MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1921. PLATTSStOUTH SEH-WEEELT JOTJIUTAX PAGE FIVE MURDO(SK BEPMR HAPPYJM1EN Plenty of Them in Plattsmcrath and Good Reason for It. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. TMEmT. The Communities IVolf arc! The banking business is one of more than ordi nary interest to the community in which the institution is located. To make the work of the bank most effective, there must be a confidence between the bank of its patrons, and between in fact the whole community. Any fear of a financial institution "is immediately reflected in the business of the whole community. The bank which has proven its worth to the com munity is the one which has stood the test of good and adverse times and stands ever ready for the service of the whole community. The patrons' interest and the community good is the bank's first concern. We are here for the service of the entire community. Thanking you for your confidence, co-operation and earnest work for our community, we invite your business. The Bank of Murdoch Murdock, Nebraska "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMAUU, Vice-Prei. H. A. GUTHMANU, Cashier Three Lines of Cars We have three excellent lines of cars to choose from and each a leader in its class. The Buick, which cannot be beaten anywhere and no line barred. The Dodge Brothers also one of the most reliable and sturdy cars in the market. The Ford, you all know its Stirling work and dur ability. See us for these cars, and also remember we are prepared to look .after your repairing, no matter what the line or make of cars we are equipped for the job. EL Hi MURDOCK If. H The Automobile Man GARL NEBRASKA Fall Plowing Now! The harvest is over and thrashing done- now for the Fail plowing. We have the" facilities for this task plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery. See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur prised at what we can show you. Also the F.lullo-Kotor Washer! Oils and Gasoline! M M . 3EHC3TS, The Implement Man MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA -mm OWLY! Ladies', Men's and Children's Sweater Coats odd lots at $139 - Rflurdocli Mercantile Go.,- MURDOCK NEBRASKA H. V. McDonald was fishing last Friday at Meadow. Miss Ada Lau waB a visitor in Omaha last Friday. Max Dusterhoff was a visitor In Omaha last Tuesday. Professor Way was a visitor at the fair last Wednesday. Henry Ruster and family were visiting at Eale last week. John Amgwert and family were visiting in Weeping Water last Thursday at the fair. Geo. Towle was a visitor in Mur dock last week, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. E. McHugh. L G. Hornbeck was out last Thursday near the station of Mea dow having some sport with the ducks. Mr. Henry Keelling of Ord, who has been here visiting at the home of Geo. Merkle, returned home last Friday. Miss Leona Rush of Lincoln was a visitor at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rush last Sunday. Henry Towle of Douglas was a visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. E. McHugh for a few days last week. A. H. Ohlerking and son have been busy lately repairing the crib which was blown down in the re cent storm. The young people of Murdock en Joyed a very pleasant time at the dance given at M. W. A. hall last Thursday evening. Mrs. Win Rikli who underwent an operation some time since for appendicitis, is making good progress- at this time. Miss Mary McHugh of Omaha and Morris McHugh of Falls City were visiting at the home of Jerry Mc Hugh last Saturday. The Rev. A. Brauchle and wife departed last Tuesday for Ord way, Colorado, where they will visit for some time with relatives. Miss Irene Norton, who has been 111 with the sore throat since an operation for removal of her -ton-tils, is now improving 6teadily. Messrs Dusterhoff andr Wutchinek are decorating the home of Herman Kupke, which is becoming a bower of beauty under their apt manipula tion. Mrs. Joe Gustin. who is at the Lincoln hospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis a short time since, is getting along nicely. Miss Bertha Merkle, who has been off from work for some time on ac count of a fracture of one of the bones in her wrist, is reported as being almost recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt of Om aha were visiting in Murdock last Sunday at ' the home Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rush, Mrs. Burt remaining lor the kensington Thursday. Albert Telle was a - visitor last Tuesday at Lincoln where he went to see his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Gustin at the hospital, and reports the daughter is doing nicely. W. O. Schewe and family were at tending the fair at Weeping Water a number of days last week. Mr. Schewe having a number of his ex cellent cattle there on exhibition and which drew much attention. T?rvjl Wichhnria nf America Kens ington last Thursda yafternoon at the home of the former. Mrs. W. O. j Gillespie assisted in the culinary ar rangements and the guests were de lighted with the excellent luncheon which was served. Had Enjoyable Time The revival and conference which has been held ' at the Callihan church closed last week with very good results as thede was convert ed some 26 persons. The meeting was conducted under the combined work of Elmwood, Callihan, Mur dock and Louisville churches. At the meeting Sunday when they held their conference, there was about 600 in attendance. ' Give Entertainment The members of the Young Peo ples association of the churches of Murdock and Louisville held a very enjoyable meeting at the Murdock last " Sunday evening, when they held missionary meeting. A num ber of guests were present from Callihan and Elmwood. Has Sporty Team Carl Schlaphoff is the possessor of a team whieh sometimes take a mind to run away and if not hand led right accomplish the purpose. Last week they run away and en countered some other horses and it was sometime before things were straightened up. , Makes Cattle Feeding a Success John J. Gustin, who has been en gaged in feeding cattle, as well as breeding them all his life, is at this time feeding at his farm some 170 head. During the past five years Mr. Gustin has fed over 1,000 cat tle and helped keep the wolf from i the door of many a home. He has a fine place for feeding and is mak- tt. mg a succes 01 il. Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years of backache suffering. Days of misery, nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom? Many readers will profit by the following. Mrs. Jos. Altman, of 327 Chicago Ave., Plattsmouth, says: "I had an attack of the "flu" a year ago and it left my back in a weak and tired condition. My kidneys were weak, too. Sometimes I could hardly bend over while about my housework on account of the sharp stitches In the small of my back and through my kidneys. I felt weak all over. I had heard so much about Doan's Kidney Pills helping other people who have been troubled as I was, I tried them with the best of results. The one box from Fricke & Co's. Drug store was all I had to use and I have not had a sign of any kidney trouble since. I think Doan's are fine for such ailments as I had." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Altman had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. -GILA Glass for all your wants. You do not have to bring your house, door or window to town. Just phone us and we will come and set the glass for you. The Dusterhoff Shops, MURDOCK NEBRASKA E. W. Thimgan Garage Robbed Some miscreant. wh6 thought more of pilfering for gain than for the law of the land, broke into the garaie of E. W. Thimgan last Mon day and stole a top from the auto of Miss Jessie Melvin and a tire and motormeter from the stock and made their getaway. The authorities were notified but so far no trace of the robbers has been discovered. Kanred Wheat for Sale I have some excellent Kanred seed wheat for sale. This has yielded good on my farm this year and is worth while sowing. WILLIAM KXAUPE. Murdock, Nebr. Some Potatoe Eaiser Henry Meierjergen living south west of town has a crop of some three hundred bushels of -potatoes this season and has been supplying the people of this vicinity at $1.23 per bushel. Herman Schluster alsc has a fine crop. A Fine Demonstration As to the beautiful effects that can he obtained by the proper com binations of paper, can be seen in the deioration of the store of Max Dusterhoff, and anyone wishing any thing in that line will do well to go see the plase as well as examins the good which he has on display Card of Thanks Appreciating the kindness of the many friends who sympathized with us in our loss of my beloved wife, and for the kind offices during her late illness and death and for the flowers, I desire to express my thanks. GUSTAVE BORNEMEIER First Number Next Week The first number of the Lyceum course which is to be held on next Friday, October 7 at the Woodman hall and which is reported as-being well worth while. It is the Chi cago Concert, the members of which come well spoken of and all who at tend are assured an evening of very good entertainment. Many Attend the County Fair Many from her attended the county fair from here among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Borne meier, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Weddell. Charles Long and family, L. B. Gorthey, Ferdinand Bronkow and Ed Bronkow and their families. H. W. Tool and wife, Mrs. H. V. Mc Donald and Harry Gillespie. Entertained the ladies Musdames W. H. Rubh and J. A. Bauer entertained the ladies of the RAILROADS WARNED THEY MUST COMPLY, Commission Llakea Threat of IT. S. . Ownership as Only Remain- j ing Alternate for Them . . j Washington. Sept. 29. "Added incentive" for government ownership of rail lines will be afforded unless the railroads agree to voluntary con- Bolidation into a few main systems,1 the interstate commerce commission ' today warned. , ' Anticipating opposition from rail road heads to its proposed plan of combining all the railroads of the country into nineteen competitive systems, the commission held up the alternative of government ownership: or consolidation. "The issue of government owner-; ship is constantly pressing itself on the attention of congress and the people," the commission said in an other report on the proposed con solidation. "Should the policy of voluntary consolidation not prevail after due encouragement by government auth ority, it seems clear that an added incentive to government ownership will be afforded." The commission then states invol untary consolidation is "the only way out." Emphasizing that the hope of real reduction in railroad rates lies in consolidation, the commission said: "Unless consolidation is put into effect, a positive bar to the attain ment of uniform reasonable rates under which all the carriers alike may thrive, will continue to exist." CONFERENCE PLAN IS AGREEDJO BY IRISH Ee Valera to Send Delegates to Lon don Hopes to Effect a Suit able Understanding:. Dublin, Sept. 30. Eamann de Va lera. on behalf of the "Irish repub lic," today accepted Lloyd George's invitation to a peace conference. Sinn fein delegates will be sent to' meet the British cabinet committee, in London, October 11. j The Irish leader's telegram to Lloyd George today brought to an end the lengthy interchange of notes between the two countries and the next step in Irish negotiations was to be a direct conference. De Valera's telegram today was in reply to one received from Lloyd George by the dail cabinet yesterday, in which the British premier shunted aside the question of recognition of Ireland by Great Britain and invited Irish delegates to an untrammeled meeting next month. "We accept the invitation. Our delegates will meet you in London on the date mention," de Valera's reply said. "Our respective positions have been stated and are understood, de. Valera paid. "We agree that a conference, and not correspondence, is the most prac tical and most hopeful way of reach ing an understanding." ROAD MEN IN TOWN From Friday's Dally. County Commissioner George L. ! Farley and Highway Commissioner ; James B. Mckee were here Monday surveying the state road running in to town from the east. The section line and Fifth street do not join within 60 feet and it was necessary in early days to use a lot belonging to the late Thomas Urwin in order to connect with the street at the en trance of town. This lot was later donated to the village by Mr. Ur win and now will be used in its en tirety, in order to grade the road in proper 6hape. Louisville people are jubilant over the prospects of hav ing a rtate highway leading to the county seat and commend the board of county commissioners for their efforts in giving u? a good road. Louisville Courier. Pigs For Sale For sale 31 head of choice Duroc Jersey spring pigs, weight about 100 pounds, for feeding C. A. TRENT Murray, Neb. An extensive line of high class stationery on hand at all times at the Journal office. NATIONAL CONVENTION IS THE NEXT THING ON TAP NEXT G. A. R. CON VENTION CITY NAMED Des Moines, Iowa, Selected Pilcher . Elected Commander-in-Chief of "The Boys in Blue" j Indianapolis. Sept. 29. At the G. A. R. convention today both elec tions of Dr. Pilcher as commander and Des Moines for the convention city were unanimous. John C. Cham bers, of Portland, Oregon, the lead ing other candidate for the office of ?ommander-in-chlef, withdrew in Mr. Pilcher's favor. Dr. Pilcher is a past department commander of the New York state organization and his candidacy was indorsed by practically all eastern members. Robert W. McBride, of Indianap olis, was elected senior vice commander-in-chief by acclamation. A spirited contest for the junior vice commandership between Henry A. Johnson, of Washington and Frank A. Jones, of Georgia, ended in the election of Johnson. The following elections were made by acclamation: Marshall Ward Wood, of Idaho, surgeon general; Rev. G. B. Smith, chaplain-in-chief. Commander-in-Chief Pilcher an nounced the following appointments: Quartermaster general. Colonel R. O. Stowitz, New York; Judge Advocate general, Thomas S. Hopkins, Wash ington; Inspector general, R. A. Bar rie, California and Adjutant general, William C. Beckham, New York. Much interest here centers in the forthcoming national convention of the American Legion at Kansas City, October 31, November 1 and 2, on ac count of the reduced fare that will be available. A flat rate of one cent a mile to Legion members and their immediate families has been secured by the convention committee. In ad dition Kansas City has raised $100, 000 for the entertainment of their guests during the three day meeting. Prominent among the features will be the Aero congress and fliers will be in attendance from all over the world to. compete for the fine prizes being offer. Marshal Foch and a score of other high dignitaries of this and allied countries will also be present. Reservations for rooms and reduced fare accomodations will be secured through the local post of the Ameri can Legion, and everyone who is planning on attending the conven-1 tion Bhould get their name on the roster now being compiled' by the Legion post adjutant, so that ample fare certificates and accomodations may be arranged Tor and there will be no last minute disappointments. IX enough tickets are pledged it may be possible to secure a box car, thus permitting the party to travel a la French "style. OLD RESIDENTS HEBE Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Keefer of Utica. Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keefer and son, of Covina, Cal., were here for a few days last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole, south of the city. They remained over Sunday and will depart some time this week for their western homes. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. will spend a few days visiting in Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. will make a brief stay at Denver on their return home. The Keefer family was one of the early settlers of Cass county, the parents of these two excellent gentlemen settling here in the early seventies, and of course have hosts of friends in the county who are al ways glad to see them. Of late years they were residents of near Alvo. WANTED i Salesman for Plattsmouth and vi ' clnity. Commission contract only, for spare time or full time. We will teach you to sell income protection thruogh our free school of instruc tion and help you build a profitable , business. Massachusetts Bonding A Ut That Didn't Smell After Eeing Dead for Three Months "I swear it was dead three months." writes Mr. J. Sykes (N. J.. "I M this rat every day: put soma Rat-Snap behind s barrel. Months afterwards, my wife looked behind the barrel. There it was dead KaUSaap sells in three sixes for 35c 65c. $1-35. Sold and guaranteed by Bestor & S-jratek - Weyrkh & JIad rata . . F. G.rricke & Co. and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Dept. Saginaw, Michi gan, Capital $1,000,000. Just received, a large shipment of the wonderful remedy, Tanlac. This is the great medicine you have been hearing so much about. The remedy that's made such a wonderful repu tation and which has accomplished such remarkable results all over the United States and Canada. Get your bottle no- at F. G. Fricke &. Co't. Yon Can Save Piloney on Wednesday! HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ON TIRES Reg. Price Special Price 32x4 Standard cord tires $43.85 $30.00 32x4 tubes 3.85 2.50 30x3 tubes 2.25 1.50 Also former saving on spark plugs for the day. E. W. TIHUEU3GAN, The Garage Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA Crib and Granary! H 4 jft7 Pf Pavs fr a material which is Jh lj u8e in a double crib and gran- ary. This is a double crib, with driveway and granary above, with tight bins. This in cludes the lumber, sand and cement lor the same. The building is 26x28 feet, with good shingle roof. $A S i t i Pavs fr dUDle C"D similar to above, Jtlf 9m vf V not having gfanary above, but provid ing for driveway and crib room on each side. fk pays for a self feeding crib, caring for V 1 e Sram ad at the same time feeding. See us for specifications and how the same is constructed. We have the plans. $185 Tool, fJauman & Wlurtey, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA How is Your Battery? We are doing battery charging and repairing. If your battery is not doing its work, bring (it to us and we will remedy the evil. We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and are equipped to furnish the best repair services on all makes of cars at reasonable prices. All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Landholm Auto Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA