PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEU THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921. MACCABEE LADIES i HAVE FINE TIME j Kensington at Home of Mrs. John Bajeck is First of Series of Social Gatherings. From 'Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the V. B. A. of Maccabees held a most delightful social afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Bajeck on west Main street and Respite the un pleasant weather conditions, quite a pleasing attendance was present to participate in the enjoyment of the day. The afternoon was spent in games and at a suitable hour dain ty refreshments were served that added to the delights of the mem bers of the party. The ladies also tpent some time in the discussion of the forthcoming rally of the or der that is to be held in Omaha on November 8-9 and at which the head of the order will be present from Port Huron. Michigan, to take part in the meetings. A large number of the Plattsmouth ladies are planning to attend this series of meetings. The W. B. A. of the Maccabees has proven very successful in the la-t year in their membership cam paign and now are numbered among the leading fraternal organizations cT t he city, and each meeting sees B3w accessions to the ranks of the n.embership in the city and sur rounding country. It was decided at the meeting yesterday that the monthly social meetings at the hemes of the members be continued as serving to bring all of the mem bership in closer touch with each other and contributing to the wel fare of the order. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE JOINEDIN WEDLOCK Miss Hazel York and Mrs. Earl Wil liams are United in Marriage at Presbyterian Manse From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening at the home of Rev. II. G. McClusky, pastor of the First Presbyterian church occurred the marriage of Miss Hazel York and Mr. Earl Williams. The wedding was very quiet and the bridal couple were attended by Miss Mable Ben nett as the bridesmaid and Mr. John Cechal as the best man. The cere mony was performed with the us ual impressive ring service. At the conclusion of the ceremony the young people enjoyed a very dainty luncheon and then returned to their home that they have pre pared for their use. The, bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.L.. York, now residing at Manley and who were former I'lattsmouih ' residents and the friends here of the young lady are legion. Mr. Williams is employed at the Barclay cafe and expects to con tinue there in the future. SOMETHING WORTH READING Have you attended our sale yet? If you haven't you should. We offer any article in the btore to be put up at once to be bid on if the price gos too high stop bidding. Mr. Scigel will explain the auction so you can thoroughly understand it satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. Seigel. the auctioneer, is con sidered the best salesman in Ameri ca, and has a pleasing way and gets the crowds, and you miss a treat if you do not attend. We offer any ar ticle in the store, do not be back ward, if you don't get it at your own pri e some one else will to your loss. Please remember this, we will also put up any article mentioned or de sired. We are having crowds at each sale, there must be a reason. Remember the sale only lasts until Saturday night. 25 prizes to the first 25 ladies that attend the af ternoon sales. B. A. M'ELWAIN Jeweler S. SE1GEL, Auctioneer TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Wednesdays Dally. This morning Harry Gouchenour departed for Omaha taking with him his son, Ike, who is to be placed in the hospital there for (treatment and possibly an operation as the result of the injuries received two weeks ago when he fell out of a moving automobile and received severe in juries to his head. The young man was thought to be getting along very nicely and was able to leave the house a few days after the accident but later sugered a relapse and the condition of the patient became so serious that It was found necessary to have him taken to the hospital. The friends are aniously awaiting the outcome of the case as it is ap rarently quite serious owing to the injuries to the head of the young man. Walter Qouxhenour, uncle and Wayne Gouchenour, accompanied the injured boy to the hospital. MEDICINAL BEER LEGAL IZED IN NINE STATES ONLY Washington. D. C, Oct. 25. Pre ecriptions of beer as medicine under' the new treasury regulation can le-; pally be made in only nine states, Wayne B. Wheeler, general counsel of the Anti-Saloon eague, said today 1n a statement. These states, he said, are Cali fornia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Wis consin. Prescription of beer also is possible, he said, in the non-prohibited portions of Louisiana and Maryland. Although Journal want-ads coat but little the results they bring art wonderful. Try them. Proved! Tuesday to PI mmm mm ft xmi cm fl!0W Y B HlW Big Audience at Par mele Theatre Hears Harvey Hindermyer and the Dann Trio in EDISON Tone-Test In a test of direct comparison, made Tuesday at. The Par mele, before a large audience, the New Edison scored a com plete and convincing triumph. Harvey Hindermyer, the famous tenor, sang in direct com parison with the Re-Creation of his voice by the New Edison. To every ear, there was no difference between his living voice and his Re-Creation voice. This is the most drastic phonograph test known. No other phonograph has ever sustained it. No other phonograph has even attempted it. The New Edison's marvelous performance of Tuesday vindicates everything that has been said or claimed for its per fect realism. Mr. Hindermyer stood on the stage next to a shapely Chippendale cabinet. He began to ting. His golden notes soared over the theatre, bringing all under its magic spell. Halfway through his song, he suddenly stopped singing. The New Edison, at Lis side, took up his song, - and continued it along. Sii.ger and phonograph thus alternated, throughout the song. The only way the audience could be sure which was sing ing, was by watching Mr. Hindeimyer's lips, so exactly like the living voice was the Re-Created voice. The Dann Trio made the same test of comparison with the Re-Creations of their instrumental selections. Again the same result - there was no difference be the Re-Created per formance and the living performance. Proof was piled upon proof! Evidence, was massed on evidence! The end of the concert found the audience abso lutely and completely convinced, through its own personal ex perience, that there is no difference between an artist's living performance and its Re-Creation by the New Edison, that listening to the New Edison is, in literal truth, the same as lis tening to the living artists. Tie NEW EDISON The Phonograph with a Soul" Only one question can still bother your mind. This ques tion we now answer. The instrument used in Tuesday's tests was not a special model. It was an Official Laboratory Model, taken from our stock. Every Official Laboratory Model in our stock is guar anteed to sustain the same test of direct comparison with living artists. r You can can have an Official Laboratory Model in your home. You can own an instrument which will do everything done Tuesday in the best. Come in. Hear the wonderful Official Laboratory Model for yourself. Learn about our Bud get Plan, which puts our Official Laboratory Model into your home for no more than you would "pay down" for a talking machine. We ad iralba, 510 Main Street. Plattsmouth, Neb. Agents for FlaLttsmoxith, Loviisville, Ceder Creek and Murray.