The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth lournal
Entered at PostofTIce. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Is prohibition a failure?
Everybody waits for those who
Silk stockings are to blame for
short skirts.
Putting on the heaviest is a tick
lish business.
To see or not to see. that's the
style question.
Twenty-four carat gold is abso
lutely pure.
The end of a perfect day is when
supper burns.
The schools are grinding slowly.
but exceedingly well.
:o: ;
Marriage is a gamble when there
Is money back of it.
Save time and worry and do your
Christmas shopping early.
Xevada has the least number of
automobiles of all states.
No one knows why wives have
more relatives than husbands.
One way to keep others off your
toes is to be on them yourself.
An Irishman's explanation of why
the waves are wild is "Britannia
rules the waves."
The Chicago policeman caught at
his front door with 10 kegs of beer
was rolling in wealth.
Doctors can now prescribe whis
key, beer and wine for medical pur
poses, but not in Nebraska.
The best remedy for a bald head
Is to keep it covered.
Two heads are better than one,
except when buying hats.
Other people's troubles always
bore us more than our own.
Great Britain was known to the
Phoenicians as the land of tin.
Most of us are too high on expec
tation and too low upon action.
Consider the little postage stamp,
it gets there by sticking to a thing.
Congress made days longer, but it
takes a baby to make nights longer.
The farther a man can look into
the future the fewer creditors he
Everybody will te happy if a com
promise is made on the strike busi
ness. :o:
You must sing a song of more than
six pence if you want a pocket full
of rye.
The average family consists of
4.3 persons. The decimal point is
A Princeton professor says he
can't live on" $10,000 a ypar. Most
professors would like to try it.
"Look out for loose motor car
nuts." warns a motor journal. We
always do before crossing the street.
If some men could only remem
ber the answer. to half the questions
they ask they would have a good ed
ucation. n:o
Never speak ill of anyone. You
can do just as much execution with
a shrug of the shoulder or a signifi
cant look.
Thanksgiving four weeks from to
day and Christmas about eight
weeks off. Do your Christmas shop
ping early.
Last year the first products of
her two coasts netted Canada $26,
153,044. :o:
The best help we can give is to
build a hospital right at every grade
Sometimes when a man takes out
Insurance his wife thinks he ought
to be shot.
Hallowe'en next Monday if it
don't rain, and the lftds have to
stay home.
"Would Arrange Royal Match Be
tween King of Bulgaria and Princess
of Rumania." For how many rounds?
Leave it to Tex Richard.
The labor board calls on ail god
Americans to refrain from loose talk
and provocative language about
either side in the railroad strike
controversy. To be neutral in thot
and act, we judge.
It will soon be rjecessary to call
off the booze hounds. They are
causing the taxpayers to growl, and
justly too.
This Is no time for ' disarmament,
when several of the European coun
tries are manufacturing more arms,
even in Germany.
The bootleggers are still plying
the avocation, and once in a while
they will draw a genuine bottle of
"Old Crow" on you.
Grip usually starts just the same
r.s a cold with a watery discharge
from the nose. You are much more
likely to contract the grip when you
have a cold. For that reason when
grip is prevalent you should go to
bed as soon as you feel tta?r you are
taking cold and stay in bed until
fully recovered which should not be
long if you take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Three days in bed now is
better than three weeks later on.
You can't have good health with
a disordered ftomach. Correct your
stomach disorders with Tanlac and
you will keep well and strong. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
"I Got Real Mad when I Lost My
Setting Hen," writes Mrs. Hannaj
N. J.
" I went into our bam and found my best
ytler lrad I got real mad. One packaee of RaU
?nap killed six big rats. Poultry raisrrs should use
Rat-Sna'." Comes in cakes, no miiinR. No smell
from dead rats. Three sizes. Prices. 35c. 65c. $1-25.
Soli and guaranteed by
Ecstor & Svatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
On Hallowe'en
Two Centuries Ago and Today!
On Hallowe'en, two centuries ago, country folks set
bowls of cream outside their windows as an offering to
keep witches away. Empty bowls in the morning the
witches had come and gone away satisfied! Meanwhile
Pussy Plinked knowingly on the hearth.
Today, as in those days, the real goblins and witches
are the petty doubts and worries that crowd the joys from
life. A bank account is the protecting charm that chases
them from the minds of men. Like October sunshine,
it puts joy into life - the joy that comes from the assur
ance that the future is provided for.
Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund,
The Bank of Gass County
Established 1881
We don't need a highroad back
to normalcy so much as a subway.
:o-. :
Now that skirts are to be longer,
immodesty is a leg down on the race.
Winter is coming on, and coal is
coming high, but we must have
Liooks like the main purpose of a
bank is to keep track of its holi
days. :o:
Maybe some men stay away from
church because they were married
in one.
Bandits can get cash from banks
easier than a lot of honest men can
In spite of the lack of raw mater
ials Austria is enlarging her indus
trial horizon.
Citizen claims that it's possible
for school officials who mark time
to become marked men.
A pleasing" note in the general
situation, Is that the postcards from
vacationists are decreasing.
From Thursday's Dully.
I . Mrs. Ed Tutt of Murray was
among the visitors in the city last
' evening to attend the sessions of the
Eastern Star.
, Rue II. Frans and wife of Union
j were here last evening to attend the
meeting of the Eastern Star, motor
ing up from their home.
' James Stander of Louisville was
here today to attend the Cass coun-
j ty Sunday School convention that is
meeting here and to visit with his
many friends in the county seat.
Mark White, former Cass county
resident, but now located at Los An
geles, California, arrived in the city
last evening and this morning de
parted for Kansas City where he will
spent a short time at the Thornton
& Minor sanitarium receiving treat
ment. Fred Lau. one of the prominent
residents of near Murdock, in com
pany with his children, Alida and
Louis, were here yesterday for a few
hours and while here Mr. Ian wns a
pleasant caller at the Journal office.'
The party had motored to Ashland
and thence to this city and report
that roads as being In good condition
despite the quite heavy rains as the
dryness of the soil had quickly ab
sorbed the water.
The Thanksgiving turkey is "gob
bling" in price. But some peo.e
will have them at any price.
Some men would like to pay their
taxes the way they drop money into
the collection plate on Sundays.
Maybe Voliva, who professes to
believe the world is flat, referred
only to the condition of its purse.
A man has brought a divorce suit
against his wife, who is a palmist.
Evidently his wife line was short. ,
"President Harding off on Anoth
er trip!" is a newspaper headline.
Why not keep that head standing.
The only thing you can build at
the old price is a reputation, and
you have to be careful about that.
Sir Oliver Lodge says he has re
ceived spirit messages from hell.
When will business be back. Oliver?
Ex-Emperor Charles even faile'd in
his attempt to committ suicide. The
Hapsburgs don't seem to be able to
succeed at anything.
The famous Krupp works at Es
sen now produce one locomotive and
eight freight cars daily, besides
many machines and devices.
A new treatise on political econ
omy from the socialist standpoint is
entitled "Marx Made Easy." But
we're easy enough now, thank you.
The Canadian doctor who was lost
In the woods and nearly starved for
lack of a match to build a fire should
have had a Boy Scout along with
Uncle Sam may be willing to dis
arm If other nations feel that way
about it, but he does not need to
take chloroform to make the opera
tion easy.
The papers announce another
"girl kidnapped" every day or so,
and if some of the stories "get by"
at home, the girls deserve to be
ranked alongside of Jonah.
Lost: Black leather satchel con
taining contract books and heating
and plumbing literature between the
lied Shoemaker farm at Nehawka
and Plattsmouth cn right of way.
Liberal reward fcr return. Call Jour
nal office or telephone 98, Platts
mouth. o27-4d, lsw.
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth on Thursday, Nov. 27, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Hens, per lb 18c
i Springs, per lb 16c
' Old Roosters, per lb 7c
Ducks, per lb 18c
( Geese, per lb -16c
! Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or shine and take care
of all poultry offered for sale.
a o n arncTDc vk
Trom Friday' i Dallv.
C. F. Wheeler of Louisville came
down this morning to spend a few
hours here attending to some mat
ters at the court house.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water-came in last evening to fpend
a few- hours here today looking af
ter some matters in court and visit
ing with his many friends in the
city. '
Don Arries who is In charge of
the Royal theatre at Le Mars, Iowa,
came in yesterday to spend a short
time here visiting his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Arries, and with his
many friends.
Lois Reese was a passenger to Lin
coln Saturday morning.
H. 11. Gerbeling autoed to Nebras
ka City Saturday on business.
S. A. Jackman autoed to Avoca on
Thursday afternoon on business.
.Mr. and Mrs. Will Copple spent
Sunday at the H. P. Hinds home.
II. H. Gerbeling shipped about
90 hogs to Nebraska City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and
family spent Sunday at the C. II.
Gibson home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and two
sons spent Sunday afternoon with
relatives here.
Hilda Smith of University Place is
visiting with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. P. Dehning.
Guy Hinds, Warren Richard, Mona
Sylvester and Bettie Reese autoed to
Lincoln Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Theodore Miller was a Lin
coln passenger Thursday evening and
returned home Monday morning.
Mrs. C. S. Allis' niece and nephew,
Mr. and Mrs. James of Topeka, Kan
sas, are visiting here for a few days.
Mrs. William Staton and three
daughters, Grace, Macia and Margar
et, spent Sunday with Mrs. Staton's
father, M. V. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Gerbeling
spent Sunday in Bethany. Mr. Ger
beling's sister and. husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Schweiger, accompanied
them as far as Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gibson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory
and son spent Sunday evening at
the S. A. Jackman home. Mrs. Greg
ory and son stayed for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pool, of Lincoln,
spent the week end at the Albert
Pool home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Pool and daughter Hazel also took
dinner Sunday at the Albert Pool
S. A. Jackman took Dorthy Reese
to the hospital in Lincoln Friday,
where she underwent an operation
for appendicitis. Her father, Frank
Reese, a sister Edith and an aunt,
Mrs. Walter Lane, accompanied her
to Lincoln and stayed until after the
The big leagues probably never
thought their rule against' world
series players exhibiting their prow
ess off the circuit would become a
national issue. But take one Babe
Ruth, one Judge Landis and a few
thousand dollars and shake them up
together, and what other results
could possibly ensue?
Man should not live by bread
alone, but if restricted to that sort
of diet he could get more varieties
of bread from corn than from any
other cereal. Corn " is the greatest
all round grain and it is a reflec
tion on general intelligence that it
cannot be sold for enough to pay
the cost of production.
: :o:
General Ludendorff thinks inter
ference by German liberals with the
plans of the general staff cost Ger
many the war. Interference with
the plans of the general probably
had a lot to do with the result, but
it is the popular impressi6n that
most of this interference came from
Marshal Foch and the allied armies.
Dr. II. C. Leopold, new office?
Union block over Halstead market.
Got Her Good Health Out of a Bottle.
Mrs. Edward Raifsnider, Wabash,
Ind., rays that she owes her good
health to Chamberlain's Tablets. She
suffered from distresses after eating
and constipation and was completely
cured by the use of these tablets.
Keeps Motors Lively But Quiet
Polarine is more than a name. It is the guarantee
of the world's largest and most experienced oil refiners.
, It means: "Here is the most perfect lubricating oil for
motors that our big staff of oil chemists and automotive
engineers know of. It has our unqualified guarantee."
Under all conditions it maintains a wear-preventing
oil cushion between moving parts and in bearings, and
a fuel-tight and gas-tight seal in cylinders.
That's why Polarine keeps motors lively but quiet.
That's why Polarine will keep your repair costs down.
Polarine is made in four grades light, medium
heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality.
Get the proper grade for your car next time by refer
ring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers
and you will start cutting down motoring costs.
Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
The State of Nebraska, Cass loun
ty. In the County Court.
In the niattfr of the estate of Ellen
J. Smith, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mnuth, in said county, on the 25th day
of November. A. I). and on the
2.".th day of February, A. I . 1922, at
10:(n) o'clock a. tn. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited l'ir
the presentation of claims aLrainst said
estate is three months from the 2"tli
day of November, A. I. 1121, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 25th dav of No
vember. Witness ray band and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th dav of
October, lr'l.
(Seal) o27-4w. County Judge.
In the TUstrict Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Clara I.. At nistronir and Koy L. Arm
strong, her husband. Plaintiffs, vs. J.
y. iVrnes et al. 1 Jefendants.
To the defendants, the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of A. 1 . I low man, de
ceased, real names unknown, and all
other persons havinpr or claiming any
interest in Lot 1HT. in the Village of
Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
Von, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 20th day of Octo
ber. ll21. the plaintiffs filed their suit
in the IMstrict Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purposes of
which is to iiuiet and confirm plain
ti'Ts' title in and to Lot 137 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, in Cass county,
Nebraska, and to enjoin each and all
of you from having or claiming to have
any right.-1 it le, lieu or interest either
legal and eiuitable in or to said real
estate or any part thereof, and to en
join you and each of you from in any
manner interfering with plaintiffs' pos
sesion and enjoyment of said prem
ises and for eipiitable relief. This no
tice is given pursuant to an order of
said Court. You are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
tay the 5th 'day of Kecember, 1921,
or your default will be entered there
in, and judgment taken upon plain
tiffs' petition.
Clara L. Armstrong: ana
Rov I. Armstrong, Her Husband,
o24-4w. Their Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of James
V. Taylor, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are liereby notltied. That I will
sit at the Count v Court room In I'latts
mouth In said county on the 19th day
of. November, A. D. 1921, and on the
2oth dav of February, A. D. 1922, at
10 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate with ji view to their adjustment
anc. allowance. The time limited for
tin presentation of claims against
said estate is three months from the
l!Uta dav of November, A. 1. 1921, and
the time limited lor payment of debts
is one year from said 19th day of
November, 19 21.
Witness mv hand1 and the seal of
said Countv Court this 13th day of
October, 1921.
(Seal) ol7-4w. County Judge.
Importance of a Complete
t UUUM (Thiviri of Km Hncr
Point Fractions
You' can't light coal with a match. Kin
dling is necessary. For the same reason, the
heavier fractions of gasoline can't give you
instant ignition, snappy pick-ups and full
power and mileage unless there; is an ample
supply of low-boiling point fractions to act
as kindling.
Straight-distilled gasoline possesses these
boiling point fractions in correct propor
tions. That is why Red Grown Gasoline is
uniformly satisfactory. It is straight-distilled
gasoline that meets every requirement
of the U. S. Government specifications for
motor gasoline. There is no better gasoline
for cold weather use.
A uthorized Red Crown D ealers
Wherever you go you can always get Red
Crown Gasoline from reliable, competent, obliging
dealers. The gasoline and motor oils they sell
make motor operation more pleasant, more economi
cal and more dependable. Drive in where you see
the Red Crown Sign. -
Write or ask lor a Red Crown RoadMap
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