THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921. f AGE TWO I PICTURE PLAY IS CHS A TRIUMPH OF ART De Mille Production "The Affairs of Anatol" Proves All that was Claimed for It. 1 PLATTSXOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ! i I r aae- fa,. : BW;f V Society Brand . Hand Tailoring Keeps It There! Master designing puts the style in Society Brand Clothes Hand tailoring keeps it there. If you want a suit that will look good and feel good, wear Horiefcj iSrand Clothes FOR.TCOTJXO MEM AK9 WES WHO STATTYOUNG Prices $45, $50 and $55. Others $20 to $40. C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE" 'ye-a"-"ifpr- 3S MAY LAUNCH SCHOOL OF BOXING HERE SOON Kid Graves of Omaha in Plattsmouth to Arrange for Starting School for Boxing Instruction state of Nebraska and it is likely that when he opens up for business. he will have pupils from other parts of the state as well as local -talent. No definite location has been de cided upon, as yet, but two or three places are in view for the school. Graves will be In town again Thurs dav afternoon to enroll any pupils that may care to take up the course. The terms will be $5 down and $5 per week until the course is paid for at $45 per course. from Tuesday's Dally Those who saw the producton last night at the Parmele theatre of "The Affairs of Anatol," were unanimous in voting it one of the greatest pic tures that has been produced on the screen and; a triumph cf the handi work of Cecil B. De Mille, one of the geniusses of the modern photo play. The settings of .the play are on a lavish and magnificent scale and with ithe usual De Mille detail carefully worked out so there is no note of 'luxury or mignifienee overlooked in 13 1 me oacKRrounu amusi h iiru ma W wonderful array cf star3 work out The Paramount company has ar rayed its wonderful collection of stars in the one play that makes it feature seldom seen and the notable.5 in the cast alone is something that seldom son. As "Ana.tol DeWitt Spencer." Wallace Reid has the chief male character of the play and a "Vivian" his wife, Gloria Swanson is given the opportunity of some splen did work and a display of beauty and wonderful costumes that add to the artistic touches of the play. In the roles of the young farmer and hi3 frivilous wife Monte Blua and Agnes Ayres give some very forceful acting that holds the close attention of the audience and into their lives come disagreements and finally the fickle Anatol. who even tually proves the unwitting mean3 of their salvation. Bebe Daniels, cast as "Satan Synne," presides over the lavishly arranged "Devil's Clois ter" and also is the cause of addi tional trouble for Anatol of the ten der heart. The role of the "jazz girl." as played by Wanda Ilawley, is a very entertaining part of the per formance and gives this beautiful actress splendid opportunity to dis play her ability and also an array of the most pleasing costumes amid the lavish and beautiful surroundings. As the Ilindo mystic Theodore Kos loff is up to his usual finished stand ard as an actor and his part is given in" a flawless manner throughout: Polly Moran, Raymond Hatton an 1 Julia Faye also have minor parts in the performance that give them ail opportunity of showing their ability on the ecreen. As the friend of Anatol, who attempts to smooth his matrimonial seas, Elliott Dexter is most pleasing. The management of the Parmele is showing this picture in the second week of its release from the produc er and at the usual house pricen, while almost every theatre- in the country has raised the, admission to care for the. extra cost of the big production, and Messrs Moore and Cloidt are deserving of the highest praise for giving this wonderful pic ture to their patrons at the usual ad mission prices and should have the support of the amusement loving pub lic of the city in their efforts. PREPARE l for the Cold Weather! j U J October is the threshold of the new season. The month the wise home-makers lay in the winter supplies. The family must be provided with new apparel Here you will find a complete selection, at prices we have made especially low; for we want our cus tomers to have the benefit of this merchandise at the time they will need it most. The Practical Garment for Your Child! FINE LITTLE SON The one time welterweight cham pion boxer of the world, Kid Graves, formerly a resident of Plattsmouth, was a visitor here Monday for a few hours investigating the probabilities of opening a school of boxing here. M"om Monday's Dally Graves was the welter title holder This morning at an early hour, the four years and has been connected .stork made a flying visit to the home with the sport for nearly sixteen of Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Sandin in this years, over two years of which he city and left in their care a fine was the chief of the U. S. army box- young son, who is of the regulation ing Instructors and inspector general weight and with the mother is do- for the commission on training camp ing very nicely. The occasion that activities, so it may be judged that has brought a son and heir to the he is a ORDER OF DE MOLAY ELEGTS OFFICERS Young Men's Organization Hold Hold Election at Their Meet ing Last Evening Prom Wednesday's Dally. The members of Cass chapter, Or der of De Molay of this city held their session at the lodge rooms in the Arries buiding last evening and among other matters which were passed upon by the order was the competent instructor and Sandin home has more than pleased election of the officers for the ensu- Dr. Denton's sleeping, garment is design ed to prevent exposure of the child, lessen the strain on buttons and to contribute in every way to health and comfort. Made of a specially prepared material that is warm and comfortable. All sizes, $1.00 to ?1.75. Children's outing flannel night gowns and sleeping garments are made of soft outing flannel, the quality of which is recognized at once by particular purchasers. They are de signed to meet definite needs and leave noth ing to be desired. All sizes, 85c to $1.25. Carter's union suits for children are warm, well-fitting garments with buttons that stay on. button holes that do not sag. A garment that fits is assured if you get Carter's. All sizes, $1.35 to $1.65. Fleece lined union suits for children cozy and warm. All sizes, $1.00. Separate knitted drawers for the small tots at 50c and 60c. What's in a Name? Carti 3 :er s- Carter signifies close-fitting, warm and en during wearing qualities. There is economy in buying Carter's. Our line-of ladies fall and winter undergarments is complete. It consists of all cotton, wool and cotton, all wool and silk and wool union suits in all sizes. A medium weight cotton union suit all styles and sizes at $1.75 and $2.00. Ladies outing flannel gowns of soft, finely woven material that fills the need these cold nights. While our stock is complete shop early. All sizes, $1.25. Extra large size, $2. Ladies fleece lined hose in black only. All sizes. 3 pair for $1.00. Comfortables! Blankets! Soft, downy comforts of the highest quality. Pure cotton filling. Light in weight, but very warm. Covered with dainty figured silkoline in attractive patterns. Blanket comfortables, soft and warm. 72x84. $11.50. All pure 100 cotton filling In large assortment of high grade silkoline. Full size. .Price, $8.00. Snowdrift cottondown comforts. Su perior quality, attractively quilted. Full size, $4.75. Comforts in dark Persian patterned silkoline. Special value, $3.95. If blankets are on your list, make your selection from our extensive line. They are luxuriously warm, soft and durable to the extent that they serve for years. . . Wool finish plaid, all colors, $4.85. - .Wool and cottobi extra' heavy, $6.75. Gray cotton blankets with colored border. Wash beautifully. $3.25. Two-in-One blanket. Cortex 72 and 84. Price, $7.75. finish. Knock about blankets in beautiful dark patterns, 54x84. $5.25. H. M. SOENNICHSEN, A Good Quality Goods at a Low Price Phones 53, 54 and 144 LOCAL NEWS HARD, DRY WOOD FOR SALE. should do well here. ithe chief of the fire department and In commenting on the matter, he is stepping very high as a result Graves said he would guarantee that of the event. when one completed his course of 25 lessons, he would be capable of de fending himself in any company. The course will take about fifteen weeks and the cost will be less than: Cord wood, $10 per cord. Block in any city in the country where wood $6 per load, boxing instructors are in operation. : JOHN HOBSCHEIDT, His will be the only academy in the s22daw2w. Murray phone 300,4. see E352 N ew Fall Suits at New Fall Prices! To you older men with more conservative tastes we have good suits and overcoats from a third to half lower than last fall. Don't put off buying longer. We can fit you and please you. $20-$30-$35 Others up to $55 " It may please some of you to know that you can' buy a good warm overcoat this Fall in plain black, staple, well tailored, at $25. Others to $50. Our sweater, slip-over and jersey vest stock is complete. Pick early and avoid disappointment. . ing term to guide the affairs of the young order. Those who were chos en are: Uarley Cecil, Master Councilor; Raymond Cook. Senior Councilor; Raymond Rebal, Junior Councilor; George Scbmidtmann. Senior Dea con; Otto Trilety, Junior Deacon; George Busch, Senior Steward; Har old Renner, Junior Steward; sell Perry, Chaplain; Wayne son. Marshal; Harold Fitt, Scribe; Karl Wurl, Treasurer; Floyd Elli ott, Almoner; Charles Hartford, Standard Bearer; George Ebersole, Sentinel; Edward , Matchullot, Don ald Dickson, Howard Dwyer, Fred Warren, George Persinger, James warren, fiarry uwytr, rreceptors. j- It was decided at the meeting to hold the conferring of the De Mo lay degree at the meeting of the chapter on next Tuesday evening when a number of candidates will be given the work. From llonda's Daily. L. R. Snipes, county agent, was in the city today looking after the work of his department in this por tion of the county. Adam Meisinger and wife were among the. visitors in the city today for a few hours in attendance at the funeral of Mrs Jacob Meisinger,. an .aunt of Mr Meisinger. Allie Meisinger, wife and children and" mother, Mrs. J. H. Meisinger. Rus- j motored in this morning to be in at-Hud- tendance at the funeral services of the late Mrs. Jacob Meisinger. Mrs. Ed Brantner and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chase and family, of Pender, who have been here visiting with the parents of Mrs. Bratner, Mr. and Mrs. John Cory, departed yesterday for their home. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS jjDomestic and imported Gaberdine coats can be bought here for less money than any place in the state. Just the thing for the chilly mornings and evenings a strictly dress coat ind a bear to turn wind or water. ' . . . , FINE NOVELTIES FOR HALLOWE'EN SEASON The Hallowe'en reason with its nu merous social gatherings brings to the host or hostess the problem of tl-io rrc Tc- t rionnriiMnny or nnvfltips for favors' oW this popular and mys- j f Mrs- Goehner tical holiday' season. The Journal has solved the problem of the dec orative features of the occasion by securing one of the finest lines of Hallowe'en novelties and decQraticns that was ever brought to this city. This line is composed largely of im ported goods from the German nov elty market and Is such that will Prorn Tuesdays Dally Mrs. Fred Heinrich and son. Geo. came in this afternoon from Have lock to spend some time here visit ing with relatives and friends. Lloyd Meisinger and Courtney Chandler departed last evening for California, where they expect to en joy the winter months visiting and may decide to Jocate there for the present. Mrs. William Goehner and little child departed this afternoon for their home at Seward and were ac companied by Mrs. II. II. Betts, sister Mrs. Goehner and daughter have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Dovey, parents of Mrs. Goehner. WANTED Salesman for Plattsmouth and vi cinity. Commission contract only, for spare time or full time. We will please everyone in the way of artis- ; teach you to sell income protection tic as well tig unique decorations and i thruogh our free school of instruc favors. When you desire anything ! tlon and help you build a profitable in the Hallowe'en line call at the Journal office and look over the large and splendid line. tf-daw Most disfiguring skin eruptions,, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to 4m pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well recommended. E. H. Schulhof, piano Phone 389-J. tuner, d&w. Lusiness. Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Dept. Saginaw, Michi gan, Capital $1,000,090. STENOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONS Personal instruction given In shorthand and typewriting. Four months course, two hours a day. $3 a week. Alma. R. Waterman, corner Locust and 8 th street. At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Platte Mutual Insur ance company last evening, a new business policy was adopted, where by in the future the amount of any one risk shall not exceed $1,500, and in the business district not closer than every other place of business. Under those conditions it was con sidered that Mutual insurance can prosper and give good protection without making assessments. The Platte Mutual has been writing in surance in this city for the past twenty-five years and during all that time had only one assessment, not withstanding the rate for insurance was about half that of the Old Line companies, hence the patrons of the local company have saved largely on cost of their insurance. It is a home company and all the money paid for insurance is kept at home and deserves the patronage of everyone who is interested In seeing the company prosper. Boost. A. J. TRILETY. FUNERAL OF MRS MEISINGER ' i I I 1 1 I i 1 1 1 It 1' l H1 M 1 I I H X X X X X X X M-M 1--1--1--8-1-8 -M I 'M i I I 1 1 I 1 1 I -l l CASS CO. FARM BUREAU NOTES Notice of Meetings The Farm Bureau will hold meet ings In Eight Mile Grove and Stove Creek precincts during the second week in October. There will be free moving pictures and Mr. George Boomer of the State department will talk on co-operation In marketing. The following is the schedule of the meetings: Eight Mile Grove, District No. 88, October 10. Stove Creek precinct. District No. 59, October 11. i Stove Creek precinct, District No. 24, October 12. Everybody come and enjoy a good time. Li. R. SNIPES, County Agr. Agt. IDA M. WILKINS. County Home Agt. CARD OF THANKS To the friends and relatives who were so kind and sympathetic dur ing the time of our sickness and so kindly called at the hospital and sent the beautiful flowers, we de sire to express our deepest grati tude. Mr. and Mrs. George Schanz Sr. If you have anything to sell, or want to buy, dont overlook a want- ad in the Daily Journal. from Tuesday's Dally. i Yesterday afternoon the funeral services of the late Mrs. Jacob Meis inger was held from the St. Paul's church of which the deceased as well as her husband had been de vout members during their lifetime. Rev. H. Kottich. pastor of the church, spoke briefly of the life of the departed and extolled the vir tues of her christian life that char acterized her entire lifetime and aid ed In producing a priceless heritage for her family and the friends with whom she had been associated. The choir of the church sang a number of the old and well loved hymns during the service. At the conclus ion of the service the body was ten derly borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest beside that of the husband. ' FOR SALE A good ZM wagon Clifford Roberts, phone completee. 2913. lwk-d&w One way' to relieve habitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild lasative. Dean's Regulets are recom mended ffr this purpose. SOc a box at all drug stores. Your New Ford is Here! I have just received a carload of new Ford cars, : including touring and roadster models, which are now i ready for delivery at the new low prices. i We are fully equipped to take care of your re : pair business. Prices reasonable. AUGUST illEYEIS, The Automobile Man WEEPING WATER -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Fistula-Pay When Cured A ' mild ajratam of treatment that core TXVtm, Flatnla and other Rectal Disease la a abort time, without a severe enrrtcal operation. Urn Chloroform. Ether or other general anaesthetle A ettre cuaranteed In ery ease accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid nnUl cured. Write for book on Rectal DUeaeee, witn names ana teeiuneaiaM f more then 1,009 prominent people who hare reea permanently cureo. m bl s x AERY, hiuteiui. FeUn Treat Bid?. Bee ttldx.). OMASA v Sc. B. 8. Jobaatoo. Medioa! Pirectac - k i i