The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattsmoutb journal
Catered at rostofflc. Plattsmouth.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Some are well-to-do because they
are hard to do.'
Even if booze 13 scarce, you can
go on an oyster stew.
The old law of supply and de
mand makes talk cheap.
Officers to settle the boundry dis
pute with Uolva have been received
coldly by Chile.
o: o
The Philippines may be ready for
independence, but what they need
most is some United States money.
Government is advertising for
bids for silk socks to supply the
army officers. Why not gold mesh
bags and vanity cases?
The pessimists who declare
the ;
corn crop is ruined will be willing
to swallow their words before they
finish shucking the crop.
All the drug store proprietors in
Plattsmouth would become rich if as
many people went there tD buy
drugs as drop in to use the tele
phone. o:o
The railroads finally have sur
rendered to the American Legion on
a 1-cent rate to the Kansas City
convention and the country is now
celebrating armistice day.
The report that Lloyd Gecrge has
neuralgia will be bad news in Dub
lin, probably, where it was hoped
he would be visited by something
more permanent in nature.
Japan threatens to refuse to tlis
cus3 Shantung at the
conference. Well, that may be as
good a way of getting the matter
before the meeting as any other.
Having broken his own 1920
record of home runs. Babe Ruth
.may be pardoned if he slacks up a
little, in order not to set a too diffi
cult mark for himself next year.
Speaking of Charlie Chaplin, there
are thousands cf people who, on
hearing his came think immediately
of custard pie. Honor brght, now.
can you name two films in which
you saw Chaplin throw a pie?
By filing notice wth the revenue
department, you may now make 200
gallons of wine at home for your
own use each year. That would seem
to be enough, unless the wine is very
good. And if it isn't it is probably
about 175 gallons too much
A Massachusetts woman lost her
voice while scolding her husband.
Five weeks later, however, light
ning struck the house and restored
the woman's voice. But this need
not concern you the neighborhood
probably is already full of light
ning Tod agents outnumbering the
customers two to one.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man or it,"
avers Dainty Dortby.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
journal Of rice
Neb., as second-class mall matter
Some men won't get on their feet
until their auto is stolen.
A crooked line is the shortest dis
tance between two points.
Lodge seems to be a thorn, in
President's Harding's side.
When wife says she needs a new
coat hubby buys her paint.
Triplet sisters are teaching school
at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Athens, Greece, has sunshine on
an average of 3
days a
Record alfalfa crops are reported
and nickel cigars may return.
J Paris says wear skirts to the shoe
tops but knee boots are clumsy.
Lease Muscle Shoals to Ford? The
interests says not by a dam site.
Isn't it strange how temptation is
always picking on married men?
"Down with the dance!" say re
formers. Tripping the light, fantast
ic. :o:
Scientists are seeking the center
of the universe. We know her. She
is a blond.
What the Filipinos seem to want
is a government without a white
man looking on.
An old man, who is not going
anywhere, is usually in a great stew
about having the correct time.
In Chicago's latest murder sensa
tion truth seems to have gone out
cf Its way to become stranger than
:o: :
It is getting downright easy to
do without a slice of breakfast ba
con each morning, now that bacon
is cheaper.
Florida alone suffers a loss of 1,-
260,000 bushels, or ten per cent of
its corn crop from the ravages of
insects annually.
Considering the number of wrist
watches In this country, it is aston
ishing how many people don't know
what time it is.
Listen girls: If times are hard
during the coming winter you can
cut down your old bathing suit and
use it for a dress.
A Modern Fable. On :e upon a
time there was a woma i who did
not believe her husband Uid most of
the work at the office.
It's been
when a girl
pies on her
our observation that
discovers she has dira
shoulder blades she is
going to dress that way.
The only difference between the
harem system and our divorce sys
tem is that the owner of the harem
has to support 'em all at crace.
Eighteen more Federal judges are
needed in the United States, says
Chief Justice Taft. And it's all on
account of the prohibition cases.
A wife should never scold her
I husband these days for being tipsy.
She ought to admire his cleverness
in knowing how and where to get it.
Here's a strong argument in fav
or of bobbed hair. It is estimated
that women waste 6,545,000,000
hours per month combing their
Young women attending parties
at which bad liquor is diluted in
movie actors should at least be arm
ed with virtue or firearms. Vlrgin-
i la Rappe didn't even have a custard
j :o: j
A Boston woman had her husband
arrested for chasing her out of the
j house with the butcher knife. The
police .investigation showed that she
poured his home brew down the
kitchen sink. We are glad to learn
that there is one husband on earth
who will stand up for his rights.
With ' the reassembling of con
gress, Senator Calder is to renew
his effort to legalize the sale of
beer, not as an anti-prohibition
measure, it is explained, but purely
as a tax relief expedient. There are
those statesmen wiling to try any
kind of tax relief plan except that
of reducing government expendi
House rents and divorces are
cheaper in Gary, Ind., since a re
cent price cut. But divorces trade
will probably prosper most, as one
can heat a divorce without buying
. to: -
Mr. Lloyd George is dissatisfied
with De Valera's latest reply on
Ireland says it's too evasive. And
if there's one thing Mr. George dis
likes more than another, it's evas
iveness. :o:
Washington is promising still
more tax relief in 1923. That's
one thing about Washington that
can always be counted on, it has
the cherriest outlook toward the fu
ture imaginable.
William A. Brady says that ex
cept in cases of notorious conduct.
ka movie actor's life is none of the
public's business." Mr. Brady should
persuade his actors, then, to keep
their private lives private.
We can't see any reason why
democrats should oppose Senator
Underwood as a member of the dis
armament conference at Washington.
He certainly is a democrat, and one
of the ablest men in the senate.
"War Doughnuts Love," says
the headline over the story of the
romance of a Salvation Army lassie.
Be sure and serve him something
besides the doughnuts now and then.
however, or the headline might be
Another liouble with the income
tax law Is that it gives the same ex
emption for every child, without
consideraton for the worth of the
child. Now, as everybody knows,
your own child is worth an exemp
tion of 110.000. But the father of
that brat across the way ought to
be fined $25,000 for him.
Hit and miss, per yd 15c
Striped, per yd 20c
Rugs 50c up
13-ld.lw Plattsmouth, Neb.
Your ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerations.
otici-: OK St IT
In the Iintrict Court of i.ass eoun
ty. Nebraska.
Klla Elsie Jessup.
vs. .
Eiltvartl T. Sham p. ft al
To the Defendants:
A pp. Dock.
No. 1
page 20
Kdwanl T.
Shamp: K. T. Shamp; real name un
known) C. M. Hhamp: real name un
known) (leorge L. Donovan: K. !!.
Conn: real name unknown David
Karwlcker; Mary Ann Casfy: Anna
Townsend; Ida Wapner; James A. Don
elan; Frank Donelan: and the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and other persons interested in
the several estates of Kdmund A. Don
elan, deceased: Iiobert ti. Donovan, de
ceased and Samuel Casey, deceased:
(impleaded with The County of Cass)
and all persons havinsr or claiminty any
interest in the followinfc described real
estate in the City of i'lattsmouth, in
Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 16. J9 chains north
and 7.60 chains east of the southwest
corner of Section 7. Town. 12. N. llanpe
14, East of the 6th I'. M., and running
thence east 6 chains, thence north 5
chains, thence west 6 chains, thence
south 5 chains to the place of begin
ning: also commencing 16.66 chains
north and 2.27 chains east of said
southwest corner of Section 7, Town.
12. X. Kanpe 11. East, thence north
1.1575 chains, thence east 4.8:1 chains,
thence soutli 1.1575 chains, thence west
to the place of beginning: also all of
Hlock 3 in Townsend's Addition to
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, real names un
known: You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the Hth day of Septem
ber, 1921. the plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause, tiled her petition in
the District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant, for the
purpose of obtaining a decree from said
court quieting the record title in plain
tiff to real estate situate in I'latts
.nouth, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 1C.29
chains nortli and 7.60 chains east
of the southwest corner of Section
7. in Town.l:, North. ! la nee 14.
East of the 6th P. M., and running
thence east 6 chains, thence north
5 chains, thence west 6 chains,
thence south 5 chains to the place
of beginning-, otherwise known as
Iots 8, 9 and 23. In said section;
Also, commencing at a point 16.6f
chains north and 2.27 chains east
of said southwest corner of Sec
tion 7, Town. 12. Nortli, Range 14,
Kast, thence north 1.1575 chains,
thence east 4.J:; chains, thence
south 1.1575 chains, thence west to
the place of beeinning. otherwise
known as lot 21 in said section;
Also all of Hlock 3 in Town
send's Addition to Plattsmouth,
as against you and each of you, and by
.such decree to wholly exclude you and
ach and all of you from all estate,
right, title, claim or Interest therein
or to any part thereof.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 7th day of
November, 1921, or your default will
be entered therein and a decree enter
ed in said cause as prayed for in plain
tiffs petition.
Dated: September 13, 1921.
By Plaintiff.
sl9-5w. Her Attorney.
on the Installment-Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Young,
Farm Leaders Aiding in Work to
Provide Food For Sufferers
of the Near East
There has been placer before the
people of Nebraska the opportunity
of getting into one of the most
worthy causes that has been offered
the people of the state in many
years and one that will entail little
cost to the farming population.
In order to supply food for the
sufferers of the near east it has been
planned to ask each farmer to give
a little of his corn crop for the pur
pose of having it prepared into food
stuffs for the famine sufferers. Of
each thousand bushels it is hoped
to secure one bushel for the aid of
.the sufferers and this corn will be
secured and prepared into foodstuffs
and shipped direct to the sufferers
of the near east.
the matter is being .talcen up
with County Agent L. H. Snipes am
the Cass county farm bureau am
will be brought to the attention f
the farmers of Cass county at once
in hopes that this splendid section
of the state can have its part in se
curing the state quoto for the suf
ftrers. The quoto for Nebraska will
be 200 cars or less than one out of
every 1,850 bushels of corn raised
in the state.
The matter is being placed before
the people of Cass county by the
workers in the cause and certainly
should have a hearty response.
On behalf of the family I desire to
thank those friends who so kindly
lent their assistance during the sick
ness and death of my beloved moth
er. There are no words that can ex
press my gratitude and appreciation
Mr an.l Mrs T.. C. Sharn of t hi
city are rejoicing over the arrival of
fine little son to join their family
circle, the little man having been
iorn at the hospital in Omaha on
Friday night.
In the District Court of Cuss cuun-
t v. N braska.
Albeit 11. Miller, Plaintiff 1
A pp. Dock
vs. No. 1
Charles A. Miller. Jr. pa;?. 2 2
et al. Defendants J
T the Defendants: 'William J. Mil-
Ivr: Mrs. William J. Miller; real name
iiknown) and Jacob Ailing, whose
residences or places of abode are un
on and each of you are hereby no-
tilted that en the 17th day of Septem
ber. 1921. the plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause filed his petition in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, wherein you and each of you
are made parties defendant for the pur
pose of obtaininc a decree from said
court ouietinff the title to Lots one.
il two, 2 three. iSl four. 4 five
(." and six, K in Itlock eiKbtv-two,
X2 in the City of Plattsmouth. in
Cass county. Nebraska, in the plain
tiff. Albert H. Miller, and Charles A.
Miller. Jr.. William J. Miller. Kilitli K.
Taylor and Klmer P. Miller, a minor.
lefendants. as against the defendants
Jacob Ailing: and The Livingston Loan
?nd lUiildinK association, and by such
decree to wholly exclude the said Jacob
Ailing anl The Livingston Lo.-in and
liuihlin? association from all interest,
titht. title, claim or lien in and to said
premises and for the purpose of par
titioning said premises amonif the
plaintiff. Albert II. Miller and Charles
Mi'ler. Jr.. William J. Miller, Kdith
K. Taylor and Klmer It. Miller, minor,
defendant, according to their respec
tive r'grhts and interests In said prem
ises, as same may be established by
th decree of aid court, or for the
sale of said premises arid a division
Of the proceeds If same cannot be
equitably divided.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the "th day of
November, 1921. or your default will
be entered in said cause and aiecree
entered as piaved for by plaintiff.
By Plaintiff.
619-jw. His Attorney.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue
of tie judgment and order of the
County Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, to nie directed, I will on the 27th
day of September. 1921, at 10 o'clock
a. m., on Main street, south - of the
court house in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following describ
ed roods and chattels, to-wit:
1 cooky cans and cookies,
16 empty cooky cans,
1 cash, register,
2 show cases,
.1 chicken crates.
1 cooky can crate,
400 feet of lumber,
the same having been taken on an
Order of Attachment in an action in
said court, entitled Kdward C. llipple
vs. Morris Soshnik, and sold to satisfy
the judgment of said court against
said defendant.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Date: September 14th. 1921.
slS-Dtsw. Constable.
Diuir.K ok iikmmm; ami
In the County
Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of James W. Taylor, deceased:
On reading the petition of Melissa
J. Taylor, pravinjr that the instrument
filed in this court on the 9th day of
September, 1921, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may le proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will
and testament of James V. Taylor,
deceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to
Georpe Kverett as executor:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for.miil coun
ty, on the I nt li day of October, A. D.
1921 at ! o'clock a. m., to show cause,
If any there be, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be granted,
and that notice of the pendency or
said petition and that the hearing
thereof be iven to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed In said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand,
court, this 0 tli day
;tlfl seal f sai"l
of SoptcmhtT, A.
D. 19,1.
(Seal Count - .incite.
6lC-3w. Attorney.
',Vf. T HE ST. PA U la D.A. I LY N E WS M'
y 7fo stum jirgfed
How Many Objects or Articles hi TMs Picture
to Try.
This is not a subscription contest and you do not have to send in a single subscription to Tba St.
Paul Daily Newt to win a prize. If your answer to the "3-Word" Picture P Lizzie Is awarded first
prize by the judges you will win $20, but if you would like to win more thn 530, we are rtKkJrg tkim
special offer.
15 j- sending- In one or two jnttlj nhBi-riplians (raaihsum
two ubKa-iiioii jroar own abtripUon, or nrarul on
(-itu,ion wiU ctxmt) to Tb S. litut DIly Jicvn at ?.5l
yfur (add $1.6 lor the Ms Buuday Nrws), yon can win a
modi oh JiOi or l.iVKJ.OO in caeb. This u bonus rrawl
for booster. Hre'n liow:
If jonr ansurr to th 'B-Word Fietnre PuxjUp i wrdf-d
flrt prizo by tho Jud-e and yon huie sent ta OXK Ttwlj
tabKrription to Thn tt. Paai Iaily News at tiJUi, yea will
racfits ir.M.d of SSft.
$3,503 in Ca
Winning Answers Will Receive Cash
Prizes According to Table Below x
When No When One When Two
So ea,iptloiiKuTcription Subscription
Ar" Srat. I" S-nt. Are s-nt-
1st Priza... $20.00 &GQ.0d $10.00
2d Prize... 10.00 25C.C0 750.03
3d Prise... 5.00 125.C3 500.00
4th Prise... 50 50.00 25S.C0
5th Prize... 5.C0 50,03 1C0.03
6th Prize... 3.00 49.00 CO. GO
7th Prize... 3.C0 30.00 C0.C0
8th Prize... 3.00 20.00 40.00
9th Prize... 2.00 10.00 20.C0
10th to 30th 1.00 5.00 10.00
XflTB In tho th winner of Hrst urize lma i'!t
r-nUfirl villi snbcritioii fuid fails to win the full
$lJ)C4t the balanr of tffa orix money blmft bo u'.vii(l
pxopoKlontttcJy nnion tU remaiui:ij; prize winners
who iu uUifieai with fcub.-riii loiik.
Rates la Mlniiettu. North Iakota. Sotrtb. IhKotik. Iowi.
Norihrrn Ulcbifut uul HfoiHiU lfc All other eUUett,
inciudiuff alouiaaa ajul ItrhkLa, i-HX
im m jui i vy' arn
1 all wm- ii 1
Will sell 200 head of
2 miles west of Nehawka,
aturdav- Sept. 24tli0 1
20 Spring Boars
20 Sows with litters at side
Everything Cholera Immuned by the Simultaneous Method.
All Breeding Stock Registered.
Kansas Lad 92422; Nehawka Wickware 88573; Nora3 Tattler 1st 92413.
ftpnp 5 oBy
mO i U--
notes at 8 interest from date of sale.
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
The Mrtotio.n of tht "li-Wiril" l'Urturt, Faxzle dcsKiada enftn-lj on
on your ability to fiivl thp fi.rr-t or iK-nrrM rxtrrrrX list of vfadble ob
jects and urttctcH shown in the !! ore time begin vrth the. letter "II.-
XMrtjr cah-prix-. be e1cti f-r tiu? thirty h-st iuam to tttia
Pcture roizi. The bannj thn nomt oorrpet lis of omn
will be uwaj-Ued funs pnir. im-.-oimI ncure i jit. wmed prime, etc Sit
down toiusiit ttud gtt tho members of jour household to nely you.
Sisbscr IptI on
Or. If yoor anaiwvr to tae "B-VPrnT PictBEe Fvml In
awards f.r-;t pri by fbe icisw and jm hm sen ta TWO
jeariy sttrnaKi o file SB. raid n.3y 2iwa, in ail,
jo.i wiU rwfite $ I '1W iu,ttaut of fXH.
It yocr mibTver u r,nxi.Tirl by a sobtMqptinnv new or
renewrU, to Tiio St. i:nl Uuiijr 5cm ami you win aecnnd
prtre. j uu wi'l recerre t2"3. nsa If yrra hn rsS tn two Mni
enrioir nnd win eeood prir. (w w M roan $754 nod a
en down the list of prUts. We win give e-xtBk amoniita on
every oe 'of the SO prizeo, wim yfimii jaw an senk
Obsei've Usese Rules
1. kmf mm, 9k or eil!M til
ing li Itiaiietaa. KarUl Dakota.
Stk Daiiata. lorn. Wiuontiu,
icrtra UkbkCAn, Montana and
tra. bit Out-Hi at St tinl
ird HiUfnl!), lt Is 9t an en
ftrjm W. In St. raal Daily Kmo.
aay nkvM aa anxarrr.
2. AH zomtn mxst k moi'.ot Cf
p:!r.:( c.jijn tim Set 22. U2J,
tt.i at i.lvp.ptic nuirt bi raaiioi
cot later than ha. 5. IS 21.
3. A'i lilts ef niraa ihj'.W b
ca cut ilia ot t!lo prijer ontj ftnt
KitBioni iticrcrirally. Write yosr
tu'.l nan ani aJJrru an ea-h
In tt: e?P9r mht-hi.'d If
)U desire to writ a.iythina. in
(33rat ib t o p-;wr.
!. 8n 'i-ch .-- as Bnnr in
(ha E':uh Dictfo.-a.-y hill b eojrj
Whra th p traJ ii n ej tha i:n
tciar eannct k CJonM, aid ties
ix. Wordi of the sam; spc'lirs
can fce enly ean Ih.jh
avd to ikuicrat? tfilforent otijeets r
articict. An a&j'ect or article can ba
nanred or. y ouca.
6. D not cu obiu'ete, ar.hiie or
yjaertc4 KorDs, oer any uetpoana
wu4 or orJ tonatj t two caa
p:aU Er.ciiJi atardi
Hampshire Hogs, at the home
on the O Street road,
'Jf 9 5wk Vy? L Ck3 ii. Km.
Beginning at 1 O'CIock P. M. Sharp
All sums under $10.00 cash.
a credit of six months time will be piven on
D. C.
to AIL
7. lira idw haain taa
am not liaf at nacaui of vlaiM aa
Jees or criicies tenant l Mm aictws
U at hagta iiH th latter "B"
will ba snantad first artta, eta.
Keama ty or aaiaha ittim aaaa
no beanos aa aririirn tiM aitiuia.
& Rtare tsc9 ena cnatar a
ftL-!j ma oastpatt baft otdy am
piza wH be ai tn avr aoa
DoaKiialci; nor taiil prizar ba anaara
ca1 ta nota Vxsm oai of any flraaa
ct'itic of (ka faoity kan taa or
aeons tenw boaa worbini tuxa'bia.
9. Tinea St. Paul bmimaa DMa.
baWna no enceaaUon wn& Tba St.
PbbJ Daily PlJwa, will ba aalacttrf to
czt aa jaaooi and tbt not toe
PuTzJa Kan nor anynaa toaowtnt
kit Tin St fJof Diy New, wiil
t'Tuia on 1h wins arc- Partkiaaota
kgraa to accept tji rtaeitiaa of th
jativa as firal and eonalaum
10. AH ensaun wiil mtim tho
cua asodduratJoa. raszroiaa of
t haifecr ar not a tibiaiptbm far
tin St. Paal Daily Hon -M scat in.
UL Tka uiaaaaaoaest ef tha
h auonss aad tba comet Hit of
Hard will ba oaUUbcd ia flta Mar.
10 iisaa at Tiw St. Paal Duly Noao.
12. la eaaa of a tia for aay of
tht ariim. tha foil ainiiaiil of Meat
priza. Kill ba awaratd to eacb par
ma. Joit a: f there man do tia.
T li it
farm, 1 mile south and
Spring Gilts
Stock Hogs
Sums of $10.00 or over
on bankable
WEST, Clerk