The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1921.
Tho Gommunitios IVoIfaro!
The banking business is one of more than ordi
nary interest to the community in which the institution
is located.
To make the work of the bank most effective,
there must be a confidence between the bank of its
patrons, and between in fact the whole community.
Any fear of a financial institution is immediately
reflected in the business of the whole community.
The bank which has proven its worth to the com
munity is the one which has stood the test of good and
adverse times and stands ever ready for the service of
the whole community.
The patrons' interest and the community good is
the bank's first concern. We are here for the service
of the entire community.
Thanking you for your confidence, co-operation
and earnest work for our community, we invite your
The Bank of Murdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMAUN, Yice-Pm.
H. A. GtJTHMANN, Cashier
Three Lines of Cars
We have three excellent lines of cars to choose
from and each a leader in its class. The Buick, which
cannot be beaten anywhere and no line barred.
The Dodge Brothers also one of the most reliable
and sturdy cars in the market.
The Ford, you all know its Stirling work and dur
ability. ;r.iSaSf.
See us for these cars, and also remember we are
prepared to look after your repairing, no matter what
the line or make of cars we are equipped for the job.
The Automobile Man
Fall Plowing Now!
The harvest is over and thrashing done now for
the Fall plowing. We have the'facilities for this task
plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery.
See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur
prised at what we can show you.
Also tho Hullo-ttoior Vasbor!
Oils and Gasoline!
The Implement Man
rdocli Mercantile Go., -
Miss Ada Lau was a visitor -with
friends in Lincoln last Friday.
Miss Katherine Rau was visiting
with friends In Lincoln for a short
time last week.
Miss Jennie Baur, who lias been
in Omaha for some time past, return
ed home last Thursday.
During the week there were re
ceived eome books and labratory
supplies for the high school.
Miss Minnie reikman, who is em
ployed in Ashland, was a visitor at
the home of her parents for the past
Misses Esther Rau and Esther
Reinke were visiting at Omaha last
Wednesday and Thursday at the Ak-Sar-Ben.
H. A. Tool and wife were visiting
with friends and looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth last
Albert Reikman departed last Wed
nesday for Chicago, where he is at
tending the Northwestern college
this year.
E. K- Norton and wife with their
daughter were visiting in Lincoln
last Wednesday making the trip in
their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Mueller of Lin
coln were visiting at the home of
the latters parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Rush last Sunday.
Edna Miller, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Miller, was reported as be
ing sick for a few days but is now
feeling much improved.
A. E. Friend of near Alvo was look
ing after some business and getting
some work one his auto in Murdock
last Thursday afternoon.
Jesse Landholm and family were
visiting looking after business ami
also attending the Ak-Sar-Ben in Om
aha Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Leah Schmidt, who is em
ployed at Stella, was a visitor at the
home of her parents. H. R. Schmidi
and wife, for over Sunday.
A. J. Tool and family were visit
ing at Firth last week going dowr
to take Miss Catherine to the school
which she is teaching there.
Misses Mattie and Minnie Baur,
who recently came from Europe, have
accepted positions in Omaha and are
now engaged there in work.
Geo. Bauers of Orange, California
brother of J. A. Bauers of this place
was a visitor at the home of hn
brother for the past few days.
Mrs. Lawrence Wiseman of Elm
wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E
K. Norton, was a visitor at theii
home for a number of days last week
A revival meeting is in progress
at the Calihan church, which it
arousing great interest and is being
attended by large crowds of people
Mrs. Julia Brackhogge. of Enid
Oklahoma, is visiting at the home of
her brother Mr. Henry Meierjurgec
and 'with other friends in and neai
O. E. McDonald and family were
visiting with friends and relative:
at Council Bluffs last Sunday, meet
ing many friends there for the day's
While H. W. Tool was out in the
state bunting with a number oi
friends from Omaha, Mr. W. T. Wed
del was ooking after the bsiness at
the mber yard.
Alvin Bornemeier with his sister
Elsie, Wm Deikman and sister, Min
nie, and Miss Aleta Lau were attend
ing the festivities at the Ak-Sar-Bec
in Omaha last Wednesday.
At the high school there has been
both a football and a basketball team
organized for the school year and
they are getting in practice for th
games which they hope to win.
Samuel Panska, who has been mak
ing his home for some time in the
west and latterly in Idaho, is visit
ing for a few days at home of hk
parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Pan
ska, and his brother, Dan.
Emil Kuehn of .Lincoln was look
ing after some business matters ir
Murdock last Thursday and in con
versation remarked that Herman
Kraft of Ithica was feeling well en
ough to be down looking after the
business of the store.
Miss Leon a Rush, who is employed
! with an insurance company in Lin
! coin, has been home for a week's vis-
! it with the folks, and last Thursday
departed for Omaha, where she wil
visit with her sister. Mrs. Jack Burt.
before returning to her work.
Mr. Shoeman and wife with their
daughter. Myrtle, of Enid, Okla., ar
rived via the auto last week and vis-
: ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H
i R. Schmidt for a visit of a niinVber
1 of days, and also visited at Louis
ville with friends and relatives.
The telephone lines are now in
good condition due to the exDert work
'of Mr. Kenneth Tool, who was look
, ing after them during the absence
: of the manager, Mr. Lacey McDon-
; aid, who has been away on a fishing
Henry Inheder, who condcted the
cream station here for the summer.
, has been assigned to the station for
j the Harding people at Geneva and
I is taking up the work there. Mr. In-
I Tielder made a success of the" work
, here and should succeed in his new
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rikli and the
children who have been kept at home
on account of illness, have so far re
covered that they are now able to
be out again and are appreciating
the fact. They were all kept pretty
close to home on account of the ill
ness and this release seems really
very good to them.
Waste and Decay!
are bound to follow neglect
of your property. Better
have it painted This is
insurance. See me for prices
on all kind of painting
interior or exterior.
ber of children as well as the wife
to mourn his departure. In this loss
Mr. Holka has the sympathy of his
his host of friends here as well as
in Ashland.
Lost, License Number
Please return to me license plate
No. T10999.
Murray, Neb.
Attended tbe Funeral
Messrs. and Mesdames E. W. Thim
gan. Otto Miller and children and
A. D. Zaar were attendins the fun
eral of Mr. Henry Hirz, which was
held in Plattsmouth last Sunday and
at which there was a large crowd
nrpspnt. W. A. Schutz and wife and
children and Miss Helen Hirz, daugh
ter or the soldier wno gave nis me
for his country, also attended the
funeral and celebration of the last
sad rites over the remains of this
brave soldier.
Young Woman Only Weighed 76
.. Pounds Now Weighs Over
100 Gains Every Day.
"Before I began taking Tanlac I
only weighed 76 pounds. I now
weigh over one hundred and am gain
ing every day," eaid Miss LaRue
Davis, of Chattanooga, Tenn.
"I bought my first bottle of Tan
lac at Gas City, Ind., and it helped
me so much that I continued using
It. I have always been very deli
cate and suffered a great deal from
stomach trouble and rheumatism. I
rarely ever had any appetite and
simply could not relish anything. I
fell off until I only weighed 76
pounds and was so thin I looked per
fectly awful. This is the condition
I was in when I began taking Tanlac.
"Oh, I feel so different now. Even
my complexion is improved. My ap
petite is good and I can hardly get
enough to eat. Tanlac is simply
grand and I can truthfully say it is
the only medicine that has ever done
me any good."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., and by leading
druggists everywhere.
Cockrels For Sale ,
I have a number of choice Buff
Drphington Cockrells for sale. Call
Mrs. G. V. Pickwell, Murdock, Neb.
The Fishermen Home
Lacey McDonald. Harry Gillespie,
Louis Hornbeck and Jerry McHugh
ind Gust Gakemeier, who have been
in the northwest on a fishing trip
for the past ten days, returned home
browned and weary but feeling fine
ly as they had a most excellent time
and secured a large catch of fish
They brought home with them some
125 fish and that being only a por
tion of what they caught. These
brought home were all bass. Harry
Gillespie gave Mrs. H. V. McDonald
one which weighed 6 M pounds and
which was a fine piece of eating.
Card of Thanks
To the many friends who in their
kindness ministered during the late
Illness o fmy beloved wife and for
the flowers and other acts of kind
ness and during the funeral. I wish
to extend my heartfelt thanks.
Kan red Wheat for Sale
I have some excellent Kanred seed
rhe&t for sale. This has yielded
?ood on my farm this year and Is
worth while sowing.
Murdock, Nebr.
Attend Sarpy-Cass Meet
A large number of the members
of the Royal Neighbors of America
were in attendance at the meeting
of that order which was held last
Wednesday at Weeping Water which
comprised the membership of the
lodges of Sarpy and Cass counties
Those to attend from Murdock were
Mesdames H. V. McDonald. Robert
Williams, O. J. Pothast. A. R. Horn-
leck. Lacey McDonald, J. E. Me
Hugh, O. E. McDonald, H. A. Tool
H. H. Lawton, Jesse Landholm, John
Amgwert, J. S. Bauers and James
Wells and Miss Rhena Towle.
Card of Thanks
We take this means to thank our
friends and neighbors who showed
their, kindness and sympathy in so
many -ways. Also for the beautiful
flowers sent, which were so much
appreciated during dur recent ill
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rikli and
At a meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of the Platte Mutual Insur
ance company last evening, a new
business policy was adopted, where
by in the future the amount of any
one risk shall not exceed $1,500, and
in the business district not closer
than every other place of business.
Under those conditions it was con
sidered that Mutual insurance can
prosper and give goocK protection
without making assessments. The
Platte Mutual has been writing in
surance in this city for the past
twenty-five years and during all that
time had only one assessment, not
withstanding the rate for insurance
was about half that of the Old Line
companies, hence the patrons of the
local company have saved largely on
cost of their insurance.-
It is a home company and all the
money paid for insurance is kept at
home and deserves the patronage of
everyone ivho is interested in seeing
the company prosper. Boost.
Glass for all your wants. You do not have to
bring your house, door or window to town. Just phone
us and we will come and set the glass for you.
The Dusterhof f Shops,
were callers at the Reese home last .
Sunday evening. J
rn i M T T f . 1 '
I nree sisters oi lertuy oiamey
were at his home Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. William Young and Mr. and
Mrs. Hoig, both of Lincoln, and Mrs.
Tabor, of Denver.
Edward Jackman. of Illinois, is
visiting with his cousins, Charles. S.
A. and Lawn Jackman. Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Jackman and cousin Edward
took dinner at the S. A. Jackman
A happy family gathering was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Jones on Sunday, September 18th,
the occasion being the third wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
After the Bumptious dinner served
caffeterla style, the afternoon was
spent in conversation and music.
Those present were Mrs. Jones' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth."
who will on November 19th celebrate
their Golden wedding; Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Colbert and family; Mr. and
Mrs. B. G. Jenkin3 and family; Mr.
and Mrs. Watson Jones; Mrs. Guy
Capp and daughter, Delores; Theo
dore Jones and Will Siruson. In this
gathering were also four generations,
Mrs. Ira Boaworth. Mrs. B. G. Jenk
ins, Mrs. Guy Capp and little Delores
Capp. One sister, Mrs. C. L. Ohm,
was unable to be present on account
of sickness.
A Grateful Letter
It is in trying conditions like that
related below by Mrs. Geo. L. North;
of Naples, N. Y., that proves thej
worth of Chamberlain's Colic and!
Diarrhoea Remedy. "Two years ago'
"ast summer," she says, "our little'
boy had dysentary. At that time we
were living in the country eight miles
from a doctor. Our son was taken ill
suddenly and was about the sickest
child I ever saw. He was in terrible
pain all the time and passed from one
convulsion into another. I sent my
husband for a doctor and after he
was gone thought of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him
some of it and he began to improve
at once. By the time the doctor ar
rived, he was out of danger,"
We appreciate yonr co-operation
in helping ns to publish all the live
news of the community. Call No. 6,
3 rings.
.. .'.Vn'n
Yon Can Save Ptfloney
on Wednesday!
Reg. Price
32x4 Standard cord tires .... $43.85
32x4 tubes 3.85
30x3 tubes 2.25
Special Price
Also former saving on spark plugs for the day.
The Garage Man
Buried at Ashland
Mr. Wm Holka, father of Will Hol
ka, northwest of Murdock. died at
his home in Ashland last Tuesday
and was buried last Thursday, thei
son and his family attending the ser-j
vices. Mr. Holka deceased, was welli
'advanced in years and leaves a num-
The undersigned will offer for sale
it Public Auction to the highest bid
ler on the C. E. Metzger farm, one
quarter mile east of Cedar Creek, on
:ommencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the
following described property:
Four Head of Mules
One team black mules, seven years
old, weight 2300; one team bay and
gray mules, smooth mouth, weight
Farm Machinery
McCormick binder, 7-foot cut; Mc-
Cormick mower; McCormick hay
rake, 32 teeth; Humer corn planter,
SO rods wire; 16x16 Humer disc, T
truck; one U-bar 4 -section harrow;
Sterling 2-row 6talk cutter; 28-foot
Galloway corn elevator and power
complete; John Deere riding culti
vator; Moline cultivator; P. & O. 4
wheel riding lister; P. & O. 2-row
machine; hay rack; truck wagon;
hickory wagon; top buggy; two sets
1-inch good work harness; one 1H
h. p. Reward engine; one feed grind
er; one emery sickel sharpener; one
30-gallon kettle; one 50-gallon kero
sene barrel and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; on sums over $10 a credit
of six to eight months will be given,
purchaser giving bankable note bear
ing eight per cent interest from date.
All property to be settled for before
being removed from the premises.
W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
Henry Obernolte shelled corn on
Thursday afternoon. j
T. H. Richard came down from
Lincoln Friday morning.
George Towle was a visitor in
town Thursday afternoon.
O. O. Thomas came down from Lin
coln Wednesday morning.
William Langhorst was a Lincoln
passenger Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Theo Miller was a passenger
to Lincoln Tuesday evening.
A car load of young folks autoed
to Plattsmouth Friday evening. .
Theo. Miller' was a business visi
tor in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Mrs. Jack Morris was calling on
friends in town Tuesday afternoon.
Jesse Hinds and daughter Edna
left for about two weeks' visit in
August Wendt and H. H. Squires
were Omaha passengers Saturday
H. A. Williams and B. I. Clements
of Elmwood were in town Tuesday
Ralph Dorr, John Brown and L.
R. Stanley autoed to Ashland Tues
day afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Bav Vnrria and Knn
Clarence spent Sunday with Mrs.J
Norris parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hardway re
turned home after a two weeks' visit
wLth relatives and friends in Mis
souri. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and
family spent Sunday with Mrs. Jack-
man's sister and family, Mrs. C. H.
Mrs. Eugene Colbert and son Lloyd
of Weeping Water spent Thursday
at the home of her brother Park and
Mrs. Allis.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell spent
Sunday afternoon with their daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Osbert
Dorthy Wood is visiting with her
aunt, Mrs. C. C. Jackman and fam-j
ily. She has recovered from an op
eration for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Every and.
son Russel and Mrs. A. M. Van
Every autoed to Lincoln Sunday.
They spent the day at the Ed Van
Every home.
Esther Lane. Chester Irons, Mar
ion Christian. Earnest and Cleny Un
derwood, Edith Slaid and Diller Utt
Crib and Granary!
(H fl i P"7 f AA pays for all the material which is
Jhl ll used m a double crib and gran-
ary. This is a double crib, with
driveway and granary above, with tight bins. This in
cludes the lumber, sand and cement for the same. The
building is 26x28 feet, with good shingle roof.
A A A A A pays or double crib, similar to above,
3) U U U U not having granary above, but provid-
ing for. driveway and crib room on
each side.
h4 AN AApays for a self feeding crib, caring for
3) J. Ot) S Vr Sram ai,d at the same time feeding.
See us for specifications and how the
same is constructed. We have the plans.
Tool, Nauman & EYiurtey,
How is Your Battery?
We are doing battery charging and repairing. If
your battery is not doing its work, bring it to us and we
will remedy the evil.
We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and are
equipped to furnish the best repair services on all makes
of cars at reasonable prices.
All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory
Landholm Auto Co.,