tax-payers. Far Reaching Military Effort The project undertaken probably is the most far reaching military ef fort the nation has ever attempted in peace times. The foundation work has been ione. All over the country decentral ized machinery is being set up cap able, its designers believe, of getting he nation on a war footing with little delay and confusion. Yet it is felt that the nation at large and even the most important links in the new defense chain, the regular army, the national guard and the officers reserve corps do not appreciate ful ly what is being done. Col. John McA. Palmer, the officer asigned to aid congress in framing the legislation making it all possible and who has devoted himself to a study of the subject, was called upon to furnish the document and his work is to go to all parts of the new army as a means of preventing misunderstanding. Colonel Palmer points out that at the conclusion of previous wars, the United States scrapped all it had learned in battle and demobilized without any attempt to carry costly lessons on to younger generations for their protection and aid in time of war. Veterans of the civil war, schooled in soldier craft, skilled in staff work and the handlling of mighty forces with minimum con fnsion in movement and minimum losses in battle, went back to civil life, he says, and lost all touch with military matters. When the war with Spain came, their knowledge was lost to the men of 1898. It was necessary to rebuild again from the ground up, and 1917 saw this waste repeated,, the bulletin asserts. Welding Three Organizations. The purpose of the new scheme of welding the regulars, the national guard and the organized reserves in to the army of the United States in peace times is defined by Colonel Palmer as follows: "It is primarily the object of our new law to perpetuate the frame work of the organization developed in the world war so that its tremen dous cost can be funded as a perman ent Investment for all time." Had such a system as is now well advanced tward establishment been erected after the civil war, the offic er adds, "in 1898 more divisions than were needed for the war with Spain could have begun their expansion within twenty-four hours after the declartion of hostilities." "Mobilization in 1917," Colonel Palmer continues, "would have pro ceeded as a decentralized progress upsetting the economic life of the nation. It would not have been ne cessary to spend millions for great concentrated training camps or to overbuden the railroads with un classified personnel and material in order to organize, and train, and equip, and provide officers all at the same time. Such a national organi zation must have saved months in time and millions in money." Colonel Palmer points out that Stonewall Jackson one of . leaders on either side in the civil war enter ed the contest with knowledge of what staff work meant. He had studied Napoleons troop orders and in the first battle of the war, Colonel Palmer says, "showed that even raw troops can stand like a stone wall if the prevalent rawness does not ex tend to the craftsmanship of the commander." The best results are obtained from the carefully written ad placed in the printer's hands in time to permit of artistic "set-up." Don t neglect your advertising or compose it hur riedly if you would get the greatest value for the money you expend. Your Boy . Can Earn from $1.00 to $10.00 a Week. Nothing to sell... No money required. "Quick, easy Just an hour, or so af ter school.. We want good, honest, industrious boys just two in each town and commounity. Write TO DAY for further particulars, a post card will do. Address Box 248, Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska For 47 Years We have been the sole selling agents of the finest makes of During this long period of successful deal ing we have had exclusive agencies for handling these high grade goods which we offer at prices with which other houses cannot compete. Buescher Ttue-Tone Saxophones, Trombones, Comets, Drums, Etc, PenzeU Mueller, & Co., Clarinets We Supply Country Bands AND ORCHESTRAS With Instruments and Accessories Send for free price lists Mail orders carefully attended to. The Hospe Guaranty Goes With Every Sale Ask About Our Special Sale of Renewed Pianos We have a big stock of Player Pianos Uouglas J5 Street The Tlhire A &fl8th & DOUGLAS, Starting Sunday, Nov. 6th SHOWS EVERY DAY JiT NIGHTS SUNDAY MAT. Balconies . . .40c Main Floor 55c Boxes 75c ENTETAINS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS From Wednesday's Daily. The cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whittaker on Gold Street rang with merriment and frolic last eve ning, when their daughter, Miss Mar vel Whittaker entertained the boys of her Sunday School class of the Christian Church at a Hallowe'en party. For the occasion the living room of the Whittaker home ' had been appropriately and attractively decorated in the Hallowe'en colors, black, and gold. 'On their arrival the boys were greeted by a ghostly form. The boys indulged In a few hours of Hallowe'en frolic, games and various stunts, which had been plan ed by their Sunday School teacher and which, afforded, ttem plenty- of amusement and. pleasure and made the time! simply ?fly. ' During the evening delicious popcorn,, apples and homemade-taffy were served to the boys by; their teacher and which was likewise most thoroughly enjoyed. On their departure the boys extended their warmest thanks to their teach er for the delightful evening af forded. Blank books. Journal office. Your New Ford is Here! I have just received a carload of new Ford cars, including touring and roadster models, which are now ready for delivery at the new low prices. We are fully equipped to take care of your re pair business. Prices reasonable. AUGUST The Automobile Man WEEPING WATER -:- Chloroform, Ether or other general anaeethetlo fueraateffd erery eaae accepted for treatment, and no money to ke Write for BOOK on Jteciai uiaeasea, wiin nauio t more than 1.009 prominent people TABBY, annatorlam. rrverm ., .am. bl. b. True Tone The 'Art and M usic Store OMAHA o M A H A The Crowning Achievement of a Brilliant Career in the colorful and gorgeous pic turization of Alexander Duma' romantic, fictional story read and beloved by millions. Mimoketaairs ks 11, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 O'CIock OTHER MAT. UNTIL 6:15 AH Seats 35c Except Boxes 50c Prices Include Gov't Tax John Kiser, an old resident of Cass county, now located at Suc cess, Missouri, is enjoying a visit in this portion of the county and re ports that he and his family are much pleased with their home in the pleasant climate of the Ozarks. Andrew Schleifert, road overseer of near Wabash was in the city for a short time yesterday afternoon at tending the meeting of the county commissioners. . K. E. Seed and Henry Eikeman of Greenwood precinct were here yes terday to attend to some matters be fore the county commissioners. Harry Long of South Bend was in the city for a few hours today look ing after some matters at the court house. FREE SHOT AT BURDOCK The Cass County Farm Bureau will hold a free picture showf at the M. W. A. hall at Murdock, Tuesday evening, November 8th, at So'clock. Everyone is urged to be in attend ance as this will be free and an ag ricultural program for Elmwood pre cinct will be outlined. CVDEYEKS, NEBRASKA Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild Britain of treatment that enrea Pile Fistula tad other Rectal DImum in a ! ttmm without m. aurrtcaJ o Deration. Ne who ht ben permanently JJi itw dio, idw OMAHA. MeoMooJ Dtr