The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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partial Judges will be selected for
the passing on the corn and who
are not known to raised the corn
until after the premiums have been
awarded. This is open to farmers
only. The first prize is : a pair of
woolen blankets which cost 1 13 and
the second is a chicken water foun
tain, value,. $10. Now let us see
which one will win the contest, you
all hare good corn. ,
Murray Department
Prepared in the Iaterest of the People of M array ud Surroundinf Vieiaity Xipeoi&lly far the Journal Readers
It toy of th reader of the
Journal knov of ny eoel&l
erect or item of lntereet In"
this Tlclnlty. ud will mall
itme to Mti o files. It will ap
pear under this beading. We
want ail newa item Editob
r v fin '4 i 1 rr a
IT Save
Start the kiddies
right by making- them
tv ant to save their money.
A personal savings account in
a high-class banking institu
tion like this, where children
are given the proper attention
and encouragement to han
die their own finances
is a good start in the
right direction. One
dollar opens an account.
Safety Honesty Courtesy Service
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
.Miss Etta Nickels was a county
fair visitor Thursday.
Attend the parcel postsale at
the library Saturday.
Eat dinner and supper with the
ladies at the library Saturday.
Ym Sporer was a business visit
or in , Plattsmouth last Saturday.
Frank Marler and wife were vis
iting in Plattsmouth last Tuesday.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a busi
ness visitor in Murray last Monday.
B. L. Philpot of Weeping Water
was a visitor in Murray last Sun
day. Remember the chicken pie sup
per at the library Saturday even
ing. Edward Gansemer is having a
wife were visit
in Murray last
crib constructed for the coining corn .
L. H. Puis and
ing with friends
Ern Carrall and family from Un
ion were visiting in Murray last
Mrs. W. C. Gilmore had as her
guest Sunday her friend. Miss Ris
er of Peru. I
Dinner and supper will be served
for 25c each at the library Saturday
Grant for some time, arrived home
last Sunday.
W. H. Puis and family were vis
iting -their farm near Weeping Wa-
fct Settle Accounts!
The book accounts of the Hardware and Imple
ment business contracted while conducted by W. H.
Puis, and later by Mr. Puis for August Meyers, must
be adjusted at once. The books of both firms are at the
Vallery Garage, where Mr. Puis will look after making
settlement and closing up all accounts. All those who
know themselves indebted to either firm are notified to
come in without delay. We have waited patiently thus
far, but these accounts must be settled at once.
Corn Husking Supplies!
The best line of mittens we have ever been able
to buy are now awaiting the corn husker. In spite of
the fact that the advance price on raw cotton has sent
mittens higher, our entire stock will be priced on the
low level of the year.
per dozen,
Leather Vests, the ideal garment for every
day wear $6.50 and $7.00
Miatt . Tutt,
ter last' Sunday.
Duke Frans and wife of Auburn
were enjoying the Frans reunion
here last Sunday. .
Miss Neva Latta came up from
Auburn and visited home folks un
til Sunday evening.
Miss Clara Lee Young of Platts
mouth was visiting friends In Mur
ray Saturday evening.
Help boost .the library by contri
buting a 50 cent packing to the
parcel post sale Saturday.
S. N. Copenhaver is visiting at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.
Farris for a short time.
E. S. Tutt and wife were visitors
in Plattsmouth last Sunday guests
at the Robert Hayes home.
Elbert Queen and wife of Platts
mouth were visiting in Murray at
the Frans family reunion. -
Searl Davis and Ray MInford
were looking after some business
matters in Omaha last Tuesday.
M. L.. Ruby of McCook and Thom
as Ruby of Mynard were visiting in
Murray last Tuesday atternoon.
C. M. Chriswisser of Nehawka
was looking after some business
matters in Murray last Tuesday.
John Frans and family of Ne
hawka were in attendance at the
Frans reunion here last Sunday.
Misses Willa and Mary Parks,
who are students of Plattsmouth H.
S., spent the week end at home.
Henry Crozier of Weeping Water
was looking after some business
matters in Murray last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford and
Will were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert- Wiles.
George Edminston and family
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Coghill last Sunday.
Mrs. August Engelkemeier, Sr.,
who has been feeling poorly of late
is reported as improving steadily.
Vance Burton and wife of Union
were visiting with the father of
Mr. Burton, J. H. Burton, last week.
Mrs. W. B. Virgin, who has been
feeling badly for some time, has so
far recovered as to be able to be
Mrs. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt and
their little daughter, Alice, were
visiting at Plattsmouth Tuesday
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter.
Miss Margie, were visiting witk
friends in Plattsmouth last Tuesday
Miss Catherine Brown who is at
tending Lincoln Business college.
was a week end visitor witn the
' folks at home.. . - , . .
Last Monday Robert Troop sold
a Duroc Jersey boar to the R. R.
Hog ranch at Herman and Tuesday
delivered it to the owner
Amos Wright and O. T. Leyda
were overhauling the latters auto
last Tuesday and have the machine
, in an excellent condition.
Misn Margaret Spangler returned
home Saturday after spending a few
days at himwooa where she was a
Miss Gladys Lyle.
School was dismissed Friday and
the pupils given a holiday in order
that they might attend the Coun
ty fair at Weeping Water.
Sol Long and family of Omaha
were guests at the home of W. F.
Moore last Sunday and also visited
with Uncle George Shrader.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mutz drove
over to Weeping Water Friday
where they visitted at the fair and
also at the T. W. Fleming home.
Mr. J. A. Scotten who believes in
having the best, has just purchas
ed a blue enameled range for his
wife from the Petersen Hardware
Henry C. Long was looking after
some matters of business in Omaha
last Wednesday and visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. Robert Shrader,
while there.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and family
were visiting in Omaha last Satur
day, they going to visit J. E. Gil
more of Hay Springs, a brother of
G. H. Gilmore.
Frank Mrasek with the assis
tance of J. A. Scotten and Ralph
Kennedy has been building a body
for his truck which is to take the
place of the old one.
Frank Vallery, owner of the Mur
ray garage, was down last Monday
evening looking after his interests
here. The garage is doing a fine
business under the care of W. II.
Ben Dill and Mr. Aubrey Hop
kins were visiting in Omaha last
Tuesday to visit Mrs. Hopkins who
w a daughter of Mr. Dill and is now
in Omaha recovering from a recent
L. D. Hiatt and wife and their
little daughter were visiting in
Havelock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Heinrich last week and
were accompanied home by Mr.
George Heinrich.
Harry M. Fran3 and family, Mrs.
Charles Garrison and children, J.
H. Frans and family, Ray Frans
and Mrs. Jennie Frans of Union
were in attendance at the Frans re
union last Sunday.
Miss Ptak, the school teacher, was
prevented from teaching" during the
week on account of the death of her
mother, Mrs. John Ptak. and whose
funeral occurred at Plattsmouth
Wednesday morning.
Among those from Murray who
carried away prizes from the fair
last week were Mrs. Fred Hild.
Henry Hild. Mary Parks. Will Min
ford. Margartt Spangler. Everett
Spangler, Searl Davis, and the Wo
hela Girls Sewing club.
Some more of those excellent
meals for which the Murray ladies
are famous will be served at the li
brary Saturday, October 8. Dinner
at noon and supper beginning at 5
and continuing util all arc served.
Also a parcel post sale.
church, of Colorado Springs, Col.,
will be here and will deliver a ser
mon at -the Presbyterian church of
Murray. Everyone one is invited to
attend the sermon.
Rev. A. G. Hollowell and the
writer were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Leyda last Tues
day and enjoyed the visit greatly,
Saw the Sorghum Hill
Last Monday J. A. Walker and
two daughter, Mrs. G. H. Gilmore
and Miss Margie Walker, and Mrs.
W. G. McCracken visited the show
at Plattsmouth which they pro
nounced as one of the best. The re
mainder of the families.' Dr. Gil
more and son, John, G. W. Mc
Cracken and daughter, Elizabeth
went to the sorghum mill near Ne-
both very hospitable.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Chures of the
northern portion of the state visit
ed Murray and were guests at the
home of W. G. Boedeker and Parr
Young for a number of days last
week. Mrs. Chures was formerly
Miss Geraldine Young of this city.
It was the practice of the peo
ple of Isreal in the days long gone
by to have two goats, one was sac
rificed for an offering for sins and
the other was turned loose to carry
the sin away. Now there has been
a number and we are told it was
fourteen, engaged in an orgie that
one alone was made the goat and
paid his fine while the other got
Enjoyed Six 0'Clock Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mr.
and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy were the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Creamer at an elegant sx
o'clock dinner last Monday evening
at which all enjoyed the sumptious
meal and the convivial company
which enlivened the occasion.
Our car of U. S. No. 1 Early Ohio's on the
Burlington tracks today. Wo quote same at
Easy fjsza
or Jf1.65 Per Bushel.
Mrs. Mutz Undergoes Operation
Last Tuesday Mrs. Charles Mutz
who has been having trouble with
her tonsils for some time, went to
Plattsmouth where she underwent
an operation for their removal at
the office of the specialist. Dr. H. C.
health work in central Europe with
the view to withdrawing its person
nel from that territory by July 1,
Blank Books at the Journal Office
Two year old horned Herferd
steer, branded, wild.
Murray, Neb.
j Leopold. Mrs. Mutz is feeling pretty
China Closet For Sale ! sore from the operation but which
A solid Oak. slightly used com- i3 improving rapidly.
bination china closet and buffet,
for sale. Inquire at postoffice, Mur- Departed For West For the Winter
ray, Nebraska.
Last Tuesdav Sherman Cole and
wife bassed thru Murray enroute
The SuDDer a Success for nS Beach, California, where
' tll V n winter TVi
evening proved a success and was a J CQU
highly patronized by the people of k v
the community. The receipts of the
supper was $38. The board having
the same in hand are desirous of
extending to those who so gener
ously patronized and made this
supper a success, their thanks.
Murray Library Notes
Miss Margaret Spangler has been
engaged to act as labrarian for the
Quite a number of people from
Plattsmouth attended the supper
last Saturday night and was well
attended. A splendid feast was serv
ed and a very satisfactory sum was
realized from the effort.
A number of new books will soon
be placed upon the shelves, which
all will be at liberty to read and
By patronizing the dinner and
supper and parcel post sale at the
library Saturday you will be help
ing a good cause along, as the pro
ceeds will be used for the library
only. In the the purchase or new
bocks and other necessities.
Principal Object Being the Cutting
Off of Retainer Pay of $12 per
.Year Affects Local Men
The naval reserve forces in Ne
braska and Iowa have been cut ap
proximately 2,800 men through the
automatic release of these men from
the naval reserve in compliance with
an order recently issued by Secretary
of the Navy Denby, according to an
estimate made by Commander D. C.
Duell, senior reserve officer for Ne
braska and Iowa. Classes two, three,
four and five are wiped out by the
order, According to Commander Duell.
Members of the four classes abol
ished will be eiven an opportunity to
Idisenroll and be transferred without
Remember the ladies of the com-Jpay t0 class slx- the volunteer sec-'
munity will serve another of those "on. wmmanaer uneu anuuuuww.
delicious chicken dinners and sup- "This will enable the men to retain
pers at the library next Saturday their Identity and rank in the re
when you will be served all you can serve." Commander Duell states,
eat for 25c. Come. "They will, however, be enrolling in
The Wohela Sewing club will the volunteer forces, lose the retain-
meet at the library Saturday after
There will be a parcel post sale
held at the library Saturday in
connection with the dinner and sup
per for which packages valued at
59c will be gladly received.
The library recently underwent a
thoro cleaning and new curtains
have been hung which add greatly
to its appearance.
You may receive plenty of excel
lent reading matter by calling at
the library on Wednesday from
3:30 to 4:30 p. m. and Saturday
2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Celebrates Birthday
Last Friday evening more than
100 friends gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tilson to
assist in the celebration of the
thirty-eighth birthday of Mr. Tilson.
The evening was an ideal one and
was spent in games and social con
versation. During the evening a
number of selections were given on
the player piano as well as vocal
selections by' Mrs. Frank Marler,
Mrs. Owea. Willis and Miss Fern
Deles Dernier.
At the usual hour ice cream and
er pay, which in me majoruy oi
cases amounts to $12 a year."
The order affects a number of
Platsmouth navy men who continued
on the reserve following their dis
charge, and who have been receiving
the $12 per year retainer pay, al
though never called for the two
weeks' mid-summer training it was
originally planned each should take.
Columbus. O., Oct. 4. The first
national convention of the Ameri
can Red Cross was formally opened
here tonight with addresses of wel
come by Governor Hardy L. Davis
and Mayor J. J. Thomas. Dr. Liv
ingston Ferrand, former chairman of
the central committee of the Red ;
Cross and president-elect of Cor
nell university, and Dr. W. O. J
Thompson, president of Ohio state '
university, made the principal ad-j
dresses at the opening session. DrJ
Ferrand spoke on "The Call of the!
Nations." I
Every train brought large delega-'
tions form almost every section of.
the country.
Dr. Albert Ross Hill, vice chair-
cake were cerved by the hostess who iZJTl
was assisted by Mrs. Glen Dhoden,
Mrs. James Tilson and Mrs. Maude
Porter and Miss Grace Porter. At a
late hour all departed for home af
ter voting Mr. and Mrs. Tilson roy
al entertainers and wishing Mr.
Tilson many more such pleasant occasions.
dress the convention on conditions
I in Europe tomorrow. Dr. Hill ar
rived last Friday in New iork rrom
Europe. In an interview given out
today. Dr. Hill stated that the
American Red is speeding its child
Ladies Aid Will Meet
The Ladies Aid society of
Christian church will meet on Wed
nesday of next week, October 12th
on the anniversary of the discovery
of Aemriea by Christopher Colum
bus, and will be the guests of Mrs.
John W. Stone. Mrs. Stone will be
assisted in the entertainment by
Mesdames Wm Seyboldt and Myra
McDonald. Mrs. E. W. Milburn will
be the leader of the splendid pro
gram which is to be rendered on
the occasion. All members are cor
dially invited to be present.
Dr. B. F. Brendel Visits Omaha
Dr. B. F. Brendel was able to
make a trip to Omaha last Tuesday
where he consulted with a special
ist as to hi3 condition and return
ed home in the evening, being ac
companied to the metropolis by hi3
son T. J. Brendel. Dr. Brendel is
feeling considerable stronger and it
Is hoped that he will continue to
gain in strength and health.
A. " i A i i
Over Halstead's Market
Union Block
Shewing Riht Spirit
The Petersen Hardware Co., is
showing the right spirit in the of
fer which" they are making, on of
fering two premiums for tbe best
and second best ten ears of corn
which mav be brought to their store
Dr. James F. Kosro, iSynaJical ,u-oo or before October lL'ih. at. six
perlDtendent of the Presbyterian o'clock in the evening. Fair and im-
I am now located at the
"Rfroden Barn Garageand
prepared to furnish the best
Ford service. Work guaran
teed and charges reasonable.
Rlurriel Nickel,
Murray, Neb.'
Some Special Prices
We are making some very telling reductions in
prices, and as an indication of what they are, we are
quoting a few.
Champion spark plugs, 65c.
Mobile oil, per gallon, $1.00.
Our tires and tubes are selling at greatly reduced
prices, and we have in stock a variety of tires from 2 1 Yl
by 4, and larger.
One Fulton and one Case used truck, and a num
ber of used cars for sale or trade, and all in the best of
The Murray Garage,
Frank Vallery, Owner
Over that Hot Stove, Too!
Why pay three dollars and seventy-five cents for
that bushel of peaches, work over the boiling hot stove
and get fifteen quart cans of the fruit, then pay for
the sugar, and furnish the container, which makes the
fruit alone not counting the can cost you 26 cents each.
When you can purchase the peaches and the finest
put up in heavy syrup, including the cans for only 27 Yz
cents each. Did you ever stop to figure the matter out.
We would be pleased to take your order for the
fruit already canned, and save you the hard hot work.
Gallon Peaches Saturday only, $1.00
Prepare for Winter!
We are making some special prices on stoves for
the coming two weeks, with discount of 25 per cent
from the list price. This means buying the goods for
three-fourths their regular price.
This includes Universal and Riverside enameled
stoves and ranges.
Also Mueller and Universal furnaces the best
Better get ready for winter while the getting is
Peterson Hardware Co.
J. V. Peterson, Manager