J -fa-iftii.s 1L S MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1921. PLATTSKOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL AGE TWO I- it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor 4"l ! 1 I-S-i-M 1 I I-M-M fUl Mil 1 EAGLE J Beacon i : 1 ; ! it' ! ; 1 1 1 ; i-.m....!. u i i m- Workmen are jacking up the J. II. Latrom building preparatory to plac ing it back on its foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Burns and baby left Sunday afternoon via auto for Clinton. 111., where they will visit for a time with his parents and oth er relatives. John Peterson &. Co.. Hudson & Trimble, tjie Hudson pool hall. Farm ers State Bank, Eagle garage and a number of other places have new rooves as a result of the hail storm. Fred Muenchau, Jr., went out to Colorado to look over the land sit uation this week, and on his return, while out at McCook had Uie mis fortune to be a participant in an auto accident. His lip was badly cut on a broken windshield, but otherwise he is on the job. John Kettelhut was taken to Sa vannah. Mo., on Wednesday of this week for treatment for a cancer, which 1iav btetr"developlng for sev eral months. He was accompanied by his two daughters. Mrs. G. R. Rocknbach and Mrs. John Rocken bach. and his son-in-law, Henry Witt, of Syracuse. An extensive line of high class stationery on hand at all times at the Journal office. Gash Garry Grocer Buy Your Groceries Carry Them Home Save Money! 5 No. 21o cans sauerkrau 50c 5 No. 2y2 cans tomatoes 55c 5 No. 2 cans peas 60c 5 No. 2 cans corn 60c 5 No. 2 cans cut stringless beans75c 5 No. 2 cans golden wax beans 75c 6 1-lb. cans red salmon $1.00 ; 6 1-lb. cans (flat) Red Rock j salmon 1.50 6 1-lb. cans Queen salmon 1.65 2-lb. pkg. loaf sugar 25c' i o-id. pKg. macaroni or nooaies zoc No. 2y2 sliced peaches, white grapes, apricots or pineapple, at per dozen $3.60 Large pkg. oatmeal 25c BIDS POLITICS FAREWELL IN A BRIEF ADDRESS LIEUT. GOVERNOR BARROWS IS TO REJOIN JJJW.rAJ.i-i RANKS IN SPRING The only announcement from the state house Thursday that may or may not cause a sensation to run up and down the political spinal column was the unqualified, statement from Lieutenant Governor Pelham A. Bar rows that he will not be a candidate, for a third term in the office he now occupies. As the constitution pro hibits a state officer , from running for any other state office during the term for which, . be Is elected. Mr. Barrows is safely out of the way of political preferment -so far as state offices go for the balance of. 1921 and the whole oil922. Mr. Barrows has counted himself out. Nobody has done it for him. After 1922 fades away Mr. Barrows will be at liberty to start after and lariat any state office he may pick out of the bunch, but he talks as one who has had enough. He proposes to go back to his first love, the newspaper busi ness. Mr. Barrows enjoys the distinc tiftn of holding seven different offices, none of which pays a salary. Only recently he. was elected to office in the Lancaster county humane society, but came within an ace of being im peached because he got up at mid night and threw bricks at some cats which were disturbing the peace in his back yard. He got out of the scrape by saying he believed from the noise the cats were making they were dying by inches and thinking that was too slow he proposed to be humane and chase them into the al ley and there make them die by the yard. Mr. Barrows was elected lieutenant governor twice. The first time he was elected partly because he is a di rect descendent of the Pilgrims and partly because he was a homesteader and pioneer in Boone county, Nebras ka. There was an indirect appeal because his ancestors had led a hard life on the rock bound coast of Mas sachusetts and he himself had been a homesteader in Nebraska . "Let's give him something easy for once in his life," was the slogan, so he was elected lieutenant governor. One of the duties of this office, as i well known, is for the occupant to sit around and wait for the governor to die or be impeached, or in the gov ernor's absence to serve in his stead for little or nothing. The recent constitutional conven tion discussed the proposition of abolishing the office of lieutenant governor and some, other state of fices, but it had a vision in the night, changed its mind and the people still have the constitutional right to elect eighteen state officers, including sev en judges of the supreme court, but not including congressmen and Unit ed States senators, legislators, dis trict judges, county officers and city officers, nor five regents of the uni versity. "I am not a candidate for a third term." said Lieutenant Governor Bar rows. "It is a business principle that a man should be retained in his posi tion because of the knowledge he has of the business, but it seems that there is a sentiment in Nebraska that two terms in one office is enough. While I have no objection to anyone being a candidate for a third term, I will not do so. I have had all the honors, enssing and criticism that usually goes with the office, and I will leave it well satisfied. I propose to quit when my record for running for office is good. I shall go back to newspaper work in the near future in the spring. My term of office as commander in chief of the Sons of Veterans will end October 1, and then I will be in a position to accept some thing else. One week from today I shall leave for the national encamp ment of the Sons of Veterans. I will stop on the "way to speak at Kansas City and St. Louis. This seemed like a cold and formal quitting of the political game, so newspaper reporters asked Mr. Bar rows if he is still a republican, or if he had any lart word for Jiis fellow office holders. "I will continue to take an inter est in politics," he said, "and if I can be of any service in the coming campaign, I will be glad to do what I can. I am still wild for the grand old party of Taft and Roosevelt and for the mistakes of some of our of fice holders I am not responsible." ac -5E ilSSmSSS Sept. 21st Bargain Wednesday! Of The goods in this ad are specially priced for this one day only. They are so seasonable and so wonderful that you can afford to lay off and come to Plattsmouth on that day. You won't see any lower prices than these later on, because strange as it may seem, many of these arti cles have advanced in the past 3 weeks and some items are impossible to get at all at the pre sent time. This is not scare talk, but facts. Look this ad over be wise and buy the things you need at these unbeatable prices. 8y Men's plain dark blue overalls, fast color; double $1 29 sewed, size 32 to 42 waist, one day only JL Men's work shirts, blue, gray or stripe, full cut; C standard make, best grade, sizes AYz to &Yl Hard to get at 1 oo A. Men's fine dress shirts, assorted C fancy stripes, linen neck band, soft double cuff, sizes 14 to 17 1. 39 Boys Knickerbocker, suits in neat $ i li... c. 1.- V mixtures ciiiu uiu j serges. uiuiuy clothes; sizes 6 to 18. Well made. C 60 I L Boys' latest style fall dress caps; pleated back; grays, browns, olives and blues. Sizes 6 to 7 55c One lot men's fur hats, assorted Q colors and shapes ; a clean up at a I remarkable price Boys' odd dress coats, made of same iiiciici idi cis suns. I'tccii giay mixtures, sizes 6 to 10 O 45 1 One lot ladies and misses sweaters in new shades and styles. All wool. Extra good at $J 85 J 1 E. P. LUTZ Keep Well and Be Happy If you would be happy you must keep your bowels regular. One or two of Chamberlain'3 Tablets taken immediately after supper will cause a gentle movement of the bowels on the following morning.! Try It. We offer for one of our Wednesday Specials (Two Only) 4-Burner Red Star Oil Cook Stoves FOREACH '.. '. it. ifgiiiJi One lot bovs sweater coats in car digan stitch, colon; oxford, Crt 45 maroon and stripes. Size JU lO J1 Men's latest -style narrow cut silk four- in-hand ties in Roman stripes .and figures. All new. Bargain Wednesday price, each 50' Men's fine dress shirts, plain white; neckband.. Soft cuffs. In 35 sizes 15 to 17. Bargain I Wednesday price Children's wash suits, in stripes or plain; fast colors. Kaynee Cl J0 make. Extra special price i for Wednesday ' Boys' Knicker school pants, in assorted mixtures or plain blue; stand- 5 ard make, full cut. All sizes. I r j ne i ocirgciiii uay, pi.f70 ciiiu.. Boys work shirts, blue and fast colors, size 12 to 14. Two lots, both on sale at special prices, 85c and. . . gray; 6SC Boy's school waists, blue, gray7and fancy stripes; Men's cotton flannel gloves. . -9C , all standard full cut makes, extra well made. . . . Ovf ; . . e . . V, ""OCir Mens leather raced gloves.' 1 Store Open . Till 9 P. M. C. E. WescottV Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" No goods in this ad charged! No Phone Orders! -g?q LOUISVILLE ! Courier 1111 M 'I l i 1 1"! i ..n..H..MM". i V-f SENATE COMMITTEE FINISHES REVISION C. G. Mayfleld. wife and daughter, Edith; returned last Friday from a two weeks auto trip to Two Har bors. Minn., where they visited with their son. C. V. Mayfield and family. Clem owns a fine farm three miles from the city of Two Harbors over looking Iake Superior. He is erect ing a 17.000 residence and is doing most of the work himself. In fact he sawed his own lumber cut from his own timber and when completed his home will be as near home made as It is possible to get it. The build ing is 34x4916. with full basement. The Manley schools opened last week, September 5, with the usual good attendance. Mrs. A. H. Humble is again principal and Miss Clara Trihy, of Gretna, is assistant as last year. There were five little beginners this year. They were Mary Owens, Ramona Frost. James lireckenridge, William Keekler and Frank Berg man. Several from Manley are at tending the Louisville high school. They are Leda. Creda and Myrtle Fleischman, Alice and Arnold Harms, Hollin and Ralph Coon. Th Manley young people who enter the High school are always well prepared to go on with thir studies, having laid a good foundation in the grades and never having atiy trouble in keeping up with their class. An east bound freight train on thel Rock Island was wrecked at Meadow station north of this city last Fri day morning, eleven cars going into the ditch. Six cars loaded with fine istock from the s.tate fair enroute lKme to Iowa were wrecked. Three head of cattle were killed. The horses escaped injury except one race horse which, was injured about the back. There were two cars, loaded with sugar in the wreck and sugar cov ered the ground like snow. The wreck was caused by the heavy rain washing away the supports of a fsmall culvert. The engine passed river in safety but as the cars fol lowed the culvert broke down and tjje trucks dropped down, trie cars going into the ditch. Three men riding in the cars with the stock mir aculously . escaped with but slight bruises and cuts. Will Report Measure Repealing the Excess Profits Tax and Re ducing the Surtax ' Tablets, note books, pencils; etc., for the school children, may be had at the Journal office. Washington. D. C, Sept. 16. Re vision of the house tax bill virtu ally was cimpleted tiday by the sen ate finance committee, which under the present agrement will report to the senate a measure having these outstanding proposals:, Repeal of the excess profits tax a3 cf next January 1, as proposed by the house. , Reduction of the income surtax rates from a maximum of 65 per cent to 32 per cent, effective next Jan uary 1. An increase in the corporation in come tax from 10 per cent to 16 per cent, effective next January 1, in stead of 12' per cent as proposed by the house. Repeal of the corpoation capital stock tax as of" next year. . Retention of present rates on ex press packages and oil by pipe lines; and retention of the taxes on freight and passengers for the calendar year 1922, onl yat 'haif the present rates of 3 per cent and 8 per cent, re spectively. The house proposed repeal of all these taxes as of next Janu ary 1. In agreeing to the house maxi mum surtax rates of 32 iper cent, tho senate committee adopted today a rearranged schedule of rates under which individuals having incomes of from $5,000 to $6,000 would be re- lieved of the present surtax of 1 per cent. Beginning with incomes of $6,000 and ending with those, of $20,000, the rate in each bracket would be reduced 1 per cent. In thq brackets from $20,000 to $34,000, the exist ing rates would be increased 1 per cent and in the brackets form $34, 000 to $66,000 the present rates would staqd. Incomes of $66,000 or more would be taxed at the maxi mum rate. . Cuts Most Income Taxes Members of the -jcommittee ex plained that througlr this plan and the increased exemptions .allowed to lwads of families and on account of dependents there would be a reduc tion of the income taxes all along the line except in the case of single men having incomes of $5,000 or less. The loss in revenue thru the re arrangement of the surtax rates was estimated by treasury experts at $18,000,000, making the total an nual loss in individual income taxes $178,000,00i), including $90,000,000 thru reduction of the maximum sur tax rates and $7,000,000 thru in creased exemptions to heads of fam ilies and on account of dependents. Chairman Penrose announced to day that in offering the bill in the senate he would ask that it be made the unfinished business sa as to bring early consideration. He was of the opinion that its passage would not be long delayed. After the sen ate acts the bill goes to conference for the composing of differences be tween the senate and house. Road District No. 10 All partie3 who expect their roads graded must get their weeds and brush off the ground soon or they . will be cut and charged to the ones concerned. J. E. LANCASTER Subscribe for the Journal today. DG HA MP SHORE HOG AILIO Will sell 200 head of Hampshire Hogs, at the home farm, 1 mile south and 2 miles west of.Nehawka, on the O Street road, Saturday, Sept. 24th, 1921 Beginning at 1 O'CIock P. M. Sharp 20 Spring Boars 20 Sows with litters at side 15 Spring Gilts 50 Stock Hogs Everything Cholera Immuned hy the Simultaneous Method. AH Breeding Stock Registered. HERD BOARS Kansas Lad 92429; Nehawka Wickware 88573; Noras Tattler 1st 92413. Tor mC flf QlpJ AH sums under $10.00 cash. Sumsof $10.00 or over I UlillO UI Cdlws a credit of six months time will be given on bankable notes at 8 interest from date of sale. POLLARD BROS., Nehawka, Nebraska REX YOUNG, Auctioneer D. C. WEST, Clerk J J V