ivy V. THURSDAY. SEPTEKBZIt 22. 1921. PLATTSTiICTTTJI SxSIT-'WXEEL'J JOUH27AI PAGE FIVE COMFEREHCE ASKED j Murray Depa carrying tne 0 APPROVE DRIVE I L1J IClil i lay of the re.id'. rs of li-.e jiv.i r:iii knov of an j so- ifc. py?n; pntim of intrust in U.'.s vieiiihr. utl I'iail R-JDUl U Iti.S Clflll'B. t ;tl r ivsr n nilt r 'hi.-, iiari' '--z. w . wn '1 PliHT.-i' 'Tw T est Line! To Ecus4 Trillions Fcr Support of InsLit'iiticns Committee Ap-folnt'-i by HcDc-well ; repred in the Interest of the People of Murray nd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers " 1 ; I V J I - Family Keeping the door is often figuratively. But it is not an idle joke, to be ridiculed or ignored. To keep the wolf from your door requires weapons more powerful than implements of war. It requires a defense that cannot be bought or te4 Make Thij: HanK.Votir 'Best Ser-eJ ant Open an Account tsttth V Today JVQVSf Interest paid on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. M U R RAY STATE - 5 A U & All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Georee Tanner was a business vis- itor in Omaha last Tuesday, - Jes.-e T.IcVev was a visitor : n' "Platt.-raouth last week far a short: time. I F. II. Uesnlck and family of Ie- hawka were visiting in Murray last Tuesday. E. J. lloedfker of Xehawka was a1 visitor in Murray last Tuesday on I tuainess of importance. r r-;i i . a -t .1 u: i .ait.uuuai look in? a.ter souse business matters in Murrav last Tuesday. , Mrs. J. E. liatchett, who has been! visiting in liavelcck, returned heme1 the lat er p irt of the week. ' Amos Wright v.as looking after some bu-irit ss matters and petting repairs in Omaha last Tit'-aav. ii. L. I'lii'o t cf Wtering V.'ater was le.-jkinc .;fter same matters of business in Murray last Thursday. Frank D.tiif of PlaTt.-rnouth v.as looking after some matters of busi nts.; west of Murray la.-t Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Hatch Tt on her re turn from Havelcck also visited her sister in Omaha. Mrs. V. S. Keliy. Thomas Ruby of Mynard was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday and was looking p.fter same business mat ters. Mr. Ivan Deles Dernier was n vis itor in Union last Tr v i a y making the trip or: the Missouri Pacific train. Frank Vailrry the ovr.-r of the Murray garage, was loVi;,g after frome matters of bu.une. s here last Monday.' -lenry Knabe and -an. Edwar", of Xehawka were looking after some business matters at Murray lst Tuesday. John Vantine and wife were visit- ff& Here is a special price cannot sftord to pass up. 27-inch -outing plaids, light patterns. Per yard Hiatt MURRAY, 1 ur - JO wolf from your taken too borrowed it is gained through practice of thrift. To save is to insure yourself and your family protection. Every man owes himself and his family the protection of a savings account in a good substantial bank such as this one. There are other ways in which we can help you protect your family. Investigate. i ire: . i t h the l r tiitr of Mrs. Van- f. no, Air. v .. -V. iiiMrta nr a. ! time last wek. J. V. Pitman and O. A. Davis were 1 e'terdins: the ball game between I'nicn and el:awi.a at tne latter pi.i?t- las: Sunday. 1 A. S. V. ill and son 1 : an as. 11 Plattr mouth were lookins after s- business matters ia Murray Tuesday afternoon. ii1. i'v . i .v.;i .nii - -' w re Ins, ter i.a iriiKtsaau a:so iaai:.:, - me huiines matters in Platts- ms.tith last Tuesdnv D-l Irwin of I'n'on acrcmpatiiea bv Mr. Irwin were pa--ii: li'.ru Mur rav las: Tne: day r.o i-it with rir-ruls wcs.t of town. Mrs. Sc. die Oldham, wa tias t cm si-k f r t-oni-? litre past, i- rtpa-itet! as improving, which will be go.xl news to her many friends. j John W. Elmands j bsire.- -; vi-itor in Plattsmout h last Tf.t-sday i afternr.cn. driving over in his auto acecmpaniid by ye scribe. Cf.t Niehels cf the In ml tr t:r:r cf "annin'T and Nickel.-, rtcrivt r;.r of lumber a few days sia:e and was unloading it tint . There was a v- ry it.terc-sting pic- Hire shew at the Peterson hall la-t c;., -.,r,i-, ;ir,. Siindav and ct which there w?.- n g'-od attendance. ""v-. T-o-r was a lisn'tcr in Om- tii !- Tt M adav rainir along to as- i ,t t'c- Ksiie Smith to the hospi - i'l whtre she i ; to be treat' 1. Pan', i'- ttr.-on f Omaha ar - -,vt ) 1:1 .-iiliray :a-i i ucsu.i. " "tr -.T-.-l is vi-:tinsr with her ton. r'--7n,-,ri. and r.sl-iinir in th- -ore..C. p.horien. Mr. K iC ttlfhnt. who has nt leen fee! f.!:nrr the best l:te:y wa-! tr.ktn to the hospital in Omaha r&a 6 fTi Si '4 on heavy ouling which yoa stripes and checks, dark and . Tuit NEBRASKA Tuesday, where lie will receive treat-1 nient. j Sherman Kuiney. who has I t-en in ' poor health i'or some time past. u:i- der the advice of his pnysitian, wt'iit to Omaha where he is being treated in the hospital. Messrs. S. (). Pitman and K. F. Tut! an 'J thtir wives were US tin;; in Omaha 1h:i Sunday and v. ve giests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aiif! inty. Wm Ur'Ljn who I.;; 1 an n laid up -f late nil ;:tt'iunt the accident "v. had vhea a :w run o t-r him. !s I i far imr-cwd that he U a hie to he at his vr!k as;: in. : lcr whirh was rt-r.-r.tly purr!.;; -el by i!i"ti-,ir ' -,.T,r . frous:! the 1 1 r ! wave orr.pany is nrov:::r a voi-dera! n.a chine. m - .. .i (- i a fir uaus;iu r ana J. .-r r.bar.d. Mr. ji. d Mr.-. K.)v .Jr.rvi.--. crrlve 1 from lio'yoke !a-: M m.l ;y ard vi!l vi-it . litre lor a !;:! i uiiue w ; t li :'r:er.d.. M. K. Sj.-tr or 'Vii.oil ;:.if:s just rented the farm o: O-.-ar Gap;n! v lii'.-ii is kr.-0'.vn a- the F:a:.k Voti"p: i J;., place, navins; 'v...vc i there and : farm the pi tile to. a ins; yt ar. ! T.k- Ca-s Ceanty .".! aual a.-socia-1 tit n w'aif'a is fcnapascJ e.:" the p-- j siciars cf Ca-s a::ty rar at ria.ts-; mouth ia?t V. v-'.ir.e-d iy and was at-' ttr.ded bv Dr. G. 11. Oilniour of Mur ray. Mrs. Li-...iv- Mil'. cf ciaiuvi.w.l a daughter of t'nele J .-i-r. V. I'-'i-j inumis. arrived ht-t- Tlfurs-da" for at visit at the iioaif e iitr father aii-a ; "i.-ttr.-. Mrs. Win Si rer ami Mrs. A.! G. Loirs. M rs. J.ts-p:i Sta.-k- and histrr. w iu , .'.;'.l- heen ;r u ... .v.--i.--( j hi,:... f.-.r ; itiic p;.s . t.epai u.ii . J a few (lavj. ir..-e for Ani.U' n where; I tht y wiil :.-it tor sma it use wit it j I the p.irt.r.: ;. J Mis. . A. K-'.v .tl w h' arts Ik-en i :;;t; m Murray tor .erae tunes dc p:r:-. I f lee , t ,.-a- r.ivs sin.-o for s i i:icu. whiie here r iter :e as t ti'- c a -. t (1 htr tister, Mrs. t V. A. Kciiii Rav Creati .1 - a n C. J s i - i : V w f r e , visit tug m 1 tie west ir tew d:-i vs 1 ivia- to iloiyeke where Mr. Creamer! can: rented tht.- faiia 01 airs. Tuaar.ji.v; which Mr. x'-.-:: 1...5 1 lariuiutt ;!'.;! for son. e time. ar. .1 w here Mr. C re sin- t cf.t: t r v. il! niavs in a taw lv.. j . en Tr.iviKr.4 in the western p r-i-n : C of the s:nt tfll cf srs.ite ori lind-i 'Iv.' irT a 1 vlv's shoe h,.-f. (-.1- li h xt -aai 1 :;. and f .'oiyoke. size or s-yle t::t men- :;. :i. 1. : d. ;iu ;:pp. it to ii.-wn,; o t'avs catinty idy. Fj. ev:er.tiy no (Jtu;o ;arge tn.r.ich far :o wearer. -p)Vl, v-ar old -...:!.: : Urf.nl l-ratuii i. wiid. Murray, Neb. Gcc; to piva. cr rc ic j;.-. S:;;-N , " ' ' ..',.' , ,.' , ti: pas '.i r i i : t- i - . i. . - . . tt.-r tree::!.. tia " On v - ar pi-ti:re v.-;s :. (a tl tttCtP :!' She wa: a to:: h-.r ::i. t tier. i- tr in rn f t 'J ' :dV. j lo. 1 l ) Oa Aii.r.;T viicxt" 1 Ir. Il'-rici ci 7 In. Mrs. (). A. Davis 0. 1 a r. a n:- re.-e;ti.n at n- -. i i- !! bom; ; . i r. and M..-. i v: - ai :ai- or of M:s. S. (.. !':.:; .u h. is v: - itirg litre from Lang P-caea. Cah, ?i d who with her at: 1 1 wi'I so m i..-;.-rt ior t-e v.-..;. .- ia -. atagu:- f jl time w-s enjotid ar 1 at n suit - abi oar i urn ';.?! w -i s -rv r. ; Tho -e pre were -ni.-; P. O. I Pitna r. J. V. Pitman. K. ; Fred IliM. T.. i). Ilia't. V,' Tu:,!, , ui . i . . . . i . , lit', r.tr :. - 'en .tin'i'. li I . : .:ir ! t . Nickel: .w.- ..n-.-t-. V.. Holme-, tbc" 1 i slices i "jt .u; u.tve ; au t s. r T. r ... I T V'iil C.-npl' T.mrl T7rrk irctic" : - r ii . t ! . V!V 1; --.- ':- -. T T ;V.e vt'tte :f:ad. are fraia!" " inv 1 to a i ' t ' t.--T ork ': Jt. oa! . F. .1. Liii;- or C. rl. i!:.v. Th. - ; i' ":s: en t . r.r J. T i . "n. r " ; : . V or -.. die: Th' ::" v:j. LZ: V. .1. i 'i!i ? 2 0 ; r,. a. Par. ?r.a :;ir. .Tab:- Pre' '. ..-.; J. V.. Hill. ST.: Jrht. lie dri'h.. ?a; Dr. O. H. 'h'il-i.c-ro, ?G A friend of the re a a.' F. J. Tl.t-M-:. O. fa. KAY. ft-ianaitca. Pit ityi-: i r.v. Sur.av, Euicel 1 lie i're-n.. -n-f.:.:. .:':.!;.; sctitsai will neet at the c.atrth i.uadia- at the r; ct:lar hour nr. in the ttiorn - ins-. All mcml ers of the f-chool are : reoutbi-i i i- j..-.-,..,. ....u t ei j - ;who ar not atten-ttng eivewutre are be ordialiv invited. Preach in rr Scrvifte ilso lit sides t! Pibie sch v.-bi-li i b-'T , ir chri -i-.n eh'ire'- there hi,d at tc- ( nin-.nn cunt u, tliere will he preach in sr at eleven. Eivry j body cordially invited to attend. There will be serviees at the St. hull's Eviitrf Heal church in lin--f i.-h on lit.xt Sunday. S.pteiuher '2 ". The church nivrir at the evtr'iti on Lat Sunday v i;- quite iarreiy at tended and. a fine itlme enjoyed. T r 3 - v AUCTIONEER jAIvwoyo Ready fcr Gs.o 1 SJtos far or near. HATES EEASONAELE : siTisrAciioK cs i;o pays IlLVEIIK ALL CALLS Telephone 423 Plattsmouili Exchange v everyone Cauies were enjojed r t.-.l tit !i.e i-o.i heir !-..! V PS ' I . V (i m;::r- v.eil laiden vltb h.skets. The i v.-.:"Ci h. cured soll.e .' s.ii y. ?n- n- f...t of the picnic. i ;.-v ItllOki: ' sor i I ,'v.i Pchmd China Loais ;av a i.t: mrer ti ta-'o.ce , r ii.,tii-i .a of large type ready for ire. that are lcr sale. Tu'-y are "c'm-iry farrowinsr. Call at farm an 1 one-quarter n ales nest and mile north of Murray. OTTO PFLS : - ( f . fiyv cso - VI Ml KlltSi I , It; ' ?fJ5flfC IQ OJ LhilViL 10 I Ft L-'J ' . , ,, ir.i2?t:on c-l Can: County Ad- :S0rv Tcard EuCted at Mett- ia-r Il-id Tills Hori:g J :u tail of"cha!rma:i I. C. M - r - of lis Cuss County Board of the iHaticn ." i :iiy, tlie me nbj,rs niei at e '. iti-f of V.". A. OiMVKon -'it 1M , ; t'-i- taernir-t; anu perfected a -; . aia'v fi.,ti. with the election of t M avaa;; officers: J. x. Falter. :c:-;:a.:.; W. G. Kieck. fecntary and . ? ' . i s'.. r. t;ev.urer. ': aei pt d the qt:ota f. r la i!:e fri he-, mi"-,' fttn:! ; ai i : : s a. y.. - a aia: a a. a u:i j. 1 .. .1- t ) U;s-. in the ' v t a ; d'l previou r i: t. ll'-l. ' : i-'l . ...... . f : . -. V- ,u of t!.e Salvation Array v:;s ; assisted in the work of : 1 : !ti:c- Salvation Arr. wis one ot a ..'tire cvc;.s or . tioa. I t a.ea ; r. 1 j'isl now i. r-tmg n:u . h f " f'a r-'inf o' dh aided p. !! dove i vecrens of the war, and atter r i' ra,-i:i'c ::r qii-.ta ,:i rive should be e-;.e lioa.iiy nut. . i-' if t J m v'-jtil 1 il li w 1 'i-r k vU-j- ML Jr ("!:.-" .Tr.ry Inrrirj F.'.-cws that li'.r- Get No ruccurascxcrrt Trsr: t. E.;cr.s:. l"'rj four Ci i rpev r v. 1 1 e . hav e ii !- -U sea iliha. 1 of taiir la neiitira fin, ";.. y ;!- n-c-ars of '.via,--",!::: w:;p .mj.or- ar.t 1- . t.ad- todav i- n it n e; --. s wcrii by la. trict Afornc-y L-a !v. Iraa's pra:-. m--r I , . d a ijaarnn.--::: early this nlr.-.T -..f ibe S. n Fran:-'scc ccunty a: juty whieh is deiving into on;! ether incidents in cornice- ;.;(,i: w.th ts" e.etah o: vis .rgm - ij., p, s; -e-n actre-s. Ti r: .ers-:.s were l-.eard by the t..r.TMi iar- in nlati'-n to th all' - i a'vfrtp to tamper with state' -i.. Th-se were M:.-s Jaya : (! r.r. (in!-',r i-.ingstone and Jle:n- . ..!. iT-..-..- (-. ...-.i-.l . iT t aid Mori After 'o'vcj-.i-tion. (t . iuj-v'.-: jury pc-ion 1'istrict -----u ' - j -pae inrestigr;:, bro-;at e,:: i thttt "diss Clark, l-.'.r gs'.one, a'er'ey jai d Mrs. Puny Kin-tstone-Moriev d's- -uri r;fPVArba'th?; rasbv I .... - nistritt A'trrn'-y irar.nr. t; ..it-.-; Joyce t .: rK 1 1 :m- pca-h th testimony :f Miss act- Pre - i v.-art'- taat .o-r.cv aavr f , V;V o. ..a.- iCi-ce e ioltpii vf- number n ; : - t . r.u Arfucsie ;, : orncy, id t-i'3 !:- : ta call up C '-htT : that ! ; 'i Vt...V '!..'.,' ri-'a- " i,',is-,.'thT h ci ; van th.-- w itness room. Mr.r'ev i and Kin -r- r 'sue called on Cohen at j 2300. the Pala.-e betel and aked bin: what j Farm I-Iachmery j they s;:or.ld testify "r-ei re the grand iirC orm id: biniler. 7 -foot, cut; Mc i jury." If'ormick mower : McCormitk hay i 1. wts admitted that Ml-y-an. 1 j r;ive. ?,2 teeth.; llunier corn planter, iKira.rone t-.tti fieri that C.tni r fti-Lj ,.r.s vire: lGxlG Iluraer disc, T vat. I tb! t a ' r e I ! the truth." Hi -cr.rar.re cf a number of wit- r.r- :-, or" ef them a rnrnit). Avnn to testify before the federal grand j'irv tonight in an inve'.:ra ' ion hat lioner w:'s served at n e i ar v in the liott Sr. Franeis. wh?r t av. p.irno b- a!!. e-r-d t? nave receiv - l i fital injuries, was an noun ar i iiV ah -t H. M-' 'ormick, aasis- tr, ::t cnite! s-rarr-s Attorney general , investigating prohihitior.s violaticns. V r ' ab's cro:ip, Willie's daily tents ami bruise-?, mother's sore throat i. : f (trandiii-.'s lameness Dr. Thomas' Oil -the household remedy. . , uiJi: iiiM tyi't. ia iKii'u " - 1 - I of six to ei-dit months will he given, Advertisir?- is printed salesman-! ri chaser giving bankable note bear , . , r- f j. tin-- eight, per tent interest from date. zhz- rc-nc.rdir.fd r.;fTirjrnl:y to carry iVVv ln ilo st.ie.i for before I appeal to the varied clr.r.S of readers, Does year ad com s witliia these re r-:ir-mcT,ts - "" We do all kinds or jcd prtctlcg. A c:; !i:i: l.-;n to raise ovtr $:?.000, 00a I'or the cidAUfnt of Wepleyau I uni ersi'y, for ma kins; extensions to the Met! ccIk-i hospital at Omaha, "the !.uildi;-r; ho?;- lals at Lincoln and ::t Scotis'...'.'art' and for the support of ' the Crow h'.me ir the aged at Blair will ;;n.iertr.kt-n. if the Nebraska Methculi-t conference approves of a ; rero:: o." a committee appointed by ; IU.--hop McDowell Tuesday moraing. ; It i? e ',n(e mpluted to raise $1, ; Z 'j , ' 'J 0 ft the present time, deferr ; inxr tne raising cf the totr.l amount to a later date. I- is now proposed lj r.'i.-t- ? 1.000, COO for the univer sity onuownat and support, $100. f rii for extensions to the Omaha -hospital. $l"f.00.j far the eons.truc- tion of n Lo.--nital at Lincoln and V in'3 ?10!.f'v:J for the huiunr? or a nos-t;-... i.'. ,-c-s rital -at S:vtlshun and for llie Biatr in-ti!tiiio:i. It is expecea that t:.e eamcaicn win te completed i:t i---. ri-a.ri'y F. i-'a rmer, assistant sccre- ..... . . . . : n-n T r- " . , :r. y o: iV.-t l.,a.u oi Ria-isu mus-. ?i -, with h.taatiuarters m .e"r '. Yt.ik. presented a a cutline of the j l.ai.s ! nit' iTii a. miu inai iuv , iiiiF.rcir.l situation has caused a: slewing up of contributions. He i n-.i.-t-u tu-t Wright, is "Helen of the Old a required anioimt in order that Journal oftice has 'T' w , , v- S,i m Jt received a number of the hand : i? , d Vror of Pawnee ! som el y bound novels from the Apple KllAiS" S a ! ton' company. This novel is one that , t. ii, uiir has broupht added luster to the fame ; (ninrertce Ktdt ha h Mdl r Wright as one of the leaders . cf Have lock is the pubhcio man cf .s n,0M Th. nf the conference. " H.y. F. X. 'TnnpHitis. paster of. Trinity churrh announced that the' i wont in of I'iymouth Congregational j ! tiiureh will serve- lunr-h and supper. ,( IMf.n,i-crs ,f ;i,e e -nfereiice dur-j 5;:r the s---ian a i? .-von district sut- : 'v-r resent at roll call !;,. laade art annual rep.ut cf their ' li-tri,t : : lite el-.e of the morning. Pre- iiin? the ru-iness f-e-sion. the : :-.'crr.r.H-r.t vas adaiirsstered. The roil tali indicate 1 tba at the opening t-e -?ion the'.-- were- few absen'ees. Tie- (leltpatc arai their wives are f .::!"'.-;.( :1 lo!Tius by member? of the variov.s Mptha.list. churciits of the (i;y and 'ire erlvcn tiseir breakfasts. i , , n hu::-!r J delegates are listed. F fl H f - '4J k L F iint AV( 'ra''lay's Tailv. Mr;, ri-v.ie Jensen of Kennard, y.' - : a ka, a- ri- e i here Inst evening an' r-its ii.-.rr.n-r aepart 'i i:r 0111- ;. - w !: attended the Peter- -.-Schultz v e (I 'ling in that city. Mrs. C aarl?s A tut ana miss ttn- iv: Ault '! Clenwood were among ':.'- roir.g to Omaha this morn irt g t" .ij-y v. ?-v hours thee at'end- in a to .-ripe rs.::..'t.r; of business. .T ra !--.-o v.as i?ued here .-lay" to Ja-:1 F. Wclph and c'yrta.' Ciappell. hoth of N'e t. c.'o vii.i will he married at the h"me ef the bride's par- A. F. M'tll and babe of Sicux wa l.r-ve t een here visiting lam:e r f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ( i fori:, p .rent? cf Mrs. Hull, departed 3 t rnr-r. trr O:. aho f. r a short i,: ; . he 'ore rc turning home. M. La:t- and ife cf Deo Moines ovr. r.Tiv 'i herr -:--r-rday to en--.- vis tit a .,T tlie home of Mr. ad '?I--. C. i'. Svde'aitham for a t.tv. I nr.e is a brother of Mr. Pydeho'har" r.r :l !s enjoying a ho. ' vartitiot: frr ni hi ailtoad conductor. wor as a ETZXOGEJHY ETSTEUCTIONS '. Ptrs-ral ir.s!ruction given in . ; bort.ian'' ai.-i tyr-- ' nn;.s. roui- 1 .tore':.-- c-' ur:-e. two hours a day. sa a w e '::. A. ma waterman, i Loct and Sth street. P P. Schuluof. piano tuner. . i .,.,nA SS9-J. : - : ft. PAVEftf ! I J 'yLtvi hUHUilSI ( rtnders?ned v,ill effer for cale ,t lublic Auction to the highest bid. .. .1... ei T7 T. ftr. o- "fliiH riT o u-i ca iii- v. jj. i.a.-.i xcix. vv- ' quarl-er rxiile east cf Cedar Creek, on cu'.imencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the f.jiii;-. described property: Four Head of Slules On? team black mules. scveni'ears f-W, v.-f-ight 2300; one team bay and COO; one team bay and imooth mouth, weight : '-r;!' tru one U-bar 4-ttection harrow; ctf.ri-;I,Er .rov.- rtalk cutter; 2 8 -foot ; Galloway corn elevator and power rompleie : John Deere riding cuiti- vatr-r; Maline cu'.ti-ator; P. tc O. 4- v.heel riding lister; P. & O. 2-row .. r k.... .,.-. f r.v tt--.. : . , .,.,,. i,,,. tun cts il1'.-infh cood wcrl: harness; one l- ib. p. Newartl en.'nne; one feed grind- ifr. 0.,c eR,crv sjckel sharpener; one .,.' ,, kettle: one O-gallon kero- sene barrel and numerous other ar ticles. Terms of Sale All sums of and under, casn ,- ,..s,i. n v,,r-R over Sin a credit j jing removed from the premises. E. K. IIEI3HIGEH, ' OTier. W. K YOUMG, Aucriceer. r- ric-rlr Sa3 Neighbor, do you know that we are carrying the very best in line of Poultry, hog and stock foods, and have same in any quantity you need? These foods are a tonic for the stock and a stimulant for the laying hens. We are right here and are standing behind the goods. See us and we will furnish you all the proof of value of the goods required. Pure drus compounded and a full line of drug gist's sundries, as well as school supplies, ready for immediate use. Murray MURRAY MEW WEIGHT 2T0VEL The latest work from the pen of America's foremost novelist, Harold this edition is only $2.00 per volume. Subscribe for the Journal today. Over that Hot Stove, Too! Why pay three dollars and seventy-five cents for that bushel of peaches, work over the boiling hot stove and get fifteen quart cans of the fruit, then pay for the sugar, and furnish the container, which makes the fruit alone not counting the can cost you 26 cents each. When you can purchase the peaches and the finest put up in heavy syrup, including the cans for only 27'2 cents each. Did you ever elop to figure the matter out. We would be pleased to take your order for the fruit already canned, and save you the hard hot work. F. T. WILSON THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY -:- -:- ffliiS: Setfls The book accounts of the HaiJware and Imple ment business contracted while conducted by W. H. Fuls, and later by Mr. Puis for August Meyers, must be adjusted at once. The bocks of both firms are at the Vallery Garage, where Mr. Puis will look after making settlement and closing up all accounts. All those who know themselves indebted to either firm are notified to come in without delay. We have waited patiently thus far, but these accounts must be settled at once. AUG MEYER W. H. PULS 'repare for inter! 7e are making some special prices on stoves for the coming two weeks, with discount of 25 per cent from the list price. This means buying the goods for three-fourths their regular price. This includes Universal and Riverside enameled stoves and ranges. Also Mueller and Universal furnaces the best make. ' Belter get ready for winter while the getting is srrood. Peterson Hardware Co. J. V. Peterson, Manager MURRAY Drag Co NEBRASKA Road District No. 10 All pa-ties, who expect tl.eir roads graded must get their weeds and "rrush off the pround soon or they will he tut and charged to the ones concerned. J. E. LAN'CASTER For Sale Four red coming 3 year old heif ers, weighing' around S00 lbs. ALBERT YOUNG. NEBRASKA Accounts! NEBRASKA 0