The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
-lt JOL PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MOOTJAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1921. PAGE EIGHT. I PLATTSMOUTH YOUNG Veteran of Civil War Still Hale and Hearty 7) r."-)' MAN WEDDED IN IOWA E3 fca G. 3VL Holcomb of his City is United in Marriage to Miss Lillian lawson, at Marion, la. 6- 14 to Hi n-1 3 f?4 N a 3 4 7 3 r J Li - J 'VlJ i-1 3 Ho- KM i a Bif n Woi nisi if? Here Again! TTfee 1 arsrainsi Bigg er Values! Curtain Scrim ! Mount Vernon Quality - - - White and Natural Color - - - 36-in - - - Hem Stitched Border - - - 19c Per Yard. Outing Flannel--19c Amo:eag quality; 36-in; fancy and dark ground?. Outing Flannel 1 So Amoskeag quality; 27-in; dark gray Patterns; heavy quality. Percale 13c Standard quality; 36-in; in light and dark colors. Gingham--15c Standard quality; 27-in, apron check; fast colors. New-- Skirting! New Beautiful Plaids, Stripes and Checks. A wonderful value. Per Yard $3.75, $3.25 and $2.95. 54-inches wide. Yarn! Yarn!! 29 Caron's 2 oz Skein. -all colors. Crochet Thread 10c Royal Society all sizes. All colors. Ladies' Hose 10c All sizes - Black only! Only 6 pair to one 'customer. 32-in Fine Quality. Dress Gingham! . . Pretty Plaids and Checks. 22c Per Yard. Comfortables 3.9 Pure Cotton Filled full size - cover of neat pat terned challie. The cost is less than you can make for. Don't miss this bargain. Chailie 36-in in attractive grounds. Per yard 20c, while it lasts. Blankets! 70x80 Cotton Blankets In gray only with colored border. 66x80 Woolnap Blankets $4.85 In beautiful gray, tan, blue, yellow and pink plaids. These blankets aie exceptionally soft and fluffy, and every one is a big bargain. A good quality goods at a low price! 1 !0! PHONE S3 54, and 144 WkjZ&r&t zIt, . -7v 31 a m A very pretty and simple' wedding that joined the lives of one of the prominent ycung men of this city and one of the most charming ladies of our neighboring state of Iowa, oc curred on Thursday, September loth, at Marion, Iowa, when Mr. G. M. Hol comb, of Plattsmouth and Miss Lil lian Lawson of Marion were mar ried. The ceremony occurred at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lawson and was very quiet, only the immediate family being present to witness the ceremony. The bridal couple were attended by Mr. Fred Lawson. brother of the hride and Kjl'Miss Nadine Burke of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb came direct to Omaha from Marion and were guests of friends for a short time, coming last evening to this city, 3! where they are to make their home j in the future. i The groom is in the employe of the firm of 1-T O T)nvpv - Son nml is wp!1 Uliknown ana very popular to a large , circle ii v m m invuus uvei mc city. k -1 -i ; A 1 1 , T , ? During the world war he was in ser the United States navy and is a member of the local post of the t American Legion. The bride is a .most charming and accomplished lady land will find a cordial welcome to j her new home in this city. K 1 r.? Ml TURNI1T0 OUT FOR PRACTICE The football feson Is now at hand, and the IMattsmouth Legion team will be ready to meet any of the fast elevens of the rtate. The numbe of gridgters turning out this season for practlc is far in excess of last year, and prospects are good for a top notch team. If yuu are interested In the study cf Theosophy or in the formation of a Theosophical Iode;e, communicate with Mrs. K. P. K'.dund. 4312 Parker street, Omaha, Ncbr., and receive free literature. - sl2-12d: How much do you spend a year? Save f by joining the Consumers Co-Operative league. Biuo Enamel Sanico Ranges Guaranteed for 25 Years, 1 00 Bestor & Swatek THE CIRCUS AND THEN THE DELUGE Large Crowd at the Circu3 Last Night Gets Soaked in Drenching Rain that Visits the City. From Saturday's Daily. Last night the tents of the Camn- bell-Bailey-IIutchinson circus were well filled with the amusement seek ers of the' city and in the,midst of the performance when the main tent had been well packed with people, one of the heaviest rain storms of the season broke and in a few sec onds the tent resembled a seive as the water poured in on the hapless spectators and men and women alike suffered from the effects . of the storm. x The tent offered but little resist ance to the driving rain and the spectators started out to attempt to reach the city or other shelter. The chaotic scenes that ensued were real ly laughable had not it been for the fact that no one had time to enjoy them, everyone being Intent on try ing to reach safety and a dry place. 'When the storm finally ceased, the bedraggled crowd found that ' the streets and sidewalks were a mass of water and mud and this completed the discomfort of those who were un fortunate enough to be at the circus. Aside from the discomforts of the storm, the performance was a very credible one and the company proved much better than had been anticipat ed and especially in their acrobatic and tumbling acts. The show people found the best business hi this city of any they have played to for some time and were well pleased with the results of their visit here in every way. Chronic Catarrh Our manner of living makes us very susceptible to colds and a suc cession of colds causes chronic ca tarrh, a loathsome disease with which it is estimated that ninety-fl ve per cent of our adult population aro af fiictd. If you would avoid chronic catarrh, you must avoid colds, or. having contracted a cold, get rid of it as quickly as possible. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is highly recom mended as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. Blank books! Yes yon can get of all kinds. The Journal. DISMAL DAYS AHEAD OF FAT COMEDIAN Prosecutor Elects to Try Arbuckle On Charge of Murder Trial Within Thiee Weeks ? '; t , - t 7 - f A 4 y. rf..(wi' :v GEORGE D. SHAW, Springfield, Mass. San Francisco, Sept. 1C. The way wad cleared today for the trial of Koscce (Fatty) Arbuckle. motion picture comedian, on a charge of murder resulting for the death of Miss Virginia Uappe. motion picture actress, in a sanitarium here Friday September 9. after she is alleged to have been attacked at a party given by Arbuckle at his rooms in the St. Francis Hotel, Monday, Sept. 5. The charges against Arbuckle, two for murder and wto for manslaughter necessitated conferences during the week fcetwen District Attorney Bra dy and police otiicials as to the ex act charge on which he shall be tried. It was, decided today that the charge shculd be murder, and the police court in which Arbuckle's case is pending was so advised. The undertaking establishment having the body of Miss Itappe an nounced that it would be sent to Los Angeles tonight for interment in the Hollywood cemetery. House Physician is Sought A new development today was the announcement that Dr. Arthur Heardslee, house physician at the St. Francis, and the physician who first attended Miss Rappe. is being sought by the authorities. Milton T. U'Ren assistant United States district at torney, announced today that the po lice have been unable to locate him and asked the newspapers to assist in the search. Dr. Deardslee is. want ed for giving testimony before the grand jury regarding certain phases of the medical attention given Miss Rappe, Uren said. Bigger crowds than usual greeted Arbuckle's public appearance today. A few moments before his case was called in Folice Judge Sylvain J. Lazarus' court for a preliminary hearing bearing on one of the mur der charges. The crowd, mostly men, attempted to rush thru the 'doors, They were held back by police. Members of the women's vigilante committee, formed for the purpose of assisting the police and prosecut ing officials cf the city in maintain ing law and order, were present at the court hearing. 'Following the court session. Dis trict Attorney Brady gave out a statement in which be explained the reasons for his determination to press the murder charge. Later in the day he appeared before the fin ance committee of the county board of supervisors and asked that a spe cial fund be provided for him with which to nrosecute the Arbuckle case. s j Prosecution to Spend Money "This defendant is reputed to be wealthy," he said. "He has infiuen-! tian friends. We must spend money) li we want to prosecute uis successfully, otherwise we may meet with disaster. We may, have to go to all parts of the United States for evidence." The committee voted him an im mcHQto $1 oon for this fund tand told him that more would be forthcom-' ing when it is needed. A Grateful Letter "To say that I feel twenty-five years younger, twenty-five years healthier and twenty-five years stronger expresses what Tanlac has done for me beter than any other way I can put it," said George D. Shaw, veteran of the Civil war, who now lives at 321 Walnut street, Springfield, Mass. "I am now seventy-eight years old and I don't hesitate to say I have never known a medicine to equal Tanlac. For fifteen years I was sub ject to attacks of indigestion that were so bad at times I would have to lay up for a week or two. For a long time I lived on crackers and milk alone as nothing else agreed with me. "When I started on Tanlac I weighed only one hundred and seven teen pounds and my days were thought to be numbered. I've been so wonderfully built up, I now weigh one hundred and forty-three pounds and my stomach is as sound as a dollar. In fact, I believe I could eat the old army rations without it hurt ing me in the least. "I never miss a chance of saying a good word for Tanlac and I would like to urge the boys of ihe "Sixties" who are not feeling right to give it a trial, for I am sure it would put them in line again just as it has me. For a man of my age to have no physical ailment, to be well and strong and enjoy life as he did twenty-five years ago, is. certainly something to be thankful for and there is nothing too good I can say for Tanlac." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Cov and by leading druggists everywhere. CUT THE COAST ARTILLERY Washington, Sept. 16. Coast, ar tillery defenses are to be placed on a reduced basis because of the re duction of the army to 150,000 men the war department announced to day. The following are to be reduced in strength of men: Portsmouth, X. H., Newbedford, Mass, Eastern New York, Southern New York, Baltimore, Fort Wash ington, Md., Fort Monroe, Va.. Cape Fear, N. C., Charleston. S. C, Savannah- Ga., Tampa, Fla., Mobile, Ala. and Fort Stevens, Ore. In this reduction cf the coast ar tillery troops, provision is made however, for the organization of two anti-aircraft battalions. The second battalion will be organized at Fcrt Totten, New York, and the third in the coast defenses of San Francisco. FOR RENT OR SALE Six-room house, barn and eleven lots for rent or sale. W. E. ROSENCRANS Lest You Forget Let us remind you that Chamber lain's Tablets not only cause a gen tle movement of the bowels but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Blank Books at the Journal Office DRAWS DOWN FINE This morning Charles McCauley was arraigned in police court charg ed with the possession of Intoxicat ing liquir and for which offense he was given a fine of $100 and costs, amounting to $103. The young man was found near the circus grounds with the liquor and it is stated threw the bottel away but it failed to break and the result was that the liquor was captured by the police. FARM LOAN BOND ISSUE TO BE OFFERED SOON Washington, D. C, Sept. 16. An offering of federal farm loan bonds bearing 5 per cent interest will be made about October 1, Secretary Mel lon said today. The issue, expected to be at least $40,000,000 will be in accordance with the general plan of financing the federal land banks, the secretary said. For Sale! 7-Passenger Cadillac in good condition; 3 extra tires, al most new. Price $500.00. T. II. Pollock Garage It is in trying conditions like that related beloSv by Mrs. Geo. L. North of Naples. N. Y., that proves the worth of Chamberlain'3 Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Two years ago last summer," she says, "our little boy had dysentary. At that time we were living in the country eight miles from a doctor. Our son was taken ill suddenly and was about the sickest child I ever saw. He was in terrible pain all the time and passed from one convulsion into another. I sent my husband for a doctor and after he was gone thought of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him some of it and he began to improve at once. By the time the doctor ar rived, he was out of danger." WHO GETS THIS ONE? 1916 Ford Runabout, only $90.00. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. 16-3 if "That Measure Will Strehgthen Us. It Will Give Us Character Abroad.' So, we are told, John Adams argued tor the De claration of Independence. v And the years that lie between tie Declaration and this 145th An niversary of its signing have seen the proof of his wisdom. The same arguments apply to the maintenance of a bank account. For proof of this see the people who have used the right kind of banking connection to establish their credit and their financial strength. An account here leads to financial independence and stregthens your credit - which is your finan cial character. Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund. The Bank of Gass County T. H. POLLOCK, President Established 1881 6. M. McCLERKIN, Vice-President R. F. PATTER SON, Ceehler a. . ... - m I - ji - . 1 K v . t V4 --.- r - " " " " tr - ''""""" " "-' 'TJ" - .. r - ' " -" " V """ 1 I X A "' V ,n4f