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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1921)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ' MOITLAT. OCTCBSP. 31, 1921. PAGE SIX HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES HAVE JOINT PARTY HALLOWE'EN FESTIVITIES HELD AT HIGH SCHOOL LAST NIGHT ENJOYED. The event was in the nature of a FORMER LOUISVILLE BOY costume party and some very at tractive and pretty coitumes were noted, the prize winner being Ruth Shannon. At the conclusion of the evening' reiresnmenis 01 popcorn, appiw, DIES IN OMAHA HOSPITAL Glen Brasel, step-son of Henry Schoeman. died last Saturday, Octo ber 22, 1921, at the South Side hos pital in Omaha following an opera pumpkin pie and cider were served I Uon fop appendicitis. The cause of VERY CLEVER ENTERTAINMENT Each Class Has Special Stunt that Pleases and Entertains Crowd of 175 Persons Present. Last evening the four classes of, the Plattsmouth high school held a : most delightful Hallowe'en party aj I the high school building and which was attended by 175 of the young; people as well as the faculty oi tne school and various stunts given were more than pleasing to every one of the members of the party. The high school gym was very pret tily arranged with the orange and black of the Hallowe'en season as well as the blue and white of the Plattsmouth high school, the fes toons being draped over the lights and bleachers and here a portion of the social festivities were held. Each class had been required to furnish some special stunt and thes were given on the stage in the au ditorium of the school and were no vel and entertaining. The freshmen put on a miniature vaudeville show with four big acts, well advertised and carried out in fine shape. The first act was that of the "strong man" and in this role Frank God win won much applause by his great feats cf lifting and was assisted in the act by Russell Hackenberg. The trained animal act also was much enjoyed and was in charge of Rus sell Hackenberg with Carl Ore. Guy Graves. Willis Hackenbsrg and Ray Lambert furnishing a part of the fun. In the boxing match Clyde Graves appeared as the freshmen champion while Frank Godwin rep resented the senior boxers and the result wrs that the senior took the court in the third round. The last of the freshmen acts was the foot tall song by t!-e girls who were cos tumed in white with blue sweaters and I. IT. S. emblem? and wearing blue head guards and made a pleas ing finale to the act. The scpiiomores for their part of the program furnished a song in pantomin?, with Blanche Braun ap pearing as the star and assisted by Ptewart Chase in the role of the lover while Kenneth Vandervoth ?nd Carroll Craig as Satan assisted. Mary Hallas and Caroline Schulhof were the ponies of the act and haul ed the tiny wagon over the stage in a spirited manner while a large chorus of the girls assisted in the pantcmine. The juniors performed the very difficult task of operating on the head of a supposed member of the senior clas and Roy Olson was the willowy and distinguished M. D. that did the heavy work while Glen Hen ry and Charles Hartford assisted and the report of the operation was that there -was a vaccum found in the dome of the supposed senior. In the part assigned by the sen ior class one of the most clever stunts of the evening was produced ir. the dialogue between Allison Fiynn and Will Matchalott and the two young men kept the audience in the best of humor. The two young men put on several musical numbers that rivaled the work of some of the masters of the musical world but it was found that the Edison conceal ed back of the scenes furnished the chief part of the music. In the last portion of the evening the unfortunate freshmen were led to the gym where they were given a real initation into the high school and at the conclusion of the cere mony were presented with certifi cates that entitlad them to keep on attending the high school. Pi fu r bit TO OUR FORMER Ford Patrons We wish to thank you all for your very liberal patronage during the past AT five years and know that Lyou will be more than pleased to do business with Mr. George K. Petring who is an experienced .Ford dealer to whom we have sold our Garage building, Ford agency and stock. All those knowing them selves to be indebted to us will find their accounts and notes at the Ford Garage, where James K. Pollock will be located and he will receipt for all payments made. T. II. POLLOCK that completed a real evening of en joyment and pleasure. BROTHERHOODS RE GARD IT AS VICTORY Since Further Wage Reductions and Action on Rules Indefinitely Deferred U. S. Ready. Chicago, III.. Oct. 2S. The offic ial recall of the rail strike orders issued by the switchmen, trainmen, conductors, engineers and firemen were dispatched today when leaders of the "b:g five" flashed code mes sages from Cleveland headquarters to their general chairmen. The chairmen will' submit the messages to the locals, and the official order recalling the strike will thus per meate the country in a few hours. Railroad brotherhood chiefs said that their resolution, adopted last night calling off the strike, empha sized two points as evidence of a victory for the men. These points were: First, that action of the railroad labor board on further wage cuts that the railroads may ask will re reive consideration after pending questions before the board are clear ed, thereby deferring immediate ac tion on further reductions and pos sibly postponing the question of a new wage revision for nearly a year. Second, that action on the rules which the men's organizations wish to maintain will likewise take its place on the regular calendar of the board, so that it will not likely be come an immediate issue. Government's Injunction Plan Plans to avert the railroad strike, which was scheduled to begin Octo ber 30 but called off last night, had been made by the government while the strike still apeared a certainty, District Attorney Clyne made known today. Application for injunctions, re straining the brotherhood chiefs frem carrying out the strike, with orders necessary to conduct these proceedings, were in the hand3 of district attorney throughout, the country ready to be presented in fed eral courts. , The applications were drafted by Attorney General Daugherty at a conference with five districts attor neys earlier in the week, and fol lowed closely those drawn by Attor ney General Richard Olney in 1S94 for the injunction issued in July of that year, restraining Eugene V. Debs and other officers of the Amer ican Railway union from interfer ing with transportation of the Unit ed States mail, Mr. Clyne said. The government program includ ed two actions to prevent a tie-up in transportation and a third looking to the punishment of strike leaders thru indictments for conspiracy against the public. These were to be presented tr the court twenty-four hours before the time the strike was scheduled to begin. Board is Congratulated Smiles of relief wreathed the faces of members of the United States rail road labor board when they met to day to clean up the many details of the cancelled railroad strike. Hun dreds of congratulatory- telegrams began to pour into the board's of fices. " his death was peritonitis, but he had not been in rugged health for some time. Last June, Mr. Shoeman was called to Kansas City, where he was seriously ill with heart trouble, and when he was able to travel, Mr. Shoeman brought him to Louisville to recuperate. The young man was of a happy, cheerful disposition and made friends wherever he went. At the time of his last illness, he was in the employ of the M. E. Smith Dry Goods company of Omaha". He was engaged to marry Miss Clara Donnelly, of Omaha and had been making his home with his par ents, where he was greatly liked by all the family. They were of the Gail W. Mayfield, the youngest Catholic faith and the funeral serv-json of the Courier editor, joined the ices at the undertaking parlors in ranks of the Benedcts last Saturday Omaha were in charge of a Catholic ( October 22. 1921 when he.vns mar- priest, the young man having em braced that faith before his demise. Mr. Shoeman brought the remains to Springfield 'last Monday to rest in the family lot in the cemetery at that place, beside his mother and his grandmother, Mrs. William, S. Keaton. His only surviving relatives besides his step-father, is his grand father, William S. Keaton of Ash ton, Idaho, who was unable to at tend, the funeral. Miss Donnelly ac companied Mr. Shoeman to Spring field to attend the burial which was in charge of Undertaker P. C. Stan der of Louisville. -A large number of .Mr. Schoeman's relatives from here and a few friends from here attend ed the funeral at Springfield. At the time of his death the young man was 21 years. 1 month and 16 days old. Louisville Courier. COURIER'S YOUNGEST SON JOINS RANK OF BENEDICTS ried to Miss Myrtle Amick of Om aha. The ceremony took place at the People's church at 515 North ISth street In Omaha, the pastor. Rev. Charles V. Savidge, the "Marrying Parson," officiating in his usual pleasing manner. The ring ceremony was used and was simple and im pressive. -Only relatives were pres ent. The bride is the only daughter o Mrs. L. Gadway of Omaha and is a grand daughter of Mrs. Isaac Bates, a former Sarpy county lady now re siding in Omaha. She is employed at the Athletic club as assistant cashier and has held that position for the past two years. The groom has been employed at the Sprague Tire & Rubber company in Omaha since they first started in business a few years ago. The pasior announced that this was nis wedding number 5,201, and he has been preaching for more than forty years. ) After the ceremony, the wedding party repaired to the home of the bride's mother, where a sumptious dinner was served amid much toast ing and merriment. The young cou ple received some beautiful and use ful presents and they will go to housekeeping in furnished apart ments on Dodge street. Louisville Courier. -STORAGE S' 00 O Per Month FOR ANY SIZE CAR Steam Heated Garage and AH Night Service! Plaits mouth Motor Co, Authorized Ford Sales and Service. FUhERAL OF MRS, ELLEN SMITH HELD Held Yesterday Afternoon at the Heme in South Part of City Interment at 6ak Hill. Yesterday afternoon the funeral services of the late Mrs. Ellen Smith were held at the home in the south portion of the city where the de ceased lady has made her home dur ing the five years of her residence here and a large number of the old friends and neighbors gathered to share with the family the grief that the untimely death has brought. The Rev. John Calvert of the Methodist church was in charge of the service and spoke words of com fort to the sorrow stricken family and to the friends who will feel keenly the separation of their friend and associate. During the services Rev. Calvert and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wescctt sang two of the favor ite hymns of the departed lady, "Doe3 Jesus Care," and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Mrs. Smith was seventy-one years and ten days old and leaves to morn j her loss a large family, the husband, I Bruce Smith, eight children, thirty six grandchildren, and sixteen great grandchildren. Also a brother, James Knapp of Mt. Vernon, Iowa. I The interment was made at the Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. The most exquisite iine of birth i day and gift cards to be found any ! where! At Journal office. ! p Better Than Traps For Rats Writes Adams Drug Co., Texas They say: -RAT-SNAPis doing the work and the rat undertakers are aa basy as pop corn on a hot Btove." Try it on your rata. RAT-SNAP fa a "money back" troaranteed sure killer. Comes ready for use ; no mix in? with ottier foods. Cats and dotrs won't touch it. Kats dry up and leave no BmelL Three sizes: 35e for one room: 65c for house or chicken yard : S1.2S for barns and outbuildings. Start killing rats today. Sold and finsrsatasd by a Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had raba F. G. Fricke & Co. TbrI t 4 On Tuesday, October 25, at the Parmele the New Edison proved that there is no difference between its RE-CREATION of music and the original music. It was proof that would be good in any court of law. If you did not attend, take the trouble to find out exactly what happened. Investigate all the details of this drastic test. It was given particularly for the music lovers of Plattsmouth so that they might know, thru their own personal experience, that there is a phono graph which can give them the exact performance of the living artist. ' i Harvey Hindermyer, famous tenor, made the test. He stood on the platform, beside the New Edison. He 1.1 !. 1 . 1 ' sang, m tne miast or nis song, ne stopped singing. The New Edison took up the song, and continued it alone. Thus, they alternated singer and phonograph- The audience had to watch Mr. Hindermyer's lips, in order to be certain which was singing. The New Edison's triumph was complete and spectacular. A' similar test was made by the Dann instrumen-' tal trio, with the same astonishing results. Remember that no other phonograph can sustain this test! Remember that you want a phonograph which does! And remember that the New Edison did it riqht here in Plattsmouth. Ihs NEW DISON 44 The Phonograph with a Soul" You can have, in your own home, the exact kind of instrument used in the test. This was an Official aboratory Model out of our own stock. Select any Official Laboratory JModel in our store, and we will guarantee it to sustain the test of direct comparison, Wewiclh and to do everything that was done in the test at the Parmele. Ask us about our Budget Plan. It brings you this New Edison for a small payment. Any man or woman, who loves music, can make a gentleman's agreement with us. '9 ' 510 Main Street, Plattsmouth,. Neb. Agents for Plek.ttsmoith., Loviisville, CedaLr Creek and Murra.y. i