The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 24, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsrnoutb journal
Entered at rostofflce. I'lattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter
P. . A. BATES, Publisher
Wild oats are hard to tame.
Easy riding comes from proper:
Be warry of passing a truck on a
narrow road.
French dressing is better on sal-
i ad than on girls.
JEvi Spier, Chief Clerk, Goes to Alli
ance and Ed J. Clark Succeeds
to Clerkship Here
Jack Frost
Is showing
his work.
We hope the strike will be called
nanain dav was a biff one, as
America's bigge. t running expense
is motor cars.
Walnuts are ripe, and the boys
I motor vehicles during 1920.
One fair sized saco palm will sun-1
From Friday's Dally,
Nobody can see a man who is nil j Several changes have been made
'wrapped up in himself. ,n ine SIOI-e aepartment or me uur-
! ; I lington in this city and which be-
II New York state registered 658,
are gathering them in.
- A double chin develops quickest
when two women meet.
After vacation thought in the St.
Joseph Gazette; "Returning tourists
are see sick."
A man with a lance family to .sup-'
port hasn't time to develop an ar
tistic temperament.
Drunkenness is reported to be on
the decline in Chicago. Perhaps the
policemen have quit peddling liquor.
o : o
Guatemala, Honduras and Salva
dor have merged into cno republic.
Now look out for some nice fight
ing. : :o
This is going to te a hard vint".
and the man out of work and uior.
ey, too. will have a hard time pet
ting along.
ply a man with food for more than
a year.
Now Edgar Howard comes to the
front, and he says the sentiment for
a new party is gainging strength
every day in the western section of
the state.
Of course, it is none of our bus
iness, and we may never have our
curiosity gratified, but sometimes
we have wondered if rouge rubs off
on the pillow.
A Georgian who has reached his
100th birthday says he expects to
live another hundred years. He must
be waiting for Bill Bryan to be
elected president.
Judge Arthur G. Wray says he
will not run for governor under the
manipulations of either of the old
rarties. Alright, judge, organize a
new party, then. t
It is predicted that Germany just
can't stand the loss of Upper Silesia,
but then, it has been predicted that
Germany couldn't stand a lot of
things that she did.
The department, of agriculture has
issued a bulletin describing the
J phenomna of yellow rain and pink
j rain. Somebody in Washington has
Los Angeles has two passenger
automobiles for every 11 inhabi
tants. :o:
come effective at once. Mr. Evi Spier
who has for the past year been the
chief clerk here under W. F. Hun
eke, storekeeper, has received a dis
tinct promotion in the service and
has been sent to Alliance in the ca
pacity of storekeeper there. Mr.
Spier has made many friends here
during his stay in this city who will
Four Chicagoans have started onregret very mucu to see him leave
an automoDiie
tour around the
Aw, weil the world ain't so bad. been
In fact we believe it's getting bet
ter. We hardlv ever see a red neck
tie anymore.
No wonder Mexico has been so. might
friendly to us lately. She wants
float a $250,000,000 bond issue
drinking again.
Norma Talmadge says that this is
J7. '. the day of the short skirt, the short
iJ j hair, and the short stcry. Norma
have added the short look
ahead and the short pocketbook.
in '
this country
One of the strangest thing3 in
i this world is why poor men never
The awkward man must be liiv- h:vs nervous breakdown?, -and why
ing quite a breathing spoil since he negroes never have appendicitis,
can't be accused f stepping: en wo- cancers, ndnoids. or diseased tonsils.
men's skirts these days. j :o:
o.u- i The republican leader:; say they
The peep!e are being taxed to are willing to compromise with the
death in Nebraska and if it is pis- democrats on the tariff question. An
sible to make a change for the bet- offer of compromise on such a ineas-
Japan has established a new bu
reau for the electrification of its
: :o:
Of course, we never did expect the
Yankees or Giants either, to win all
the games.
When his satanic majesty exhibits
sympathy for piety it's time to stand
from under.
One good way to curtail armament
would be to have plumbers build our
Chimneys lean toward the east,
due to drying of their moisture by
the morning sun.
bad to
It sounds almost as
woman say "damn" as to hear
but they are well pleased to learn
that he is receiving an advance
ment. To succeed Mr. Spier as clerk
here, Ed J. Clark, now foreman of
the store department, has been nam
ed. Mr. Clark was acting in this ca
pacity durine the absence of Mr.
Spier in Chicago a few,, weeks ago j
and i3 a young man well qualified'
in every way for the position.
say "darn.
A newspaper in Athens has all of
its advertisements and news matter
written in verse.
Nevada has the fewest women, in
proportion to total population, of
any of the states.
A bankrupt in France losses all
ter. why
not up and
do it?
ure is equivalent to admitting de
Consider the humble oyster. It
rnniiot understand why there should
be any scarcity of oysters. The moth
er oy.-ter lays 400.000 cgss annually
While wages are hijh the profi
teer is also high in his charges. Con
sequently if the wage is cut, the pro
fiteer must cut also. Ain't that pro
per? j
rr i
.... , .schools in Nebraska
It begins to look like the eor:-et ' ....
manufacturers of the United States
are going to have to ask for a gov-
Politics have about ruined this
country, and the era f tors manipu
lating them are growing richer every
d?.y, while the poor downtrodden
tillers of the soil are holding the
sack with nothing in it.
i :o:
I The old fashioned spelling bee has
been revived in some of the public
eminent subsidy to keep out of bank
ruptcy. :o;
California grape growers are sell
ing more grapes now than they (Sid
before the days of prohibition. In
cidentally, they are selling them
Perhaps the
day will yet come when the risintr
I generations will be able to look up
- words in the dictionary.
; ;o:
If Uncle Sam wants a law on im-
! migration with teeth in it, pass one
to the effect that no immigrant will
bo admitted to this country who
, doe:? not agree to buy a farm and
i till it. We have qul'.e enough of the
t riff-raff of Europe.
Below is an extract from a letter
received by Mrs. Charles Bailey, of
Elmwood. from her brother, Elmer
Woodruff, who is a geologist in the
employe of the Oklahoma State Pro
ducers and Refiners company, at
Tulsa, Oklahoma, and who has just
returned from a two months' trip to
South America in the interests of!
his company. Mr. Woodruff was'
raised in Cass county and has many
friends in the vicinity of his old
home at Elmwood who will be pleas
ed to heir of his success. Following!
is the extract from his letter: j
"My trip to South America was a
most interesting one. I passed thru
the Canal, stopped at several points
in Peru, Chille and Bolivia. They are,
countries of the Spanish type and in
many ways arc similar to Cuba. I
Being south of the equator it was'
winter, so the weather was fine, j
Most of northern Chile is a desert,!
hence there are living beinprs only j
alone the few streams which come i
rights of citizenship and regains frorn tue mountains, and they are
them after he has paid all his debts, high, rugged mountains. I was up
:o; 15,000 feet twice and I could see
The demagogue always does his'Peaks much higher.
I 1 " . v. . .i ii -i.i-( -t r-i 7 1 1 ,11,' 1 1 . i . r -i
promises before he gets into omce,! - . T . ,
i the coast is when I toll you it has not)
and fails to make good thereafter. ralned at Arica .Chile, for forty years .
:o: (There are practically no wagon j
By helping to stimulate the IniiM- roads. Travel is or foot or by means'
inc industry in Platt-mouth each of .of Fmall mules. Go vts are transport-
How to Judge Gasoline Quality
In cold weather you can easily get a line on gaso
line quality. If you have starting trouble, if you have
to feed in a rich mixture, if carbon accumulates quickly,
you have pretty good indications that there's something
wrong with your gasoline.
Red Crown Gasoline vaporizes readily at all tem
peratures. It ignites instantly and burns up completely.
It is straight-distilled gasoline that meets all U. S. Gov
ernment specifications for motor gasoline.
Red Crown Gasoline does not vary. It is as unir
formly high grade as the most modern processes of re
fining can make it. Vl''
Authorized Red Crown Dealers, Everywhere
Wherever you go you can always get Red Crown Gasoline
from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gasoline
and motor oils they sell make motor operation more pleasant,
more economical and more dependable. Drive in where you
see the Red Crown Sign.
Vrite or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
J The administration of private rail
ways is left unchanged and as for
j the German railway system a sys
of , tern of common exDloitation is to ex-
us w'll
be stimulating his own in-
"Sympathy," so called, may be a
nice thing, but it cannot extend to
an empty pantry and a tireless stcve
In mid-winter.
n:n -When
a man repeats the smart
od on the backs of mules or llamas.
There are some Indian carriers. We
always had plenty to cat though we
did take some of it with us on our
administrative machinery for - the
1 gradual inauguration of the new re
LINE. rrime over a period of fifteen years.
j The long awaited boundary line,
Away back in July, before most according to an official coninvinique,
Nebraska Legion posts had even be- will follow the Oder river to N'ei
gun to give consideration to the se-' betschau. assigning 22 communes in
sayings of his children he naturally , lecticn of a state commander, Hugh J. ' this southern section to Germany and
Kcirns post of this city passed reso-. 19 to Poland.
lutions pledging the post delegates to' To insure continuity of peaceful
Paris. Oct. 20. The decision
the council of the league of nations 11 1st for 15 years.
on the Upper Silesia, question made The German mark is designated as
public here1 today, divides the pleb- the momentary, standard for not
iscite area in almost equal parts be- more, than 15 years,
tween Poland and Germany, as to the ' The customs frontier is to coin-
number of communities and provides j cide with the political frontier and
a customs tariff is provided for.
expects you to
is responsible.
understand that he
Of course, it is none of our busi
ness, but we sometimes wonder
whether stockings need darning as
often as socks do.
Washington, Oct. 20. Peyote,
sometimes called "Indian hootch"
one of the last survivors of the fam
ily of Johta Barleycorn, was saved
fairs .to suppress use of peyote, a
beverage made from the cactus bean.
Senator Owen told the senate that it
was used in Indian religious cere
monies. .
Lowest rates, .5, 7, 10, 15 and
20 years. G. M. McClerkln, at the
Bank of Cass County, I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska. tfd
If it's in tne card line, call at
the Journal office.
at least temporarily to the American
the securing ot endorsement cr Karl economic life in upper Silesia after Indian today by the senate. A plea
Cline of Nebraska City for the office; the partition, the council of'ambas-by Senator Owen, democrat, Okla
cf national commander by the de-jsadors Is urged to take measures i hema, in whose veins there is In-
; partment convention at Fremont. locking toward German and Polish dian blood, caused the senate to
a monin later wnen puDiicity was , co-operation under a general agree
being given the action, other posts ment.
over the state fell in line and at the 1
! convention
strike from a house bill a provision
authorizing the bureau of Indian af-
f at m
Ccates Block Second Floor
Mr. Cline received the
a united support of his home state.
This endorsement is now being
Governor Kendall of Iowa, told
conference of mid-west governors
ultimate depths or our depression. ; the Nebraska delegation at the con
Since when did Iowa get all that ventlon in Kansas City will do all
fnTl.swfl tin with t Vi nrf"ini7fltinn rf
we have not yet sounded the ..r. f mmw .ih
"It don't take a man long to
him hi3 pants at the knee-,
and to make a finely tailored
Buit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
A Y. M. C. A. secretary in New
York has written a story declaring
that Uncle Sam could wipe Japan
off the map within tlwree months.
Perhaps so, but we would prefer to
have a better authority on that sub
ject than a Y. M. C. A. secretary.
If the weather mar will just con
tinue to furi'-fih us with this brand
:f his gnc ds for the- next seven days
he wi!i in"ur oi.r everlasting grati
tude, and we will be willing to stand
for almost anything he wants to
send during the remainder of the
But the goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services i3 keep
ing hi3 clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
Ibfa X
ikUCJRNAL Of net
The state department at Washing
ton is receiving renewals of the old
crmplaint that our ambassadors
abroad are forced to live in furnish
ed rooms. Perhaps it is Just as well.
It may convince some of these Eur
opean nations that we need the mon
ey they owe us.
j Politic? may work wonders In the
campaign next year. The democrats
will line up with great hopes of suc
cess. The republicans will be right
in line and sure of retaining con
j trol of Nebraska and there is no
question as to a third party, with
already many followers.
Mrs. Crandall (Iowa) Tells How She
Stopped Chicken Losses
"'Last spring, rals killed all our baby chicks. Wish
I'd known About Rat-Soap before With just one
Linn package we kilkd .warms of rats. They won't
get this year's hatches. Ill bet." RaUSaap is guar.
antccu au.' sells ict o5c. 65c. $1.25.
Sold aad guaranteed by
Eestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Frickc & Co.
for Sale at Private Sale!
within its power to secure the elec
tion of Mr. Cline to the most import
ant position in the legion that of
National Commander.
Ranging in price from
$25 to $30 Each
These are all excellent hogs. Two
sired by the World's Champion. Bal
ance sired by our own boars.
27 Ribbons Taken at the
. County Show
Sheriff C. D. Quinton has been
confined to his home for the past'
few days with a severe case of the
grippe or heavy cold and is still feel-I
ing very much knocked out as the
result of the illness. It is hoped that!
In a short time the cold will be in j
such shape as to permit the genial '
sheriff to be around as usual in look
ing after the peace of the county.
This also may be none of our busi
ness, and we certainly don't want'
one ourselves, but the idea has just'
occurred to us that perhaps there
may be a man somewhere in this
country who wants to buy one of
those old fashioned, hard boiled
shirts, and there ought to be a law
Compelling the
handle them.
haberdasherias to
at Private Sale!
Est ray Notice
Strayed from my place 3 miles
north of Union, 2 yearlinj? calves.
Finder please notify me and I will
call and get same and pav damage.
Books! Books! Books! We have
them till you can't ist, at the Jour
nal Office.
Tli State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of James
W. Tnvlor, f!e:i?a.sel.
To the creditors of salil ptatc:
You are hereby notified. That I will
Pit at the County Court room In IMatts
montli In paid county on the 13th dav
of November, A. 1. 19.M. and on the
?0th day of February. A. I. 132. at
10 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive
and exjrmlno all clatms' against said
estate with a ylew to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
i the presentation of claims azainst
nid estate is three months from the
" 19th day of November. A. 1. 1921. and
These boars are sired by such boars the time limited for payment of debts
c, , r, ts r Is- one year from said 19th day of
as Sensation B., King of Orion, November. 19 M
Jr. and Kins Sensation. V Witness' my hand and the seal of
Kuld County Court this 13th dav of
PZHI I IP f!in7 0Ct0ber AX.LKN J. BKKSON.
rCfatl n 1 7 - i T- Cnnntr .Tnf1"-f
The undersigned Duroc-Jersey breed
er will offer at Private
Sale about
25 Head Spring Boars
At his farm six miles west of Platts
niouth on Louisville road
1 TTK IT 1!
inff Oil Cost You Each Year?,;
Automotive engineers say that oil of
the wrong body, failure to replace old
oil with fresh oil and neglecting to keep
oil up to the proper level cause fully 90
percent of all automobile engine repair
bills. So the real cost of lubricating oil
is determined by your repair bills.
Oil of the highest quality and cor
rect body is the truest economy. It
protects moving parts against wear and
prevents bearings burning out. It keeps
compression tight and assures maxi
mum pover and mileage from every,
gallon of fuel.
Folarine is the most perfect motor
oil we know of. It maintains a protect
ing oil film in the closest fitting bear
ings and a fuel-tight and gas-tight oil
seal between the piston rings and cylin
der walls.
Polarine is made in four grades light,
medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but
only one quality. Get the proper grade for
your car next time by referring to Polarine
chart at our Service Stations or dealers and
you will start cutting down motoring costs. (
Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
' 1
p ii a a u u u gMf
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