The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 03, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattemoutb lournal
Entered at Postofflce. Plattemoutb. Neb- as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Death is as sure as taxes and
far more peaceful.
Sometimes the real movie hero is
the fellow who sits through it.
Ifcolled stockings don't necessarily
make men look down on women.
Little girls are punished for mak
ing faces. But not when they grow
Fewer babies were born in Platts
mouth this summer. We don't blame
Every girl is looking for a hus
band both before and after mar
riage. :o:
An English duke has married a
blacksmith's daughter. Watch her
forge ahead.
It is to be noted that the big
California gold strike is not at Hol
lywood after all.
Breat Britain says sht will make
good the loss of the ZR-2. Well, we
don't want another exactly like that
Women are more careful in ad
dressing letters than men, says an
employe In the Washington dead
Perhape you have noticed it, but,
as a general . rule, the speed fiend
isn't fit for anything else.
If you don't believe there has been
a drop in the cost of living, read the
automobile advertisements.
A magazine writer says that a
dog fills an empty place in a man's
life. Yes, especially if it is a hot
Future wars will be fought in the
air, say military experts. That's the
same place where we left the world's
After its experience with foreign
airships the United States may be
moved to manufacture its own di
rigibles. :o:
The first time you catch a severe
cold sleeping by the open window
where you have slept all summer
then it's Autumn.
Calling a man a liar is the last
word in wasted talk. If he is a liar
he already knows it. If he isn't he
has found you out.
- o-
Come now, be honest about it?
Does your wife know any more
about politics than she did before
she was enfranchised?
If you forget to take your medi
cine you can forget that you are
eick; and if you forget that you are
sick you are nine-tenths well.
:o: .
Earnest welfare workers are still
after the adnoids and tonsils of
school children. Some day, perhaps,
this may be a snoreless world.
They give Gen. Pershing a glad
welcome when he landed in France
the oher day. However, regardless
of what he may do, Pershing will
never again be given a welcome like
unto that he received when he first
landed in France about four years
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And It dsesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
The senate has decided to put the
tariff bill on the shelf for the pre
sent session. On a high shelf, we
Nebraska would be much better
off "this year if we could transform
all of our corn crop into pork and
less into moonshine.
No man is bigger than the law,
but occasionally you hear of a fel
low who has a bank roll larger than
all the statute books.
After all, the average married
man kisses his wife just about as
often as she shows symptoms of be
ing willing to stand for it.
Here's another thing we can say
in favor of bobbed hair: You can
feel reasonably sure that it is se
curely fastened at one end.
Charlie Chaplin has gone to Ber
lin, and now we shall see whether
the Germans think there is still
anything funny In the world.
One of our high school boys re
centlyvsaid he would take three sub
jects this year, which' no doubt will
be football, cigarettes and girls.
First-class mail service has been
established to Russia. The only first
class article Russia has established
by herself is a first-class famine.
:o: -
Steel mills are reopening in the
Ohio valley, and thousands of men
will be given employment. Every
where the outlook is brightening.
; :o:
It is said that a man's blood pres
sure increases when he lies. Perhaps
that's the reason why some of our
politicians are in bad physical shape.
An ex-barkeeper has applied for a
vacancy in the rectorship of a New
York parish. Probably he thought
the congregation wanted a good
If all individuals had to cook
their own meals they wouldn't eat
so much. We charge nothing for
pointing out this road to universal
Whlle corn i3 worth four bits per
bushel on the cob and $100 per
bushel in the jug, it is going to be
a hard job. to enforce prohibition in
this country.
Sid Farrar, the father of Geral
dine, has been interviewed regarding
the Arbucklt case, and expresses his
opinion very freely, but Just why
we don't know.
Fatty Arbuckle made money mak
ing a fool of himself, and then mon
ey made a fool of him. It strikes us
that Fatty was foolish chiefly in
picking his friends.
Not many years ago a crime was
thought 'to be explained when the
defendant pleaded that he was drunk
but nowadays the courts want to
know how he got that way.
If it is true that Senator Lodge is
to be deprived of leadership in the
Senate, it looks like the Republicans
are in earnest about making a drive
for popularity in the South.
A revenue measure framed simply
to meet the exigencies of politics will
be bad politics in the long run. It
will fail to give the country the re
lief needed for the stimulation of
Boston is concerned that the au
thor of "Through Unexplored Asia"
described all his hair-raising adven
tures without having been there.
Well, if he had been there it would
not be unexplored, would it?
, o:o
Senator Pat Harrison of Mississip
pi, has renewed his fight to secure
open sessions of the disarmament
conference. If the sessions are to be
held behind closed doors, why not
also require the delegates to wear
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts-
mouth, on Thursday, October 6, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Hens, per lb 18c
Springs, per lb 18c
Ducks, per lb 17c
Geese, per lb. 15c
Old Cox, per lb 7c
Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or shine and take care
of all poultry offered for sale.
The senate foreign relation com
mittee has voted to report favorably
the administration peace treaties,
which will establish peace with ev
erybody except Senator Borah.
A Pittsburg man- has been found
with two wives who say that tney
have been held in one room through
fear of their husband. We know a
lot of brave men who wouldn't at
tempt to do that with one wife.
Vice-president Coolidge says the
country i3 rapidly getting back to a
constitutional basis. That probably
is true. But the senate still has some
unfinished business we understand
that isn't being so rapidly disposed
From Thursday's Dally.
D. C. West, the Nehawka banker,
was in the city for a short time yes
terday afternoon- attending to some
matters of business.
Bals Meisinger and Adolph Wesch
were among those going to Omaha
this afternoon to enjoy a few hours
visit there with friends.
Paul H. Roberts, of Cedar Creek,
were among the visitors in the city
today for a few hours, attending to
some matters of Importance.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Comer of Un
ion and Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Comer of that place motored in to
day from their home and spent a
short time here looking after some
matters of business and while here
were callers at the Journal office for
a short visit and renewing their sub
scription. . Mrs. E. C. Hill of Beemer, Nebr.,
came down yesterday for a short vis
it here with old time friends in this
city and vicinity. Mrs. Hill was call
ed to Omaha by the illness of her
6ister, Mrs. Bass, who was operated
on there for the removal of her ton
sils and after the operation Mrs. Hill
came on down to the old home for
a short visit.
One reason why they don't admit
Jews to membership in the Ku Klux
Klan 1s that the robes worn by mem
bers cost 6.50. If our Hebrew
friends were admitted they would
soon be selling the regular regalia
at $2.49.
Somehow the war seems to have
robbed people of the capacity to re
act with enthusiasm to" any' great
event. Even Babe Ruth's smashing
of the home run record brought
nothing more than a bored yawn
from the public.
Premier Lloyd George and Premier
Briand will not attend the disarma
ment conference. Both being poli
ticians, they recall the jealousies
arounsed by Woodrow Wilson when
he went away from home on a di
plomatic mission.
Under the riot law, effective in
Belfast, three persons consitute an
unlawful assemblage. One can see
how a law like that would be a
considerable handicap to debate, but
we suppose it would be impractica
ble to try it on a legislative assem
bly. :o:
"How many teeth has a normal
being?" asks the St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Well, if he's adult, and
really normal, he has about fifteen,
most of which he vows to have ex
tracted and replaced with a plate
next time he finds courage to go to
the dentist.
Build your own home. A Michi
gan man, excavating toward a new
house, dug up four bottles of old
California wine. Of course, he had
planned only a modest dwelling.
Those who plan more pretentious
houses, of course, stand to dig up
imported wine.
Lowell Sherman, the motion act
or, found in New York, who is want
ed as a witness in the Arbuckle
case, affirms that he was (not run
ning away from his duty. But was
merely seeking to avoid publicity.
That is too thin. There never was
an actor or actress in the history of
the world who desired to avoid pub
licity. :o: :
This . morning in the district
court a decree of divorce was grant
ed in the case of Otis Hobbs Sar
geant vs Harry E. Sargeant, and in
which the plaintiff was allowed ab
solute divorce on the grounds of de
sertion. In county court the complaint was
filed by County Attorney A. G. Cole
against Dwight Props for failure to
provide for the care of the minor
child of the defendant under the de
cree of the district and the matter
was continued until October 13th
when it will be heard.
Big shipment of Tanlac Just re
ceived. , F. G. Fricke & Co., local
From Friday's Dally.
W. G. BoedekerJ cashier of the
Murray State Bank, was here today
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
W. J. Quinn and George S. Wil
son, both of near Elmwood, were
here today attending to some mat
ters of business at the court house.
Herman and Albert Hennings mo
tored in today from their home in
Eight Mile Grove to look after some
matters of. business with the mer
S. W. Orton, for many years a
prominent resident of Weeping Wa
ter, but now living at Fullerton,
California, was in the city today for
a few hours visiting with old time
friends, who were delighted to meet
him after an absence of a number
of years.
Lose anything I Hnd anything?
Try a Journal want-ad.
A llrturtuil iimi i kiimuu
4. 4T..Twt..;..;.i;.'i i ll ! I-
Will Edgar spent the week-end
with friends.
L. R. Stanley autoed to Lincoln
Wednesday jnorning.
Grandma Caygill was a passenger
to Elmwood Saturday evening.
A number from here attended the
football game at Elmwood Friday.
Pie Clark was a passenger to Om
aha Saturday and returned Tuesday.
George Colbert and family of Wau
anta are visiting with friends and
..Mr. and , Mrs. Edd Van Every
spent Sunday " with relatives and
friends. ' " '
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Fuller of Elm
wood, were in town Monday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Copple spent
Thursday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hinds.
Mrs. Earnest Osbern and daugh
ter spent part of last week . at the
home of Mr." and Mrs. Kear.
Clyde Squires spent Friday even
ing, Saturday and Sunday with his
father and sister and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pool and daugh
ter. Hazel, spent Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. George Gergery and
son Philip autoed in to town Thurs
day evening. They are visiting with
Mrs. Gergery's sister, Mrs. S. A. Jack
man and Mrs. C. H. Gibson.
A fast game of base ball was play
ed Sunday afternoon on the Wabash
grounds. The game was between
Alvo and Wabash and the score was
14 to 5 in favor of Wabash.
Mrs. S. A. Jacobson and daughter
Darling and Mrs. Jacobson's cousin,
Glenn Van Every, are visiting at the
home of Mrs'. A. M. Van Every. Mrs.
Jacobson will leave here for her new
home in Richardson county.
The first number of the Lecture
course will be Wednesday evening,
October 19th. "The Sunflower En
tertainers." Buy your tickets before
they are all gone. Season tickets
on sale at both stores and the bank.
A number of relatives gathered
at the home of Park Otte as a sur
prise on him. it being his birthday.
They celebrated five birthdays which
all come In the month of September.
Those that have birthdays in Sep
tember are Park Otte, Grover Otte,
Rachel Noyes, Lawrence and Lloyd
Colbert. Those who were present
were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert
and family; Mr. and Mrs. Will Otte
and family; Mr. and Mrs. Will Van
Every and family, Mrs. Rachel Noyes
and family, Mrs. John Carter and
Grover and Park Otte.
Better Than Traps For Rata
Write AdamaDrug Co Texas
They Bay:" RAT-SNAP is doing the work
and the rat undertakers are as busy as pop
corn on a hot stove." Try it on your rats.
RAT-SNAP Is a Vnoney back" guaranteed
sure killer. Conies ready for use ; no mix
ing; with other foods. Cats and deg-s won't
touch it. Rata dry up and leave no smell.
Three sizes: 85c for one room; 65c for
house or chicken yard : S1.25 for barns and
outbuildings. Start killing rats today.
Sold and Guaranteed by w
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. 0. Fricke & Co.
One Size Package
All' our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the
finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette
Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality.
Nothing is too. good for Camels. They are as good as it's
possible to make a cigarette.
Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high,
exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same
mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich
flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire freedom from
cigaretty aftertaste.
And remember this! Camels come in one size package
only 20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest
saving in production and packing. This saving goes
straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you
can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price.
Here's another. We put no useless
frills on the Camel package. No "extra
wrappers!" Nothing just for show!
Such things do not improve the smokes
any more than premiums or coupons. And
their added cost must go onto the price
or come out of the quality.
One thing, and only one, is responsible
for Camels great and growing popularity
that is CAMF.T. OTT AT.TTV
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem. N. C
At a meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of the Platte Mutual Insur
ance company last evening, a new
business policy was adopted, where
by in the future the amount of any
one risk shall not exceed $1,500, and
in the business district not closer
than every other place of business.
Under those conditions it was con
sidered that Mutual insurance can
prosper and give good protection
without making assessments. The
Platte Mutual has been writing in
surance in this city for the past
twenty-five years and during all that
time had only one assessment, not
withstanding the rate for insurance
was about half that of the Old Line
companies, hence the patrons of the
local company have saved largely on
cost of their insurance.
It is a home company and all the
money paid for insurance is kept at
home and deserves the patronage of
everyone who is interested in seeing
the company prosper. Boost.
Duroc Boar for Sale
I have a 2-year-old Duroc Jersey
"Sensation" breeding boar for sale.
Papers furnished. John Becker, one
mile east and three miles north of
Union", Nebr. 2t-sw
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Ailing an.l Tle Livingston Loan and
Building association ftotn. ulL interest,
right, title, claim or lien in and to said
premises and for the purpose -of par
titioning said premises amone the
plaintiff, Albert H. Miller anl Charles
A. Miller, Jr., William J. Miller, Kdith
K. Taylor ami Klmer 11. Miller, minor,
defendants, according to their respec
tive rights and interests in said prem
ises, as same may be established by
the decree of said conrt. or for the
sale of said premises and a division
of the proceeds if same cannot be
equitably divided.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 7th day of
November, 19:11. or your default will
bo entered In said cause and a decree
entered as prayed for liv plaintiff.
By Plaintiff.
sl9-ow. His Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, S.1.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of George
Grebe, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts-
mouth. In said county, on the 29th day i
of October. 1921. and on the 30th day
or January, l2 at o ciock a. in. m :
each day, to receive and examine all
claims against saiu estate wun a view
to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
months from the 29th day of October,
A. II. 1921. and the time limited for
pavment of debts is one year from said
"Qt'li Auv of October. 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of i
said County Court, this 21st day of
September, 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
826 Iw. Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Klla L'lsie Jessup,
Plaintiff App. Dock,
vs. No. 1
Kihvaid T. Shamp. et al . page 20
To the Defendants: . KJward T.
Shamp: K. T. Shamp; (real name un
known) C. M. Shamp: (real name un
known) George L. Donovan: F. 1$.
Conn: (real name unknown! David
Karwicker; Mary Ann Casey; Anna
Townsend; Tda Wagner; James A. Don
elan; Frank Donelan; and the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and other persons interested in
the several estates of I-Mmund A. Don
elan, deceased: Hobert G. Donovan, de
ceased and Samuel Casey, deceased;
(impleaded with The County of Cass)
and all persons having or claiming any
interest in the following described real
estate in the City of l'lattsmouth, in
Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 16.29 chains north
and 7.60 chains east of the southwest
corner of Section 7, Town. 12, N. Range
14. Kast of the 6th IV M.. and running
thence east 6 chains, thence north 5
chains, thence west 6 chains, thence
south 5 chains to the place of begin
ning; also commencing 16.66 chains
i nurtli :nid .z.'J.l- 'rha.ln - st of said
southwest corner of Section 7. Town.
12. N. Range 14, Kast. thence north
J. 1575 chains, thence east 4. S3 chains,
thence south 1.1575 chains, thence west
to the place of beginning; also all of
RIock 3 in Townsend's Addition to
l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, real names un
known: You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the Hth day of Septem
ber, 1921, the plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause, filed her petition in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska," wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant, for the
purpose of obtaining a decree from said
court quieting the record title in plain
tilt to real estate situate in l'latts
mouth, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 16.29
chains north and 7.60 chains east
of the southwest corner of Section
7. in Town. 12, North, Range 11,
Kast of the 6th I'. M., and running
thence east 6 chains, thence north
5 chains, thence west 6 chains,
thence south 5 chains to the place
of beginning, otherwise known as
Lots h, 9 and 23, in said section;
Also, commencing at a point 16.66
chains north and 2.27 chains east
of said southwest corner of Sec
tion 7. Town. 12, North. Rangell,
Kast. thence north 1.1575 chains,
thence east 4.83 chains, thence
south 1.1575 chains, thence west to
the place of beginning, otherwise
known as Lot 21 in said section;
Also all of Block 3 in Town
sends Addition to l'lattsmouth,
as against you and each of you, and by
such decree to wholly exclude you and
each and all or you from all estate,
right, title, claim or interest therein
or lo any part thereof.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 7th day of
November. 1921, or your default will
be entered therein and a decree enter
ed in said cause as prayed for in plain
tiff's petition.
Dated: September 19, 1921.
Bv Plaintiff.
s!9-5w. Her Attorney.
Poland China Boars
I have a number of choice Poland
China boars, of large type ready for
service, that are for sale. They are
of Febiiiry farrowing. Call at farm
five and one-quarter miles west and
one mile north of Murray.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
Albert II. Miller, Plaintiff
App. Dock.
No. 1
page 22
Blank Books at tiie Journal Offlct.
Charles A. Miller. Jr.
tt al, Defendants J
To the Defendants: William J. Mil
ler: Mrs. William J. Miller: (real name
unknown) and Jacob Ailing, whose
residences or places of abode are un
known: You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 17th day of Septem
ber, 1921. the plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause filed his petition in
the District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant for the pur
pose of obtaining a decree from said
court quieting the title to Lot-: one,
1) two, 2 three, (1) four, (4) five
(5 and six. (6) in P.lock eighty-two,
82) in the City of l'lattsmouth. in
Cass countv. Nebraska, in the plain
tiff. Albert 1 1. Miller, and Charles A.
Miller. Jr., William .1. Miller. Kdith K.
Taylor and Klmcr R. Miller, a minor,
defendants, us acainst the defendants
Jiob A"ns uud Tl'e Llvinai'ton I.o-3'i
nnd Bufldins' association, and by such
decree to wiiolly exclude the fcaid Jacob
Saturday, Oct. 8th
At Oak View farm eleven blocks south Main
street, Weeping Water. Sale begins at 1 o'clock.
Descendents from the famous "Checkers" and
"Ro Sweet Heart" and "Orange Model."
Owner and Breeder