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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1921)
A2 lS5 N. ''-. . - cal Ecoiety X journal VOL. 170. XXXVIIL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1921. NC. ( ANOTHER DAY PROVES GREAT BUYING EVENT PUBLIC GENERALLY TAKES AD VANTAGE OF SPECIAL OF FERS YESTERDAY. was as successful as those that have. preceded it and this in fhe fare of the fact that at this sale the condi tions were far less favorable than at the three previous events. The fact that the rainy weather had held many back from attending the Ak-Sar-IJen caused them to take advantage of the nice weather yes terday to visit the metropolis and this had a tendency to check the attendance at the sales clay, but nev-er-the-less the stores of the city were well filled all day with the careful buyers to take the fullest advantage of the bargains offered them by the merchants. TLe afternoon crowd was very large and the sales were numerous in all of the stores and all lines were TiatrnniTPil nc thf hnnPiri vs i had evidently taken note of the ad vertising of the merchants and de-c-6eJ what they wanted and the places to secure the needed articles ar.d the result at this sale as well as those that have preceded it showed that the power of advertising was the great factor in reaching the buy ing public. As a special feature of the sales ay an aviator from the Nielson field in Council Bluffs was here for ike day and gave those desiring it a spin in the air at a special reduced rate. The flying fit-Id had been planned for the land ea?t of the Burlington sta tion but the aviator on his arrival here derided that the ground there wa1- too soft for the recent heavy rains and would interfere with the success of his nights and accordingly it was decided to locate Jthe landing field at the farm of S. A. Wiies south west of the city, from where the plane flew last summer during the Bargains Circus. A great many of the residents of the city and sur round territory er.joyed trips up into the blue sky during the afternoon and early evening and the thrill ex perienced will remain fresh in the memory of the participants for a long time. While making a flight toward dark last night the aviator had some trou ble with his engine when about 100 feet in the air and was forced to make a landing in a potato patch on the Ed Spangler farm. At the time the plane was carrying Russell Was- lev as a nassencer and he secured a:. sensation not enjoyed by the others. I tm.o naa ir.aue me ir:p earner in i" : day. The plane was not damaged ! however to any extent and after j v. uir.nir, 1 - n..i me ci. .uiti was able to resume his trips into the clouds agpin this morning. THE CROWD S1IALLER AT THE AK-SAE-3EN PARADE ! From Tj.rsrt-v. r,n. The delegation from this city tending the Ak-Sar-Ben electric pa- ca,n u'"suj rade in Omaha was much smaller splendid fertile country so long un this year than in the years gone by dr the domination of the Austrian and "thee vl;o-wnt to the metrop-1 government. o!is last niL; made a verv small I The fact that a self government Fhov. inr ia comr arisen with the hun-j ben established by the Bohem dreds who have made it a custom to ans- as increased greatly .the num take in the parade and other festivi- ber of persons returning to the old ties of ',m King Ak. country from the Lnited States. The Burlineiou did not ran the! special train that they formerly were in the habit of placing in service and this had some effect on the rnm Thursdays Daily, crowd as almost evervone used to go The ladies auxiliary of the Pres to the metropolis on this train. ! byterian church met yesterday after- Bv far the larger percentage of neon at. the church parlors and were the "crowd that attended the parade entertained by Mesdames Will from Pl&tfsmrmt'i and vieinitv made Weherbein, John Bauer and Ida the trip via auto although the 7:39 Missouri Pacific had a scattering at tendance from the city. Those who did attend the parade, report that it lacked the enthusiasm as well as the beauty of the previous demonstrations of the big Nebraska fall festival and the attendance was not as larere or full of neD as in the MANY VISIT HOME OF BESS I S.. ALDRICH.-AT ELMW00D Nebraska City people were guests at the horoe of Mrs. Bess Street er Aldrich in ElnmroCfl? Sunday" last. of Mrs. Aldrich,. wife ot an Elm wood attorney and banker, is known all over the United States as the author oT the famous "Mason" stories in the American Magazine. For a year she has not been writing because a new little Aldrich recently arrived at the Elmwood home. She is busily engaged again, however, and a new series of the stories which have cap- tivated rjaders of popular magazines for the past few yars i due to ap- pear in the American soon. s JT' Mrs. Aldrich is the mother of ffUir children. Until recently she has at- tended to her household duties with- out outside aid. in addition to carry - ing on her literary work. Just to in- dicate her popularity with her read - ers, it might be said that she has personally answered 1,000 letters from admirers within the past few: weeks. Nebraska City Press. HAS PLEASANT EVENT j From Thursdays Dally. i lie uoine oi -ir. ami .Mrs. j. -.. : ETliott, in the north portion cf the 1 city was g.'addened last evening ' when a fine little daughter made her appearance there and announced her. ,i intention of making her home in the future at the Elliott residence. The little one has brought a great deal of happiness to the parents as well as to Grandpa Asbury Jacks and he leaves for the Grand Army encampment in the test of spirits. FROM HOME' IN GZECHQ-SLOYAKiA John Vlcek, Former Rector of the Holy Rosary Church Writes of Conditions There. Edward Donat of this city has just received a letter from Rev. John Vlcek, former rector of the Holy ovary church in this city, and in whi?h.the former prie;t sends his greetings to the old friends in this city. He is at present at Ulkonice, Czecho-Slovakia. making his home with his sister and enjoying a long needed rest and has laid aside the cares of the priesthood for the pres- eul U.L leasi. He states that he still is deeply interested in gardening and especially in the care of the flowers around the home of the sister and this serves to give him exercise. He also states that the people of the new republic are in far better condition financially than at any time in their history and that the country is adjusting itself splendidly to the post-war conditions and that labor is well employed and the living cost very lew. For $300 a year a person can live as well there as the richer class and enjoys many privileges and liberties denied under the old regime of Austria. One es pecially pleasing feature of the letter is the statement that eight gallons of the best Pilsner beer can be pur chased for S1.50 and that it is the regular stuff that was once sold over the leading bars in the United States before the advent of prohibition. LEAVE. FQRJ)LD HOME IN BOHEMIA James Panos and Wife and Peter Antos and Wife Depart this Afternoon on Long Trip From Thursday's Daily. Thi? afternoon four of the resi dents of this city, Mr. and Mrs. James Panos and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Antos fln:trtpil rin Vn ? over the Ptirline- ., .. thejr home aml with the pr05eRt intentions of making their home thf-re permanently in the future. " The two couples will spend some tin. ; trnvolinrr nvpr I'.nhemia. vis iting with relatives and friends and looking over a spot that they may de sire to locate in for a permanent (home. It has been quite a number of --'ears since an" of tne PartJ' were in Europe and they are looking for- vard with pleasure to viewing the ..'many changes that the new republi- ENJOY FINE MEETING Tritsch, in one of the most pleasant as well as largely attended meetings of the year. The church parlors were very itastily arranged with decora tions of the fall flowers and made a very pretty setting for the pleasant event. During the afternoon C. A. Rawls, superintendent of the Sunday school made a short and very inspir lational address to the ladies in which he urged the attendance of ..11 imnmYmrc 1 1- if Vi -raHv 1 eprrips rMXZ rnX,v hnoi on Sundav. Oc- toher 2nd and pointed out the impor tance of the work of the cnurch school. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses during the afternoon. GETS TOUCHED UP V. Zucker, who was at one time engaged in business in this city, hut ! who. for several years past has been located in- Omaha, seems to be the special mark of the burglars of the bjg town as his place of business on North 24th street was entered a fow nights ago and pillaged of something like $1,500 worth of goods, This is the third time in the course cf three weeks that Mr. Zucker Las suffered the loss of stock through the activities of the night raiders and it ' would seem that the work was that of a special gang, who had secured jthe lay of the store of Mr. Zucker and were engaged in trimming him up in good shape. So far no one im- plicated in the robberies have been arrested by the police. E ATM GALLS A PIONEER 0 CASSCQUNTY i GRANDPA PHILIPS OF WEEPING WATER ANSWERS SUM MONS MONDAY. Weeping Water has lost one of its oldest and most highly esteemed citizens in the death of H. J. Philips, l which occurred Monday, September IS, at that place, says the Weeping Water Republican. Grandpa Philips J v. as indeed a grand old man and was liked by everyone. J Pi'Tiprsl wrvifes u-pro Vflfl frnm his late home at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon and burial was In the fam ily lot at Avoca cemetery. Rev. W. H. Riley, pator of the Weeping Wat er Congregational church, was the pastor in charge. Henry John Philips was born at Columbia, Mo., on January 21, 1S35. and departed this life on September 19, 1921. having reached the .mature age of 8 6 years, 7 months and 29 J days. His boyhood and early man hood were spent at Columbia, where he was united in marriage to Miss Martha J. Spooner on October 21st. 1856. To this union were born eight children. Horace A., Thomas G., Anna Pearl, Harry R., Robert G., Hattie B., Mattie V., and Frank O , four of whom, with their mother, have preceded him to the home be-j-ond. Shortly after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Philips moved to Nebraska City, being among the early pioneers of that place and of this state. Some years later they removed from there to a farm four miles southeast of the future townsite of Avoca, where the deceased and his good wife resided for many years. and the family grew to manhood and womanhood. The home there estab lished was always open to friends and neighbors, who came from miles around to enjoy the hospitality and friendly intercourse of this most es timable family. Ia 1890 Mr. Philips united with the Congregational church of which he was.a- faithful ..and consistent member and in his Bible many favor ite passages are marked. Many years later, when the child ren had left them for homes of their own. Mr. and Mrs. Philips moved to Weeping Water, where they resided until the wife passed to her reward on July 25, 190S. Father Philips still retained the home, frequently making long visits with relatives. In early August he was stricken with an illness which left him in such a weakened condition that, combined with his extreme age. made recovery impossible, and the family were summoned. All came at once, and were in constant attendance at his bedside. In addition to the immediate fam ily. Walter, the grandson whom he raised from infancy, came from Ada, Oklahoma, to be with him in the l?.st hours, as did also Maude and Eva Countryman, granddaughters, of Redfield. South Dakota. Two other grandchildren. Harvey and Eva Phil ips, were at his bedside during his illness. GRANDMA GORTON IS GTVEN SURPRISE ON ANNIVERSARY Prom Thursday's Daily. Last evening at the home of her son, Frank Gorton, at Dunbar, Grand ma Gortcn was given an agreeable surprise by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in honor of her seventy-seventh birth anniversary. The guests came with well filled baskets of eatables which were serv ed at a late hour followed by ice cream and cake. Mrs. Gorton was highly pleased with the entertain- mont nrrirulo1 lir Vint T"11'iti"nt? and a most enjoyable evening was passed. Those in attendance were Mr. and i Mrs. Byron Gorton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lowrey, of Ne braska City; Mr. and Mrs. L. Seyfer and family, of Otoe; Mr. and Mrs. John Gorton and family of Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. Foshe Gorton of Colo rado were unable to be present. At a late hour the guests departed wish- ;ing Grandma many more happy an niversaries. Nebraska City Press. FIRST HUNTING PARTY From Friday's Dally. One of the first hunting parties of the season was held yesterday when four of the leading men of the com munity hied themselves at an early hour in the morning to the wooded recesses along the banks of the Miss ouri river south of 'the city to at tempt to shoot up the squirrels that dwell along that portion of the coun try. The hunters found that the heavy foliage of the trees made an excellent screen for the wary little animals and it was with difficulty j that a shot could be secured but the party succeeded in bagging six of tho animals before returning home. ! The prospects are that the woods will be full of the nimrods of this ! section from now on and the squir I rels will find that they -have a liard ' life from the pursuit of the marks ! men: I E. H. Schulhof. piano tuner, j Phone 389-J. d&w. PLEASURE TO YOUNGSTERS The pupils of the Central building and the junior high school have had installed on the grounds of the Cen tral building this year a fine slide which is made in the most approved style of the playground slides so pop ular in the city playgrounds and parks and this piece of equipment is one of the most attractive spots in the school grounds to the little folks up to the sixth grade and it is con stantly in u-e when the school is not in session. The funds for the pur chase was raised by the children from their entertainment last spring. FORT CROOK PAVING BELIEVED DOOMED Conditions Set Forth in Appropria tion Bill Not Complied With Injunction Pending. Suits involving the validity of the standard bread-weight law and the $75,000 appropriated by the legis lature for the paving of a road from Omaha to Fort Crook will be called for hearing in the district court of Lancaster county, October 17. Assistant Attorney General Dort for the state, will allege that in the matter of the Fort Crook appropria tion the conditions set forth in the appropriation bill have not been com plied with and that the state audi tor has received no voucher asking him to issue a state warrant for the amount and that he is not threaten ing to issue a warrant. At tlie state house it is rumored that the Fort Crook appropriation will in all probability never be ex pended. J. D. Ream and other mem bers of the non-partisan executive committee filed the suit to enjoin the state auditor from issuing a warrant on the state treasury. The Jay Burns bakery company, of Omaha, is the principal opponent cf the bread weight law. INTER-CITY BAND . CONCERT PLANNED Bands of Plattsmonth Glenwood and Pacific Junction to Give Con cert in Three Towns A real treat for the lovers of band music is projected in the near future when the combined bands of Platts mouth, Glenwood and Pacific Junc tion, numbering some fifty pieces, will be heard in concert. It is hoped to have the concert soon so that it w ill be possible to stage the event in the open air and it is the plan to have one concert given in each of the three towns represented in the bands. E. H. Schulhof if this city is direc tor of all three bands and his work in this line has been very successful in moulding out three first class Lands. One of the propositions regarding the concert here is to hold it at the Nebraska Home, where it will be a great treat to the residents of the home as well as the general public w-ho would be present at the musi cal treat. A SPLENDID SHOW From Thursday's Dally. "The Great Moment." the story of Eleanor Glynn, transported from the book shelf to the screen, makes a thrilling dramatic picture and a worthy setting for the beauty and power of acting of Gloria Swanson. as the audiences at the Parmele the atre last evening attest. In the play occurs an unusual incident as both the star and the author appear in the great reception scene and while not in the cast of characters, Mrs. Glynn has a part that permits ner easy recognition by the audience as she greets the star at the reception. In the leading man role, Milton Sills is hia usual peasing personality and his dignified and powerful type of dramatic art proved a great support to the work of Gloria Swanson and others of the company. The play it self carries one from the old ances tral halls of England to the Nevada deserts and then to Washington, D. C, and intermingled with the play are a few touches of .the wild Rus sian spirit. It is a play well worth seeing and those who did not see it last night should avail themselves of the chance to witness it this evening. HUNTERS, USE CARE The season for shooting timber squirrels opened on the 16th of this month. Farmers report to this of fice that in several cases they have found young squirrels left to starve in the nert, where the mother squir rel has been killed by hunters. The trouble is with the game law. Sep tember 16th is just about one month too early for the squirrel season to open. Old mother squirrels have been killed with breasts filled with milk, showing that the baby squirrels must die of starvation. Humane sports men will defer shooting these little animals until they have had time to rear their young regardless of the fact that the state game law per mits them to be killed September 16th. Blank Books at the Journal OHicc. HALF MUM FOR PREACHERS iS PROMISED METHODIST CONFERENCE AT LIN COLN HEARS REPORT THAT TELLS CF PENSION The Nebraska Methodist confer ence heard with much satisfaction at its business session Thursday morning that the fund for the sup port of worn out or superannuated preachers is constantly growing. It now has endowment funds to be add ed thru will bequests of over half a million dollars. A report of the conference claim ant's society was made by President C. C. Wilson. He said that the soci ety now has a fund of $55 2,300 in sight, but that at the present time $236, 943.30 of the total resources draws interest. Following the read ing of the reports of the president, treasurer and recording secretary, Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First church of Omaha, presented a check for $500 to be turned over to the so ciety. He explained that good Meth odist woman had willed that sum to assist in the support of the retired veterans, and the money had just be come available. W. D. Cameron cf Omaha, treasurer reported that he had a check for $11,479 which was for interest earned on principal loaned out during the year. There are approximately one hun dred superannuated members of the Nebraska Methodist conference and many of them live in University Place. With the 'annuity provided for them they are able to live in fairly comfortable way. The fund is like a rolling snow ball. It grows larger all of the time. The conference claimant's society is only four years old. J. R. Getty.s of University Place is the corresponding secretary. The investment committee is composed of Rev. - C. C. Wilson of Omaha, chair man; -Don Morris, president of the City National bank of Kearney, and W. D. Cameron of Omaha, president of the Peters Trust company. The conference extended a vote of thanks to the society officers. While there is little danger of a division, because of the over whelm ing sentiment of th econference against such action, the commission from the northwest Nebraska body is here to present two propositions. One for a union with the bigger con ference and if this is not feasible then to consider a proposal to divide the state, creating a western and an eastern cenference. This is not con sidered seriously because the ten dency is to make the conference state-wide and swallow up the one small conference. The union scheme is therefore in favor. The northwest conference was created because of two districts situated in that section c the state being so far away. There are between forty and fifty parishes in the districts. Superintendents M. E. Gilbert of the Kearney district and J. G. Schick' of the Columbus district made their annual reports to the conference. The j eports indicated as did the other j superintendents who have followed them, that there was increased ac cessions to the church during the; past year compared to other years, and that a much larger Sunday school attendance was noted. When Superintendent M. E. Gilbert was telling about the modern church that the Methodists of Ogallala have Bish op McDowell became much interest ed. He paid he was reminded of the fact that thirty years ago he was in strumental in building the first church in that town, when a mem ber of his church turned over a small sum of money to help needy communities. The bishop then had a charge in an Ohio town. He recalled that at that time Bishop Ed. Hughes president of the conference, was a student at Ohio Wesleyan. Blanche Fuller, superintendent of the Omaha hospital, submitted her annual re port. She said that 20 per cent of the cases were given free treatment. WILL MAKE IMPROVEMENT The workmen on the paving of Pearl street from Third to Fourth and a small portion of Fourth street, have had their work somewhat re tarded by rain but in the last few days have progressed very nicely and the street-'ds now beginning to as sume the proportions of a real street. This will be a great improvement as in the past this street, and especially, the south part of Fouth between Main and Pearl has been a mud hole after almost every rain and this is eliminated by the new concrete pav ing. It is certainly a piece of work that was badly needed. The paving j program is now about completed and ' gives the city some fourteen blocks lof the best kind of highways. NOW DOING NICELY 1 1 The reports from the hospital in Omaha state that Mrs. W. F. Huntke of this city, who was operated on a few days ago is now doing very nice ly and that her condition could not possibly be better at this time and 1 that every prosptct of her speedy re covery as now held out by the at tending surgeons. ' Blank Books at the Journal Office TOO MUCH SPEED From Thursday's Daily. Charles Atterberry. who it is claimed is a resident cf the vicinity of Murray has been a calier with the police department of the city, having been found driving his auto mobile at a rate of speed greater than the law allows and for which Judge Archer assessed a fine of $10 and costs, making a total of $13 for the offense and which amount was settled for by the defendant. CASS COUNTY CHAP TER RED CROSS MEETS Gathering at- District Court Room Yesterday Afternoon is Quite Largely Attended. From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the members of the Cass county chapter of the American Red Cross was held at the district court room in the court house and a very pleas ing attendance of those interested in the Red Cross work over the county was present, the outside districts be ing much better represented than was Plattsmouth at the meeting. The chief object of the meeting was to hear the remarks of Miss Catherine Sedgwick of Chicago, field representative of the Central division and who placed before the audience a few of the peace time plans of the organization and especially discussed the outline of the county roll call and the drive for membership in this locality. Many of those from the outside districts evinced their inter est in the movement and promised their co-operation in the forthcoming work. GENERAL DELIVERY AT THE P0ST0FFICE Authority has been received from the Pcstoffice Department at Wash ington to close the General Delivery window at 6:30 p. m. instead of 7:30 p7 m. This is in keeping with the con servative spirit that prevails over the country, aJid in keeping with the early -closing on Main street. . -The last mail arrives at 4:30 p. m. end the shops close at this hour, it gives the shep employes full two hours in which to transact their bus iness at the postoffice before closing time. This closing hour will be effective commencing Saturady, October 1st, 1921. LOOKS OVER BRIDGES From Friday's Dally. The board of county commission ers, accompanied by County Attor ney A. G. Cole,' were out yesterday for a few hours looking over some of the bridges in the county that have become unfit for travel owing to the heavy rains and the county officials visited all points where there has been the most serious rains and storms. A PLEASANT OCCASION From Friday's Dally. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stander was gladdened this morning by the arrival there of a fine little nine pound son- and heir and who with the mother is now doing very nicely. The occasion has brought great pleasure to the parents as well as the other relatives and friends. Have You i! if i . i 1 I I ' . According to Will H. Hays, Postmaster General, a billion dollars which should be in circulation to help in the revival of business is being hoarded in American stockings! Hoarded money does no one any good. Keep your money working all the time in a Checking account here at the First National Bank, where it will help local business, yet be always at your command. the First national Bank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME PJJMTSMOUTH IK. 1NEBKASKA. ATHLETIC CLUB HAS OPENING SESSION Meets Last Night at High School "Gym" and Very Pleasing At tendance is Present. From Friday's Dally. Last evening the membws of the Business Men's athletic club gather ed at the high school "gym" for the first session of the fall neason and the fat and little used muscles of the members certainly had a rough shaking up for the season of rtrenu ousness. Attorney W. G.. Kieck, who has had more or less experience in the work of physical culture while an officer in the army, was selected to give the "setting up" exercises, and for fifteen minutes he had the bunch going some with the various stunts that were calculated to get the class in trim for thir games. Later basket and volley ball, as well as indoor baseball was enjoyed by the members of the class and ev eryone felt fine and dandy when leaving the gym but this morning they were decidedly stiff and sore as the result of the strenuousness of the workout. Former Mayor H. A. Schneider was the only member of the club who did not fully enjoy the occa sion as his assortment of boils that have decorated his neck for some time prevented his entering into the spirit of the occasion as he desired. ROYAL NEIGHBORS CON VENTION AT WEEPING WATER Cass and Sarpy county Conven tion, Royal Neighbors of America, met in Weeping Water, September 21. with an attendance of 110. Miss Francis Robinson, supreme auditor of Lincoln, also May Keller of Lincoln were in attendance. Dele gates from Louisville, Nehawka, Un ion. Plattsmouth, Murdoch, Elmwood, Weeping Water and Springville re ported. The address of welcome was given by Amy Hobson, oracle of Weeping Water camp; response by May Kel ler, past oracle of 7552 Evergreen caimp of Lincoln. The Ballot March was put on by Murdock members. Election of officers for county meeting next fall resulted as follows: Amy Hobson of Weeping Water, or acle; Elizabeth O'Brien of Platts mouth, vice oracle; Maud Johnson of Louisville, past oracle; Carrie Ghrist of Plattsmouth, chancellor; Lela Gil lispie of Murdock. recorder; Helen Hild of Plattsmouth, marshall; Lena Carper of Manley, inner -sentinel; Myrtle McGowan of Springfield, mu sician. Question box was answered by Su preme Auditor Frances Robinson. Carrie Ghrist of Plattsmouth gave a rplendid report of Supreme Camp meeting at Cleveland, Ohio. Frances Robinson gave a talk on ! the changes made in the By-Laws of the camp. Meeting adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m. Evening session opened with Plattsmouth team in chairs. Seating of officers followed by degree work i and four candidates were initiated. Installation of county officers fol lowed and meeting closed to meet again in Plattsmouth next year. A splendid lunch of ice cream and cake was served after camp to mem bers. Some of It?