-I .' 'I :'- s MOirDAT, OCTOBER C, 1531. PAGE SS I NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASS COUNTY Xotleo is hereby Riven that I. Mike Tritsoh. Treasurer of t'ass count;-, In tlie State of Nebraska, will on the first Moniiav. being- the 7th Jay of Novem ber. 1921 as required by law. com-rnen-e selling at the ofrit-e of the County Treasurer of ail county, in the City of Flattscnouth, at public auc tion, so much of the followinr tracts of. land and town lot as shall be neeessary to pay the taxes, tojjether with interest and costs that may have accrued tliereon that day, beinp the delinquent lavs for the year 1!2 and prior years, as appears from the tax lists for said years. Said sale will le held between the , hours of nine o'clock a. m., and four o'clock p. m.. of said date, and will continue from oay to day between said hours until all of said property upon which delinquent taxes remain unpaid, shall be sold or offered for sale. Pated at T'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, this 1st day of October. A. I. 1S2L MIKK TWTSCII, County Treasurer. Township Description 13, nanKe i: Sec. Lot 7 Kast 48 acres SRU SWV4 Si SK'4 W4 SKW tlov. Lot 1 (lov. Ixt 2 (Jov. Lot 3 or KR',4 NKU. or W Vi - '' or NK'i NWVi . (inv. Lot 4 or NV'4 NW'i . acres in NV cor. SV .2S .34 ..14 .nc 3fi 36 1 VA acr NW i :tc Township lO, Kanice 13 Description. Sec. No. 12.r. acres, SWU f W4 SBH 11 a1 8. NW'i SWVi 17 Lot 7. NWi SV",4 .-7 Sife NK'4 SWVi SKli Lot ii. s'i si:u S4 NEVi NWi NEVi SWVi SAVi Lot 6. NWVi NKU.. Lot 3. SW'H NK'i... Ni NKH WT, NV4 .' SV Vi U.ot 13. SKV; SW'i . . . svi srcu si:' SK'i Description KH SW'i .. SK'i .. 2. NWV. SEV. ... W' Lot SV. L A Ml S TIPTON HWIM'T Tonnohip 10, Hooter 9 seo. . . . 12 30 NK', 31 34 Amt. J1S8.03 133.77 51. yu 143.15 GKKKNWOOI PHEflXCT Townrklp 11. Hanse U Description Sec. SKVi SW'i SWV SKV. NWV. KV XW'4 WV NW'i All of NKVi vvs xi;vi sv; . 6 . 6 7 .14 .14 .17 :21 .30 .30 Amt. 34.4.1 43. 7 120.07 C2.60 7.7 497. 3 34 .:.! 40.55 119.41 SALT C'ltKKK PUECIVCT Township 12, Itanee 0 Description Lot 1. Si NWVi 9. NK V. SV4. 10. NKVi SWVi. 1. SWVi SEVi.. pt. 2. 3. 4. SW'i 10. SWVi SKI.. swvi Lot Lot Lot So. Lot SVi Sun. 1. seu . It. Lot SKI SW Vi NKVi.. of Lot 1 SW Lot SVi NV, Lot Lot 7. SEVi NW 13. SE'4 NWVi. NK'i , NWU 5. NKVi SKVi 6. NWVi SKVi. Sec. .16 .1C .16 .20 .20 .20 . .28 , .2S .31 'i .31 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .33 Amt. 4.71 5.69 13.69 23.50 30.17 13.66 201.96 90.26 46. SI 101. feO S 6.0'. 1S7.02 179.55 67.45 67.45 STOVE CREEK PRECIXCT Township lO. Hauler- 1U Description Sec. Amt. SWVi SW4 2 t 33.86 SEVi SEV 3 33.86 WVa SW 8 102.80 XU NK Vi 10 83.12 XWV 21 3S7.SJ EI.MWOOn PRECINCT Tounablp 11, ItaoKe 10 Description Sec. East pt or Lot 10 and all of Lots 8 and 11. NEVi.-lS 5. SWVi SWVi 25 7. SWV NW'4 3 5 V4 36 Lot NW Amt. $105.65 17.60 8.25 110.01 POVTII nE.0 PRECINCT Township IX. Ranee lO- Description Sec. Amt. Lot 7 10 $ 17.76 Lot 8 10 11.20 ? Lot 9 10 14.25 Lot 11. NE Vi 15 6.05 f Lot 3 to 10. 12, 14 to 17 ' and -t:i NW4 15 1.19. 56 i KVi SWVi 16 26.32 N '-i S E 4 16 61.16 , SEVi SWV, 18 4S.10 SWVi SK'i 18 4984 5 EH SEV. 20 83.27 j NW4 SW", .and SWVi i SWVi 21 "8-l9 WF.r.PIXG WATER PRECIXCT Township lO, Itaoce 11 DescriDtion Pt. It 11. SEVi NWVi. S" SWVi 26. NWVi SE"4 3. NWVi SEVi KVi SEVi SEVi It. Lot Lot Pt. NEVi KKVi NE4 wu SEVi SW4 NWVi NWVi SWV NVi SE4 WVi NEVi Sec. . 1 . 1 . 1 . S . 8 . 8 '.26 CENTER PRECINCT Township II, Range 11 Description Sec. M'tt NEVi 6 Sub lot 5 of Lot 9 In SW i . 14 All of sub lot SWVi SEi K4 SWH SWVi SWVi NWVi SW4 Ixt 11. EV RWVi WV. SW4 SKU . . . Lot 13. SEVi - SKVi N4 NK'4 WW W NEVi K4 NWVi It 2. SWVi SWV4 . lAt 4. SK'i SWV,. It 3. SEVi SWVi Except K. IU EV4 Lot 5. SWVi 4 of 9 Lot 6. SWVi SEVi SKVi . 15 in 15 15 15 15 SEV,.. 1.1 15 15 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.29 29 29 29 29 .29 .29 .29 ,23 .30 .30 SE'4 . SWVi NEVi NWVi Lot 8. SO. Of It. It.. SWV NEVi SEVi N'E'4 Lot 12. NWVi SEVi NEVi SEVi Lot 13. NWVi SEVi SVi SEVi Lots 19. 20. SWVi NE'4. SVi SWV; NWVi Lot 8. SEVi SWVi Lot 11. SEVi SWVi .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .35 .36 .36 .36 Amt. $ 15.11 137.21 7.65 19.68 5.78 194.07 34.25 30.41 744 30.41 109.04 '98.45 Amt. $ 74.15 9.77 2.71 94.24 49.84 49.84 32.42 42.00 9.34 96.86 33.14 75.62 8.98 13.37 12.28 66.10 37.54 16.67 12.28 39.38 175.24 13.74 33.14 18.88 33.14 13.27 79.28 20.70 60.78 28.16 14.19 ,.22 22 .22 !24 .25 .26 .26 .26 .27 .27 .27 .34 .34 .34 lO. Tuwhlp Description EV. N K Vi WV4 NK 'i NEVi SKVi ..... Lot 10. SWV. Lot 12. SWVi SVi. NWVi .. SWVi NWVi NVV NW4 NWVi NWVi WVi SWVi Lots 3. 4, 5. lt 1.1. NVa K V4 .Ki . NW', SKVi Lots .1 an 6. NK'4 SK'i Lots 4. 5, N K V. SKVi. S'-4 NK Vi NW 'i NWW SWVi SK'4 1. NK Vi Ranare 14 Sec. NV4 SEVi sv, NVi N'4 Lot NEVi r, r, 17 (mortKase) .17 17 t mortjjaKej .17 , .17 ..17 . .17 .19 .19 , .19 , .19 .20 , .20 ,.20 . .20 . .20 . .28 NWVi Amt. $ Si 5. 69 82.73 12.71 10.93 40.87 40.87 12.90 10.77 9.12 11.39 11.11 Amt. $212.90 68.76 24.82 46.54 98.83 250.0 189.26 41.71 84.83 47.38 75.81 4.62 .80 78.20 54.81 156.21 20.81 46.99 34.53 Amt. ( 39.00 45.42 1S.84 4.40 27.24 24.40 13.30 4.01 11.76 36.11 4.24 3.05 73.15 39.I-.3 20.19 17.43 56.15 46. S3 88.78 74.80 74. 92 112.53 VILLAGE Ol-' JIVXA1U). ! Description Amt. Lots 9 and 10 $ 1.92 Look's First Addition to Mynard Description Amt. Lot 12 j $ .61 Lots 13 and 14 4.C6 Ida A. l.ni? Addition to Mynard Description Ajnt. Lota 1 and 2 $ 2.13 Lots 8 and 9 - 1.02 VILLAGE OK Description Lot 1 Lot 2 lxts 5 to 7 It 8 Lots 11 to 13 txts 14 to 10 Lots 17 to 20 Its 8 and 9 Lot 6 Mt 7 Lot 8 Lots 7 to 12 Itorton Addition "Descript Ion I -its 1 to 5 W Vi W".t 7 Lots 3,-4. u Lots 1 V " lxt 7 l.ts 6 Tind 7 Lots 8, 9, 10 AVAR ASH Block A A Amt. $ 3.02 .25 10.53 . . . . 2 36.05 .... 2 .87 2 .67 2 .83 7 7.02 9 67.10 9 3.06 .... 2.63 10 12.12 to abash Ulock Amt 1 $ 19.19 2 .58 6 .87 7 .98 . 7 .75 10 2.88 ....11 10.30 VILLAGE Description Lots 1 to 12.. or ROCK 111. IKK Township II, Descriotion N'4 NWVi WV6 SKi. N4 NWVi SV. NW'4 SW'4 SEV, SK'4 Lot 4. Ia,1 22. Lot 28. Ix)t 27, Lot 23. lt 29, XR'i SWVi S'i SW'i NW'4 NEVi SVi NEVi NWV lAit 5. SE'4 N K Vi . . . Township II, Description SEVi SKV, Lots 4-G. EV SW'i Lot 12. SV-. SEVi... PRECINCT Rnusrr 13 NEVi NWV, ... NK Vi NWVi. NK". NWVi . . NWVi NWVi SWV. NW'4.. NW Vi . NWV.. K'i NEVi Se Amt. . 4 S 79.37 . 7 77.09 . S 80.74 . 8 73.4 2 . 8 153.97 . 8 152.51 .10 184.92 .23 35.87 .23 5.4 8 .23 6.14 .23 1.21 .23 -3.49 .23 13.11 ..24 17.63 .24 43.74 .24 95.12 .25 43.74 .25 87.28 .25 188.30 .32 .92 NWVi SK'i SW' SKV, -SK'4 SE'i . Lot 10. NEVi WV4 NE'4 & Lot Lot 28. T.ot 22. Lot 26 Lot 12 SK'i .... SWVi SKVi Lot 14. NW NW'4 NEVi EVj SWVi SEVi SEV, SK'i NW J-i SKV; NW'4 and Lt NEVi NE V. NWVi NEVi . . N E K . . SEVi 32 or Itnnce 14 Sec. 6 and 9 17 17 J8 19 NWVi and wy,. 20 20 21 1 Vi SW'4, .21 .21 ! !5s .29 . .32 Amt. i 32.38 81.63 20.75 20.31 23.09 16.73 69.03 37.74 24.78 3.8G 18.08 20.75 4.43 26.12 63.67 27.01 SWVi SEVi . SEV. , SK'4 - I.Ol ISVII.I.E PRECINCT Township 12, Itanare 11 Description Sec. NEV4.. .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 .19 Lot 1. NWVi , Sub lot 1 of Lot 14. NWVi. Lot 13. NEVi SWV; WV, SEVi WV NK'4 Lot 9. WV4 NKVi Lots 3. 4. 5 and SV& SWVi and KVi SKVi . v- - Ixts 1. 2, 6 and 7. NEVi NWVi 22 Lots 7 V,. 8 and 9. SE NW'4 22 SVi SEVi 23 NEVi 29 AVOCA Township Description NV4 NWVi W V4 NEVi SW4 NK'4 NEVi SWH SEVi SVi NWVi Lot 14. SV4 SWV4 NEVi NWVi SEVi .V., '.'.'.y.i. PRECINCT lO, IUdm 12 Sec. 2 7 8 8 .. 8 .. 9 ..10 . .15 ..15 Amt. f 10.92 22.71 2.87 9.13 78.86 76.13 27.81 102.72 33.73 16.47 115.45 120.28 Amt I 90.09 26.3 18.00 14.44 89.25 45.31 40.61 21.65 63.53 MT. PLEASANT PRKCIWCT Townahlp 11, Ran re 12 Descriotion Sec. Amt. SV, BWV4 3 1121.48 Ft. SVi SVi SWVi 20 44.37 EIGHT MILE GROVE PRECINCT Township 12. Ranare 12 Description Sec. 8WV4 I KVi KWV. ;.1T Lota t and . WVi SWtf.18 SWVi 1 8EV4 32 PL A TTS l Ol'TH PRECINCT Township 12, Rimer 13 Description Lot 28. NEVi NEVi Lot 29 NWU N'4 NWV, NEVi WVfc NWVi . E'4 NWVi .. KH SWVi .. NWVi SWVi Lot 2. NKVi Lot 4. NWVi Lot 6, NWVi SEVi SK'i -Lot 52. NEVi SWVi NWVi Lots 3. 4, NEVi NEVi Lots 7, 8. SV SWVi Lot 2, NWVi NEVi Lot 4. NKH Lot 5. NWVi SWVi NKVi Iot 28. NEVi NWVi SKVi NVi SWVi .. SWV SWVi , SEVi SWVi N4 SKV, SUi NVi SV N4 SEVi r v "4 Lot 1. NEVi Township 13, Kinvr IS Description t Sec. Lot 12 SWVi NWVi and Sub lot 1 of Lot 11. NW'i SKV,.... NK' NEVi swvi!i;; Sec. Amt. . 1 $ 3.70 . 1 .43 . 1 113.07 . 1 8.36 . 2 110.35 . 2 56.63 . 2 58.20 . 2 52.50 . 2 21.99 . 2 13.43 . 2 13.43 . 6 6.23 .11 116.12 .12 25.88 .13 161.34 .14 173.00 .21 12.83 .25 2.66 .26 0.89 .26 10.01 Lots Lots Lots Lots 1aIs I,ots Lots Lots Lots Lots and Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lots lxts Lots Lots lAt Lot Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 to 12 to 12 to 12. ...... . and 3 to 12. and 13 to 16 to 8 and 6 to 10 to 10 to 10. Block and 2 to 8 to 8 HOCK BLl'PFS Block Amt. 9 2.01 32.25 10.86 3.68 2.26 .93 8.20 1.70 6.87 3.29 .60 ,2-3- to to to to to 10. . 8... 8. . , 12. 12. . to 3. to 12. and 2. and 4 . . to 12... to li 3K 3V 7W 8W .IN IN 4N 4S 13S . .1N-1K . .1N-2K 1N-3E . .1N-4K . .2N-2K . .2N-3K ..3N-4K .1N-8W 10N-3W 11N-3W . .1S-7W . .LS-SW . .3S-5W . .5S-1W . .5S-1W . .5-2W . .5S-3W . .5S-3W . .5S-3W S-4 W to 3 4S-IK to 10 9M-1K to 10 10S-3U 1.63 3.00 1.87 12.02 2.41 2.03 1.76 2.0S 2.09 4.64 .46 .46 3.12 .95 .93 1.41 1.76 2.18 2.03 .84 Ol'TLOTH TO PLATTSMOITII Township 12, Itanee 13 Description Sec. Lots 51-58. NEVi SEVi 12 K pt. Lot 53 12 Lot 54 '. ..12 Lot 80. NW'4 SKVi 12. Lots 63. 64. 77 SWVi SWVi. 12 Lots 16-39. SKVi NWVi 13 Lot 28. SW'i SKVi 13 Lot 33. SWVi SKVi 13 lAt 60, SW", SKVi 13 Sub. 1 of 46, SK'4 SE'4 . .13 Lot 40 24 Township 12, Rantce 14 Description Sec. Lot 16 7 Lot 68 7 Lot 6. WVi SWVi ? Lot 7. WVi SWVi 7 Lots 15-17. WVi SWVi 7 Lot 6 i.18 Lot 24 IS (Old lot 50) New Rub Lot 12 of 27 18 Lot 62 18 S V4 pt. Lot 4 IS Lot 23 18 W pt. Lot 66 18 Lots 67-68. SVi SWVi 18 Lot 69 18 Lot 78 18 Lot 79 18 Lot 80 18 lAt 83 18 Lot 84 18 Lot 93 18 Lot 94 18 lot 15. SK'i SWVi 18 Lots 85-86 18 Lot 22. SEVi- SEH IS Lts 16. 22. 14, NEVi NWVi. 19 Lot 23 , 19 Lot 111 19 Amt. . $ 23.1.5 11.50 93.21 12.02 30.76 61.29 43.49 8.85 8.85 783.16 41.54 Amt. S 4.53 28.09 19.90 28.78 2L88 24.01 1S8.29 22.86 6.11 4.13 88. 99 3.77 63.67 13.55 32.10 32.03 26.00 19.54 25.04 37.80 24.90 42.96 15.70 34.6) 74.10 12.02 10.00 PI 6. .. VTTSMOVTII Block all Lots - 3 1 12. , .26 , .26 .26 .27 SEV, NEi NEVi NW 4 NWVi & SWVi NEVi 27 27 27 28 28 NWVi .28 28 33 .34 v CITY OK Description E Vi Iot 10 and 11 and 12 Lots 5 and Lot 10 Lots 10.11. 12 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 and W Vi Lot 10. Lots 9 and 10 S Vi Lots 11 and Lot 12 52.31 i Lots 11 and 12 3.98 I W 3 ft Lot 4 and all 5. 40.98 No. 69 ft. Lot 12..: 97.50 I Lots 2 and 3 64.52 So. Vi Lots 5 and 6 44.73 I Lots 7 and 8 3.59 Lot 9 77.72 1 So. west of Ave., 87.61 I and 10 90.09 Pt. Lot 11. So. of Ave 21 39.37 I Lot 1 excepting that part 34.83 1 occupied by Washington 139.56 avenue 22 .57Lots 2 to 4 2! Amt. SWVi y. 31 Lot 1. NE4 35 A strip off South side of Lot 2. NEVi 35 NVi SEVi 35 Lots 14. 15. SVi SE'4 35 4. NWVi 36 Lot 3. SW'i SKVi 39 Lot 5, SEVi SWVi 3C Township 12. llanice 14 Description Sec. Lot 3 west of IIR, NWVi. ot 178 Lot 25. NK'i NEVi Lot 105, NEVi NE4 , 1-ot 110. NEV, NK'i. Lots 126. 127. SWVi NEVi .. Lot 108, NWVi 129. SEVi 1 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Ixt Lot Lot lxt Lot E 30 NWVi 128. ' SE Vi" SEVi . Lot KVi SVi Lot Lot NVi SVi 6 , 23 37 41 26, NWVi 55. NWVi 2. NEVi NEVi. 3. NEV4 NEVi. 12. NEVi NEVi acres, NW Vi NK'i 1. SW'i NWVi . Lot 4 . . 7 9 Lot 19. Lot 19. NEVi , 6 18 19 19 19 136, !!!!l9 19 20 20 20 20 20 29 29 30 30 30 NEVi .30 31" 31 31 33 33 33 33 33 I 9.26 11.87 .30 43.77 34.91 10.00 2.99 .97 Amt. I 7.20 2.40 28.46 10.73 .45 34.13 4.32 1.11 54.11 5.49 10.78 .57 1.19 5.70 .57 9.36 16.70 2.95 23.13 43.30 26.79 102.91 7.26 10.29 3.82 1.52 1.52 VILLAGE Description Lot 9 Lot 10 Lots 6 and 7. Lots 1 and 2. OP CEDAR CREEK Block. Amt. 9 5.38 20.31 6.69 1.00 VILLAGE Description Lot 4 Lot 5 Lots 1 to 5 Lots 1 to 8 Lots 11 to 13.... Lots 20 to 28. . . . Lots 1 to 10 Lots 1 to 8 Lot 10 OK .MAN LEV Block 1 1 5 6 6 . : . . . 6 7 8 8 VILLAGE Description Lots 4 and 5.... Lots 6 to 8 Lot 9 .Lots 10 and 11, OK Ml'RRAY Block 4 -. 4 4 4 Amt. S 1.26 1.02 3.07 4.67 3.95 5.54 6.14 4.94 .69 Amt. $ 11.01 11.61 4.31 2.60 Lots . . .. 6 .. 8 .. 9 .. 9 .. 9 ..9 ..11 . .11 . . 12 ..16 ..18 ..18 . .19 ..to ..20 . .20 9- . .21 .22 .22 22 .23 .27 .27 ,.28 .29 .30 ..30 .30 .SO ..30 .34 .35 .35 .35 .35 Amt. 1151.77 37.93 16.39 85.27 114.77 Lntta'a Pint Addition to Moirar Description Block. Amt. Lots 1 to 6 -. 7 f 8.61 Lots 15 to 21 ft 18.21 Lots 3 to 7 8 6.26 Lots 10 to 17 8 9.80 Lot 1 and EVi Lot 2 16 21.81 Latta's Seeomd Addition to Murray Description Block Amt. Lots 10 and 11 14 - S.00 Lot 5 Lot 6 Ixts 7 and 8 Lots 9 and 10 l.ot 5 No. 50 ft. Lots 1 and 2. E Vi Lot . all Lot 10.. Lots 7-8. W Vi Lot 9... Txtts 3 and 4 WVi Lot 10 EVi Lot 10 WVi Lot 11 EVi Lot 11 Lot 12 W 23 ft. sub lot 6 of Lots 13 and 14 and W 03 ft. sub lot 6 N 16 30100 Of 12.. 32 EV4 Lot 3 33 Lot 10 . .-. 33 E 20 Vi ft. Lot 1 EH Lot 3 WVi I'Ot 4 and all Lot 5. S 50 ft. No. 73 Vi ft. Lot 7 16" bv 24' of Lot 8 E Dt. balance Lot 8 and all Lot 9 35 EVi Lot 11 and ell Lot 12.35 Lot 4 36 E 14 ft lot 10. except a strip off north -end 36 S 27 Vi ft. of N 7 ft.. Lots 11 and 12 36 Lot 7 37 Lot 7 43 Lot 7 and WVi Lot 8.-... 45 Its 1 and 2 46 N 80 ft. of W 24 ft. and E 20 ft.. Lot 3 ..46 N 40 ft. Lot 4 46 S 60 ft. of W 24 ft.. Lot 3.46 S 100 ft.. Lot 4 46 Pt- Lot 1... 48 Lots 4 and 5 48 Pt. Lots 9 and 10 and all of Lot 11 48 Lots 1, 2 and 3 63 Lot 4 63 N 78 ft. Lots 7, 8, 9... Lot 8 Tot 11, except Ave Lot 12. except Ave Lots 10, 11 and 12 Lot 1 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 11 and 12 SVi Lot 7 Lot 8 Lots 5 and 6 WVi Lots 1 and 2 Lots 5. 6 and 7 Lots 4 to 6 Lots 4. 5. 6 and 9 Pt. Lot 1. all Lots 2-3, Lots 4. 5 and 6 Lots 4. 5 and 6 , Lots 10, 11 and 12..., SVi Lota 7. 8 and 9. .. , (Lot 10 and iz Amt. 99.86 97.35 41.47 325.59 73.12 26.63 32.62 353.31 731.19 174.52 49.37 125.55 31.73 23.74 183.53 74.89 191.37 51.34 18.90 2.38 119.29 2.509.40 18.77 42.23 4.13 8.52 4.85 173.63 563.86 1,685.28 216.99 91.84 90.75 82.87 .99 .33 74!s 25.3 Lots 11 Lot 7 . Lot 9 . Lot 10 Lot 11 Lots 1 Lots 9 Lots 7 Lots 9 and ant!l and and 2... ... 8. .. 10.. 54 ...55 . . .37 ...57 ...9 ...60 ...61 ...61 .. .61 ...61 ...62 ...62 ...93 .. .65 ...95 ...75 ...84 ...85 ...85 . ..88 ...88 ...89 .. .89 ...89 ...93 ...93 ...93 ...93 ...95 . ...95 ...96 659.14 151.85 23.74 214.61 141.13 722.27 50.94 1.68 91.37 63.26 83.50 12.51 155.89 44.44 71.78 61.29 17.37 11.30 281.26 1.13 13.99 313.41 416.99 124.39 110.38 61.00 55.75 5.02 ' 88.42 33.30 97.65 63.16 52.32 44.44 13.99 9.11 33.59 12.79 30.76 43.55 , 12.06 41.59 22.86 4.13 4.13 154.54 57.74 19.90 134.12 126.32 2.07 2.07 2.07 21.78 79.13 9.11 8.08 12.26 Lot 3 96 90.75 Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 90 li'9.14 E 4 ft. Lot 10 and fell of Lots 11 and 12 99 81.49 Lots 1. 2 and 3 Ill 14.62 Lot 9 Ill 128.28 Lot 10 , 111 28.42 Lots 1 and 2 122 167.14 Lot 9 122 17.83 It 10 122 25.13 Lots 11 and 12 122 159.03 Lot 4 123 2.07 Lots 11 and. 12 123 60.31 Lots 9 and 10 138 59.89 Lot 10 149 37.44 NVi Lots 11 and 12 149 28.68 Lots 9 and 10 152 65.23 Lot 5 164 92.20 Lot 1 166 39.46 Lot 7 166 572.7? Lot 8 166 6.01 Lot 4 171 - 2.46 Lots 7 and 8 221 121. 2f Lots 11 and 12 221 7. OP Lots 1, 2 and 3 223 9.07 Lot 4 223 5.4 2 N 60 ft. Lots 5 and 6 224 2.50 Lot 7 224 18.52 Undivided Vi Lot 8 224 9.9? Lots 10. 11 and 12 94 16.42 Lots 1 to 12 ,.25 39.90 All of Blocks 24 and 25... 197.69 - White Addition 1" Piatt smooth Description Block Amt. NVi Lots 1. 2 and 3 4 f 31. 8T Lots 7 and 8 4 77.H Mleklewalt Addition to Plattsmoulh Description ' Block Amt. Lot 2 1 $135.21 Lots 3 and 4 1 3.35 Smith Addition to Plattsaaonth Description Block Amt. SVi Lot 44 and all Lots 45, 46 and 47 26.80 TonDarnd Addition to Plattamouth .Description Block Amt. Lot 1 4 6.6F Lot 2 . 4 16.3: Lots 3 and 4 4 61.4' Lot 5 4 3.1? Lots 1 and 2 5 3.2f Lots 3 and 4 5 3.2f Lots 5 and 6 5 15.11 Lots 11 and 12 5 31.7." Lots 11 and 12 11 34.69 Lots 1 and 2 13 o.lf Lot 8 13 33.57 Lots 1, 2 and 3 14 8.0f Lot 1 and N 10 ft. Lot 2.16 35. Of Lots 1 and 2 17 6.11 louog A Hajn Addition Plattnnaontn Description Block Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 4 Lots 5 lxts 3 Lots 1 Its 7 Lots 1 Lots 3 Lots 7 NVi Lots 1 and 2. Lots 1 and 2..... Lots 3 and 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lots 1 Lots 5 Lots 7 Lots 3 Lot 1 . 2 and to 6 . . and 5 . . and 6. and 4. and 2. and 8. to 4. . and 4. and 8. to 4 , and 6 .... , and 8 and 4 .. 1 .. 3 .. 8 .. 9 ..11 ..14 ..14 . .20 . .21 . .28 ..29 ..31 . .32 ..33 , .38 . .42 . .45 . .43 . .46 . .48 to Amt. I 31.7.' 31.2 135.27 118.5J 23.7f 143.21 6.11 39.67 4.3.' 39.61 73.1 67.21 15.9" 31.6' 15.9" 81. C 370.4P 86.91 47.50 28.6f Duke Addition to Plattamouth Description Lot 5 Ixt 12 N pt. Lot 2. N pt. except It. R Pt. Lots 7. 8, 10. 12. except It. Ii... Lots 1. 2 and 3. . . . Lots 10, 11 ami 12. Lot 1 SEVi Lot 12 Ixts 1, 2. 3 and 4. Lots 3 and 4 K Lot 5 Lot 14 Lots 1 to 8 Block 3 3 Lot 3. 6 11 and" 6 7 .'.'..... 7 1 1 13 19 20 20 20 31 Amt. $ 51.1' 6.97 4.9:1 22 8C 12.0" 47.4? -4.0? 47.8." 12.91 3.0" 25.8? Orchard Hill Addition to Plattamouth DescriDtion Block Amt. Lot 3 4 $ 14.30 Ixts 6 and 7. . . . . V. . . . . 4 24.24 Lots 8 and 9. 4 2.56 Lot 10 4 1.28 Lota 11 : to 16, except R. R 4 3.74 Lots 21 and 22 4 2.9 Lot 23 . .i . .i . . . 4 15.8? Lots 21 and 25 4 , 2.56 Lots 26 and ,.4 35.23 lits 6 to 8 7 33.31 I)t 7 12.97 Lots 10 and 11 7 2.17 Lot 2 8 1.67 Lot 3 8 19.6C Lots 8 to 11 8 15.97 Richer Place Addition to Plattamouth DescriDtion Block Amt. Lots 1 to 4 ,., 1 S 3.25 Lots 23 to 26... f.... 1 44.15 Lot 17- 13 .8 Lots 17 and 18... : 14 1.77 Lot 16 15 1.67 Stadeimann Addition to Plattamouth DescriDtion Block Amt. Lots 6 and 7 i 2 $ 45.51 Lots 8 and 9 2 45.51 Lots 11 and 12 S 38.04 Lots 1 to 4 and pt. Lots 5. 6 and 7 4 29.96 TL Lots 5. 6 and 7; all of Lot 8 and N pt. Lot IS.. 4 19.30 Donelan Addition to Plattamouth DescriDtion Block Amt. Lots 7 and 8 1 8 11.92 Lot 14 2 33.60 Stllea Addition to Plnttamoutb Description Block Amt. NVi Lot 6 13.45 Tnomnaon Addition to Plattamouth Description Block Amt. S 4 ft. of NEVi Lots 5. 6 and 7 Lots 6 and 7 Lot 1 : Lot 8 1 to 13.... 14 to 24... to 13.. and 18. to 9.... to to 26. ... 6 Iots Lots Lots 10 Lots 17 Lot 19 Lot 20 Lots 3 Lot 18 Lots 21 Lots 1 Lot 9 . Vi Lot U Lot Lot 18- Palmer Addition Description Lot 6 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lots 1 and 2...... South Park 13. 13. 4 . 5 : 9 . 7 . 9 . 9 .10 .10 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 65.22 88.15 24.73 41.87 10.05 8.08 2.86 2.56 1.28 1.28 198.15 11.45 681.05 6.01 1.67 72.03 72.77 86.65 to Plattamouth Block 3 4 - 7 9 Addition to Amt. $ 70.54 1.08 1.08 3.35 Plnlfamnnth Description ' Block Amt. Lots 3 to 5 7 30.06 Lot 16 8 69.68 Lots 1 to 4 10 70.03 Lots 5 and 6 10 41.24 Lots 12 to 14 10 6.11 Lots 15 and 16 10 49.37 Lots 15 and 16 11 35.97 Lot 5 , 19 13.61 Lot 1 22 24.33 Lots 1. 2 and 3 24 30.32 Lots 7. 8 and 9. 25 25.08 Lots 7 to 9 28 3.16 Lots 1 to 10 33 13.99 Efreaberarer or Pleasant Hill Addition to Plattamouth Description Block Amt. Lots 4 to 11 2 9 19.31 Las 8 to 11 3 5.71 Wise Addition to Plattamouth Description Amt. Lots 32 and 33 I 17.93 Lot 52 18.81 Porter Place Addition to Plattamouth Description Amt. All of Lot 13 3 49.37 Lot 16 49.37 Lot 22 50.35 I O'N'etl Addition to Plattamouth Description Block Amt. Lots 1 and 2 1 I 4.53 Lots 1 to 12 2 49.47 Lots 1 to 9 .3 69.18 Lot 12 21.18 Lots 1 to 12 4 19.90 Lots 1 to 12.... 6 31.73 Lots 1 and 2 9 4.53 Lot 2 xL47 Lots 5 and 9 10 3.35 Dot Addition to Plattamouth Description Amt. Lot 6 t 27.69 fiub lot 1 of N 95 ft. Lot 8 . 2.07 Strettwelaaer Addition to Plattamouth Description .Amt. Lot 1 $ t l Lot 2 23.74 KKenberajer & Troop Addi tion to Plnttamoutb Description Amt. Lots 11 to 14 $ 3.24 OtTLOTS TO CITV OP WEEPING WATER Township lO, Itanee 11 Description Sec. Amt. Pt. Lot 19 NWVi NEVi 2 $ 26.11 CITV OK WEEPING WATER. Description Tilock Amt. Lots 7 and 8 34 $ 2.51 Lot 6 35 13.98 Lot 1 36 31.60 Lot 3 36 9.08 Lot 4 36 4.32 Vt 5 36 37.26 Lot 6 36 27.32 Lots 1 and 2 45 2.97 r-Ot 3 45 15.37 Lots Sand 6 45 2.97 Lot 2 46 17.18 Lot 3 46 3.57 Lot 4 46 1.4S At 3 48 106.55 ',ot 4 48 139.63 ',ots 5 to 8 48 38.98 Vi Lots 1 and 2 49 60.57 'Ml 3 49 .HO rAtt 4 49 3.63 WVf Lot 7 63 27.87 ?2x24 A-B-C 64 111.37 2x25 CI 64 .90 II 64 .90 ? 26 ft. Lot 1 and SE Lot 2 (26x24) 65 11.29 Lot 5 65 44.51 1 23 ft. of S 65 ft. of Lot 8 65 8.42 ' V4 of Vi Of Lot 10 67 435.45 SW, of EVi of Lot 11 67 86.66 ?V of Lot 2 69 131.92 "t. of Lot 5 and Tt. of Lot 9, except 11. R 69 5.37 '.ots 1 and 2 71 74.71 'VVi Lots 11 and 12 72 3.21 pt. W 33 ft. Lot 4 73 2.41 '.Ot 6 73 23.24 .ot 12 73 1.25 ,ots 13. 14. 15; pt. 16 74 3.67 Lot 1 75 69.52 '.ots 3 and 4 75 2.97 Vts 1 and 2 76 1.58 '.ots 7 and 8 76 1.58 T,ot 6 S3 30.64 'A)t 1 85 27.40 '.ot 5 85 21.62 'xt 2 88 121.31 V pt. Lots 1 and 2 -96 10.84 '.ots 1 and 2 99 , 46.12 '.ots 11 and 12 99 50.18 ot 2 ' 100 33.28 .ots 3 and 4 101 23.80 '.ots 1 and 2 102 2.17 t. Lot 3 and all Lot 4... 102 25.19 '.ots 3 and 4 105 26.58 '.ots 1 and 2 106 2.96 Carter Addition to Weeplns; Water Description Block Amt. T4 Lot 1 1 9 29.02 Vi Lot 1. all Lots 2-3... 1. 31.20 '.ota 1 to 8 3 86.52 'Ait 8 7 28.72 '.ots 7 and 8 9 15.93 Klemlnar X Race Addition to Weeplns; Water Description Block Amt. 'ots 3 and 4 1 $ 2.27 Lots 1 to 4 i 2 9.71 'At 3 2 . 38.48 'Ait 6 2 43.17 tt 7 2 80.68 -V4, of Lot 3 3 18.84 WiA of Lot 3 3 18.84 V 22 ft. Lot 2 8 33.12 V pt. Lots 8 and 9 11 75.17 Eltchle Addition to Weeplns Water Description Block Amt. 'Ait 1 2 $ 14.13 'A)t 2 2 14.00 Lot 3 2 14.15 Lot 4 2 44.45 Rector Addition to Weeping: Water Description Block Amt. Lots 5 to 9.. 1 $ 3.67 Lot 10 1 1.48 Lota 11 to 14 1 Lots 1 to 8 2 30.03 Lots 4 and 5 4 5.3 2 Lot 14 4 . ' 16.76 Treat Addition to Weeping Water Description Block Amt. Lot 2 & $ 6.69 Clark Addition to Weeptaa; Water Description Block A:nt. Lots 1 to 5 1 S 11.55 Lots 8 to 14 1 15.78 Lots 1 to 8 2 17.89 XAit 9 2 . 2.50 Lot 1 3 4.75 Lots 4 to 9 3 27.19 Lots 10 and 11 3 37.33 Reed Addition to Weeolnaj Water Description Block Amt. S 49Vi ft. Lots 1 to 4 1 $ 9.92 Riverside Addition to WeeploR Water Description . Block Amt. Lots 1 to 3 1 $653.30 Lots 4 and 5 2 8.97 Lot 6 2 3.47 Sub lots D-E of Lot 3 6 , 25.55 Sub P of Lot 3 6 1.48 Sub G of Lot 3 6 1.25 Park Addition to Weeplno: Water Description Block Amt. Lot 2 . 4 $ 26.01 Walnut mil Addition to Weep lns Water Description Block Amt. Lots 7 and 8 1 $ 3.82 All of Block 4 18.73 VILLAGE OP LOCISVILLE Description Amt. Lot 19 1 20.10 Lots 21 to 26 24.01 Lots 81 to 83 22.10 Lots 99 to 101 7.14 Lots 155 to 157 103.44 Lot 163 5.71 Lot 186 67.72 Lot 253 7.72 N 37 ft. Lot 294 1 24 WVi Lot 295 and WVi Lot 296.. 1.14 Lot 309 10-57 Lot 310 1280 Lots 321 to 323 30a Lot 324 1-52 Lot 325 1-52 Lot 326 1-52 Lots 333 to 335 2.10 Lot 339 J.52 Lot 340 i L52 Lot 341 1 52 Lots Lots 342 to 344 4.01 Lots 351 to 353. except R. R 3.90 Pt. Lot 354 and Lots 355 to 356. 61.08 W 20 ft. Lot 357 9.79 Lot 358 -57 Lot 378. except R. R 4.85 Lots 389 nd 390 13-53 Lots 428 to 430 8-22 Lot 457 31.99 Lots 475 to 477 17.34 Lot 478 12 47 Lots 490 and 491 27.81 Lot 511 7 0s Lots 517 to 519, except R. R 4.96 Lots 524 and 525 8.76 Lot 552 23.69 Lot 586 1-52 Lot 609 J 52 Lot 688 1-52 Lots 727 and 728 3-o Lot 729 2.84 Ol'TLOTS TO SOUTH BEND Township 12, Ran are 10 Description S"c. Amt Lot 9 13 $ 4.33 Lot 20 13 .89 VILLAGE OP SOUTH BEND Description Block Amt. Lot 23 3 $ 2.19 VILLAGE OP GREENWOOD Description .Amt;, Lot 4 - Lot 5 11.73 Lot 13 18.90 Lot 14 and" EVi Lot 15 Lots 21 and 22 -A Lots 29 to 37 l g Lot 38 - 'J Lots 92 to 68 12,.88 Lot 102 I ll Lots 149 to 155.. J" Lots 166 to 162 9.07 Lots 163 to 178 31.91 Lots 187 to 190. except street... 7.07 Lots 199 and 200 -54 Lots 209 and 210 8.66 Lots 213 and 214 15.00 Lots 255 and 256 -64 Lots 276 and 277.. 6.75 Lot 279 II1. Lots 281. and 282 Lots 318 to 323 25.67 Lots 334 to 336. 9.71 Lots 339 and 340 27.68 Lot 354 Lot 355 39.22 Lot 867 J7.67 Lot 351 47 67 Lots 390 to 399 Lots 403 to. 412 Lots 423 to 429... Lots 436 to 441 Lot 442 Lots 443 to 456 Lots 487 to 497 Lots 498 to 500 Lots 509 and 510... lAita 553 and 554... Lot 557 Lots 693 to 697 JoofN Addition Description XAit 12 Lo t -3 3 Lot 34 Ryder Addition Description Lots 1 to 9 SO..'.". 16.01 19.23 8.66 2 21 '.'.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'. 12.SS 17.11 -37. 21 10.77 53.27 1.68 20.29 to Greenwood Amt. $ 15.96 13.75 5.13 to Greenwood Block Amt. 8 $ 4.62 Ol'TLOTS TO EAGLE Towushlp lO, Ran ere 0 Description Sec. Lot 21 NWVi SEVI 20 (Lot 18, SWVi SK'i 20 Lot 33 or Sub 2 of Lot 30 1 SWVi SEVi 20 Sub lot 3 of Lot 30. SWVi SEVi 20 VILLAGE OK EAGLE Description Lots 1 and 2 Lots 7 to 12 Lots 13 to 15 Lot 1 Lot 16 Pt. Lot 1. all Lot 2. . . Lots 3 and 4 Lots 5 and 6 Lot 7 Lot 11 I,ot 12 . It 15 Lots 17 and 18 Lots 7 to 12 Block , . 5 ... 6 ... 6 . . .11 . . .12 , . .16 . . .18 . . .19 , . .19 .. .33 ...33 . . .23 ...26 ;. .27 Amt. $ 49.48 64.89 18.68 1C.37 Amt. 9 30.24 11.81 34.08 8.15 11.18 24.84 31.00 37.07 9.34 25.52 30.14 135.91 40.24 43.33 VILLAGE OK ELM WOOD Description Block Amt. N 175 ft. of 2 $ 15.19 Lots 1 to 14 3 45.48 WVi Lot 2 15 41.08 N 37 ft. Lot 1 16 15.73 S 13 ft. Lot 1 and N 16 ft. Lot 2 16 32.55 Lots 5 to 7 17 21.76 Its 13 to 14 17 21.76 SVi Lot 5. NVi Lot 6 21 49.80 SVi Lot 6 21 17.35 I.ots 13 and 14 21 36.86 W 35 ft. Lot 2. all Lots 3. 4 and 14 22 86.46 Lot 7 22 4.41 Lots 1 to 3 28 43.33 lAit 4 28 17.35 Lot 5 .28 21.66 N'A Ixt 13, all Lot 14 28 39.01 Lot 5 33 37.12 VILLAGE OP Description Wv& Lot 6 Lots 1 and 2 W v Lot 7 Lots 5 to 7 Lot 18 W VA Lot 2 Kv4 Lot 3 Lot 3 5 to 8 1 and 2 5 to 7 10 Carter Description Lot 1 Lots 2 to 4.. Lots Lots Lots Lot Addition to AVOCA Block ...12 .. .13 . . .13 . . .18 ...18 . ..19 .. .19 . . .19 . . .19 . . .21 21 21 Avora Block . .11 ! . .11 Amt: $ 1.6S 22.16 6.76 29.99 1.66 2.32 .52 L68 1.76 62.94 2.55 .88 Amt. 4.80 7.25 Ol'TLOTS TO rVlOV Township 10, It an ire l.'t Description Sc. Pt. Lot 30, NW'i SE'i... 23 N Pt. Lot 4. NWVi NW'i - NEVi 26 Sub of Lot 4. NKVi NWVi. 26 Lot 20, NKVi NWVi 20 Amt. S SVj.S.X C.7i 40.'-'0 VILLAGE, OK IMOX Description Block Amt. Lot 4 1 S 12.64 Lots 11 and 12 2 3G 27 Lot 16 2 18.13 Lot 9 3 11.08 Lynn's Kirat Addition to Union Description Block Lot 5 and pt. 27 ft. SE cor.. Lot 6 5 Lots 6 and 7 NVi of Block 8 Vi of Lot 4 11 Mouth Union Description Block W 6 ft. of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2 ..... 1?- Lot 3 1 - Amt. $ 18.23 11.18 50.30 7.15 Amt. $ 37.85 18.!)a VILLAGE OK Ml It DOCK Description Lots 16 to 18. Lots 1 to 5.. Lots 7 to 10. Blo( k . 9 .11 .12 Ol'TLOTS TO ALVO Townahip lO, Hangc Description. Sec. Lot 7, NKVi NKVi 3 Townahip 11, Itanite 9 Description Sec. Lot 23, SWVi SWVi 35 Amt. $ 10.56 1 ?.'.' 2 8.54 Amt. I 72.88 Amt. $ 2.18 VILLAGE OK ALVO Description Block Amt. Lot 19 1 I 6.87 Lot 5 2 29 83 Lot 8 2 16.00 N 23 ft. Lot 3 4 83.06 S I ft. Lot 3. all Lot 4... 4 14 l" N 24 ft. Lot 5 4 1412 S 1 ft. Lot 5, all Lot 6 4 35.93 Lot 14 5 34.81 Lot 15 5 31.62 lu nicer Addition to Alvo Description Block Amt. Lot 2 1 2.08 Lots 1 to 3 5 6.1c Lots 4 and 5 5 .18.10 Ol'TLOTS TO NEHAVYKA Townahip lO, Rane 13 Description Sec. Lot 2, 8 WVi SWVi 17 Pt. Lot 10. SWVi SWVi.. 17 Lots 14 A 10, SWVi SWVi. 17 Lot 11. SWVi SWVi 17 iAJt 5. NEVi NEVi 19 Amt. $ 32.28 12.68 29.62 11.00 9.11 VILLAGE Description IjOts 1 to 4 W 17 ft. Lot 8 and Lots 9 to 12 SVi Lots 1 and 2... SiZ of Lots 1 to 3. NV of Lots 4 to 6. Lots 3 and 4 Lot 19 JLot 14 I Lot 1 t Lot 3 W 54 lAt 4 i Lot 1 Klauren'a Description Lots 13 and Lots 15 and Lot 17 Lots 18 and OK N'EIIAWKA Block , 2 all of ft. Lots and NVi 1 to 3. Lot 5 . . Addition to 14. . 19. . 19.'! . i . 7 . 7 . 9 . 9 .10 .12 .13 .14 .14 .16 Nehawka Amt. 16.24 9.11 5.44 5.54 Amt. 42. 98 18.02 17.13 10.89 7.32 18.02 14.35 21.49 19.67 29.62 21.59 31.51 82.21 For Sale A Cushman eight horse power en gine with Dixie magneto and Im pulse starter: In gDod condition. OMHR SCHLICHTEMEIER Nehawka Stove for Sale or Exchange ' A large Art Garland base burner, good condition, large bowl. Will sell cheap or trade for gas engine, one and half h. p. , A. H. HUMBLE. 2sw, 3d. Manley,Nebr. Mrs. Crandall (Iowa) Telia How She Stopped Chicken Losses "Last spring, rats killed aD our baby chicks. Wish I'd known about Rat-Soap before. With just one large package we killed swarms of rats. They won't get this year's hatches. Ill bet." Rat-Soap is goal atevd aac tells for 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had raba F. G. Fricke & Co. Blank Books at the Journal Office. Let Us Be Vour Bookkeeper! A dozen short years ago few people kept per sonal books of account. Today, however, the requirements of the in come tax are such as to necessitate the keeping of books or some form of record by nearly every one. More and more people are using the con venience of a checking account in this Bank, and thus have an immediate and complete record of all cash receipts and disbursements. Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund. The Bank of Gass County T. H. POLLOCK, President Established 1881 6. U. UcCLERKIN.. Vioo-Presldent R. F. PATTERSON, Cashier Cockerels for Sale! Our Winnings at the Connty Patron Single Comb IVhito Leghorns as follows: 1st-2nd-3rd Cockerels 1st Young Pen 1st-2nd Hen . 1st -Pullet 2nd Young Pair First come, first choice at $2.00 each, including winners at the Fair. . W. F. WLTE, Platts Phone 3614 Mynard, Neb. 1 ( li J' : i -J