The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Postofflce, Plattsraoiith. Neb., aa second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
. Don't think that a man looks the
right way every time hi3 head is
It was the design of the consti
tution that congress should be a
legislative body.
Ku Klux Klansmen are advised
that the place to wear nighties is in
their own homes.
The recent cold snaps these few
mornings, make one lock after his
last year's overcoat.
"When death stares a man in the
face and he lives to tell he spends
a lot of time telling it.
It people would frankly admit,
their ignorance a lot of useless ar
gument might be avoided.
o:o r- '
As long as a man is able to keep
out of a dentist's chair he may be
able to suffer in silence.
In a manner of speaking, Armis
tice day thi3 vear will also' be a
kind of fire-preVention day.
Don't think because a cat looks
the picture of innocence it is wise
to leave it alone with the canary.
Usually people never get bored
because they have seen too much,
but because they have thought too
Lots of people think they have
done their full duty when they have
paid the war tax on the movie
Jack Frost has taken a very goo.i
time for - his appearance, there is
nothing of importance that he can
Carl Wanderer went to the gal
lows singing a popular song and
there 'is some doubt'as'to his sanity,
after all.
Short skirts not only- allow more
freedom of movement, but the girls
who wear them don't have to chase
a man nearly so far, either.
The morality clause in the movie
contract for players, will bar the
so-called libertine out of the plays
' that so many young, innocent girls
are engaged.
: :o:
That the only cure for unemploy
ment is employment may not sound
like a very profound observation,
but it falls much more gently on
the ears of many than to say the
' only cure for unemployment is work.
Some women are making progress
in their ambition to secure "abso
lute equality with men" and to do
everything they do. Woman witness
in the Arbuckle case in San Fran
cisco admitted that she had taken
10 drinks of whiskey that evening.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
16b MiiJCUKNAL office
Taking babies to movies to make
them stop crying doesn't seem to
- o-
An agricultural school Is feeding
cows sawdust. Thus producing more
plank steak.
Three rousing cheers for this
weather. It's the regular made-to-order
Congressman don't spend as
much time delivering their speeches
as mail men do.
"The U. S. nickel is 75 per cent
copper." news Item. Now what is
a copper worth?
. ;o:
Never hit a man when he Is down
unless you are sure of your ability
to keep him down.
Great Britain says she will make
good the ZR-2. It should have beeil
made good at first.
Lenine says he is tired of ruling
Russia and wants to quit. That
makes it unanimous.
It would help if vacationists were
compelled to furnish affidavits with
their picture post cards.
The mine workers decided at In
dianapolis that what the country
needs is another political party. And
possibly a larger coal output.
Mr. Harding calls the big nation
al debt our "war inheritance." So if
it will make your taxes any easier,
call them your inheritance tax. .
Even in the movement for "beat
ing our swords into plowshares,"
some nations want to do all the
beating and to reserve for them
selves the largest shares.
' :o:
. Billyy Sunday, the noted evange
list, in his "interview with Cecil B.
DeMille, says he will oppose the cen
sorship which some people are de
manding for the movies.
AVhat the Topeka Journal calls a
sure sign of a hard winter: A. C.
Townley, Non-Partisan League boss,
is eager to go to jail and serve a
sentence imposed a year ago.
If it Is true that Mr. Arbuckle
has refused to pay a lawyer a $50,
000 fee it seems to show the movie
millionaires believe that sudden
riches are not good for people.
Well, if the Arbuckle exposure
didn't take some of the movie as
pirations out of some of our young
folks, maybe the new "morality
clause" in the movie contracts will.
One sign of a severe winter is
that the birds and animals are said
to be growing unusually heavy
coats. This is also an indication of
the superior resources of the so
called lower animals.
Congressman Herrick want a na
tional law making it a crime for
anyone to impersonate a king on
i the stage. The court fool is also a
symbol of monarchy that Mr. Her
rick seems to have overlooked.
It is feared the Oklahoma man's
plan of granting divorce by clip
ping a coupon off the marriage cer-
j tificate will never go into effect.
! American coupon clippers are a falr
! ly restricted class at present and
probably should not grow too swift
ly. :o:
Shipments of German toys are be
ginning to reach this country in an
ticipation of the peace on earth,
good will toward men. A little hasty
lof the shippers, perhaps, seeing that
peace is not yet ratified, but doubt
less they figure it will be before
"Five 'Millions Will Die In Rus
sia This Winter," says a headline.
The alarmist should be referred to
the evangelist who has been run
ning advertisements in western
newspapers all summer under the
heading: "Millions Now Living Will
Never Die."
That disarmament conference
won't be complete without a full re
presentation from England.
. :o:
Money goes a little further nowa
days, but not quite far enough to
reach from one payday to another.
A thrifty wife saves her own
pocket money by taking her hus
band along when she goes shopping.
A Chicago man is in jail for
stealing an airplane. Lighted dyna
mite wouldn't be safe in that town.
After a man has been married
three of four years the Romeo and
Juliet balcony scene makes him
Japan announces its intention of
treating. China kindly. Perhaps
China would prefer not to be treat
ed at all.
To the confusion of faunal natur
alists, the blind tiger and the blind
pig are reckoned as belonging to the
same family.
Considering bow many men have
axes to grind it is astonishng how
few you can find who are willing
to cut cord wood.
Jimmy Stillman has sailed fox
Europe and Fatty Arbuckle Is out
on bond. Both have now Joined the
ranks of has-beens.
The old-fashioned mother who
used to make delicious hot biscuits
now has a daughter who is an adept
at making home 'brew.
It has just about reached the
point In this country where nobody
can enjoy hearing a public speaker
unless he abuses something.
Cheer up, all good Democrats!
Just about this time next year we
will be preparing to give the Repub
licans one heluva walloping.
The .embattled bards are advised
to tune their harps to celebrate the
conference on the limitation of arm
ament or to tune their harp3, any
way. :o:
The German mark has dropped to
the point where it would hardly buy
a chintzbug and we don't attach
much value to our chintzbugs,
Business is better in Nebraska
because of better wheat prices, and
also because there are a thousand
other reasons why it ought to be
The German Reichstag ratified
the peace treaty with the United
States that it confirms our suspic
ion to the' effect that we are get
ting the worst of it in that treaty.
"The present shortage of minis
ters is acute, critical and grave," ac
cording to a church conference re
port. But scarcely more acute, criti
cal and grave than the shortage of
If you can't speak a good word
concerning Plattsmouth, keep your
mouth shut. Remember that the
devil was not thrown out of heaven
until he commenced knocking his
home town.
Anyway, you have to admire the
unadulterated gall of those Chicago
policemen in league with a gang of
bootleggers who delivered large
quantities of hootch in police pa
trol wagons.
A shipload of Argentine oranges
sold In New York at two dollars per
crate. It is now up to California and
Florida to ask for a tariff that will
prevent us from buying oranges for
less than 5 cents apiece.
It is now a popular fad with the
flappers to wear the pictures of their
"steadies" on their shoe buckles. As
a matter of fact, the only proper
place for a woman to wear a man's
picture is under her heel.
:o: :
Collections of September 15th in
stallments of the income tax amount
ed to half a billion dollars more
than the estimate of Secretary Mel
lon, of the treasury department. Who
said this country was busted?
:o: ;
Mischa Elman, the Russian violin
ist, says that the women of Ameri
ca are the most beautiful in the
world. That's the trouble with those
foreigners. They are always telling
us something we already know.
When those foreign nations as
semble for the disarmament confer
ence, they ought to be required to
leave their battleships and heavy
artillery with Uncle Sam as collat
eral for the war loans they owe us.
Personal instruction given in
snorthand""and typewriting. Four
mefntas course, two hours a day.
$3 a week. Alma R. Waterman,
corner Locust and 8th street.
Prom Mondays Dally
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray
State bank was here for a short
time today attending to some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. Dick Pitman of Murray was
here yesterday for a few hours visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Will T. Adams.
J. J. Meisinger departed this
morning for Omaha where he goes
to look after some dental work in
that city for a few hours.
Elmer Hallstrom, wife and family
of Avoca, were among the over Sun
day visitors in this city enjoying the
day here with relatives and friends.
George Everett and sister, Mrs.
Malissa Taylor of Union, were here
today for a short time attending the
hearing in the county court In the
matter of the estate of James W.
Taylor, deceased.
Attorney C. L. Graves of Union
came in this morning from his
home to spend a few hours here
looking after some professional mat
ters in the county court in which
he was interested.
Max Adams, wife and children
came in Saturday evening from their
home and will visit here for a few
days at the home of Mr. Adams' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Adams and
family and with other relatives in
the county.
James Gilmour and wife, of
Ulysses, Nebraska, are enjoying a
visit in this locality with their rel
atives and friends, stopping at the
home of William Gilmour and wife,
parents of Mr. Gilmour, and at the
A. J. Snyder and C. F. Vallery homes.
.Frank Steppatt, who is now resid
ing near Grant, Nebraska, came in
Saturday afternoon for a short visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Steppatt, and other relatives and
friends. Mrs. Steppatt and the child
ren stopped in Omaha for a visit
there before coming on here.
I'rom Tuesday's Dally.
W. H. Shopp departed this after
noon for McCook, Nebraska, where
he will visit with friends and rela
tives for a short time.
R. W. Green and William Seiker
of Elmwood were in the city today
looking after some matters of busi
ness at the court house.
William Starkjohn departed this
morning for Gothenberg, Nebraska,
where he will spend a few days look
ing after some land interests in that
portion of the state.
Mrs. Frances Vallery was among
the passengers this afternoon for
Omaha where she . will spend some
time in that city looking affer some
matteid of business.
James M. Teegarden came over
this morning from Weeping Water
bringing Mrs. Dudley back home af
ter a -two weeks visit with old time
friends at Weeping Water.
George Hall, wife and son, Geo.
of Falls City, who have been visit
ingat the home of the former's par
ents, Mr. ad Mrs. Julius Hall, re
turned to their home this afternoon.
John P. Kuhney of Akron, Colo.,
who was called to Corning, Iowa,
by the death of his sister there, ar
rived in the city yesterday afternoon
to visit for a short time with old
friends and with his son, Floyd
KuhneV and family.
Miss Louise WIggenhorn left on
Tuesday for Oakland, Cal., where
she will spend several weeks at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Kessler.
Miss Wiggenhorn will attend the
wedding of her cousin, Richard
Kessler, during her stay In Oakland.
Ashland Gazette.
Webb Russell, the energetic
druggist of Weeping Water and Dr.
E. F. Kline of that city were here
today for a few hours. Webb was en-
at Private Sale!
The undersigned Duroc-Jersey breed
er will offer at Private
Sale about
25 Head Spring Boars
At his farm six miles west of Platts
mouth on Louisville road
These boars are sired by such boars
as Sensation B., King of Orion,
Jr. and King Sensation.
for Sale at Private Sale!
Ranging in price from
$25 to $30 Each
These are all excellent hogs. Two
sired by the World's Champion. Bal
ance sired by our own boars.
27 Ribbons Taken at the
County Show
how you'll take to
1 - Jl
Before you're a day older
you want to let the idea slip
under your hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe and some
Prince Albert!
Because, a pipe packed
with Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.'s
flavor and fragrance and
coolness and its freedom
gaged in boosting the Legion car
drawing to be held by the Weeping
Water post and left a number of the
coupon books here for sale.
The Misses Sadie Kramer, Eunice
Roth, Bessie Bortz, Margaret Dean,
Hope Murray, Margory Nye and
Agnes John, members of the senior
class of the Benson High, entertain
ed at a box party Thursday evening
at the Brandeis theatre in honor of
Miss Lillian Calvert, who is leaving
Benson High, and will enter the
senior claps of the Plattsmouth High
school. Omaha Bee.
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens
the whole , system. Doan's Regulets
(30c per box) act mildly on the
liver and bowels. At all drug stores.
Cord wood, $10 per cord. Block
wood $6 per load.
s22daw2w. Murray phone 3004.
For Sale
Barred Rock cockrels. $1.50 each.
Mrs. Will Copple, Alvo, Neb. tf.
Feel languid, weak, run down?
Headache? Stomach "off?" A good
remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters.
Ask your druggist. Price, $1.25.
The State of NebTaska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Qeor"ge
Grebe, deceased.
To the creditors or said estate:
You are hereby notiled. That I will
sit at the County Cour. room in Platts-
mouth, in said county, on the 29th iay
of October. 1921, and on the 30th day
of January. 1922. at 9 o'clock a. m. of
each day. to receive and examine all
claims against said estate with a view
to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate Is three
months from the 29th day of October,
A. I). 1921. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from said
29th day of October. 1921.
Witness my hand and tlie seal or
said County Court, this 21st day of
September, 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
826-lw. Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass'coun-
tv. Nebraska.
Albert II. Miller, Plaintiff
A pp. Dock.
No. 1
page 22
Charles A. Miller, Jr.
et al. Defendants
To the Defendants: William J. Mil
ler; Mrs. William J. Miller: (real name
unknown) and Jacob Ailing, whose
residences or places of abode are un
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 17th day of Septem
ber,;. 1921. the plaintiff in the forego
ing ientitled. cause filed his petition in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant for the pur
pose of obtaining a dVcree from said
court quieting the title to Lots one
1) two. (2) three, CI) four, (4) five
(5) and six. (6) in Block eighty-two,
(Si) in the City of Plattsmouth, In
Cass county, Nebraska, in the plain
tiff. Albeit H. Miller, and Charles A.
Miller, Jr.. William J. Miller, Edith K.
Taylor and Elmer R. Miller, a minor,
defendants, as against the defendants
Jacob Ailing and Tho Livingston Loan
and Building association, and by such
decree to wholly exclude the said Jacob
Ailing and The Livingston Loan and
Building association from alj interest,
right, title, claim or lien In and to said
premises and for the purpose of par
titioning said premises among the
1J X! J 1
from bite and parch
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a reve
lation to the man who never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. has made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; we tell you it's a
the national Joy smoke
plaintiff. Albert H. Miller and Charles
A. Miller, Jr.. William J. Miller, Edith
K. Taylor and Elmer R. Miller, minor,
defendants, according to their respec
tive rights and interests In said prem
ises, as same may be established by
the decree of said "court, or for the
sale of said premises and a -division
of the proceeds if same cannot be
equitably divided.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 7th day of
November, 1921, or your default will
be entered In said cause and a dacree
entered as prayed for bv plaintiff.
By Plaintiff.
sl9-3w. His Attorney.
mid Notice, on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To the heirs and all persons inter
ested in the estate of Leonard C. W.
Murray, Inc., deceased:
On reading the petition of Frank J.
Spangler. guardian, praying a linal set
tlement and allowance of his account
filed in this Court on the 8th day of
October, 1921, and for discharge of
said guardian:
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons Interested in said matter
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 17th day of October, A. D..
1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause.
if any there be, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be granted,
and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order In the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed
in said county, for. one week prior to
said day of hearing.
(Seal) olO-lw. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Ella Elsie Jessup, "I
Plaintiff App. Dock,
vs. No. 1
Edward T. Shatnp, et al page 20
To the Defendants: Edward T.
Shatnp; K. T. Shamp; (real name un
known) C. M. Shamp; (real name un
known) George L. Donovan; F. B.
Conn; (real name unknown) David
Earwlcker; Mary Ann Casey; Anna
Townsend; Ida Wagner; James A. Don
elan; Frank Donelan; and the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and other persons interested ii
These frosty mornings alp remind us of the win
dow glass needed. Glass is lots cheaper this year.
North Sixth Street - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Prince Albert is
sold in toppy red
bags, tidy red tins,
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors and in the
rtund crystal glass
u m id o r with
sponge moistener
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
tlie several estates of Edmund A. Don
elan, deceased; Robert G. Donovan, de
ceased ani Samuel Casey, deceased;
(impleaded with The County of Cass)
and all persons having or claiming any
interest in the following described real
estate in the City of Plattsmouth, in
Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 16.29 chains north
and 7.60 chains east of the southwest
corner of Section 7, Town. 12, N. Range
14, East .of.thf 6th P. M... and running
thence east; ft-, chains -thence north 5
chains,! thence west 6 chains, thence
south 5 chains to the place of begin
ning; also commencing 16.66 chains
north and 2.27 chains east of said
southwest corner of Section 7, Town.
12,- N. Range 14, East, thonce north
1.1575 chains, thence east 4.83 chains,
thence south 1.1575 chains, thence west
to the place of beginning; also all of
Block 3 in Townsends Addition to
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, real names un
known: You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 14th day of Septem
ber, 1921. the plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause, filed her petition in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant, for the
purpose of obtaining a decree from said
court quieting the record title in plain
tiff to real estate situate in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 16.29
chains north and 7.60 chains east
of the southwest corner of Section
7, in Town. 12, North, Range 14,
East of the 6th P. M., and running
thence east 6 chains, thence north
5 chains, thence west 6 chains,
thence south 5 chains to the place
of beginning, otherwise known as
Lots 8, 9 and 23, In said section;
Also, commencing at a point 16.66
chains north and 2.27 chains east
of said southwest corner of Sec
tion 7, Town. 12, North, Range 14,
East, thence north 1.1575 chains,
thence east 4. S3 chains, thence
south 1.1575 chains,, thence west to
the place of beginning, otherwise
known as Lot 21 in said section;
Also all of Block 3 in Town
send's Addition to Plattsmouth,
as against you and each of you, and by
such decree to wholly exclude you and
each and all of you from all estate,
right, title, claim or interest therein
or to any part thereof.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 7th day of
November, 13!!1, or your default will
be entered therein and a decree enter
ed in said cause as' prayed for in plain
tiff's petition.
Dated: September 19, 1921.
By Plaintiff.
si 9-5 w. Her Attorney.